90 Day Fiancé (2014–…): Season 8, Episode 11 - Three's a Party - full transcript

Julia thinks she's pregnant. Stephanie and Ryan have an explosive fight. Natalie demands answers. Jovi upsets Yara at their engagement party. Rebecca worries that Zied will change his mind. Tarik and Hazel pursue finding a girlfriend.

[man] previously
on 90 days fiance...

[julia speaking russian]

[julia speaking]

[brandon] mm-hmm.

What's going on?

I think that julia and I
need to leave.

- [betty] that makes me so sad.
- [brandon] I don't know.

Maybe I can throw in
a bargaining chip.

Maybe we can stay
in the same room.

If that's a compromise
I have to make

To have you guys stay...

- [woman] welcome to america.
- Thank you.

[rebecca] this young hot girl

Seems way overly focused on him.

While I'm working,
he can get all the stuff

Out of the storage unit
and move into the apartment.

- I'd love to help.
- [zied] good.

[andrew] how long you all have
to stay to married

Till she doesn't have to leave?

...[jovi] three years.

Then that's how long
you all gonna be married.


[yara speaking]

I thought I was doing
something nice.

All right.
Are you ready yet or not?

I'm ready to just go
to the party.

I don't want to deal
with this thing.

[speaking filipino]

[tarik] there he is.

I just don't want to hear
that somebody has a fever

Right now,
even if it's just from a cold.

[harrey speaking]

[speaking filipino]

[speaking filipino]

[harrey speaking]

[natalie speaking]

But I'm unhappy.

Maybe we just need
to come to a conclusion

That it's not there.

We're not in love right now.

Remember maria the psychic?

She sees us getting married
and then you're leaving me

For a younger woman.

[stephanie] are you afraid
of the truth, ryan?

Why would you do that to me?

[ryan speaking]

[stephanie] ryan.

[upbeat music playing]

[julia speaking]

[brandon] my fiancee julia
is from russia,

And she's in the us
for a couple weeks now.

I couldn't be more happy
we're finally together.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

So a couple of weeks ago,
I told my parents

That we are planning
to move out because julia

Is really unhappy
living in the farm.

Julia and I need to leave.
Yeah, we...

- The farm?
- [brandon] yeah.

[betty] no, no, no. No.

I wanted it
to be gaining a daughter

Rather than losing my son.


You're my baby. That just...

That makes me so sad.

The news freaked my mom out,

So she decided
to bend the house rules

And let us share a bedroom.

Look at that, julia,

- Medical care in four minutes.
- Huh?

Medical care in four minutes,
go doctor.


Well, it's, kind of,
an er but...

[julia speaking]


- [brandon] you do?
- Mm-hmm.

Do you need me to pull over?

I don't understand.

[julia speaking]

[brandon] are you sick?

[julia speaking]

[brandon] stop.


The only form of birth control

Julia and I right now
are using...

I think the medical term
is the pull-out method.


It's worked this far. [chuckles]

Maybe I'm just
really good at it.

I don't... I don't know.

I think we needed
to tell my parents

About you getting sick.


[julia speaking]

Yeah, well...

No, I don't think so.

[suspenseful music playing]

[brandon] I just think
we should tell them

Because we're living
under their roof.

You know,
if my mom notices that julia

Has been getting sick
in the morning,

She's gonna wanna take her
to a doctor.

And if it were the case,
what do we do?

I don't know
because I can't afford

To take care about this
as it is now.

What the hell do we do
with the baby?

I don't know.
Then that's a nightmare.

That's not how I picture life
going at all.

I think it's better
we tell my mother now

Instead of her
finding out later.

I don't want her, like,
asking you

All these questions,
like, you know,

"what's wrong with you?
What's wrong?

Let's go to the doctor.
Let's go to the doctor."

And... I don't know.
Just hiding it from her

And then she finds out anyway
if it really is...

That's the case
that you're pregnant.

So I just think it's best
that we tell them.

I don't either.

[julia speaking]


[dramatic music playing]

[stephanie] are you kidding me?

[stephanie speaking]

Hey, ryan.

[stephanie speaking]

[ryan speaking]

[stephanie speaking]

[ryan speaking]

[stephanie speaking]

I... I'm not trying
to embarrass you.

I'm trying to
call you out, ryan.

[ryan speaking]

you got your cab waiting?

With whose money?



[suspenseful music playing]

[stephanie speaking]

I'm just... You guys,
I mean, I'm just...

[producer speaking]

ryan and I went to bed,

And I said,

"do you have the condoms
that I brought?

I put them on your night...
Side of the night stand."

He says, "yes, yes, I do."

And then,
when we started kissing and...

And then one thing
led to another and I'm like,

You know,
we're having sex and I said,

"I brought lubricant." you know,

When you use condoms,
usually it does hurt more.

So he goes, "stephanie,
there is no condom."

I said, "what?

What the [bleep] do you mean
there's no condom?"

He's like, "I just said
thought it out

And put it on the bed.

I don't have a condom on
right now."

I said, "are you kidding me?

Ryan, that's been
the one thing I told you.

I haven't seen you in 10 months.

I don't [bleep] trust you."

[sobs] I haven't seen him
in 10 months.

You can do a lot of cheating
in 10 months, okay?

[stephanie speaking]

So I said to him, "you tell me
the truth right now."

"sweetheart, no, no,

There's been no one, honey.

Please, you got to believe
how much I love you.

You got to believe how much
I want to come to michigan.

It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen, honey."


You know what, he blew it.

He blew his chance right there.

I'm a very...
I'm so [bleep] forgiving.

When the truth is being told,

I'm a very forgiving woman.

When I'm being lied to,
[bleep] and die.

That's how I look at it.


I mean, [bleep] 2020 [bleep]!

Eat my ass.

[upbeat music playing]

[ryan speaking]




I need to find that ring.

I need to find that ring.

He knows.

He knows.

That would hurt me the most,

Just taking my mother's ring.

[suspenseful music playing]

Where? See. [sniffs]

He left all that.
He left all of...

He left...
He couldn't fit everything.

He could not fit everything.

So what would he do?

He would go for
what would hurt me the most,

And that is my mother's ring.


Oh, where, ryan?

You think... Oh, my god.
Oh, my god. There is it.

Please, please, please,
don't have taken anything.

Please don't have taken
my mother's ring.

Oh, god. Here it is.

Here's my mother's ring.
He didn't take that.

I don't care
if he stole anything else.

I am so relieved
that I found my mother's ring

Because it is
very important to me.

[line ringing]

- [ryan speaking]
- hey.

[ryan speaking]

Thank you for not stealing
my mother's ring, by the way.

I will say that.

You'd be dead meat. I just tore

My [bleep] place apart.

I thought you stole
my mother's ring.

[ryan speaking]

[stephanie] I just got...
I've got one question for you.

And then, if you don't want
to speak to me

The rest of your life,
so [bleep] be it.

Please tell me
why did you pretend

To put a condom on and then not?

Just answer me that one...
That one thing.

[ryan speaking]

[stephanie] yeah.
I feel you're lower than low.

I feel you could [bleep] crawl

Under this whole
[bleep] building.

So all I need to know is why?

Do you really hate me that much

That I asked for one thing,
one respectable thing,

Wear a condom
so I have peace of mind?

[ryan speaking]

Are you kidding me?

[ryan speaking]

Don't you [bleep]
lie to me, ryan.

[ryan speaking]

Oh, my god.

Are you kidding me?


- [ryan] yeah...
- Lord, take me away.

You know what? You know what?

[ryan speaking indistinctly]

This is over. This is over.

[bleep] off and die, ryan.

You know what?

I'm going to go find myself
a little [bleep] cabana.

Well, I got tons
of nice slides and slippers.

And man, I've got thousands
of dollars of watches

And tons of [bleep] clothes.

[ryan speaking]

Yeah, okay. I'm...
See, I'm crazy, bingo.

All right. There we go.

- Let's blame it on stephanie.
- [phone beeps]

There, he hung up. Perfect.

I gotta block that [bleep].

I gotta block him
and I am going to bed.

It's over. It is over.

Done, done, done, done,
done, done.

Now that ryan's gone,
I don't care where he is.

I don't know what he's doing
and I don't give a [bleep].

I'm done with him.

[phone ringing]


My god. Harris.

Harris, can you hear me?

[all cheering]

[yara speaking]


[jovi speaking]

[gwen] watching
yara and jovi together,

They're really in love.

[yara speaking]

We don't fit together at all.

I don't think you like me.

If the road continues
to get even more bumpier,


I don't know.

I'm not ready
to marry you, at all.


[natalie speaking]

[phone ringing]

[rachel] hey, natalie.

[natalie speaking]

[rachel] okay.
What's the most important

To talk about today?

[natalie speaking]

[rachel] okay.


What kind of troubles
are you having?

[natalie] um...

[shaun] mike,
what is she talking about?

so I have a best friend.

She wanted me to be,
like, her best man.

It was the night
before the wedding.

I went back to the house
and slept on the couch.

Now they were pretty much
assuming that I...

We slept together.

[michael] because her husband
was supposed to be there.

I didn't lie. I didn't... I...

That was the plan.

[natalie speaking]


[natalie speaking]

[rachel] did mike say
that there was nothing

Going on between them,
that they're just friends

And you didn't see
what you thought you saw

When you walked in?

So, do you believe him
when he says

That nothing happened
between them?


Has she and mike ever dated
that you know of,

If they're even been together?

[rachel] they lived together
for a long time?

[natalie speaking]

You don't know? Okay.

Well, that would be important
to find out,

Because if they never had
a relationship,

It makes it even more
inappropriate for them

To be spending
the night together.

And I completely understand
why you feel

Very uncomfortable with that,
I would, too.

You feel like
you can talk to him about it?

[natalie speaking]

I hope that you and mike have

Some really good conversations

And I really hope
that you are able

To find happiness here.

Good luck to you.

[rachel] bye.

[dramatic music playing]

How did I make you mad?

Because I didn't get
your food this morning?


I took like five beers
all [bleep]

And you're talking
like you are now,

- Of course, I think you are.
- [bleep]


[jovi] tonight
is our engagement party

And yara is already pissed at me

Before we even walk
in that door.

I'm kind of worried.

She doesn't wanna have a party.

She doesn't want
a lot of people here.

She wants to keep it small.
Keep it simple.

So, I really hope my mom
didn't invite

Too many people
to this engagement party.

I hope she's not standoffish
towards my family.

I don't know
how this is gonna go.

All right. We're here.



I don't have napkins.

Here they come.


[woman] hey, hello.

[crowd cheering]

Oh, she's beautiful.


- [woman] she's beautiful.
- [woman] you're so pretty.

[dramatic music playing]

[yara speaking]

- Congratulations, man.
- Thank you.

Hey, what's going on, brother?

- Your dress is beautiful.
- Thanks.

[man speaking]


[yara speaking]

Hey, everybody.

- [man] hey.
- [gwen] hello.

[woman] hello.

Hey. Can you all hear me?


[man] hey, everybody.

Hey all, come gather around

For jovi and yara to dance.

[romantic music playing]

[singer] ♪ so many
good things I've wasted ♪

[natalie speaking]

[gwen] I was really,
really nervous.

I thought yara might freak out.

Maybe too many people,
but she seems happy.

[natalie speaking]

[gwen] watching yara
and jovi together,

I could see that, um,
look in their eyes,

They're really in love.

[gwen] I'm really happy
for them.

They're good. I was worried,

But I think
they're gonna be good.

[crowd cheering]

Congratulations, jovi and yara.


Are you hungry?
Do you wanna eat?


[jovi] yara is pissed.

Yara seems okay with the party

But she's pretty mad at me.

She's not happy
and, uh, it's not good.

Of course, her hormones
are out of whack, you know.

She is crazy is as [bleep]

She's crazy as [bleep]
on a normal basis.

It's not just
because of her hormones.

But I'm an [bleep]
and this is supposed to be

A really special time for us.

And I don't know what to do.

Are you having fun,
you're meeting everybody?

All right. I'm gonna get
my mom and my dad.

We're gonna...

All right.

[dramatic music playing]

[yara speaking]

I don't know.

I haven't seen him
in a few minutes.

- Go find him.
- Unless he's with...

- I'll go find him.
- Yeah. Go find him

- And you all come sit with us.
- Okay.

[jovi] I haven't told
my parents yet

About the pregnancy
because I just don't know

About the timing.

Yara is already talking about
wanting to leave the country.

So, I don't want them
to be worried.

But if there's a chance
that this could cheer yara up,

Put her in a better mood,
and help her to enjoy

The engagement party,
now I'm at the point

Where I just wanna let it out.

[gwen] how's the food?

- Good?
- It's very good.

You like the party?

Yeah. How's the party?

Thank you.

[jovi] so, are you ready
for some news?

- What?
- Oh, what?

- No.
- What?

I'm gonna spit it out.

- What?
- What?

She's pregnant.

- No.
- No.

[rebecca] today, we're
driving out to meet my son.

zied is brandon's stepdad

And he's only a couple
of years older.

- This is zied, you all.
- Yeah.

[brandon] my first impression
with zied,

He, uh,
he seems kind of awkward.

Listen. I need your advice.

Do I need to see harris
before I leave this country

Or do I just get on a plane?

I think harris does care
about you,

But I also think
he has other motives.

He's got other agendas.

I need a good,
solid friend right now.

And harris
has always been there for me.

My life is a [bleep] show.

why are you walking so fast?

Can you slow down a little bit?


[whimsical music playing]

[rebecca] today, we're
driving out to meet my son

And this will be the first time

That zied and-and brandon
get to meet.

But with the, uh,
the young lady last night,

Tiffany's friend
that was flirting with zied,

It's caused a little bit
of an issue

And it's carried over
this morning.

[rebecca] no, no.
You're not following the gps.

We have to go that way.
That's what the gps say.

Why do you do this?

I don't like things not being
normal with us right now.

I think we need to talk about
what happened last night.


[rebecca] I'm frustrated
that I was obviously

The oldest one at the table.

This beautiful young girl,
your age,

Was flirting with you.

And because you didn't
understand that,

You kept talking to her so much.

Possibly while I'm working,
he can get all the stuff

Out of the storage unit
and move into the apartment.

[hannah] my family
has a lot of trucks,

So if you need like a truck bed,

I'd love to help.

[zied speaking]

that's so nice, hannah.

She very clearly stated
the time that I am not there,

She will come and help you move.

If a woman in america

Offered to help you do anything,

You say no.

[zied speaking]

- I know.
- [zied] thank you, baby.

- I love you.
- [zied] I love you, too.

I'm nervous for you
to meet brandon.

[zied speaking]

[rebecca] he's close and...
Close to your age,

- You know that, right?
- [zied] yeah.

[rebecca laughs]

[rebecca] my son, brandon,
has seen me

In some really bad situations
with men before,

So I want him
to see how amazing zied is.

Zied doesn't really act his age,

But it is a little bit strange
that technically

Zied is brandon's stepdad

And his only a couple
of years older.

[zied] mm-hmm.
it's right here, baby.

[zied] oh, good.

Who is that?

[zied speaking]

- Is gigi here?
- It's gigi.

- Hello.
- [indistinct]

- [kirsten] say, "hey, gigi."
- [rebecca] how are you?

- [brandon] good.
- [kirsten] hey, gigi, gigi.

[brandon] well, how's it going?

- [zied] oh, yeah.
- This is zied, y'all.

[zied] yeah.

It is finally nice
to meet the legend.

- [zied] yeah, me, too.
- [laughter]

How are you?
It's good to see you, man.

- It's good to see you.
- [zied] me, too. Me, too.

How are you taking to, uh,
the american life?

[zied] good, but, you know,

You haven't really got
to experience much of it?


[kirsten] is that grandpa zied?


- [brandon] papa zied.
- [kirsten] papa zied.

[zied speaking]


- [brandon] say papa zied.
- [rebecca] wait,

Don't scare him,
don't scare him.

He won't come to me.

[kirsten] you're like,
"no, stranger."

[rebecca] well, yeah, I'm...

[brandon] we got someone
for you to meet.

- Hi.
- [zied] hello there.

[rebecca] this is zied.

- Oh, hi, zied.
- How are you?

Good? [zied laughs]

[brandon] my first impression
of zied, he, uh,

He seems kind of awkward but,
I mean, that's to be expected.

He, uh, he just came to...

He just came over here
and it's a weird situation.

[rebecca] okay. Let's go
take them out back to play.


[brandon] but I mean,
he's been big smiles,

Uh, handshakes, hugs,
and he just seems like,

A very good guy with a good...

With a big heart.

[kid speaking]

[brandon] you wanna throw
the ball with him?

[zied] yeah. [laughs]

[brandon makes sound]


[rebecca] zied has had...

Has always been amazing
with kids.

- I'm sorry.
- Good job.

That's a home run.

[rebecca] kids gravitate
towards him.

And in tunisia,
he was extremely close

To his niece and nephew.


[rebecca] so, I hope
it's gonna help him,

When he misses his family,

To be able to be around
my grandkids and my kids.

You give gigi a flower?

[kirsten] fifteen months.
[brandon] he is 15 months.

These kids
had got me baby crazy.

[brandon speaking]

[zied] I love babies.

he is so good with them.

[kirsten] do you not want kids?

It's just kind of, you know,
most people want their own.

[zied] mm-hmm.

And, you know, she's
obviously had grown kids.

I not have kids, yeah.

- I do not have kids.
- [kirsten] and you don't any?

You're okay
with being papa zied?


Zied and I have talked
several times

About the fact that I can't
have any more children.

I can't physically have them.

In my mid-30s,
they found a tumor

And they did
a partial hysterectomy on me.

And he's always
seemed okay with that.

But it's still
a very sore subject for me.

- [zied] yeah.
- Oh, my god.

[brandon] it's getting warm.

he's gotta go inside soon.

Oh, he's tired.

You did all that
playing with him.

Say bye.

That was so nice
to meet you, mr. Zied.

[rebecca] I think
about the amazing father

That zied would be all the time.

[kid speaking]

[zied speaking]

- Yeah.
- Okay?

[kirsten] come on in, now.

[rebecca] uh, it breaks my
heart because if at any point,

He decides
that he wants children,

I don't want zied
to regret coming here.

And what's the more happy?

Shouldn't you all take some
time to spend together alone?

People think I'm behind
this grand plan,

But I'm just doing
what hazel wants.

I did not pressure her
into do anything.

Say and run.

So, um...

[julia speaking]

[brandon] julia, she
is throwing up this morning.

- Oh.
- That's... That's...

- We are going to...
- [bottle pops]

- [hazel gasps]
- whoo.

Hazel and I
are feeling much better

Now that we know that her son
in the philippines

Is feeling better.

So, now, I really wanna
concentrate on the wedding.

Not a lot for you,
because you're a lightweight.

[hazel laughs]

[tarik] we were hoping to wait
the lockdown out

To finish wedding planning,
but we're running out of time.

- [hazel] let me sit here.
- Yeah.

Let's put some power
on your phone.

So, we really have to make
progress as soon as we can.


Hey. How are you?

What's up with you girl?

Hey, hazel, you look beautiful.

[hazel] thank you.
You, too. [laughs]

So, what's you been up to?

You're still in quarantine,
you're safe?

I am. I missed, uh,
the ability to go outside

And do what I wanna do, but...

But, wait minute, hell,
you got a swimming pool

Inside your house, you ain't
gotta go no damn where.

Well, it's a little cold
for that, but yeah.

How about you all?
How has it been

Being stuck in the house
with one another?


- More happy?
- Some... Yeah.

- You mean...
- So, what's the more happy?


Um, to have a,
um, girlfriend. [laughs]

[angela speaking]

This is... This is the culprit.

This is... We should...
I shouldn't have...

You done already told her now.

Uh, like a girlfriend
to join you and him?

Are you crazy?

Realistically, shouldn't
you all take some time

To spend together alone,
getting to know one another

Before you add a third party?

I knew it was coming.
I knew it was coming.

I knew it was coming.

But what, sweetie?
Don't let him pressure you

Into doing something...

Whoa. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.
Wait. Wait.

[tarik makes sound]

Pump the brakes here.

I did not pressure her
into doing anything.

Angela, she's basically
like my sister

But I haven't told her
about us getting a girlfriend

Because people in general
will probably think

I'm behind this grand plan,
like, I'm, you know,

Pushing hazel into this.

But I'm just doing
what hazel wants.

[hazel speaking]

All right. As long as you are
a willing participant,

No judgment,

But I just think sometimes
people don't think

About what bringing
an outside person in

Can do to your relationship.


[angela speaking]

[hazel speaking]

Yeah. We've got a lot
to think about and you raised

A lot of good points,
but that ain't gonna stop us.

Lord, have mercy. Okay.

[dramatic music playing]

[brandon] how are you feeling?

Yeah, I'm feeling scared too.

But it'll be fine.

I don't know either.

I think [mimics explosion].

This week julia has been
nauseous in the morning

And starting to freak out
about the fact

That maybe julia is pregnant.

She hasn't taken
a pregnancy test

But I decided it's best
to talk to my parents now

Because my mom
notices everything.

All right.

Are you ready to talk with them?

I know.

All right. Let's go.

[ron] hello.

Ooh, what's going on?

- Cozy, cozy.
- Hi.


It's cold out here.

[betty] might as well,
I got a fur coat on. I'm good.

and so happy, happy, happy.

She does look happy.

So, what do you guys wanna do?
You wanna maybe play a game?


Absolutely. Absolutely.

[betty] okay.

[julia speaking]

[betty] push out a block.

Whichever one you touches,
you gotta pull it out.


[laughs] oh, my.

you can take the middle one.


I can't see the other side.


Ah, got it, julia,
you set me up for that.


That was... That was good.

Loser has to set it back up.

- All right.
- [brandon] right. Maybe...

Maybe take a break from this
for a second.

- Mm-hmm.
- Uh-huh.

- [brandon] dad?
- What?

Let me take a break from this
for a second.


- Say and run?
- [brandon] yeah.

So, um...

Julia has been feeling
a little bit sick.

- What are you saying?
- Oh.

[brandon] uh...

So she is
throwing up this morning.

- [ron] really?
- [brandon] yeah.




That's interesting news.


I just... Well, you know, hey...

Uh, we don't know
anything yet so...

[ron] you can go
to the drugstore and might get

One of those test things,
can't you?

I'd have probably already
been there and got it?

I can get one on my own.

Confirm before
everybody starts...

I hate to say getting upset
over this is not

What you guys need right now.

Wow. I just...

I would have never said
anything to anybody

Until I went out and got
a test and she took it.

I mean, I appreciate
the communication

But I wouldn't have done that.

But I think
they're stressed out enough

That they felt like
they needed to talk...

Well, I mean, I...

...To somebody and we're the...

We're the logical, you know...

Why didn't you talk to me
after you did the test?

I mean,
I thought you guys had plans

For things
that you wanna do and...

We do. We do.

Boy, because I wanna
tell you that...

You don't...
You don't even have
to preach about it.


I've already tried preaching
at her enough about this.

That's not fair.

Okay. Yeah,
she's right about that...

- Well, it's both...
- It's two mistakes.

[brandon] well, I...

you know, you both admitted

That neither one of you
wanted to use birth control.


I mean, you guys getting off
on a wrong foot...


...To have a wonderful life.

Phew, looks like another night
I'm not gonna sleep.


You caused
so many sleepless nights.

Julia, I hope you feel okay...

- [ron] yeah. I mean...
- ...And I hope you're...

I hope you're okay.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- Take care.
- And let's take maya in.

- Yeah. Please.
- Take your...

Take your beer.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- Good night.
- [betty] good night.

Love you.

Oh, my...

- Gosh.
- ...Gosh.

- You know...
- Oh, my...

Well, but I'm gonna try
to be optimistic about this.

I know.

But unbelievable.

It's been a roller coaster ride

Since she got off that airplane.


I don't need
to explain anything else.

Just because you think

You're the most hottest
[bleep] in the world

Doesn't make you
a great person inside.


It does not make you
a great person.

[natalie speaking]


Go ahead.




[dramatic music playing]

[mike] I don't know
why she continues

To bring this up, the same

Old things from the past
and it's just like...

You know,
like I don't bring it up

Or think about it
and I don't know

Why she brings it up,
thinks about it so much.

I mean, you know,
she assumed a lot of things

And, I mean,
I tried to reassure her again,

Like, nothing happened,
like sara is like my sister,

She sees me as a brother.

That's it.

What don't you still
not understand?

[natalie speaking]

What did I do?

About what?

I didn't lie to you
about anything.

I did not lie to you.

I don't know what else
to tell you.

In natalie's country,
it's unusual for guys

Who have friends that are girls

And it's very unusual for
girls to have guy friends.

Here in america

I think if you ask,
you know, hundred women

If they have a guy friend

And probably almost be a hundred

Or a hundred.

I didn't do anything wrong.

I wasn't naked.

All right.


I don't need
to explain anything else.

I've explained this to you
a year and a half ago.

Right. Now you just make up
everything in the world.


Why do you continue
to dig into it?

There's not...
It's over with, you're here.

Move past it.

I didn't betray you.

I can't even go to a restaurant

And order from the waitress.

Natalie, you're the most
jealous person alive.


You get all crazy
and start yelling at me

As soon as we leave
the restaurant.

You are extremely jealous.

Why are you so jealous?


Right, natalie.


Your beauty is ugly.

It is, okay?

Just because you think

You're the most hottest
[bleep] in the world

Doesn't make you
a great person inside.


It does not make you
a great person.

I'm not cheating you.

No. I don't.

You're ignoring me instead
of working on me and you.

We are physically right here,
you don't care about me.

[dramatic music playing]

[mike] always goes back to
the same thing over and over.

I'm tired of talking about it.

I mean, if she...
If she can't trust me then,

I mean... And she continues
to say stuff like that

And this road continues

To get even more bumpier then...

I don't know.

We don't fit together at all.

I don't think you like me.

I'm not ready
to marry you, at all.

You're always living
in the past,

When I wanna try
to move forward.

I really tried something
with you but I feel like

I'm the only one
that has ever tried.

[natalie speaking]

[sighs in exasperation]

[rebecca] how do I know

That you aren't going to want
children at some point?

[zied speaking]

You don't know how you feel
for this six months

Or six years down the road.

[dramatic music playing]



[rebecca speaking]


[rebecca] since zied
has just met my son brandon

And his family,
it went really well.

- [zied] hello.
- [rebecca] hi, how are you?

- [man] how are you?
- Good.

But it was bittersweet seeing

How naturally amazing he is
with my grandkids.

What do you want, baby?

Maybe a coffee
and ice cream together.

All right.

From the very beginning
I've made it clear, you know,

I'm done having my children
and right now he doesn't...

It doesn't bother him at all.

[man] there you go.

- [rebecca] thank you.
- [zied] thank you.

[rebecca] but we are about
to get married

And that's forever and it's
just really important to me

That we revisit that issue
one more time.

So how do you like
being called grandpa?

- [rebecca] you like this?
- Yeah.


I know that
since you've been here

You've talked to liam,

With her kids on the phone,

I know
that you missed them a lot.


I've always noticed

That you are so good with them

And I know we've talked
about this before,

But now we're about
to get married

And this is forever.

How do I know...

That you aren't going to want
children at some point?

- I do, yeah.
- Yeah.

I'm not talking about now, baby.

I'm talking about in the future.

You're really young
and maybe you don't know

How you feel for this six months

Or six years down the road.



You know, once
we get married, this is it.

Zied and I have talked
many times about this before.

I made sure that he had
all of the information

Before he made
any kind of decision

To be in a relationship with me.

But I'm always going to be
aware of the fact

That he could change his mind
at some point in the future.

If you tell me...
If you wake up one year

And you tell me
"rebecca, I'm so sorry,

Now I want children."

You're not divorcing me...

You understand?

I know.

- No matter what.
- [zied] I know.

[zied speaking]

[zied clears throat]

I do believe in my heart

That he is being
a hundred percent honest

With me right now
about how he feels about me

And that he is okay
with not having children.

But zied is only 27 years old.

Nothing about my life

And what I thought
I wanted at 27

Is how I feel right now.

He could definitely change
his mind at any time.

[dramatic music playing]

[natalie speaking]

[mike] now we can either
waste all of our time

Or she could really appreciate

What's in front of her right now

And we could work on
something real [bleep].

I'm not ready to give
you the ring back yet.

It would be a lie.

[brandon] yeah, me too.

If julia is pregnant,

I don't know
what we're gonna do.

And if she's pregnant,

I mean, there's no way
we can afford a wedding.


[thunder rumbling]

[phone ringing]


My god, harris.

Harris, can you hear me?

[harris speaking]

You're not gonna believe what
your cousin pulled on me.

You know I have very good reason

Not to trust him, right?

[harris speaking]

What's up? What's up with him?

Is he not right in the head?

[harris speaking]

now that ryan is gone

And I'm sitting here by myself,

I need a good
solid friend right now.

And harris has always
been there for me.

He's always warned me about ryan

And I just, kind of,
brushed it off.

Can you come here and see me?

I mean, I know
I was asking a lot

But I need to see your face.

[harris speaking]

- Tomorrow I'm gonna come.
- Okay, please.

Call me tomorrow, please.

- [line beeping]
- I lost him.

What I'm gonna do?

Oh, god.

My life is a [bleep].

[line ringing]

- [stephanie] how...
- Hi, stephanie, what is up?

[bleep] has hit the fan,

What the hell happened?

Well, we didn't have sex

Since first night we were here

Because, um, when he's unpacking

All the nice gifts
that I got him,

I pulled up 40
glow-in-the-dark rubbers.

We've never used rubbers, maria,

You know that, and I said,

"you seem
a little taken aback
by those condoms,"

Because we've never
used condoms.

I said, "we've never gone
10 months

Without seeing each other.

I wanna use a condom."

Well, water under
the bridge, okay?

First night, whatever,
we were both tired anyway.

- So last night...
- Right.

...We're getting cuddly,

You know, we had
had a couple drinks

we start making love, and...

Like, jeez, you know, maria,
these condoms are dry.

- I brought some lubrication.
- [maria] okay.

He goes, "stephanie,
there's no condom on."


That little mother...
Oh, my god.

There's no excuse for that.

He totally did that
on purpose. Wow.

And the lie and the deceit.

If we had both agreed on it,

I'm willing to roll...
You know, roll the dice.

No, you better get tested
because I'll tell you what,

We don't know he slept
within the last 10 months.

What the... Hell
are you doing with him?

And you have had problem
after problem with him.

I know that you're pisces

And when you love somebody,

You'll love him
through thick and thin

But you're sacrificing your life

And your happiness
and maybe even your health

And your self-worth.

This is about your [bleep].

[stephanie] you think?

Listen, I need your advice.

Do I need to see harris
before I leave this country,

Or do I just get on a plane?

I think harris
does care about you

But I also think
he has other motives,

- He'd got other agendas.
- Yeah.

[maria] but out of the two,

If there is only men left
on earth,

I would definitely pick harris.

He seems to be
a lot more sincere

But I still think
he's got a motive too.

- Yeah.
- I mean, the best

Advice I can give you
is forget ryan.

Drop the 90-day visa.
Get your ass home

And then whatever
you wanna do with harris,

That's a whole another
chapter of your life.

But this chapter
should be closed.

[stephanie] okay.
I just wanna make sure

That's what you
were gonna say. All right.

I'm on this journey with you.

- I know you are.
- And you're not gonna

Like everything that
I have to say.

I know you are.

I am just gonna tell
you the truth.

Okay. I love you.

- Please be there for me.
- I love you too.

I'm gonna need you.

I'll be here. Be safe.

- I'll be thinking of you.
- All right.

- I love you.
- I love you. Bye-bye.

I'll talk to you
probably tomorrow. Bye.

- Okay.
- [stephanie] hopefully,

I'm gonna see harris tomorrow.

I mean, this is all
happening so fast.

I mean, I just broke up
with my fiance.

Maria is giving me signals
that yes,

She sees a lot
of great signs with harris.

I really put a lot
of heart and soul

Into what maria tells me.

So maybe...

It's meant to be with harris.

[dramatic music playing]

[goats bleating]

[car door closes]

[brandon] last night,
I told my parents

That julia has been getting sick

And we think that
she might be pregnant.

I really hope julia
is not pregnant

Because I just don't know how
we'd handle a baby right now.

I wanna be a father someday,

But just not right now.


I missed you today.

[julia speaking]

And you're ready to do this?

I'm not. [laughs]

[dramatic music playing]

Good luck.

[julia speaking]


[julia speaking]

are you almost finished?

[julia speaking]

I am.

[julia speaking]


Do it.

[julia speaking]

[brandon] yeah.

All right. Now,
put it down on the...



And it says we gotta wait
three minutes.

All right.
Let me start the timer.

[dramatic music playing]

What are you thinking?

[brandon] yeah. Me too.

I think we might be staying
at the farm even longer.

[brandon] if julia is pregnant,

I don't know
what we're gonna do.

You know, I can't even afford
to move out right now.

A baby is definitely
not what we need

And if she's pregnant...

I mean, there's no way
we can afford a wedding.


[alarm beeping]

[suspenseful music playing]

[goats bleating]


You're jo-joking, right?

Show me.

- [laughs]
- show me.

[julia speaking]

[julia laughs]

[soft music playing]

You're mean. [laughs]

[julia] oh.



[brandon] something...

[brandon] something...

Something just told me...

I think we still should.

And I think you just
don't want it.

I don't like being... I don't
like being scared like this.


Julia and I disagree on this,
uh, on this topic.

I think, uh, birth control

Would be a great option,
or some kind of form,

Besides condoms because, uh...

We both don't like condoms,

But I guess we need to use them.

[knocks on door]

- Hello.
- [betty] yes?

You guys need to come out here.

We need to talk to you
for a second.

[clears throat]

- Hi.
- [brandon] join us.



We took a test today.

Well, yeah.


No. No.

You're kidding me.
You're kidding me.

- I wish I was.
- [betty] no, no, no.

You're kidding me.
You're kidding me.

You... No, no, no.

No. No. Just no.

You are not...
It was not positive.

It wasn't positive.

- [ron] julia?
- [betty] don't...

- Are you positive about that?
- [ron] julia?

[betty] I'm not anything.

I wanna hear julia tell me that.

Is it positive or negative?

- Uh, we...
- [ron] be truthful.

This is not a game.
This is not a joke.

I need to know.

Julia, I need to know.

Yes or no?

- [julia laughs]
- [exhales deeply]

That's good. [laughs]

I just think
I had a heart attack.

And let this be a major lesson
to you because...

[betty] you don't know how
you just made my heart

- Completely stop.
- Well,

I'm happy that you're not.

Remember that you can
keep it that way.

Yes. Whew!

We felt the same way
you did, by the way.

At least, I know that's settled

But that's enough for one day.

[julia speaking]

She is not pregmant.

I'm not pregmant.




- [in russian]
- words with julia.

Thank you for the good news.

Even if you put us to a torture

Trying to tell us
but that's brandon.

And julia, you're starting
to be just like him.



[mike] last night,
me and natalie

Got in an argument about trust
and stuff and, you know,

Things are still kind of rocky
this morning.

Natalie thought by, uh,

Getting some air and talking
this out may help,

Um, but I mean, who knows?

So, what do you wanna
talk about?

- Hmm?
- That's why I came out here.

You said you want to talk.

So, what do you wanna
talk about?

[natalie speaking]

Yeah. I don't want that
at all either.

I think, maybe, you need to go

And discuss and get it off
of your chest.

You got to move past
these issues.

I just don't get it.

I'm here every day with her.

I'm here by her side.

I wish, you would, like,
trust me more.

Like, I don't understand.

Natalie can either, you know,

Waste all of our time, uh,
living in the past

Or she could really, you know,

Appreciate what's in front
of her right now.

Me and her.

And we can work on
some real [bleep].

I can't help you.
I'm trying to help you.

Tell me how.

I'm not ready to give you
the ring back yet.

You shouldn't have taken it off.

[mike] no. It would be a lie.

It would be a lie between us.

The lie of everything is okay.

[natalie speaking]

How do you feel
manipulating you?

I don't expect you
to do any of this.

You're making it sound like
you're a slave or something.

[natalie speaking]

Because everything is...

Because everything
is not fine, natalie.

[dramatic music playing]

[mike sighs]

If our problems
are still there...

Try to work on one thing,
another thing comes up.

Another thing, uh,
one after another.



[natalie speaking]

[producer speaking]

I'm out for this.
I'm gonna walk away

If continue
to just talk like that.

I don't wanna hear it anymore.

I'm over it.

[jovi] so are you ready
for some news?

- Oh, what?
- [man] what? No.

- [gwen] what?
- I'm gonna spit it out.


She's pregnant.

- No.
- No.



[all laughing]

[jovi] she seems a lot
more happy than you.

- You were like...
- No. I'm, like...

[yara] it's all right.

We were not planning for this
to happen so soon.

Y'all obviously didn't try
to make it not happen.

I'm like pumped.

The best news of the night.

I'm bursting at the seams.

I wanna tell everybody.

But at the same time,
it's a little early.

We had some issues there
at the first time

She ended up pregnant, but yay.

I'm gonna be a grandma again.

So, I'm super excited.

So, I have to be quiet, right?

You got to keep it between us.

[jovi] yeah.

[yara speaking]

[man] congratulations, son.

- Thank you.
- [man] love you.

Love you too.

Hope everything works out.

It will.

- You too.
- Thank you.



[jovi] now that I see her
finally smiling,

Finally being happy,
I need this to continue.

Hopefully, we could just
put everything behind us

And just have a fun night.

[woman] enjoy the rest
of your night tonight.

You've got a lot
of people to meet.

[yara speaking]


[woman] he's wonderful.

I'm so glad that
y'all found each other.

[jovi] not yet.

- [man speaking]
- [jovi] not yet.

We're not married yet.

[yara speaking]

[yara speaking]

[kline speaking]

[yara] yeah.


[yara speaking]

Jovi. Jovi.


Sorry. I didn't hear you.

I'm not forgetting about you.

- [yara speaking]
- [jovi] what?

[yara speaking]


Why you look so mad?

[yara speaking]

- [jovi speaking]
- [yara speaking]

No, I'm not drunk.

[producer speaking]

I had fun.



- I'm over this.
- [yara speaking]



Welcome to pregnancy, guys.

No. I'm gonna walk away

-If you continue
just talking.


No, of course.

I probably don't deserve
somebody so good but okay.






No, I don't care. Whatever.

[yara speaking]


It sucks. I don't...

I don't wanna hear it anymore.

- I'm over it.
- [yara speaking]

[narrator] next time
on 90 day fiance.

[zied speaking]

Why didn't you tell me any
of this before you got here?

Ramadan starts
in the next few weeks.

I don't know why
it hasn't come up before now.

That's not what I want.

Let's do serbia, baby.

What do you think?

[amira speaking]

[speaking foreign language]

- [julia speaking]
- [betty] oh, there she comes.

[julia speaking]

it's a little bit flatter.

- You like that one?
- Yeah.

[julia speaking]

What do you want?
What do you like?

- What do you like?
- [brandon] I like all of them.

[natalie speaking]

We got a lot of stuff
that we need to work out.

I'm just kind of into
the end of my rope on it.

[natalie speaking]

What if we, like, you know,

Holler at marie
to get some dating advise.

[hazel speaking]

[tarik] why are you tripping
about her?

There she is.

[woman speaking]


[yara speaking]

-[jovi] like what?
What's so bad?

Yeah. Perfect.

Yeah, I think so.


I've dedicated
three and a half
years of my life

To a [bleep] liar.

So, now that ryan is gone,

I really need to see
a friendly face.

- Harris.
- Wow.