American Horror Story (2011–…): Season 6, Episode 9 - Chapter 9 - full transcript
A new actor shows up to the house per Sidney's request; three young adults enter the woods to shoot footage of the blood moon and the history of the house for the web. Meanwhile Lee, Monet and Audrey remain on the run.
Are you sure the house is this way?
I don't recognize any landmarks.
Yes, they made it super hard to find.
They changed the street names, the address.
I mean, you can't just Google Map
the Roanoke House...
...but I've studied every
frame of season one.
I know where I'm going.
What are you doing? You can't turn the
camera off; we got to film everything.
I was just gonna take a leak.
I didn't want to accidentally
get a shot of my "Johnson."
Why do guys feel the need
to name their privates?
"Penis" is a perfectly acceptable word.
It is. I call mine "Little Big Man."
Dustin Hoffman, 1970.
Definitely, definitely, definitely 1970.
He played a 121-year-old man,
raised as a boy by the Cheyenne.
You know, I think he should
have won the Academy Award.
Take a picture of me with the sign.
It could be an ironic
juxtaposition for the site.
How many likes do you think
we'll get on Instagram...
...when we post footage of the house
at the peak of the blood moon?
We are gonna blow up
the Internet, right?
We're gonna... Yeah.
Okay, ready?
- And...
- Oh, hold on.
You know what I love
about season one?
Everything? My Roanoke Nightmare
is awesome.
On the surface, it's an interracial story
set in a post-racial world.
Which, of course, is a lie.
But they're really talking about
the colonization of America.
The Butcher and the Roanoke Colony.
Which became a matriarchy
in a patriarchal system.
That's why it's so timely.
It's a battle we're fighting today.
No, I don't know. I just think
that the show was scary.
Yeah, Milo. Racism is scary.
Patriarchy is scary.
Wait, you guys. There it is.
Episode three, that's the tree where
Flora's hoodie got caught up in.
Are you okay?
You're bleeding.
Where am I?
- Come on, we have to help her.
- Yeah, come on.
It hurts so bad!
It hurts... so bad!
I don't know where to go.
Holy shit. How is she even standing?
Wait, it's okay.
We can take you to a hospital.
My car...
Stop running away!
Over here.
Go, come on.
Oh, my God!
[bleep], is that the same girl?
S06E09 "Chapter Nine"
I don't understand why you're here.
This production is a shit show.
I've been in a motel for the past three
days without a word from anyone.
No one's returned my calls
or my manager's calls.
All I know is I have a call time
and explicit instructions from Sidney... be out front of the house
with a pig man costume on.
I'm not going to get fired or fined
just because they're disorganized.
You're an actor?
Yes. He played one
of the Butcher's sons.
We had a couple of scenes together.
Sidney figured that things would be
getting a little stale at this point... I'm here to shake things up a bit.
How did you get here?
Do you have a car?
No. I Ubered.
What about your phone?
- Do you have your phone?
- Of course not.
Like I said, explicit instructions.
Be here at this time,
no phones... everything.
Look, I like acting,
but where I come from...
...when you don't follow orders
or show up on time, people die.
The lack of integrity in this
business is really staggering.
That makeup is really good.
How'd they make it look like your ear
is gone? Is that a piece or something?
No, you idiot.
It's real.
Everybody is dead.
Don't you get that?
Sidney. All the other cast.
Everyone is dead.
We're not pretending anymore.
They're all dead.
What the hell happened?
It's all real.
The spirits, the blood moon,
the Polks... It is all real.
We cannot stay here.
Okay. We need to build
a stretcher for her...
...and we need to hoof it out
of here before it gets dark.
We'll never make it; it's miles.
And it's the last night
of the blood moon cycle.
It's the most dangerous
night to be here.
I served two tours in Afghanistan,
SEAL Team Ten.
Another soldier and I carried a buddy twice
as big, and shot up much worse than you...
...six miles over uneven terrain
at 5,000 feet in two hours.
And I don't know what
the ghosts have here...
...but the people hunting
us had AK-47s and RPGs.
The Polks have cars and weapons.
And they're much closer.
If we can get there and get a vehicle,
we can get out of here in half the time.
Plus... Monet is still out there.
- The woman who played Lee?
- Yes.
The Polks have her.
The ones who did all this to me.
"Never leave a man behind"...
Okay, you two stay here.
- No, no, no.
- We have to stay together.
- No.
- You'll slow me down.
No! We know the way and
the layout of the house.
You need us.
Stay close to me.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Let's go.
So let me guess, you are a fan
of My Roanoke Nightmare.
I run a fan site, "Army of Roanoke."
So that's why you were out there.
Uh, yeah, yeah. I mean, we thought it
was the best way to get more followers.
You know? Be authentic.
Why didn't one of you stay at the scene
of the accident and wait for an officer?
I'll be honest with you.
I didn't believe any of it
until that moment.
Oh, my God, oh, my God.
- Todd, Todd, Todd...
- Let go of me, Milo.
Milo, get off of me, man, okay?
I'll [bleep] take you down.
You saw that.
Th-that's the chick...
I mean, that's the one we were
following. She's dead, she's [bleep] dead.
Calm down. J-just take it easy, Todd.
Dude, come on, you're flipping out.
Just chill.
You guys, we shouldn't have come here.
We shouldn't have come here.
I never wanted to see a dead body.
Now I can't get it out of my head, okay?
Todd. Todd.
After we post this video,
we're going viral.
It's totally worth it, dude.
It's totally worth it.
It was completely freaky...
...and awesome.
I got Todd to agree to come here.
Anyway, I-I drove, so he
didn't really have a choice.
So you have footage of the girl?
Bloody but alive.
No, Detective, that's what I'm saying... that she definitely was not alive.
She wasn't like a zombie.
Although she did have
that Dawn of the Dead look...
...but your typical ghost or apparition... usually more... uh, ephemeral.
I'm not saying transparent, 'cause
that's like Hollywood cheesy.
I'm talking like... Korean.
Totally subversive.
- So the victim was Asian?
- No, she was white.
- Couldn't you tell when found the body?
- That's just the thing. There was no body.
- That's impossible.
- Let's cut the crap.
Ever since that show was on TV,
we've had to follow up...
...on a ton of bullshit reports...
...'cause people like you are trying to
get hits on social media... our expense.
Officers had to be taken
away from their real jobs... that they can investigate your prank.
No! We told you the truth.
And I'm going to tell the world
about what's really happening here.
About the cover-up by the police.
Dude, don't you get it?
I mean, this is exactly how
every horror movie works.
God, the cops don't believe
it until it's too late!
It's all there.
On camera, digital proof.
Look, I'll-I'll admit it.
I was freaked out,
I was ready to bail.
But now that I've had time to digest this,
I'm ready to fight the fear, good to go.
Go back home to Virginia, 'cause
if you go anywhere near that house...
...I will have you arrested
for trespassing.
Are you filming me, you little asshole?
Okay, it's getting late, and this
place is bigger than I thought.
I say we just take that truck and go...
...let the cops come back for Monet.
What about "leaving no man behind"?
It's right up there with "don't walk
into enemy territory blind and unarmed."
If it is this blood moon shit that killed
all those people back at the house...
...we don't want any part of that.
We're not blind. Give me your phone.
She could be in one of these buildings.
Get the truck started.
Audrey and I will go find Monet.
Fine. One quick sweep.
But as soon as you hear that truck start...
...the bad guys are gonna hear it, too.
So you're only gonna have about three
minutes, and the sun is setting fast.
- It's gonna be dark soon.
- Okay.
- Give us a signal.
- Okay.
You see any weapons, grab 'em.
That's where they had me.
That's gonna be a bit
of a hike on this leg.
- Can you check it out?
- Yes.
Maybe she's there, and hopefully...
...that camera with
the tapes is still there.
- I'll get it.
- Okay. Fine. Come on.
Seriously, though, Lee,
but we have to be ready to go... soon as we hear that truck start...
...even if we are empty-handed.
I'm not interested in being
exonerated after I'm dead.
Lee, I'm serious.
If you are not there, we are leaving.
I'll be there... with those damn tapes.
We didn't come back to this
hell house empty-handed.
Okay. That's the signal.
No, it's okay.
It's me. It's me. It's me.
Look at me. It's me.
It's me. It's me.
Where's the goddamn button for delete?
Dear God, it's the truck.
We have to go.
We have no time.
You killed Mama.
She was the glue...
...that held this family together.
I'm gonna murder you real
slow for what you done.
Can you say that again?
Said I'm gonna murder you real slow.
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
You better get out of here!
I have evidence of everything you
people have done on this camera!
Ishmael? Ishmael, they coming!
Hey, the blood moon is full,
Mama's gone.
Can't nobody protect us now.
Oh, my God!
- Oh, Dylan! Damn!
- Dylan?
- Damn!
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, no!
- Audrey, run.
- No!
- Go! Go! Run!
Run! Go! Go!
Oh! Oh, faster! Faster! Go!
Oh, God. Oh!
Ho-ly... shit!
I told you.
Why the hell did we come back here?!
Well, where else are we supposed to go?
At least here we have some
cover, some protection.
Don't you get it?
There is no protection!
Christ, that dead bloke
we left back there...
...he was in the bloody
military, and he's dead!
Just how long do you
expect us to survive this?
Well, I don't know, but we're
not gonna survive anything...
...unless you get your shit together!
- Calm down.
- Calm down?!
Oh, my God, I've just run...
...through the Godforsaken
wilderness for miles!
I've been mutilated by
a carousel of maniacs... forgive me if I cannot
get my [bleep] shit together!
What do you think happened to Lee?
I think she's probably dead, too.
Like everybody else.
Like my Rory.
No, no, no, no, no.
She could still be alive.
Oh, no, she's not!
Something terrible
happened to her, I know it.
She never would have left this behind.
Lee insisted that no one
would believe our story.
She said that the only way to prove our
innocence was to get this tape back.
To show the world what they did to us.
That we did what we did
because we had to do it... survive.
What are you doing?
Wouldn't do to have you bleedin' out
before we finish taking prime cuts.
- Go on.
- No!
- Ooh, sweet Jesus.
- God, it's [bleep] demented!
Wait, wait.
Baby girl...'ve heard many things
about me this past year.
About what I've done.
That I've said many things
to many people...
...proclaiming my innocence.
So I want to tell you the truth.
I killed Daddy.
- That's on me and me alone.
- Oh, my God.
No one else helped me.
It's nobody's fault, except mine.
He was gonna take you
away from me...
...and I couldn't see my life going
forward that way without you.
That's it.
No more secrets.
I don't know if one day
you'll forgive me.
I just want you to go on...
...without the weight
of lies and doubt.
Surrender to me...
Look at that moon.
It's so full and bright.
You can see why people
thought it had mystical powers.
It's feminine energy.
Mother moon affects everything...
...from the tide to fertility
to the menstrual cycle.
Speaking of blood,
this moon is also a killer.
Did you just make a period joke?
- Yeah.
- Wait. Holy shit...
Since we posted that video
with the dead body and the ghost...
- ...we've added 20,000 followers.
- What?!
Yeah, that was an hour ago.
We're trending on Twitter.
How much further to the house?
Uh, I know we're close.
Guys, I think it's this way.
This is such a good idea.
God, I can't wait to get to the house!
Man, I don't know why I let you
talk me into coming back here.
To prove to the cops and our
fans that we're not liars.
Yeah, of course, we're not liars.
Wait, guys, I think this is
where they burned Mason's body.
Oh, sweet.
- Oh...
- Hell, yes.
Is that that girl from before?
Look! Look!
No, that's Lee Harris.
- From Roanoke Nightmare?
- Yeah, yeah, I...
It looks like she's hurt.
Hey... get the feeling like
dark shit's happening all around us?
- Todd, wait up.
- Hey, Lee, uh... or...
Ms. Harris. First, let me just say
that I-I'm a huge fan--
Oh! Oh!
Oh, God!
Oh, God...
She killed... she killed Todd.
She [bleep] butchered him!
That [bleep] bitch!
Shut up! Shut up!
I got to see if she followed us.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
We stick together, okay?
It's like The Killing Fields.
This is bad. This is all bad.
What? What?!
Go! Go, go, go, go, go!
Oh, God.
Oh, [bleep]! [bleep]!
- Shit!
- Jesus!
What the hell was that?
I think that was Ambrose.
He played The Butcher's son
in season one.
This must be the control room.
They said the entire cast was going
back to the house for season two.
Looks like most of them didn't make it.
Oh, God, no.
I love Shelby.
And who's that?
Is everybody dead?
Oh, my God.
- I don't really care about keeping...
- That's Audrey Tindall.
- ...a clear head at the moment.
- She played Shelby.
A-at least she's alive.
Wait... this all part of the show?
I mean... is anything even real?
What happened to Todd was real.
Shit, I need a drink.
...don't you have your
sobriety to think about?
- [bleep] my sobriety.
- No, don't do that.
You have to keep a clear head.
You don't know me, Audrey.
I can't [bleep] face these monsters
without some liquid courage.
Shit! Shit!
Look. It's Lee.
She's coming for them.
No. It's-it's not a prank.
There's at least three
dead bodies outside.
You have to come.
The cops don't believe me.
It's just like on the show.
Matt called 911, no one came?
Oh, God, she's in the house.
Oh, God.
We have to do something.
What the hell are we gonna do?
We have to stop her.
What? U... us?
Are you... are you serious?
If we get to the house in time
we can take her down.
- She killed Todd.
- And now she's gonna kill Shelby and Lee.
She is Lee!
That's the real Lee!
You know what I mean.
We're the only ones who knows
what she's capable of.
We have to save Audrey and Monet.
Please, Milo. Help me.
But that freaky guy's out there.
You see him?
It's a blood moon.
It's a real blood moon.
Let's go.
We wasting time here.
We should just take this tape
to the cops right now.
What is the point?
Honestly? Lee was gone,
the truck was gone.
She never would have left that
tape there if she were alive.
Sure one of the Polk boys
have nabbed her by now.
Well, good. I hope he was hungry!
Oh, my God, Monet.
Wish you had a camera
on you for that one.
It's r--
What the hell was that?
Oh, my God, this is it.
This is it.
- I don't want to die.
- Oh, God, I'm gonna...
- Okay, okay, okay!
- Shut up!
All right, all right.
Go, go...
Wait, wait.
What is it?
Oh, my God. Lee!
You're back.
We went looking everywhere for you.
Where did you go?
What happened to you out there?
You don't belong here.
Your vile presence defiles
this sacred ground.
- Me?
- Who you calling vile, huh?
You the murderer.
You didn't fool me,
not for one minute.
I knew it all along.
And now, tomorrow, the cops and
everybody else gonna know it, too.
And I'm not afraid of you.
Standing there with your little
cleaver and saying weird shit.
Yeah, I just called you a murderer.
Anything to say about that?
Oh, my God.
You stay back.
You don't make me kill you.
These grounds must be cleansed
with fire and blood.
Oh! Oh, my God!
This is Sophie Green...
...and I'm here to bear witness
to the evil that is happening out here.
I'm in the woods near the house
of My Roanoke Nightmare... eastern North Carolina.
It's all real.
There's people dead everywhere.
Lee Harris is a murderer.
...she just killed my friend,
Todd Connor, with a cleaver.
And she's on her way
to kill Audrey Tindall...
...and Monet Tumusiime right now!
They're in the house
and they're in danger.
We called the police
but they won't listen.
Sophie, you've got to slow down, okay?
- We're almost there.
- How the [bleep] do you know?
You have to stay calm.
We're getting close.
[bleep] that, okay?
We're lost.
Todd was the only one who knew
where we were going and he's [bleep] dead.
Okay? He's [bleep] dead.
We got to turn around.
Are you [bleep] seeing this?
Oh, my God.
Holy shit, it's that dude.
Holy shit. We got to get the
[bleep] out of here!
- Sophie!
- Yes!
- No!
- Let go!
- Let me go!
- No!
People are watching this.
Millions of people,
we're streaming live!
- No.
- The Po... the cops are coming!
- They're going to be here!
- [bleep] you!
[bleep] you!
You, get your hands off of me!
Sophie, oh, God!
No... No...
Present yourself for slaughter.
We don't deserve to die, you bitch!
Please, Lee.
We don't want to be here.
I want to be a doctor to-to help people.
Milo's a good person.
He volunteers at the shelter.
Don't do this.
I want to go home.
I'm so sorry.
Milo! ¡God...!
You're [bleep] crazy!
She is the queen of every hive.
She is the tree and the
lightning that strikes it.
The land will weep with blood...
...and their souls offered as sacrifice.
Oh, God.
There's another one on the landing.
We are Code 3 on multiple victims down.
Not conscious, not breathing.
Request coroner and forensics.
Ma'am? Ma'am...
It's okay.
Ma'am, we heard reports of a lynch mob.
Something they saw on the Internet.
Who did this to you?
They killed two kids.
Okay, we're gonna get you
to the hospital.
All right, can-can you stand up?
- I got you... no, okay.
- No!
All right. Okay.
Just stay right here, and
we'll get an ambulance, okay?
Just stay right here.
Please! Please!
Get me out of this hellhole!
- Get me out of this hell!
- Okay, okay.
All right, all right,
we got you, we got you.
Slowly, slowly. Okay.
All right. Nice and slow, nice and slow.
You can sit down right here, okay?
Jesus, there's another one.
- Are you real?
- Yes, ma'am, flesh and blood.
I got you now. You're safe.
Come on, come on, come on, I got you.
Thank God.
You [bleep] murderer!
She's got a gun!
She's got a gun!
Drop your weapon!
Call the forensic.
It's on the way
Request backup assistance, suspect down.
Copy that...
Corrected by Aaronnmb
Re-synced by
I don't recognize any landmarks.
Yes, they made it super hard to find.
They changed the street names, the address.
I mean, you can't just Google Map
the Roanoke House...
...but I've studied every
frame of season one.
I know where I'm going.
What are you doing? You can't turn the
camera off; we got to film everything.
I was just gonna take a leak.
I didn't want to accidentally
get a shot of my "Johnson."
Why do guys feel the need
to name their privates?
"Penis" is a perfectly acceptable word.
It is. I call mine "Little Big Man."
Dustin Hoffman, 1970.
Definitely, definitely, definitely 1970.
He played a 121-year-old man,
raised as a boy by the Cheyenne.
You know, I think he should
have won the Academy Award.
Take a picture of me with the sign.
It could be an ironic
juxtaposition for the site.
How many likes do you think
we'll get on Instagram...
...when we post footage of the house
at the peak of the blood moon?
We are gonna blow up
the Internet, right?
We're gonna... Yeah.
Okay, ready?
- And...
- Oh, hold on.
You know what I love
about season one?
Everything? My Roanoke Nightmare
is awesome.
On the surface, it's an interracial story
set in a post-racial world.
Which, of course, is a lie.
But they're really talking about
the colonization of America.
The Butcher and the Roanoke Colony.
Which became a matriarchy
in a patriarchal system.
That's why it's so timely.
It's a battle we're fighting today.
No, I don't know. I just think
that the show was scary.
Yeah, Milo. Racism is scary.
Patriarchy is scary.
Wait, you guys. There it is.
Episode three, that's the tree where
Flora's hoodie got caught up in.
Are you okay?
You're bleeding.
Where am I?
- Come on, we have to help her.
- Yeah, come on.
It hurts so bad!
It hurts... so bad!
I don't know where to go.
Holy shit. How is she even standing?
Wait, it's okay.
We can take you to a hospital.
My car...
Stop running away!
Over here.
Go, come on.
Oh, my God!
[bleep], is that the same girl?
S06E09 "Chapter Nine"
I don't understand why you're here.
This production is a shit show.
I've been in a motel for the past three
days without a word from anyone.
No one's returned my calls
or my manager's calls.
All I know is I have a call time
and explicit instructions from Sidney... be out front of the house
with a pig man costume on.
I'm not going to get fired or fined
just because they're disorganized.
You're an actor?
Yes. He played one
of the Butcher's sons.
We had a couple of scenes together.
Sidney figured that things would be
getting a little stale at this point... I'm here to shake things up a bit.
How did you get here?
Do you have a car?
No. I Ubered.
What about your phone?
- Do you have your phone?
- Of course not.
Like I said, explicit instructions.
Be here at this time,
no phones... everything.
Look, I like acting,
but where I come from...
...when you don't follow orders
or show up on time, people die.
The lack of integrity in this
business is really staggering.
That makeup is really good.
How'd they make it look like your ear
is gone? Is that a piece or something?
No, you idiot.
It's real.
Everybody is dead.
Don't you get that?
Sidney. All the other cast.
Everyone is dead.
We're not pretending anymore.
They're all dead.
What the hell happened?
It's all real.
The spirits, the blood moon,
the Polks... It is all real.
We cannot stay here.
Okay. We need to build
a stretcher for her...
...and we need to hoof it out
of here before it gets dark.
We'll never make it; it's miles.
And it's the last night
of the blood moon cycle.
It's the most dangerous
night to be here.
I served two tours in Afghanistan,
SEAL Team Ten.
Another soldier and I carried a buddy twice
as big, and shot up much worse than you...
...six miles over uneven terrain
at 5,000 feet in two hours.
And I don't know what
the ghosts have here...
...but the people hunting
us had AK-47s and RPGs.
The Polks have cars and weapons.
And they're much closer.
If we can get there and get a vehicle,
we can get out of here in half the time.
Plus... Monet is still out there.
- The woman who played Lee?
- Yes.
The Polks have her.
The ones who did all this to me.
"Never leave a man behind"...
Okay, you two stay here.
- No, no, no.
- We have to stay together.
- No.
- You'll slow me down.
No! We know the way and
the layout of the house.
You need us.
Stay close to me.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Let's go.
So let me guess, you are a fan
of My Roanoke Nightmare.
I run a fan site, "Army of Roanoke."
So that's why you were out there.
Uh, yeah, yeah. I mean, we thought it
was the best way to get more followers.
You know? Be authentic.
Why didn't one of you stay at the scene
of the accident and wait for an officer?
I'll be honest with you.
I didn't believe any of it
until that moment.
Oh, my God, oh, my God.
- Todd, Todd, Todd...
- Let go of me, Milo.
Milo, get off of me, man, okay?
I'll [bleep] take you down.
You saw that.
Th-that's the chick...
I mean, that's the one we were
following. She's dead, she's [bleep] dead.
Calm down. J-just take it easy, Todd.
Dude, come on, you're flipping out.
Just chill.
You guys, we shouldn't have come here.
We shouldn't have come here.
I never wanted to see a dead body.
Now I can't get it out of my head, okay?
Todd. Todd.
After we post this video,
we're going viral.
It's totally worth it, dude.
It's totally worth it.
It was completely freaky...
...and awesome.
I got Todd to agree to come here.
Anyway, I-I drove, so he
didn't really have a choice.
So you have footage of the girl?
Bloody but alive.
No, Detective, that's what I'm saying... that she definitely was not alive.
She wasn't like a zombie.
Although she did have
that Dawn of the Dead look...
...but your typical ghost or apparition... usually more... uh, ephemeral.
I'm not saying transparent, 'cause
that's like Hollywood cheesy.
I'm talking like... Korean.
Totally subversive.
- So the victim was Asian?
- No, she was white.
- Couldn't you tell when found the body?
- That's just the thing. There was no body.
- That's impossible.
- Let's cut the crap.
Ever since that show was on TV,
we've had to follow up...
...on a ton of bullshit reports...
...'cause people like you are trying to
get hits on social media... our expense.
Officers had to be taken
away from their real jobs... that they can investigate your prank.
No! We told you the truth.
And I'm going to tell the world
about what's really happening here.
About the cover-up by the police.
Dude, don't you get it?
I mean, this is exactly how
every horror movie works.
God, the cops don't believe
it until it's too late!
It's all there.
On camera, digital proof.
Look, I'll-I'll admit it.
I was freaked out,
I was ready to bail.
But now that I've had time to digest this,
I'm ready to fight the fear, good to go.
Go back home to Virginia, 'cause
if you go anywhere near that house...
...I will have you arrested
for trespassing.
Are you filming me, you little asshole?
Okay, it's getting late, and this
place is bigger than I thought.
I say we just take that truck and go...
...let the cops come back for Monet.
What about "leaving no man behind"?
It's right up there with "don't walk
into enemy territory blind and unarmed."
If it is this blood moon shit that killed
all those people back at the house...
...we don't want any part of that.
We're not blind. Give me your phone.
She could be in one of these buildings.
Get the truck started.
Audrey and I will go find Monet.
Fine. One quick sweep.
But as soon as you hear that truck start...
...the bad guys are gonna hear it, too.
So you're only gonna have about three
minutes, and the sun is setting fast.
- It's gonna be dark soon.
- Okay.
- Give us a signal.
- Okay.
You see any weapons, grab 'em.
That's where they had me.
That's gonna be a bit
of a hike on this leg.
- Can you check it out?
- Yes.
Maybe she's there, and hopefully...
...that camera with
the tapes is still there.
- I'll get it.
- Okay. Fine. Come on.
Seriously, though, Lee,
but we have to be ready to go... soon as we hear that truck start...
...even if we are empty-handed.
I'm not interested in being
exonerated after I'm dead.
Lee, I'm serious.
If you are not there, we are leaving.
I'll be there... with those damn tapes.
We didn't come back to this
hell house empty-handed.
Okay. That's the signal.
No, it's okay.
It's me. It's me. It's me.
Look at me. It's me.
It's me. It's me.
Where's the goddamn button for delete?
Dear God, it's the truck.
We have to go.
We have no time.
You killed Mama.
She was the glue...
...that held this family together.
I'm gonna murder you real
slow for what you done.
Can you say that again?
Said I'm gonna murder you real slow.
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
You better get out of here!
I have evidence of everything you
people have done on this camera!
Ishmael? Ishmael, they coming!
Hey, the blood moon is full,
Mama's gone.
Can't nobody protect us now.
Oh, my God!
- Oh, Dylan! Damn!
- Dylan?
- Damn!
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, no!
- Audrey, run.
- No!
- Go! Go! Run!
Run! Go! Go!
Oh! Oh, faster! Faster! Go!
Oh, God. Oh!
Ho-ly... shit!
I told you.
Why the hell did we come back here?!
Well, where else are we supposed to go?
At least here we have some
cover, some protection.
Don't you get it?
There is no protection!
Christ, that dead bloke
we left back there...
...he was in the bloody
military, and he's dead!
Just how long do you
expect us to survive this?
Well, I don't know, but we're
not gonna survive anything...
...unless you get your shit together!
- Calm down.
- Calm down?!
Oh, my God, I've just run...
...through the Godforsaken
wilderness for miles!
I've been mutilated by
a carousel of maniacs... forgive me if I cannot
get my [bleep] shit together!
What do you think happened to Lee?
I think she's probably dead, too.
Like everybody else.
Like my Rory.
No, no, no, no, no.
She could still be alive.
Oh, no, she's not!
Something terrible
happened to her, I know it.
She never would have left this behind.
Lee insisted that no one
would believe our story.
She said that the only way to prove our
innocence was to get this tape back.
To show the world what they did to us.
That we did what we did
because we had to do it... survive.
What are you doing?
Wouldn't do to have you bleedin' out
before we finish taking prime cuts.
- Go on.
- No!
- Ooh, sweet Jesus.
- God, it's [bleep] demented!
Wait, wait.
Baby girl...'ve heard many things
about me this past year.
About what I've done.
That I've said many things
to many people...
...proclaiming my innocence.
So I want to tell you the truth.
I killed Daddy.
- That's on me and me alone.
- Oh, my God.
No one else helped me.
It's nobody's fault, except mine.
He was gonna take you
away from me...
...and I couldn't see my life going
forward that way without you.
That's it.
No more secrets.
I don't know if one day
you'll forgive me.
I just want you to go on...
...without the weight
of lies and doubt.
Surrender to me...
Look at that moon.
It's so full and bright.
You can see why people
thought it had mystical powers.
It's feminine energy.
Mother moon affects everything...
...from the tide to fertility
to the menstrual cycle.
Speaking of blood,
this moon is also a killer.
Did you just make a period joke?
- Yeah.
- Wait. Holy shit...
Since we posted that video
with the dead body and the ghost...
- ...we've added 20,000 followers.
- What?!
Yeah, that was an hour ago.
We're trending on Twitter.
How much further to the house?
Uh, I know we're close.
Guys, I think it's this way.
This is such a good idea.
God, I can't wait to get to the house!
Man, I don't know why I let you
talk me into coming back here.
To prove to the cops and our
fans that we're not liars.
Yeah, of course, we're not liars.
Wait, guys, I think this is
where they burned Mason's body.
Oh, sweet.
- Oh...
- Hell, yes.
Is that that girl from before?
Look! Look!
No, that's Lee Harris.
- From Roanoke Nightmare?
- Yeah, yeah, I...
It looks like she's hurt.
Hey... get the feeling like
dark shit's happening all around us?
- Todd, wait up.
- Hey, Lee, uh... or...
Ms. Harris. First, let me just say
that I-I'm a huge fan--
Oh! Oh!
Oh, God!
Oh, God...
She killed... she killed Todd.
She [bleep] butchered him!
That [bleep] bitch!
Shut up! Shut up!
I got to see if she followed us.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
We stick together, okay?
It's like The Killing Fields.
This is bad. This is all bad.
What? What?!
Go! Go, go, go, go, go!
Oh, God.
Oh, [bleep]! [bleep]!
- Shit!
- Jesus!
What the hell was that?
I think that was Ambrose.
He played The Butcher's son
in season one.
This must be the control room.
They said the entire cast was going
back to the house for season two.
Looks like most of them didn't make it.
Oh, God, no.
I love Shelby.
And who's that?
Is everybody dead?
Oh, my God.
- I don't really care about keeping...
- That's Audrey Tindall.
- ...a clear head at the moment.
- She played Shelby.
A-at least she's alive.
Wait... this all part of the show?
I mean... is anything even real?
What happened to Todd was real.
Shit, I need a drink.
...don't you have your
sobriety to think about?
- [bleep] my sobriety.
- No, don't do that.
You have to keep a clear head.
You don't know me, Audrey.
I can't [bleep] face these monsters
without some liquid courage.
Shit! Shit!
Look. It's Lee.
She's coming for them.
No. It's-it's not a prank.
There's at least three
dead bodies outside.
You have to come.
The cops don't believe me.
It's just like on the show.
Matt called 911, no one came?
Oh, God, she's in the house.
Oh, God.
We have to do something.
What the hell are we gonna do?
We have to stop her.
What? U... us?
Are you... are you serious?
If we get to the house in time
we can take her down.
- She killed Todd.
- And now she's gonna kill Shelby and Lee.
She is Lee!
That's the real Lee!
You know what I mean.
We're the only ones who knows
what she's capable of.
We have to save Audrey and Monet.
Please, Milo. Help me.
But that freaky guy's out there.
You see him?
It's a blood moon.
It's a real blood moon.
Let's go.
We wasting time here.
We should just take this tape
to the cops right now.
What is the point?
Honestly? Lee was gone,
the truck was gone.
She never would have left that
tape there if she were alive.
Sure one of the Polk boys
have nabbed her by now.
Well, good. I hope he was hungry!
Oh, my God, Monet.
Wish you had a camera
on you for that one.
It's r--
What the hell was that?
Oh, my God, this is it.
This is it.
- I don't want to die.
- Oh, God, I'm gonna...
- Okay, okay, okay!
- Shut up!
All right, all right.
Go, go...
Wait, wait.
What is it?
Oh, my God. Lee!
You're back.
We went looking everywhere for you.
Where did you go?
What happened to you out there?
You don't belong here.
Your vile presence defiles
this sacred ground.
- Me?
- Who you calling vile, huh?
You the murderer.
You didn't fool me,
not for one minute.
I knew it all along.
And now, tomorrow, the cops and
everybody else gonna know it, too.
And I'm not afraid of you.
Standing there with your little
cleaver and saying weird shit.
Yeah, I just called you a murderer.
Anything to say about that?
Oh, my God.
You stay back.
You don't make me kill you.
These grounds must be cleansed
with fire and blood.
Oh! Oh, my God!
This is Sophie Green...
...and I'm here to bear witness
to the evil that is happening out here.
I'm in the woods near the house
of My Roanoke Nightmare... eastern North Carolina.
It's all real.
There's people dead everywhere.
Lee Harris is a murderer.
...she just killed my friend,
Todd Connor, with a cleaver.
And she's on her way
to kill Audrey Tindall...
...and Monet Tumusiime right now!
They're in the house
and they're in danger.
We called the police
but they won't listen.
Sophie, you've got to slow down, okay?
- We're almost there.
- How the [bleep] do you know?
You have to stay calm.
We're getting close.
[bleep] that, okay?
We're lost.
Todd was the only one who knew
where we were going and he's [bleep] dead.
Okay? He's [bleep] dead.
We got to turn around.
Are you [bleep] seeing this?
Oh, my God.
Holy shit, it's that dude.
Holy shit. We got to get the
[bleep] out of here!
- Sophie!
- Yes!
- No!
- Let go!
- Let me go!
- No!
People are watching this.
Millions of people,
we're streaming live!
- No.
- The Po... the cops are coming!
- They're going to be here!
- [bleep] you!
[bleep] you!
You, get your hands off of me!
Sophie, oh, God!
No... No...
Present yourself for slaughter.
We don't deserve to die, you bitch!
Please, Lee.
We don't want to be here.
I want to be a doctor to-to help people.
Milo's a good person.
He volunteers at the shelter.
Don't do this.
I want to go home.
I'm so sorry.
Milo! ¡God...!
You're [bleep] crazy!
She is the queen of every hive.
She is the tree and the
lightning that strikes it.
The land will weep with blood...
...and their souls offered as sacrifice.
Oh, God.
There's another one on the landing.
We are Code 3 on multiple victims down.
Not conscious, not breathing.
Request coroner and forensics.
Ma'am? Ma'am...
It's okay.
Ma'am, we heard reports of a lynch mob.
Something they saw on the Internet.
Who did this to you?
They killed two kids.
Okay, we're gonna get you
to the hospital.
All right, can-can you stand up?
- I got you... no, okay.
- No!
All right. Okay.
Just stay right here, and
we'll get an ambulance, okay?
Just stay right here.
Please! Please!
Get me out of this hellhole!
- Get me out of this hell!
- Okay, okay.
All right, all right,
we got you, we got you.
Slowly, slowly. Okay.
All right. Nice and slow, nice and slow.
You can sit down right here, okay?
Jesus, there's another one.
- Are you real?
- Yes, ma'am, flesh and blood.
I got you now. You're safe.
Come on, come on, come on, I got you.
Thank God.
You [bleep] murderer!
She's got a gun!
She's got a gun!
Drop your weapon!
Call the forensic.
It's on the way
Request backup assistance, suspect down.
Copy that...
Corrected by Aaronnmb
Re-synced by