American Crime Story (2016–…): Season 3, Episode 7 - The Assassination of Monica Lewinsky - full transcript

The world learns about the affair and Monica Lewinsky becomes the most famous woman in America.


"I propose
the first-ever national effort

"to reduce class size

in the early grades."

"Thank you."

Thank you.

We all set?

Would you like to go over
the list of women one more time?

You're a great lawyer, Bob.

Don't worry.

I'm ready.


Now, remember
what we talked about.

I can't go in there with you,

but I will be right outside.


They're ready for us.

To think

that a little woman like you

can sit across
from the president

of the United States...

...look him in the eye

and get justice.

Your Honor,

thanks for coming all the way
from Arkansas.

Did you have a good flight?
I did.

Thank you, Mr. President.

I appreciate you all
making yourselves available

on the weekend.

William Jefferson Clinton,

do you solemnly swear
that you will tell the truth,

the whole truth and nothing
but the truth, so help you God?

I do.

Mr. Fisher, floor is yours.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Good morning, Mr. President.
Good morning.

My name is Jim Fisher, sir,

and I'm an attorney
from Dallas, Texas,

and I represent the plaintiff,
Paula Jones, in this case.

Do you understand
that your testimony today

is subject
to the penalty of perjury?

I do.

Then I would like to start

by defining a term.

And that term
is "sexual relations."

The definition was taken from
the Violence Against Women Act.

The president might remember
that he signed it into law

this past year.

I thought it looked familiar.

So you understand
the definition, Mr. President?

Yes, I do.

Now, you are aware,

are you not, of the allegations
made against you

by Paula Jones in this lawsuit?

Yes, sir.
I'm aware.

Mr. President,

did you ever make any sexual
advances towards Paula Jones?

No, I did not.

Did you ever expose yourself
to Paula Jones?

No, I did not.

Did you ever ask Paula Jones
to kiss your penis?

No, I did not.

So you deny her testimony that,
in the Excelsior Hotel,

while you were governor
of Arkansas,

you asked her
to perform oral sex on you.

I emphatically deny it.

It did not happen.

Mr. President,

you realize seated to my right,

two chairs down,
is Mrs. Paula Jones.

Do you remember meeting
Miss Jones?


Have you ever met Paula Jones?

I've said this many times.

I have never met Paula Jones.

I'm sorry.

Excuse me.

That chickenshit!

He lied! He's lyin'!
Shh. Shh.

Shh. Okay.




Are you familiar with a woman

named Kathleen Willey?
I am.

So you're aware
that Mrs. Willey has testified

that you sexually harassed her
while she was working

as a volunteer
in the White House?

I'm aware of that.

Did you place Mrs. Willey's hand

on your penis
and kiss her on the lips

in the private hallway
off the Oval Office?

Mr. Fisher,

in my lifetime,

I have never sexually harassed
a woman.

Mr. President,

do you know a woman

named Monica Lewinsky?

I do.

How did you come to know her?

worked at the White House
for a while,

first as an intern
and then in the, uh,

Legislative Affairs Office.

At any time,

were you and Monica Lewinsky
together alone

in the Oval Office?

Your Honor.
Excuse me, Mr. President.

I'm gonna object
to the innuendo.

Counsel is fully aware
that Ms. Lewinsky

has an affidavit,
which they are in possession of,

saying that there is
absolutely no sex of any kind

in any manner, shape or form

with the president.


The witness
must answer the question.

Mr. President, were you

and Monica Lewinsky ever alone
together in the Oval Office?

I don't recall.

But, uh, when she worked in
the Legislative Affairs Office,

they always had somebody there
on the weekends.

Uh, typically,
I-I worked some on the weekends.

Sometimes they-they'd bring me
things on the weekends.

I-It seems to me that
she-she brought things to me

once or twice on the weekends.

And in that case, you know,

wh-whatever time
she would be in there,

drop it off,
exchange a few words and go.

Have you ever given any gifts
to Monica Lewinsky?

I don't recall.

You know what they were?

A hatpin.

I don't... I don't remember.

A book by Walt Whitman.

You know, that...

I give people a lot of gifts.

You know? And, uh...

And-and, you know,
when people are around,

I-I give a lot of things I have
at the White House away.

So, you know,
I could have given her a gift.

Uh... I-I just don't remember
a specific gift.

Has Monica Lewinsky
ever given you any gifts?

Once or twice.

I-I think
she's given me a-a book or two.

Has she ever given you a tie?

I get given a lot of ties.

I believe
she has given me a tie, yes.

Mr. President,
it's my understanding

that Monica Lewinsky
has made statements to people,

and I'd like for you to...
Uh, objection
to the form of the question.

Counsel shouldn't testify.

I will sustain the objection.

Did you have an extramarital

sexual affair
with Monica Lewinsky?


If she told someone that she had

a sexual affair with you
beginning in...

November of 1995,
would that be a lie?

It's certainly not the truth.

It would not be the truth.

I have never had sexual
relations with Monica Lewinsky.

I've never had an affair
with her.

Just so the record is clear,

at any time,

have you and Monica Lewinsky
been alone together

in any room of the White House?

Mr. Fisher, let me...

Is-is there something...

You asked that
with such conviction.

I answered with such conviction.

Is there something
you want to ask me about this?

'Cause I don't...
I don't even know

what you're talking about,
I don't think.

Sir, I think
this will come to light shortly

and you'll understand.

You were great, Mr. President.

After today, I bet Judge Wright
throws the whole thing out.

So, how are you ladies

holding up?
Monica was certain

that the FBI was going to break
down the door at any second

and arrest her.
Listen, dear,

that's not gonna happen.

What would happen
is they might call me

and I could arrange it so that
you could turn yourself in.

Would I really go to prison
for 28 years?

Listen, I've never heard
of anybody facing charges

on a false affidavit

in a sexual harassment suit.

But they are
federal prosecutors.

I mean, they can jail anybody
for anything.

And Ken Starr is a madman.

He's been holding
a Whitewater witness

in solitary since '96
all because

she won't tell him
exactly what he wants to hear.

Susan McDougal.

But she's a criminal, right?

she's just a woman. You know,
a friend of the Clintons.

Well, a friend of one
of the Clintons in particular,

if you understand
what I'm saying.
I can't go to prison. I can't.

Listen to me.
You're not gonna go

to prison, okay?
We have a meeting

scheduled tomorrow
with Starr and his goons.

I'm gonna get you your immunity
in writing,

and then that's it.

You're completely free
and clear, okay?


Um, before we go and sign,

I-I would really love
to call Betty Currie.

Her and the president deserve
to know what's going on.

Absolutely not.
You cannot do that.

Starr would pull the deal.

I thought maybe I could use
the pay phone in the lobby

so they wouldn't know
it was me.
Listen to me,

you're not calling anybody.

No friends, no family,

no one.
Why can't I call my friends
and family?

Anybody that you talk to
is gonna get a subpoena.

You've got to cut them off
for their own good.

Monica will do what they want.

Anything you say.

Listen, I'm going to fix this.

You understand?

This is what I do.

I thought
you did medical malpractice.

It's more or less
the same thing.

We're gonna get a good deal.
They need you.

And this is the sweet spot,

now, before the press

gets ahold of the story.

Yeah, the press.

When is that gonna happen?


this is gonna make the planet

How did you get this scoop?

Hey. Ann wants to see you
in her office.

Pete's proofing
that latest draft,

so we'll all be set
to go to print tomorrow.

We're holding
on the Lewinsky story, Mike.

I'm sorry?

I must have misheard you
or I'm having a stroke?

We can't print it now.

New York thinks it's too risky.

What if Lewinsky's
not telling the truth?

We know she's telling the truth.

Yeah, that's not good enough.
Of course it is.

You're asking the most respected
news magazine in America

to say the president
is having an affair

and then lied about it
under oath.

And your only real source

is one girl's voice on a tape,

a girl we haven't
even actually spoken to.

We need more sourcing.

And then we'll go for it
in our next issue.

This story
is gonna break in 24 hours.

Call New York and tell them
we can't fucking wait.

If you could, for just once in
your life, refrain from acting

like your...
We have our own Watergate.

We can break it, tomorrow.

Sometimes it's just not worth
being first.

I thought we cut those out
for good, Mr. President.

Do you have a moment to talk?

Please, sit down.

How's your mother's health
holding up?

Oh, she's fine.

It's been a rough year,

uh, but we're optimistic.

Good. Your mom need anything,
you tell me, all right?

Thank you, sir.

Listen, Betty, um...

something came up
during my deposition

that I wanted
to talk to you about.

The lawyers were asking
some strange questions.

Questions about Monica.

I was hoping that you could,

refresh my memory
on a few things.

I can try, certainly.

As far as you recall... were always with me
and Monica

when she came to visit, right?

That's right.

So Monica and I
were never alone together.

No, sir.
But she was...

interested in me.

How do you mean?

Well, this is awkward.

Um, I apologize.

I mean sexually.

You know, Monica came on to me
and, uh...

...she wanted to sleep with me.


Yes, sir.

But nothing happened.

Because that would be wrong.

That would be wrong.

I'm glad we both have
the same recollection.

Thank you.

Yes, Mr. President.

Would you mind checking in
on Monica before you head out?

I'd like to know
how she's doing.

I can do that for you.


Is Isikoff there?

This is Matt Drudge.
It's urgent.

I'll see if he's still awake.

It's Drudge.

He's already gone to bed.


Well, if you could kindly relay,

I'm looking for a comment

on a piece I'm posting tomorrow
first thing.

It's on Newsweek
spiking his story

on the president's affair
with an intern.

I'll let him know.

Thank you much.

It was the day

the president hoped
never would come.

To shield him
from public embarrassment,

Mr. Clinton was driven the two
blocks to his lawyer's office

and then disappeared
into an underground garage.

Mr. Clinton's accus...

...wading through the mob
hoping for pictures.
It's Betty again.

...the moment
she had been waiting for.

The face-to-face meeting
took place in an...

What does she want?

She clearly wants me
to call her.

I mean, it says "emergency."

Bill must know.

Give it to me.

No, she's
just gonna keep paging me.


You can't let them know
you're scared.

This is a negotiation.

You must be Bill Ginsburg.

Yeah. Where can I put my client
so we can talk shop?

I'll take care of her.

Go ahead, sweetheart.

How long have you lived in D.C.?

Two years.

Do you like it here?


You are out
of your fucking minds!

You asshole Nazis!

Negotiations can get
pretty heated sometimes.

You know, I went to your friend
Linda Tripp's house.

She makes really good cookies.

We're leaving.

Did you get the deal?

They're lunatics here.
They're the fucking Gestapo.

Okay, but did I get immunity?
Not even close.

In the first place,
they threatened to investigate

your entire family.

And then they upped their price.

They want to know
every single thing that you know

before they're willing
to even consider

putting anything on paper.

Would I have to make calls?

There are no calls.

There's no nothing.

This just came on live.

It's called the Drudge Report.

If you attempt
to call Clinton now,

he's gonna suspect
that you're wired.

You're radioactive.

Come on.


Uh, seriously?

Where's your brother?

How should I know?


I need to speak with you.


Please, sit down.

We're at the precipice
of a change.

Very soon, the country is going
to discover something

about a friend of mine.


What did she do?

It's not important.

What matters is
that you prepare yourselves.

A lot of people are going to be
saying a lot of things about me.

Some may be nasty.

But others
are going to cheer me on.

They may call me a hero.

Do you know who John Dean is?


he was, uh, President Nixon's
chief White House counsel.

He was accused
of turning on the president

because he dared to stand up
to the crimes he witnessed

day in and day out.

He risked everything
to defend this country,

and there were people
who pilloried him for it.

But he did the right thing.

I want you to know...

I did the right thing.


Hillary, wake up.

What's wrong?

Starr's new gambit.

He's expanding

his investigation
into the Paula Jones fiasco.

I don't-I don't understand.

Oh, it's nuts.

This time, he's saying
I had an affair with an intern

and then I asked her
to commit perjury.

Oh, and on top of that, I had
Vernon set her up with a job.

I mean, th-this girl was
subpoenaed by the Jones lawyers

and filed an affidavit saying
nothing happened.

Starr has obviously gotten
to her and...

convinced her
to change her story.

Who is she?

Her name is Monica Lewinsky.

Do you know her?

Yeah, I know Monica.

Sh-She worked in the West Wing,

and now she works
in the Pentagon.

Is there something
you need to tell me?


Did something happen?


Because if anything happened,

you know it's better that I w...

And I would tell you.

You know I would.

But nothing happened.

Look, I-I met her
a-and a bunch of other interns

during the shutdown.

You know,
she-she was a sweet kid.

You know, kind of goofy.

You know, she-she came to see me
once or twice for advice.

Turns out
she was kind of troubled.

Nancy and Evelyn, they-they
moved her out of the West Wing

as soon as they saw
how she was behaving.

I... I don't think I was
ever even alone with the girl.

You can ask Betty.

She saw the whole thing.


Did you tell the staff?
Not yet.

I wanted to get your take
on things first.

Okay, well, you have
to go down there right now.

This is going to explode.

We-we have to act.

You're right.

I'll be down in a minute.

I'm sorry.

For what?

This whole mess.

Go tell them.

Shocking allegations rocked
the White House this morning.

CNN has confirmed that Kenneth
Starr is investigating claims

that President Clinton
had an affair

with a former White House
intern, Monica Lewinsky.

That's... me.

That's... that's my face.

Where did they even find that?

It's my horrible
Pentagon ID photo.

Oh, my God.
I can't look.

I can't.
They can't just plaster
your face

all over the news
without our permission.

I can't be in here anymore.

...about the relationship
she says

or at least alleged to have
with the president.

Marcia, can you hear me?


you need to stay inside, okay?

Monica's got to stay
inside the apartment.

What are you saying?
They're hyenas. They got
the whole place surrounded.

You need to shut the windows
and-and close all the shutters

and-and make sure
you lock the doors.

Whatever you do,
don't go outside.
Oh, my God.

Now, the Washington Post
reports that

there are tape recordings of
the intern--

24-year-old Monica Lewinsky--
talking to Linda Tripp.

No, you can't go out there.
It's crazy.
I have a meeting

with my new attorney.

Allison, we're in crisis.

I have to go.

I'll be back.

Linda! Linda!

Do you see yourself
as a patriot?

Have you talked
to the House investigators yet?

Did you talk
to the House investigators?
This way!

Look this way! Hey!
Tell us where you were at
that night!

Mrs. Tripp,
what did Ms. Lewinsky say

in her conversations with you?

I have no comment.
I'm sorry.

Did Monica Lewinsky
know you were taping her?

I'm a witness
in a federal investigation.

I have no comment.
What are you a witness to?

Do you think
that you betrayed her?


I've never seen anything
like this.

And they're just looping
this shit.

They w-they won't even cut
to a commercial.

How bad is it in the press room?

Oh, it's a fucking nightmare.

Sam Donaldson's on my ass.
Baker from the Post,

Bennet from the Times.

You know, it-it's my job
to respond to their questions,

and I have no idea
what I'm supposed to say.

Where is he?

With Hillary.


You know, w-we look paralyzed.

We have to respond now

or the only reasonable
conclusion people will come to

is that it's all true.

Do you honestly think he decided
to risk his presidency

on a complex perjury scheme

involving a 24-year-old
and the Revlon Corporation?

Look, hey. You're close to him.

He trusts you.

You have to ask him.
Ask him what?

Did he fuck this intern?

Mr. President.

I was looking for you two.

Uh, Mr. President, uh,

you have back-to-back meetings
scheduled today.

Jim Lehrer on PBS.
Mara Liasson at NPR.

Roll Call...
I'm aware.

Okay. Uh, well, since we're
all still, uh, searching

for a good
comprehensive response to this,

maybe we should cancel those.

Brilliant idea.

Why don't we issue
a formal admission of guilt

while we're at it?

They're gonna ask
about the girl, sir.

Let 'em ask
whatever the hell they want.

I have nothing to hide.

ABC's Jackie Judd.
She broke the story overnight.

He's gonna have to resign.

It's all my fault.

Don't look at it that way.

What way-- accurately?

This is a terrible week
in our lives,

but all we have to do
is get through it.

And, yes,
maybe he will have to resign.

But, guess what, when he does,

all of this stops.

He goes away,
all of it goes away.

In a statement tonight,
Revlon confirmed

Lewinsky was referred
by Vernon Jordan

and offered a job this month,

an offer Revlon rescinded today

Jordan did try to get
Monica Lewinsky
Oh, honey.

a $40,000-a-year job
at the Revlon Corporation,
Oh, my God.

Oh, honey. Oh, no.
where he sits
on the board of directors.

As for the Starr investigation,

the matter has not yet
been taken to a grand jury,

but investigators linked...

Hey, Mike.
Hey, guys.

I'm gonna get to you guys
in a bit, okay?

Thank you.

Mike, what's going on here?
Did he know this girl?

Guys, I'll do
a-a briefing tonight.

Al Gore could be president
by tonight.

We need answers now.
H-Helen, Helen.

He's about to sit down
with PBS.

We're putting up a live feed.

And, uh,

you can hear straight from him.

We're rolling in three, two...

Mr. President, welcome.

Thank you, Jim.

The news of this day
is that Kenneth Starr,

the independent counsel,
is investigating allegations

that you suborned perjury

by encouraging
a 24-year-old woman

who you were
having an affair with

to lie under oath.

Mr. President, is that true?

That is not true.
That is not true.

I did not ask anyone to tell
anything other than the truth.

There is
no improper relationship,

and I intend to cooperate
with this inquiry.

But that is not true.

No improper relationship.

Define what you mean by that.

Well, I-I think
you know what it means.

It means that there is not a...

sexual relationship,

an improper sexual relationship.

Or any other kind
of improper relationship.

You had no sexual relationship
with this young woman?

There is not
a sexual relationship.

That is accurate.

You know,
that-that's all I can say now.

You see, what-what I'm trying
to do i-is to contain my...

natural impulses
and-and get back to work.

You know, I-I think it's
important that we cooperate.

I will cooperate.

But-but I want to focus
on the work at hand.

Just for the record, so there's
no ambiguity about it...

Th-There is n...
All right.

Y-You had no conversations

with this young woman,
Monica Lewinsky,

about her testimony
or possible testimony?

I did not urge anyone.

I did not urge anyone
to say anything that was untrue.

I did not urge anyone to say
anything that was untrue.

That's my...

statement to you.


What's going on?

If-if it's-if it's not true,

uh, that means
somebody made this up.

I-Is that...
Look, y-you know as much
about this as I do right now.

So, you know, w-we'll just have
to look into it

and-and cooperate
and-and we'll see.

But, meanwhile, I've got to get
on with the work of the country

You know, I got hired
I'll talk to him.

to help the rest
of the American people.

Okay, guys, thank you.

I'll be back tonight.

Come on.

Did you see that shit?

The right wing
gives them garbage

and they run with it every time.

Even PBS.
It's unreal.

You don't deserve this,
Mr. President.

I hope you know that.

Imagine the apocalypse
in the press room.

They're eating McCurry alive.

well, it's his job
to handle that.

I know, Mr. President,
but we do need to offer

a clear explanation.

I've made my comment, Sid.

Yes, but it's just what she said

about you on the tapes, sir.


CBS News White House
Correspondent Scott Pelley

has the latest. Scott?

Dan, these are

the most serious allegations
ever leveled at the president,

essentially perjury
and obstruction of justice.

What's gonna happen?
The allegations are contained
in a series

of secretly recorded
He's gonna have to resign.

Lewinsky swore in a deposition

that she never had an affair
with the president.

But that is not what she was
telling coworker Linda Tripp.

Tripp has been recording

with Lewinsky over the phone.

A source familiar with the tape
tells CBS News

Lewinsky is often heard
in tears,

pleading with Tripp
to help her cover up the affair

Tripp says
that if she is ever asked

about whether Lewinsky
had an affair,

she would
have to tell the truth.

Lewinsky begs her not to.

He's waiting for you
in his study.

I remember when they used
to let me in the front door.

Dick Morris?

No, no, no, no, no.

You poor son of a bitch.

Thanks for coming.

Well, I'm an expert
at sexual imbroglios.

You know
I didn't want to let you go.

My staff forced my hand.

Your political advisor

got caught sucking
a prostitute's toes.

I'd have told you
to fire me myself.

I messed up with this girl.

I know.

No, I fucked this up
beyond all recognition.

I walk in a room,

I don't know what
the next question's gonna be.

I don't know what Starr has.

I don't know
what Monica's saying.

I can't form
any kind of response.

What are people saying?


they're saying
Al Gore better be reading up

on Saddam Hussein

because he's going to be
commander in chief by summer.

I can't be
fucking Richard Nixon.

You know,
everything you work for gone,

shell of yourself
for the rest of your life.

You told me once if,
at the start of Watergate,

he would've manned up
and admitted it,

he would have survived.

So I-I'm thinking
I-I just admit it,


kill the story.

But I can't.

Because it would destroy

I think she'd walk out on me.

I don't know what to do.

Well, let me help you with that.

Small sample,
but it's an RDD poll.

Good quality.

You think I don't know
why you called me

instead of one
of your PC liberals on staff?

You want the truth?

Well, there it is.

The American people know
you're a man.

Hell, most of them
actually like that about you.

If it were just the sex,

they'd forgive it.

But look at the unfavs
on question 17.

It's about what you said
under oath.

Admitting to the affair
is admitting to perjury.

And if you admit to perjury,

you lose all public support,

even among your base.

You'd have to resign.

Take it from me--
being disgraced

isn't as fun as it sounds.

You can't tell the truth.

Well, then it's simple.

We just have to win.

Mr. President,

we just need to be able
to explain

why she would go
into such graphic detail

talking about you.

Do you know this person at all?

Look, when Monica worked here,

she was a nice girl.


But you could tell
she was troubled.

You know?
She comes from a broken home.

I would talk to her on occasion,

give her advice.

You know, I was
just trying to help her out.

And I think
she got the wrong idea.

She came on to you?

Well, she started calling Betty
at all hours.

You know, turning up at events
where she knew I'd be.

She got fixated.

You know,
she told me her friends

called her "the stalker."

And she said, you know,
if she and I had sex,

then they couldn't
call her that anymore.


Did you tell anyone?

When the ladies in the office
saw how she was behaving,

they had her moved.

And that was it.

You know,
I-I can't speak for whatever...

fantasy she may have spun
talking to her friend.

We'll lead off the segment

with her childhood--
Beverly Hills,

fat camp,
her parents' divorce papers.

Stop. Shut up. Look at this.

What is this supposed to be?

Roll ahead.

Okay, wait, wait.
Go back.


Look who's waiting
like a little stalker.

I knew I recognized her.

That hat.

I remember seeing this in '96
and thinking

no one has ever been that happy
to see Bill Clinton.

Mm, no.

No, I want to do...

I like the movie.
Do waterbed.
All right!

Pitch on the monologue.

Uh, saw a movie today
that got great reviews.

Everybody loved it.

Monica Lewinsky
gave it two legs up.

A lot coming out about
the Clintons in these lawsuits.

Bill's pet name for Hillary

is "my little buttercup."

His pet name for Monica?

"My little suction cup."

Okay, Ken Starr is very upset

he's not getting
what he wants from Monica.

Apparently, he's the first guy
that's ever happened to.

Bill Clinton can have sex
with any woman alive

and he chooses her.

I mean, that's not a pitch.
That's just a...

question for the room.

Jay's gonna flip for these.

Happy Monica Day, everybody.
Today is Monica Day, of course,

across the United States.
Is this it? Finally?

Is it a federal holiday,
I think?

All zippers at half-mast
or something?

I don't know what happens...

Well, lilies.

This time from Diane Sawyer,

who says that she would love
to have you on 20/20.

A girl from Beverly Hills

crushed by her parents' divorce

She attended a camp
for obese youth and was viewed

by classmates as
an attention seeker and a flirt

I'm 24 now.

I met Monica when we were young

A-Actually, uh, she became
one of my first girlfriends,

In eighth grade.
And then he was so mean to you

in high school.

She called
and said that she shook

the president's hand and it was
like having sex in a handshake.

Uh, she's attracted
to older men.

Monica's nice, but...

she does tend to exaggerate
and embellish stories

to get attention.-
On Linda Tripp's tapes-

Lewinsky reportedly says

he grew up in a house of lies,s

mother and father deceiving
each other and their children.

But did this troubled childhood
make Monica Lewinsky

into the kind of woman
who would lie

about an affair
with the president?

It's okay, honey.
CNN News has uncovered

this never-before-seen
It's okay.

of Lewinsky waiting
for the president

in a White House receiving line

Mr. Clinton's loyalists
are saying privately

that she repeatedly sought
access to the president

and may have even fantasized

a sexual relationship.

No one will believe that.

Everyone will believe that.

That's me.

There I am,

waiting for him.

Like a crazy fucking stalker.

Thank you.

Well, we're very...

we're very, um, happy
that you're here.

It's a little hard for me
to... hold back here.

Uh, you're a big fat snitch,

aren't ya?

I am not that big
and I'm not that fat.

I mean, people are
always talking about, you know,

my looks and I'm, you know...

I-I thought I was here
for a makeover.


Is there a reason

why you secretly taped
your friend?

There was a very good reason.
What is it?

A very good one. Okay?

Category tonight--

uh, possible first lines

for Monica Lewinsky's,
uh, new book.


You all know the drill.

We've been through this before.

"Even as a baby,
my parents noticed

I had an unusual attachment
to my pacifier."

Number nine.

"Give me all your hot..."
That's it.

Enough. We're not gonna
watch this anymore.

What are you doing? That is
my only source of information.

No, it's not.

These are lies
about my daughter,

and I'm sick of hearing them.
They're not lies.

What are you talking about,

What they're saying is true.

No, it is not.


I did have an affair with Bill.

And I did go to fat camp.

And my parents did break up.

And I guess, one night,
I told Linda

that you raised me
in a house of lies,

and now the whole world
knows that, too.

It doesn't matter.

So many kids have that
exact same history. Come on.

It's all true.

Just like it's true
that everyone I've ever met

is apparently just waiting
for a phone call

from Wolf fucking Blitzer
to just go on live TV

and tear me apart.

Honey, I know that you don't...

don't tell me
that it's gonna be okay.

I messed up so bad

that I can't turn off the TV.

Because if I turn off the TV...

I'm just gonna imagine
the horrible things

that people are saying about me,
and that's worse.

let me draw you a bath,

do something to distract...
I know you're trying to help,

but, right now, all I can do
is I can just sit here

and I can watch this.

That's all.

...seeking all of the records
involving Monica Lewinsky.

Phone records, job records,

-when she entered
the White House...

...when she left
the Wh-White House.

We're told by sources

that she would frequently
come in...


This has to end right now.

Listen, Marcia,
I'm doing everything I can.

We're close on an immunity deal

We just need her to say
what she's gonna testify to.

She'll come with me
to the office, and...

No, no, she can't-she can't
go outside.

They'll mob her.
You said that yourself.

...shock America.

I'll call you back.

No! No.

That creep took advantage of you

when you were young.
Please, Mom, stop.

When I heard the authorities

were investigating
Monica Lewinsky,

I felt I had to come forward.

I'm sorry.
We're turning this off!


Monica and I were involved
for a time
I'd rather see it.

before she went
to Washington.

We had an affair.

And while my wife and I
were trying to heal,

Monica wouldn't leave us alone.

She became obsessed with us.

She convinced herself
that we were in love.

How do I put this?

Uh, Monica has a history
of twisting the facts.

Would you say that this was
a Fatal Attraction scenario?

Um... you could say that-

What else can you tell us
about Ms. Lewinsky?

There's a lot the world
should know about Monica.

We'll walk straight to the car.

And it will be over

before you know it.

Bill, big day.

How are you guys holding up?


Okay, all right, we're just
gonna go straight to the car.

We're not gonna talk to them,
all right?
Get back!

Out of my way!
Excuse me.

Out of our way. Go.
Get in there!

Move! Stay back!



we have a deal?

We have a deal.

Judge Starr will sign that
as well,

and we'll fax it back your way.

We're done here.


I know you don't believe me,

but it's all gonna be okay now.

I just want to go to sleep.

Okay, baby.

Well, that's gonna do it for us
We thank you for watching.

We're back again tomorrow night
at 11:00.

I don't...
Um, should we watch this?

Of course.
Who's gonna play Monica?

I hope they're fair to her.

It'll be her and Bill
in the office.

Oh, stop it.

I'm meeting a friend here.

Your name?
Monica Lewinsky.

Oh, yes.

Right this way.
Ms. Tripp is already here.

Oh, okay.


Monica Lewinsky.


Okay, you shouldn't watch this.
No, no.

It's funny.

Oh, thank...
What can I, uh, get

you two lovely ladies to drink-


I'll have a Bartles & Jaymes.

I'll have a Bloody Mary
and two AA batteries.

So, former White House intern
Monica Lewinsky,


I enjoyed talking to you la...

You're still up?


Is that the brandy you bought,
like, five years ago

to make a cake?

Brandy doesn't expire.

Are you okay?


The thing on TV?


I'm fine.

You know what the popular kids
used to call me in school?



It was a running joke
my-my whole junior year.

People would ask me why
and I'd pretend I didn't know,

but I did.

I knew the whole time.

Gus Johnson was
a big famous basketball player.

A gigantic man.

That's horrible.

the point is,
I've been teased my whole life.

I can take it.

Doesn't matter.


Oh, God, that's disgusting.

It's basically Robitussin.


Love you.

I love you.

It's gonna be okay.


The attorney for former White
House intern Monica Lewinsky,

William Ginsburg.

Thank you.

Does Ken Starr have a case
without your client?

I'm afraid

you're gonna have to ask
Ken Starr that question.

What Ken Starr
and his prosecutors did

to Monica Lewinsky

is completely unethical.

They threatened this 24-year-old
woman with jail time,

when it is, in fact, they
who should really be concerned

about going to jail.

I'm not involved in any sort of
tense negotiations whatsoever.

We're just waiting for Ken
Starr's office to call and make

some sort of an offer, if
indeed they intend to make one.

I had a phone call with, uh,

Ken Starr's office yesterday.
Judge. Hi.

Never heard from you
on a Sunday before...

Yeah, I came in after worship.

The Lewinsky agreement--
what's the status?

ll good.A
he signed, her counsel signed.S

Have we signed?

Uh, no. I was gonna
have you sign tomorrow.

I can bring it by now...
I'm not signing a darn thing.

What's that?
I'm not giving her immunity.

...paraded into a courthouse...
Ginsburg appears to be breaking

the laws of metaphysics,

gloating on every single
Sunday show.

I know what's he doing.
...shut down...

He's signaling to the president

that she isn't going
to tell us anything.

Judge, we gave our word.

W-We can't go back on...
I've made up my mind.

No deal.

That's okay. Bye.

It's been five news cycles.

I know.

State of the Union
is Tuesday night.

I spoke to the whole cabinet,

leadership in both houses.

They have my back.

they understand who Starr is
and what he's doing,

but the public doesn't.

We can't rely

on surrogates.
It needs to be you.

The people want to hear
from Bill Clinton.

I mean,
he's in there, somewhere.

I assume.

I hope.

We could lose everything
that we have fought for.

The only way we do this
is we meet it head-on.

You deny it
and you throw it back at Starr

like the garbage it is.

What are my options?

You know,
you-you listen to McCurry,

he wants me to do
a live TV address to the nation.

Okay, that's another
C-plus idea from McCurry.

Who's surprised? We are not
gonna give Starr that power.

So what do we do?

Sid and I have a plan.

It was subpoenas from
lawyers for Paula Jones

that led to all these
revelations about Lewinsky.

Today, Mr. Clinton's lawyer,
Robert Bennett,

argued that Clinton enemies

are using the Jones case
to destroy the president.

What are you talking about?

She signed it.

You signed it.

They can't do this to us.

Why is this happening?

...incredibly sensitive
to public opinion.

As for what you are thinking--

many things, it seems...

They're all in there.

You told them
to expect something.

You'll find
a bigger-than-normal crowd

for an event
about after-school programs.

All right.
The first lady
is set to host an event

on childcare this morning.

However, we have just been tol-

that the president
is going to make...
Mom, get in here.

...a surprise appearance.

Thank you.

Thank you.
Good morning.

Welcome to the White House.

I'm especially glad
to see in the audience

so many people who care so much

about education and childcare.

Now, I am very pleased
to introduce a surprise guest,

the greatest champion
of working parents

and working families that the
United States has ever known,

my husband,
President Bill Clinton.

Thank you very much.


let me thank all of you
who are here.

Many of us have been working
together now for...

20 years

on a lot of these issues,

and this is
a very happy day for us.

I thank the first lady
for all she has done

on this issue
for as long as I've known her.

Every child

needs someplace to go
after school.

What's going on?
Is he about to resign?

We are determined
to help Americans succeed

in the workplace, to raise...
What is he up to?

..well-educated, healthy k-kid.

and to help Americans succeed
in the toughest job of all,

that of being a parent.

And the Mott Foundation has gone
a long way toward helping us.

I thank them.


I have to go back to work
on my...

State of the Union speech.

And, uh, I worked on it
till pretty late last night.

But I want to say one thing
to the American people.

I want you to listen to me.

I'm gonna say this again.

I did not have sexual relations
with that woman,

Ms. Lewinsky.

I never told anybody to lie.

Not a single time.


These allegations are false.

And I need to go back to work
for the American people.

Thank you.

Oh, my God.


Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH