Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955–1962): Season 1, Episode 39 - Momentum - full transcript
After his boss tells him the firm is close to bankruptcy, Dick Paine agrees to work for half pay. Dick is nagged by his wife Beth into standing up for himself. He goes to his boss and demands the money he has not been paid. His boss refuses to give him the money and Dick must resort to murder.
Did you ever have the feeling
that you were being watched?
Observe closely.
No eyelid. He never sleeps.
Obviously, an ideal audience.
Unfortunately, he doesn't
watch television. That's true.
He isn't watching me,
he's watching you...
to see if you're watching me.
Please don't misunderstand.
I love television,
as a performer, that is.
But I feel the wrong person
is being paid.
Actors receive salaries,
but their viewers...
the people who do
the really hard work,
don't make a cent.
It seems to me
that television
is exactly like a gun.
Your enjoyment of it
is determined
by which end of it you're on.
we plan to tell a story
about this gun...
and what a very ordinary man
did with it
in the course of 24 hours.
You know what it is?
A rat race.
You run all day
just to keep even.
Slow down and somebody
is walking up your heels.
Move along, buddy.
You're tying up traffic.
Everybody's got a time clock
to punch. With my luck it'd
punch me right back.
Help wanted.: Men.
Aggressive, hard-hitting
young salesman
for national distribution.
Salary and commission.
It's not much of a job.
No commissions and you get
a lot of talk
instead of salary.
But it's the only one
I haven't tried
and I've got to get something.
I didn't get it.
It was already filled.
Yeah, it's a rat race,
all right.
You get home at night
with your head ringing...
a hole in your pocket
and an empty refrigerator.
[dishes clattering]
Honey, would you put that
in the icebox for me, please?
Plenty of room for it.
Yes, Father Hubbard,
there certainly is.
Okay, so it's bare.
So if we do
get evicted tomorrow...
we won't have to lug
a lot of stuff along with us.
You know something?
I find that
very small consolation.
Don't you worry,
we won't get evicted.
What are you going
to about it?
I'm gonna get some dough,
what else? Tonight.
Will you go to Burroughs?
Well, maybe. I'll see.
You got some more coffee?
Not if you want any
for breakfast.
What'll I tell him?
Honey, just tell him
what happened.
We've both of us been sick,
we've borrowed
every cent we could...
and you can't find a job.
He owes you $450
and he ought to pay it.
I know that,
but how can I say it?
Honey, don't you remember
what we planned
for you to say?
Mr. Burroughs,
I worked for your company
for three years...
and the last four months
I worked at half pay
to help keep things going.
You said you'd pay me in full
when things got better...
but instead you sold out.
You've got the money and
I need it, and you ought
to pay me now, right now.
Now, honey, you remembered it
perfectly well
the other night...
when you'd had
a couple of drinks,
you were gonna go over there--
All right. I forgot,
that's all.
I'm sorry.
Honey, I'm not mad at you.
You know that.
I know.
It's just that he won't want
to give it to me. He'll argue.
Honey, arguing can't hurt you.
I guess not.
I'll get the money.
I'll get it somewhere.
You've said that before.
This time I mean it.
Are you going to Burroughs?
If I have to.
So long.
Goodbye, darling. Good luck.
~~[music playing]
Hiya, boy. How's it going?
Not so good.
No connections yet.
Hey, Charlie, you think maybe
you could.... Well, you know,
you said you thought....
I'm sorry, kid.
I ain't got it.
I thought I did.
I had that Jackaway in the
seventh today. He'd have paid
30-to-1, but.... Photo finish.
They photoed me out.
I'll buy you a drink.
Sorry, Dick. If I had it....
You know that.
Yeah, it's not your fault.
Hey, Charlie.
It's nobody's fault.
Except Burroughs.
How much do I owe you?
Keep the change.
[cash register clicking]
Pour yourself another,
if you want it.
No. No, thanks.
You know, I appreciate
your coming here like this.
Let's go to the study,
and we can get the matter
settled right away.
He's got company.
I can't hit him for it now.
He'd get sore at me
for embarrassing him.
Wonder who's in there
with him.
Maybe I'd better
come back later.
No, we've got to have
that money now.
Look at that money.
He can't say
he doesn't have it.
Must be a couple of
thousand there, and Beth and I
don't have $5 between us.
He's going to pay me.
No stalls, no arguments,
Mr. Burroughs, just $450.
[door opening]
Good night.
[door closing]
[footsteps approaching]
Just $450.
I don't want any more.
I never stole
a dime in my life,
but this is owing me.
Got here just in time,
didn't I?
Know what you're gonna get
for this, don't you? Plenty.
And I'll see you
serve it, too.
Every last month of it.
Paine. You're the
last person I....
I'm going to call the police.
Operator, get me the police.
[gun firing]
[door opening]
Hey, silly.
What are you doing out here?
Why didn't you come
to bed last night?
I didn't want to wake you.
You didn't get the money?
Don't worry.
No, I got it.
You did? Where?
From Charlie.
He had a long shot
in the sixth.
Well, I didn't think
you got it from Burroughs.
I didn't go to see Burroughs.
It wasn't necessary,
we can forget him.
All right, I was only going
to tell you--
Will you please drop it?
I've got enough else
to worry about.
Honey, what is it?
What's the matter?
It's nothing. It's just--
[knocking at door]
Beth, you wait here
in the bedroom.
Let me handle this.
What's the matter?
Please, Beth,
I'll explain it to you later.
Just let me handle it now.
[knocking continues]
Who is it?
It's Martin, the janitor.
Okay, just a minute.
Someone to see
the apartment.
This is the living room.
Can I see the bedroom?
Right in there.
Just a minute.
Beth, there's a man here
that wants
to see the apartment.
All right.
There's no sense
in showing the apartment now.
Ain't much, is it?
Brother, you find something
better for the money, take it.
Yeah, I will.
[door closing]
What is it?
Why did you shush me?
Because we have
to get out of here.
I got in some trouble
last night. It was a mistake,
but it's done.
I don't want to tell you
about it. I don't want you
to get mixed up in it.
Darling, I am mixed up in it.
If you are, I am.
If you don't know about it,
you can't tell anybody
if they ask.
I'll explain it all
to you later, but right now
we've got to get out of here.
Are the police after you?
Maybe. I don't know.
Look, will you please help me,
if you want to.
But don't talk
about it anymore
if you're going with me.
Darling, of course I am.
I'll go start packing.
I'm ready.
We can't go now.
Somebody's watching us.
Don't let him see you.
Maybe he's just waiting
for somebody.
Yeah, me.
If he wants to see you,
why doesn't he just come up?
Look, I'll tell you what.
You go on alone.
It'd be better if we weren't
seen together anyway.
I'll watch him,
and if it looks
like nothing's up...
I'll slip out later,
maybe the back way,
and join you.
Here, take some money
and get two bus tickets
to Mexico.
No, make it San Diego,
nobody will notice that.
And then I'Il--
Dick, I'm afraid.
I don't wanna go alone.
I'll be there, I promise you.
There's a bus every hour.
I'll be there at 11:00.
If I'm not there,
you get on anyway
and save me a seat.
I'll be there, darling.
I promise you. I'll be there.
What's the matter?
A solid half-hour
I've been waiting here,
and no one to let me in.
It's not my fault
you forgot your keys.
Next time take it with you.
Okay, sure.
[both arguing]
[knocking at door]
Come on, Paine, open up.
[knocking continues]
What do you want?
I know you're in there.
Open up.
What do you want?
Got here just in time,
didn't I?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
Don't try to kid me, Paine.
I saw your wife leave
with her suitcase
just a few minutes ago...
and now you're skipping out.
But you're not going anyplace.
Get in there.
You're crazy.
Do as I say.
[telephone ringing]
Give me that.
Let go of that.
[gun firing]
[telephone continues ringing]
Get in there.
I warned you nobody's going
to arrest me.
But I'm not a cop.
I came to collect
the payments.
I'm from the finance company.
[telephone continues ringing]
[siren wailing]
I locked the guy...
from the finance company
in the closet.
I had to get
to the bus station.
I had to meet Beth.
Where to, buddy?
Just go ahead, I'll tell you.
Okay, pal.
What time is it?
Take me out to Oakside.
Whatever you say, governor.
You feeling bad?
No, it's a.... Just got a pain
in my back.
You want me to take it easy?
Fine, that'd be fine.
You want me to stop?
No, it's okay.
Okay, governor.
Whereabouts in Oakside, pal?
Hey, are you asleep
or something?
I said we're in Oakside.
Whereabouts do you want to go?
What time is it?
Take me
to the main bus station.
Look, sport,
you sure you got
plenty of money?
This trip is beginning
to add up.
Don't worry.
Money is the least
of my worries.
Two to San Diego, please.
[people chattering]
(DJ on radio)
And now between records,
here's a news item.
There's a city-wide dragnet
out for Richard Paine.
Late last night, Paine shot
and fatally wounded...
A. T. Burroughs
of 1942 East Walden Street.
Burroughs surprised Paine
in the act of robbing
his house.
Paine is believed
to have been wounded today
in a scuffle...
with a finance company
employee who called
at Paine's apartment...
to collect back payments.
An all points bulletin
has gone out on Paine....
Keep your eyes on the road.
You think maybe he was talking
about me? Well, he was.
Just take it easy
and you'll be all right.
Okay, pal.
Don't worry about me.
Pull over to the side
and get out.
[birds chirping]
Open up the hood.
You need any help?
No, everything's fine.
Okay, put the hood down.
Get in there.
[people chattering]
[car honks]
11.:00, on the nose.
Wait for me, Beth.
I told you, rain or shine,
we'll get along.
It's going to be okay
in Mexico.
[cars honking]
Dick! Here I am.
Where were you going?
I thought you were
on the other bus.
No, that's not ours.
Ours is late.
Where did you get it?
All that money.
I never gave you that much.
I got it from Mr. Burroughs.
I tried to tell you
this morning,
but you wouldn't listen.
I knew you wouldn't
go there last night.
So I went to him...
and he gave it to me.
He was very nice....
Dick! What is it?
What's the matter?
I never knew
it was you in the room
with Burroughs.
You had the money
all the time.
I never needed to take it.
You know,
it's a funny thing, Beth.
It's a rat race.
You run all day.
Very educational.
Next week,
we shall return
with another story.
I suggest you join us.
It might be unwise
to disappoint Big Brother.
that you were being watched?
Observe closely.
No eyelid. He never sleeps.
Obviously, an ideal audience.
Unfortunately, he doesn't
watch television. That's true.
He isn't watching me,
he's watching you...
to see if you're watching me.
Please don't misunderstand.
I love television,
as a performer, that is.
But I feel the wrong person
is being paid.
Actors receive salaries,
but their viewers...
the people who do
the really hard work,
don't make a cent.
It seems to me
that television
is exactly like a gun.
Your enjoyment of it
is determined
by which end of it you're on.
we plan to tell a story
about this gun...
and what a very ordinary man
did with it
in the course of 24 hours.
You know what it is?
A rat race.
You run all day
just to keep even.
Slow down and somebody
is walking up your heels.
Move along, buddy.
You're tying up traffic.
Everybody's got a time clock
to punch. With my luck it'd
punch me right back.
Help wanted.: Men.
Aggressive, hard-hitting
young salesman
for national distribution.
Salary and commission.
It's not much of a job.
No commissions and you get
a lot of talk
instead of salary.
But it's the only one
I haven't tried
and I've got to get something.
I didn't get it.
It was already filled.
Yeah, it's a rat race,
all right.
You get home at night
with your head ringing...
a hole in your pocket
and an empty refrigerator.
[dishes clattering]
Honey, would you put that
in the icebox for me, please?
Plenty of room for it.
Yes, Father Hubbard,
there certainly is.
Okay, so it's bare.
So if we do
get evicted tomorrow...
we won't have to lug
a lot of stuff along with us.
You know something?
I find that
very small consolation.
Don't you worry,
we won't get evicted.
What are you going
to about it?
I'm gonna get some dough,
what else? Tonight.
Will you go to Burroughs?
Well, maybe. I'll see.
You got some more coffee?
Not if you want any
for breakfast.
What'll I tell him?
Honey, just tell him
what happened.
We've both of us been sick,
we've borrowed
every cent we could...
and you can't find a job.
He owes you $450
and he ought to pay it.
I know that,
but how can I say it?
Honey, don't you remember
what we planned
for you to say?
Mr. Burroughs,
I worked for your company
for three years...
and the last four months
I worked at half pay
to help keep things going.
You said you'd pay me in full
when things got better...
but instead you sold out.
You've got the money and
I need it, and you ought
to pay me now, right now.
Now, honey, you remembered it
perfectly well
the other night...
when you'd had
a couple of drinks,
you were gonna go over there--
All right. I forgot,
that's all.
I'm sorry.
Honey, I'm not mad at you.
You know that.
I know.
It's just that he won't want
to give it to me. He'll argue.
Honey, arguing can't hurt you.
I guess not.
I'll get the money.
I'll get it somewhere.
You've said that before.
This time I mean it.
Are you going to Burroughs?
If I have to.
So long.
Goodbye, darling. Good luck.
~~[music playing]
Hiya, boy. How's it going?
Not so good.
No connections yet.
Hey, Charlie, you think maybe
you could.... Well, you know,
you said you thought....
I'm sorry, kid.
I ain't got it.
I thought I did.
I had that Jackaway in the
seventh today. He'd have paid
30-to-1, but.... Photo finish.
They photoed me out.
I'll buy you a drink.
Sorry, Dick. If I had it....
You know that.
Yeah, it's not your fault.
Hey, Charlie.
It's nobody's fault.
Except Burroughs.
How much do I owe you?
Keep the change.
[cash register clicking]
Pour yourself another,
if you want it.
No. No, thanks.
You know, I appreciate
your coming here like this.
Let's go to the study,
and we can get the matter
settled right away.
He's got company.
I can't hit him for it now.
He'd get sore at me
for embarrassing him.
Wonder who's in there
with him.
Maybe I'd better
come back later.
No, we've got to have
that money now.
Look at that money.
He can't say
he doesn't have it.
Must be a couple of
thousand there, and Beth and I
don't have $5 between us.
He's going to pay me.
No stalls, no arguments,
Mr. Burroughs, just $450.
[door opening]
Good night.
[door closing]
[footsteps approaching]
Just $450.
I don't want any more.
I never stole
a dime in my life,
but this is owing me.
Got here just in time,
didn't I?
Know what you're gonna get
for this, don't you? Plenty.
And I'll see you
serve it, too.
Every last month of it.
Paine. You're the
last person I....
I'm going to call the police.
Operator, get me the police.
[gun firing]
[door opening]
Hey, silly.
What are you doing out here?
Why didn't you come
to bed last night?
I didn't want to wake you.
You didn't get the money?
Don't worry.
No, I got it.
You did? Where?
From Charlie.
He had a long shot
in the sixth.
Well, I didn't think
you got it from Burroughs.
I didn't go to see Burroughs.
It wasn't necessary,
we can forget him.
All right, I was only going
to tell you--
Will you please drop it?
I've got enough else
to worry about.
Honey, what is it?
What's the matter?
It's nothing. It's just--
[knocking at door]
Beth, you wait here
in the bedroom.
Let me handle this.
What's the matter?
Please, Beth,
I'll explain it to you later.
Just let me handle it now.
[knocking continues]
Who is it?
It's Martin, the janitor.
Okay, just a minute.
Someone to see
the apartment.
This is the living room.
Can I see the bedroom?
Right in there.
Just a minute.
Beth, there's a man here
that wants
to see the apartment.
All right.
There's no sense
in showing the apartment now.
Ain't much, is it?
Brother, you find something
better for the money, take it.
Yeah, I will.
[door closing]
What is it?
Why did you shush me?
Because we have
to get out of here.
I got in some trouble
last night. It was a mistake,
but it's done.
I don't want to tell you
about it. I don't want you
to get mixed up in it.
Darling, I am mixed up in it.
If you are, I am.
If you don't know about it,
you can't tell anybody
if they ask.
I'll explain it all
to you later, but right now
we've got to get out of here.
Are the police after you?
Maybe. I don't know.
Look, will you please help me,
if you want to.
But don't talk
about it anymore
if you're going with me.
Darling, of course I am.
I'll go start packing.
I'm ready.
We can't go now.
Somebody's watching us.
Don't let him see you.
Maybe he's just waiting
for somebody.
Yeah, me.
If he wants to see you,
why doesn't he just come up?
Look, I'll tell you what.
You go on alone.
It'd be better if we weren't
seen together anyway.
I'll watch him,
and if it looks
like nothing's up...
I'll slip out later,
maybe the back way,
and join you.
Here, take some money
and get two bus tickets
to Mexico.
No, make it San Diego,
nobody will notice that.
And then I'Il--
Dick, I'm afraid.
I don't wanna go alone.
I'll be there, I promise you.
There's a bus every hour.
I'll be there at 11:00.
If I'm not there,
you get on anyway
and save me a seat.
I'll be there, darling.
I promise you. I'll be there.
What's the matter?
A solid half-hour
I've been waiting here,
and no one to let me in.
It's not my fault
you forgot your keys.
Next time take it with you.
Okay, sure.
[both arguing]
[knocking at door]
Come on, Paine, open up.
[knocking continues]
What do you want?
I know you're in there.
Open up.
What do you want?
Got here just in time,
didn't I?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
Don't try to kid me, Paine.
I saw your wife leave
with her suitcase
just a few minutes ago...
and now you're skipping out.
But you're not going anyplace.
Get in there.
You're crazy.
Do as I say.
[telephone ringing]
Give me that.
Let go of that.
[gun firing]
[telephone continues ringing]
Get in there.
I warned you nobody's going
to arrest me.
But I'm not a cop.
I came to collect
the payments.
I'm from the finance company.
[telephone continues ringing]
[siren wailing]
I locked the guy...
from the finance company
in the closet.
I had to get
to the bus station.
I had to meet Beth.
Where to, buddy?
Just go ahead, I'll tell you.
Okay, pal.
What time is it?
Take me out to Oakside.
Whatever you say, governor.
You feeling bad?
No, it's a.... Just got a pain
in my back.
You want me to take it easy?
Fine, that'd be fine.
You want me to stop?
No, it's okay.
Okay, governor.
Whereabouts in Oakside, pal?
Hey, are you asleep
or something?
I said we're in Oakside.
Whereabouts do you want to go?
What time is it?
Take me
to the main bus station.
Look, sport,
you sure you got
plenty of money?
This trip is beginning
to add up.
Don't worry.
Money is the least
of my worries.
Two to San Diego, please.
[people chattering]
(DJ on radio)
And now between records,
here's a news item.
There's a city-wide dragnet
out for Richard Paine.
Late last night, Paine shot
and fatally wounded...
A. T. Burroughs
of 1942 East Walden Street.
Burroughs surprised Paine
in the act of robbing
his house.
Paine is believed
to have been wounded today
in a scuffle...
with a finance company
employee who called
at Paine's apartment...
to collect back payments.
An all points bulletin
has gone out on Paine....
Keep your eyes on the road.
You think maybe he was talking
about me? Well, he was.
Just take it easy
and you'll be all right.
Okay, pal.
Don't worry about me.
Pull over to the side
and get out.
[birds chirping]
Open up the hood.
You need any help?
No, everything's fine.
Okay, put the hood down.
Get in there.
[people chattering]
[car honks]
11.:00, on the nose.
Wait for me, Beth.
I told you, rain or shine,
we'll get along.
It's going to be okay
in Mexico.
[cars honking]
Dick! Here I am.
Where were you going?
I thought you were
on the other bus.
No, that's not ours.
Ours is late.
Where did you get it?
All that money.
I never gave you that much.
I got it from Mr. Burroughs.
I tried to tell you
this morning,
but you wouldn't listen.
I knew you wouldn't
go there last night.
So I went to him...
and he gave it to me.
He was very nice....
Dick! What is it?
What's the matter?
I never knew
it was you in the room
with Burroughs.
You had the money
all the time.
I never needed to take it.
You know,
it's a funny thing, Beth.
It's a rat race.
You run all day.
Very educational.
Next week,
we shall return
with another story.
I suggest you join us.
It might be unwise
to disappoint Big Brother.