A.D. The Bible Continues (2015): Season 1, Episode 8 - The Road to Damascus - full transcript

Saul continues to hunt Peter, but has a life changing vision on the road to Damascus. When Claudia's nightmares come true, Pilate's fate takes a turn for the worse.

The Emperor is coming.

We must avoid dishonor

by cultivating goodwill
with his successor.

You mean Caligula?

You may not
be so keen to welcome us

when you find out
why we're here.

Tell me where Peter is,
and we'll stop.

I don't think it will be
any better in Samaria for them.

Let me help you.

On the journey here,
I saw four vultures.

This place gives you visions.

Simon the sorcerer!

He thinks
he can do what I can't.

In the name of Jesus,
I release you from your prison.

Do you repent your sins?

I do.

Tell Saul about Peter.

- He headed north.
- Where?


We'll all sleep better

once Saul leaves for Damascus.


Your task is to make sure
he doesn't bring

his campaign of violence
back to Jerusalem...

Not before Tiberius
has left for Rome.

And how exactly do I do that?

You're going with him.

I won't defend this
as youthful high spirits.

Forgive me...
And it pains me to say this...

This is not the behavior
of a future emperor.

I agree.

Caligula has
a great deal to learn

about the responsibilities
he will carry.

But it doesn't help
that he spends so much time

with this Jew, Agrippa.

He's a malign influence.

Wake them.
Get them out of here.

Claudia mustn't see this.

Claudia mustn't see what?

How dare they scrawl my name
on a wine-soaked whore.

I will not set foot
inside this room again

until every sign
of this debauchery is gone.

If we reach Ramatha
before sunset,

we should make Damascus
in two days.

that's over 70 Miles away,

and you want
to do that in a day,

over open deserts
and Mountain tracks

in the hottest month?

It would appear our new recruit

would be happier
staying at home.

I'm not going to kill myself
marching at that pace.

We get word
that Philip needs us.

Somebody has to go to Samaria.

So what do we do?

We hide in a cellar.

I feel the same way.

But as long
as Saul's out there...

I know going to join Philip
is dangerous,

but I feel like a coward.

now you don't need to.

Saul's gone.

He's left Jerusalem.

We'll go to Samaria
tonight, John.

It's me... Joanna.

What are you doing here?

I'm here
with the house of Antipas,

to Herodias.

Are you working in the palace?

We must be cautious.
None here share our faith.

Is Peter here, too?

He's in the city...
Hiding, safe.

I thought about you every day
since Jesus cured us.

I have tried
to follow his word, but...

I heard he was dead.


Jesus isn't dead.

Before they crucified him,

he told us he would rise
after three days,

and he did.

He's very much alive.

It's true.

He came to me first.

I've sat with him,
eaten with him.

He is who he said he was.

He is the Messiah.

I was fond
of Agrippa once, but now...

Should I have him killed?


Take Caligula
back to Rome with you,

and my husband
will deal with Agrippa.

Pilate is a good governor.

You only have to see

the trouble-free streets
of Jerusalem to see what...

You work hard
to promote your husband.

I'm sure he will benefit
from your wisdom

when I promote him
to a position in Rome.

Thank you.

I don't know
what pleases me more...

The thought of spending more
time in your company in Rome

or finally being able to...

Is there something wrong?


Just a chill.
That's all.

Do not underestimate Peter.

He is a snake-oil trader,
but a good one.

First, he tells the people
that they have a problem...

That they killed the man
sent to them by God.

Then he tells them
that he has the answer.

All they have to do

is repent and throw themselves
in the river.

Does he ever stop?

I never saw a man
with so much energy

for the destruction
of his enemies.

And here we sit... now...
The chosen few,

whose work it is
to stamp out this heresy

before it spreads from Jerusalem

and takes control of Syria,
Lydda, Emmaus, and even Masada,

before Peter the fisherman
can sell the whole world

his fake cure.

Most people here believe
all Romans to be degenerate.

Are you determined
to prove them right?

Do you hear something?

A noise...

Like a cow breaking wind.

On top of that,
you insult my wife.

Is it possible
to insult a man's wife

when she's the daughter
of a whore?

Take back those words
before I open your throat.

Do it.

I'd almost die happy

thinking about what Tiberius
would do to you.

Get up, you stupid animal!

Come on.

I should've done it.

I should've slit his throat
after what he said.

And how long
would you have lived if you had?

And done the same with Agrippa.

Or your could ignore them both

and look forward
to life in Rome.

I've never come across
such treacherous, poisonous,

power-hungry schemers.

What is it?

I'm looking forward
to everything there

being a lot less...


Aren't you?

What are you talking about,

Tiberius has offered you
a position in Rome.

At last.

We can finally leave this place.

All we have to do

is play our part

in keeping Agrippa and Caligula
away from each other.

I baptize you
in the name of the father

and of the son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Peter! John!

It's so good to see you both.

My friends, today,
we commit ourselves to Jesus,

who these two men knew

and from him received the power
of the Holy Spirit.

How can we celebrate
the Messiah

when we dare not say his name?

I'm scared.

Don't be.

Your faith will bring you
strength when we pray together.



I wasn't expecting you back.

This is my husband.

And who is this?


I only just started work here
in the palace,

but I know Joanna from...

From the market.

We used to see each other
at the market.

Didn't we agree

you need to tell me
about any new friends?

My wife has come under
some bad influences recently.

I don't want it to happen again.

Don't worry.
I'll keep her from harm.

Your husband doesn't know
about your faith?

He does.

I agreed to hide it
to protect us both.

It was Antipas and Herodias

that had John the baptist

These are ruthless people
we work for.

Do you think he'd give you away?

He wouldn't do that.


We've soiled
another serving girl.


Why so serious?

It's just a bit of fun.

Let's get out of this mausoleum

and find some proper women.

You're far too choosy.

My friend doesn't know
ripe fruit when he sees it.

Forgive us. We need...

You can leave us.

Are you deaf or just stupid?

Leave us.

I-I have work to do
for your sister, Herodias.


She won't mind if you spend
a few minutes with me.

My dear brother.

I've told you before...

Don't let me catch you
playing with my things.



Saul, this place is madness.

What if you don't find him?

What if Peter's
not even in Damascus?

Do we march onto Antioch?

Why are you even here?

I'm here
because I was ordered to be here

by the same man
we both answer to.

Then you should
be helping this mission,

not slowing it down.

Why do you hate Peter so much?

Because his claims
are ridiculous.

Because the idea
that God would use him

as an instrument of his will

to spread the word
of a new Messiah

is is ridiculous.

How can people believe
that the creator would choose

a simple fisherman
to articulate his message?

No. No.

He would choose a man

who knew a world
outside of a fishing village,

not a man who spreads lies
about an impostor Jesus,

but a man who can add
beauty and power and truth

to his message...
A man like...




Why do you persecute me?

Who are you?

I am Jesus.

Whom you persecute.



No. No! No!

What do you...
What do you want from me?

What do you want from me?

What do you want from me?!

Go into Damascus.

You'll be told what to do.

Help me.

Help me.


Help me!

Help me!!


You have to eat something.

I know some of you want
to be back with your families,

and I know
Damascus is full of foreigners

and the food is overpriced.

But we came here with Saul,
and we know why we're here.

The man who brought us
is a remarkable man.

Whatever happened to him
in the desert, we can't give up.

We must find Peter
and his followers.

I was deluded.

I was deceiving people
with my cheap trickery,

and I started to believe
my own claims of greatness.

And then Philip,
he came to Samaria.

He showed me the true path.

He started talking about Jesus,
and I believed.

I was baptized.

We are not loved
by the temple in Jerusalem,

and neither are you.

Well... well, together,
we shall help to spread the word

and the power of Jesus, eh?

They, uh, they've heard
all about the miracles

you performed in Jerusalem.

They hope to see more
here in Samaria.

My child is coming, Barnabas.

I have to leave Damascus.


I just saw Reuben,

the right-hand man
to high priest Caiaphas,

and Asher, one of Saul's men.

Saul is in Damascus.

You arrive here
and you fill our heads

with the power
of Jesus Christ the savior,

and now you cower
at the first sign of danger.


Saul of Tarsus,
who wants me dead...

Who wants us all dead...
Is here.

And what am I supposed to do?

Tell my wife,
"don't have our child yet.

We have to leave the city"?



And we'll find strength

Trust in Jesus.

Let the Holy Spirit
into your troubled limbs.

He brings you eternal life.

Have faith in Jesus Christ.

He is the way,
the truth, and the life.

We pray
that all our new believers

receive the Holy Spirit.


We enter God's kingdom
by repentance and faith

by accepting him in our lives.

When you return to Rome...

...this document says
you'll be considered

for the position
of praetor to the treasury.


And my seal on it says
you will get the job.

Caesar, I don't know
how to show you my gratitude.

By doing the job well.

And by always listening
to your wife's advice.

It's official.

Always listen to your wife.

I won't forget this!

What are you talking about?

Are you such a coward
you have to go behind our backs?

Been drinking again, have we?

Tiberius is insisting
I go with him to Rome

and Agrippa stays here.

I know it is
a result of your plotting.

Believe me...
When I'm not in your presence,

I don't give you
a moment's thought.

He thinks he can break
the bond between us.

But he is wrong.

Now, you make
a very grave mistake

if you think Tiberius will
always protect you.

Pilate, you will pay
for your scheming!

And you will answer to me!

You will answer to me!


This... this is everything
that I own.

I want you to use it

to help
spread the word of Jesus.

Now, all I want in return
is just...

You know, just a few drops
of the Holy Spirit...

As a friend.

As a fellow Jesus follower.


You think God can be bought?


You think this is just magic?!

Peter! Stop!

Hold your anger!

Take back your words!


If you value your life,
repent now!

I repent!

Please, Lord!

Show mercy to this man!

I beg you!

Let him live!


...if it isn't your word,

isn't a part of your plan
for your servants.

But as you watch over us,

I pray that you help
my husband understand.

He's a good man.

I pray in the name
of your son, Jesus...

...who died
that we might be saved.

If it pleases you, let Chuza
discover the wisdom of Jesus.

If it does not, I ask very...



Whatever it was,
it was just a dream.

What is it?

What was so terrible?

It's nothing.




Go to the street
called straight.

Ask for a man from Tarsus.

His name is Saul.

But I know the harm
that this man has done

to your people in Jerusalem.

He is my chosen instrument.

He will proclaim my name
to the gentiles and their kings

and the people of Israel.


Stop, mate!
You mustn't!


Someone needs to go to Jerusalem

and tell Caiaphas
what's happening.

And tell him what, exactly?

That his golden boy,
his great weapon

against the rise
of these blasphemers

is sitting in the dark

starving himself to death?

Perhaps I can help.

I have a message
for Saul of Tarsus...

An important one.

From whom?

From... Someone
who knows him well...

Knows him better than anyone,
I'd say.

And you are...?

I am Ananias.

I-is he here?

Where's Ananias?
Is he here?

I'm here.
Oh. Oh.

Save me from this...

He has chosen you
to know his will

and to see the righteous one

and to hear the words
from his mouth.

He can see.

Saul can see again.

I can see!

Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you.

Separate me from Caligula
and keep me in this place,

but at least
show me some respect.

Do as I ask
and punish these blasphemers.

It's your duty.
Make an example of them.

Duty? Since when have you had
any thoughts of duty?

He's right... though I do
question his reasons.

He has an interest
in this woman.

Chuza, as my chief Steward,

you know the consequences
of betrayal.

Is it true?

Is your wife a follower
of the Nazarene they call Jesus?

I heard you pray to him.


Give us the truth.

The truth is... That,

The truth is...

That my wife, Joanna,
ever since we were married,

has had fits of madness.

Since all the talk began
of the Nazarene

coming back to life
after being crucified, she's...

...well, she's been taken
by the idea.

And sometimes she imagines
she's talking to him.

My fear is that one day,
she'll slip into lunacy...

And not return.

Your argument is that your wife
isn't a follower of Jesus...

She's just mad?

And what do you say, woman?

What are you... mad?

It's true.

I was once cured of demons.

I do not allow prayers
to that man in my household...

Even imagined ones.

Control your wife.

Let them go.


That's all?!

It's good to have you back.

Well, I open my heart,

and I give my thanks to God
for his forgiveness.

What happened to you...
In the desert?

I saw him.

I saw.

I saw Jesus Christ,
the son of God.

And he's here.

His presence is here on earth,

through those followers
I persecuted.

I felt so sure that I was right,

but I...

I was the one that was wrong.

All of us just...


I have to make amends.
I have to.

So I'm going to the river

to be baptized
by this man... Ananias.

And I implore you...
Come with me.

Feel God's love.

Be baptized
in the name of Jesus.


Shh. Shh.

This is ridiculous.

You're keeping me awake
with your foolish dream.

Tell me now.

What is it you're seeing?

I see... Tiberius.

I see him murdered in his bed.

And I see him struggle

as... as they hold a pillow
over his face.

The pillow is held by Caligula.


It's your fanciful imaginings.

Help me.


Help me!!

I saw Jesus Christ,
the son of God.

How can you hope
for salvation, Saul,

when you have the blood
of those who chose Jesus

on your hands?

You're right.

You're right.

And I hope...

...that all the people
I persecuted...

They can find it in their hearts
to forgive me.

I'm not the same man
you once had reason to hate.

I was blind.

Now I see.


Saul wants to be baptized
to accept Jesus.

How can we deny him that?

Jesus has chosen you

to proclaim his name
to the world...

To the gentiles, their kings,
and the sons of Israel.

I baptize you
in the name of the father

and of the son
and of the Holy Spirit.

I'm baptized.

I'm baptized.

Now I can spread the word
of Jesus Christ!

If he will forgive me,
I will be complete in Jesus!


What's happened to you?

What are you doing here?

I-I had to walk.

He... he said everything

that we thought we knew
was wrong.

Who? Who did?


He's become a follower of Jesus.

This is a very bad idea.

Tell him.

Saul, you can't
preach the word of Jesus

inside the synagogue.

That is exactly
what we have to do.

I understand that you're used to

having the weight
of the authorities behind you.

If I have been chosen
to proclaim his name,

better I do it today
than tomorrow,

better this hour than the next.

Better this moment.

Gather 'round!
Listen to me!

I bring news!

I think, with a few changes

and a little imagination...

don't get ahead of yourselves.

Tiberius hasn't made
his decision yet.

I made a good case for you
as my successor.

You never know
what could happen.

Enough of this.

We have what we wanted.

Let's just be grateful.

I...Thought you left
with the emperor.

Isn't that sweet?

As one pair of vipers
prepare to leave,

another plans to move in.

My friend! I knew
they couldn't keep us apart.

I bring news...

Very grave news.

Emperor Tiberius...

...is dead.

It's shocking news.

I was...


We must be thankful.

I'm told he died peacefully...
In his bed.

Were you looking forward
to your new position in Rome?

Such a shame.

Your husband, in this palace,

held a blade against my throat.

He really wanted me dead.

Can't that be left in the past?


You're right.

Let's stay with the present.


Where is your respect?


In the presence
of your new emperor!!