2 Broke Girls (2011–2017): Season 6, Episode 6 - And the Rom-Commie - full transcript

Earl's long lost sweetheart from Cuba visits and asks him to take her on a tour of the country.

Max, what is all this?

I thought we were running
fancy purchases past each other

since you yelled at me
for splurging on two-ply.

You might as well wipe with
dollar bills, your royal heinie.

This is for a big cake order I got

from Over-Eaters Anonymous.

And, like it's members, it's a big 'un.

I thought we didn't take
special orders anymore

since we opened the dessert bar.

You know, like how girls
stop doing mouth stuff

after they get a ring.

Which is why I don't give girls rings.

They're having a group cheat
day and I wanna help them.

It's my way of giving nothing.

Max, that's terrible.

We can't enable people
that have a real problem.

They're paying us 1,000 bucks.

Like I said, the
customer is always right.

You know, with that kind of money,

we could go from
two-ply to wet wipes.

Pfft, slow your two-ply
roll, money bags.

Season 06 Episode 06
"And The Rom-Commir"
Precisely Synchronized by srjanapala

Ugh, there's no room on our side.

Han's side is empty though.

Just like his Little People,
Big World viewing parties.

I went once.

Oh, Han left another note

telling us not to put
our stuff on his stuff.

There's not enough
alcohol in the world

to get my stuff on his stuff.

"Dear girls, how are you?

Been unseasonably hot
lately, hasn't it?"

He really beats around the bush.

Again, not enough alcohol.

"I'd really appreciate

if you kept your supplies on your..."

Wow, his notes are more boring

than your "remember when
I had money" stories.

Come on, Max. We're slamming Han.

Let's stay focused.

Remember when
I had money, though?

I'm crafting my response
to Han right now.

I wanna keep it light.

Did I ever tell you

we actually had a money room

like in Richie Rich comics?

- Yep.
- Hello, girls.

Read anything good lately?

Perhaps a note on
stationary that says,

"From the desk of
a jelly bean addict?

Han, if you have something to say,

look us in the kneecaps and say it.

I smell smoke, and
where there's smoke,

there's usually
something of mine burning.

Earl, watch the diner for me.

Sure thing.

Girls, watch the diner for me.

I gotta go to the bathroom again.

My prostate changes faster
than the lineup of The View.

- Caroline, watch the diner for me.
- Max, watch the diner for me.

Jinx, you owe me a soda.

But not from here.

Hilar, right?

Not you.

Randy was giving me
a Facetime motorboat.

Hey, Caroline.

Arr, it was a bit
nippy in there.

Ahoy, Captain.

Oh, why am I playing along?

Well, we should probably
stop having phone sex

'cause I'm at Pinkberry

and I got a lot of
decisions to make.

Well, call me back
so your pinkberries

don't become blueberries.

Girls, come on. This is a workplace.

Do you think I can
use dish soap on these?

You should use gasoline on those.


isn't it about time
you and Randy

made your relationship official again?

You talk to him more
than you talk to me,

which brings me
to my second point:

I'm hurt.

We are not in a relationship.

Or a long-distance relationship.

We are just two people
looking for good lighting

for our sex parts.

Excuse me.

I'm looking for Earl Washington.

How do you know
Earl's last name?

Even his license just says Earl.

You're not the
DirecTV lady, are you?

'Cause he told us he's
not paying for Starz

till the channel actually gets some.

Earl Washington, about 6'2",

strong as an ox,
big bushy Afro?

Honey, we shrunk the Earl.

Um, when was the last time
you saw this "Big Earl"?

1961. We were sweethearts.

But I went to Havana
to visit my family

and to bring Earl back some cigars.

Then the revolution came
and the rest is communism.

Earl's got people hunting him
down across time and space,

and I can't get a second date?


Oh, it's you.

I recognize that swagger.

She does?

Wow, Pilar.

You have my cigars?

He remembers her,
but yesterday

he accidentally worked
a full shift at Denny's.

I can't believe I'm here.

You know, I tried to float to
you on a porta-potty in 1984,

but it did not work out.

I haven't been this excited

since I found out I
didn't work at Denny's.

You are still a fine piece of man, Earl.

And you are beau-ti-ful.

Girl, let's get outta here.

How do you feel about
exclusively being on top?

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

He's still got it.

Where is he hiding it?

That is so cute.

I hope she knows CPR.

Those over-eaters are really
getting their money's worth.

Especially since you
added the meat layer.

It's gonna compliment the potatoes.

Speaking of complimenting my potatoes,

listen to what Randy texted.

No, thanks. If I liked porn,

I wouldn't have thrown
away Sophie and Oleg's

"We're Having a Baby" card.

No, this is disturbingly clean.

"Have an hour layover in
Newark Airport tomorrow.

So close and yet so far."

What does that mean?

Does he wanna see my boobs or my junk?

Now he's speaking my language.

The language of romantic comedy.

He wants more.

My butt?

Max, he wants you to
meet him at the airport.

Airports are the romantic
climax to every great love story.


Love Actually,

Snakes on a Plane.

Aaaaah, now I get it.

So point to it on my body.

Hey, girls.

I'm trying to make the baby laugh.

Here's one...

Two girls walk into a dessert bar

and they never leave.

Ah, see? Nothing.

You girls think I'm funny. Right?

You married Oleg, so you
have a sense of humor.

I don't get it.

I'm trying to make Barbara laugh,

but you know what?
I'm like Leno at 10:00.

You know? I'm getting nothing.

See? Crickets.

Have you tried any
got-your-nose material?

Always makes Caroline laugh.


Give me back my nose!

You know what? That's really not funny.

You know what they say.

That babies that are this
age are supposed to laugh,

and that gets me really worried.

'Cause what if Barbara
has no idea what's funny?

Like a Netflix comedy.

Narcos is pretty funny,

but I guess you had to be there.

Wait a minute. I got something.

Ah, she doesn't even like fart jokes.

Neither do we.

Speak for yourself.

All right.

Did you text Randy back?

I don't know what to say to him.

How does, "New phone, who dis?" sound?

If you were Sally, you
would have never met Harry.

If he wants me to meet
him at the airport,

he's gonna have to
come out and ask me.

He wants you to meet him.

He's just speaking in
the language of romance.

Which you don't understand

'cause it doesn't have any burps in it.

I know how to interpret these things.

Uh, sorry, but you are
horrible at interpreting things.

You thought when I
first said "hi" to you

it meant I wanted you
to move in with me

for six years.

Well, sorry if you had me at hello.

There she is 18 hours later.

Mama's greatest accomplishment:

Maple vanilla rum cake

with a raspberry
cream cheese filling

and a white chocolate crumble.

Also, there's a ham in it.

Can you have a contact heart attack

from looking at something?

'Cause my left arm is tingly.

Let's load this monster in the back.

How many times have I is said that?

Ooh, can I get a hunk
of that ham?


Oh, there's no room on our side.

Oh, my God!
Max, why is this so heavy?

That's gonna be the layer of hot dogs.

Let's just put it on Han's side.

Move his note. I'll burn it later.

Aw, he got this one notarized.

And he's a notary.

There's a lot of sides to that square.


I've been thinking about
your airport outfit.

You're not gonna like this,
but I think it may be time

for you got a third shirt.

You're not gonna like this.

I think it's time for you
to get a second friend.

You haven't seen Randy in six months.

I mean, you've seen parts
of him on your phone,

but you haven't seen the whole.

Oh, I've seen the hole.

He fell getting out of the shower.

What is wrong with you?

I know you're crazy about him.

I am, but what if he
doesn't want me to come?

What if I get there
and I'm like, "Hey,"

and he's like, "Uh, hey..."

I don't wanna be embarrassed.

Then don't say "hey" like that ever.

And since when do you care
about being embarrassed?

Your raincoat is a trash bag.

U-U-Ugh, it matches my duct tape shoes.

I am not going to the airport.

Uh, sure, Pilar.

It's on like Donkey Kong.

How's it going with Pilar?

You crazy kids still having fun?

She's wearing me out.

Well, at least you have somebody.

Whoa, simmer down, Lonely Island.

Earl, what's going on?

She wants to see
everything she's missed

in the last 50 years.

Now she wants to go to Disney World.

You know what, Earl?
You need to breathe.

How about we go for one of
those invigorating walks we take

whenever your leg
blood isn't moving?

Do you need your Walker, Earl?

Of course I do.

Thank you.

Just put it right over...

That admittedly gorgeous cake

is not the property of
the Williamsburg Diner.

I'm losing interest
real fast here Han.

Where am I putting this box?

I'm moving the cake.

You play with the bull,
you get the Han.

I guess CrossFit failed
me again today.

You went once and
you passed out.

I didn't hydrate.

Oh, boy.

Oh, my God.

Is that a hot dog?

Wake up, Han. Wake up.

You're having a terrible dream

where you destroyed something
very important to the girls

and they're going to kill you.

Yeah, we're still here.

You dropped the cake.
This is happening.

What have I done?

Looks like someone got
themselves in a little jam.

Mmm, raspberry.

Stop licking things.

We need to put this back together.

Yes, yes, this is working.

No one will be the wiser.

We'll just frost over the crime.

Why is there a ham?

This cake makes no sense!

Get up.

You're making a fool of yourself.

And that's coming from a guy

who burnt his nuts on
a hand dryer earlier.

Tell me what to do.


This cake had no family,

no friends, no dental records.

I've done this before.

With other cakes, of course.

I'm so scared.

Earl is really in a bad way over Pilar.

I've never seen him that confused.

Well, then you've never
watched him button a shirt.

- Where's the cake?
- The cake?

Oh! We put it right here.

It couldn't have grown
little legs and walked away.

Little legs?


Oleg, have you seen our cake?

I see a lot of cakes.

This is New York City.
Cakes up the wazoo.

Pancakes, baby cakes, patty cakes.

They should change the
name to New Cake City.

He knows something.

Not much, but something.

But that is a pretty
great name for New York.

Earl, have you seen
a man-sized cake

being carried by a cake-sized man?

I have other stuff on my mind.

I gotta tell Pilar I don't
wanna go to Disney World

and Burning Man's off too.

Hello, girls.

I've been thinking of
adding a chicken leg

to the shift meal. Thoughts?

Where'd you hide our cake?

With the rest of your body?

Who crapped in your coffee?

First I'm gonna say:

That's a strong yes
on the chicken leg.

Now, where's my maple vanilla
cake with hot dog filling?

We put it on your side of
the shelf and now it's gone.

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to cake a phone call.

I mean, make a phone cake.

Search him, Max.

All the way down to his Underoos.

Oh! Check my Underoos.

There's something sweet in there,

but it's not cake.

You've got nothing on me.

Oleg, tell them I
haven't seen their cake.

Right, bro?

Cake? What cake?
I see a lot of cakes.

This is New York City.
Cakes up the wazoo.

Patty cakes, pancakes, baby cake.

- They should name the city, uh...
- New Cake City.

Yeah, we got it.

Maybe Han's telling the truth.

Do you think one
of those over-eaters

could have snuck in
here without us knowing?

You saw how cramped it is back there.

This morning I had to
go in one boob at a time.

Where could it be?

Just 'cause your keys
were in there one time.

Hey, everybody.

We're here.

Yeah, me and the ice queen.

You know, if she doesn't laugh soon,

people are gonna think she's German.

She's getting real
monster truck rally

with that carriage.

Well, I guess I'm gonna
have to make another cake.

I have 60 "just checking
in" voicemails on my phone

asking about it.

Oh, 61.

But you have to go meet
Randy at the airport.

I'm not going to the airport.

Besides, I have too many
enemies at Hudson News.


This is the second best
hot dog cake I've ever had.

I don't want to jump to conclusions,

but I think that's our hot dog cake.

Sophie, where did you get that?


Can you believe he buried this?

Good thing that I can dig.

It was Han. If it makes
you feel any better,

he cried as we shoveled
it into a bucket.

Han! Get out here!

We know you killed our cake.

You sold me out?

I want my 48.50 back, you stool pigeon.

I can't bury a cake

and not bring some
home for my wife.

You heard my vows.

This is your fault

for not paying attention
to my notes.

Prepare to meet your maker, Han.

Which I'm assuming is Mattel.

Please don't kill me.

I have so much... a lot...

well, some things to live for.

Did you hear that?

Ah, the girls scared Han,

and it made Barbara laugh.

Ah, I guess she likes to
hear other babies in danger.

That's my girl.

Hi, Earl.

I am excited to fly to Florida
instead of floating there

on the door of a '57 Chevy.

Earl, is there anything
you wanna tell Pilar

about your trip to Disney World?

Yeah, I, uh...

Got the park hopper.

It's two parks for the price of three.


Oh, hell.

Uh, Pilar...

I don't wanna got Disney World.

I didn't even like The Lion King.

Too much Africa stuff.

I honestly don't know
how to process

somebody not liking
The Lion King.

Look, Pilar, I've drank it all,

I've smoked it all, I've done it all.

You are just starting
out on your ride.

I don't wanna slow you down.

I see.

This is why I'm not
going to the airport.

She's probably so
embarrassed right now.

You'd think I'd be embarrassed

because I came all
this way here for you,

but... I don't regret it.

Uh, excuse me?

Can I get some mustard
for this cake?

Earl, if I didn't come,

I'd always have wondered
what could have been.

I am glad you came.

Showed me my heart
can take a lot.

Whoever had this one before me

must have been a jogger.

It was great seeing you, Earl.

Now, I'm gonna go get my Goofy on.

Uh, Pilar,

can I catch a ride
with you to the airport?

I gotta meet a guy.

Yeah, I guess I gotta
meet a guy too.


do you wanna come?

I thought you'd never ask.

So, should we share a cab?

You know, in Cuba, I shared
an apartment with a horse.

Well, that's just weird.

Bye, Earl.

Aw, he's asleep.

Yep, he's asleep.

Hurry up. Now we're gonna be late.

Ugh, there were plenty of people
who could have helped that guy

back into his wheelchair.

All right, Randy's last
flight landed at terminal four,

and his next flight
is out of terminal six.

He should be here any second.

You look beautiful.

You sure?

Do I have anything in my teeth?

Just the candy corn you use as a molar.

There he is!


Sorry, I'm not sure
I'll ever get to have

my own airport moment.

Caroline, what're
you doing here?


Sir, I'm gonna need you
to look deep into my eyes

while I frisk you.

And I'm gonna need you
to take off that shirt.

This actually kind of
happens to me a lot.

Even in libraries.

Should I take my shirt off too?

No, you're in an
airport, not a McDonald's.

Max, I...

I didn't think you were
actually coming to see me.

Well, 'cause you
didn't actually ask.

You look great.

Easy on the nipples there, Sheryl.

All right, you're good.

No need to put your
shirt back on, though.

You're good.



I'm really happy you came.

You are?

Then why didn't you just ask me?

I guess I was worried
you'd say no,

and I'd be embarrassed.

I was worried you
didn't want me to come

and then I'd be embarrassed.

Classic misunderstanding.

Look, I-I know we're supposed
to get attached, but...

Say it.

I want something more.

I want a relationship.

Say it back.

I wouldn't hate that.

Close enough.

So we're doing this?

Because if not, I gotta
get back to Sheryl.

She still has my shoes.

Uh, yeah, I think we have to.

I mean, this is all Caroline has.

Oh, it's so beautiful.

Oh, come on, people.

You heard her. This is all I have.

Precisely Synchronized by srjanapala