A Gifted Man (2011–2012): Season 1, Episode 11 - In Case of (Re)Birth - full transcript

Michael and E-Mo disagree about how to treat a patient with a brain tumor. Meanwhile, a teenage girl gives birth at the clinic and immediately runs out, leaving the baby behind.

Not again. I have to
go back to work.

Or what?
You'll fire yourself?

Good, that's very good.

Stop it. I'm going down
right now.

- Oh...
- Stairs.

Stairs. I'm going
down stairs.

I have art to sell.

- Didn't you say that good art sells itself.
- Umm hum.

If I'm so irresistible...

why haven't I heard from you
since last Labor Day?


Remember East Hampton.

We had so much fun.

And I can't begin to tell you how
crazy my life has been.


What's been going on?

You know...
you're right.

I think, maybe you
should get back to work.

Hmm. Okay.

Will you call me?

Before next Labor Day?



- Hey.
- Hey. Where you been.

I was uh...
talking with the owner.

- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.

She must be a pretty
close talker. You got...

- Thank you.
- Hey, look at this.

I mean. Energy.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Excuse me.
I'm sorry, listen.

I'm him. I the artist.
This is me.

I'm Charlie Reinhart.
Pleased to meet you guys so

what you were saying is
absolutely correct.

I did it all in one time. I barely lifted
my pen from the canvas one single time

maybe I did maybe once
maybe twice

or three times. I think I
lifted it three times

before I finished this thing
and it's incredible.

It's incredible. Are you-
are you interested in it?

You know what? I might.

I mean I've got a
big empty wall.

- Hey.
- Hay. Hay is for horse. You big horse.

I can't believe it.
Hey Jayne, come here a second.

Ed here- Ed here is thinking
of buying my New York piece.

Oh. It's his first show. He's sold
six pieces already.

I have- I have, it's amazing
and I think you should Ed.

Man, you gotta do something
for me Dude.

You gotta promise me that
you'll give it a home.

In your home.

Because this is me, man.
This is me.

These are my synapses snappling and
crackling up here like the Fourth of July.

Give me your tired, man,
give me your poor,

give me your huddled masses,
man. Can you do that?

Well, cut it out, honey.
It's a painting.

It's not like he's
gonna adopt your child.

What are you talking about?
That's exactly what it is.

It's precisely that.
This is my child, man.

This is my child,
and it could be yours.


You all right?

No, yeah.
I'm good, I'm good.

It's a big, big... this is the biggest
night ever, you know,

and it's just really
overwhelming in there.

I got overwhelmed, and
that-that, plus it feels like

there's 32 miners
pick-axing through my head.

So, I'm a doctor. You mind if I, uh,
take a look at your eyes?

Oh, no, no.
Go right ahead.

Just don't ask me to
turn my head and cough.

Do you have a lot
of headaches like this?

Oh, that's the price you pay for sucking
in fumes 24/7, seven days a week.

You know what I'm saying?
That and I never eat.

I always forget to eat, and,
uh, and I don't sleep.

You got to take better
care of yourself.

But I can't, man. I can't.
You see, I got these images.

I got these pictures that come
crashing into my head, you know?

And I have to get 'em out,
because they started one day,

and they kept coming
and coming...

- What do you mean? They just started?
- Yeah, a couple of months ago,

they just started
coming to me.

So you did all these paintings
and drawings in there in a couple months?

All of those I did in a couple of weeks
And I got tons more at home, man.

I always fancied myself
an artist, you know,

but I never
was fancy enough.

Now I'm fancy enough.

Listen to me-- I used
to work at the DMV, man.

"Stand here, put your right
hand over your right eye.

F, T, P, T, M, Z."

I want you to come see me
in my office as soon as you can.

Are you coming in?

- Yeah, I'll be right in.
- Okay.

You call me, okay?

Yeah. No, I'm good.
I don't... No, I'm good.

Thank you for your concern.
You're a good man. I appreciate it.

And don't step
in my puke.

Clinica Sanando.
May I help you?

Ma, call me on the cell.

Excuse me?

Christina, thanks for volunteering around
here. We need all the help we can get.

It's my day off. Better than
trolling the internet

for discount vegan shoes.
To wear, not to eat.

what are you doing here?

- I'm helping out Zeke.
- Really?

- Mm-hmm.
- Well, and the rest of the staff.

Oh, my God, Michael, I almost forgot.
Happy birthday.

Ah, don't.

Oh. Since when did you become
so touchy about your birthday?

You got a patient for me?

Hey, exam one.

You're welcome, Dr. Holt.

You know, uh, don't take it personally.
He's just in a weird mood today.

- Excuse me?
- Just grab a seat,

por favor,
I'll be with you ASAP.

I really don't feel good.

Hone, you have to wait your turn.
Look at...

- We need a doctor.
- My baby!

I got it.
Find Dr. Kate! Hey.

What's your name, sweetheart?

- Maribel.
- Okay, Maribel, well, your water broke,

you're fully dilated,
and your baby's crowning.

Is that bad?

It means you're ready
to give birth.

This is happening now.

Oh, no, no, no, no.
No, I'm scared.

Listen to me. Your body
knows what to do.

Just keep breathing.

I want medicine!

You're too far along for that.

We're gonna do this
the old-fashioned way.

I have to go to the bathroom.

That's just your baby
coming down the pike.

I need you to breathe
with your contractions,

- and I need you to push, okay?
- I can't.

Yes, you can.
You ready?

One, two, three, push.

Good. Head's out.

One more big push.
All right, deep breath in.

And push.

It's a boy.


His hair.

Just like my lucky...

He's got a nice, strong cry.

Let's get him to exam room one.

Get him cleaned up, weighed,
record his Apgars.


Where'd she take him?

She's just taking him
to the next room.

She's gonna clean him up,

and then, I'm gonna
bring him back here

so that you can
breastfeed your son.

How old are you, Maribel?


Is there someone
I can call for you?

Your mom?

Maybe the baby's dad?

There's no one.

Just rest for a minute, okay?

We're going to take good care
of you and your baby.

Hey, I heard
you just delivered a baby.

- Yeah.
- Congrats.

Thanks. It's been a while.

Everybody doing okay? Yeah.
Um, the baby seems fine.

Mom's gonna need
some help, though.

She's, uh... she's a minor.
I don't think

she had any prenatal care
and no family support.

Okay. I'll call my contact
at the shelter.

Hey, you, uh...

You want to see the baby?


I thought I could help,
since I'm a mom.

Of course.

Oh, he's a cutie.

- Hey.
- And big.

Nine pounds even.

And he was born

with the most beautiful
head of dark hair.

- Come on.
- Thank you.

Let's go see your mommy

and tell her how much
you missed her, huh?

Tell her about all your big
plans to change the world.

Okay, your son is ready
to eat now.

Where'd mom go?

I don't know.
She was just here.

Michael, did you see
a teenage girl go by?

No. Did you lose one?

Yeah, this baby's mother.

A Gifted Man Season 01 Episode 11
In Case of (Re) Birth
January 13, 2012

How's he doing?

He's a trouper.

Good. I'm heading out.

- So soon?
- Don't you want to see the baby?

I see him.

He's a baby.

Oh. I can't believe his
mother just left him here.

Well... Maribel
was really scared.

I hope Autumn finds her.

She left without
delivering the placenta,

which can cause problems.

He's so calm.

It's like he was
meant to be born here.

Autumn searched the
neighborhood, no sign of mom.

Maybe she planned
to leave him here.

Will she get in trouble
when the cops find her?

No. Clinics and fire stations
are safe havens.

Moms have 30 days
after the birth

to leave the baby,
no questions asked.

Well, what's gonna happen
to him now?

He'll go into the system,
get placed in a foster home.

Unless we can find
another family member

who wants him.

Oh, who wouldn't want him?
He's perfect.

I'm gonna go see if Hector got
a last name for Maribel.

She wouldn't talk about her mom,
but maybe there's someone else,

an aunt or grandmother.

I could hold him until you
find out where he's going.

Sounds like a plan.


Hey, look at that.
Still got it, mommy.

He was born on

a very special day.

- It's Michael's birthday today.
- Ah.

- Your brother's a capricorn.
- Mm-hmm.

That explains a lot.

I know. Stubborn.

And moody.


Don't you worry, little guy.

You're gonna be just fine.

You capricorns are born leaders,

Celebrity birthdays
today include gangster Al Capone,

Lambchop's better half,
puppeteer Shari Lewis,

and the greatest himself,
Muhammad Ali.

No, no, no. Enough.

I know. You're mad because
they didn't mention you

as one of the celebrities
born today.

Ah, you know me so well.

Are you all right?

Why wouldn't I be?

Well, when we first
started dating, you said,

"you'll never get sick of me.

I'm gonna die at 38.
Like my dad."

- I never said that.
- Oh.

That's right. That was that
other Michael I was married to.

My father was a raging drunk

who destroyed his liver.

I'm nothing like him.

Doesn't part of you believe
it's still your destiny, too?

So use it.

Embrace it.

Live like it's your
last year on earth.

Maybe something
wonderful will happen.

Is there somewhere
I can drop you off, like...

A cemetery?

I'd hand you your messages,

but I've been kidnapped...
I'm not allowed to move.

Oh, Dr. holt,
I'm glad you're here.

Do you remember me?
I'm Charlie Reinhart.

You remember the miners in
my head with the pickaxes?

Well, they're back, and, um,
and they brought their friends.

Let's get you an MRI,
see what's going on.

Rita, my pietà, my Mona Lisa,
that's for you.

You hang on to that.

Hang it somewhere special.

It could be worth a
lot of money one day.

It's not bad.

This is the temporal
lobe of the brain. Okay.

This right here...

It shouldn't be here.
Why not? It's beautiful.

Look at it.
Looks like-like-like...

- Like a planet...
- Charlie...

No, no, it looks like Mars.

No. It looks like pluto.

Pluto's not a planet anymore.

That's a tumor.

It's a left-temporal-
lobe glioma.

It looks to be low-grade,
so it's probably not malignant.

But it explains your headaches
and why your mind is racing.

And the pressure
that it's putting

on your left hemisphere
seems to have caused

visual disinhibition.

Which basically
heightens your desire

to draw and paint.

I suspected something
last night, but...

The MRI confirms it.

Roll, roll back, roll back, wait a minute.

What you're trying to say

to me is that...

The way that I see right now,
the things that I see,

the way that I hear,
that I taste, that I smell,

the colors,
the pictures, images,

is all because of that?

Because of that tumor?

Oh, my God, that's amazing.

Thanks to that.

Thank you, tumor.

I'd like to operate


While it's still small
and easily resectable.

Uh, well, there are
other options.

Options? What options?
There's other options?

What are the other options?
How many are there?

How do we know which one?

What do we do?
Do we roshambo?

Do we eenie, miney, mo?

Surgery is the best option,

under these circumstances.

You know, Charlie, you should

just talk to your wife
before you make a decision.

Right. So I'll have
my assistant call her

and ask her to come here.

Let's do some
pre-op tests on you

and get a jump on things.

Checked every Maribel,
no matches in the file.

If she even gave us
her real name.

I have to call child
services and have them send

a case worker over
for the baby.

Well, hold off, just a minute.

Maybe we can find the father.

And what if he can't
handle a newborn?

Uh, then maybe
the parents will step up.

It's not our job
to track down the family.

ACS will do that.

By then, it'll be too late.

He'll be in some random home,
and you know the drill.

He'll get bounced around,
God knows what.

You don't have to tell
me how the system works.

What's going on here?

I want to find the father before
we put the baby into the system.

- Got any leads?
- One.

When the baby was born, Maribel
said he was "just like Lucky."


I had a pedes patient,

kid from the neighborhood,
Luis Morales,

but they called him Lucky.

He'd be about the
right age now.

And he had the same dark
hair as our little guy.

Here he is.


No phone number,

but he lives with his mother
a few blocks from here.

Feel like making a house call?

I'm on my way.

Hey... so Christina just
introduced me to the baby.

And you didn't know him
from the past life?

No. But he's an old soul.

I'd like to do a blessing
to welcome him.

Yeah, why not?

We're going to start
by using these petals

to breathe all of our

love, courage and hope
into this

beautiful baby's heart.

♪ ♪

We'd like to welcome this

new soul into our world.

He is our ancestor,

reborn in this perfect moment.

I'm glad you're doing this.

Kid's going to need
all the help he can get.

You couldn't find the dad?

You better light
another candle.

Lucky Morales is dead.

He was killed five months ago,
sitting at a bus stop,

on his 16th birthday.

Damn it.

Zeke, I'm so sorry.

Man, he was such a funny kid.

He used to tease me about
my comic book obsession,

called me "Zeke the geek."

Did he know his
girlfriend was pregnant?

His friends said he was
scared as hell but excited.

He wanted to do
a better job than his pop,

who split when he was little.

Did you talk to his mom?

She moved out
after Lucky was killed.

Cecelia Gonzales...
She's a patient here.

I pulled her file.

Well, if she's
the grandmother...

As soon as I get a break,
I'm gonna find her.


Red velvet, chocolate,

or vanilla cream?

All delicious. Why?

Michael's birthday.

Cupcakes and champagne at 5:00.

I told you yesterday.

No, I don't think so.

Standing in the very spot
you're in now.

I said to make sure not
to book anyone around 5:00

and that I told Michael
he had a consult

so he'd be free, and you said
Michael didn't seem like

a birthday party kind of guy.

And I said he isn't but
any excuse for a cupcake.

Any of this ring a bell?

Red velvet.

Red velvet.

Uh, excuse me,
I'm Jayne Reinhart.

I'm here about
my husband Charlie.

Um, Dr. Holt will be
right with you.

Hi, Jayne, I met you
last night at the gallery.

I'm Dr. Morris.

Oh, of course.

I'm the neuropsychiatrist
around here.

Where is Charlie?

Uh, he's just
undergoing some tests.

Um, can we talk
for a few minutes?


I knew it was too good

to be true.

I knew there was something
strange about it,

the way he... changed
so much, so fast.

Do you have to operate?

Well, that's one way to go.

Or we could do mris
every three months,

make sure the tumor
isn't growing.

There's a good chance it won't,

and I could give him
a prescription

for nortriptyline
for the headaches.


Look, with this type of tumor,

I would advocate
a watch-and-wait approach.

And that's certainly
your opinion, Dr. Morris.

Mrs. Reinhart?

Jayne, please.

Come with me, would you?

Uh, you want me to join?

No. Thanks.

This way.

So if you take the tumor
out, does that mean

that all of his magic
and his inspiration...

Will that all go away?

I don't know, but,
uh, he'll be alive.

I'm giving you good news here.

You don't understand.

When... when we first
got married, it...

Well, ten years in, in April...

Charlie was this bright light.

He'd draw all the time,

then he'd try to sell
them, mostly cartoons.

And it... just rejection,
though, rejection and...

Finally, I had to say, "honey,

you have to find something
else that you want to do."

It was awful, but I loved him

enough to be the bad guy.

And so he put down his
pencils, and he got a job,

and he got bored and sad.

And things got not
so great with us.

It was like he would look at me
and... just see his failure.

Then suddenly,
he started drawing again.

And these drawings
were different.

They were exciting,

and the... the gallery
wanted to rep him.

So that's why I'm not

jumping for joy when you tell me
that he might lose all of that.


But if I don't take the tumor
out, and it does grow,

it could cause your husband
to lose his motor skills.

He could lose his speech.

It could twist
around Charlie's brain,

become inoperable...

Or it could do
none of those things.

That's what Dr. Morris said.

Do you really want
to gamble with his life?

Your husband could end up dead.

He could keep on living
and still be dead.

He must be so scared.

Can I just see him now?

Are you kidding me?

Hold on, hold
on, man, not finished.

I'm not finished.
Yes, finished.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, it's not finished.

But look at it, honey.
What do you think?

What do you think? Do you think
the gallery will want it?

Dr. Holt, we'll pay
to have this repainted.

No, no, no, we're not...

What are you talking about?

I have a long way to go.

Where's my pad?
Where's my pad?

I have other things to do.

- I got things to get out, honey.
- Charlie, stop.

I got to get it out, honey.
We got to talk to Dr. holt.

I can't, I can't, I can't.

I got to get it out,
I got to get it out.


Please, please...

Not now, I can't, not now.

I got to get it out,
got to get it out.

I got to get it out.

Babe, we got
to talk about what's...

I know, I know, I know, I know, I
know, I know, the tumor, the tumor.

I know. It freaked me out
at first, okay?

Then I drew it.
I put it up there

so I could understand it,

so I could wrap
my head around it,

and now I get it
and I'm not afraid.

I want you to take it out.

I want you to take the tumor
out of me... Dr. Holt,

I want you to take
those little tweezers,

don't hit the sides and get

the "bzzt!" Like in operation.

I want you to understand
that after the surgery,

some of the exuberance
that you've been having

for the past few months
might go away.

No, no, no, it's not
going to happen to me

because I am what I am,
Dr. Holt,

and that up there is me.

That's me, and that's not
going anywhere, and you know it.

Do you understand now?
Look at me.

Dr. Holt, listen to me,
listen to me.

It's going to be okay
'cause I have to stick around.

I got to stick around
to finish this.

I got to stick around
for my girl.

Take it out.

Take it out.
It's going to be okay.


I can do it
this afternoon, if you like.

All right.

Let's do the surgery
like Charlie says.


If Lucky's mom
doesn't take the baby,

I'll have to call
ACS to come get him.

Just wait.

Dr. Sykora,

I'm the social worker here.

- It's my ass on the line.
- Well,

I'm taking full responsibility

for keeping the baby here.

There, it's my decision,
so now it's my ass.

Heads up.

Oh, thank God you're back.

Help me.

Help me get her
to an exam room.

All right, okay.

She's burning up.

I'll need two sets
of blood cultures.

I'm starting her on
I.V. clindemgent.

- Got it.
- I'm sorry

- I ran away.
- It's okay.

It's just good
that you came back.

We can help you.

Tell me what happened
after you left.

I went to the park,
and all this stuff came out.

It hurt.

That was the placenta.

Were you bleeding afterwards?

A little but not
through my clothes.

I'm gonna start you

on a medicine called oxytocin.

It's going to help
contract your uterus,

and that should do the trick.

Is my baby still here?

Yeah, he's doing great.

I wish I could
take care of him,

but I got no place to live.

You're on the street?

What will happen to my baby?

We'll find him a good home.

I had to move
out of the old place.

His ghost was in every room.

Lucky always liked you,
Dr. Zeke.

He was never scared
to go to the clinica.

I think his girlfriend
came in today.

Did you know Maribel?

I didn't like her.

She was a runaway.

Why'd you leave home?

My stepfather... he
was... bothering me.

It got real bad.

Did you tell your mom?

She called me a liar,

so I ran away almost
two years ago.

That's when I met
Lucky at the park.

It was love at first sight.

You ever had that?


Lucky was gonna get a job

and take care of
me and the baby.

When he got killed, I just,
I just cried and cried.

Didn't know I had
that many tears in me.

Did you know
that Maribel was pregnant?

No, I didn't know that.

She had the baby today,
this morning at the clinica,

and then she ran off;
She left the baby there.

Of course she did.

What's that got
to do with my son?

The baby is a boy.

When he was born, Maribel said
he's just like Lucky.

That means nothing.

She's no good.

You don't even want
to see the baby?

I think you should leave.
It's really a remarkable resemblance.

I wish you never came here.

My heart is broken,
and you got to stir it all up.

Get out.


I heard you talked
Charlie into the surgery.

He and his wife made
an informed decision together.

Hmm, can't help thinking,

guy might have lived the rest

of his life in
blissful ignorance

if we hadn't gotten
our hands on him.

What kind of psychiatrist
advocates denial

to deal with illness?

You know what would really put
a damper on his life, E-Mo?


What about the fact that...

You're going to be right here

in wernicke's area?

Could come out with aphasia.

Could stroke out.

Could go under anesthesia
and never wake up.

- He'll be just fine.
- Hmm, because of your great talent.

That's right.

Well, what if somebody was
to take that away from you,

just cut it out, when maybe,

just maybe,
they didn't have to?

You are seriously
comparing me to Charlie?

Let me tell you something...
My gift comes

from years of study
and practice and more study

and working my ass off to be
the best I can possibly be.

Charlie is who he is

because a cluster of cells
started to multiply

and divide out of control.

I just want to talk to him,

make sure he knows
what's gonna happen.

Well, you talk to him or his wife again
and you're fired.

Charlie Reinhart,

presented with paradoxical
functional facilitation,

performed gross total resection
of a low-grade glioma.

I love it when you talk brains.

I'm glad to see you
haven't died yet.

Estimated blood loss...

100 cc's from a high-riding
transverse-sigmoid junction,

but all vital signs stable.

That's nice, someone sent you
flowers for your birthday.

Who was it... Rita,


I don't know,
there wasn't a card.

Ah, a secret admirer.

I've always loved sunflowers...
They're so cheerful.

I think they're from my mother.

Your mother?

Why do you think that?

When I was, uh, five,
I went into my neighbor's yard

and I picked their sunflowers.

I yanked 'em out, actually,
it wasn't pretty,

but I gave them to my mother.

I thought they were called
"son"... flowers.

She thought it was funny,

it became a thing between us.

But it's been a long time.

So maybe she's still
thinking about me.


You're not only being haunted
by me today,

you're being haunted by me
and both your parents.

It's a regular party in here.

- Michael.
- And here's your other mommy.

Kate's on the phone.

Said they're shorthanded
and could use you

for a few more hours
this afternoon.

You have a 5:00 consult
here, though.

Is the consult important?

I'd like to get out of here
for the rest of the day.

I'll move it.


Hey, did you find the grandmother?
Yeah, but no dice.

She's grieving; She blames
the girl for Lucky's death.

She's not interested
in the baby.

I hear Maribel is having
a tough time.

Yeah, her uterus is
atonic, it won't contract.

Oxytocin didn't help.

I'm gonna try bimanual massage.

Okay, I got to take
another patient.

I'll check back in soon.


Maribel, I'm gonna do

a special kind of massage
on your uterus.

It's going to be uncomfortable,

but it will help
stop the bleeding.

Lucky didn't make it.

Why should I get to live?

I can't even take care
of my baby.

Your baby is going

to be fine.

Right now, we need
to take care of you.

That baby is still here?

Yeah, I've been holding him
all day.

He's a peach.

ACS needs to come get him.

We're working on that.


Autumn, Kate,

Zeke, and me.

All right, why are you acting

like we're in junior high school
and you don't want me

hanging out with your friends?

They're not my friends,

they're my coworkers.


I want to foster this baby.

You're kidding.

Anton said

the universe brings people
into our lives for a reason.

You have a hard enough time

taking care of
yourself and Milo.

I already feel a connection
with this little guy.

I mean, come on, he was
born on your birthday.

So what?

So I think you should hold him.


Okay, all right, I get it.

This baby stirs up a lot
of bad stuff for you and me.

You know, his mother abandoned
him just like ours did.

Michael, I need you. Yeah.

The baby's mom came back, she
had a mild postpartum infection,

and now she won't stop bleeding.
I tried everything.

Why didn't you call an ambulance?
There was

no way to know she would bleed like this.
Well, you're too proprietary

with your patients.

This baby should have been
picked up this morning.

Are you familiar
with the system?

You know, I had a patient almost
starve to death in foster care?

You think the baby's family
is going to do any better?

You assume you can just
help everybody out.

Hemorrhaging is getting worse,
bp is dropping.

We got to do something.

All right, let's get her
to the trauma room.

We're gonna have to operate.

Found it.

There's a tear in her uterus.

How bad?

I can suture it.

Should stop the bleeding.

Vitals are stabilizing,
the bleeding is slowing down.


Let's close her up.

BP's dropping.

Damn it, she's bleeding again.

BP's down to 60 systolic.

All right, suturing
didn't work.

Let's stop horsing around
and take out her uterus

before she bleeds to death.

- No.
- Don't argue with me now.

The safest thing to do
is a hysterectomy.

- Can we just think for a second?
- We don't have

a second. She wasn't ready
for this baby, but that

doesn't mean she doesn't want
to have children in the future.

We can't just
take that from her.

- She could die here.
- BP's at 45.

What about an artery ligation?

We can tie off
the hypogastric artery,

stop the bleeding,
and save her uterus and ovaries.

Too complicated.

Michael, she is 16;
We have to try.

All right, scalpel
to Dr. Sykora.

Right, incise the peritoneum
and expose the artery.

Dissecting down.

2.0 silk.

I'm losing her pulse.

Tie off the artery now.

I can't get around the artery.

It's too deep.

Try coming laterally.

I can't get a pressure.

- Damn it.
- Just focus

on what you're doing.

Okay, I got it.

Pulse is getting stronger.

Looks like it worked.

It did.

She'll be okay.


How are we doing in here?

He got through the surgery...

That's the most
important thing.


I know I did that.

I know I drew it.

I just don't know how.

Yeah, that's all you.

I wouldn't even know
where to start.

It's like it's gone, you know?

It's completely gone.

Hey, are you up for a
quick field trip?

Well, there it is.

The city you love so much.

Yeah... yeah.

Who cares?

You should.

I should?


Because you got lucky.

First, when you met Jayne.

She's a keeper.

And second, when your brain
tapped you on the shoulder

and showed you a whole
new way to see the world.


No, that's all over now.

Well, then you're gonna have to

learn a different way of seeing.

But all that art,
all that feeling,

that was in you all the time.

The tumor...

That just woke it up.

Which brings me to the
third way you got lucky.

When you met Dr. Holt,
and he took that tumor out.

So now, you don't have to live
your life in fear,



Is it going to grow?

What's it going to do to me?

You got no idea
what a blessing that is.

Trust me.

Go on, take it.

Now do what you do.


I-I'm sorry about before.

It's been such a hard time.

I was so shocked to
hear about the baby.

No apologies necessary.
Would you like to see him?

Come on.

So, when ACS shows up,
they'll schedule a court date

and a home visit to set
you up for foster care.


This is Cecelia Gonzales,

Lucky's mother.

She'd like to see the baby.

Um, sure.

We can do a DNA test
to confirm paternity.

You don't need to.

He looks exactly
like my Lucky.

I want to raise my grandson.

Give you
everything you need to take with you.



She's gonna be fine.

That's great.

So, listen,
Lucky's mother is here.

She is?

Take it easy.

She wants to raise your son.

But she hates me.

She's asking to see you,
if that's okay.



I know it's hard.

But your son's gonna
be in a good home,

with someone who loves him.

Do you have kids?


My, uh, husband and
I decided not to.


I'm sorry.

I know you think it's my fault.

I was so angry,

I had to blame someone.

But now your baby is a gift.

A piece of my son
has come back to me.

We don't know
each other well, Mija,

but when you get better,

you can visit the baby.

You'll be a part of our life.

Do you want to hold him?

- Is that okay?
- Of course.

You're his mother.

Maribel, this is Christina,
one of our volunteers.

She's been looking
after your son all day.

Thank you for helping him.

He's beautiful.

Just like you.

Hi, baby Lucky.

What's up?


Thank you, Michael.

I know you think I took
a risk with Maribel,

but I really did
do what I thought

was best for her.

Good thing we got
a nice trauma room.

You said "we."
I kind of like that.

Hell of a way to spend
your birthday, though.



Michael's in birthday denial.

Anyone care for a cupcake?

I didn't want these
to go to waste,

so I decided to bring
the party to you.

Make a wish, young man.

You didn't really think
we'd ignore your birthday...

A man can dream.

I could do a birthday
blessing for you.

- Yes.
- No.

I don't know,

I wouldn't have pegged
him for a cupcake guy.

Michael Holt has a
secret sweet tooth.

What'd you wish for?

Nice try.

Happy Birthday.

Thank you.

I guess

they're your friends after all.

♪ ♪



Buy you a drink?

My father taught me how
to appreciate a good scotch.

Yeah, my father didn't
care what he was drinking,

long as it was at
least 100 proof.

Then that's what killed him.

He was 38 years old,

which is the age
that I turned today,

so I apologize if I have been

a little more moody than usual.

No, no, no, no, it was on me.

I, I overstepped.

I, um, shouldn't have tried
to hijack your patient.

No, I guess I was just,
you know, too invested.

Is your dad still alive?

No, no, he's, uh,
he's gone 15 years already.

What did he die of?



That could be my inheritance,

although I would have much
rather have gotten his watch.


Yeah, my brother died of it,
too... well, more or less.

He, uh...

He started developing symptoms.

He took his own life

rather than wait around
to die a miserable death.

Do you have the gene?

Never been tested.

Have you had any
of the symptoms...

Tremors, forgetfulness?

I don't remember.

Hey, I never felt better.

Guess there's a 50-50
shot you don't have it,

so you could be
living with a sword

over your head for no reason.

Yeah, I could be.

Then get tested.

If... I have
the Huntington's gene,

there's nothing I can do.

Just wait around
for my body to fail me.

So if it's a choice
between living

with a sword over my head
or a death sentence...

I'll take the sword.


Mm-hmm, yeah.

I bet you're glad I invited
myself over to celebrate, huh?