American Horror Story (2011–…): Season 1, Episode 11 - Birth - full transcript

Vivien gives birth. Violet learns who fathered one of her new siblings.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Just keep it and not
play anymore?

Explain that one.

You always give a guy
a second chance.

That's, like,
the golden rule of guys.

Then what's
the problem?

The problem is
I can't let him know

I'm letting you in
the back.

Look, Joanna, you can go ahead
and make fun of this,

but this is real important.

I mean, I'm telling you
what guys think, and if you want

to be one of the guys,
you don't break the code.

(latch clicks)

It's no picnic.

(door creaking)

? ?

? ?


(boy screams)


No, Thaddeus, go away!


Tell me, what's your name?


If Thaddeus comes back
to scare you again,

Just shut your eyes
and say, "Go away."

You understand, Tate?

He'll mind you

'cause I'm going to protect you.

I wish you were my mommy.


Now dry your tears, child.

Life is too short
for so much sorrow.

(woman sobbing)

Who are you?

It's me, Tate.

"Life's too short
for so much sorrow."

You're wrong.

It's an eternity.

Just endless days
and nights of longing;

where's my baby?

That's what I want to talk
to you about.

You, you promised me.

You made one with her,
the-the lady of the house.


That's Violet's mother.

And I can't give you
that baby anymore.

changed, Nora.

I'm in love with Violet.

I see.

I just can't take
her brother away.

But I can.

And I will.

That baby is mine.

Dad, I'm not a dog!
Just leave me here!feel well!

No, I don't trust you anymore
and I don't trust Tate!

Tate? I haven't
seen him in weeks!

No more, Violet.
Your mom's coming home

and you're coming
with me to get her.

Dad, please,
I don't feel well!

You can lay down
in the car.

And when you get home,
pack up your things.

We're leaving this house
for good.

What? You guys are
back together?

I don't know yet--
your mom wants

to go to Aunt Jo's
to give birth,

and I'm supporting it.
No, you don't want to do this.

Violet, your mother's
been locked up

in a psych ward for weeks.

I won't let her stay
there for another minute.

Are you gonna get in the car
or do I have to make you?

My God, Violet,
what is wrong with you?!

Get in the car!
Your mother wants to see you!

I'm gonna throw up!

Fine. I'll lay down.

What's gonna happen
when they get back?

What do I say?

It's not UTube with a U.
It's YouTube.



If they find out
I killed myself,

they'll go insane.

for real this time.

They can't know.

Well, you can't
control it forever.

I mean, it is
what it is, Violet.

One of these days, this
computer will be obsolete.

People will have
microchips implanted

in their brains
or something.

We won't be able to watch
YouTube or anything.

We'll be like
all the others here;

prisoners in a
windowless cell.

Who's gonna show me
the new ways of the world?

Nobody here is
happy, Tate.

Well, yeah,
but they're not like us.

They're lonely.

We have each other.

We'll never have kids.


I was so worried when Madame

didn't have any potatoes,

but I have to say these yams
are making a cleaner image.

Less moisture, I think.

I love that Chinese red.

I always meant to use it in
the powder room downstairs.

I'm gonna paint
those old cribs, too.

Really? Red cribs?

Uh, Chad...

what did we talk about?

(inhales deeply)

"Our" babies, not "my" babies.

You know what?
I can live with a red crib.

It might actually be kind
of fabulous.

You are so adorable
when you're happy.

(both laugh)

Who asked you to decorate
the nursery?

Let me break it down for you,

This is our house

and we're having twins.

Who's your surrogate, one of
those nurses in my basement?

No... no.

A very, very human surrogate,

Your lovely mother.

You think you're gonna steal
those twins?

You pathetic homos
couldn't steal

the shit out of your own ass!

(both chuckle)

You know what?

It doesn't matter.

As soon as my parents get back,
we're leaving here.

They're leaving.

So knock yourselves out.

Honey, your parents
aren't going anywhere

as long as you're stuck here.

And don't you get
all snotty, little sister.

You'll be begging to babysit.

As big as this place is,
it does get very, very lonely.

It could get ugly, though.

Were you a C-section?

Is there an existing zipper
we might use?

Watch it, you goddamn queen.

Oh, I am quaking in my loafers.

What are you gonna do...

murder me?

My brown Betty turns
to black Betty in 20 minutes.

So tell me what this is
all about.

I need help.

Do you know those two guys
that lived here before us?

Frick and Frack?

How could I forget?

Well, they're upstairs
and they're

planning to kidnap
my mother's babies

and raise them

Well, let me assure you
that is never going to happen.

My mom's on her way back
from the hospital today.

And I don't trust them.

I called 'cause
I want to talk to that woman,

the Craig's List psychic.

Billie Dean? About what?

Getting rid of ghosts.
There must be a way.

Don't worry.
I'll take care of it.

Chad? Chad...?

Come out, come out
wherever you are.

Put your skanky claw
on that crib,

you'll be pulling away
a bloody stump.

Where did you find these things?


You'd be amazed

at the little forgotten
treasures left behind

by previous occupants.

What you are planning to do
is unnatural.

Deodorant's unnatural,
but it's a public good.

We'll make excellent parents.

Man shall not lie with man.

It is an abomination.

So's that hairdo, but I figure
that's your business.

Why can't you people just
content yourself

with having pets?

Why must you subject an innocent
child to your perversions?

There's nothing in the studies
that indicates being raised

by a same-sex couple has any
ill effects on children.

I assume the same applies
to the formerly living.

Well, the only study I know
is the study of blood and pain.

My children came out of my body,
and that is something

that you will never
be able to understand.

(wry laugh)

Lady, just because
you happen to be

the hole they
crawled out of

doesn't mean a
goddamn thing.

It means everything.

Right. Sure.

That's why I can't even walk
through my own home

without tripping over one
of your dead offspring.

I loved my children.

To death.

They are a part of me,

just like that unborn child
is a part of me,

and I will not
have you

put your filthy hands
on my grandchild.


Wait a minute.

Are you telling me
that Norman Bates Jr.

is the baby daddy?


You gotta love
this house.

Listen to me.

You can have the other one.

The one fathered by Dr. Harmon.

I mean, he's an attractive man.

But not my grandbaby.

A blond and a brunette--
just like me and Pat.

It's perfect.


We definitely need both.

God, you're vile.

You're not suited
to raise children.

Raise them?

Oh, honey, no, no, no.

We're going to wait until
they reach that perfect,

adorable age-- around a year,
year and a half or so--

and then we're going
to smother them

with hypoallergenic

That way, they'll
be cute forever.

So much pain here.

So much longing and regret.




And perversion.

Now, can you ferret out
the fairies for us?

I mean, that's our main
concern at the moment.

Targeting a particular spirit

is going
to be difficult.

This is a very crowded house.

You were so young.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, God.

Please don't tell.

They can't know.

So what can we do?

Somehow, we have to try
and dislodge them

from the paramagnetic grip
of this place.

The what?

The evil.

It's a force
just like any other, Violet.

Pure physics.

Real and powerful.

Created by events.

Events that unleash
psychic energy

into the environment,
where it's absorbed.

Like the way a battery
stores energy.

You'll see it
all the time

in places like prisons
or asylums.

Negative energy feeds
on trauma and pain.

It draws those things to it.

The force here
in this house is larger

than the many
individual traumas.

And it has a need.

It wants to break through.

It wants to move in our world.

It's using
those trapped

between this world and the next
as conduits.

That's very interesting.

But what do we do
about the gays?

I mean, how do we
get rid of them?

Oh, there might be a way.

I can't promise...

He can't be here.


Billie Dean,

that's my boy.

That's Tate.

I want to help.

You've helped enough.

Not now, Tate.

Go on.

What was that about?


It's just that,

sometimes, when a medium

meets a spirit
so directly,

it has a powerful effect.

That's all.

It's nothing to concern
yourself about.

Okay, so what can we do?

Why didn't Violet come?

BEN (sighs):
Violet's been having
a very rough time.

She didn't come
visit me once, Ben.

I'm Dr. Marchesi,
the resident physician.

How are you, Vivien?

Fine. Ready to go home.

Have you had any luck
convincing your wife

to push off the trip
until after the birth?

Dr. Marchesi is
recommending bed rest

because of the twins,

which I

agree with.

And I said to him that we would
get a wheelchair at the airport.

I will be sitting
the whole way to Florida.

And I'm only six
months pregnant,

so it's still okay to travel.
I'll be fine.

All right, well, wheelchairs

are all well
and good,

but as I told your wife,

I wouldn't be surprised
if your obstetrician

didn't recommend an immediate
emergency C-section.

Well, in 24 hours,
I will be in the capable hands

of my sister and her family

and an excellent

I'll be with people who I trust,

and out of
this city.

Thank you for bringing these.

I'll bring them to the doctor.

I'd like to hear it
from the doctor.

Emergency C-section?

I'm sure you're aware
that these babies--

well, rather,
one of these babies--

has been developing
at a rapid rate.

I mean,
to the point

where he's ready to come out
and live on his own.

And the other one seems
to be getting weaker.

Sometimes referred to as
intrauterine omophagia.

All the necessary

are being devoured
by the larger fetus.

The alpha, if you will.

When were you
going to tell me this, Vivien?

We will address it all
when we get to Florida.

Well, I'm on record.

It was nice to meet you,
Dr. Harmon, Vivien.

If I were you, I would
start checking to see

if there's a medical doctor
on that flight.

(door creaking open)

(door shuts)

Let's go.

It's difficult to
banish a spirit,

but not impossible.

The most successful
attempt that I know of

happened when
America was known

as the New World.

Are you kidding?

That's like 500 years ago.

Spirits do not follow
our physical laws.

Nor are they
affected by time.

About the only thing
they have in common

with the living is
their suffering.




In 1590,

on the coast of what we
now know as North Carolina,

the entire colony of Roanoke--

all 117 men, women
and children--

died inexplicably.

It became known as
the Ghost Colony

because the
spirits remained.

They haunted the native tribes
living in the surrounding area.


Killing indiscriminately.

The elder knew
he had to act.

He cast a banishment curse.

First, he collected
the personal belongings

of all the dead colonists.

Then they burned them.

The ghosts appeared,
summoned by their talismans.

But before the spirits
could cause them any more harm,

the elder
completed the curse

that would banish
the ghosts forever.


By uttering a single word.

The same word found
carved on a post

at the abandoned colony.



So now you know
what you have to do.

What did she say?

We have to get
something of his.

Something important.

Like an heirloom
or a ring.

Like a talisman.

If we have the talisman
and we do this special ritual,

he'll be gone.

That sounds like bullshit.

Billie Dean's for real.
She studies this stuff.

The bigger guy, he wears a ring.

It's like a wedding ring,
but I can't remember

which hand it's on.
I don't trust her!

Now, why'd she say
all that stuff about me?

I did something bad, didn't I?

Let's just get the ring.

How does it work?

Will the kid call
you both daddy,

or is one of you the mom?

I'm just messing with you.

Seriously, though,

are you ready for all this?

I mean, you never struck me
as the diapers

and midnight feedings type.

Maybe you should have taken
a few minutes to get to know me

before you stuck
a fireplace poker up my ass.

Fair enough.


We're all going to be here
for a long time, so...

maybe we can figure out a way
to let bygones be bygones

and, you know, cohabitate.

I'm dead because of you!

Well, there's
got to be

something I could offer you.

I mean, just because we're dead

doesn't mean
we don't have wants.


Marriage looks hard.

Especially to that guy.

Always on you all the time.

And never in the ways
you want, right?

It must suck

to have to wait till
Halloween every year

to get a little strange.

I can't kill you,

but I can make you suffer!

Best part is,
when I'm done,

you'll heal up
and I can beat

the shit out of you
all over again!


I like it rough.
Not supposed
to be like this!

I'm not supposed to be here!

Look at me.
Look at me!

I was going
to get out!


I fell in love.
God help me, I was going

to get out and be with him,
and then you killed me,

and now I'm stuck here...

with him!


I won't go in the house.

You don't have to.

I packed your things.

Is Violet packed?

I told her we're leaving.


(inhales sharply)






What'd you get?

He took it off to paint.

Why does a ghost
need a watch?


(door rattling)


You disappeared on me!
What the hell happened?!


Violet, your mom's
waiting in the car.

We have a plane
to catch.

Good. Go far away.

Just don't bring mom
in the house.

What are you talking about?
You're coming with us.

I can take care of myself.

And if you want to,
you can come back for me later.

But for right now,
you just have to trust me

and get the hell out of here.

Tell mom I love her
and good luck with the babies.

What's the matter
with you? Huh?

Are you high
or something?

I wish.

Violet, I stopped at a red
light and you were gone.

Where did you go?

I was right here.

I wanted to come.

I swear.

I couldn't leave the house.

Stop it!
You're lying.

You're on drugs,
I can tell.

Tell me what
kind, right now.

Tell me!

I'm dead!

Don't you get it?

When you die in this house,
you don't get to leave.

That's why you need to go,
and take mom somewhere safe.

(car horn honks outside)

That's exactly
what I'm gonna do.

You're coming with me.

(Vivien screaming)


Oh, Vivien, is-is
the baby coming?


No, it's too soon!

No, no, no!

No, honey.

When a child is ready to be
born, there's no stopping it.

Come on, we got to
get you to the house.



I took some pills.

I didn't mean to kill myself.



What's wrong?!

The babies are coming.

No! No!



Take it easy, now.

Don't forget to
breathe. Breathe.

I can't get
any service.

I got to go to the hospital now!

It's too late for that;
you're already crowning.

I'm gonna call Dr. Hall. We'll
get you an ambulance right away.

Breathe, Vivien,

Oh, God! It hurts.

Well, of course
it does, honey.

That's a
woman's curse.



She can't give birth here.

It's not safe.

Well, then make it safe.
You know what to do.

(phone buzzes)
Damn it.

(busy signal beeping)


(glass crashing,
laughter outside)


Get away from there!

You kids get away from there!

(floorboards creaking)

Dr. Harmon.

It's time.

(Vivien screaming)

Nurse, bring me my doctor bag.

This is wrong.


Find me the 12-gauge scalpel.

We have to get you out of here.



Where are those towels?

Spread them out
underneath her.


This house.

This house!



Wake up.

This house is
trying to help.

And right now, you are in
no position to refuse.

Your wife needs you.

So you better pull yourself
together and get in there.

For her.




Who are all these people?

Who are these people?!

It's okay, baby.

They're here to help us.

I forgot how painful this is.


Do you have a little something
for her, Doctor?


Just to take the edge off.


(breathing slows)



Oh, I feel another one coming.

Okay, honey,
remember your breathing.



You're doing great.
You're doing great.

Just hang in
there, honey.

You're doing great.


Here we go.
One more push.


(inhaling, exhaling)

Just breathe, honey.

Remember your breathing.

(inhaling, exhaling)



I hate you.

I love you.

Push, push, push!
One more!


Here we go.
One more push.

One more big push.
Here she comes.
Come on, push!

Come on, honey, push!

Push, honey!

God, I love you.



I never wanted to lose you.

You never will.

She's coming!

Come on! Push!
Here she comes!


Come on, honey!


(baby crying)


It's a healthy baby girl.

Daddy, you want to cut the cord?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.



Your baby is stillborn.

Is it a boy or a girl?

Can I hold it?


Not just yet, sweetheart.

You've got another one coming.


(screaming continues)

What exactly do you think
you're doing, young lady?

Is that my $12,000 watch that
you're putting into the furnace?






Just kidding.


So where'd you get that one?

That press-on nail psychic
who was here earlier?

I mean, really?

The Roanoke spell?

Please, tell me you'll be

slitting the throat
of a chicken next,

because I've always
found that very dramatic.

I also quite enjoy
the burning of the sage

to rid the house of spirits.

It didn't work.
Of course it didn't work.

It's bullshit.

It's all bullshit.

People make up
these spells and chants

in order to feel like
they're in control.

Well, guess what?

They're not.

Never have been.

What are you doing?

My own bullshit ritual.

There's not gonna be
any nursery.


We're not gonna be parents.

Your mother's babies are safe.

From us, at least.

I'm doomed
to spend eternity

with a man who doesn't love me.

Of course,
it could be worse.

Your man does love you...

but he'll always be a monster.

You're wrong.

Tate's changed.

He doesn't even
remember what he did.


When did he change?

When he murdered me?

When he murdered my boyfriend?

(Vivien groaning in distance)

Or did he change
when he raped your mother?


No, that's a lie.

Is it?

(Vivien screaming in distance)

I think you're
about to find out.

(screaming continues)


Vivien, breathe.
You have to breathe.

Vivien, breathe!

You have to breathe!

I need forceps, now.
What's happening?

It's dystocia.

I have to manipulate the baby
through the pubic symphysis.

I can't, Ben.

I can't do it.

You can do it.

I-I promise you.
Look at me.

You can do this.


Dr. Harmon, have your wife
stop pushing until I say so.

Vivien, can you hear me?

You have to stop pushing
until I tell you.


It hurts so much!

Squeeze my hand as hard
as you can! Squeeze!

Get the gauze ready
to stop the bleeding.

Now, Dr. Harmon.
Push, Vivien!

You have to push!

Push! Push!

He's coming.

Push! You're doing great, Viv!

You're doing great, Viv.

Oh, God, it's ripping me apart!

Don't stop, angel!

The end is in sight.
I can see him.

(screaming fades)

(heart beating)

(no voice)

(baby crying)

You did it, babe.

Honey, you did it.

You did it.

(baby continues crying)

(groans weakly)

BEN: Is everything
all right?
She's bleeding.

I have to stop
the bleeding.

Cut the cord. It's time
to separate mother and son.

Can I see the baby?

Hand him to me.



I'll get him washed up.
I'll bring him right back.

(baby crying)

(baby quiets)

BEN: Doctor, is
everything all right?

(humming lullaby, baby fussing)


Oh, what is
the matter with you?

He's the most beautiful
baby I've ever seen.

From blood and pain
come perfection.

Hey, bitches.

You get all that slime
off my baby yet?

Nurse, I need pressure on this.

BEN: What the hell
is going on?

She's going into shock.
I can't stop the hemorrhaging.

Vivien, stay with me.




I'm sorry I didn't go
see you at the hospital.

I wanted to,

but I couldn't.

You're here now--
that's all that matters.

Listen to me.

Concentrate on my words.

We can be
happy, honey.

Just like we were before.

Before my mistakes,
before this house.

It's okay, Mom.

If you're in pain,

let go.

I don't think I have a choice.

BEN: Hold on, Vivien.
Stay with me.

Come to this side.

Let go.

You can be with me.

Don't die.

Don't die on me,

We can still have
a life together.

We can still be happy.

(crickets chirping)

My mom is dead.

I'm so sorry.

I know you were close.

Yeah, we were.

My dad's down there
all alone now.

That makes me sad.

I like your dad.

He was nice to me.

He's nice to all
his patients.

Even the ones
who lie to him.

Why did you start seeing
him in the first place?

Constance thought
you needed help.

I did. I do.

You knew you were dead.


I knew.

Do you know why?

The cops shot me.

Right here
in this room.

Why? Why did they shoot you?

I don't know.

You murdered people, Tate.

Kids. Like us.

The kids that came
to us on Halloween.

Why would I do that?

(voice breaking):
Why would I do that?

(sobbing): Why would I do that?

Why would I do that?

I don't know.

Why'd you kill those guys
who lived here before us?

Why would you rape my mother?


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I was different then.

I used to think
you were like me.

You were attracted
to the darkness,

but, Tate, you are the darkness.

No. Before you,

that's all there was.

You're the only light
I've ever known.

You've changed me, Violet.

I believe that.

I love you, Tate.

But I can't forgive you.

You have to pay
for what you did.

All the pain you caused.

All the sorrow.

You murdered my mother.

You did!

That baby-- whatever it was--
it killed her.

I can't be with you.

I won't be with you.

What are you saying?

I'm saying go away.


No, no, don't do this.

Go away, Tate.

You're all I want!
You're all I have!

Go away!

Go away!



That was very brave.

I'm proud of you.


I'm sorry, Mom.

I'm sorry you had to die.


I'm sorry you
lost your baby.

But I didn't
lose my baby.

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