90 Day Fiancé (2014–…): Season 10, Episode 6 - If Anyone Objects to This Union - full transcript

Rob fears Sophie has left him forever. Anali rejects intimacy with Clayton. Devin breaks down in front of Nick's family. Nikki overshares with Justin's friends. Ashley worries Manuel is keeping secrets. Jasmine finds gloss in Gino's car.

on 90 Day Fiancé...

What you're doing
is showing the world

that you love me regardless
of what anybody thinks.

That's what matters
the most to me.

Okay. Stop.


Justin's getting a little bit
more comfortable with me

in public, and that's all cool,

but we need to get
a little bit more... sexy.

- Cheers.
- Yeah.

Anali is super pretty.

That was the first thing
I noticed about her.

And I think
it was on day four

of us being together

when I decided
to propose to her.

She said, "Aw."

And I was like, "So yes?"

And she said, "Yeah."

I feel, like, I
haven't told you,

but this whole entire time,

her dad doesn't
even know I exist.

She has been pretty
much lying the whole time.

What would her
incentive be to hide you?


Is that them over there?

Why are you calling so much?

It makes me wonder. It does.

They called nine times.

Like, that's weird, Ashley.

It's weird.

I'd be a fool to not think

Manuel might be
coming here on my back

so he could meet
up with his family.

And leave you.

You were living in a dirty
apartment with mice in it.

What mice, you idiot.

one in which I can
bring my kids into.

So this is serious.

and, like, basically
he's been getting, like,

disgusting videos from
other women, nudes.

And, like, the
videos are disgusting

and he's, like, entertaining it.

I'm not perfect,
but I'm definitely not

trying to me
with nobody else but you.

What am I supposed to do now?

Sophie's gone to a rental now.

She's pretty much taken
all of her stuff and left.

To be honest, she
could be on a plane

and I wouldn't know it.

She sounds, like,
she doesn't give a...

She don't with
me no more, like, she's...

She damn near done
with me over this.

And the... And the
crazy part is, it's, like,

this conversation that

Sophie's pissed off at me about

is months old from before she...

Her visa got accepted.

And I don't even
know this girl, like,

I literally don't
know this girl.

So this is... This
to me is, like...

is, like, free porn
from a random person.

Like, I don't care.

The fact that this
could be over...

that breaks
my heart, man.

I just wish she
would talk to me.

All I could... All
I could hope for

is that she would
give me a chance

to make it up to her.

We got to go. We're late.

Be a good boy, Coco.

Be a good boy.

I'm on my way to
meet Gino's family

for the first time.

And I don't feel in the mood.

I don't even know
if I will ever feel

in the mood to meet them.

you know, and Gino is
some sort of mad at me

because I spent the
money off the wedding dress

and all that stuff. Okay.

I'm gonna do my best

and put on a happy face.

The very, like,
few communication

that I have had with
them, it hasn't been nice.

I was just
wanting to know,

like, could this be real?

I mean, really?

Do you really love Gino?

Your sister-in-law texted me

about the date

that I can already not
pick up for the wedding

because she's having a
lovely vacation in Florida.

I haven't even stepped a
foot into the United States,

and I'm already
receiving orders.

And I have to, like, dress up

all covering because...

and, you know?

So I wanna look like
super professional.

I'm planning just to be myself.

And I'm a very friendly person.

I'm very talkative. I'm funny.

But, you know me.

I take no from anyone.

So if I feel that they are
being disrespectful or rude,

not kind to me, I'm
just gonna leave.

Beautiful creature.

Wish me luck, Coco.

Do your doggy prayers for Mommy.

Take care of the house.
Don't pee all over the place.


And they also have
bocce ball... courts.

Bocce ball is big in my family.

Who's going?

Well... Dana.

I think Michelle, my
brother Tony, Lori.

Anthony, he's my nephew.

I went and I visited
your sisters willingly.

I didn't create
any fuss about it.

I went and visit them.

I met them. I talked to them...

- Because I have...
- because I wanted to,

because they're your family.

They have never
texted you in a rude,

mean way or said...

- That doesn't matter.
- Anything negative...

- It matters. How...
- No.

Can you say that
it doesn't matter?

- No.
- It does matter.

- It matters a lot.
- Yeah.

- Think positively.
- I am trying.

Trust me. I am.

But I just wanna make sure

that, you know, that if I
don't feel comfortable,

we have to come back home.

Are you cold?

I'm so cold right now.

Like, the weather is, like,
the best representation

of how I'm feeling
at this moment.

It's so gloomy.

Everything is so dark.

Don't worry.
Just be yourself.

It's just a sign that

it's not a good idea to
go and meet his family.

I'm meeting a bunch
of strangers that

don't like me at all.

And that being nothing
but super judgmental.

My biggest fear is them

stopping Gino from marrying me,

because I know that he
really listens to his family.


concerned with our friend

and what kind of situation
that she's potentially

getting herself into,
whether it's good or bad.

gonna go to the airport

- in a few minutes.
- Okay.

I was trying to
learn my Spanish.

I know you got... There's
a language barrier,

but try to talk in,
like, your normal tone

'cause, you know, just 'cause
she doesn't speak English

doesn't mean
she's, like, a child.


It's kind of scary.

The two most important
people in my life,

they're not just meeting,

they're also gonna
be living together.

And I just don't know
how it's gonna go.

I'm not gonna see
her till the last second.

Here's the pen I've been
looking for for weeks.

Put that in there.

Anali is going to be
arriving from Peru

to the United States today.

I have heard from Anali...

she got into Miami.

So she's on her way
here, but she has, like,

a three hour layover in Atlanta,

which is a fun airport

when you don't speak
English 'cause it's very big.

Um, so... Yeah.

So she's gonna be heading
here in a couple hours

and it's a very
short flight. So...


This is probably
the craziest thing

I have ever done.

Bringing someone to
live with me in America,

whom I've only met a
couple of times in person.

She's really close to her family

and I'm hoping

that she doesn't
miss them so much,

that she doesn't want to
stay the whole 90 days.

For Anali, I have an alpaca.

It's very... Smells
like cotton candy.

I also have a little shirt

and this is a picture of us.

This is one of
our little sayings...

Basically means,
"I love you to infinity."

I'm gonna go to the airport

- in a few minutes.
- Okay.

I was trying to
learn my Spanish.

So what have you learned?

- Okay. Well, you'd say...
- I'm working on it.

Yeah. So, that's good.

But in her case, it'd be estás.

- Estás.
- Cómo estás?

Try to just... I know you got...

There's a language
barrier, right?

I'm gonna be
translating for you,

but try to talk in,
like, your normal tone

'cause you know, just 'cause
she doesn't speak English

doesn't mean she's,
like, a child or an animal.

- I know that.
- But just, like,

talk how you
normally talk to me.


Looking forward to meeting her.

Kind of scary.

The two most important
people in my life,

they're not just meeting,

they're also gonna
be living together.

My mom does get
a little frustrated

at things sometimes,

but because of the
language barrier,

she won't be able to communicate

and might be more
upset than usual.

And I just don't know
how it's gonna go.


I've never bought
anyone flowers before

because I've always
just had the attitude

that flowers die.

They're just an
expensive, temporary gift.

But Anali is coming
to the United States

from a 30-hour flight.

I want her to have a
good entrance to America

and something that she's
gonna remember forever.

I have a range of emotions,

but I sometimes just have,
like, a pessimistic mind.

So I'm just hoping that
everything goes smoothly

and, you know, we
can have a great life

together in the US.

I couldn't imagine
myself living without her.

Wish I could see
the top of the stairs.

I'm not gonna see
her till the last second.

Thank you.

- Surprise.
- My God.

So cute.

My baby.

- I miss you, honey.
- I miss you, too.


Guinea pig.

We had sex.

Since Manuel arrived.

We probably bickered about
something at least once a day.

My God. Right?

Because it's just
so true.

But the sex is helping... a lot.

There's lots of power in sex.

There's lots of magic in sex.

Especially when
you reach orgasm.

Like, we manifest
everything in our lives.

Every single thing.

So when you're having sex,

think about what it is
that you desire most

and keep that in your head.

And when you're literally
at the point of orgasm,

concentrate on
that and just watch it

like vibrate inside
of your head.

You can do sex magic in
a number of different ways,

but you know, that's
the easiest way.

I'm taking
Manuel to Spirit Room,

a local witchy fun bar

in the heart of Rochester
to meet my friends.

Here we go.

- Hi, Ashley.
- Hi.

My friends are a little
skeptical of Manuel

because of course when
you vent to your friends,

they remember the bad stuff more

than they do the good stuff.

They know that he is
a little short tempered

and he has an ego.

They can definitely be judgy

and they are not afraid
to speak their opinion

even if nobody called for it.

How are we?

How is everybody?

A little.

- How are you?
- I'm so excited.

I can't believe. How do we know?

Tell him we can't
believe he's here.

We're so excited
for him to be here.

Well, I'll speak for me.

I'll say that I'm
remembering a lot

about my honey's personality.

Spicy personality.

We have a lot to unpack
around the witch thing.

How did he react to all of that?

Not good.

He laughed.

He thinks it's comical
that I call myself a witch.

I don't really know
how to move through it.

We have like 80
something days left.

I don't wanna spend
80 something days

- arguing either.
- Right.

Like that's not
what we're here for.

Are you learning how to
communicate these things?

Or are we just
our problems?

Or are we actually
working them out?

You're coming
from two different worlds.

Like there's such...

Like he's got his culture,
you've got your culture.

It is totally different.

We have to
learn how to talk to each other.

In a respectful way.

concerned with our friend

and what kind of situation
that she's potentially

getting herself into,
whether it's good or bad.

He's very controlling.

And she's had these
concerns for years

up to this point

and he's here now and
it's still not changing.

We... I mean, we're
married, we don't have secrets.

I tell him everything.

hard to be in the middle.

And although he may
be looking secretive

or like he's not saying

the full truth
about some things,

I have seen this reaction
from Manuel multiple times.

Manuel does not
like to be questioned.

He will literally tell me
to stop asking questions.


I'm not shocked.

We wanna make sure
that you are here for her.

We wanna make sure
that you support her

and have her back
because she deserves that.

Don't mean
to make him mad or anything.

Okay. Okay.

He said for anything,
excuse me for anything.

Okay? It's okay. It's okay.

I'm like a leopard in heat

and I took hormones
before I came here

and I am very, very horny

and you are depriving me.

If the sex is bad then
there's nothing else.

Then you're just friends.

Then you are just friends.



Good morning, baby.

I'm sleeping.


What time is it?

It's time to wake up.

We have a lot to do today.

Finally, we have some
physically connections

- and...
- What is this?

Happy relation.

It's like this. Not like this.

- What...
- Okay. Okay...

So how was last night?

You know, I love being with you,

but it's like, I feel like

when I'm finally
getting in the moment

and it's just like it's over.

I definitely enjoyed
making love to Justin.

However, there's
still some element

that I'm missing from him,

and, you know.


I do that.

You don't do the
opposite for me.

He's still being a taker in bed.

It was.

It was good, but, you
know, I always want more.


More riding your horse

and you're like, "No, no, no.

I need my rest
or I need energy."

And for me,

I am like a leopard in heat

and I took hormones
before I came here

and I am very, very horny.

And you're depriving me.

If the sex is bad, the
love making is bad

then there's nothing else.

Then you're just friends.

- Then you're just friends.
- Okay...

- Because you used...
- Because you...

to be sexually...

Like, I don't know
this person anymore

because you used
to sexually be...

No. You choose... I mean...

I pick all of it. I... Sorry.

I pick all the things connected.


I don't just pick
a partner for life

because that I could
just have friends

in many different countries.

If it's not gonna
be a sex thing,

then we could be friends, right?

So what does that mean?




Of course.

Like, I really, really came back

'cause I really wanna
make this work with us,

you know that and I hope
that you feel the same.

Listen, I've dealt
with feeling alone

and rejected a large
portion of my life,

and I don't like
feeling that way.

I like feeling secure.

I like feeling sure.

And for him to sound
like he's so unsure

of being on the same page as me,

it makes me upset.

Let's go enjoy the day together.

And you could sit there.

I'm not.

Too many kisses.




She say you look beautiful.

Let's go this way.


Very nice.


- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

He say you
look pretty and skinny.

Thank you.

Thank you.

What's the difference
between Searcy and Korea?

So much bigger.

So much more stuff.

sister and his niece and nephew

are also at this dinner.

It's very intimidating

meeting his whole
family at the same time.

Thank you. Thank you.

She's asking if you
can speak some Korean words.

are we planning on staying?

She's saying
she is gonna be sad

now that I'm getting
married to you

and going to US.

She feels like I'm going
for good, you know.

It's quite difficult for
me to hear her say that.

A choice has to be made

and if this is the choice
we're gonna make,

obviously, it's
gonna hurt his family.

Just eat some food.


How will you contribute and
be a productive American?

They are attacking me.

Right now, this is
a personal attack.


- How are you?
- What's going on?

How are you, guys? Hey.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.


When I first arrive,

the first impression
that I'm getting is that

Gino's family seems
happy to meet me.

They're all smiley, very joyful.

They are saying nice things.


because the way
I picture it, is like...

A toast to Gino and Jasmine.

May they have
love in their hearts

and peace in their mind.

But what does Uncle Marco say?

It's to 100 years.

I love it.

Thank you.

If we continue
like this, guys...

If we continue like this,

you're gonna need
a new glass of wine.

Let's play some
bocce ball. You ready?

- Whoo!
- Yeah.

So we have this ball.

- This is the pallino.
- Okay.

- Pallino? How would I call it?
- Pallina.

- Pallina.
- Pallina. So you take this,

the first person
will roll this out

and then you follow it up
with one of the bigger ones.

My family
just loves bocce ball

and at our family reunions,

we actually have a
bocce ball tournament.

It's a fun challenging
and exciting game.

There you go. Nice shot.

- I know.
- That's right on it.

I am so shocked Jasmine
walks on the bocce ball court

and she's throwing like a champ.

I mean, she's killing it.

How can she be so
good, so fast like that?

I love it.

I mean, she's a true Italiano.

- That's a good shot.
- What?

I don't suck at it.

- I'm good.
- Sorry.

You guys
wanna grab a drink?

We've never really met Jasmine.

We've only spoken
to her just a little bit.

In ways, they seem
a little bit mixed matched.

Gino's not the best looking guy.

He doesn't have the most money.

We're just trying to figure
out what's her real intent.

Yeah. And when we
look on social media,

we saw a lot of
provocative type things.

I guess we're a
little bit concerned

about why she's doing that.

Is she trying to get other
sugar daddies, so to speak?

So, we're trying
to get some answers.

I'm glad I get to see you.


How's it going?

Michelle, I'll be
honest, it is difficult.

They left everything.

I even gave my car to my sister.

I mean...

And now, I depend on Gino

driving me everywhere.

I don't have a credit card.

I don't have a bank card.
I don't have anything.

I depend on him like 100% and...

I just think that you
just need to be here

for a little bit, see Gino,
become more comfortable.

Right now, I'm sure it's scary.

- Yeah, it is.
- You know,

and you just left your home,

- you left your family.
- Everything.

If there are any other issues,
you can always call me,

talk to me, you know.

I appreciate you,
taking the time.

I... Yeah. Of course,
anytime, okay?

I guess I'm
gonna join the party then.

- Hey, Gino, I got you a beer.
- Hey.

- Hey, what's going on?
- What's up?

- We got you a beer.
- I got you a beer.

- Brothers, how are you doing?
- Doing well. Doing well.

We really haven't had a chance

to have a guy-to-guy
talk tonight, so...

We were just kind
of talking about that.

But catch you at the bar.

Like how do you
feel about it so far

for the time that
she's been here?

Well, I'm not gonna
lie, it hasn't been roses,

you know, the first few days.

What happened?

Well, I mean, like,

I gave Jasmine like a...

Like a quite a bit of
sum of money, right?

To buy a wedding dress

and she ended up spending
the money I gave her

for the wedding dress
on like a cosmetic surgery.

I'm like, "Whoa.

I mean, I gave you that
money for the wedding dress."

Right. So how much money
are we talking about, Gino?

Like $4,000.

Gino, that's, you
know... that's big red flag.

I think she's a great person,

but I think you need
to get her, like...

And I don't mean, like, in line,

you know, but
she needs to, like...

She can't do that kind of stuff.

The biggest
worry we have is that

she's just coming
here to use Gino.

Thank you, guys.

I'm so happy you
showed up today.

- Yeah.
- It makes me happy.

So that, kind of,
gave us more red flags

to, kind of, think about,

like, she's not grateful for
the money she was given.

She's gonna spend
it on something else

and hope that she gets more.

All right.

Good game of
bocce ball, you guys.

- Yeah.
- That was a good game.


Cheers, baby.

What did you think,
Jasmine? You like it?

- I enjoy it.
- Yeah?

- You were doing good.
- Right.

- I didn't know.
- Yeah.


- All right.
- It was a good time.

So, you guys, what
are you guys thinking

about for, like,
the wedding venue

or... and, like, when?

To be honest, I...

I'm not quite sure about
having, like, a celebration.

For our wedding,

I would rather prefer

just the wedding to be
something more private,

you know, like, maybe
just Gino and I, and my dog.

My mother is not gonna be there,

not my sisters.

And, not having them,

just breaks my heart.

Kind of
makes me feel upset,

'cause, like, she doesn't
wanna celebrate with us.

It's both
of their weddings.

So I think that Gino needs
to chime in a little bit more.

And if that's any indication

as to what's to come,

there still are some concerns.

So, I mean, it's
probably not just me,

but probably a lot of
people in the family

have big concerns.

Just, like, how grateful you are

for everything Gino's
really gonna bring to you?

I understand your perspective,

like, me coming to
the United States,

I should be grateful for that.

But the way I see it,

is that Gino should be grateful

that I came to
the United States,

and I left everything
I have ever loved,

my family, my kids,

- amazing weather, you know?
- Yeah.

You sacrificed a lot and

- given up...
- I sacrificed.

your family and every...

Your whole life in
Panama to come here.

I have a question.

How will you contribute

and be a productive American?

I'm an educated woman.

I speak two languages.

I have worked since
I am 16 years old.

I have always worked.

And, right now, legally,

with this kind of visa, I
am not allowed to work.

They are attacking me.

Right now, this is
a personal attack.

It doesn't matter what I do.

I will never be good
enough for Gino's family.

And it is directly to the
fact that I'm not American,

and they already put a
label on me because of it.

I'm not after Gino's money.

So, I don't know why you
have those concerns about me.

I think it was you, Dana, like,

suggested to
Gino, like, a prenup.

You know?

I took it as an offense.

When I got married
to Lauri, I signed one.

Her dad wanted
me to sign a prenup.

Okay. So, Tony, why...

why would you think that Gino

will need a prenup if he marry?

I think it would just be, like,

a security blanket for him.

I know he is not rich,

but protect what he
worked so hard for.

Yeah, 'cause he's worked
so hard his whole life.

And then, if you
had bad intentions,

you come in and
you take everything

he's worked his whole life for.

I'm trying my best
with Gino's family right now.

But this is what I
mean when I say that

they don't like me,
no matter what I do.

It's almost like
nothing about me

is good enough for them.

I don't know what it's
gonna take from me

to convince them that
I belong to their family.

I'm so excited
to meet your friends.

I'm nervous if they're
gonna dissect me

with their eyes
and speak Russian.

Now, that Justin
is introducing me

to some of his
friends, I definitely see

that he's moving
this relationship

into the right
direction with me,

by his side, and claiming
me as his woman.

And, I feel really
good about that.

But I'm still nervous
about his friends

accepting me and not judging me.

Let's go. It's here.


Hi, Sasha.

- Heard so much about you.
- Aw. So cute.

This is Roksy.

Hi. I love that name.

- Roksy.
- Yeah.

It's like a sexy name.

- This is Sergei.
- Hi, Sergei.

- Nice to meet you.
- How are you?

- Finally.
- I've seen you

- before on videos.
- And Ivan.

- Yeah.
- Ivan.

Look at Ivan.

How are you?

Nice to meet you.
I'm quite good.

do you say cheer?

Cheers is, um...

All right.

My goodness, 2006.
Yeah, long time ago.

- Long time ago.
- Fifteen years.

- We had a...
- It's changed a lot, yeah?

Yeah. My goodness.

In so many ways.

Me too.

I sound different.
I look different.

- My body's different.
- You're cool.


And we're back together.

But this time, under
different circumstances.

So now, he knows
the truth.

So now, he knows the truth.

I didn't know Nikki
is not the real woman.

- And...
- What do you mean?

Some special... I
mean, like, trans.

No. When I saw
her first time, for me,

this was like some exotic woman.



- When I tried to...
- I felt so bad.

Like, I felt like,
"You know what?

I should have been honest."

But, when I changed my life,
my family did not accept me.

They cut me off for two years.

So it was really,
really hard, you know?

Um, I got to a place

where I had to really
struggle to survive.

- I was in the streets.
- What?

I was homeless.

I was hooked on drugs.
I had to prostitute myself.

Um, sometimes I had
no place to go at night

or money or food to
eat on the next day.

And I had to be with
someone sexually

to even get that food

or to even get a place to sleep.

I had to do a lot of things
that I wasn't happy with.


So, for me, I didn't
want to tell him my past,

because I felt like all my life

I've been judged just
from saying I'm trans.

Nobody wants to know anything.


From the small country...

That accepts me for me.

That accepts me for me.

It wasn't easy in the beginning.

I have done a lot of
things I am not proud of.

It's a hard life.

And I wanted them to
understand that part of me,

to get to know me
better, you know?

I don't want them to judge me.

I don't want them
to judge Justin.

But I want them to
understand the reasons

why Justin chose me.

Many times.


It's definitely heartwarming
to see Justin's friends

being so accepting
and so welcoming

to me being in Moldova.

I think that that
is not the norm.

I know Justin has
had some pushback

from a lot of "friends"
of his and they stopped

talking to him, even
family members.

But I also have probing
questions about how Justin is

and why he is the
way he is with me.

So tonight, I think it gives me

the perfect opportunity to
do a little bit of investigating

and be Inspector Gidget
because I wanna see if Justin

and I are on the same
page or if we're, like,

really far off, like,
in another book.

I'm gonna show her the
house, what little house there is.


mom stays in here.

What happened?

I found, like,

the most disgusting
videos in this phone.


Yeah. Um, well, no.

What happened?

I mean, you know how obviously
I sent you a text yesterday.

So basically, you know
how my dreams are,

like, really intuitive, right?

It always happens,
what I dream about.

Um, I had that dream
and basically it told me

that Rob had...

You remember when he
online cheated on me before.

He basically said
that he did it again.

So I woke up the
next day and I, like,

kind of, went with that feeling,

and I checked his phone,
and literally, I found,

like, the most disgusting
videos in this phone.

The last message
was 14 weeks ago.

I told him, "If this
ever happens again,

I'm leaving." So he's,
kind of, risked me for what?

For nothing.

So I just told
him, like, "I know."

And he was like,
"What do you know?"

And then I was, like,
explaining what I saw,

and then he just started
crying, all this stuff.

So I was, like, I just left.

Um, and I told him that, like,

if he could just leave me alone

'cause obviously he
wants to talk to me.

He didn't want me to leave.

But I was, like,
"I need to leave.

I already booked my
place where I'm staying.

Like, I'm going."

Are you...

Yeah, I know. That's the thing.

That's why it's so
annoying because obviously

in a real life situation
I would just leave.

But I don't really
know what to do now.

No. So I'm not in
his house anymore.

I'm in, like, some house in LA

'cause obviously I'm
not gonna stay with him.

How am I supposed
to sleep with him?

And I'm just taking some time

'cause obviously I
don't know what to do.

Like, I'm so stressed.

I'm just... I don't
have anyone to talk to.

I'm just, like...

I don't really know
what I'm supposed to do.

He can't do the bare
minimum, which is, like, be loyal.

- It is disgusting.
- That's disgusting.

You can't unlove
someone that quickly.

I will hear his side,
but at the same time

I've seen the videos now.
I've seen the messages.

I can't unsee that.
And I don't know.

Even if I was to give him
a chance, 'cause obviously,

I have this 90 day thing and
I'm supposed to marry him,

you can't have a
relationship without trust.

It's like I
don't know what to do.

Should I be strong and leave?

Or, you know, I love
him, and just be true

to the fact that I love him.

So I'm just very conflicted
in my mind right now.

The best scenario is,
we can move past this

and I can be with Rob,

and we can be this great couple

that we've been
trying so hard to be.

And then the other
part of my brain is, like,

and then he's just
gonna do it again,

and you're gonna be hurt again,

and you should have left.

So I need to hear
his side to say,

"Can I get through
this with Rob?"


It's honestly really
strange having Anali here.

I've had company, like,
very, very, very few times,

and now someone new is
coming to live here all the time.

It's gonna be a complete
change and shock for me.

I worry that Anali and
my mom won't always get along

because Anali is a
very organized person.

She always has everything
in order and that's gonna be,

like, a sharp contrast
to how the house is.

But if Anali and my
mom don't get along

or there's some
type of awkwardness,

I honestly have no
idea what I'm gonna do

because I'm not just
going to evict my mom.

We're home.



he's Cocoa Butter.

Hi, Cocoa.

Cocoa Butter. Come
on, Cocoa Butter.

- Hi, Anali.
- Hi, Violet.

Nice to meet you.

That's cute.

- Yeah.
- Aw.

You're more beautiful in person.

Aw, thank you.


- All right.
- So pretty.

Yeah. Water?


I'm seeing Clayton's face.

I can tell that
he's really happy.

And he is just like...

Got that look on him
that I haven't seen...

I don't think I've
ever seen it before.

I'm gonna show her the
house. What little house there is.

- Okay.
- But... Yeah.

You can start
with my little cubby hole.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- Aw.
- His name, Baby Pig.

- His name is Baby Pig.
- Yeah. Baby Pig.

Who is your baby?

He's scratching me.

And my
mom stays in here.


Yeah, in the corner.


- Yeah.
- Yeah.


I'm just kidding.



I feel like it might be the
case that me and Anali

are not going to have
an intimate relationship

too often with my
mom ten feet away.

But in the past, if she's over

and I'm having my
girlfriend over, well, yeah.

You know, I'll just
leave, or in this situation

she might shut her
door, or turn the radio on.

We can turn some sound
on and just, you know?

Give me a hug.

Um, okay.




I figured after being
apart for a few months

that Anali would want to
be intimate but guess not.

It might be because
she has been traveling

for so long and hasn't
had enough sleep,

or is it because we're
sharing a wall with my mom?

I just don't know what
to think and honestly

I'm kind of a
little bit worried.

Okay. See you tomorrow.

Manuel will
literally, like, laser vision TV

as if I'm not there.

And it bothers
the crap out of me.

Why would
you say something like that?

Livid is an understatement.

We are getting
ready to go to couples therapy.

Manuel wants no part of it.

Mister "I don't have
anything I need to work on."

But even if Manuel
has nothing to hide,

he sure is acting like he does.

therapy is so important to me

'cause I see it as preventative.

I don't wanna pay for a divorce

and I don't think he
wants to pay for a divorce.

The sex helps us communicate,
but I think Manuel and I

are going through such, um,

a different type of relationship

to have that extra added support

as he's adjusting
and as I'm adjusting

is only gonna do more good.

Ashley. Hi.



- Yes.
- You can come on the back.

All right.

and I have had some experience
working with K-1 visa couples

where they're looking
for some guidance

during their engagement.

I'm also bilingual.

So when I found out that
Manuel was from Ecuador,

it was really interesting to me

to be able to jump
in and help out

with their communication issues

and also be able to
be kind of a bridge

in terms of the
cultural differences.


Is there anything particular
you're nervous about?

I guess just like

being in this situation
with my partner.

- What situation?
- I know he trusts me,

but I do feel like there's
still, like, a wall there

around certain parts of his life

that I can't seem to
pierce and it bothers me.

He wants to avoid problems,

but it's causing more problems.


Manuel will literally,
like, laser vision TV

as if I'm not there.

And it bothers
the crap out of me.

So I think that I react stronger

because I feel like
I'm not being heard.

Why would
you say something like that?

That is so beyond rude.

Livid is an understatement.


It's like
he's leading a double life.

Men in this region,

This is not how I wanted
to meet my future in-laws.

And I feel stupid for crying.

says it doesn't really matter.

That's good. Yeah?
That's good to hear.

Yes. See you again.



Even though it
makes me sad leaving my family behind.

Do you
think that I did okay?

And now
you have to dance.

Honey. I just spilled
some liquor on my...


Okay. Got it.

I'm cleaning machine.

Can you come with me to the bar?


Honey, I'll be back.

And here we'll talk about
Ukrainian American girls, yes?

So you know so much
about Moldovan men

and something that's
really bothering me

is that Justin
doesn't really like

to have a lot of sex.

Like, it's almost like
only when he wants

and not when I want.

But I wanna ask you,
men in this region,

do they on women?

But it's not an answer.

It hurts, you know.

I just want him to treat
me like any other girl

that he's dated and
it's just not happening.


Hi, baby.

Hey, baby.

have you been?

- My seatbelt's on.
- Hey.

What is this?

I have no idea what that is.

Is that yours?

That's not cheating.

I have
learned to read Gino.

And the way he's
responding to me,

I can tell he's
guilty as.

Yeah, I'm dropping you off.

Thank you so
much for coming tonight.

It's great to
meet you tonight.

well, we have to go.

Yeah. My dog is by
himself and, you know, so...

Bye. See you guys later.

- See ya.
- See ya.

Take care.

No, because it's my family.

What do you mean
lack of empathy?

Give them a chance then.

I'm trying. Trust me. I am.


It's a goner.

It'd be easier to
get it after we park,

unless you can reach it, but...

What is this?

I have no idea what
that is. Is that yours?

Who knows?

Who knows?

What is this?

I don't know what this is.

Where did you find it?

What the
are you talking about?

This is no girlfriend
or anything like that.

Who is this?

I don't know.

Could be one of my coworkers
or some other mother

in my car that was a
coworker or somewhere

we went out and
maybe they dropped it.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
You go out with coworkers?

Yes, I go out with coworkers.
Yes. Is that a problem?

people, coworkers
go out together for lunch

once in a while for a work
event or something like that.

So you were... You were
dating a bitch from work?


You're not listening.

I wasn't dating anybody.

What the is wrong?
You're always looking for...

No, no, no. I'm not
looking for anything.

- Yes, you are.
- My cell phone just fell down

and I see this lipstick.

- Yeah.
- What I'm trying to get...

- You know how...
- is my cell phone.

You know how long
I've had this car?


For a long time.

I have learned
in these three years

to read Gino through
his body language.

And he cannot hide it.

I know his expressions.

He changed color and everything.

And the way he's
responding to me,

I can tell he's
guilty of.

And stop assuming
that I was with a girl,

because it's not true.

I've never been with a girl

since I've been with you, ever.

I don't know whose it is.

I don't know whose it is.

You're a...

- You are crazy.
- Disgusting person.

- I just wanna go home.
- You're so ridiculous.


- I wanna go home.
- Just sickening.

Can't believe it.

I wanna go home.

You only found lip
gloss under the seat

and you have no
idea why it was there

or how it got there
and you're screaming

at the top of your lungs

like there was a
murder or something?


- No, I'm not.
- Yes, you are.

- I never...
- Yes. You're

That's not cheating.

Yeah, I'm dropping you off.

I need you.

I'm going back to Panama.

I don't wanna see
you ever again.

Okay. Okay. Go. Go.

You don't
trust me, go back.

You're crazy.

Let me go and pick up
my dog and my things.

I'm gonna
get an Uber for you

and you're gonna go to a hotel.

Yeah. I
don't wanna be with you.

- Yeah. Okay.
- Anymore.

- It's the best.
- That's fine. Yeah.

I didn't cheat on
you or anything.

- You did, Gino.
- Didn't not?

You did.

Next time
on 90 Day Fiancé...

Yes. It's heart.

I'm really nervous

because I have a
big surprise for Devin.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa. Wait.

I've had a few moments

where I'm wondering
if this is the right move.


This looks nice, right, pretty?

Anali's dad has no
idea that I even exist.

How do I know that she's
just not here for a green card?

I can't imagine her
faking something

like that for two
and a half years.

Yeah. I didn't cheat
on you or anything.

- You did.
- I was never with any girl.

You did.

I don't really know

what I'm gonna
say when I get there.

I just know that it
better be the right thing.

I'll spend the rest of my
life trying to show you.

Someone loyal doesn't
do this. They just don't.