Alone (2015–…): Season 6, Episode 6 - Ablaze - full transcript

As they approach the one month mark, the participants' survival is threatened by new factors. One contestant is forced to defend themselves from a huge predator. Another risks losing their ...

[dramatic music]

- The wind is really
picking up.

I need to get the hell off
of this rock.

- [groans]

Oh, I'm having leg cramps.


- Holy [bleep].

I got a fire.

I don't really have time
to [bleep] around

and feel sorry for myself.

- There is something screaming

male announcer: In "Alone's"
coldest location ever,

ten participations fight
to survive the Arctic.

- The Arctic is one of

the most physically
demanding places on Earth.

- So fricking cold right now.

announcer: Battling
subzero temperatures...

- This climate's harsh,
it's extreme, it's mean.

It's got teeth.

- Get caught out here in
a whiteout, you're in trouble.

Vicious predators...

- Just heard something big
moving back there.

- Me against the wolverine
right now.

announcer: And isolation.

- There's nothing to fill
that void.

It's just you left alone
with your thoughts.

How long will they endure?

- The post is on fire!

- I'm scared,
but I don't want to die.

- This is the most unforgiving
landscape I've ever seen.

The last one standing wins.

- This environment will strip
away everything and anything

you thought you had.

[tense music]

[fire crackling]

- So I need to deal with
this scenario here.

'Cause it's pretty freaking

I'm gonna show you the survival
manicure Arctic-style.

First I need a soak.

Imagine if I went into
a spa right now?

I can hear the soft music

all the colors of nail polish
you get to choose from.

And the lady's horrifying face
looking at my nails.

Look at that.
Like look at that.

That's pretty good.

Now I'm gonna rinse that out.

I'm gonna make
a squirrel soup tonight.


You know, there's just
these highs and lows

that I'm going through.

And frankly, I'm coming out
of the lows really good.

I'm just, like, trying to focus
on all the great things.

Like I have food gathered.

Only mushrooms,
crowberries, blueberries,

and a squirrel soup.

I'm gonna try
just a little chunk.

I gotta say,
it's actually pretty good.

You know, I've had
some injuries

that could've gone south.

And to have them heal
so quickly

has been miraculous
for me, really.

I feel like I've been taught
something there about...

Holy [bleep]!

Oh, [bleep]!

[pot clanging]
I've got a fire.

Holy [bleep].

Oh, [bleep].

The post is on fire.

I gotta push it over.

All in there.


Come on.

Come on!



Come on, fire!

Oh! Stop burning.


This is...


Come on, snow.

Put the fire out.


Come on, fire.
Stop burning.


[shuffling, groaning]

Oh, [bleep].


[panting heavily]



I just, uh--it started
my house on fire.

I--everything's on fire
and I think I got it out.

It was blazing around me,


That was seriously so scary,

I have no idea how
I'm not burnt.

Maybe I am.
I don't know.

But I was seriously pulling off
burning logs.

Look at my hands.
They're just trashed.



Oh, it's just terrible.

I saw that fire
and it was just high.

And before I knew it, like,
I was too late.

[dramatic music]

[winds howling]

- Who's a good girl?

I hate when people talk
to their dogs like that.

I don't hate it.
It just drives me batty.

Who's a good girl?

Would you want a biscuit?
You want a biscuit?

Good girl.
Good girl.

Although if somebody talked
to me like that right now

and they were like,
"You want a biscuit?"

I'd be like, "Yeah, man."

Yeah, I do.
Yeah, I do, yeah, I do.

Give me a biscuit.

I couldn't sleep last night
and this morning.

Probably nothing
in my sets today

because of the storm
last night.

But I'm still gonna go check
Swamp Grass Suzie.

Well, guys, I got both
good news and bad news.

Good news is we didn't lose
our barrel.

Bad news is,
[bleep] got trashed.

Every step I take
feels like failure.

The only thing keeping me here
is stubbornness

and the hope that my traplines
are gonna produce

something more for me
in the next couple of days.

Like that's--that's it.

If I don't get some
proper food, I'm [bleep].

For sure.

I've got to get to
those trapping grounds

and see if there's any more
snares I could set.

I don't have a boat.

So I can't hunt big game.

And with fishing out,

trapping is my only
food source.

It's the only thing
that's gotten me any food.

And at this point,
it's the only thing

that is going to get me
any food.

So I see there's nothing
in my first set down there.

No tracks, still nothing.

It's going to be useless
to set that one.

I don't know why I leave
it up--wishful thinking.

And I thought I'd have
a little bit more

trapping opportunities.

Turns out,
not really so much, eh?



Haven't really had that before.




Oh, you guys,
I want this so bad.

Oh, [bleep].



It doesn't matter
how hard my resolve is.

It doesn't matter
how hard my heart is.

It needs more
of that food in it.

[dramatic music]


- God, I can't believe I burned
down my shelter last night.

I--I can't believe
I'm laughing about it.

It was really scary.

the big windstorm we had,

it's like some sort
of miracle I'm okay.

I need to work really
hard today

and work on fixing
this shelter up.

The older the poles get,
creosote and char happens

to the bark.

So I'm just gonna have
to try to pack tightly.

Branches and trees.
Green ones only.

But all the ash and the soot
will get caught on the bark

and it'll form
this kind of dust

that I'm gonna just scrape off
every five days or so

to make sure that
it doesn't hold a spark.

Right now, I'm just walking
at a slow-ass pace.

I just have to.

This shelter setback
is gonna take me

two, three days.

And I'm gonna have to put out
a lot of energy.

It's gonna take something
a little off of me.


I'm happy with the work
I got done.

But it was, like,
a lot of effort.

I don't know how many
calories I burnt today

but it was way too many.

You should not
be wasting energy

rebuilding shelters
so late in the game.

- So I'm trying
this new thing out here.

Apparently, it's all the rage.

It's called breakfast!


Oh, my goodness.

Oh, mama.

You know, the funny thing is I
want more than anything else

for my wife and kids
to be out here.

I'm gonna miss
my little girl's birthday.

My wife,
she's big into birthdays.

She is good at it.

My daughter wanted
a camping birthday.

She made this cake.

It looked exactly like a fire.

I mean, it was so cool.

She's a good mom.

Well, now what?

[fire cracks]

- [sighs]

Give me a "v,"
give me an "I,"

give me a "C,"
give me a "T,"

give me an "O,"
give me an "R,"

give me a "Y"!

What's that spell?


As of late, the fishing--
it's hit or miss.

So I'm gonna check
my trapline.

[water running]

I've been having a hard time.

My lethargic,
I've had severe leg cramps,

and I know that's due
to a deficiency.

I--I'm missing something.

I need to get some food in me.

All right, so it's that time
again to check my trapline.

I'm going to go into
the forest here a little bit

and see what I can see.

I'm also looking for,
you know, paw marks, prints,

anything like that.

So let's head on out.

Well, I'll be damned!

Look what I got myself.

That's a snow hare.

Look at that.


My heart is so full.

I'm so grateful
for the abundance here.

This means so many things.

This means longevity
in the game.

This means more days out here
without cringing hunger pains.

That's quite a bit of meat.

Its entrails means
that I have bait.

I'm just so grateful.

I have such an attitude of
gratitude for this abundance.

It smells amazing.


[Italian accent]
Buon appetito!

Yes, uh-huh.

[fire cracking]

One of its kidneys.


Man, it just feels good
to have...

meat sustenance, you know,
just happening in your mouth.

It's so freaking fantastic.

Oh! This is all meat
right here.


Today was a good day.

I feel good.
I'm in a great headspace.

And I, uh, put together
a better plan for--



There a bear comingto get my [bleep].

They could just be feet away,

I feel like I want to launch
a bear banger

off the top of my shelter just
to make sure it moves away.


[bang in distance]

[bear roars]


Holy [bleep].

A bear came to my shelter.

And, uh, circled it
numerous times.

Unafraid of making noise.
Any of that.

Began trying to find a way in,

kind of scratching at my
barrels around the sides.

Messing with some cans
that I have.

My arrow is ready.

I thought about just taking
a shot at it over--

when it was over here.

You know,
this side of my shelter but...

I didn't know where
to shoot at. High, low.

[bleep], that was eye-opening.

It now knows I'm here and it
now knows I have food,

which means I'm gonna
probably have to make

a few changes here around camp.

I'm gonna have to wait
till first light.

Out here, you often wonder

are you predator or prey?

And I think whenever
you take on the mentality

of a predator...

I am going out here.
I am gonna hunt.

I'm gonna kill.
I'm gonna feed myself.

It switches the way
you behave.

You're far more aware,
you're far more focused,

you're looking for that
opportunity to pounce.

What I need to do is
get creative.

It's hard to hear them
walk through.

So I need some kind
of detection system.

So what I wanna do is
I wanna overload my offense

to the right side.

I'm gonna--I'm gonna take this,
uh, rabbit carcass, right?

And I might just put it
under a big rock

and that way he'll have
to kind of dig for it

and--and--and kind of
root for it.

But he'll--but he'll--but he'll
stay in that area.

Make it easier to get
a shot off.

So what I'm gonna do is I'm
gonna take all my bait

and I'm gonna just pile it
right here.

Put this big rock on top.

I want it to make some noise.

So what I'm gonna do is

I'm gonna put small stones
in this can.

So whenever it gets disturbed,
I'll hear it.


Even if I have waves and wind,

So there's my setup.

I'm putting all my eggs
in one basket

right here outside my tent.

I have a shooting lane
right here

if he comes down this trail.

I have a shooting lane here.

If this freaking works,

I'll go down in
the hillbilly hall of fame.

- I'm just kind of scanning
the area.

Today is certainly nice out.

There's lighter colored

They're all ice.

It's neat to finally get
to the bottom of, like,

all these sounds I've
been hearing at night.

'Cause at night,
when it gets really cold,

that's when things
kind of go crazy out here.

It's just loud slams
and it sounds like rockfall.

Except it's consistent.

Okay, just coming up on
the, uh, fishing area.

Ooh, is there a fish in there?

Is that the guts?

Oh, hallelujah.

I got another fish.


I am--I'm experiencing
goose bumps right now

on my entire body.

Everything is tingly right now
at how much this means.

Oh, man, that was so sweet.

Hypothermia is definitely
what I think about a lot.

I'd say it got more people
outdoors than anything else.

So got a, uh, P.F.D.

Just don't want to end up

not being able to get out
if I go in.

[water splashing]


I'd say that's about a, ooh...

19 or 20 inch fish?

And, uh, hopefully
it's pretty tasty.

I hear these are delicious,

So I'm looking forward
to eating this guy.

I have a week's worth
of food there.

I was just thinking about,
you know,

how my life would be different

with the prize money
from this

and making it less abstract.

Making it less of the, like,

"Oh, yeah!
You're gonna be wealthy."

What--what does that mean,

There's a lot of people who
are wealthy in the world

who have miserable lives

and they squander whatever
they have anyways.

So I don't want to squander
any of it.

If I'm gonna have money,

I'm gonna buy some land
and I'm gonna work that land.

To be able to put all my work
in one place

where I can see it accumulate
and turn into my life...

oh, I want it so bad.

I'm just gonna have
to remember that

if I do this, it'll be the
last time I have to survive.

No more worrying about
whether I can pay rent.

I can just live.

Short of an emergency,
I'm not leaving here

until they come get me.

My first bite of lake
whitefish right here.

[fire crackles]

Mmm, very light.


- Little frosty out here.

Lake's freezing over.

Look at that business, guys.

I have to really be careful
not to slip.

My back can't handle it.

Oh, she's slick.




Fresh water, man.
Oh, my God.

And I'm still tired.

But I'm gonna go check
my snares.

They tell you about
the hunger,

they tell you about
the loneliness,

but I've never heard
anybody talk about

how weak they are.

I've got to take it slow
and easy, that's for sure.

I've got no energy.

I've got to get some more
calories in me for sure.

My body's not going to be able
to withstand that for long

if I don't start getting
some protein inside of me.

I'm just gonna go through
this area.

and find something hidden
in these

spruce trees
I haven't seen before.

Oh, hold on.

There's a little rabbit trap
down there.

You dirty [bleep].
Look at that, I got him.

Look at, you guys.
Look at that!

Look what mama got.

Look it.



I got him.



Oh, [bleep].
I caught a rabbit.

Oh, frick.

I need more of these rabbits,
that's for sure.

But for today...

today I get food.

And today I have extra
for a while.

Oh, my God!


As I said before, mentally
I'm in this game, you guys.

Like I'm in it.
I want this so bad!

So bad!

I want to be here
and I want this.

I want all of this.

Thank goodness.

[dramatic music]

- Holy crap, check it out.

If you can see behind me,

the shoreline
is totally iced up.

The weather has
super freaking shifted.

So, as often happens,

all of a sudden
I'm really motivated

to jump on
some shelter things.

There is no questioning
that all of a sudden

it is Arctic winter.

Let's go harvest
some poles then.

I am not prepared for it
to be fully snowed in yet.

I just have to haul these up.

I mean, I've been preparing.

I knew this was on its way
anytime now.

It's just...

I can only do so much at once

and there's always more
preparing one can do.


Hard work.


All right, so I have this whole
pile of poles down here.

All for the exterior wall.

Let's get going,
'cause time is a-wastin'.

Log cabins are nice in that
you can seal them well.

But wood is not
very insulative.

You're losing a ton
of your heat,

so in order to have it be
actually insulative

and hold heat, you need
airspace in the middle.

So I'm doing double walls.

So it's basically like a
log cabin inside a log cabin.

So lovely to be outside
right now

in this clear night.

Definitely cold,
but I'm working hard.


The temperatures are plunging
a lot at night,

which is part of why I end up
doing a lot of construction

in the dusk
because being active

is really helping me
stay warm

and it's making the night
feel way less long

and oppressive.

Okay, well, it is late and my
headlamp is about to die.

But I am pretty darned psyched
with this job.

All right, check it out.

[mimics heavenly choir]

My beautiful east wall.

Just like
I've been picturing it.

All nicely insulated in between
with spruce boughs

and chinked with sphagnum moss.

You can see the double layer
effect here

and the interior peeled wall,
all nicely chinked.

One of the big things is
to get it totally sealed,

so the dual wall system with
insulation in between

and trying to get
that everywhere.

My hope is that, once I have
the cabin more dialed in,

that I'll do more serious
big game hunting missions.

So yeah,
I've got big plans still.

- It was a nice little nap.

I was able to get myself

I came outside and you see
where this can is?

Right here?

Right there?

That's where the other one was
and it's out here now.


I didn't hear a thing.

But then again,
I was sleeping so deeply.

So I'm trying
to look around here and...

let's see what else I can see.

Yeah, here's...


That's a fresh track here
and here

and through here.

And it's--it's smaller.

So it looks like a fox.

So a little old fox came in,

tried to give himself
a quick meal.

They're making the effort
to come by

and grab whatever's available.

And it's screwing up my plan
to try and attract a bear.

I really need that bear
to come to my camp.

Love to [bleep] have it.

Come on, man.

[dramatic music]

- Holy, am I happy
about that bunny.

I know that if I can
just keep some food

inside my belly,

that nothing will send me
home from here.

Game change for Michelle.

I'd love for my husband
to come find me here.

You know?

I hope he remembers to bring
back my wedding ring.

I miss wearing it.

I made him take it off in
the airport

before I got on a plane
to come here.

He says you put that ring
on me.

Nobody's allowed to take it off
but you, you know?

I didn't bring a picture
of my family

because they're with me
in my heart,

yes, and all those things.

But they're not with me
here on this journey.

I'm here by myself.

I'd like to pretend
that they're here with me,

but they're not.

They're waiting for me
to be done.

And that's the way
I look at it, like,

you don't look back,
you've already been there.

You look forwards 'cause
that's the way you're going.

And I'm not done here yet.

I have something for you guys.

[hums "Pop Goes the Weasel"]

♪ It's unfortunate
that I got caught ♪

♪ But she's going
to enjoy all of me ♪

[hums "Pop Goes the Weasel"]

I hope there's more bunnies
where this one came from.

I got his ears up
but now his face is flat.

Look at it, he's got
his little whiskers on there.

[clicking noises]

His little mouth hole.


It looks like a little tongue.

Whiskers, eyeballs,
that's right.

I know what I'm doing.

I didn't want to forget to do
the puppet show for you guys.

♪ Pop goes the weasel

[water dripping]

- Okay, um, good morning.

[smacks lips]

Last night, I went fishing.
Got skunked.

They weren't even biting

They--they were--
there was nothing.

So I think I went out
a little too late.

So I'll go out earlier.

Other than that...

[paper rustling]

Miss the family.

Miss the family like crazy.

Oh, I'm excited to see them.

My new favorite to lay in
your sleeping b-bag

and dream about
is Thanksgiving.

We went camping
for Thanksgiving

with the grandparents
and--and, uh, the kids.

So in my mind, I set it up
where the tents are gonna go,

you know, which sleeping bags
are gonna go to which kids.

Oh, no, uh, what do I do about
pads for them to sleep on?

And I just think through
the whole process

and I love it.

I can sit in my sleeping bag
and think about that for hours.

It is a hard day today.

I missed
my daughter's birthday

so that kind of sucked.

She's getting really good
at reading.

And, uh, God, I just want
to listen to her

read a book to me.

Other than that,
it's sunny, beautiful.

Yeah, let's go fishing.

'Cause that's kind of
the most exciting thing

in my life right now.

You know, I have food
in my food storage.

I can get more food.

All my physical needs
are met.

There's nothing that is--

that needs to be conquered.

There's nothing other
than this--this absence,

this void, this emptiness.

That's the time.

Time has now become my enemy.

I'm really bored.

Like on a scale from one
to ten, I'm, like, a 12.

Well, the fish aren't biting.

There's moments where you
just--you think what the heck

am I doing out here?
This is stupid.

I've got a life I love,
you know?

The most important things
in the world to me

are somewhere else.

Why did I leave them?

But the flip side of that is

I don't want to embarrass them
or shame them.

So you're kind of stuck.

You're gonna stay.

No wife wants to watch
her husband quit.

I'm over this place.


I mean, I got six fillets
still to eat.

So it doesn't matter about
the fish, but...

There's just nothing here,

Time. Just killing time.
Just wasting time.

Waiting for something.

I'm going nuts.

I'm going absolutely nuts.

- I'm getting prepared to move
inside a little bit more.

Use this shelter
to its fullest.

So I'm gonna move
my drying rack over

into the smoke
a little bit more.

This is my life now.

This is what I do with my time.

And there is a lot of it.

Sometimes you could
put movies in

and watch four movies that
night to kind of tune out.

You could touch base with
the kids.

You know how their day was.
You know what's going on.

But here there's nothing.

So you've got this catch-22.

'Cause if you sit here

and you don't spend
your calories,

then you get really

and miss your family.

But if you go do something,

you're burning all
your calories.

When I joined the military,

you know, I was
an unattached, single guy.

Now I've built this life
around these kids

that are my universe,
my world, you know?

And my--my wife that I
absolutely love and cherish.

In my suit of armor that I'm
building up for this show,

I never realized that that
was the biggest chink

that was gonna get me.


- I don't know what happened.
I woke up this morning.

[wind howling]

Just trying to think about
things to film.

Think about the routine.

Go fishing, chop wood.

I keep thinking
how long will you stay?

How many days is good enough?

And I pull out the picture
of those kids

and I look at them

and I think who the hell
cares about ego, pride?

I miss knowing
how their day was.

Anyways, I think I'm done.


- It's Nicholls.
I am officially tapping out.

- Hi, Brady.
- Hello.

I thought--I mean,

I--I--I was really confident
coming into this.

I thought it was going to be
about who could outlast

the hunger and the--and
the cold and all that.

But that stuff's easy; like
I'm warm, dry, comfortable.

I got another week and a half's
worth of food stored up there.

It's not that.

It's just sitting here waiting
for time to pass

while the--my little kids
are doing their thing

somewhere else
and it's just driving me nuts.

Screw the ego.
I don't care anymore, you know?

I'm done--
done waiting for time.

Originally I thought I was
doing this for the money.

I thought I'd come out here

and this money would be

But it's just--
money comes and money goes.

It doesn't change who I am.

I'm not gonna sell myself
for it.

The money would be great,
but I got a job.

I do well.
I just--I don't need it.

I miss being happy,
I miss being a dad,

and I'm missing
my kids' life.

And 100% being a husband
and being a dad

are my joy in life.

That's what I live for.
That's what I love.

That's what makes life
worthwhile to me.

So now I'm going home,

and there's going to be some
little three-foot boogers

that are gonna come running

and I get to go
play with those kids.

You know what I mean?
And life continues.

- [gasps]

You son of a bitch!

A dirty fox got my rabbit.

- I'm gonna let him wear
himself out

as much as I can here.

Hope everything holds.

No, no, no, no, no!

[squirrel chirps]


It bit me, like, bad.

- Now I really want to kill
that wolverine.


[grunting, wolverine growls]