Alphas (2011–2012): Season 1, Episode 1 - Pilot - full transcript
Ominous messages steer a man to a building's rooftop, where he executes an improbable shooting in the opener of the series following a team of people with extraordinary abilities who investigate crimes linked to others like them.
This is Cameron.
I'm looking for ice cream.
Uh, ice cream, end of the aisle.
It's time to kill.
Excuse me?
Hey, you free on
Saturday, Hicks?
You want to take
a shift for Hector?
Yeah, sure.
Time to kill, Hicks?
Pull the trigger.
Time to...
It's time.
Pull the trigger.
It's time to kill.
Pull the trigger.
Pull the trigger.
Time to kill, Hicks.
It's time to kill.
Pull the trigger.
It's time to kill.
Pull the trigger.
He's inside.
Well hello, Don.
Just come right in, please.
You eating grass again?
It's Asian pennywort.
It increases the blood flow
and oxygen to the brain.
It's quite an
eye-opener. Want a bite?
I don't eat shrubs. For you.
Well, this seems...
No kidding. People
are asking questions
to which answers are scarce.
Well, I understand,
but my group...
Has deniability, Rosen.
It doesn't technically
exist so you do this for me
and don't bust my balls.
So refreshingly candid, Don.
What the hell are you wearing?
I try to swim two
miles each day.
Look, this is important.
Lives are at stake.
that's not exactly coffee.
It's a kind of Ayurvedic
roasted barley grain.
You're welcome to it, but...
By the way, Lee,
get a new doorbell.
Sign right here, ma'am.
You're lucky I didn't take
you in for reckless driving.
I really appreciate it.
Can you do me a favor
and take your glasses off?
Take this ticket and eat it.
There you go.
The carbon too.
Are you single or...
Have a nice day, Officer.
I spoke to Donna.
Have you seen my keys?
Uh, check the front cupboard.
She and Jerry want us to
come to the shore this weekend.
Yeah, they're not over there.
They say they've been
trying to get in touch with you.
I know.
Uh, they're not here.
It's just going to
be more awkward
after the hearing when
you're back on the job.
I know. Please, can
you focus with me?
Help me find my keys.
Bill. Bill, stop. Just stop.
Eye contact.
Deep breath.
Have you checked
your other jacket?
I've checked my jacket.
Your other jacket.
What do you know?
This is why I married you.
You okay?
I love you.
I feel sorry for you, woman.
Hey, hey.
Thank you.
Love you. You too.
Say hi to Dr. Rosen.
You got a problem?
Rachel, where's your mother?
She'll be down in a second.
Hey, Sam, can you
hem this for me?
Just an inch. Please.
Any shorter, it's a miniskirt.
It still covers my
knees, Papa. Don't start.
And don't wait up, okay?
I'm going to be working
late again, okay?
Again? Again.
What else is new?
Don't worry.
Be careful.
She's 24.
Breaking her mother's heart.
Looking for a husband.
Not that she'd get
one with her condition.
You almost ready, Gary?
You want your cereal?
You'll like this one.
Mmm. Mmm. Omega three.
Two fluid ounces.
Gary, stop watching the TV.
Or whatever.
Poof. Disappear.
They're almost here.
Hey. Good morning.
Hey, Gary. Hey.
Cool jacket.
It's new. Yeah.
Touch it.
This is good for him, Sandra.
You know, it's
human interaction.
It's normal
activities. It's all good.
Okay. Now you're just
trying to make me feel better.
Oh, well, you should feel
better. You deserve to.
Well, at least I can
get to the salon now.
He really hates that place.
I can drive. No, he can't.
He can't drive.
Yeah, I think your hair
looks lovely just the way it is.
Thank you.
Have a good day.
Bye. Bye.
Thanks, Gary.
You should have made
this coffee stronger.
Uh, you could make
it yourself next time.
I'm putting my lunch
in the refrigerator.
Hey, Gary. Okay.
Good morning. My mother
doesn't want me to eat fast food
so I have to eat
what she makes me.
Got it.
That's why my name is on it.
Don't eat what's inside my bag.
So, what you're saying is I
can eat your sandwich, right?
No, don't! That's
why my name is on it.
No, I changed my
name to Gary too.
It's a lie. What? I'm
joking. It's a joke.
Conference room,
two minutes, you guys.
You're not funny.
You don't get it.
You don't get it.
I don't get it? Nobody
laughs. It's not funny.
Good morning, Nina. Bill.
Morning, sir.
My apologies for starting
the morning so abruptly
but we have an urgent matter.
Rachel, over here please.
Um, what we're going
to see is security footage
from a camera in
interrogation room three
at Police Headquarters
in Manhattan. Ready?
Uh, yes.
This information you acquired,
the encryptions were
considered unbreakable.
Maybe it just came to me like...
Like the notes of a song.
Now watch this. This is
where it gets interesting.
Uh, Mr. Keeler, tell us more...
Oh, I'm sorry. One moment.
Must be this input.
It's not the laptop.
If I fix it, I can get
to drive the car.
Uh, well, we'll see.
Dr. Rosen, how about you
just explain it to us then?
Of course.
NYPD brought in a suspect
involved in blackmail,
extortion and certain activities
that caught the attention
of our generous
patron Don Wilson.
It just comes to me
like the notes of a song.
That's funny.
Mr. Keeler, could you, uh,
tell us more about the
method you're describing?
I've already told you enough.
The prisoner was
killed instantly.
I don't see a gun.
Oh, you fixed it. Wonderful. Uh.
It was the VGA display port.
Ah. Thank you, Gary.
Right, so Wilson was in the
room, right? What's his take?
Uh, he's stumped.
The room was sealed,
single door and no windows
and no gun was found.
So maybe someone
manipulated the footage.
All tampering was ruled out.
This is...
This is a classic
locked room mystery.
Hate those.
So we need real eyes
on the scene, right?
So, I ideally a CSI...
Real eyes?
Forensics team from Quantico.
Real eyes means real
eyes looking real closely.
So we're on our own again?
Uh, I appreciate
your patience, Bill.
I'm on it.
I fixed the TV, Dr. Rosen.
I fixed the TV, I'm the driver.
Absolutely not.
Does anybody have
any change for the meter?
Change? Yeah.
Yeah, I don't carry change.
Don't you have a credit card?
Yeah. Yeah, they
take credit cards. Okay.
Hey guys, take some change.
I'm going to see
what's going on.
Nina? Yeah?
Can you get inside the room?
Stupid question.
I don't even think I'd
know how to walk in those.
I've got a closet full of
these. I'll hook you up.
Are you serious? Hook me up.
You want some stilettos,
Gary? Yeah. Hook me up.
Do you mind if we
take a quick peek?
Who are you with exactly?
We can't... We can't tell you,
but we can do things that
we're not supposed to talk about.
That's why we can solve this.
It's okay, Gary. Also why
you need to stop bugging us.
Gary, that's enough.
You have to let us do
what we need to do.
That's enough.
It shouldn't be a problem.
Excuse me?
The problem is all
the water you drank.
You have to go so badly,
it must be hard for
you to stand there.
You really have to go.
I really got to go.
Take your time.
You did it to her, didn't you?
Dr. Rosen says that we're
not supposed to use our skills...
Gary. Chill. Unless
it's an emergency.
We got five minutes. Tops.
I'm just telling you
what Dr. Rosen said.
Gary. Please, just
look for clues.
Hey, what do you got?
She can't hear you.
She's doing a visual.
Right. So I got
details on the slug.
She can't hear you. You
don't need to whisper.
It's a .30 caliber.
That's from a rifle.
Well, how did someone
sneak a rifle in a room like this?
It's a good question.
Does anybody know
where this vent goes?
Well, this is very dramatic.
Can't wait to hear what
you've got to tell me.
Uh, the shooter
was here, Dr. Rosen
facing east towards
police headquarters.
Come here. I'll show you. Here.
Gary. Over here.
The shooter, he
lined up his shot
aiming at a vent on the
western face of the building.
That's exactly what I said.
She can read The New York
Times from ten blocks away.
Let her roll.
He fired a single bullet.
The bullet entered the
building at a 30 degree angle.
It traveled through an air shaft
and then collided with an interior
vent at the interrogation room.
And ricocheted
right into the victim.
Sorry, you forgot the part about
the bird that farted
in New Jersey.
I thought that that was funny.
That's funny, a bird fart.
Thank you, Gary. Someone
has a sense of humor.
Well, I like it,
but is there any evidence to
corroborate this elegant hypothesis?
What about this for evidence?
Hey, whatever that
is, leave it alone.
I'll be damned.
It's a .30 caliber.
Good work.
The clinical term for it is
It's a rare condition, like
someone who has perfect pitch.
balance, perfect aim.
And perfect synchrony
between thought and action.
Like a Peyton
Manning with a gun?
Hyperkenetics often show
an impressive but
sporadic aptitude for sports.
And not just riflery or hunting.
Table tennis? Figure skating?
Bowling, archery, ping pong...
Oh, ping pong is table tennis.
Rachel, um, did you get a
peak at the bullet casing?
Um, I...
There wasn't a print,
but I'm going to
take a closer look.
Football, British,
golf, miniature golf.
Does he ever stop?
Hey, you shut up.
Gary, what did we talk about?
He started it.
And then how do we end it?
I stop.
So, um,
basically we're
looking for an athlete.
And relatedly, someone
who might have a predilection
to over-stimulus,
Join the club.
Possible addiction.
Even a criminal record.
So, we've got an
athlete, drug addict,
sniper which means some
sort of military training.
Starting to look like a real
criminal profile, which would mean
this is almost like a
professional investigation.
Whatever, Bill.
I'm going to go see what I
can find out. Whatever, Bill.
Whatever, Bill.
Okay. Okay. I'll be back.
I have a bad attitude.
♪ Small Jean Genie
snuck off to the city
♪ Strung out on lasers
and slash back blazers
♪ And ate all your razors
while pulling the waiters
♪ Talking about Monroe
and walking on Snow White
♪ New York's a go-go
and everything tastes nice
♪ Poor little greenie
♪ The Jean Genie
lives on his back
♪ The Jean Genie
loves chimney stacks
♪ He's outrageous he
screams and he bawls
♪ The Jean Genie let yourself go
♪ Oh...
♪ Sits like a man but
he smiles like a reptile
♪ He says he's a beautician
and sells you nutrition... ♪
Make this quick.
Look at these.
Japanese import,
"Children of the Revolution."
Hard to believe Marc Bolan
started his career in a skiffle band.
What do you want?
I want to know what
you've gotten us into.
You know what you need to know.
I'm afraid I don't.
And I'm not going to
move forward until I do.
You jump when...
So hostile.
You weren't
breast-fed, were you?
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
whatever you say.
You think I'd put these people in
danger on your word alone, Don?
Think again.
So, some answers please.
Red Flag.
Chew on that.
The Alpha group? The extremists?
You call them extremists, I
call them criminals, terrorists.
Yeah, but I thought
we shut them down.
We did, but they're back.
And now they're expanding
from networking Alphas
into human trafficking, drugs.
And murder. You saw the tape.
Red Flag put a bullet
in our only witness.
Now you know what I know.
Can I...
Scout's honor?
On my mother's grave.
How long has he
been back on active?
Persky? A couple weeks, I think.
Well, he looks fine to me.
Two surgeries, I heard.
Do you mind?
Do I mind what?
Well, technically I'm not supposed
to share it out of department.
This is a joint op.
I still do have my
badge, all right?
Not if it was up to Persky.
Yeah, well, forget him.
How many of these
damn things did you pull?
You wanted vets with
PTSD and a list of priors.
That's not a short list.
What do you do, Bill?
On one week you come in,
you ask for a file on a
100-year-old Russian chess master
and now it's military snipers
with a history of going nuts.
What is it?
I'm rehearsing for Jeopardy.
Any luck with those files?
Oh, yeah, thank you.
Don't forget who hooked you up.
Oh, this looks delicious.
This is really good.
Thank you.
Rachel, where are
we? Anything yet?
Um, well,
we didn't actually get a
fingerprint off the bullet casing,
but I did manage to pull
some biological residue.
Traces of citrus rind,
nicotine, pharmaceuticals,
and, um...
Is there something
bothering you, Rachel?
It's nothing. It's
nothing really.
No? Oh.
Indulge me.
It's Bill.
He's... He's messy and
he's rude and he just...
He takes things
without asking and...
Yes, I... I, no, I understand.
Bill has some boundary issues.
Some? Well, we're
working on them.
You know, the best
thing for him is...
And for you, is to confront him
and tell him how you feel
or what you need.
No. Um, I just...
I can't. I'm sorry.
Yes, you can. No.
You did just now with me.
That wasn't so
difficult, was it?
Yes, it was... It
was... It was...
Oh, good. So you'll tell him.
Now you were saying.
Residue, citrus
rind and nicotine?
Oh, yes, and an enzyme
found only in Caucasians of
northern European ancestry.
So, our assassin is what?
A jittery orange
eater from Norway?
Uh, anyway, that
winnowed our search down
from 10,000 to less
than 300 suspects,
which I then cross-referenced
with Harken's list from the FBI
and that left us with
40 potential shooters.
Gary's checking their
names for a match.
That's... That's great work.
Thank you.
It's going to make our
job a whole lot easier.
You guys need to see this.
Whoo! That's two strikes.
Run! Run!
Yeah, that's him. That's
Hicks. Number seven.
We sure we got the right guy?
Is that him?
Cameron Hicks.
He's the highest rated marksman
in the history of the Corps.
Never fired a shot in combat,
but his testing
is off the chart.
Something is wrong here.
A deadly assassin
working in a grocery store?
A hot deadly assassin,
but why would he?
You're an absolute mess,
woman. Have you no shame?
What? I like the
blue collar look.
I know you do. And
the bad boy thing.
I'm sure.
You're just grumpy. No, I'm not.
Yeah, you're grumpy.
You should mellow.
You're hung over.
You always drink.
I had one beer.
And... And two tequila shots.
- You like alcohol.
Which is like
breakfast for me. Okay.
You drink beer for breakfast?
I like cereal.
I have a special mixture.
Hey, Hicks.
What are you doing here?
You walked out in
the middle of last shift.
You never came
back. You never called.
Uh, no, I, uh...
Look, I just, um, I
stepped out for a minute.
You on drugs, my man? No.
I'm sorry. Company policy.
Oh, come on, look,
you don't have to do this.
I have no choice.
Here he comes.
There, there he is.
He's walking south. Okay, Gary.
His... His apartment is
five blocks south from here.
His apartment?
Rachel's at his apartment. Yes.
I told her in and out.
She needed a little longer.
Guys, in the field, when I
give you orders, you take them.
They are my orders.
Rachel, out now.
Rachel, copy? Get out.
Rachel, out of there now.
Rachel. Rachel?
See, she's not listening.
What about her cell phone?
Rachel. She's not listening.
There he is.
Keep trying her. I'm going in.
I'm on it.
you guys, I found something.
Get out of there. What?
Rachel, he's coming!
Get out of there! Hey!
What the hell are you doing?
FBI. Hold it!
On the ground now!
Okay! Okay! Now!
Yeah, come on.
What the hell did
you do to my car?
Careful, Gary! Okay?
You've been going
for five minutes.
That's okay. I can get him.
You're spiking, okay?
Rachel, what do you hear?
He's running... He's
running past a cafe
and there's a street
musician in front
and, um, there's
a street musician.
Okay, Gary, help us out.
Just left the park, heading
into an alley three blocks north.
Okay. I'm on it.
No. No, no, you need to
stay. You need to stay put.
Cameron, just stop.
Who are you?
Just wait. I'm not
going to hurt you.
Why are you chasing me?
Why are you running?
I don't know.
It's okay. Just calm down.
There you go.
You must be tired.
Exhausted, right? Yeah.
Little weak?
Just go to sleep.
Everything will be all right.
Just go to sleep.
Just relax, Mr. Hicks.
Ooh, Dr. Rosen, what is this?
A lesion.
That's not more than a week old.
Prepare 50 CC's. Okay.
He shouldn't be here,
Nina. That is my point.
Something's off. Of
course something's off.
I whip out my cuffs,
the perp ends up in FBI or
police custody. It's that simple.
Bill, I mean he had no idea
why we were following him.
He's guilty. Okay?
He reminds me of
the people I push.
He seemed confused,
Yeah, it's called being
a crack head, okay?
We're not talking...
It's not as simple as...
Crystal meth maybe
where you're from?
I don't know. Bill... Bill!
I don't know. Drug
addicts? Excuse me, guys.
Excuse me. Excuse
me. Nina, confused.
What do you mean?
I don't think he knew
what he was doing.
You don't think he
knew what he was doing?
Controlling the will of
another mind is not a new trick.
Hypnotists, charismatics,
religious leaders,
all of them manipulate the
neural structure of the brain
to get their desired results.
Not to mention our
very own Nina, here.
Now, it normally
starts in the frontal lobe.
Nina's pushing, for example,
causes a micro-seizure
in this region.
It's a temporary effect,
which fades in minutes.
Not on me. It
doesn't work on me.
You're right, Gary,
because the success
of Nina's pushing
is dependent on the
plasticity of the subject brain
so it's not always effective.
Right. What does
this have to do with...
What does it have to
do with the shooter?
This is the shooter's brain.
And here we have a
mass of abnormal size.
My guess is that the
induction in this case
is long-lasting and
far more substantial.
All right, so,
what the hell does this mean?
That's a very
good question, Bill.
Another donut shop.
Since they've
opened, I've had to add
another 20 laps to my swim.
You know half these
places are just a front.
We need to talk
about the shooter.
One on every corner. More donuts
than could possibly be consumed.
You know 40% of
all small businesses
are owned by foreign nationals?
You know that's simply not true.
It could be. You don't know.
Tell me about the shooter.
He was brainwashed.
Why would you say
something like that?
Because it's true.
I ran an MRI. He has
an abnormal growth.
This isn't good.
Don, my team is at risk.
You ever heard
of the Ghost files?
No, don't answer. Of course not.
What Ghost files?
I never asked you that.
No, I'm asking you.
What? What?
Why do I feel I'm in a
Beckett play when I talk to you?
I don't know who that is, okay?
Murders, patsy,
innocent man on the street, a
perpetrator we know next to nothing about,
but people end up dead.
A man we sent in to
infiltrate Red Flag last year
died when a taxi swerved
into him, killing them both.
Another one of our informants?
Gutted by his cleaning lady,
who then slit her own throat.
The only evidence
linking these two killings?
A bump in the brain.
Not good is a bit of
an understatement.
Well, I'm sure
you can handle it.
You're always telling me
how special your people are.
You could have told
me about this before.
"I swear on my mother's grave."
She's cremated.
Go get the Ghost before
he gets someone else.
You're late, four minutes.
I got held up.
I couldn't get a positive
ID on any of them.
Checked federal records,
other sources, even DMV,
there's nothing there.
They've been scrubbed.
This'll do.
I have one more
thing to pass on.
Our superiors are worried and
they want to accelerate the schedule.
I told them I work
on my own schedule.
I planned this out
with extreme precision.
Your arrival today has
thrown everything off.
It was just four minutes.
I'll tell you what, it
won't happen again.
No, it won't.
This time,
you will follow my
instructions exactly.
Follow the light please.
And back.
Thank you.
Who are you?
I am a doctor.
My name is Lee Rosen.
Can you tell me what day it is?
I'm not telling you anything.
Look, this obviously isn't a hospital
so who exactly are you people?
What's this?
You can trust me, Mr. Hicks.
I'm trying to help you.
I'm giving you an
injection of topiramate.
It interrupts the messages
from your basal ganglia,
countering any effects
of forced induction.
But I am more interested
in your blackouts.
You left work in the
middle of the day?
How do you know about that?
What was the last
thing you remember?
Please, Mr. Hicks,
this is very important.
What was the last thing you
remember before you blacked out?
My phone rang and then,
oh, there was a sound
like a tone or something.
And then?
And then...
And then I don't know.
I guess it was the next day.
And anything else?
Say, for example, aphasia?
Excuse me?
Difficulty reading,
hearing wrong words.
How could you
possibly know that?
Mr. Hicks, please,
in your own words,
tell me what you experienced?
I, uh...
I couldn't, I couldn't understand
what anyone was saying.
And all the words, even
the ones on the billboards,
they just kept saying the
same thing over and over again.
Look, what's wrong with me?
Nothing. Nothing?
If nothing's wrong with me,
then why am I locked up?
You killed a man, Mr. Hicks.
Kill yourself.
Hey, what are you doing?
Hey, you don't
drink that stuff, man!
No, no, no, stop, stop!
That stuff's going to kill you!
What are you doing?
You can't drink
that stuff! Stop!
So you're saying I
was brainwashed?
The aphasia is incidental.
It's a mere side effect
of the location of the lesion.
Look, assuming I
actually believe you,
why would someone do this to me?
Because you are an Alpha.
I'm a what?
You have a
neurological difference
that confers some
exceptional advantage.
But you're not alone.
Everyone on this unit is
just like you, Cameron.
They are all Alphas.
No, I'm... I'm not an Alpha.
Disregard the term
for the time being.
Surely you've wondered where
your incredible gifts come from.
Is it normal to pitch two
perfect games in a row?
And not throw another strike
until they boot my ass
down to double-A ball?
No, it's not normal, Doc,
but it sure as hell isn't a gift.
Your hyperkinesis, it's
a delicate instrument,
and when it falls out
of tune, it crashes.
All Alpha skills come
with a downside, Cameron.
I'm sorry, okay, this
whole thing is just...
Yeah, it's hard to
believe. Yeah, a little bit.
Now, would you do me a
favor and buy me a soda?
But do it...
Do it from here.
Come on.
Look, I'm a good shot,
but that's impossible.
Well, try.
Look, this is stupid.
Our minds are capable of
so much more than you think.
You focus on the moments
when your remarkable
skill fails you.
But the potential
is there. Clearly.
What do you want from me?
I know you didn't send your
team out to hunt me down just to,
uh, give me this
little therapy session.
You have barely scratched the
surface of what you are capable of.
Okay, so if this Ghost is actually
involved. How do you track him?
Well, all his former
proxies are dead.
Mr. Hicks would not be alive
if his work were complete.
If this Ghost was not
planning on using him again.
So, I answer the
phone then what?
Oh, you just go out there
and kill someone else.
Bill. Sounds like a
really good plan to me.
To answer your
question, Mr. Hicks,
Gary is our transducer
which means that he can read
a wide range of frequencies,
including television, Wi-Fi
and cell phone transmission.
Except for Nokia. It's
a different protocol.
So, when the call comes in,
Gary will trace the
signal back to its source.
By scanning local
antennae towers,
I can create a splash grid.
- I'm the cold Charlie.
- What?
It's a way of
flushing out snipers.
You put your helmet
on the end of your rifle,
stick it out there,
sniper takes a shot,
you clock his
position, you nail him.
Helmet on the end of the rifle.
That's the cold Charlie.
And that's me, right?
Catches on quick.
I don't see that we
have much choice.
You are aware, Mr. Hicks,
that if the Ghost is still out
there, you are very much at risk.
Gary, you got a
lock on his cell?
Yes, I do.
I'm not going to
argue this point.
It's a process issue, Lee, okay?
We're moving into a
whole new line of work here.
You can't hire amateurs
for this type of deal.
I... I understand
your frustration, Bill.
But they can't carry
firearms. The equipment is...
Needs improvement, yes.
I'm actually jotting
this down as we speak.
It's... You know it's
very constructive.
Yes, I... I... I hear your
concerns and I will address them.
You know what? You're
using that shrink voice again.
What voice is that?
If you keep doing that, I'm
going to hang up on you.
Are you anxious
about this operation
or is it something else?
Water okay?
Sorry, it's the
strongest thing I got.
Cute kid.
Is that the ex?
Yeah. That's Patti.
Back when she used
to put up with my crap.
Comes with the territory.
Yeah, Rosen gave me that speech.
Of course, the whole
downside speech.
Spent more than five minutes
with him, so why wouldn't he?
So, uh, what's yours?
What's my what?
What? No, uh, no
downside for you?
Well, I don't count
toothpicks or cut myself
if that's what
you're getting at.
Yeah, no, but...
I live rent-free in a
penthouse in Soho.
I do what I want,
take what I need,
don't answer to anyone.
Except Rosen.
Yeah, I work for Rosen.
Yeah, so you answer
to him. It's a job.
All right. Just, uh, just
punching a clock, huh?
Look, if there's something
you want to know,
you just ask.
I'm just saying, most people,
if they could do what you do...
Would what?
But not you.
You work with Rosen,
you're here helping me out.
Maybe I'm just a
really nice person.
I don't know. Are you?
What do I do?
Answer it.
Okay, so, what do I do?
Give him the Topiramate.
You sure this'll work?
Yes, conceivably, one could also
stimulate a primal
emotional response
to overwhelm the programing...
Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa,
just back up. What?
Just give him the shot.
Okay, you're fine.
Uh, Gary, any
luck with the signal?
I got it.
I'll get in the back.
How are we doing?
Gary's tracking it. We're close.
It's there. This
is it. It's here.
It's this.
Coming from the sixth floor.
You're sure? Yes.
Okay. We've got a
midtown hotel location.
I'm going to put the
team in place and move in.
Copy that? I'll be right there.
Nina, with me. Yeah.
Rachel, I need you stay here
and make sure the
car does not get towed.
Gary, I need you to
keep feeding me intel.
I need to know if
he moves an inch.
Yes, yes, intel. How can I help?
You... You can help by
not killing anyone today.
The guy brainwashed me.
You take these off...
Harken, I can help.
You can take these
off when it's over.
Rachel. Let's go, Nina.
I'm going up to six.
Let me know when
you get a room number.
Can you hear me?
Yes, signal isn't moving.
I need a list of your current
guests on the sixth floor.
Uh, I don't know what that is
and I'm going to
need a search warrant.
Here's my search
warrant right here.
This is a search warrant.
Yeah, let me get that
information for you.
I need a room number, Nina.
Yeah, I'm working on it, Bill.
Single guest that's been
here for longer than a week.
Okay, I'm trying. Just
give me one second.
I got a bellhop here.
I'm almost there, Bill.
Just keep your panties on.
Nina, I need the number.
Okay, room 613.
Room 613.
Room 613.
That's the room the
bellman just went in.
I'm going in.
Look, Rachel, look, he's
going to need some help.
You've got to let me out.
Please. I can't.
Get down!
I lost him.
West stairwell.
Rachel, come on!
He's getting away!
All right.
Get your guys to
block all these exits.
Don't let anyone through.
Excuse me. What?
Tell your guys to
block all these exits.
Come on! Get
these exits blocked!
Here. I need this too. Okay.
I'm on it!
Come on! Come on! Come on!
I got him.
Get up.
Nice and easy. Nice and easy.
Get down! Get down! Get down!
I got him!
No! NINA: Stop!
Oh, my God,
he just jumped.
All right, copy that.
What happened?
Where am I? It's over. You okay?
I don't know. It doesn't
make sense to me.
I mean why would he jump?
You okay?
Just bad memories.
Oh, look, look, here's
the angle of the shot.
Just as you said.
Every single moment was planned.
Well, I've had several patients
who have exhibited this kind of
obsessive compulsive behavior.
I would like to
take this with us.
Gray suits.
Gray suit, dark coat.
Look at this.
It's strange that someone with
such a compulsive methodology
would deviate from it.
Using Hicks a second time.
Whoever he was after must
have been extremely important.
You okay?
I'm gonna be fine. Thanks.
You did good.
I made a mess of this thing.
Should have kept
it more contained.
Yeah, I guess in
that case you blew it.
We're heading
back to the office.
Rosen wants me to
stay and spin the story
so you guys go ahead.
Leaving the part about the
Alphas and the brainwashing out?
Good luck with that.
Tell me about it.
You did a good job, Hicks.
Nina, I need both of you
in the... In the van, okay?
I was just trying to make
sure no one got hurt.
No, I... I understand.
Thank you.
I have no idea.
You're asking me
but I don't know, okay?
What are you looking at?
It would have been
nice to get some scans.
You think so?
It also would be nice if I didn't
have every department in the city
asking for
explanations I can't give.
Why are you upset, Don?
Home team won
this one, didn't it?
I can have two conflicting
emotions at the same time, Rosen.
I'm complicated that way.
And don't think I forgot
about your shooter.
I know how your mind works.
You do?
I'm coming for him.
Um, we should talk about that.
We just did.
Don, he... He was...
He was a big help to us
and I think I can help him.
I don't care. Go.
Something still
does not make sense.
The Ghost chose proxies
who were consistently average.
Housekeeper, taxicab
driver, man on the street,
but this time, he
chooses an Alpha.
Hicks is the only one
who makes that shot.
Yes, and that's just it.
This plan is so complex
and was executed perfectly.
It was bound to
draw some attention.
Well, maybe he got sloppy.
There's no...
No, that is very unlikely.
So, what happens to Hicks?
Wilson sends him
to the compound?
Oh, I don't think so.
He's not a prisoner.
And Wilson sees the distinction?
Well, there are rules, Nina.
And Bill is right. We
simply can't keep him here.
Well, he helped us.
Uh, the man shot
a federal witness.
The situation is a
bit more complicated.
Was it complicated with me?
Nina, that was a long
time ago before any of this.
You can't compare the two.
I think I just did.
Who's Tyler?
What's a southpaw?
He's my kid. He's a pitcher.
Gary, don't read my texts.
You still here?
Yeah. Rosen said
he wanted to talk, so.
Maybe you should
come back tomorrow.
I mean, he could be a while.
You think?
I'm taking Gary
home. I'll drop you off.
No, Dr. Rosen is driving me.
It's a change of
plans. We should go.
Yeah, sure.
Nice ride.
Thanks. I borrowed it.
No. No.
Gary, you okay?
No, no, no. It's...
It's back again.
Gary, what's back?
It's back again.
The signal. This
yellow and blue.
The signal. The signal.
Hang on. You see
something? The signal.
Gary, calm down.
It's the cell phone.
The cell phone.
Wait, what? The Ghost?
Yes. Are you sure?
Yes. Yes, he's here.
Gary... Gary, look at me.
Gary, what direction?
It's there. He's over
there. Okay. Okay.
Okay. Hey, take care
of him and warn Rosen.
Gary, get in the car
and lock the door, okay?
I need the keys.
No, just get in the
car. I'm serious.
Ten and 2:00.
Hello, Don. I know what
you're going to say, but...
Rosen, stop. That's
not what I called about.
We've got a big problem.
We've got the wrong body.
The guy who jumped off
the roof wasn't the Ghost.
He's the damn bellhop.
Are you sure?
I'm looking at him right now,
which raises the question,
who was the guy in the
room and where is he now?
We had it all wrong.
The whole case was a
setup from the very beginning.
Why else the miracle shot?
Why choose an Alpha?
We were supposed to find it.
Hicks was the cold Charlie.
We thought we were using
Hicks to draw out the Ghost
but Red Flag was
using him all along.
To identify their real target.
What real target?
Come on, Don.
Who's done more to disrupt
Red Flag's operations?
Who's the biggest
thorn in their side?
Okay, we don't have the
Ghost, now the Ghost's after us.
How about your man in
the room? Did he see him?
Rosen, what about Harken?
Can he help us out?
I'm afraid it's too
late for that, Don!
Be still.
Hey, let her go!
Not a step closer,
Mr. Hicks or she dies!
Bill, try and hear me.
Bill, I am your friend.
I am your friend, Bill.
I know what you're thinking.
You're thinking you can make
that shot without hitting her.
But I know you.
No, you don't know me.
I've researched you extensively,
without my hand to
guide you, you're helpless.
Every time the pressure's
on, you fall apart.
I am your friend, Bill.
Bill, kill me, please.
Kill us all.
Look at me.
Listen to me.
Don't do it.
Don't kill him.
It's not working, Nina.
He's... He's too far gone.
Bill, Bill, please.
You know who I am.
I am your friend. Bill, please.
The only way you make
that shot is if I tell you to.
You let me go, I let her go.
It's as easy as...
Are you okay? Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
You're on the wrong
side of this, Hicks.
You're on the
wrong side of this.
There are still a few
traces of anomalous activity
in the pre-frontal cortex
but it's substantially
The lesion seems
to be dissolving.
And you, how are you?
I'm going to be okay. Good.
The side effects shouldn't
last more than a few days.
But you have experienced
significant trauma
and in the coming weeks,
you may find emotions
welling up inside you.
Feelings of, uh...
Of sadness, and
of course fatigue.
I'll keep that in mind, Oprah.
My door is always open, Bill.
Thanks, Dr. Rosen.
How are you?
I heard you snuck one on me.
Glad to see you're
back to normal.
Want a ride, Rach?
He has your arm.
Yeah. Not quite.
Maybe with practice.
It's hard being apart
from them, isn't it?
Yeah, but I get it.
I drive her nuts.
Well, it's not entirely
your fault, is it?
Patti has no idea
what you go through.
Something you
want to tell me, Doc?
There is so much that
I can do to help you.
There's much that
you could do to help us.
Yeah, I know.
And look, I appreciate it.
Really, I do, Dr. Rosen.
I know you got my back.
I'm not asking you...
No, I know what you're asking.
Believe me. I get it.
But I worked for the
government before.
It didn't really turn
out... Cameron.
The thing is I just, uh...
I've kind of always been
better off on my own, you know?
Of course. I
completely understand.
But, you did murder
a federal prisoner.
But I...
I couldn't control that.
I mean you... You of
all people know that.
I know that and you know that,
but there are other parties that
might not be so understanding.
No, the best place
for you now is with us.
Where I can protect you.
Come by tomorrow.
We'll get you situated.
You're back on the
mound, Mr. Hicks.
I'm looking for ice cream.
Uh, ice cream, end of the aisle.
It's time to kill.
Excuse me?
Hey, you free on
Saturday, Hicks?
You want to take
a shift for Hector?
Yeah, sure.
Time to kill, Hicks?
Pull the trigger.
Time to...
It's time.
Pull the trigger.
It's time to kill.
Pull the trigger.
Pull the trigger.
Time to kill, Hicks.
It's time to kill.
Pull the trigger.
It's time to kill.
Pull the trigger.
He's inside.
Well hello, Don.
Just come right in, please.
You eating grass again?
It's Asian pennywort.
It increases the blood flow
and oxygen to the brain.
It's quite an
eye-opener. Want a bite?
I don't eat shrubs. For you.
Well, this seems...
No kidding. People
are asking questions
to which answers are scarce.
Well, I understand,
but my group...
Has deniability, Rosen.
It doesn't technically
exist so you do this for me
and don't bust my balls.
So refreshingly candid, Don.
What the hell are you wearing?
I try to swim two
miles each day.
Look, this is important.
Lives are at stake.
that's not exactly coffee.
It's a kind of Ayurvedic
roasted barley grain.
You're welcome to it, but...
By the way, Lee,
get a new doorbell.
Sign right here, ma'am.
You're lucky I didn't take
you in for reckless driving.
I really appreciate it.
Can you do me a favor
and take your glasses off?
Take this ticket and eat it.
There you go.
The carbon too.
Are you single or...
Have a nice day, Officer.
I spoke to Donna.
Have you seen my keys?
Uh, check the front cupboard.
She and Jerry want us to
come to the shore this weekend.
Yeah, they're not over there.
They say they've been
trying to get in touch with you.
I know.
Uh, they're not here.
It's just going to
be more awkward
after the hearing when
you're back on the job.
I know. Please, can
you focus with me?
Help me find my keys.
Bill. Bill, stop. Just stop.
Eye contact.
Deep breath.
Have you checked
your other jacket?
I've checked my jacket.
Your other jacket.
What do you know?
This is why I married you.
You okay?
I love you.
I feel sorry for you, woman.
Hey, hey.
Thank you.
Love you. You too.
Say hi to Dr. Rosen.
You got a problem?
Rachel, where's your mother?
She'll be down in a second.
Hey, Sam, can you
hem this for me?
Just an inch. Please.
Any shorter, it's a miniskirt.
It still covers my
knees, Papa. Don't start.
And don't wait up, okay?
I'm going to be working
late again, okay?
Again? Again.
What else is new?
Don't worry.
Be careful.
She's 24.
Breaking her mother's heart.
Looking for a husband.
Not that she'd get
one with her condition.
You almost ready, Gary?
You want your cereal?
You'll like this one.
Mmm. Mmm. Omega three.
Two fluid ounces.
Gary, stop watching the TV.
Or whatever.
Poof. Disappear.
They're almost here.
Hey. Good morning.
Hey, Gary. Hey.
Cool jacket.
It's new. Yeah.
Touch it.
This is good for him, Sandra.
You know, it's
human interaction.
It's normal
activities. It's all good.
Okay. Now you're just
trying to make me feel better.
Oh, well, you should feel
better. You deserve to.
Well, at least I can
get to the salon now.
He really hates that place.
I can drive. No, he can't.
He can't drive.
Yeah, I think your hair
looks lovely just the way it is.
Thank you.
Have a good day.
Bye. Bye.
Thanks, Gary.
You should have made
this coffee stronger.
Uh, you could make
it yourself next time.
I'm putting my lunch
in the refrigerator.
Hey, Gary. Okay.
Good morning. My mother
doesn't want me to eat fast food
so I have to eat
what she makes me.
Got it.
That's why my name is on it.
Don't eat what's inside my bag.
So, what you're saying is I
can eat your sandwich, right?
No, don't! That's
why my name is on it.
No, I changed my
name to Gary too.
It's a lie. What? I'm
joking. It's a joke.
Conference room,
two minutes, you guys.
You're not funny.
You don't get it.
You don't get it.
I don't get it? Nobody
laughs. It's not funny.
Good morning, Nina. Bill.
Morning, sir.
My apologies for starting
the morning so abruptly
but we have an urgent matter.
Rachel, over here please.
Um, what we're going
to see is security footage
from a camera in
interrogation room three
at Police Headquarters
in Manhattan. Ready?
Uh, yes.
This information you acquired,
the encryptions were
considered unbreakable.
Maybe it just came to me like...
Like the notes of a song.
Now watch this. This is
where it gets interesting.
Uh, Mr. Keeler, tell us more...
Oh, I'm sorry. One moment.
Must be this input.
It's not the laptop.
If I fix it, I can get
to drive the car.
Uh, well, we'll see.
Dr. Rosen, how about you
just explain it to us then?
Of course.
NYPD brought in a suspect
involved in blackmail,
extortion and certain activities
that caught the attention
of our generous
patron Don Wilson.
It just comes to me
like the notes of a song.
That's funny.
Mr. Keeler, could you, uh,
tell us more about the
method you're describing?
I've already told you enough.
The prisoner was
killed instantly.
I don't see a gun.
Oh, you fixed it. Wonderful. Uh.
It was the VGA display port.
Ah. Thank you, Gary.
Right, so Wilson was in the
room, right? What's his take?
Uh, he's stumped.
The room was sealed,
single door and no windows
and no gun was found.
So maybe someone
manipulated the footage.
All tampering was ruled out.
This is...
This is a classic
locked room mystery.
Hate those.
So we need real eyes
on the scene, right?
So, I ideally a CSI...
Real eyes?
Forensics team from Quantico.
Real eyes means real
eyes looking real closely.
So we're on our own again?
Uh, I appreciate
your patience, Bill.
I'm on it.
I fixed the TV, Dr. Rosen.
I fixed the TV, I'm the driver.
Absolutely not.
Does anybody have
any change for the meter?
Change? Yeah.
Yeah, I don't carry change.
Don't you have a credit card?
Yeah. Yeah, they
take credit cards. Okay.
Hey guys, take some change.
I'm going to see
what's going on.
Nina? Yeah?
Can you get inside the room?
Stupid question.
I don't even think I'd
know how to walk in those.
I've got a closet full of
these. I'll hook you up.
Are you serious? Hook me up.
You want some stilettos,
Gary? Yeah. Hook me up.
Do you mind if we
take a quick peek?
Who are you with exactly?
We can't... We can't tell you,
but we can do things that
we're not supposed to talk about.
That's why we can solve this.
It's okay, Gary. Also why
you need to stop bugging us.
Gary, that's enough.
You have to let us do
what we need to do.
That's enough.
It shouldn't be a problem.
Excuse me?
The problem is all
the water you drank.
You have to go so badly,
it must be hard for
you to stand there.
You really have to go.
I really got to go.
Take your time.
You did it to her, didn't you?
Dr. Rosen says that we're
not supposed to use our skills...
Gary. Chill. Unless
it's an emergency.
We got five minutes. Tops.
I'm just telling you
what Dr. Rosen said.
Gary. Please, just
look for clues.
Hey, what do you got?
She can't hear you.
She's doing a visual.
Right. So I got
details on the slug.
She can't hear you. You
don't need to whisper.
It's a .30 caliber.
That's from a rifle.
Well, how did someone
sneak a rifle in a room like this?
It's a good question.
Does anybody know
where this vent goes?
Well, this is very dramatic.
Can't wait to hear what
you've got to tell me.
Uh, the shooter
was here, Dr. Rosen
facing east towards
police headquarters.
Come here. I'll show you. Here.
Gary. Over here.
The shooter, he
lined up his shot
aiming at a vent on the
western face of the building.
That's exactly what I said.
She can read The New York
Times from ten blocks away.
Let her roll.
He fired a single bullet.
The bullet entered the
building at a 30 degree angle.
It traveled through an air shaft
and then collided with an interior
vent at the interrogation room.
And ricocheted
right into the victim.
Sorry, you forgot the part about
the bird that farted
in New Jersey.
I thought that that was funny.
That's funny, a bird fart.
Thank you, Gary. Someone
has a sense of humor.
Well, I like it,
but is there any evidence to
corroborate this elegant hypothesis?
What about this for evidence?
Hey, whatever that
is, leave it alone.
I'll be damned.
It's a .30 caliber.
Good work.
The clinical term for it is
It's a rare condition, like
someone who has perfect pitch.
balance, perfect aim.
And perfect synchrony
between thought and action.
Like a Peyton
Manning with a gun?
Hyperkenetics often show
an impressive but
sporadic aptitude for sports.
And not just riflery or hunting.
Table tennis? Figure skating?
Bowling, archery, ping pong...
Oh, ping pong is table tennis.
Rachel, um, did you get a
peak at the bullet casing?
Um, I...
There wasn't a print,
but I'm going to
take a closer look.
Football, British,
golf, miniature golf.
Does he ever stop?
Hey, you shut up.
Gary, what did we talk about?
He started it.
And then how do we end it?
I stop.
So, um,
basically we're
looking for an athlete.
And relatedly, someone
who might have a predilection
to over-stimulus,
Join the club.
Possible addiction.
Even a criminal record.
So, we've got an
athlete, drug addict,
sniper which means some
sort of military training.
Starting to look like a real
criminal profile, which would mean
this is almost like a
professional investigation.
Whatever, Bill.
I'm going to go see what I
can find out. Whatever, Bill.
Whatever, Bill.
Okay. Okay. I'll be back.
I have a bad attitude.
♪ Small Jean Genie
snuck off to the city
♪ Strung out on lasers
and slash back blazers
♪ And ate all your razors
while pulling the waiters
♪ Talking about Monroe
and walking on Snow White
♪ New York's a go-go
and everything tastes nice
♪ Poor little greenie
♪ The Jean Genie
lives on his back
♪ The Jean Genie
loves chimney stacks
♪ He's outrageous he
screams and he bawls
♪ The Jean Genie let yourself go
♪ Oh...
♪ Sits like a man but
he smiles like a reptile
♪ He says he's a beautician
and sells you nutrition... ♪
Make this quick.
Look at these.
Japanese import,
"Children of the Revolution."
Hard to believe Marc Bolan
started his career in a skiffle band.
What do you want?
I want to know what
you've gotten us into.
You know what you need to know.
I'm afraid I don't.
And I'm not going to
move forward until I do.
You jump when...
So hostile.
You weren't
breast-fed, were you?
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
whatever you say.
You think I'd put these people in
danger on your word alone, Don?
Think again.
So, some answers please.
Red Flag.
Chew on that.
The Alpha group? The extremists?
You call them extremists, I
call them criminals, terrorists.
Yeah, but I thought
we shut them down.
We did, but they're back.
And now they're expanding
from networking Alphas
into human trafficking, drugs.
And murder. You saw the tape.
Red Flag put a bullet
in our only witness.
Now you know what I know.
Can I...
Scout's honor?
On my mother's grave.
How long has he
been back on active?
Persky? A couple weeks, I think.
Well, he looks fine to me.
Two surgeries, I heard.
Do you mind?
Do I mind what?
Well, technically I'm not supposed
to share it out of department.
This is a joint op.
I still do have my
badge, all right?
Not if it was up to Persky.
Yeah, well, forget him.
How many of these
damn things did you pull?
You wanted vets with
PTSD and a list of priors.
That's not a short list.
What do you do, Bill?
On one week you come in,
you ask for a file on a
100-year-old Russian chess master
and now it's military snipers
with a history of going nuts.
What is it?
I'm rehearsing for Jeopardy.
Any luck with those files?
Oh, yeah, thank you.
Don't forget who hooked you up.
Oh, this looks delicious.
This is really good.
Thank you.
Rachel, where are
we? Anything yet?
Um, well,
we didn't actually get a
fingerprint off the bullet casing,
but I did manage to pull
some biological residue.
Traces of citrus rind,
nicotine, pharmaceuticals,
and, um...
Is there something
bothering you, Rachel?
It's nothing. It's
nothing really.
No? Oh.
Indulge me.
It's Bill.
He's... He's messy and
he's rude and he just...
He takes things
without asking and...
Yes, I... I, no, I understand.
Bill has some boundary issues.
Some? Well, we're
working on them.
You know, the best
thing for him is...
And for you, is to confront him
and tell him how you feel
or what you need.
No. Um, I just...
I can't. I'm sorry.
Yes, you can. No.
You did just now with me.
That wasn't so
difficult, was it?
Yes, it was... It
was... It was...
Oh, good. So you'll tell him.
Now you were saying.
Residue, citrus
rind and nicotine?
Oh, yes, and an enzyme
found only in Caucasians of
northern European ancestry.
So, our assassin is what?
A jittery orange
eater from Norway?
Uh, anyway, that
winnowed our search down
from 10,000 to less
than 300 suspects,
which I then cross-referenced
with Harken's list from the FBI
and that left us with
40 potential shooters.
Gary's checking their
names for a match.
That's... That's great work.
Thank you.
It's going to make our
job a whole lot easier.
You guys need to see this.
Whoo! That's two strikes.
Run! Run!
Yeah, that's him. That's
Hicks. Number seven.
We sure we got the right guy?
Is that him?
Cameron Hicks.
He's the highest rated marksman
in the history of the Corps.
Never fired a shot in combat,
but his testing
is off the chart.
Something is wrong here.
A deadly assassin
working in a grocery store?
A hot deadly assassin,
but why would he?
You're an absolute mess,
woman. Have you no shame?
What? I like the
blue collar look.
I know you do. And
the bad boy thing.
I'm sure.
You're just grumpy. No, I'm not.
Yeah, you're grumpy.
You should mellow.
You're hung over.
You always drink.
I had one beer.
And... And two tequila shots.
- You like alcohol.
Which is like
breakfast for me. Okay.
You drink beer for breakfast?
I like cereal.
I have a special mixture.
Hey, Hicks.
What are you doing here?
You walked out in
the middle of last shift.
You never came
back. You never called.
Uh, no, I, uh...
Look, I just, um, I
stepped out for a minute.
You on drugs, my man? No.
I'm sorry. Company policy.
Oh, come on, look,
you don't have to do this.
I have no choice.
Here he comes.
There, there he is.
He's walking south. Okay, Gary.
His... His apartment is
five blocks south from here.
His apartment?
Rachel's at his apartment. Yes.
I told her in and out.
She needed a little longer.
Guys, in the field, when I
give you orders, you take them.
They are my orders.
Rachel, out now.
Rachel, copy? Get out.
Rachel, out of there now.
Rachel. Rachel?
See, she's not listening.
What about her cell phone?
Rachel. She's not listening.
There he is.
Keep trying her. I'm going in.
I'm on it.
you guys, I found something.
Get out of there. What?
Rachel, he's coming!
Get out of there! Hey!
What the hell are you doing?
FBI. Hold it!
On the ground now!
Okay! Okay! Now!
Yeah, come on.
What the hell did
you do to my car?
Careful, Gary! Okay?
You've been going
for five minutes.
That's okay. I can get him.
You're spiking, okay?
Rachel, what do you hear?
He's running... He's
running past a cafe
and there's a street
musician in front
and, um, there's
a street musician.
Okay, Gary, help us out.
Just left the park, heading
into an alley three blocks north.
Okay. I'm on it.
No. No, no, you need to
stay. You need to stay put.
Cameron, just stop.
Who are you?
Just wait. I'm not
going to hurt you.
Why are you chasing me?
Why are you running?
I don't know.
It's okay. Just calm down.
There you go.
You must be tired.
Exhausted, right? Yeah.
Little weak?
Just go to sleep.
Everything will be all right.
Just go to sleep.
Just relax, Mr. Hicks.
Ooh, Dr. Rosen, what is this?
A lesion.
That's not more than a week old.
Prepare 50 CC's. Okay.
He shouldn't be here,
Nina. That is my point.
Something's off. Of
course something's off.
I whip out my cuffs,
the perp ends up in FBI or
police custody. It's that simple.
Bill, I mean he had no idea
why we were following him.
He's guilty. Okay?
He reminds me of
the people I push.
He seemed confused,
Yeah, it's called being
a crack head, okay?
We're not talking...
It's not as simple as...
Crystal meth maybe
where you're from?
I don't know. Bill... Bill!
I don't know. Drug
addicts? Excuse me, guys.
Excuse me. Excuse
me. Nina, confused.
What do you mean?
I don't think he knew
what he was doing.
You don't think he
knew what he was doing?
Controlling the will of
another mind is not a new trick.
Hypnotists, charismatics,
religious leaders,
all of them manipulate the
neural structure of the brain
to get their desired results.
Not to mention our
very own Nina, here.
Now, it normally
starts in the frontal lobe.
Nina's pushing, for example,
causes a micro-seizure
in this region.
It's a temporary effect,
which fades in minutes.
Not on me. It
doesn't work on me.
You're right, Gary,
because the success
of Nina's pushing
is dependent on the
plasticity of the subject brain
so it's not always effective.
Right. What does
this have to do with...
What does it have to
do with the shooter?
This is the shooter's brain.
And here we have a
mass of abnormal size.
My guess is that the
induction in this case
is long-lasting and
far more substantial.
All right, so,
what the hell does this mean?
That's a very
good question, Bill.
Another donut shop.
Since they've
opened, I've had to add
another 20 laps to my swim.
You know half these
places are just a front.
We need to talk
about the shooter.
One on every corner. More donuts
than could possibly be consumed.
You know 40% of
all small businesses
are owned by foreign nationals?
You know that's simply not true.
It could be. You don't know.
Tell me about the shooter.
He was brainwashed.
Why would you say
something like that?
Because it's true.
I ran an MRI. He has
an abnormal growth.
This isn't good.
Don, my team is at risk.
You ever heard
of the Ghost files?
No, don't answer. Of course not.
What Ghost files?
I never asked you that.
No, I'm asking you.
What? What?
Why do I feel I'm in a
Beckett play when I talk to you?
I don't know who that is, okay?
Murders, patsy,
innocent man on the street, a
perpetrator we know next to nothing about,
but people end up dead.
A man we sent in to
infiltrate Red Flag last year
died when a taxi swerved
into him, killing them both.
Another one of our informants?
Gutted by his cleaning lady,
who then slit her own throat.
The only evidence
linking these two killings?
A bump in the brain.
Not good is a bit of
an understatement.
Well, I'm sure
you can handle it.
You're always telling me
how special your people are.
You could have told
me about this before.
"I swear on my mother's grave."
She's cremated.
Go get the Ghost before
he gets someone else.
You're late, four minutes.
I got held up.
I couldn't get a positive
ID on any of them.
Checked federal records,
other sources, even DMV,
there's nothing there.
They've been scrubbed.
This'll do.
I have one more
thing to pass on.
Our superiors are worried and
they want to accelerate the schedule.
I told them I work
on my own schedule.
I planned this out
with extreme precision.
Your arrival today has
thrown everything off.
It was just four minutes.
I'll tell you what, it
won't happen again.
No, it won't.
This time,
you will follow my
instructions exactly.
Follow the light please.
And back.
Thank you.
Who are you?
I am a doctor.
My name is Lee Rosen.
Can you tell me what day it is?
I'm not telling you anything.
Look, this obviously isn't a hospital
so who exactly are you people?
What's this?
You can trust me, Mr. Hicks.
I'm trying to help you.
I'm giving you an
injection of topiramate.
It interrupts the messages
from your basal ganglia,
countering any effects
of forced induction.
But I am more interested
in your blackouts.
You left work in the
middle of the day?
How do you know about that?
What was the last
thing you remember?
Please, Mr. Hicks,
this is very important.
What was the last thing you
remember before you blacked out?
My phone rang and then,
oh, there was a sound
like a tone or something.
And then?
And then...
And then I don't know.
I guess it was the next day.
And anything else?
Say, for example, aphasia?
Excuse me?
Difficulty reading,
hearing wrong words.
How could you
possibly know that?
Mr. Hicks, please,
in your own words,
tell me what you experienced?
I, uh...
I couldn't, I couldn't understand
what anyone was saying.
And all the words, even
the ones on the billboards,
they just kept saying the
same thing over and over again.
Look, what's wrong with me?
Nothing. Nothing?
If nothing's wrong with me,
then why am I locked up?
You killed a man, Mr. Hicks.
Kill yourself.
Hey, what are you doing?
Hey, you don't
drink that stuff, man!
No, no, no, stop, stop!
That stuff's going to kill you!
What are you doing?
You can't drink
that stuff! Stop!
So you're saying I
was brainwashed?
The aphasia is incidental.
It's a mere side effect
of the location of the lesion.
Look, assuming I
actually believe you,
why would someone do this to me?
Because you are an Alpha.
I'm a what?
You have a
neurological difference
that confers some
exceptional advantage.
But you're not alone.
Everyone on this unit is
just like you, Cameron.
They are all Alphas.
No, I'm... I'm not an Alpha.
Disregard the term
for the time being.
Surely you've wondered where
your incredible gifts come from.
Is it normal to pitch two
perfect games in a row?
And not throw another strike
until they boot my ass
down to double-A ball?
No, it's not normal, Doc,
but it sure as hell isn't a gift.
Your hyperkinesis, it's
a delicate instrument,
and when it falls out
of tune, it crashes.
All Alpha skills come
with a downside, Cameron.
I'm sorry, okay, this
whole thing is just...
Yeah, it's hard to
believe. Yeah, a little bit.
Now, would you do me a
favor and buy me a soda?
But do it...
Do it from here.
Come on.
Look, I'm a good shot,
but that's impossible.
Well, try.
Look, this is stupid.
Our minds are capable of
so much more than you think.
You focus on the moments
when your remarkable
skill fails you.
But the potential
is there. Clearly.
What do you want from me?
I know you didn't send your
team out to hunt me down just to,
uh, give me this
little therapy session.
You have barely scratched the
surface of what you are capable of.
Okay, so if this Ghost is actually
involved. How do you track him?
Well, all his former
proxies are dead.
Mr. Hicks would not be alive
if his work were complete.
If this Ghost was not
planning on using him again.
So, I answer the
phone then what?
Oh, you just go out there
and kill someone else.
Bill. Sounds like a
really good plan to me.
To answer your
question, Mr. Hicks,
Gary is our transducer
which means that he can read
a wide range of frequencies,
including television, Wi-Fi
and cell phone transmission.
Except for Nokia. It's
a different protocol.
So, when the call comes in,
Gary will trace the
signal back to its source.
By scanning local
antennae towers,
I can create a splash grid.
- I'm the cold Charlie.
- What?
It's a way of
flushing out snipers.
You put your helmet
on the end of your rifle,
stick it out there,
sniper takes a shot,
you clock his
position, you nail him.
Helmet on the end of the rifle.
That's the cold Charlie.
And that's me, right?
Catches on quick.
I don't see that we
have much choice.
You are aware, Mr. Hicks,
that if the Ghost is still out
there, you are very much at risk.
Gary, you got a
lock on his cell?
Yes, I do.
I'm not going to
argue this point.
It's a process issue, Lee, okay?
We're moving into a
whole new line of work here.
You can't hire amateurs
for this type of deal.
I... I understand
your frustration, Bill.
But they can't carry
firearms. The equipment is...
Needs improvement, yes.
I'm actually jotting
this down as we speak.
It's... You know it's
very constructive.
Yes, I... I... I hear your
concerns and I will address them.
You know what? You're
using that shrink voice again.
What voice is that?
If you keep doing that, I'm
going to hang up on you.
Are you anxious
about this operation
or is it something else?
Water okay?
Sorry, it's the
strongest thing I got.
Cute kid.
Is that the ex?
Yeah. That's Patti.
Back when she used
to put up with my crap.
Comes with the territory.
Yeah, Rosen gave me that speech.
Of course, the whole
downside speech.
Spent more than five minutes
with him, so why wouldn't he?
So, uh, what's yours?
What's my what?
What? No, uh, no
downside for you?
Well, I don't count
toothpicks or cut myself
if that's what
you're getting at.
Yeah, no, but...
I live rent-free in a
penthouse in Soho.
I do what I want,
take what I need,
don't answer to anyone.
Except Rosen.
Yeah, I work for Rosen.
Yeah, so you answer
to him. It's a job.
All right. Just, uh, just
punching a clock, huh?
Look, if there's something
you want to know,
you just ask.
I'm just saying, most people,
if they could do what you do...
Would what?
But not you.
You work with Rosen,
you're here helping me out.
Maybe I'm just a
really nice person.
I don't know. Are you?
What do I do?
Answer it.
Okay, so, what do I do?
Give him the Topiramate.
You sure this'll work?
Yes, conceivably, one could also
stimulate a primal
emotional response
to overwhelm the programing...
Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa,
just back up. What?
Just give him the shot.
Okay, you're fine.
Uh, Gary, any
luck with the signal?
I got it.
I'll get in the back.
How are we doing?
Gary's tracking it. We're close.
It's there. This
is it. It's here.
It's this.
Coming from the sixth floor.
You're sure? Yes.
Okay. We've got a
midtown hotel location.
I'm going to put the
team in place and move in.
Copy that? I'll be right there.
Nina, with me. Yeah.
Rachel, I need you stay here
and make sure the
car does not get towed.
Gary, I need you to
keep feeding me intel.
I need to know if
he moves an inch.
Yes, yes, intel. How can I help?
You... You can help by
not killing anyone today.
The guy brainwashed me.
You take these off...
Harken, I can help.
You can take these
off when it's over.
Rachel. Let's go, Nina.
I'm going up to six.
Let me know when
you get a room number.
Can you hear me?
Yes, signal isn't moving.
I need a list of your current
guests on the sixth floor.
Uh, I don't know what that is
and I'm going to
need a search warrant.
Here's my search
warrant right here.
This is a search warrant.
Yeah, let me get that
information for you.
I need a room number, Nina.
Yeah, I'm working on it, Bill.
Single guest that's been
here for longer than a week.
Okay, I'm trying. Just
give me one second.
I got a bellhop here.
I'm almost there, Bill.
Just keep your panties on.
Nina, I need the number.
Okay, room 613.
Room 613.
Room 613.
That's the room the
bellman just went in.
I'm going in.
Look, Rachel, look, he's
going to need some help.
You've got to let me out.
Please. I can't.
Get down!
I lost him.
West stairwell.
Rachel, come on!
He's getting away!
All right.
Get your guys to
block all these exits.
Don't let anyone through.
Excuse me. What?
Tell your guys to
block all these exits.
Come on! Get
these exits blocked!
Here. I need this too. Okay.
I'm on it!
Come on! Come on! Come on!
I got him.
Get up.
Nice and easy. Nice and easy.
Get down! Get down! Get down!
I got him!
No! NINA: Stop!
Oh, my God,
he just jumped.
All right, copy that.
What happened?
Where am I? It's over. You okay?
I don't know. It doesn't
make sense to me.
I mean why would he jump?
You okay?
Just bad memories.
Oh, look, look, here's
the angle of the shot.
Just as you said.
Every single moment was planned.
Well, I've had several patients
who have exhibited this kind of
obsessive compulsive behavior.
I would like to
take this with us.
Gray suits.
Gray suit, dark coat.
Look at this.
It's strange that someone with
such a compulsive methodology
would deviate from it.
Using Hicks a second time.
Whoever he was after must
have been extremely important.
You okay?
I'm gonna be fine. Thanks.
You did good.
I made a mess of this thing.
Should have kept
it more contained.
Yeah, I guess in
that case you blew it.
We're heading
back to the office.
Rosen wants me to
stay and spin the story
so you guys go ahead.
Leaving the part about the
Alphas and the brainwashing out?
Good luck with that.
Tell me about it.
You did a good job, Hicks.
Nina, I need both of you
in the... In the van, okay?
I was just trying to make
sure no one got hurt.
No, I... I understand.
Thank you.
I have no idea.
You're asking me
but I don't know, okay?
What are you looking at?
It would have been
nice to get some scans.
You think so?
It also would be nice if I didn't
have every department in the city
asking for
explanations I can't give.
Why are you upset, Don?
Home team won
this one, didn't it?
I can have two conflicting
emotions at the same time, Rosen.
I'm complicated that way.
And don't think I forgot
about your shooter.
I know how your mind works.
You do?
I'm coming for him.
Um, we should talk about that.
We just did.
Don, he... He was...
He was a big help to us
and I think I can help him.
I don't care. Go.
Something still
does not make sense.
The Ghost chose proxies
who were consistently average.
Housekeeper, taxicab
driver, man on the street,
but this time, he
chooses an Alpha.
Hicks is the only one
who makes that shot.
Yes, and that's just it.
This plan is so complex
and was executed perfectly.
It was bound to
draw some attention.
Well, maybe he got sloppy.
There's no...
No, that is very unlikely.
So, what happens to Hicks?
Wilson sends him
to the compound?
Oh, I don't think so.
He's not a prisoner.
And Wilson sees the distinction?
Well, there are rules, Nina.
And Bill is right. We
simply can't keep him here.
Well, he helped us.
Uh, the man shot
a federal witness.
The situation is a
bit more complicated.
Was it complicated with me?
Nina, that was a long
time ago before any of this.
You can't compare the two.
I think I just did.
Who's Tyler?
What's a southpaw?
He's my kid. He's a pitcher.
Gary, don't read my texts.
You still here?
Yeah. Rosen said
he wanted to talk, so.
Maybe you should
come back tomorrow.
I mean, he could be a while.
You think?
I'm taking Gary
home. I'll drop you off.
No, Dr. Rosen is driving me.
It's a change of
plans. We should go.
Yeah, sure.
Nice ride.
Thanks. I borrowed it.
No. No.
Gary, you okay?
No, no, no. It's...
It's back again.
Gary, what's back?
It's back again.
The signal. This
yellow and blue.
The signal. The signal.
Hang on. You see
something? The signal.
Gary, calm down.
It's the cell phone.
The cell phone.
Wait, what? The Ghost?
Yes. Are you sure?
Yes. Yes, he's here.
Gary... Gary, look at me.
Gary, what direction?
It's there. He's over
there. Okay. Okay.
Okay. Hey, take care
of him and warn Rosen.
Gary, get in the car
and lock the door, okay?
I need the keys.
No, just get in the
car. I'm serious.
Ten and 2:00.
Hello, Don. I know what
you're going to say, but...
Rosen, stop. That's
not what I called about.
We've got a big problem.
We've got the wrong body.
The guy who jumped off
the roof wasn't the Ghost.
He's the damn bellhop.
Are you sure?
I'm looking at him right now,
which raises the question,
who was the guy in the
room and where is he now?
We had it all wrong.
The whole case was a
setup from the very beginning.
Why else the miracle shot?
Why choose an Alpha?
We were supposed to find it.
Hicks was the cold Charlie.
We thought we were using
Hicks to draw out the Ghost
but Red Flag was
using him all along.
To identify their real target.
What real target?
Come on, Don.
Who's done more to disrupt
Red Flag's operations?
Who's the biggest
thorn in their side?
Okay, we don't have the
Ghost, now the Ghost's after us.
How about your man in
the room? Did he see him?
Rosen, what about Harken?
Can he help us out?
I'm afraid it's too
late for that, Don!
Be still.
Hey, let her go!
Not a step closer,
Mr. Hicks or she dies!
Bill, try and hear me.
Bill, I am your friend.
I am your friend, Bill.
I know what you're thinking.
You're thinking you can make
that shot without hitting her.
But I know you.
No, you don't know me.
I've researched you extensively,
without my hand to
guide you, you're helpless.
Every time the pressure's
on, you fall apart.
I am your friend, Bill.
Bill, kill me, please.
Kill us all.
Look at me.
Listen to me.
Don't do it.
Don't kill him.
It's not working, Nina.
He's... He's too far gone.
Bill, Bill, please.
You know who I am.
I am your friend. Bill, please.
The only way you make
that shot is if I tell you to.
You let me go, I let her go.
It's as easy as...
Are you okay? Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
You're on the wrong
side of this, Hicks.
You're on the
wrong side of this.
There are still a few
traces of anomalous activity
in the pre-frontal cortex
but it's substantially
The lesion seems
to be dissolving.
And you, how are you?
I'm going to be okay. Good.
The side effects shouldn't
last more than a few days.
But you have experienced
significant trauma
and in the coming weeks,
you may find emotions
welling up inside you.
Feelings of, uh...
Of sadness, and
of course fatigue.
I'll keep that in mind, Oprah.
My door is always open, Bill.
Thanks, Dr. Rosen.
How are you?
I heard you snuck one on me.
Glad to see you're
back to normal.
Want a ride, Rach?
He has your arm.
Yeah. Not quite.
Maybe with practice.
It's hard being apart
from them, isn't it?
Yeah, but I get it.
I drive her nuts.
Well, it's not entirely
your fault, is it?
Patti has no idea
what you go through.
Something you
want to tell me, Doc?
There is so much that
I can do to help you.
There's much that
you could do to help us.
Yeah, I know.
And look, I appreciate it.
Really, I do, Dr. Rosen.
I know you got my back.
I'm not asking you...
No, I know what you're asking.
Believe me. I get it.
But I worked for the
government before.
It didn't really turn
out... Cameron.
The thing is I just, uh...
I've kind of always been
better off on my own, you know?
Of course. I
completely understand.
But, you did murder
a federal prisoner.
But I...
I couldn't control that.
I mean you... You of
all people know that.
I know that and you know that,
but there are other parties that
might not be so understanding.
No, the best place
for you now is with us.
Where I can protect you.
Come by tomorrow.
We'll get you situated.
You're back on the
mound, Mr. Hicks.