Alone (2015–…): Season 9, Episode 5 - The Land Giveth... - full transcript

Holy crap, there he is.
Total redemption.

Oh, yeah.
Dude, he's huge.

First Beaver
with the bow in Labrador,

and I'm not gonna need
another one for a little while.

It's very overwhelming
for me, but the land told me

how to build the shelter.

I'm so happy.

First whisky jack.

Really didn't want
to shoot him.

They're beautiful birds,
but we need food.

The river levels
are starting to drop.

My shoreline gets
shallower and shallower,

and I'm noticing that
the fish are starting to move

further and further off.

Just lost my fly.

That's a big track.


Every day we live,
other things must die.

I got one over here.

It is really hard
to break up families.

This is Igor.

I'm just at a point where I'm
really worried about my health,

and I'm tapping out.

♪ ♪

I can't wait to have
this place try and break me.

For the first time on "Alone,"

ten participants fight
to survive

in the hunting ground

of the world's
largest land predator...

Oh, my God.
Where'd he go?

Those are bear.

- I heard a big animal.
- Hey, bear.

Oh, no.

Sometimes you eat the bear.

Sometimes the bear eats you.

merciless conditions...

This is some
hardcore bushwhacking.

Why does it have to be
such a struggle every night?

I hit it.
I hit it.

I hit it.

I feel more alive
every day I'm out here.

Here comes the rain again.

Labrador, You're not gonna
make it easy for us, are you?

In complete isolation.

The most dangerous thing
out here is myself.

Look at that.

The cold ground is just

pulling all the warmth
from me.

- How many days can this go on?
- Very, very hungry.

I feel like
I'm hitting a wall.

Last one standing wins.

Only gonna get harder
the longer you stay out here.


I did go back to see
if anything

had eaten
where I throw all my scraps,

which is, like,
the beaver guts,

and I put the trail cam up,

and sure enough,
a black bear came,

and it looks like
a decent boar,

but right now there's no point
in shooting a bear

until it's cold enough
to freeze.

It's too frickin' warm,

and I'm not
frickin' spending a month

smoking the meat,
which you can't even eat

because it
still has trichinosis.

I still really feel
like a bear

is gonna be a necessity for me
to make this long haul.

I do realize though, now,
that handling a bear

before the freeze comes in
is far past my capabilities

and my resources,

and being able
to preserve that meat

and respect that animal.

So yeah,
we might have two more weeks

before we could really think
about sticking a bear.

Top of the morning.

Basically having thoughts
about changing up the shelter.

I like the location.

Just the livability
for me is not ideal.

I'm gonna be wrecked
when it gets to zero degrees.

I'm gonna be burning
a ton of firewood

and cutting firewood isn't fun

with an axe all day long.

It is if you're eating pancakes
and eggs and omelets,

and I'm all for it.

On smoked beaver meat,
no, that's not a good idea,

so we really want to use
the shelter to conserve energy,

and that means keep
a better ambient temperature.

So I'm thinking a wickiup.
That's my go-to shelter.

A wickiup
is a circular structure

much resembling a teepee.


It gives you
a lot of flexibility,

and its shape,
it's really good in the wind.

It's very easy
to set up structurally,

and I want something
that I'm comfortable in.

Good head space in here.

I've got room to stand up,
move around.

I'm gonna stretch this
around a little bit.

That's actually
working really well.

I'ma be okay like this
for a little bit.

This is an awesome,
awesome shelter.

I can hear a grouse
over there.

So I'm going to try
and get closer

and see if I can get it.

It's a very small target
right now.

It's behind one of
the main poles of my shelter.

Well, got the wood real good.

If it'd been 3 inches higher,

I'd be having grouse
for dinner.

That's where
my broad head stuck in.

And boy, it's in there.

I'm hungry.

It'd be nice to get some food
besides squirrel.

I had a pretty good impact,
I think,

on this poor little
squirrel community.

There we go.

There's no point in dwelling
in what's already happened.

Just keep moving forward.

Hodgepodge is coming together,

but it's taking me longer
than I thought it would.

All right,
this is the rest of them.

Go ahead and take you up
a little bit further.

There's so many
different styles

of shelter out there,

but it's kind of hard
to place it.

If somebody has
a official name for it,

great, but all I can
think to call it

is hodgepodge lodge.

Oh, it'll be so nice
when I have a place to sit.

It's a very Western culture
thing to say,

"I've got a goal.

It's gonna be done
in this amount of time."

I believe in divine timing,

especially when my body
is struggling.


I work with the universe

instead of trying
to force things.

Yeah, it might cost me
more calories in the long run,

but this is more
my spiritual path, I guess.

It will be nice
to get the hodgepodge done.

All right, that's...

That's pretty darn good.

Now all I need is a grouse.

Cruised down to...

About 500 yards from camp.

Perfect shot.

I mean, right through the eye.

Didn't stand a chance,
and that's...

That's an instant kill
right there.

I feel great.
I mean, it's early days.

We're still in round one
of a 12-round fight,

but it feels good to know
that I'm not striking out

with hunting and fishing.

Thank you, little guy.

I know it sounds cliché,
and I've been saying it a lot,

but every day does feel
like a gift out here.

Another one right there.

Got him.
Got him.

That one went right
through the back of the head.


I hear a third one squeaking.

Must be a little family of 'em.

I'm gonna save off
on these ones,

come back for them
when I need them.

But I've got dinner,
two squirrels.

It's a good start to the day.

I kind of feel like
I'm in a little shop

with this window open.

Hold on a second.

Morning, ma'am,
what can I do for you?

Oh, bear meat?
No, no.

None of that, I'm afraid.

Oh, trout?

Yeah, maybe tomorrow.

We have...

Crispy squirrel...

Grouse leftovers,

and our new special, berries.

No takers?

What a shame.

Come check back on that bear.

I think this strategy
of just drinking water straight

is bang on,
because boiling water,

that's a difficult task.

That's very time-consuming
and energy-consuming too,

because you have
to always be looking

for firewood
and all this stuff.

I'm Mexican, so I have
a pretty hard stomach,

and I've been drinking
water straight for ten years.

My approach has risks.

I might, like, be in trouble
if I get some pathogens,

but I'm saving energy,
saving resources,

saving time.

I haven't had much food
in this last week.

I just found, like,
a few raspberries.

The prospects of grouse
and hare are not very good.

There's absolutely no...


I don't think hunting
small animals around here

is a viable
long-term strategy.

It's looking like my options
are fishing...

And fishing.

So I've decided
I'm gonna build a dock.

So I'm gonna make,
first, a few tripods

and then put some logs on top
of them and go from there.

I just want to be able
to cast from the main channel,

and if I'm in a dock,
I'll have more space.

I can get water

from a deeper part
of the river,

which is probably cleaner.

There's a seal in the water.

Hey, seal.

You should bring me some fish.

Bring me some fish.

See how this works.

Not too bad.
Good job.

It's a small victory for sure.

Now I can cast way better
with my rod.

I'm hungry.

It's a brisk morning,

and the sun feels so good.

I'm just gonna warm up my tea.

We could have a lot of snow
in the next couple of weeks,

so I'm gonna be super stoked
to have a solid shelter done.

I really, really just want to
keep working on this shelter...

'Cause it's so fun.

I got a lot of work to do here,

but I definitely need
to procure some food.


Oh, my God.

See why I'm having trouble
finding a place to hunt?


It's a nice area.

I just heard a squirrel.

Where are you, little squirrel?

I hear you,
but I don't see you.

Turn around.

I got him.



I have
the perfect opportunity,

and I mess it up.

He either made an escape
and is hiding

or I can't get to him.

I just don't want
to lose much more weight.

Every animal counts as one,

two, or three days'
worth of food,

so every animal
that I'm not getting

is another day
that I'm not going to be here.

I need to eat.

Where were we?

Making traps.

This wishbone dead fall...

can be tricky

to get all the components
sized correctly.

So you have to make sure
that your faces

oppose each other.

See how that fits.

Pretty darn good.

Be nice to get
a belly full of food

because we got
a lot of calories burned

from doing the shelter.

So this is home.

The start of it's
just gonna be

clearing this area
and seeing how far

I can dig into this hill.

Oh, that feels pretty hard.

It's gonna take
a couple of days.

It's doable though.

This thing's gonna seem
like a castle

compared to what
I've been living in.

Tell you what though,
my arms are getting tired.

I drove stakes in the ground

to give it some sort
of structure.

It's a bit of an amalgamation.

I'm completely winging it.

I'm making stuff up as I go.

It's going to be
a combination of a log cabin,

a mine shaft,

and a little bit
of a giant basket.

Boy, are my legs tired.

Lets' go make a chimney.

There's enough clay
in that creek

and rock there,
if you had time,

you could build
your whole house this way.

It's important to have
some comforts out here...

And this will be the basis
on which I build my stove on.

And a hearth is comfort
no matter where you are.

I am liking it.

I think we need
to get the tarp.

And we will be dry tonight.

Oof, that'll wear you out.

I am hungry.

I got to get some sustenance.

I can feel it in my muscles.

So far, I haven't had
any luck with my trap line.

And unfortunately, we're going
way up there to check snares.

And guys, we have to.
It's not that I want to,

but when you run a trap line,
there's a responsibility

to check your snares daily.

It's inhumane not to,

so we're making the haul.

There's one untriggered.

Going all the way
up to the top.

Here's our second one,

and it's untriggered.

Then our spring snare...

Has been triggered.

, look at that!
Look at that!

We got a rabbit.
Yes, sir!

Y'all, look!

Oh, my God, what a day!

I'm so ecstatic right now.

Whoo, just calm down, boy.

Where can I even
set this thing.

I didn't bring a tripod.
Hold on.

Hold on a second.

First two snares I checked
were untriggered,

and then, boom,

in the third one,
we got a rabbit.

Yeah, that's gonna work.

This is why you got
to check 'em.

I just said,
coming up the hill,

you got to be diligent
and check 'em.

This thing was not barely
off the ground.

Something could have come along
and taken this food from me.

Not today.

Well, I got
a lot of work to do.

I have to gut this thing.

I'm just over the moon.

One rabbit...
One rabbit down.

It's probably still fine.
It was somewhat cool today.

It would have been nice
to have him gutted earlier...

But it's okay.

I hope
that the meat isn't bad.

You definitely can't eat it
if it's rotten,

but if it's turned
a little bit,

in a survival situation,
you can actually eat it.

You just have to cook it
a lot longer.

It's so awesome

to unlock another food source,

you know,
especially with one drying up.

I mean, I know the fishing will
probably come back on

in spits and starts,
but I don't think it'll ever be

as good as it was
when I first got here.

Here comes rain.

I almost got him
completely unzipped.

Pulling his pajamas off him,
like they say where I'm from.

What I'm seeing in these feet
is there's not much meat,

but there's a ton of tendon,

and once that cooks down
for a couple hours,

it turns to, like, gelatin.

It's good for you.

I'll add some other things
in there,

some greens and some roots

here about halfway through

so they don't boil in there
the whole time

and get super bitter.

It's gonna be a good stew.

So where am I...

Mentally, physically...
At this stage of the game?

There are parts of it
that are way easier

than I thought, parts of it

that are way harder
than I thought,

but there's just
so much life out here.

I've never felt alone
in nature.

And so, yeah,

I'm feeling pretty all right.


That's so damn good.



That gives me shivers.
All right.

I really need to focus
on getting food.

I'd like to spend time
down at the river,

maybe try a little fishing.

If I could get
a whole pile of fish,

that would be killer.

So I'm hopeful.
I'm hopeful.

I feel good.

My personal goal is to see
how deep I can go

spiritually with the land,

learning how to listen,
how to be thankful

and make offerings,
and the songs I'm singing

keep me
in a place of gratitude

and my heart in a good place.

The longer I'm out here,
the louder my voice becomes.

Great timing to come down
the river and go fishing.

It is so calm.

Here fishy, fishy, fishy.

Sh... jeez.

Oh, jeez.
He got off.

Dang, that was a big trout.

That's okay.

There's gonna be another one.

What the heck?
Oh, my God.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Stay low, stay low.
Get into shore.


Oh, my God, he's big.

Oh, my God.

I got a fish, a big one.

Oh, my God.

Check this one out.

Oh, my God.

That's like 13, 14 inches.
Oh, my God.

Thank you, thank you.

The times where I took
the time to make my prayer,

to sing a song,
to make my offering,

I go fishing,
and within 15 minutes,

I had a fish.

Now, I'm being taken care of,

and my needs are being met.

All right, you want to see?

There's the first batch.

Oh, there's the eyeball.

Yes, you do need food,
but to stay out here

really takes more than that,

more that spiritual piece

that you're okay
with yourself.

I feel very at home.

The spirit brings me back

into my heart
and really grounds me.

So good.

I'm not having too much luck
right now with the fish,

but hopefully the dock
makes a difference.

Well, I got to say, this is
a much better casting spot,

and my rod works better
for sure.

Got one.
Got one.

Got one.

Got one.
It's a good one.

, it went away.

Come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.



Check it out.

Nice size.

Look at it.

It's pretty beautiful.

Thank you, fish.

I'm happy.

I'm gonna keep fishing.

Two fish, medium-size.


Third one today.

Another one, my fourth one.


Fifth one today.

This is my sixth one.

I think I'm getting
the hang

out of the fly fishing.

So just want to show you
the catch for today so far.


It's a decent meal for sure.


Got it.

I don't see this
just as a competition.

I'm seeing this
as a real survival situation.

That's why, for me,
there's no tap out button.

It's irrelevant because I know
that in a survival situation,

that would not be an option.

I think that's one
of my edges.

I'm not going to tap out.

Look at this.

This is my meal for today.

Three fish.

I'm gonna eat my other half
on another day.

So, so good.

It's nice to keep
your tools tuned up,

even if it's just
a couple passes.

Just keep the edge
a lot cleaner.

Less work over the course
of the months.

But then,
how many people have even

sharpened an axe, let alone
used one in modern society?

How crazy is that?
And I use one every day here.

Oh, yeah,
good little pop back to it.

Morning axe work.

If you're not starting your day
with some axe sharpening,

you're missing out, folks.

Hey, instead
of turning on the TV

and watching all the bad things

that are going on
somewhere else,

get up and sharpen an axe.

It's a lot more fun.

You can sit by a fire,

and you don't even have
to play on your phone.

It's amazing.

We're gonna see if we can make
a nice fleshing beam.

See how much we can
get off the hide.

I'm trying to use
absolutely every fiber

of this beaver meat.

I got to scrape
the hide completely,

fleshing all the fat
and meat off of it.

I'm gonna render that fat

so that it will be preserved.

And I'm working like crazy
to get this all done

before I lose any of it.

fleshing is a lot of work,

even with modern tools.

A good steel bar
and a good beam,

but I don't really
have many options.

All right,
we got to test it out.

One beaver hide.

Created a platter for it.

A honking nice tail.

So what we'll do is,
we'll scrape this,

and then we'll take off
that meat,

and just we'll make
a nice meatball,

season it up with salt,
of course,

and fry it up tonight.

It's coming off nice.
There we go.

Really good run there.

There's somebody
out here tonight

that would die
for this scrap of meat.

I bet they would love to have
this hide to eat off of.

I think I'm just
gonna throw all this

in the pan
and just fry it all up,

'cause what else
am I gonna do with it?

So basically,
roasting some fat down here.

It's so funny that our
population looked at fat

in such a negative connotation
for so long.

Fat was the enemy.
Low-fat food, no fat, low-fat,

and it's, like,
the most vital resource.

Just crazy how we come up
with this crap.


Almost a half tin

of amazing calories.

Oh, man, look at that.
That is a lot.

That log is full.

That's got to be...
I don't know.

I've got to have at least
15,000 calories of fat,

could be more, stored up here.

So that plus any meat I get
is my diet.

I'm pretty stoked.

It just bumped a grouse.

Holy crap.
He's gonna give me a shot.

I've got
so much beaver already,

but I got to take the shot.

Grouse is one
of our favorite things

to hunt back home
with the dogs.

The amount of meat on there

that is berry-fed,
tastes really good.

There's no gaminess,
and it is so tender.

It's one of the best
eating treats in these woods.

Oh, just missed.



Just couldn't get it done.

0 for 2.

Tree saved my ass.

One's stuck into it,
but it's a blunt.

It'll fall out,
and the other one

dropped to the ground,

The bird is still there.

Maybe get one more shot
at this guy.

Shooting at grouse
that are off the ground,

you're dealing with
this little internal anxiety.

Anything goes astray,
a deflection on a branch,

you lose that arrow forever.

I have no confidence issues
with my shooting,

but everyone has bad moments,

so I'm not exempt
to having a bad shot here.

That's when it counts
right there.

Yep, shot number three,

but who's counting?

This is survival.
Beautiful bird.

Thank you.
May your spirit be free.

Coming into this experience,

I never dreamed
in my wildest dream

that I would be harvesting
so much food per day,

especially with my bow.

Let's get some guts out.

We may be able to salvage
a few of the organs.

Nor did I think it
was even possible.

Yeah, organs looks good.

This land has just
opened its arms to me

and said, "Here you go."

If you can shoot straight,
you're gonna eat well,

and I'm doing it.

Looks so good.

Trying to keep
as much skin on as possible.

The skin's too good,
even though I have

a boatload of fat over here.

It's like a whole bowl
of high-calorie frosting

that won't kill you
like frosting will.

I'm gonna get some grouse,
some organs.

I think we're gonna
cook up extra.

Paint on some beaver grease.


Grouse wing.

To die for.


Crackling like popcorn shrimp.

Oh, man, that fat bite
exploded in my mouth.

And that is it.

I overslept.

The reason that I overslept

is I was up...

massaging my belly

and trying to get
a out last night.

Something is not right
in my belly.

I'm gonna eat some
of these cranberries...

And hope that settles things
a little bit.

I've thought of a few
of the worst-case scenarios.

Giardia, trichinosis...

Salmonella, E. Coli.

Best-case scenario...

My stomach's just up

from my diet being
all over the place, and...

I wake up tomorrow
and feel fine.

I'm going to
stay inside today,

whittle on my spoon
for a little bit.

So I've got two jobs
that I love.

I've got both my parents.

Got everything
a man could possibly want.

Throw 500 grand in there,

that can make
other people's lives better.

My mom needs new teeth.

I want a homestead

that's gonna be warm
and comfortable and safe.

I've got a really good life.

I mean, like, it chokes me up.

I'm just genuinely...

So thankful for my life
and everybody in it.

It is...

time for me to accept
the fact that...

I have some kind
of gut parasite...

Not indigestion
or too many cranberries.

It is... um,

I think I've got giardia.

So now the question is...

How long can I live with it...

And is there anything
I can do to treat it?

See how long we can deal
with the symptoms.

Maybe they will slowly start
to abate on their own.

Right now, it feels like
they're getting worse.

It's not a good situation.

A little stomachache
this morning,

so we're gonna just ease
into the day today.

I just need time to retune
my body with some qigong.



Let's go find some yarrow.

There's usually something
along these banks here.

I definitely ate a lot
of moderately fresh fat

and protein last night
and probably overate.

It was cooked thoroughly,
but, man,

I'm feeling it a little.

I definitely think
I'm a strong contender.

I just don't see
that many people having

as many versatile skills

or the will that I do.

Oh, that was good.

If I can't get this
stomach thing under control,

my productivity goes way down.

Let's get a little rest.

I think we're gonna focus
on the health of the guts.

It'll help the mind,
and then we'll just

start getting back
to staying busy

and moving forward.

I had a nice rest,

so now we're gonna cruise
up onto the hill

and collect some birch bark,

and then we'll make that
into a tea tonight

that will hopefully help
with my intestinal issues.

The challenge of getting sick
in the wilderness

is that you just don't know
with any certainty

what exactly
is wrong with you.

So what we're gonna do

is harvest the inner bark

off of the tree very carefully.

that's a whole new level

of self-reliance
and a whole different set

of skills that you have
to depend upon to self-heal.

So I won't go...

too crazy on it...

because A,
I'm unsure of the dosage...

And B,
I'm unsure if it'll work.

So we're gonna mosey
on back to the house.

Really, really not enjoying
the punch to the guts.


If I got to puke,
I just hope I puke soon,

'cause I'm getting frickin'
sick of burping up stuff.

Any foodborne illness
that is present

and affects us
in modern society

is available here
in the woods,

and it's magnified
because you don't have soap,

you don't have boiling water
all the time to clean with.

Oh, almost puked right there.

Still feel like.

So when you're touching
the hide of the beaver,

you could also be
touching your meat,

you could also be
touching a piece of fat

that you then eat later...

Don't eat suspect meat
off the hide.

So the risk of getting
some foodborne illness

is actually quite high

and is amazingly hard
to deal with.

I think there's just still
something in my stomach

just isn't going through.

Maybe tonight.
We'll see.

Nice cup of tea,
that'll make me feel better.

Let's sit and rest
for a minute.

My stomach feels better.
The tea worked perfectly.

Self-care day,
that's what I need.

I was worried
that if it got worse

and I couldn't hold food down
that I might have to tap...

Oh, I feel so much better.

But whatever it is,

it's feeling mitigated,
and I'm managing it,

and it's not gonna
take me out of the game.

The good news is
I'm still alive.

Um, I'm still going through
stomach cramps and chills,

and feel like I got
a pretty good fever.

My eyes are burning up,
and my whole body

is actually burning up
in the sleeping bag.

Um, I still want to puke,

but I can't get anything
to come up,

so it's just like this.

I just feel stuck.

And every time I think
of that meat or fat,

it just makes
my guts turn over,

so who knows if I got some
on my hands and ate it

or it just wasn't good,

but may be hope
that tomorrow is a new day,

and maybe it just goes away,

but we'll see.



God, this sucks.


I don't know what the hell
this beaver...

I got, like, beaver fever.

Oh, that's right up
in my stomach.

Oh, holy.

Oh, I got to go again.


I've never had this kind
of relentless turmoil

in my stomach where I'm just
both burping and excreting

at the same...
All the time just...

And when it's not,
it's just churning

and gurgling and churning.

I'm trying not to talk myself
out of tomorrow yet,

but I'm gonna go hit the can.

It's frickin' almost morning.

I haven't slept all night.

And just nothing...

Nothing getting better here.

I just about lost the last
of my bowels there,

and I'm super stiff
and can barely get around,

so it's the end
of the road for me.

This is just horrible.

We're gonna go call it in
and get some medical help.

I am just miserable.

I can't even sit
in there anymore.

Now I'm starting
to fear just even being able

to get out of here at all
before I'm too shot.

Oh, my God.

Nasty, cold day.


I got to see
the seasons change.

Embraced some serious good

and some bad.


this is the end
of the journey.

A great adventure
I pretty much had,

and thankful for it,

but we got to get out of here.

Calling this in.
I'm over.

Good luck to everyone else.


Hey, good morning.
This is Benji.

I'm officially tapping out.

I've got no more.
I'm wicked dehydrated.

We'll be on our way
as soon as we can.

Thank you.


Oh, I did not think I was gonna
ever have to make that call.


My guts are just destroyed.

I just can't stop
going to the bathroom

and dry heaving.

I haven't been able
to even barely get around.

Thank you.

Oh, that's better.


Two days ago,
I would have guaranteed you

I would have been
the last person,

and then once this thing hit,
it just...

It's been a downward spiral.

But I guess that's a lot
of life, you know?

You got to appreciate the ups,

'cause eventually
you're gonna have downs,

and if you can't
deal with that,

then you're never
gonna do anything.

So I'm still glad I came out

and got the experience.

It's humbling,
but I still learned a lot.

You don't get what you want.
You get what you need.

And I've said that
enough times in my life,

and this is a perfect example.

Figured the strength
of my willpower

would get me through
the worst thing,

and of course, it didn't.

I got a little careless there.

I made some mistakes,
and you get punished,

especially out here,

and you get punished
in other areas of life

when you get careless
and you make mistakes.

Humility is a part of life

and how you handle it's
the most important,

and I'm just gonna handle it
the best I can

and move forward in my life

and learn
from this experience.

Oh, there's the weasel.

That's mine.
That's... no, that's mine!

Around the bend
is where the beaver dam is.

I'm getting thinner
and getting weaker.

I got to get some food.


My arrow landed in a tree.

It's about 20 feet up.

Might not be
the smartest idea.

It's right there.