Acceptable Risk (2017): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript
The conspirators behind the blackmail and deaths begin to panic as links to the murders come into focus.
These are the names
of Irish crime families
who have connections
in both Montreal and Dublin.
If someone wanted Lee Manning
professionally killed,
any one of them
could have arranged it.
CORMAC: I've been doing a bit
of work for a Yank, you see.
Miss America might know
why your old man's lying
on a slab in Canada.
I could lead you to her.
BYRNE: They fished Walsh
out of the canal.
He was helped on his way.
He had a bash
to the back of the head.
I don't have your name yet,
but I know where you work.
You meet me and talk
or I'll come knocking
on the door of the U.S. embassy
We've had our fallings-out
in the past, I know,
but your advice on this
would be very welcome --
before it turns into the kind
of headlines none of us want.
Lee Manning used to work
for the CIA.
I'll assume
full operational control.
I'm off the case?
You got close to something,
so they closed you down,
and you're going along with it.
It's what Cormac Walsh
was sent here to look for.
It's got hotel bills,
receipts, ticket stubs,
a record of everywhere he'd been
for the firm,
all the places they sent him.
There's an address here.
It's where Barry Lehane lives.
NUALA: Lee was scared
that Lehane suspected him
of being there
the night Ciaran died.
-Yeah. You're making this up.
-Lee Manning --
whoever the hell he was --
got what he wanted.
Ciaran was in his way,
and Ciaran had to go.
MARIE: A little bird tells me
you're going away
for a few weeks.
Monday. London.
A course.
They're very big on those now.
Policing has changed
since I left.
It's not all clearing bars with
your fists in Dolphin's Barn
or getting to know the chancers
on your beat.
I'm not sure about it.
This case I'm working
I told you about --
It'll be hard to let go
of the reins.
I know the feeling.
Some of them you take
You want to be the one
to make the arrest.
You're under enough pressure
without adding to it yourself,
though, don't you think?
God, it was a different world
when I started.
The Stone Age.
I was one of the first
to get to high rank.
I thought they'd give me
a chance to prove myself.
Instead, I was sent around
the country inspecting accounts.
Then I got saddled
with a-a hit-and-run driver.
A very rich man
with powerful friends.
I was told if I made waves,
I'd be proving
I wasn't a team player --
and that would be bad news
for any other woman trying to
follow in my footsteps.
If I wanted to join
the boys' club,
I'd have to prove I understood
the rules.
So I took the long view.
I let it slide.
I went with the force
instead of my feelings,
and I think I was right.
I paid my dues on behalf of you
and the other women
that followed.
Are you giving me a message?
What message would that be,
To straighten yourself out.
To realize that not all
the battles have been won.
To understand that you have
a responsibility, too,
to the women
who'll come after you.
What? Keep my head down
and my mouth shut?
We didn't write the rules
on policing.
And at your level, you don't
get to see the big picture.
If something stinks?
Well, cover your nose.
Can I guess who the little bird
was who sent you?
Jimmy Nulty is one
of the best friends we ever had
in the guards.
Look at how he forced them
to give that course to you
instead of to the blue-eyed boy
the rest of them wanted.
He'd make a fine commissioner --
maybe even a great one.
Sarah Manning is in the clear
as far as I'm concerned,
though there are some
that are trying to set her up.
Listen to yourself.
There's people in Dublin --
important people
that want her headed off
or treated as a lunatic.
I really don't want to think
that it goes up
to chief-superintendent level,
and you're doing his dirty work.
If you want to make an enemy
of me
and sabotage your career,
then go right ahead.
I'm not trying to make an enemy
of you.
I respect you.
I learned everything from you.
This is my life, my career,
and my name on that file,
and I'm making a phone call.
I want you to hear this.
I'm coming to see you.
Let's just say tea
with an old friend
gives you a chance to calm down
and think things through.
The CIA?
Lee worked for the CIA?
As far as we know,
he's an ex-employee.
That explains this and those.
Put them somewhere safe.
I'm taking you to meet somebody.
The person who arranged
for your car to be bugged
and your house broken into
are looking for them.
What's she doing here?
You need her on your side.
She found the file
you paid Walsh to break into
her house to look for.
I had nothing to do with that.
Cormac Walsh said you did.
He offered to sell you out.
For 50,000 euros,
he was gonna hand you over.
He never got the chance.
We can do this here, now,
no record of who says what,
or we could do it
the other way --
leave here, go back to the U.S.
embassy, make it official.
Your call.
I want the truth.
I'm gonna get it.
Lots of people say that,
but they don't want
the whole truth.
They only want the one
that they can handle,
the one that fits into the way
they see the world,
how they want to keep thinking
about somebody --
especially somebody
they're close to.
I want to know everything --
about Lee, about the company,
about why he was in danger.
I want to know who you are
and what gave you the right
to do what you did to my family.
I work for the FBI on attachment
to the embassy in Dublin.
The case I'm working on
falls under the Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act,
which authorizes us
to bring charges
against any firm
or employee of that firm
using bribery or corruption
to obtain financial advantages.
Gumbiner-Fischer was using Lee
to do that.
Do you have proof of this?
I can tell you exactly what he
was going to do in Montreal
if he had the chance.
It's what he did
every time he made a trip
on behalf of that firm.
I have an appointment
with the minister.
COYLE: We had been watching Lee
for some time.
Every trip followed
a similar pattern.
I'm not here to offer anything
as crude as a bribe, Minister.
You're a man of the highest
ethical integrity
with an unblemished reputation.
So far.
Your promotion
to health minister
in one of the German
federal republics
puts you in charge
of the bidding process
for a drug that we manufacture.
We want to invest in you --
in your career,
your success in that career,
financial well-being.
And when you leave
political life,
if you should choose to use your
talents in the business world,
we'd be more than happy to talk.
In public life,
people make enemies.
You've made them.
One in particular.
He'd destroy you if he could,
but we'd prefer it
if you destroyed him first.
We would regard this
as a down payment
on our investment with you.
That's how it was meant
to go down.
That day, of course,
it all went south.
I was planning to approach him,
show him the evidence
that we already had,
offer him a deal,
get him to wear a wire.
He was the last piece
of the puzzle.
I want to say how sorry I am
that your husband was killed
in a place
where we couldn't intervene.
Or are you just sorry you can't
make your case anymore?
I would like to believe that he
would've cooperated willingly
once I had the means
to get his attention,
that he could have ended up
on the witness sheet
instead of in the dock.
When did you last see Walsh?
I tried to talk to him
two nights ago,
see how serious he was
about his threats to go public.
I couldn't find him.
The night he was killed?
I had nothing to do with that.
He had enemies too.
The Drug Enforcement Agency
used him as an informant
in a smuggling case
at Dublin Airport.
I'm not holding anything back.
You asked me for the truth, and
now I'm asking you to act on it.
Your husband
was a highly trained
undercover intelligence officer
who trusted no one,
not even the firm
that he worked for.
If something went wrong,
he might have kept a record
as an insurance policy
in case they tried to throw him
under the bus.
Why should I help you blacken
his name,
even if I believed any of this?
Because the answer to the person
who killed your husband
is what he was doing
with that firm.
Don't you want that answer?
I'll make a deal with anybody
to find who killed Lee,
but I have to be sure
I'm gonna get the right answer
and not be fed another pack
of lies.
I am not lying to you.
I have put my career in your
hands by telling you all this.
Let's go.
I am going to get an indictment
on that company
one way or another.
And I will include
in those indictments
anyone who tries to obstruct
my investigation.
You have no idea
how broad the reach of
the United States government is.
Do you believe it?
I didn't know your husband.
Do you?
If I wanted somebody to do a job
like that,
I'd be looking for somebody
with a background like his.
Somebody who could guard
a secret?
Keep his nerve?
Look somebody in the eye
and make a threat or tell a lie
without blinking?
But that same person was...
Stop the car, please.
Stop the car now!
You gonna be all right?
Lee gave me this last year.
It's from Italy.
Changes color.
It's red from one angle
and green from the other.
It...depends how you look at it.
It's not just one thing.
Two things all at once.
Maybe he was sending me
a message... case one day I ever saw
the other side of him,
the other Lee...
...the one he'd never in
a million years want me to see.
I have to take this.
Emer Byrne.
Lehane is dead.
Had another heart attack.
He was never gonna make it.
MAN: Are you sure
you've given us a list
of everything he was taking
for his heart?
He was on a lot of things.
We found quinidine
in his system.
We have no record
of the quinidine
having been prescribed.
Uh, Sarah Manning to see Aidan
O'Sullivan or Deirdre Kilbride.
Do you have an appointment?
If you tell them who it is,
they'll see me.
I'm not supposed to let anybody
through without an appointment.
Well, you're not supposed to
spend your time doing your nails
and texting your boyfriend,
are you, love?
Mrs. Manning to see you.
Thank you.
Uh, these are the dates Lee was
in those cities on your behalf.
Paris, Rome, Hong Kong, Nairobi,
Singapore, Cairo --
It...goes on and on.
And -- Oh.
Montreal -- the last trip, the
one he didn't come back from.
You sent him there
to very cleverly threaten
to blackmail people
to swing contracts and deals
your way.
I have the originals
of all his travel details --
expenses, instructions
on who to meet and where.
I've just come from meeting
an FBI agent
attachéd to the U.S. embassy
in Dublin
who'd be very interested
in seeing them.
She wants to send you to jail,
and she's not fussy what means
she has to use.
She's already had my house
broken into, bugged my car.
She'll --
She'll do what it takes.
Oh, that's not, um, that's not
jail here, by the way.
That's federal prison
in the U.S.,
where there's no parole and they
can send you down for 150 years
without cracking their faces.
The way -- The way they work is
to round up the small fry first,
the lower- and middle-ranking
executives like you,
and work their way up
to the big fish.
Which of you wants this?
Human resources?
Or should I find my way
to Dr. Hoffman's office
and hand it to him personally?
I-I knew nothing about this.
Neither do I.
And, Sarah, I resent you forcing
your way in here.
I resent having to bury
my husband in a few days,
so I think we're quits.
Well, things have changed
since your time here.
You work here, the pair of you.
Gumbiner-Fischer pays
your wages.
If you didn't know about this,
you should have guessed.
And if you did know, you both
have Lee's blood on your hands.
What do you want from us?
I want the name of the man
in the file Lee carried.
The man who was gonna
be destroyed
because of the information
in it.
He had the most to gain
by Lee being killed
before he could hand it over.
If I don't get that,
I'll go back to the FBI
and show them everything I have.
I'm still hoping
there's another explanation --
that...maybe he was planning on
blowing the whistle
on the whole rotten deal,
that he was sick and tired
of the lies --
the ones he told on your behalf,
the ones he had to tell me --
that he was gonna
bring you down, that...
that he was a good man
and not a crook...
...and a blackmailer
who saw the light in the end.
Give me that name
or I will do to you what Lee did
to people on your behalf.
Destroy you.
Sarah Manning was in the office
just now.
It's not longer vague threats
She's got something in writing
that could destroy this firm
and send a lot of people
to prison.
Prison in America
as well as here.
I'm told one of the best views
in the world
is from the cells
at San Quentin.
No more jokes, Maurice.
I'm scared.
For the first time,
really scared.
The FBI is involved
and God knows who else.
Sarah Manning is coming
straight at Hoffman,
and you're a little too close
to him for comfort.
She'll do anything
to find the answers.
And if they can help her
do that --
I have done no more
for Gumbiner-Fischer
than I would do for any major
employer in this country.
We have a vital
national interest
in working with those that can
bring good, steady jobs here,
but I am also fully aware there
are lines never to be crossed.
This sounds like something you'd
say outside the Four Courts
before going in to be sentenced.
Look, don't panic.
In the meantime,
stay clear of Sarah Manning.
There's nothing more
I can tell her.
That won't stop her
asking questions.
Aidan O'Sullivan, though --
I wouldn't be sure about him
and what he knows
and what he is willing to tell
to save his own neck.
There is not
much to tell about that night,
and I have told it many times.
I still have to ask.
I was on my way to work.
-That time of the night?
I worked two -- three jobs
in those days
to have money to buy this.
My night job was to clean
the vents in the restaurants.
I scraped the grease, and it was
recycled into new cooking oil.
Mm. I'll think of that
next time I'm dining out.
So I walk by the canal,
and I hear a splash,
as if someone has fallen in.
So... were here when you heard
Ciaran Boyle call for help,
-Come here!
Did you see anyone else?
I-I see no one else.
Only the man in the water.
He's in the lock,
trying to get out,
but the water is too deep.
Also I'm shouting for help,
but there is no one to --
to hear me.
The man in the water is
trying to get hold of something.
There is nothing there.
He tries to reach my hand when I
reach down for him, but...
Take your time.
One moment.
You drink?
I do, but I'm on duty.
Sometimes I have nightmares.
Then I saw lights
of police car...
-...on the road.
So I leave the man in the water,
and I run to them.
We get man out of the water,
and it is too late.
And this is my statement.
Nothing to add.
It's your statement
word for word.
But I think you're lying.
I think you saw something else
that night.
There was a knife found here.
Don't know nothing about knife.
A short-bladed folding knife
somebody would use
to protect themselves
if they had to be going
'round the city late at night,
going from job to job with cash.
It was yours, wasn't it?
And on your way to ask the guard
for help,
you stopped
and you got rid of it
because you didn't want them
to find it on you.
I think you were nervous
because you saw something.
That's why you got rid
of the knife.
Which means that if there was
somebody else there that night,
you saw them.
So what really happened?
Who did you see?
If I tell you about the knife,
will you put me in trouble?
I don't care about the knife.
It's only important
'cause it tells me
you were too scared to say
what you really saw.
So what happened?
What did you see?
At first, I-I hear shouting... if someone was in a fight.
Two voices of two men.
So I think to myself, "Kyrylo,
this is none of your business.
Don't get involved.
Just go."
But then I hear shouting
for help.
So I run towards lock gate,
and that's when I hear splash.
And that's when the other man
sees me and he runs away.
So he gets away, the other man
that was fighting with him?
I'd lied because I don't want to
get into trouble.
You see,
if they send me to jail,
they send me home straightaway.
Are you going to put me to jail?
I just want to know
what the other man looked like.
I did not get a good look
at him.
Yeah, but you did see him.
Yes, I saw.
Was this him?
It was very long time ago.
Yeah, but you said
you still have nightmares.
You see it all again.
Was this him?
Yes, I think that's him.
Yes, I...
BYRNE: You're a very capable
man, Mr. Lehane,
and I'm sure you'll do
whatever it takes
to protect the people
who you're working for.
You don't get a free pass
just 'cause you work for one
of the biggest firms in Ireland.
Not just one of the biggest.
One of the most important
and powerful.
You should remember that.
KYRYLO: You're going to
look for him now
and put him into court?
Will I have to say what I saw?
You may not have to do that.
Not now.
Let me walk this back.
You carried out an illegal
surveillance operation
against an employee
of one of Ireland's biggest
and most profitable companies
without informing me
as legal attaché.
To do so,
you used a Dublin criminal
who even the Drug Enforcement
Agency found flaky.
He's dead, and now you've
opened a back channel
to a detective
in the Dublin police force
who seems to have an agenda
of her own
and conducted an interview
with a potential suspect,
your target's widow.
She's just told you to get lost,
so you're bringing it to me
in case she goes public,
in which case the ambassador
is gonna be asking me
some very awkward questions.
I have strong
circumstantial evidence
that contracts have gone
to Gumbiner-Fischer
instead of the lowest bidder
or that the terms of bids
changed at the last minute
to favor them.
I think we can still pull a case
and Sarah Manning is the key.
Given what you've done already,
it could also turn into
one of the nastiest
diplomatic dogfights
in foreign-service history.
Ireland is not a hostile power.
These are our friends.
We like them.
They like us.
We don't have too many people
left in the world
who do that unconditionally
these days.
We're through here.
I want nothing to do with this.
Fold the case and walk away.
You said it yourself.
It started off as an illegal
surveillance operation
in a friendly capital
and went downhill from there.
If you didn't know about it,
you should have.
I have no intention
of folding this case
while there's still a chance
that we can get indictments.
NULTY: You ordered a guard
to sit by the hospital bedside
of a man connected with a case
that you were warned off.
You spoke to that guard
and to the doctor in charge,
in direct defiance of an order
given to you by me
in this office.
Is that right?
The death of Sarah Manning's
first husband
is now a murder inquiry.
I have a witness.
He says Lehane was there
the night he died.
Somebody gave Lehane medication
that would kill him
if taken in combination
with his regular prescription,
which means Lehane was killed
to stop him revealing the name
of whoever he killed for.
You're accusing an ex-guard
of murder for hire?
I think we could make that case.
On whose behalf?
Somebody in that firm wanted
Ciaran Boyle out of the way
because of what he knew about
their corrupt operations --
operations that Lee Manning
was part of.
Why do you think I took that
case from you -- or tried to?
You really think it can be
handled at your level?
I don't know
why you took me off the case.
I know what I'm told.
I know what I was told, sir.
By you, sir.
Your current daybook.
You have not spoken
to anyone else about this case,
either by phone or in person,
and left details out?
No, sir.
Don't get cute with me.
Have you?
I have not, sir.
'Cause if you have, it's a very
serious disciplinary matter.
I'm well aware of that, sir.
It wouldn't just be a matter of
missing this course in London.
You could be out on your ear.
I realize that, sir.
Did you talk to Sarah Manning
this morning?
I did, sir.
I don't see a note about it
in here.
My friend Sarah?
Uh, that's a private thing,
not official business.
Don't get cute with me!
Should I ask for a member of the
Garda Representative Association
to get involved in this, sir?
I put my own brother away once.
He was a bad lot, but he
was still my flesh and blood.
I could have tipped him the wink
to get the next boat out of here
before they nabbed him,
but I didn't make that call.
I had my loyalties sorted out.
Everything I do
is knowing my loyalties, sir,
as I said
to ex-Garda Detective Heffernan
when she tried to warn me
to back off.
I sent her to you
to give you that warning.
In the hopes
that you'd see reason,
back off when you were told that
this inquiry involves issues
that are way out of your league.
But you said no!
You tried to make an eejit
out of me.
That's not true, sir.
All I tried to do was follow
the case to where it led.
It leads here, to my desk,
where it should have been
all this time.
You might as well hand in
your resignation here and now,
because however well you do
from now on,
there'll always be a red flag
against your name.
"Emer Byrne?
Ask Jimmy Nulty about her.
She never gave 100%
when she was asked.
She knew better."
Your career is over.
It's our loss as much as yours,
but there it is.
Get out of here.
Cool your heels while I decide
what to do with you.
Whatever it is,
you won't like it,
because it'll be a total waste
of your time,
training, and talent.
You did that for me?
Put your career on the line?
For the case.
To get to the truth no matter
who's standing in the way.
I burnt my bridges.
Now all I can do
is do what you did --
take the fight to them.
Come on.
That list of Canadian
organized-crime figures
with Irish family connections
back here --
I think I can help.
Mila Beck, the German
Federal Intelligence Service.
Emer's told me who you are.
We're on the same side,
Mrs. Manning.
Are we?
Are we, really?
I want to find the man
who killed my husband
and see him punished.
Is that what you want?
I want the same name
as you do -- that of the man
who had reason to take the file
from your husband,
even if he had to kill him
to do so.
This one is doing 20 years
in Portlaoise.
This one is in jail in England.
This one has got a big family,
but they're all eejits.
Nobody would trust them.
And this one is strictly
Him...and him
may be worth giving a shake.
I'll have a sniff around
for you.
Do you really think that you can
get one of them to give somebody
That depends on how good a deal
I'm in a position to make.
You two make a good team.
I just want it all to be over,
to close the door behind me,
be with my kids and around
people who tell me the truth.
I regret the deception I had to
practice on you, Mrs. Manning.
I especially regret that you saw
through it so easily.
Do what you have to do,
Mr. Duquesne.
You too, Ms. Beck.
You tell me who in there
arranged to kill my husband,
and I'll tell you who stood most
to gain from it -- once I know.
As well as all the stuff
about the firm,
Lee's got all these details
about how you financed
the properties
you and Patrick got into --
who your partners were,
the banks you used.
There's also a lot of things
about Patrick's legal problems.
The fraud charges.
All the shenanigans he got into
when he got desperate.
This brings it back.
It was great for a while.
When we went out for the night,
we never knew where we'd end up.
Paris by charter jet,
Ibiza to go clubbing.
Be honest -- sister to sister.
You were always a bit jealous
of me back then, weren't you?
Maybe I was.
Just a bit.
You had all the money
in the world,
and you weren't shy
about showing it off.
I'd worked hard
to get where I was,
and you just dropped out
of school
and were living like a queen.
Why would Lee care about it?
And care enough
to put all this together?
I have no idea.
I need to talk to him --
to Patrick.
How do I find him?
I would have said
in the biggest suite
at the most expensive hotel
in Dublin.
But these days?
Did I ever tell you
about the time he didn't like
how the hotel manager spoke
to him,
so he tried to buy the place
so he could sack him?
You did.
Can you keep to the subject?
I have nothing to do with him
You knew he was back?
He came 'round
the day he flew back.
He wanted to borrow some money
for the taxi fare
from the airport.
He didn't even have that.
Can you imagine?
How do I find --
Oh, thanks, love.
You must know where he is.
I'm doing as well as you can
when it looks like the jig
is up.
Thanks for asking.
As well as you can do
when this is your lunch.
Not the culinary razzle-dazzle
of the best restaurants
in Dublin.
I'll take you to lunch.
Put that away.
Hold on a tick.
With the compliments of somebody
who was at one point the 15th
or possibly 16th richest man
in Ireland.
It's a touch of the old style
You always had plenty of that.
It's all I have left.
When that's gone,
it'll really be over.
I've asked Sarah to lunch, too.
How is she holding up?
Sometimes I think my sister
is made of spring steel.
Sometimes I think she's made
of strawberry jelly.
Be careful what you say to her.
About losing Lee?
Bringing up the kids on her own?
About everything.
Are you listening to me?
You're wide awake?
This is getting through?
Whoa, whoa.
You're not staying?
I said I'd take you to lunch.
I didn't say I'd eat with you.
I have a business to run.
Feels like an ambush.
It's about Lee.
I just found out
that he put a file together
about your property deals.
Why would he do that?
Why would he care about them?
Care about them and hide them --
hide them
with a bunch of other things
about the firm he worked for?
Things...that might have got him
I liked Lee.
He was one
of those quiet Americans.
Most of them tell you
in the first five minutes
about their Irish roots
and how their grandfather
was in the GPO in 1916.
Lee didn't tell any stories
about where he was from.
That's one of my problems.
Look at this.
This is what he had.
A list of all your properties.
Why go to all this trouble?
You know,
I actually think I owned
this restaurant at one point.
If I still did,
I'd fire everybody
for keeping us waiting
this long.
-Yes, sir?
I apologize for disturbing
your slumbers,
but we wish to eat.
I'm so sorry, sir.
The lady will be paying.
Can we get back on track?
You and Lee.
The property deals.
Why would he go to all this
trouble to get these details?
I need to know how this fits in
with everything else.
I figure you're firing
all these questions at me
because there was a lot more to
good old Lee that met the eye.
Why else would we be here?
Could it be anything to do
with this deal?
Or this one?
Or this?
Yeah. You'll --
You'll have to excuse me.
I, um, I won't be having lunch
with you after all.
I mustn't keep the judge
She has it in for me already.
I hope this has been useful.
To repeat, however, I have
no idea why Lee did what he did
or what those papers add up to
that you've been waving
a little bit rudely,
I'd have to say, in my face.
I need to know.
You're the only one
who can tell me what this means.
I should say
do let's do this again,
but even if
by some legal loophole
they don't put me in jail,
I really don't have anything
to say about Lee,
and I resent
being cross-examined.
That's not what I'm doing.
I have quite enough people
in my life
firing questions at me
at the moment
and it is what you're doing.
And I have nothing to tell you,
so leave me alone.
He wouldn't have done this
without a reason.
I'm not in the dock here.
And nor is Nuala.
This isn't about me and her.
This is about you and Lee.
And if that was a mess
that you're only now
getting around to sorting out,
don't bring us into it.
Understood, ex-sister-in-law?
Oh, come on!
PATRICK: I made quite
the little scene out of it, too.
I was always good at that,
wasn't I?
You were.
I don't think she'll be back
for more.
How much do you think
she really knows
about that deal with Ciaran?
She has no idea of it.
Not yet.
I hope she never does.
She'd never forgive me.
It'd be over for me and her
as sisters.
Do you know that name?
Look, I'm a legal officer
of this corporation.
What I know and don't know
is privileged.
You do, don't you?
Even if I did,
I wouldn't be able to share it,
whatever the circumstances, with
Sarah Manning or anybody else.
...if that meant
I'd be complicit in a crime,
that if by withholding
the information
I was furthering a conspiracy --
or something that would put me
on the wrong side of the law --
it'd be a different matter.
I'd have no choice.
You'd tell her?
Look, a couple of months ago,
the U.S. authorities extradited
two directors and the treasurer
of a London bank.
None of them had even set foot
in the States ever.
They're in jail there now,
awaiting trial.
There are arrest warrants out
for the members of staff
who did the paperwork.
I like those documentaries
about American jails,
but I don't want to be in one.
Put that away.
Who you gonna call?
Your b-- Your boyfriend, the TD?
How deep is he in?
He's not.
Look, I know a little bit about
how this firm got
the planning permission and
bank credits for the new plant,
the one
in O'Hanlon's constituency.
He's a man
who can get things done.
But this is the FBI.
The FBI.
If they broke into
Sarah's house, bugged her car --
And you're...
But call him.
Go on.
Put your head in the noose.
I'm gonna do what's best for me.
You're gonna tell her?
If that's what it takes.
Barry Lehane?
That weasel is the reason I'm
serving out my time in traffic.
We were both in the running
for promotion to inspector.
My qualifications would even be
a bit better than his.
I was ready for the challenge.
The promotion was mine
for the having.
Then things started to go wrong.
I started getting sideways looks
in the station.
People would clam up
when I walked by.
People I-I'd worked with
for years
wouldn't want to be seen
with me.
I found out why.
He was putting it around
that I was dirty,
that I was doing favors
for cash.
So Lehane was behind it?
He got the job,
and I got shuffled into traffic.
He said, "I told you
I wanted that job, Brian.
You know me.
You know I'd do anything
to get it."
I'm in two minds whether to go
to his funeral or not.
But I'm damn sure I'll go
to his grave at some point
and have a good laugh.
Could Lehane have arranged
for somebody to be killed
in Montreal
using his connections here?
Lehane was a walking Who's Who
of Irish crime, love.
Spent his life dealing with it.
Sometimes there's a line
that gets a little blurred,
if you take my meaning.
What you're dealing with day in,
day out rubs off.
If anybody could do it,
he'd know who.
The rumor mill says
that you've made
a bit of an enemy for yourself
at headquarters, Emer.
I might have done.
Be careful --
or you might end up like me,
staring at a bank
of traffic monitors
and waiting for the day the
pension check is in the bank.
I have a single-malt I've been
saving for a special occasion.
Between you and me, I prefer
Scotch to Irish whiskey,
but, uh, I can't be seen
drinking it in public.
Chief Superintendent Nulty has
some good news.
He's taken back complete control
of the operation.
Emer Byrne is out the door.
Isn't that right, Jimmy?
It's no reason for
the Garda Síochána to celebrate.
Quite the opposite.
A good, smart,
hardworking detective
who also happens to be
a decent human being
has had her career derailed.
It's laid at her own door,
but it's a damn shame anyhow.
is one of this country's
most valuable companies.
We reached out to offer you
whatever help we could.
All we expected in return
was to be kept informed
of developments in your inquiry.
Can I make it plainer
that after this,
I want to have nothing to do
with any deals with you
or anyone in your firm
or the goings-on going on there,
whether it comes through your
poodle O'Hanlon here or not.
That's what I came here tonight
to tell you.
You came in with your eyes open.
And I regretted it
the minute I did.
And I still reserve the right
to take this further
once I get my head
all the way around the facts.
NULTY: I wouldn't be relaxing
yet, either of you.
How much pain is your wife in,
Chief Superintendent?
Mr. O'Hanlon tells me
she's very ill.
That's no business of his
or yours.
We have some people
achieving very good results
on a new pain-management
Life-changing results.
If you would like me to speak
to them on her behalf --
We've tried everything.
This is new.
It's cancer, right?
It's not a cure, you understand,
but a way to make
the final months bearable.
Family support is vital.
So I could make arrangements
for you to be with her full time
without financial penalty.
If she would be more comfortable
in another house... the coast, perhaps,
even abroad,
in the sun somewhere --
it would be part of our
therapeutic commitment to you.
I'm not ready to retire.
A man like yourself
has a great deal to offer
to an industry such as mine.
Of course, there is a vacancy
here in Dublin
following the regrettable death
of Mr. Lehane.
What, take his job, you mean?
And end up like him?
Thank you very much. No.
I don't want anything
from your firm.
What about your wife, Nulty?
What about her?
I would need an answer tonight,
I'm afraid.
Before we all leave here.
Well, you can sit on your high
horse, but at her expense?
What kind of man are you?
You're not as smart as you think
you are, O'Hanlon.
You might think you've got
a nice little
out-of-the-way place here,
but nowhere is really
out of the way these days.
A local guard,
knowing it belongs to a TD,
keeps a very close eye on it.
He's aware of the comings
and goings.
He keeps a lookout
for strange cars,
makes a note
of regular visitors.
We ran a couple of number plates
to be on the safe side.
A man in public life.
One stood out.
Do you know your head of human
resources, Deirdre Kilbride,
is a regular visitor here
day and night?
Especially night --
night through to the early hours
of the morning.
She has her own key.
This is true, Mr. O'Hanlon?
Ms. Kilbride comes here?
That's nobody's business
but hers and mine.
You're a married man.
It opens you to blackmail
if it's another kind of relation
she's looking for.
Do you want your mouth washed
out for you, Nulty?
I'm in a pretty good shape
for a man who sits behind a desk
all day.
-Do you want to try me?
-Gentlemen, please.
What does she know?
What have you told her
and what has she told you?
She's not a problem, and she's
not gonna be a problem.
You are sure?
Women who get to her age, yeah,
the career's going great guns,
but they're lonely.
Their looks are beginning
to fade,
and the biological clock
is going boom, boom, boom.
Leave it to me.
I'll keep an eye on her.
She's not going to do anything
to rock the boat
or to talk out of turn,
not when she hopes
that I'll cause a scandal
by leaving my family for her.
I've been keeping her dangling
with that for a couple of years.
It's good for a few years more.
I came to...
I wanted...
Aidan O'Sullivan is going to...
I heard.
I've been in the hall.
Deirdre --
What is Mr. O'Sullivan
going to do?
You've kept me dangling
for a couple of years?
-I'm good for a few more?
-It's not --
I had to tell them what I
thought they wanted to hear.
What is it
Mr. O'Sullivan intends to do?
You're a guard, right?
But you're doing it
for your wife, not for you.
-What did you hear?!
-O'HANLON: Deirdre.
Stay here, Mr. O'Hanlon.
I'll talk to her.
She'll listen to me.
I'll handle this.
I don't take orders from you.
Now you do.
You both do.
Perhaps she didn't hear
but she heard enough.
-SARAH: Sarah Manning.
Is there somewhere safe
we can meet?
Is anywhere safe?
Maybe not.
I need to see you anyway.
Can I come 'round?
If it wasn't something
you needed to know,
would I be calling?
Of course you can.
How long will you be?
Not too long.
There's stuff
you need to be made aware of
sooner rather than later.
I'm on my way.
of Irish crime families
who have connections
in both Montreal and Dublin.
If someone wanted Lee Manning
professionally killed,
any one of them
could have arranged it.
CORMAC: I've been doing a bit
of work for a Yank, you see.
Miss America might know
why your old man's lying
on a slab in Canada.
I could lead you to her.
BYRNE: They fished Walsh
out of the canal.
He was helped on his way.
He had a bash
to the back of the head.
I don't have your name yet,
but I know where you work.
You meet me and talk
or I'll come knocking
on the door of the U.S. embassy
We've had our fallings-out
in the past, I know,
but your advice on this
would be very welcome --
before it turns into the kind
of headlines none of us want.
Lee Manning used to work
for the CIA.
I'll assume
full operational control.
I'm off the case?
You got close to something,
so they closed you down,
and you're going along with it.
It's what Cormac Walsh
was sent here to look for.
It's got hotel bills,
receipts, ticket stubs,
a record of everywhere he'd been
for the firm,
all the places they sent him.
There's an address here.
It's where Barry Lehane lives.
NUALA: Lee was scared
that Lehane suspected him
of being there
the night Ciaran died.
-Yeah. You're making this up.
-Lee Manning --
whoever the hell he was --
got what he wanted.
Ciaran was in his way,
and Ciaran had to go.
MARIE: A little bird tells me
you're going away
for a few weeks.
Monday. London.
A course.
They're very big on those now.
Policing has changed
since I left.
It's not all clearing bars with
your fists in Dolphin's Barn
or getting to know the chancers
on your beat.
I'm not sure about it.
This case I'm working
I told you about --
It'll be hard to let go
of the reins.
I know the feeling.
Some of them you take
You want to be the one
to make the arrest.
You're under enough pressure
without adding to it yourself,
though, don't you think?
God, it was a different world
when I started.
The Stone Age.
I was one of the first
to get to high rank.
I thought they'd give me
a chance to prove myself.
Instead, I was sent around
the country inspecting accounts.
Then I got saddled
with a-a hit-and-run driver.
A very rich man
with powerful friends.
I was told if I made waves,
I'd be proving
I wasn't a team player --
and that would be bad news
for any other woman trying to
follow in my footsteps.
If I wanted to join
the boys' club,
I'd have to prove I understood
the rules.
So I took the long view.
I let it slide.
I went with the force
instead of my feelings,
and I think I was right.
I paid my dues on behalf of you
and the other women
that followed.
Are you giving me a message?
What message would that be,
To straighten yourself out.
To realize that not all
the battles have been won.
To understand that you have
a responsibility, too,
to the women
who'll come after you.
What? Keep my head down
and my mouth shut?
We didn't write the rules
on policing.
And at your level, you don't
get to see the big picture.
If something stinks?
Well, cover your nose.
Can I guess who the little bird
was who sent you?
Jimmy Nulty is one
of the best friends we ever had
in the guards.
Look at how he forced them
to give that course to you
instead of to the blue-eyed boy
the rest of them wanted.
He'd make a fine commissioner --
maybe even a great one.
Sarah Manning is in the clear
as far as I'm concerned,
though there are some
that are trying to set her up.
Listen to yourself.
There's people in Dublin --
important people
that want her headed off
or treated as a lunatic.
I really don't want to think
that it goes up
to chief-superintendent level,
and you're doing his dirty work.
If you want to make an enemy
of me
and sabotage your career,
then go right ahead.
I'm not trying to make an enemy
of you.
I respect you.
I learned everything from you.
This is my life, my career,
and my name on that file,
and I'm making a phone call.
I want you to hear this.
I'm coming to see you.
Let's just say tea
with an old friend
gives you a chance to calm down
and think things through.
The CIA?
Lee worked for the CIA?
As far as we know,
he's an ex-employee.
That explains this and those.
Put them somewhere safe.
I'm taking you to meet somebody.
The person who arranged
for your car to be bugged
and your house broken into
are looking for them.
What's she doing here?
You need her on your side.
She found the file
you paid Walsh to break into
her house to look for.
I had nothing to do with that.
Cormac Walsh said you did.
He offered to sell you out.
For 50,000 euros,
he was gonna hand you over.
He never got the chance.
We can do this here, now,
no record of who says what,
or we could do it
the other way --
leave here, go back to the U.S.
embassy, make it official.
Your call.
I want the truth.
I'm gonna get it.
Lots of people say that,
but they don't want
the whole truth.
They only want the one
that they can handle,
the one that fits into the way
they see the world,
how they want to keep thinking
about somebody --
especially somebody
they're close to.
I want to know everything --
about Lee, about the company,
about why he was in danger.
I want to know who you are
and what gave you the right
to do what you did to my family.
I work for the FBI on attachment
to the embassy in Dublin.
The case I'm working on
falls under the Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act,
which authorizes us
to bring charges
against any firm
or employee of that firm
using bribery or corruption
to obtain financial advantages.
Gumbiner-Fischer was using Lee
to do that.
Do you have proof of this?
I can tell you exactly what he
was going to do in Montreal
if he had the chance.
It's what he did
every time he made a trip
on behalf of that firm.
I have an appointment
with the minister.
COYLE: We had been watching Lee
for some time.
Every trip followed
a similar pattern.
I'm not here to offer anything
as crude as a bribe, Minister.
You're a man of the highest
ethical integrity
with an unblemished reputation.
So far.
Your promotion
to health minister
in one of the German
federal republics
puts you in charge
of the bidding process
for a drug that we manufacture.
We want to invest in you --
in your career,
your success in that career,
financial well-being.
And when you leave
political life,
if you should choose to use your
talents in the business world,
we'd be more than happy to talk.
In public life,
people make enemies.
You've made them.
One in particular.
He'd destroy you if he could,
but we'd prefer it
if you destroyed him first.
We would regard this
as a down payment
on our investment with you.
That's how it was meant
to go down.
That day, of course,
it all went south.
I was planning to approach him,
show him the evidence
that we already had,
offer him a deal,
get him to wear a wire.
He was the last piece
of the puzzle.
I want to say how sorry I am
that your husband was killed
in a place
where we couldn't intervene.
Or are you just sorry you can't
make your case anymore?
I would like to believe that he
would've cooperated willingly
once I had the means
to get his attention,
that he could have ended up
on the witness sheet
instead of in the dock.
When did you last see Walsh?
I tried to talk to him
two nights ago,
see how serious he was
about his threats to go public.
I couldn't find him.
The night he was killed?
I had nothing to do with that.
He had enemies too.
The Drug Enforcement Agency
used him as an informant
in a smuggling case
at Dublin Airport.
I'm not holding anything back.
You asked me for the truth, and
now I'm asking you to act on it.
Your husband
was a highly trained
undercover intelligence officer
who trusted no one,
not even the firm
that he worked for.
If something went wrong,
he might have kept a record
as an insurance policy
in case they tried to throw him
under the bus.
Why should I help you blacken
his name,
even if I believed any of this?
Because the answer to the person
who killed your husband
is what he was doing
with that firm.
Don't you want that answer?
I'll make a deal with anybody
to find who killed Lee,
but I have to be sure
I'm gonna get the right answer
and not be fed another pack
of lies.
I am not lying to you.
I have put my career in your
hands by telling you all this.
Let's go.
I am going to get an indictment
on that company
one way or another.
And I will include
in those indictments
anyone who tries to obstruct
my investigation.
You have no idea
how broad the reach of
the United States government is.
Do you believe it?
I didn't know your husband.
Do you?
If I wanted somebody to do a job
like that,
I'd be looking for somebody
with a background like his.
Somebody who could guard
a secret?
Keep his nerve?
Look somebody in the eye
and make a threat or tell a lie
without blinking?
But that same person was...
Stop the car, please.
Stop the car now!
You gonna be all right?
Lee gave me this last year.
It's from Italy.
Changes color.
It's red from one angle
and green from the other.
It...depends how you look at it.
It's not just one thing.
Two things all at once.
Maybe he was sending me
a message... case one day I ever saw
the other side of him,
the other Lee...
...the one he'd never in
a million years want me to see.
I have to take this.
Emer Byrne.
Lehane is dead.
Had another heart attack.
He was never gonna make it.
MAN: Are you sure
you've given us a list
of everything he was taking
for his heart?
He was on a lot of things.
We found quinidine
in his system.
We have no record
of the quinidine
having been prescribed.
Uh, Sarah Manning to see Aidan
O'Sullivan or Deirdre Kilbride.
Do you have an appointment?
If you tell them who it is,
they'll see me.
I'm not supposed to let anybody
through without an appointment.
Well, you're not supposed to
spend your time doing your nails
and texting your boyfriend,
are you, love?
Mrs. Manning to see you.
Thank you.
Uh, these are the dates Lee was
in those cities on your behalf.
Paris, Rome, Hong Kong, Nairobi,
Singapore, Cairo --
It...goes on and on.
And -- Oh.
Montreal -- the last trip, the
one he didn't come back from.
You sent him there
to very cleverly threaten
to blackmail people
to swing contracts and deals
your way.
I have the originals
of all his travel details --
expenses, instructions
on who to meet and where.
I've just come from meeting
an FBI agent
attachéd to the U.S. embassy
in Dublin
who'd be very interested
in seeing them.
She wants to send you to jail,
and she's not fussy what means
she has to use.
She's already had my house
broken into, bugged my car.
She'll --
She'll do what it takes.
Oh, that's not, um, that's not
jail here, by the way.
That's federal prison
in the U.S.,
where there's no parole and they
can send you down for 150 years
without cracking their faces.
The way -- The way they work is
to round up the small fry first,
the lower- and middle-ranking
executives like you,
and work their way up
to the big fish.
Which of you wants this?
Human resources?
Or should I find my way
to Dr. Hoffman's office
and hand it to him personally?
I-I knew nothing about this.
Neither do I.
And, Sarah, I resent you forcing
your way in here.
I resent having to bury
my husband in a few days,
so I think we're quits.
Well, things have changed
since your time here.
You work here, the pair of you.
Gumbiner-Fischer pays
your wages.
If you didn't know about this,
you should have guessed.
And if you did know, you both
have Lee's blood on your hands.
What do you want from us?
I want the name of the man
in the file Lee carried.
The man who was gonna
be destroyed
because of the information
in it.
He had the most to gain
by Lee being killed
before he could hand it over.
If I don't get that,
I'll go back to the FBI
and show them everything I have.
I'm still hoping
there's another explanation --
that...maybe he was planning on
blowing the whistle
on the whole rotten deal,
that he was sick and tired
of the lies --
the ones he told on your behalf,
the ones he had to tell me --
that he was gonna
bring you down, that...
that he was a good man
and not a crook...
...and a blackmailer
who saw the light in the end.
Give me that name
or I will do to you what Lee did
to people on your behalf.
Destroy you.
Sarah Manning was in the office
just now.
It's not longer vague threats
She's got something in writing
that could destroy this firm
and send a lot of people
to prison.
Prison in America
as well as here.
I'm told one of the best views
in the world
is from the cells
at San Quentin.
No more jokes, Maurice.
I'm scared.
For the first time,
really scared.
The FBI is involved
and God knows who else.
Sarah Manning is coming
straight at Hoffman,
and you're a little too close
to him for comfort.
She'll do anything
to find the answers.
And if they can help her
do that --
I have done no more
for Gumbiner-Fischer
than I would do for any major
employer in this country.
We have a vital
national interest
in working with those that can
bring good, steady jobs here,
but I am also fully aware there
are lines never to be crossed.
This sounds like something you'd
say outside the Four Courts
before going in to be sentenced.
Look, don't panic.
In the meantime,
stay clear of Sarah Manning.
There's nothing more
I can tell her.
That won't stop her
asking questions.
Aidan O'Sullivan, though --
I wouldn't be sure about him
and what he knows
and what he is willing to tell
to save his own neck.
There is not
much to tell about that night,
and I have told it many times.
I still have to ask.
I was on my way to work.
-That time of the night?
I worked two -- three jobs
in those days
to have money to buy this.
My night job was to clean
the vents in the restaurants.
I scraped the grease, and it was
recycled into new cooking oil.
Mm. I'll think of that
next time I'm dining out.
So I walk by the canal,
and I hear a splash,
as if someone has fallen in.
So... were here when you heard
Ciaran Boyle call for help,
-Come here!
Did you see anyone else?
I-I see no one else.
Only the man in the water.
He's in the lock,
trying to get out,
but the water is too deep.
Also I'm shouting for help,
but there is no one to --
to hear me.
The man in the water is
trying to get hold of something.
There is nothing there.
He tries to reach my hand when I
reach down for him, but...
Take your time.
One moment.
You drink?
I do, but I'm on duty.
Sometimes I have nightmares.
Then I saw lights
of police car...
-...on the road.
So I leave the man in the water,
and I run to them.
We get man out of the water,
and it is too late.
And this is my statement.
Nothing to add.
It's your statement
word for word.
But I think you're lying.
I think you saw something else
that night.
There was a knife found here.
Don't know nothing about knife.
A short-bladed folding knife
somebody would use
to protect themselves
if they had to be going
'round the city late at night,
going from job to job with cash.
It was yours, wasn't it?
And on your way to ask the guard
for help,
you stopped
and you got rid of it
because you didn't want them
to find it on you.
I think you were nervous
because you saw something.
That's why you got rid
of the knife.
Which means that if there was
somebody else there that night,
you saw them.
So what really happened?
Who did you see?
If I tell you about the knife,
will you put me in trouble?
I don't care about the knife.
It's only important
'cause it tells me
you were too scared to say
what you really saw.
So what happened?
What did you see?
At first, I-I hear shouting... if someone was in a fight.
Two voices of two men.
So I think to myself, "Kyrylo,
this is none of your business.
Don't get involved.
Just go."
But then I hear shouting
for help.
So I run towards lock gate,
and that's when I hear splash.
And that's when the other man
sees me and he runs away.
So he gets away, the other man
that was fighting with him?
I'd lied because I don't want to
get into trouble.
You see,
if they send me to jail,
they send me home straightaway.
Are you going to put me to jail?
I just want to know
what the other man looked like.
I did not get a good look
at him.
Yeah, but you did see him.
Yes, I saw.
Was this him?
It was very long time ago.
Yeah, but you said
you still have nightmares.
You see it all again.
Was this him?
Yes, I think that's him.
Yes, I...
BYRNE: You're a very capable
man, Mr. Lehane,
and I'm sure you'll do
whatever it takes
to protect the people
who you're working for.
You don't get a free pass
just 'cause you work for one
of the biggest firms in Ireland.
Not just one of the biggest.
One of the most important
and powerful.
You should remember that.
KYRYLO: You're going to
look for him now
and put him into court?
Will I have to say what I saw?
You may not have to do that.
Not now.
Let me walk this back.
You carried out an illegal
surveillance operation
against an employee
of one of Ireland's biggest
and most profitable companies
without informing me
as legal attaché.
To do so,
you used a Dublin criminal
who even the Drug Enforcement
Agency found flaky.
He's dead, and now you've
opened a back channel
to a detective
in the Dublin police force
who seems to have an agenda
of her own
and conducted an interview
with a potential suspect,
your target's widow.
She's just told you to get lost,
so you're bringing it to me
in case she goes public,
in which case the ambassador
is gonna be asking me
some very awkward questions.
I have strong
circumstantial evidence
that contracts have gone
to Gumbiner-Fischer
instead of the lowest bidder
or that the terms of bids
changed at the last minute
to favor them.
I think we can still pull a case
and Sarah Manning is the key.
Given what you've done already,
it could also turn into
one of the nastiest
diplomatic dogfights
in foreign-service history.
Ireland is not a hostile power.
These are our friends.
We like them.
They like us.
We don't have too many people
left in the world
who do that unconditionally
these days.
We're through here.
I want nothing to do with this.
Fold the case and walk away.
You said it yourself.
It started off as an illegal
surveillance operation
in a friendly capital
and went downhill from there.
If you didn't know about it,
you should have.
I have no intention
of folding this case
while there's still a chance
that we can get indictments.
NULTY: You ordered a guard
to sit by the hospital bedside
of a man connected with a case
that you were warned off.
You spoke to that guard
and to the doctor in charge,
in direct defiance of an order
given to you by me
in this office.
Is that right?
The death of Sarah Manning's
first husband
is now a murder inquiry.
I have a witness.
He says Lehane was there
the night he died.
Somebody gave Lehane medication
that would kill him
if taken in combination
with his regular prescription,
which means Lehane was killed
to stop him revealing the name
of whoever he killed for.
You're accusing an ex-guard
of murder for hire?
I think we could make that case.
On whose behalf?
Somebody in that firm wanted
Ciaran Boyle out of the way
because of what he knew about
their corrupt operations --
operations that Lee Manning
was part of.
Why do you think I took that
case from you -- or tried to?
You really think it can be
handled at your level?
I don't know
why you took me off the case.
I know what I'm told.
I know what I was told, sir.
By you, sir.
Your current daybook.
You have not spoken
to anyone else about this case,
either by phone or in person,
and left details out?
No, sir.
Don't get cute with me.
Have you?
I have not, sir.
'Cause if you have, it's a very
serious disciplinary matter.
I'm well aware of that, sir.
It wouldn't just be a matter of
missing this course in London.
You could be out on your ear.
I realize that, sir.
Did you talk to Sarah Manning
this morning?
I did, sir.
I don't see a note about it
in here.
My friend Sarah?
Uh, that's a private thing,
not official business.
Don't get cute with me!
Should I ask for a member of the
Garda Representative Association
to get involved in this, sir?
I put my own brother away once.
He was a bad lot, but he
was still my flesh and blood.
I could have tipped him the wink
to get the next boat out of here
before they nabbed him,
but I didn't make that call.
I had my loyalties sorted out.
Everything I do
is knowing my loyalties, sir,
as I said
to ex-Garda Detective Heffernan
when she tried to warn me
to back off.
I sent her to you
to give you that warning.
In the hopes
that you'd see reason,
back off when you were told that
this inquiry involves issues
that are way out of your league.
But you said no!
You tried to make an eejit
out of me.
That's not true, sir.
All I tried to do was follow
the case to where it led.
It leads here, to my desk,
where it should have been
all this time.
You might as well hand in
your resignation here and now,
because however well you do
from now on,
there'll always be a red flag
against your name.
"Emer Byrne?
Ask Jimmy Nulty about her.
She never gave 100%
when she was asked.
She knew better."
Your career is over.
It's our loss as much as yours,
but there it is.
Get out of here.
Cool your heels while I decide
what to do with you.
Whatever it is,
you won't like it,
because it'll be a total waste
of your time,
training, and talent.
You did that for me?
Put your career on the line?
For the case.
To get to the truth no matter
who's standing in the way.
I burnt my bridges.
Now all I can do
is do what you did --
take the fight to them.
Come on.
That list of Canadian
organized-crime figures
with Irish family connections
back here --
I think I can help.
Mila Beck, the German
Federal Intelligence Service.
Emer's told me who you are.
We're on the same side,
Mrs. Manning.
Are we?
Are we, really?
I want to find the man
who killed my husband
and see him punished.
Is that what you want?
I want the same name
as you do -- that of the man
who had reason to take the file
from your husband,
even if he had to kill him
to do so.
This one is doing 20 years
in Portlaoise.
This one is in jail in England.
This one has got a big family,
but they're all eejits.
Nobody would trust them.
And this one is strictly
Him...and him
may be worth giving a shake.
I'll have a sniff around
for you.
Do you really think that you can
get one of them to give somebody
That depends on how good a deal
I'm in a position to make.
You two make a good team.
I just want it all to be over,
to close the door behind me,
be with my kids and around
people who tell me the truth.
I regret the deception I had to
practice on you, Mrs. Manning.
I especially regret that you saw
through it so easily.
Do what you have to do,
Mr. Duquesne.
You too, Ms. Beck.
You tell me who in there
arranged to kill my husband,
and I'll tell you who stood most
to gain from it -- once I know.
As well as all the stuff
about the firm,
Lee's got all these details
about how you financed
the properties
you and Patrick got into --
who your partners were,
the banks you used.
There's also a lot of things
about Patrick's legal problems.
The fraud charges.
All the shenanigans he got into
when he got desperate.
This brings it back.
It was great for a while.
When we went out for the night,
we never knew where we'd end up.
Paris by charter jet,
Ibiza to go clubbing.
Be honest -- sister to sister.
You were always a bit jealous
of me back then, weren't you?
Maybe I was.
Just a bit.
You had all the money
in the world,
and you weren't shy
about showing it off.
I'd worked hard
to get where I was,
and you just dropped out
of school
and were living like a queen.
Why would Lee care about it?
And care enough
to put all this together?
I have no idea.
I need to talk to him --
to Patrick.
How do I find him?
I would have said
in the biggest suite
at the most expensive hotel
in Dublin.
But these days?
Did I ever tell you
about the time he didn't like
how the hotel manager spoke
to him,
so he tried to buy the place
so he could sack him?
You did.
Can you keep to the subject?
I have nothing to do with him
You knew he was back?
He came 'round
the day he flew back.
He wanted to borrow some money
for the taxi fare
from the airport.
He didn't even have that.
Can you imagine?
How do I find --
Oh, thanks, love.
You must know where he is.
I'm doing as well as you can
when it looks like the jig
is up.
Thanks for asking.
As well as you can do
when this is your lunch.
Not the culinary razzle-dazzle
of the best restaurants
in Dublin.
I'll take you to lunch.
Put that away.
Hold on a tick.
With the compliments of somebody
who was at one point the 15th
or possibly 16th richest man
in Ireland.
It's a touch of the old style
You always had plenty of that.
It's all I have left.
When that's gone,
it'll really be over.
I've asked Sarah to lunch, too.
How is she holding up?
Sometimes I think my sister
is made of spring steel.
Sometimes I think she's made
of strawberry jelly.
Be careful what you say to her.
About losing Lee?
Bringing up the kids on her own?
About everything.
Are you listening to me?
You're wide awake?
This is getting through?
Whoa, whoa.
You're not staying?
I said I'd take you to lunch.
I didn't say I'd eat with you.
I have a business to run.
Feels like an ambush.
It's about Lee.
I just found out
that he put a file together
about your property deals.
Why would he do that?
Why would he care about them?
Care about them and hide them --
hide them
with a bunch of other things
about the firm he worked for?
Things...that might have got him
I liked Lee.
He was one
of those quiet Americans.
Most of them tell you
in the first five minutes
about their Irish roots
and how their grandfather
was in the GPO in 1916.
Lee didn't tell any stories
about where he was from.
That's one of my problems.
Look at this.
This is what he had.
A list of all your properties.
Why go to all this trouble?
You know,
I actually think I owned
this restaurant at one point.
If I still did,
I'd fire everybody
for keeping us waiting
this long.
-Yes, sir?
I apologize for disturbing
your slumbers,
but we wish to eat.
I'm so sorry, sir.
The lady will be paying.
Can we get back on track?
You and Lee.
The property deals.
Why would he go to all this
trouble to get these details?
I need to know how this fits in
with everything else.
I figure you're firing
all these questions at me
because there was a lot more to
good old Lee that met the eye.
Why else would we be here?
Could it be anything to do
with this deal?
Or this one?
Or this?
Yeah. You'll --
You'll have to excuse me.
I, um, I won't be having lunch
with you after all.
I mustn't keep the judge
She has it in for me already.
I hope this has been useful.
To repeat, however, I have
no idea why Lee did what he did
or what those papers add up to
that you've been waving
a little bit rudely,
I'd have to say, in my face.
I need to know.
You're the only one
who can tell me what this means.
I should say
do let's do this again,
but even if
by some legal loophole
they don't put me in jail,
I really don't have anything
to say about Lee,
and I resent
being cross-examined.
That's not what I'm doing.
I have quite enough people
in my life
firing questions at me
at the moment
and it is what you're doing.
And I have nothing to tell you,
so leave me alone.
He wouldn't have done this
without a reason.
I'm not in the dock here.
And nor is Nuala.
This isn't about me and her.
This is about you and Lee.
And if that was a mess
that you're only now
getting around to sorting out,
don't bring us into it.
Understood, ex-sister-in-law?
Oh, come on!
PATRICK: I made quite
the little scene out of it, too.
I was always good at that,
wasn't I?
You were.
I don't think she'll be back
for more.
How much do you think
she really knows
about that deal with Ciaran?
She has no idea of it.
Not yet.
I hope she never does.
She'd never forgive me.
It'd be over for me and her
as sisters.
Do you know that name?
Look, I'm a legal officer
of this corporation.
What I know and don't know
is privileged.
You do, don't you?
Even if I did,
I wouldn't be able to share it,
whatever the circumstances, with
Sarah Manning or anybody else.
...if that meant
I'd be complicit in a crime,
that if by withholding
the information
I was furthering a conspiracy --
or something that would put me
on the wrong side of the law --
it'd be a different matter.
I'd have no choice.
You'd tell her?
Look, a couple of months ago,
the U.S. authorities extradited
two directors and the treasurer
of a London bank.
None of them had even set foot
in the States ever.
They're in jail there now,
awaiting trial.
There are arrest warrants out
for the members of staff
who did the paperwork.
I like those documentaries
about American jails,
but I don't want to be in one.
Put that away.
Who you gonna call?
Your b-- Your boyfriend, the TD?
How deep is he in?
He's not.
Look, I know a little bit about
how this firm got
the planning permission and
bank credits for the new plant,
the one
in O'Hanlon's constituency.
He's a man
who can get things done.
But this is the FBI.
The FBI.
If they broke into
Sarah's house, bugged her car --
And you're...
But call him.
Go on.
Put your head in the noose.
I'm gonna do what's best for me.
You're gonna tell her?
If that's what it takes.
Barry Lehane?
That weasel is the reason I'm
serving out my time in traffic.
We were both in the running
for promotion to inspector.
My qualifications would even be
a bit better than his.
I was ready for the challenge.
The promotion was mine
for the having.
Then things started to go wrong.
I started getting sideways looks
in the station.
People would clam up
when I walked by.
People I-I'd worked with
for years
wouldn't want to be seen
with me.
I found out why.
He was putting it around
that I was dirty,
that I was doing favors
for cash.
So Lehane was behind it?
He got the job,
and I got shuffled into traffic.
He said, "I told you
I wanted that job, Brian.
You know me.
You know I'd do anything
to get it."
I'm in two minds whether to go
to his funeral or not.
But I'm damn sure I'll go
to his grave at some point
and have a good laugh.
Could Lehane have arranged
for somebody to be killed
in Montreal
using his connections here?
Lehane was a walking Who's Who
of Irish crime, love.
Spent his life dealing with it.
Sometimes there's a line
that gets a little blurred,
if you take my meaning.
What you're dealing with day in,
day out rubs off.
If anybody could do it,
he'd know who.
The rumor mill says
that you've made
a bit of an enemy for yourself
at headquarters, Emer.
I might have done.
Be careful --
or you might end up like me,
staring at a bank
of traffic monitors
and waiting for the day the
pension check is in the bank.
I have a single-malt I've been
saving for a special occasion.
Between you and me, I prefer
Scotch to Irish whiskey,
but, uh, I can't be seen
drinking it in public.
Chief Superintendent Nulty has
some good news.
He's taken back complete control
of the operation.
Emer Byrne is out the door.
Isn't that right, Jimmy?
It's no reason for
the Garda Síochána to celebrate.
Quite the opposite.
A good, smart,
hardworking detective
who also happens to be
a decent human being
has had her career derailed.
It's laid at her own door,
but it's a damn shame anyhow.
is one of this country's
most valuable companies.
We reached out to offer you
whatever help we could.
All we expected in return
was to be kept informed
of developments in your inquiry.
Can I make it plainer
that after this,
I want to have nothing to do
with any deals with you
or anyone in your firm
or the goings-on going on there,
whether it comes through your
poodle O'Hanlon here or not.
That's what I came here tonight
to tell you.
You came in with your eyes open.
And I regretted it
the minute I did.
And I still reserve the right
to take this further
once I get my head
all the way around the facts.
NULTY: I wouldn't be relaxing
yet, either of you.
How much pain is your wife in,
Chief Superintendent?
Mr. O'Hanlon tells me
she's very ill.
That's no business of his
or yours.
We have some people
achieving very good results
on a new pain-management
Life-changing results.
If you would like me to speak
to them on her behalf --
We've tried everything.
This is new.
It's cancer, right?
It's not a cure, you understand,
but a way to make
the final months bearable.
Family support is vital.
So I could make arrangements
for you to be with her full time
without financial penalty.
If she would be more comfortable
in another house... the coast, perhaps,
even abroad,
in the sun somewhere --
it would be part of our
therapeutic commitment to you.
I'm not ready to retire.
A man like yourself
has a great deal to offer
to an industry such as mine.
Of course, there is a vacancy
here in Dublin
following the regrettable death
of Mr. Lehane.
What, take his job, you mean?
And end up like him?
Thank you very much. No.
I don't want anything
from your firm.
What about your wife, Nulty?
What about her?
I would need an answer tonight,
I'm afraid.
Before we all leave here.
Well, you can sit on your high
horse, but at her expense?
What kind of man are you?
You're not as smart as you think
you are, O'Hanlon.
You might think you've got
a nice little
out-of-the-way place here,
but nowhere is really
out of the way these days.
A local guard,
knowing it belongs to a TD,
keeps a very close eye on it.
He's aware of the comings
and goings.
He keeps a lookout
for strange cars,
makes a note
of regular visitors.
We ran a couple of number plates
to be on the safe side.
A man in public life.
One stood out.
Do you know your head of human
resources, Deirdre Kilbride,
is a regular visitor here
day and night?
Especially night --
night through to the early hours
of the morning.
She has her own key.
This is true, Mr. O'Hanlon?
Ms. Kilbride comes here?
That's nobody's business
but hers and mine.
You're a married man.
It opens you to blackmail
if it's another kind of relation
she's looking for.
Do you want your mouth washed
out for you, Nulty?
I'm in a pretty good shape
for a man who sits behind a desk
all day.
-Do you want to try me?
-Gentlemen, please.
What does she know?
What have you told her
and what has she told you?
She's not a problem, and she's
not gonna be a problem.
You are sure?
Women who get to her age, yeah,
the career's going great guns,
but they're lonely.
Their looks are beginning
to fade,
and the biological clock
is going boom, boom, boom.
Leave it to me.
I'll keep an eye on her.
She's not going to do anything
to rock the boat
or to talk out of turn,
not when she hopes
that I'll cause a scandal
by leaving my family for her.
I've been keeping her dangling
with that for a couple of years.
It's good for a few years more.
I came to...
I wanted...
Aidan O'Sullivan is going to...
I heard.
I've been in the hall.
Deirdre --
What is Mr. O'Sullivan
going to do?
You've kept me dangling
for a couple of years?
-I'm good for a few more?
-It's not --
I had to tell them what I
thought they wanted to hear.
What is it
Mr. O'Sullivan intends to do?
You're a guard, right?
But you're doing it
for your wife, not for you.
-What did you hear?!
-O'HANLON: Deirdre.
Stay here, Mr. O'Hanlon.
I'll talk to her.
She'll listen to me.
I'll handle this.
I don't take orders from you.
Now you do.
You both do.
Perhaps she didn't hear
but she heard enough.
-SARAH: Sarah Manning.
Is there somewhere safe
we can meet?
Is anywhere safe?
Maybe not.
I need to see you anyway.
Can I come 'round?
If it wasn't something
you needed to know,
would I be calling?
Of course you can.
How long will you be?
Not too long.
There's stuff
you need to be made aware of
sooner rather than later.
I'm on my way.