Adam-12 (1968–1975): Season 1, Episode 25 - Log 92: Tell Him He Pushed a Little Too Hard - full transcript

Two neighbors have started to feud over a jointly-owned motorboat. Malloy and Reed respond to several disputes at their home, with each neighbor becoming increasingly more frustrated and angry with the other at each turn. The officers warn the neighbors to settle the dispute before someone is seriously hurt. Alas, neither one heeds their advice and the situation ends in tragedy.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(female dispatcher)
1-Adam-12, 1-Adam-12,

possible 459
suspects there now.

1-Adam-12, 1-Adam-12,

a 415, man with a gun.

1-Adam-12, no warrant.
Lincoln, X-Ray, Ida 483.

1-Adam-12, a 415, fight group
with chains and knives.

Did you call the police?

I sure did.
Come in.

It's that creep,
Sid Roemer.

I want you
to arrest him.

Right now. This minute.

Not so far.

Why don't you start
by telling us

who Sid Roemer is and exactly
why you want him arrested?

Sidney Roemer
is my next door neighbor.

And I want you to arrest him

for theft, robbery,
whatever you call it.

Look, look,
this is all very simple.

A man's got a right
to his own property.

I mean, the law's
very clear about that.

Well, he's got my property

and he won't give it back
and I want him arrested.

Miles, you really went
and called the police,

after all, didn't you?

I said I would
and I did.

You think I was kiddin'
or somethin'?

Well, I hope
you're satisfied.

I'm sure gonna be.

Oh, boy,
this is lovely.

Police car
in front of the house,

cops all over the place.
This is great.

All right,
just take it easy.

Now, we still don't know
what's goin' on here.

Can I have your name,

Miles Wellman.

Oh, now you're gonna
answer for me, huh?

And you are
Mrs. Wellman?



Well, Mr. Wellman, could you
tell us what the trouble is?

I told you.

He's got my property
and he won't let me have it.

Exactly what kind of property
is involved?

It's that crummy tub.

It's not a crummy tub.

It is one fine boat,

and I'm gonna get it back
if it's the last thing I do.

That's what this is all about?
A boat?

That's right. My boat.

Look, Officers,
I--l appreciate your coming,

but it was a mistake

and I think
the best thing for you to do

is to get into your car
and leave.

They're staying.

this has gone far enough.

Wendy was over here,
she's fit to be tied!

I've had five phone calls
this morning.

The whole neighborhood's
in on it.

It's gotta stop.

That's what I'm gonna do.
Put a stop to it.

Are you out of your mind?

Take these men and go
storming over to arrest?

It's incredible.

I'm not kiddin'.
I mean it.

Oh, we're not goin' anywhere

till we find out a little
bit more about this.

Now, Mr. Wellman, could you
start at the beginning,

nice and slow

and tell us
exactly what's goin' on?



Aggie and I got the stuff out
this morning, to go fishing.

And that's another thing.

The beer's probably warm
by now.

Put it back in the
refrigerator four hours ago.


You see,
we like to go fishing.

Don't we, honey?

At this point,
I don't even care.

We're crazy about it.

Anyway, I went over
to get the boat this morning.

We store it over
in his garage on a trailer

and I've got the key.

So, what's that creep done?

He went
and changed the padlock on it.

Right away, I knew
there was something

that was a little funny
goin' on,

but I didn't say anything.
I went up to him, real nice,

I mean, real nice
and I said, open up.

And he tells me
to forget about it.

But that was before
9:00 this morning.

I think
I'm getting a migraine.

What do you do,
rent the garage from him?

No, no.
We both have two-car garages.

He said
we could store it in his

because one half of mine
is all filled.

That reminds me, honey,

we've still got
that day-bed of his

and I'm gonna keep
that locked up.

Oh, it's been in there
a year and a half.

I don't think
it'll bother him.

No, I guess not.

What reason did he give
for lockin' it up?

No reason. No reason at all.
He's just being spiteful.

There's more to it--

The principle is
the same.

We only own
half the boat.

And Sid owns
the other half?

That's not the point.

See, we bought it together
about six months ago.

The outboard motor, the
trailer, the whole schmear.

We figured, we could
use it one weekend,

they'd use it the next,

and it's been nothing
but trouble ever since.

Well, I've got a right
to half of that boat

and he can't lock it up,
can he?

[knocking on door]

Oh. my"

You've got to hear
my side of the story.

Get him out of here.
He's lying.

Arrest that man!


This is my weekend
with the boat.

You had that--
Please take him out.

You had that
last weekend.

You were sick.
You said I could have it.

All right,
that's enough.

Come on,
let's go outside.

[door closes]

Here, look, look at this.

My name, right?

And this date, right?

Now, it's all down in black
and white on the schedule.

Let me see some
identification, Mr. Wellman?

Pulling a stunt
like that.

It's like stealing,
no difference.

Where do you work?

I sell insurance.
I have my own agency.

What's the address?

Here, this is my card.

I even take care
of the insurance

and I don't charge him anything
for it and how about that?

This thing between
you and Roemer

is gettin' hot and heavy.

You better believe it.

Any physical violence?


Has he threatened you
in any way?

That little creep,
are you kiddin'?

Look, Officer,
the only reason I called you

is for you to get
my boat back to me.

Well, we can't do that,
Mr. Wellman.

This is a civil matter,
we can't get into it.

Now, wait a minute,

Now, look, Mr. Wellman,

you seem
like a responsible man.

I do all right.

Well, you know that yelling
never settled anything.

Now, this can just go
on and on and on

until one of you guys
is man enough to step back

and let the situation
cool down.

Well, if you expect me--

Miles, will you
please listen?

He makes sense.

Look, Officer,
I'm a reasonable man, but--

Good, good.

What about the boat?

Well, it's too late
to go fishin' now.

Anyway, your wife's
all upset.

By tomorrow, maybe
things will look different,

you two can get
things settled.

How about it?

If he unlocks
that door.

I mean, how do I know
the boat's still in there?

He could've sold it
or somethin'.

Stay here and I'll go
check that right now.

Feel like I've been
through a wringer.

He's cooled down some.

We ought to check and make
sure the boat's still there.

It is. I walked him
back to the garage,

I looked through
the window.

He stll won't open the door,

Mr. Roemer, any
particular reason you, uh,

put a new lock
on the garage?

You're darned right.

I've had it up to here
with that guy.

I'm not gonna get
pushed around by him any more.

He's the kind,
y-y-you give him an inch

and, uh, the next thing
he's got your back teeth.

Agnes is all right.
Yeah, I like her.

But that Miles is
a lousy mooch.

Pardon my English.

Always brings it back
with the gas tank empty.

L--l say to him:

"How about buying
some gas once in a while?"

And it's always,
"Oh, I forgot."

They've got it
two weekends out of three.

It's, "if you're
not using it this weekend,

we'll take it."
Like that, you know?

I think he conned us
on the whole deal.

For weeks there,
Miles was talking it up.

You know,
boats and fishing.

(Sidney) We're not all
that crazy about it.

I like to water-ski,
but I get seasick.

Then, it was, "How about
we get a boat together?"

W-What it is, is he's just too
darned cheap to buy one for himself.

So I locked it up.

What's he want you to do,
arrest me?

We're primarily interested in
keeping the peace, Mr. Roemer.

I don't think he's gonna try
to use it today,

but he would like it if you'd take
the lock off the garage door.

I mean, it would be a nice
gesture for you to make.

You have to unlock it
some time.

Not necessarily.

Oh, don't be silly.

Tomorrow maybe.
I'll have to think about it.

Well, that's up to you.
We just want to make sure

there's no more
disturbance here.

No, I'm not gonna start
any trouble.

But I'm not gonna let him
push me around either.

Well, it might be a good idea

if you kind of stayed out
of sight for a little while.

I'll, uh,
I'll see you out.

I'll see what I can do
about the key.

Well, one down.

Where's your husband?

He'll be right back.

When he gets
these ideas in his head,

I don't know,
it worries me.

Unfortunately, there's
not a lot we can do.

Oh, boy.

Why don't you have him take
you out to dinner, to a show?

I suppose.

It's just a suggestion. But try and
get him away from here for a while.

[door opening]

Well, boat's
still there.

I saw it.
It seems to be all right.

Is the door open?

No, not yet. But if you
leave it alone,

I think he'll come around.

He better.

Well, if he doesn't,
don't you start anything.

Do you have a lawyer?


Let him handle it.

I'm advising you
to keep the peace.

You know,
a thing like this

can get out of hand
very easily.

It isn't a police matter yet.

And you'd be a lot better off
if it doesn't become one.

You understand?

Sure, sure.

Okay, then.

Thank you, Officers.

Well, that ought to
hold 'em.

For a while anyway.

Hey, how about 7?

Yeah, let's try that place
on Lankershim.

With the waitresses, huh?

You said it,

1-Adam 12 requesting
Code 7 at 2200 Lankershim.

(female dispatcher)
'l-Adam 12, okay 7.

How about that Mrs. Wellman.

Yeah. It's a good thing

her husband didn't hear
the news.

He might've kicked
the garage door in.

What news?

The radio said they're taking
Yellowtail off Long Beach

like you wouldn't believe.


I hate to disturb you

while you're doing
your homework, partner.



You forgot to clear us.


I guess I did.

1-Adam-12, clear.

Where are we gonna go now?

I thought we'd drift up
to the north end

where they've been having
that rash of 459s.

Maybe we can catch ourselves
a real live burglar.

Why not?

(female dispatcher) 1-Adam-12, clear.
And a call.

A neighbor dispute.

See the woman.
1882, North Academy Drive.

1-Adam-12 handle Code 2.


1-Adam-12. Roger.

That's the, uh, Wellman place

Figures. How long did it take
them to start up again?

(female dispatcher)
7358, 7358...

I make it about,
uh, 45 minutes.

you come back here.

you come back here.

Stay where
you are!

They're at it again,

Agnes, come here
and help me with this.

[all yelling]

That's about enough!


Officers, I can settle this
very easily.

I will buy your half of the
boat right now for $1,500.

You'll do
no such thing!

Spending our good money
on that--

You stand back
and be quiet.

Mr. Roemer, will you step
inside the garage, please?

Oh, have I had it
with you.

Now you're going to
cut it out,

or I'm leaving tonight.
I mean it.

Mrs. Wellman,
did you call us?

Yes, I--l heard 'em
and came running back here.

They were pushing and shoving
at the garage doors

and yelling at each other
and wouldn't stop.

So I called
the police.

Then I guess Miles went
and got the cars.

I didn't keep track of
what all happened after that.

Okay, what got it started?

Well, I was
getting out my car.

I was going to
pick up mother

and, uh, bring her
over here for dinner.

And I figured,
"What the heck?

I will unlock
the boat, too."

Well, he must've been standing
over there waiting for me.

Because he came
tearing over here

and grabbed the padlock
away from me.

And, uh, then he went back
and got his car.

He was gonna move
the boat out. See?

Well, when he found out
he couldn't do that,

he--he started
throwing the gear outside

and acting like a wild man.

And that's-that's
about it.

What happened to the car?

Oh, well, that was after

I let the air out of
the trailer tires.

You know, so he, uh,
couldn't move the boat.


Okay, go ahead.

Well, he was going to
move it anyway.

And that would've
chewed up the tires.

But he didn't care.
Oh, no, not him.

So I, uh,
smashed his window.

You did that?

Yeah. I picked up a wrench
and I smashed his window.

That's our car!

You're a nut, Sidney.

You know that?
A genuine nut.

Well, now, this,
uh, this is

just all getting
out of hand.

I think we may be
making some progress.




The ins and outs are
kinda complicated.

He claims
he was just trying

to take possession
of his property.

His wife laid into him
pretty good.

I think he's
kinda shook.

Hmm. So is the other one.

They're not going to jail,
are they?

I think you'll agree they've
disturbed the peace a trifle.

And a few other things.

I really wish
you wouldn't. Please.

Wendy, come here
a minute.

A brand new car!

Can I kill him?

Wendy, they're talking
about taking them to jail.

Well, Mrs. Wellman, we can't
let it go on like this.

Miles has given me
his word

that there won't be
any more trouble.

Sid's mother
is coming to dinner tonight.

He won't try anything
when she's here.

I guarantee I'll have him
out and away from here

within 15 minutes.
I'll just throw something on.

[bell ringing]

Now you fellas have had
yourself quite a time,

haven't you?

I've seen kids in sandboxes
behave better than you two.

And you're supposed to be
grown up men.

It's--it's just foolishness.
I--l just want to let it drop.

Okay, I'll--

I'll put the gear
back in the boat.

I don't want this
to go on any longer.

I think you mean it.

But just so that it's
absolutely clear to you,

if we have to come back
here again,

going to jail.

(female dispatcher) 1-Adam-12,
1-Adam-12, See the woman.

A 415, fight.
1882, North Academy Drive.

[brakes squealing]

[both grunting]

You gave me
your word.

Just shut up!

Just wait until your mother
hears about this.

Stand back please.

He broke in here.
He can go to jail for that.

Did you see him do it?

I heard a lot of banging. I got
here just as he opened the door.

He had a hammer in his hand.
I want him arrested.

A man's got a right to check
his own property, doesn't he?

You understand you're
charging him with a felony?

Oh, that's it exactly.
All right, all right.

I'm going to charge him
with assault and battery.

Assault and battery?

Well, he kicked me.

Eh, how about
that, huh?

I think you both ought to be
ashamed of yourselves!

Are you both sure
this is what you want?

I'm sure.
Yes, sir.

Okay, let's go.
Let's go.

They're going
to jail?

They both insist
on filing a complaint.

For how long?

You can come down later
and bail 'em out.

But I'd give
some thought

as to how fast
you want 'em out.

They have to work

Feeling the way they do,
it might be better off

for them to sit there
and cool off for a while.

At least
they won't be fighting.

Yes, Diana.

That's wonderful.

But y-you've got to
get off the phone now.

Uh, don't...

Don't-don't hang it up,


you just let your daddy
speak to your mom.


Yeah, I'm--I'm listening.


Yeah, that's
very funny, but...

My daughter, she's, uh,

readin' me the funnies.

I think.

Uh, honey.

No--no, s-sweetheart,

I'd like to hear a lot more,
but I just can't right now.

No, you put the phone down
and go get your mother for me.

Don't put the phone...

She hung it up.

This is ridiculous.

You try to carry on
an intelligent conversation

with a three-year-old.

I haven't tried

Well, what's goin' on,
my friend?

Well, I got a couple of
customers outside.

They, uh, they
own a boat together.

And the deal is they both
use it on alternate weekends.

But one of them's
got it locked up

and he won't let
the other one have it.

Sounds like a real mess.

What have you
got 'em in for?

Well, maybe
you could tell me.

We've been out there three
times in the last 24 hours.

The last time,
they each insisted

we bust the other one
on felony charges.

It's just spite, I think.

You know anything
about 'em?

No trouble there before,
no priors.

They're both good
citizen-types, responsible.

Aren't they all?

Except for the hang-up
over the boat.

Well, what do you want me
to do about it?

See if either one of them
has got a good case.

I think you might be
doing them a favor.

No, I mean it.

I--I--I got a bad feeling
about this.

Maybe if they were locked up
a while, they'd cool off

before something
serious happens.

Okay, I'll do what I can.

Which one do you
want first?

They're your customers,

Mr. Roemer.

Right over there.

Reed, Malloy.

Mr. Wellman, you can
wait over there for us.

Changed his mind.

I'm not surprised.

When he heard Roemer
dropped his charges,

then he backed off, too.

He's still uptight?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Well, let's get 'em
on home.

It gets worse every time.
That's what bothers me.

Well, you talk to 'em.

Sure. I tried
to separate 'em.

Told 'em to get a lawyer.

I don't know
what else we can do.

Nothing else to do.
It's up to them.

There ought to be something
we could do about those two.

Like what?

You can't go around
locking people up

because you think
they might do something.

You'd wind up with half
the country in jail.

Yeah. You, uh,

you think there's any chance
that they'll, uh, drop it now?

I wouldn't wanna bet on it.

This thing's gotten a lot
bigger than just the boat now,

to both of 'em.

(female dispatcher) 1-Adam-12,
1-Adam-12, see the woman.

Unknown trouble.
1882, North Academy Drive.

1-Adam-12, handle Code 2.

1-Adam-12. Roger.

See what I mean?

[Agnes exclaiming]

God! Miles. Miles.


Come on, step up.

Come on.

[Agnes crying]

What happened?

It was Sid. He hit him.

Where's he now?

I don't know.
In the house I guess.

Have you called an ambulance?

Oh, dear God!

Have you called
an ambulance?


Go in your house
and call one right now.

Stay with him.

Police officer.
Open up.

It's open. Come in.

On your feet,
Mr. Roemer.


Hands behind
your head.

There's no need
for all this fuss.

Wendy's already
pretty upset.

You can see that.

This isn't
going to help.

I was...

I was just trying to
explain to Wendy

what happened.

Honey, I...

I--l couldn't just

let him keep on
pushing me around.

You can see that.

Can't you?

No. No, I can't, Sidney.

I can't see it.

[siren wailing]


I talked
to the hospital.

It's homicide.
Dead on arrival.


He keeps asking
about Wellman.

He knows he hurt him
pretty bad,

but figures
he'll be okay.

Has he told you
anything yet?

Just that he caught Wellman
in his garage again,

and Wellman came at him
with a boat hook.

And he managed to drop him
with a fire extinguisher.

Just keeps sayin' he got tired
of being pushed around.

The hospital says

he hit Wellman on the head
at least four times.

Well, better go
break the news to him.

You can tell him he pushed
back a little too hard.