90 Day Fiancé (2014–…): Season 8, Episode 6 - The Real You - full transcript

Natalie doesn't want to unpack into Mike's smelly closet. Yara learns more about Jovi. Amira's dad confronts Andrew. Zied arrives in the US to questions from Rebecca's family. Hazel meets Tarik's daughter. Stephanie and Ryan get into a heated fight.

Previously on "90 day fiancé"...


He got a job at a resort, right?


And then you're still helping
with bills on top?

I mean, thousands of
dollars worth of things.

On a monthly basis,
I've spent $1,300 a month.

Like we just don't want it
to be for the wrong reasons.

Bottom line, it's my choice.

Tomorrow I'm gonna pick up auri.

She's gonna stay with us.

My daughter auri,
she has high functioning autism,

And I'm really nervous.

If hazel and auri don't get

It's done.

Amira's parents told me that
amira is detained in mexico city

And trying to figure out
what I'm gonna do.

I don't know where she is.

If he does anything out of line,
we're gonna have problems.

I want to start a family here.

I'm sorry.

What you want me to tell you?

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discovery communications

Whatever you're cooking
sounds amazing to me.

Alright, I'll get out
of your way then.

Sure. I'll get this fire going.

It won't be that cold tonight.


Oh, no, I'm good.

I don't want too much bread.

I look gorgeous?


- Ching-ching.
- Ding.

I know.

Well, I mean, I can clear out
the other half the dresser,

And you could
have three drawers.

And the other half
of the closet's open.

All you gotta do is start
hanging up your clothes.

Oh, yeah, I'm saying...
But, yeah, I mean,

You could start hanging clothes
and doing everything.

You don't hang your clothes?

They'll stay straight
and no wrinkles.

Oh, you don't like
hanging shirts, nothing?

Well, I'm saying because.

Well, yeah, because, I mean,

There's a lot more
closet space here

Than we had at your house.

So I'm just saying you have
the opportunity

To hang up, if you'd like.

I love natalie, and I'm
definitely trying to be patient

With her and the adjustments,
and it's tough.

She's only been here
for two weeks.

You know, we're still trying
to get her situated.

You know, I understand
we only have 90 days,

And that's... that's
a very short window.

But it's just like we just need
to kind of like relax

And talk about ourselves
and enjoy us and get acclimated,

You know, and enjoy this time.

Like, quit so much pressure
on every single thing.

But yes, I will clear out
the other three drawers,

And, you know, you could fold
and have all your three drawers

And stuff like that.

One big deep drawer.

Two big drawers.

That one's all ready to go.


And then the closet right here.

Look, I already got your...
There's already dresses...

Your stuff hung up.


Like what?

I mean, whatever...
Whatever you want to do,

That whole closet's
your half right there.

There's no smell in there.

So, um, I guess we've got
to continue to talk

About what happened last night.

I mean, we can't just...

I feel terrible
about our fight last night.

I understand it was bad,
you know, I know I left her.

I know the situation
happened after.

But the truth of it is after
the miscarriage, I didn't know

She was gonna have to go
to the doctor and deal

With whatever she had
to deal with.

I felt horrible.

If I had known things would have
played out the way they did,

I would have stayed with her.

You can wear these white ones.

And it sucks, but once again,
I have a flight to catch.

I have to go back to work.

Alright. Let's go.

You ready?


You'll survive alone?

Heart attack.

I don't feel good that jovi
need to go to work

And leave me here alone
for a month.

You told me before
you loved my job.

You love my schedule.
You thought it was great.

Of course I'm gonna miss you.

So you still mad at me
from last night or...

Yeah, I know. I understand.
I mean, I get it.

I know.

Don't be.

I'm not feeling very good
about leaving her.

It's gonna be
a little bit tough.

She doesn't know anybody
who lives in new orleans.

My mom's an hour away,

So she's gonna be
having to learn the streets,

Learn where she can walk,

Learn how to get
to the supermarket on her own.

It's gonna be tough.
I know it will.

I couldn't imagine being stuck

In another place
with nobody to help me.

- You're all set.
- Alright. Thanks so much.

- Have a great day.
- Thank you.

Where you need to go? Here?

There? - Yeah.

Time for me to go.

I'm gonna miss you.

So much.

So much.

No dollars.

Alright, baby,
I will go now to my flight.

Love you.

We're just trying to
find his flight.

There it is.


It's landing now.

Zied's first impressions of me
in america,

Of my family are very important.


I am incredibly concerned
that amira could be in danger.

I mean, I feel like you kinda
have to let it play out.

It's all up to
the mexican authority,

What they're gonna do.

Tell her she has to
go back to France,

She's just gonna have to do
what she's told, right?

Amira and I had planned to meet
in mexico, quarantine 14 days,

And fly into the united states
before amira's k1 visa expires.

This view depresses me
because amira was supposed

To be here to share it with me.

And now she's stuck in a
detention center in mexico city,

And I feel like
there's nothing I can do.

I landed in mexico
and couldn't wait

To jump off the plane
and meet up with amira,

But then I got a call
from amira's parents

Saying that she was detained
at the mexico city airport.

And I am incredibly concerned
that amira could be in danger.

Hey, make it to mexico?

Yeah, I did, and it's been
the worst day ever.

What? Where's amira at?

She didn't make it.

- What?
- She didn't make it.

What happened?

She, um, she got detained.

- No.
- Did they say why?

- I have no idea.
- No?

I knew the risk,
but I was optimistic.

I was hopeful.
- Never concerned.

I can't believe
this is happening.

- I really am...
- Are you okay?

How are you doing?

I'm exhausted.

There was a lot of risk
going to mexico,

But I always thought that

Even if she was rejected
at the mexico border,

She would just be
on a plane back to France.

And now I don't... I don't know
what's happening,

And I have to figure out

How to overcome
this next obstacle.

- Oh, my goodness.
- Wow.

I've been trying to google
just... just now.

Phone number, address, something
to get a hold of, you know,

I mean, I feel like you kinda
have to let it play out.

You know, she's detained.

They tell her she has
to go back to France,

She's just gonna have to do
what she's told, right?

It's all up to
the mexican authority,

What they're gonna do. - Yeah.

Do you think she's gonna be
a little mad at you?

Maybe. Who knows.

Does this affect her visa
for coming to the u.S.

To get married?

We've got a very limited
amount of time.

Each day that ticks away
brings us closer and closer

To the expiration date
of our visa.

- I'm so sorry.
- It's just me.

- I feel sad for you and for her.
- I appreciate that.

- What are you gonna do?
- I don't know what I'm gonna do.

I don't know how long
I'm gonna stay here.

We're here if you need anything,

Anything that we can help with.

We just want you to stay safe
and get some rest.

Thank you.

Stay safe.

- Bye, guys.
- Bye.

I really wanted this trip
to happen,

And she ultimately is suffering
because of that.

I am enormously worried
about amira, and I feel helpless

And powerless to do anything
about this current situation.

The one hope I have for tomorrow

That it is
the complete opposite of today.

Oh, my gosh. Why won't makeup
go on right there?

Yeah, well, all right,
that's how I look today.

Oh, god.

Today, my 27-year-old fiancé
zied, the love of my life

Is finally gonna be here
in america.

That's better. Okay.

I feel amazing,
but I'm really nervous...

...Because it has been
a little over a year

Since I've been able to kiss
or touch zied.

- Hello.
- You look beautiful.

- Thank you. You do, too.
- Look at your makeup.

- Oh, my gosh.
- Okay. T.V.

- Oh, sorry.
- He's got the t.V.

Thank you.

Now at least I have a
t.V. And a bed.

Given the fact that my daughter
tiffany and her fiancé micah

Haven't been exactly
supportive of the relationship,

It means a lot to me
that they want to be with me

Today at the airport
to meet zied.

Oh, my gosh. - This is so cute.

Look at your little
window space.

I'm so nervous.

Does this match?

- Yeah.
- Does it look good?

Do I look good? - Yeah.

Will you fix
my makeup right there?

Yeah, come here. Calm down.

You calm down.

You calm down.

He doesn't know you're coming.

And he's not gonna know
that we're riding back, too?

- You're not.
- Yeah, we are.

That's an hour drive,
and this is the first...

This is our main point,
to be able to see

Who he actually is because
I've never met him in person.

I'm happy that tiffany
and micah want to go

To the airport with me.

However, I didn't know
that they would want to ride

In the same car with us.

I kind of thought they would
take separate cars,

And zied and I would be alone.

Clearly, tiffany and micah
have ulterior motives with this,

And I'm kind of feeling

Like maybe they are
acting like our chaperones.

Zied was just hoping that we,
you know, that he could...

Because he's going
to be nervous and tired,

So he was just hoping
that it would be just he

And I home from the airport.

It will be... later,

And y'all have
the rest of your life.

No, we're riding with you.

She has already done
this same exact thing

With her ex from morocco.

She did really crash
and burn from that.

So yeah, we've pretty much kinda
planned out our whole day

Just to keep an eye on 'em.
- All right. We got to go.

Let's go. You can talk
about it in the car.

I know he comes
from a different background,

And I'm just gonna see
how he reacts,

How he really handles pressure.
- Chop chop.

Now, our major point
that we want to get across

To him is that we're here.

We'll be around all the time.
We'll come in all the time.

Yeah. You can't handle us,

That's a major red flag because
we're really easygoing people.


I just hope he's okay.

I'm not going
to be able to relax

Until he's actually here.

Very worried about him
traveling by himself.

He's a big boy.

How old is he exactly?

I think... I keep forgetting,
because he just had a birthday,

If he's 27 or 28.
I think he's 27.

- Wow.
- But he might be 28.

Wow. It's just weird just to
hear you say it.

Well, he was born in '93,
so he is 27.

He is 27.

Shut up.

Oh, my god.

I'm so tired
of talking right now.

Can we take a break
for just a minute?

I'm kind of frustrated.

This is obviously
a very important day

And trying to worry about
what is micah gonna say?

What is tiffany gonna say?

It's not the energy
that I want right now.

Just let's park right there.

All right.

But I have been waiting
for this day for 13 months.

So it's just all I want right
now is him to be here,

And that's all I want.

Okay, here. Frankfurt.


Hang on, I'm just waiting on it
to pop back up his flight.

We're just trying
to find his flight.

There it is... f7.

It's landing now.

I want to see
how close I can get.

Fix my hair.

- Your hair's not messed up.
- You look beautiful, okay.

Zied's first impressions
of me in america,

Of my family are very important.

So I'm so nervous.
I want everything to go well.

I'm losing my mind.

- We're good. We got this.
- Despite the fact

That I sent a lot of
photoshopped pictures to zied,

He is crazy about me, but of
course, I'm still nervous.

Things change.

I don't look exactly the same
as I did before.

And this time it's not
a vacation, it's real.

So I'm... yeah,
I'm a little nervous

About what he'll think
when he sees me.


We're home.

If the relationship between
hazel and auri isn't great,

There will be no relationship
between me and hazel.

Who is it? - Hi.

Pick up, ryan.

Your call has been forwarded...

I've called several times,
where are you?

We are hanging on
by a thread right now,

And that thread is gonna
break any single second.

Man, I forgot
how many clothes you had.


Um, you got way
more clothes than me.

My clothes are here.

Most of your stuff,
you're gonna hang up.

This is where all
of auri's stuff is.

Because she never stays
in her room.

Yeah, she don't wanna sleep
in a room by herself.

Auri and I have been sleeping
in the same bed for seven years,

And that's not changing.

Basically, I've been her comfort
for her whole life,

And hazel has to deal with it.

I put her in her bed
every night,

She comes back in here.
So I'm like,

I just might as well
put all her stuff in here.

Just... just leave
that stuff where it is.

We'll figure it out
when I get back.

Right now, I'm nervous as hell,
you know, because today

I'm bringing auri home to meet

If the relationship between
hazel and auri isn't great,

There will be no relationship
between me and hazel.

Oh, that's her mom calling,
I know.

Alright, I gotta go.

I'll pick her up now.
I'll pick up auri.

Okay. Take care.

Alright. I'll be right back.




Come on.

We're home.

It's okay. Shoes off.

Good job. Where do shoes go?

Okay, you got your game.


It's okay. Who is it?


Who is it?


You're so big.

Here, can I have your game?

I'm overwhelmed
that auri and hazel

Are just like
embracing each other.

You know, it's like they know
each other already.


I couldn't ask for anything

Let's draw.

You want daddy to help?

There... she's strong.


Are you happy she knew
who you were?

- Yes.
- Yeah, me too.

I think hazel understands
the challenges

That she's facing
with auri's autism

To the degree that she can,
having seen her through video.

I'm hopeful, but it's
a whole different ballgame,

You know,
when you're actually in it.

It takes patience
like you wouldn't believe.

Not really. Mnh-mnh.

I'm kind of worried hazel won't
be able to pick up on it

As fast as she needs to.

She's gonna write her name
she likes writing her name.

Establishing a new relationship
with a child

Who has special needs while
she's away from harrey, her son,

You know, it's probably
gonna be tough.

You did good drawing.

You have got to be.

Son of a bitch.

I was planning
on going to belize

In the next couple of weeks
to be with ryan,

My 27-year-old fiancé,

But I found out that
because of the coronavirus,

The reopening of
the belizean borders

Have been pushed back again,

And that's extremely

Oh, my god.

I have not seen him
in nine months

Due to the borders being closed
with the pandemic.

And on top of the borders
being closed,

We're still waiting for a date
for the k1 visa interview.

Pick up, ryan. Pick up

Your call has been forwarded...

It is so important
that I go to belize

Because not seeing ryan
for months,

We've definitely
lost a connection.

I mean, when you're only looking
at them through the screen

Of your phone,
there's just a lot missing.

So I feel like we're growing
further and further apart.

I've called several times.
Where are you?

I have urgent news to tell you.

You have got to get
ahold of me immediately.

Is that him?

Coo-coo tur-tur,
where's your daddy?

Where's daddy ryan, huh?

Are you gonna share
the bed with daddy ryan

When he comes to live with us?

You're not used to sharing a bed
except with mama.

Will you share your milk
with him, huh?

You know what, baby doll,
we need to try and call ryan.

Okay, ryan, last chance.

I am not calling all day long.

I have a sick cat,
and I've got a business to run.

Come on.

Your call has been forwarded...

That's it. No more.

No more.

It's an extremely frustrating
situation that I thought

I would never find myself in,

But it's getting worse
trying to contact him recently.

And the trust issues
have always been terrible.

Ryan isn't answering.

I'm frustrated, I'm angry,
I'm pissed off.

And not that I'm going
to get through

And he's gonna have
all the answers,

But I want him to share
in my grief right now,

I want to see
if he's upset as I am.

I don't know why
he's not answering.

There's only so much more
we can take.

We are hanging on by a thread
right now,

And that thread is going to
break any single second.

Son of a bitch.

Are you nervous?
I mean, literally in less

Than 90 days, jovi's
gonna be your husband.

I truly feel that jovi's
rushing into this.


Oh, mom. Mom was calling to me.

Oh, my god.


We'll hang out
for a little bit with them,

Just kind of feeling
out the vibe.

It's just something
he's gonna have to deal with.

Hey, where have you been
all day?

I have been trying to reach you.

I question ryan because
it's very hard to trust him.

You need to think about if you
really want this.

I'm losing my mind.


I'm waiting on zied
to come through the doors,

But after being apart for a
year, I'm a nervous wreck.

Having tiffany
and her fiancé micah

Kind of hovering over
my shoulder during this wait

Is not helping very much
because I didn't tell zied

That they would be here with me,

And I'm a little worried about
how he's gonna react.

Breathe. Breathe.

Is that him?

Oh, my god.


You look amazing. Oh, my god.

Oh, my god. You smell so good.

You look so good.

I'm so happy you're here, baby.

Yeah, me too. I am here.

Me, too, baby.

I got makeup on your jacket.

Oh, yeah.

You want to meet them?
Get your stuff.

- Hello.
- This is zied. Tiffany.


- Doesn't he smell amazing?
- Weird to see him in person.

Yeah, let's meet micah.

He's on purse duty.

- Hi, micah.
- How's it going?

Nice to meet you.

Good, good.

Thank you.

- Yeah.
- Good. Perfect.

Yeah, I wanted to come
and get you myself only,

But she told me today,
"I'm coming with you."

The plane here, everything
good, have any problems?

So good. Yes, so good.

I can't wait
to show you the apartment.

Me, too.

I mean, zied's pretty much
exactly what we pictured,

But he does just seem
very nonchalant.

He's just like, "yeah,
okay, yeah, okay."

I don't know, like,
I can't really explain it.

You thought he'd be a lot more
enthusiastic once he got here.

Yeah. It's kind of like...
It's weird.

So, are you hungry?

I think, do you just
want to go home,

What do you want to do?
- Yeah, I want to go home.

Are you sure? You're not hungry?

I'm not hungry, no.

We can go get drinks.

Okay, so we can do that.

Tiffany and micah will drive us

And you and I
sit in the back seat.

- Yeah, okay. Of course.
- You sure?

Of course, yeah.

I know he wanted just to go
straight home with mom,

But we didn't let that happen.

We'll hang out for a little bit
with him, kind of talk,

Just kind of feeling out
the vibe.

You're about to see america.

My mom's already completely
let her guard down.

She's just very much lovestruck,
and she wants to believe

That everybody
just wants to love her.

But I mean, the reality
is people are typically

Just doing it for the visa,

Like her ex from morocco did.

This my car.

So me and micah,
we're right over his shoulder,

Pretty much checking him out.

Yeah, we don't know
how much time we'll spend.

We'll just kind of feel it out,

And it's just something
he's gonna have to deal with.

- You're here.
- Yeah.

Clink, clink, clink.
Word up, word up, word up.

Is it hard being away
from your son?

Every minute that amira
sits in there

Is a minute in which
I am letting her down.

I'm trying to find out
more information.

I've been told that
she's being detained.

It's a phone tree.

2 for english, please.

Yes, please. Thank you.

As of last night, I had two
leads on immigration centers,

But those ended up not holding
those from the airport.

All I can do right now
is research

And follow the leads
that come up.

Hi, my fiancée was...
Flew in to mexico city

About 48 hours ago,

And I'm... I've been told
that she's being detained,

And I'm trying to find out
more information.

Do you know how I might find out
more information about that?

They just hung up me.

I'm trying my hardest
to figure out everything I can,

But it's very difficult
to... to navigate this...

The language barrier,
the confusion,

This thing has become
incredibly difficult.

I feel like I created
all these plans

And all these things
and all this stuff,

And there's just no way
that I have any capacity

To plan what's going on
right now with her.

I just called the operator
at the airport.

It just rings and rings and
rings and rings and rings.

Hello, this is security
for the airport, right?

Do you speak english?

Habla usted inglés?
Habla usted inglés?

No. Oh.

The hardest part about
what amira and I

Were about to embark on

Was supposed to be the 90 days
of us getting married

And falling
ever more deeply in love.

But every minute
that amira sits in there

Is a minute in which I am
letting her down,

And ultimately, love is fading.

Anybody, habla inglés?

Anybody? I'm very sorry.

I've called the airport,

I've called
the detention center,

I've called the airline,

I've called everybody, man.
I've called everybody,

And it's just... no one is
either able to help me

Or there's just...
Those aren't the right leads.

Amira's father texted me
and said

That he wants to know
what's happening to amira.

He's very worried about her
and as am I.

I want answers
just as much as he does.

I feel anxious.

There's a possibility
that amira's parents

Might blame me for this,
and I can't blame them for that.

Hello, hamdi.

You have a very lovely
shirt on today.

I like your shirt and tie.

This is actually the first time
I've met hamdi face to face,

So my relationship with hamdi
is really just beginning.

I'm at...
I'm in puerto vallarta,

And I really wish it was under
different circumstances, sir,

That we have our first meeting.

I'm sorry, sir.
I'm really sorry.

It's completely off.

And it worries me
that we haven't heard a text.

You haven't heard a text,
or I haven't heard a text

Or anything like that.

I can't apologize enough,
and I really...

I really wish there
was an easy solution.

I'll send you any
information that I can.

I will, if I find anything.

I'm sorry, sir,
I'm really sorry.

- It is currently 5:00 p.M.
- Here in puerto vallarta.

So the plan for the rest
of the day is to research

What I can, what's available,

And just send all my hope
and energy to the fact

That I will be lucky enough
to get a call from my fiancée.


And this right here
is called cornbread.


My fiancée hazel has been here
for three days,

And tonight we're having
a little shindig,

A little soiree for hazel.
Auri's in bed.

I got a gang of friends
coming over.

They've all heard about hazel.

We've all had conversations
about her and the visa process.

And how long
is it gonna take in?

And is she ever coming?
And are you still together?

And all of that.

So, you know,
I'm hoping that they'll like her

And they can see
in her what I see in her.

Ding dong.

What up, doe? What up? - Hey.

You done brought wine.

You bearing gifts.
- So nice to meet you.

You look beautiful.
- How you doing?

- You, too.
- Welcome.

This is susan.

This is my friend's sister,
of like 25 years.

- Hey.
- Look at this leather.

- What's up?
- How are you?

- This is my brother marcus.
- Looking fly.

What's going on, man?
How you doing?

You know this person.
- I know this lady.

You know this person.
This is hazel, fiancée.

Hazel, have you ever had
american barbecue before?

How do you like it?

She could take it or leave it.

Hazel, come sit next to me.

Welcome to the united states.

You have to open it. Let's see.

- Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead.
- Yeah.

I know, read the note.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

You know how to wear
a scarf, right,

Because that's not
the way you do it.

It's going on your neck.

It's on her neck.

You know how you do...
Let me show you.

You can wear it all kinds
of different ways.

You can do it like this.

And some people like, yup,
you can do it that way.

So now we have drinks?

You're welcome.

- Oh, boy.
- Oh, goodness.

- Oh, boy.
- So back in the day,

We lived in the same
apartment building.

We partied every day,
every day of the week.

A lot of it was a blur so
I can't tell you.

Right, right, right. Yeah.

She took care of me,
though, for real.

Because I was wild.

When tarik originally
told me about hazel,

I was really surprised,
really surprised, but...

When he told me,
I thought he lost his mind.

I couldn't believe it.
Tarik used to live upstairs

From me, and his bedroom
was over top of my bedroom.


I never thought
he would get married.

Did you have a chance
to meet auri yet?

Oh. Did she recognize you?

- Have you met her son?
- Yeah, yeah. And he...

We're gonna try to get
him here in about a year.

- Okay.
- About a year or so.

Is it hard being away
from your son?

You know, it's the same process

I went through the k1
visa process with her,

Gotta do the same thing
for the child.

But it's really just me
being cautious.

You know, we decided we just
want to give ourselves some time

To make sure that
everything works out with us.

I can tell you miss him.

You know, I'm conscious
of the fact that she gave up

Everything to be here,

And I want to make sure that
hazel is actually comfortable.

You know, I want to be her rock.

So that means I have
to be up front and honest

With her about me
texting our ex minty.

But I'm worried that
if I tell her

While she's still getting used
to being away from her son,

It might be too much for her.

Do you think jovi's ready to,
like, settle down?

Because I know,
like, he was always out drunk,

Knew all the strippers.

I think it's important that yara
knows who the man

Is she's about to marry.


Hey. Yes, I'm here.

- Hey, how are you?
- I'm good.

How are you? - Good.

When does jovi come back?
Four weeks?


- What time did he fly out?
- At 7:00.

7:00 something, yeah.
- That's so early.

And he went to guyana, guyana?

- Guyana.
- Guyana, yeah.

Oh, look, that's the nail
salon right there.

We're here.

Yeah, this is a really
great place.

I love it.

I know yara's all alone
while jovi's out of the country.

So I knew she could use
some company,

So I invited her
to get manicures and pedicures.

Here's my color. Thank you.

Meeting yara for the first time,

She's a very nice girl,

But I don't even know enough
about yara at this point,

And I truly feel that jovi's
rushing into this.

I feel like
he doesn't really know her.

So I'm eager to see
how it all plays out.

Right? It's so nice.

Okay. You need to
put one foot up.

So how have things been, like,
since you got here with jovi?


Yeah, it's really
hard when you have a partner

That works offshore, you know.

Right. Do y'all have plans
to start a family right away?

Like have a baby,
like after you get married?



I'm very skeptical
of yara's plans

To open up her own salon
and start a whole business here

Because jovi's really never
changed his ways for a girl.

And I know jovi
really loves his job,

And I know that
he would never give that up.

So I think it's important
that yara knows who

The man is she's about to marry,

And I feel like everyone
needs to be on the same page

And they both need to be ready.

Are you nervous?

I mean, literally in less
than 90 days,

Jovi is going
to be your husband.


So do you think jovi's
ready to, like, settle down

And whatnot, because I know,
like the jovi before yara,

And he was, you know,
always out having a good time

Till 3:00 a.M. Drunk.
And then, like, not know

Where he was at or what
happened the night before.

How do you feel about
strip clubs?

Well, it's just,
like, jovi used to be

A regular at one of
the ones down here.

He knew all the strippers,
and he'd like, sleep with them.


She, like, peed in
the bed one time.

Not the bed you're sleeping in.

But like, she got so drunk
she, like, pissed herself

In the middle of the night.

She legit peed on herself
because she was so drunk.

No, it's gross. Yeah.

That was the jovi before yara.


Yeah. So that's jovi,

But to you, he's probably
completely different.

Right, right.


No, I wouldn't want that.

- All right. You're all good.
- Thank you so much.

I mean, we've been through this
before where she's...

...Half her age, and
it just always goes bad.

We will always have concerns.

If something is going
to come up,

Then we will have problems.

This way.

Zied, he's just
arrived in america,

And he still needs
to kind of settle in

To this culture.
In arabic culture,

You don't kiss in public
or have any kind of pda.

So that coupled with the fact
that we're in the car

With my daughter and her fiancé,
I know for a fact

That it would make zied
uncomfortable if I kissed him.

So we're trying to stay reserved
until we're alone.

I'm so happy you're here, baby.

Zied, he's got his phone out

And he's making videos
of everything.

He's sending everything
that he can see to his family

And friends back in tunisia.
It's really cute.

- You know baseball?
- Baseball.

- There's the baseball stadium.
- Yeah.

Look, and there's a carnival.


No, you can ride 'em.

It's a little bit awkward
having my daughter tiffany

And her fiancé micah hanging out
for zied's first day.

They are very protective over me
because the last arabic man

Who I brought back to america,
he cheated on me.

He took money.
He was just a bad person.

This is your home.
This is canton.


Let's go eat.

I think right now
all they're trying to do

Is figure out who he is

And why he's here
and kind of get a read on zied.

But after an 18-hour flight,
I wish that he had had

A little bit more time
to prepare for this.

So this, I think, good
for you, fish and chips.


- Yes.
- Okay. Thank you.

So how do you feel
about it so far?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

- It's quiet.
- Because this is where you live.


You know I love
when you say that.

It's comfortable.


I mean, you can tell just by
being in the same room as them,

She completely adores him.

Appetizers for you guys.

This is the sweet chili shrimp.

Oh, shrimp, baby.

But I mean, we've been through
this before where she's...

...Half her age, pretty much.

And it just always goes bad.

You know what this is?
Fromage. Try.

He loves cheese.

And it's like
she's a lovesick teenager,

But we still don't know
his intentions.

We definitely have
more questions for zied.

If it is just a show
for right now,

Then time will tell for sure.

Oh, baby, wait.
I'm sorry, I forgot to ask,

Does the meatball have pork
in it or is it just beef?

- It's just beef.
- Okay, thank you.

- It's good?
- Yes.

So tomorrow when I get up,
go into work,

9:00 a.M.,
what do you want to do?

I don't know.


There's lots of places
for you to walk.

What do you plan
on doing for work?

Like, job.


Yes, but what
do you plan on doing?

Zied took classes for hvac
and plumbing repair

And got a certification
doing that.

So that's something
that he's looking into.

But he's open
to just about anything.

Well, her ex
did not like work...

I'm kind of frustrated.
It's completely unfair for them

To be putting him
on the spot right now

And trying to draw comparisons
with my ex.

It's just not what I had in mind
for zied's first day.

Let me say one thing.
I know that

Because of everything
that's happened in the past,

You've been very worried
that he's gonna show up

And do the same thing.

I get that this two hours
that you've spent with him,

Isn't gonna fix everything,

But you're going
to have to trust me.

I understand, tiffany and micah.

I will worry
because it's still my mom.

- Yeah. I know.
- We will always have concerns

Because it is totally different
than anything

We're used to, been through
before, it ended badly.

So 5, 10, 15 days down the road,
you all are living together,

Something is gonna come up,
then we will have problems.

Yeah, I think.

Well, I don't know
if you've heard,

But the borders are not opening,
did you know that?

Why are you acting like this
is not a big deal?

You need to think about if you
really want this.

Whoa. So much
for that 100 hours.


I am suffering
from a lot of anxiety right now.

I have been trying all day
to get ahold of ryan

To let him know that the
belizean border's reopening

Has been pushed back
for several more weeks.

And it is very frustrating that
he's not answering his phone.


Hey, where have
you been all day?

I have been trying to reach you

Probably 14 phone calls,
you know.

I was mad because for the past
couple days and weeks...

Well, I don't know
if you've heard,

But the borders are not opening.
Did you know that?

Why are you acting like this
is not a big deal?

You know I've been putting
in a ton of effort to try

And make this whole thing work,

And I bend over backwards to try
and make you happy

And you know,
give you what you need,

Whether it be new clothes
or help with rent.

I told you last time
we were in a huge fight,

I told you I was sorry.

I buy you those things because
I know they make you happy.

I have a friend that owns a
luxury resort in belize,

And I asked him to hire ryan

So he could have
some money coming in.

But ryan does not know that I am
wiring the money to my friend

That owns the luxury resort,

And it's actually me
paying his wages.

I want ryan to work for money

Because I'm tired of sending him
money to sit idle.

You had been sitting on your ass

And asking me for money.

I was sending your ass
money every three days

Because that's all you did
was sit on your ass.

Here's the bottom line.
Since the borders are closed,

I haven't seen you
in a long time,

And it seems like
we're fighting more and more.

Fine. Whatever.

You know what, ryan? Why don't
you just think about this

Because, you know, we're
down to the wire,

And I'm so tired, I-I'm ready
to throw in the towel.

And you need to think about
if you really want this.

Oh, and your sweet plan
involves what?

Do you want to come
over to america

And start screwing women?

I question ryan because
it's very hard to trust him.

I have picked up
his phone before.

He's texting multiple women.

And when you go nine months
without seeing someone,

Of course, you're wondering
what they're doing.

I've looked at 2:00
in the morning and you're online

And I'm thinking,

"well, who's he online
with at 2:00 in the morning?"

I wouldn't be bringing you
to the united states

If I didn't think
that you had evolved.

So now you're basically saying
you want to come over here

For a little joyride.

You didn't say one thing
about me.

You just said you'd like
to come see america.

Oh, so now you're telling
me I'm crazy.

I'm far past crazy?

I mean, how up is that?

Well, you know,
if you don't want to come here,

You let me... I can call
the embassy tomorrow

And cancel everything.

If you have nothing but bad
after all the good stuff

I do for you and your family,
why are we... you know what,

Why are we engaged?
Why are we engaged then?

I am worn out.

If we're gonna end it,
we need to end it in person

Or we decide

We're gonna hang tough
till this coronavirus is over,

And he'll come here, and we'll
give it a shot for 90 days.

But we're not getting
along at all,

So he and I need to see
each other

Or this relationship
just isn't gonna work.

- All right.
- All right. What?

Good night.

Next time on "90 day fiancé"...

We need to talk
about a few things

That's going on here at farm.

Julia, we need brandon
to give us a hand.

I mean, we would like for you
to get involved, as well.

The relationship with my parents
has never been like this before.

You're not taking things

If zied isn't happy here,

I don't know if this marriage
will even happen.

Have you ever been
married before?

No? Engaged?


I know that ukrainian women
just want to get to america.

Makes me a little curious.

I was gonna tell you.
I just didn't think

It would be a huge deal
for me to say.

It's been 36 hours since
I've heard that amira's detained

At the mexico city airport.

Amira is online.

What class do you fit in?
You're on a pedestal up here.

Why do you put yourself
on a pedestal?

What makes you better
than anyone else?

You say, everyone's low class
and this and this.

You... what makes you
better than anyone?