13 Reasons Why (2017–…): Season 2, Episode 7 - The Third Polaroid - full transcript
Alex blows up at Bryce. Someone blackmails Marcus. Clay testifies about the night he and Hannah spent together. Jessica experiences a flashback.
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It's a giant fucking universe.
It is a giant universe.
Like, how are we supposed to do
anything significant?
Anything that means anything?
We're not even dots.
But, somehow,
every day feels like life or death, right?
Even though, at some level,
it also feels like nothing matters at all.
Or means anything.
And, like, in a real way, we're all just
accidents of birth, you know?
Like, it's just dumb luck
that we're not having this conversation
somewhere much worse than this basement.
Like, some shantytown in South Asia,
or the frozen north of Iceland,
or a burning desert in Africa.
But that's it.
We are exactly who we are,
in this moment, in this place,
and I think that matters.
Because without you, without me,
everything is different.
I don't know if anything
would be different without me.
I would be different.
Okay, if I do something, it affects you.
Makes you do something that affects,
I don't know, Alex Standall,
who affects Jessica Davis.
Who affects Justin Foley,
then Zach Dempsey, then Mrs. Bradley,
- and then Tony Padilla...
- And on and on.
It's huge if you think about it.
It's an infinite universe.
It's funny we have a word
for that concept,
but there's no way we can understand it.
- Maybe... love?
- Love?
Maybe love is how you understand infinity.
When your love has no limit.
When it goes on forever.
Maybe that feels like infinity.
Yeah. Maybe.
Hey, Skye.
It's, uh... It's me again.
Clay. Calling you.
Nothing much new to report.
I go to court today.
To testify. For Hannah.
Still dealing with Justin.
This is weird.
You should have some pancakes.
They're fucking amazing.
I'll get you a plate.
Clay, your dad's going to take you
to court today.
- I wish I could be there as well.
- Really no problem.
I've got this.
And you've got alt-Clay here, so...
But, I mean, things are actually great.
I'm glad to be going to court,
and I really think it's going to be
a good way to get closure.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward
to being done with all this.
I love you.
Call me. Bye.
Alex, honey? Wake up. Wake up.
- Alexander.
- What? What happened?
Sorry, you were sleeping so soundly.
Sorry, I was dreaming about running.
Happy birthday.
Oh, wow.
Right. Thanks.
So I heard from Peter,
and he is driving down this afternoon
to be here in time for the party.
Do we have to have a party?
But it's all booked,
and your father got his shift off.
Haven't you told your friends?
Well, yeah, I mean... Plus, they got
your e-vite with the bunnies on it.
- You not feeling up to it?
- No, I am. I totally am.
Good. We'll have fun.
All right. Get yourself up,
do your stretches.
And I have a new hemp milk to try.
It's delicious.
You should come
for a morning run next time.
I don't run unless I'm being chased.
And even then, I don't run.
You ran pretty fast last night.
Yeah, uh... I'm sorry.
I got a text from Mrs. Baker,
and I had to go...
No excuses needed.
Look, I don't wanna tie you down.
And I don't want you to think
you owe me anything.
But I like you. A lot, I think.
- I'm done early tonight.
- Hmm.
No self-defense class.
- That's quite a group you got there.
- Yeah. Yeah, right?
The, uh, the guy with no eye,
what's his deal?
I don't know, really.
He got beat pretty bad a while back.
I think it was mugging or something.
He takes a few classes.
I think he's working through the PTSD
from the assault.
Seems pretty haunted by it.
- Does he remember much?
- Haven't spoken to him about it.
- There's lots of stories in that class.
- I bet.
Aren't we going the wrong way
for your first period?
Uh, I thought we'd take
the long way today.
Why is Zach waiting for us?
And why is he smiling like that? What?
- Wait, is it your birthday?
- Whoo!
- What?
- What?
- You guys got a banner made?
- It was a group project.
I made the design, Clay ordered it online,
and Zach put it up.
Wow, that's...
...that's really, really nice,
you guys.
Happy birthday, buddy.
Oh, sweet banner.
Is your mom bringing cupcakes?
I hope she brings enough
for the whole class.
Maybe you'll get a new cane
this year too, huh?
And some new friends.
Fuck you!
You fucking rapist!
Dude, shit like that
doesn't do anybody any good.
Yeah? Well, it felt good to me.
Maybe if you'd stop defending him
all the time.
- When have I ever defended him?
- Every day.
Every day you hang around him
and play baseball with him,
you choose his side.
Jess, tell him.
Why would you do that?
Shit. I'm so sorry.
- I mean...
- Jess.
Come on, didn't you see the red light?
- It means you're not...
- Hey.
Uh, hi.
- Sorry.
- No, uh, you're... No big deal.
I know what the red light means.
So, um, last night was really fun.
We should, maybe, do it again sometime.
We should clean vomit
off your brother's boots?
We should hang out.
Maybe not in the bathroom.
So, hang out in your yard?
Or another building. Restaurant.
Movie theater, perhaps?
- Do you mean, like a...
- I mean, like a date.
It's an early stage in the mating ritual
of homo sapiens.
We agree to go somewhere together.
I obsess over what to wear
and then you obsess over if you should pay
or if we're splitting it.
We show up,
it either goes great or it goes terrible,
and then we decide if we wanna
put ourselves through it again.
What sadistic person invented this ritual?
Every person.
- So, you wanna?
- Um...
Yes. I... I really do.
She was faithful.
She was kind to me
and cared about what happened to me.
She never gossiped,
or told lies about people.
And what sorts of things
did you do together?
We had some classes together,
we ate lunch together sometimes,
and we worked together at the Crestmont.
And we talked, a lot.
- What did you talk about?
- We talked about...
about books and shows
and songs and eclipses
and zombies and bike helmets and...
and I guess our... our hopes and dreams.
Helmet. Helmet.
If you don't help build this tower,
you don't get to knock it down.
I... I just need to finish this chapter.
Do you really have homework?
School's over in, like, two days.
All we do in my classes
is watch Stand and Deliver.
I wanna get the summer reading done
before I, um, leave for my grandparents'
for the summer.
Wait, what?
My parents think it's good
for a "growing boy"
to spend time in the country.
We don't exactly live
in a thriving metropolis.
Ten minutes at my grandparents',
and you would disagree.
What am I supposed to do all summer
without you?
- Wait, you're... you're gonna miss me?
- Of course.
You're the only friend I have left.
Come on, that's not true.
Will you write me,
like, old-school letters?
Yeah. I mean, can I write them
on the computer and print them?
You may not. And no postcards.
I want handwritten missives
filled with your deepest, darkest secrets.
Are you gonna write me back?
"Dear Helmet,
today, someone smeared feces
on the bathroom wall,
and I got to clean it up.
But there was an expired box of Milk Duds
that I got to take home for free."
Those are your deepest
and darkest secrets?
Write me, and you'll find out.
I never wrote her.
I just...
Summer gets away from you,
and stuff happens.
And I guess I didn't really think
that she'd be thinking of me.
I mean, I didn't think
I was that important.
And you always think that...
you think that you'll have plenty of time.
I'm sorry.
- What the hell?
- Whatever happened to
"What happens in The Clubhouse
stays in The Clubhouse"?
Not in here. Jesus.
- What the fuck is your problem?
- Somebody's blackmailing me.
If my dad sees that, I'm dead.
Look, you need to help me shut this down.
- I need to?
- You owe me.
I don't owe anybody anything, Marcus.
I got a lot of eyes on me right now, okay?
I can't get involved
in some stripper shit.
- You're already involved. You were there.
- I'm not in the video.
Are you fucking kidding me?
After what I did for you in court,
you can't return the favor?
A favor's only a favor
if someone asks for it.
And I didn't ask you
to drag my name into this shit.
That's on you.
Clay, you've testified today
that Hannah was a victim
of a culture of bullying at Liberty High.
But isn't it true
that you are also a part of that culture?
No, I don't think I am.
Isn't it true that you took pictures
of Tyler Down through his window
that you then circulated around the school
via social media?
- Yes, but...
- Objection, Your Honor.
Beyond the scope of the direct.
Your Honor, he's already testified
to the nature of bullying at Liberty.
I'll allow it.
Clay, isn't it true
that you were suspended from school
for possession of marijuana?
- It wasn't mine. I was set up.
- I see.
And at any point
subsequent to that suspension,
did you attempt to buy more marijuana?
- Yes, but I was...
- And isn't it true that your vandalism
caused thousands of dollars of damage
to Zach Dempsey's car?
I was angry at him.
I... I paid for the damage.
What did you do when you were angry
at Courtney Crimsen?
I just took her to Hannah's grave.
And isn't it true that you accused her
of being responsible for Hannah's death?
She is responsible.
All of those kids are responsible.
Are you responsible, Clay?
Are you responsible for Hannah's death?
Yes, I am. I let her down.
But there are kids who did a lot worse,
kids who you let skate,
who did things you won't even talk about.
And adults at Liberty don't...
Request to strike that
as non-responsive.
So ordered.
The jury will ignore that answer.
Clay, you've testified
that you were Hannah's friend
but never her boyfriend.
- Is that correct?
- Yes.
And you said that you kissed once.
- Is that correct?
- Yes.
Did you ever spend a night together?
You mean, have... have sex? No.
No. I mean, spend a night together,
evening, night, into the next morning.
Clay, did you and Hannah
ever spend a night together?
And did you do drugs together?
Go, Tigers!
- Hey! Go, Tigers!
- Yeah!
Hey! Go, Tigers!
Hey! Go, Tigers!
Hey! Go, Tigers!
Let's give it up
for our varsity baseball team!
Go, Tigers!
- Oh, look at him.
- Aww.
Hey, how about a hand
for our new cheer captain, Chlöe Rice?
So sweet.
And now, for our emcee
of today's assembly,
Marcus Cole!
That's right.
That's right.
I, uh... dressed for the occasion.
Who's impressed?
He turned it
into a fucking publicity stunt.
He's got this whole
fucking school brainwashed.
We have to do something else, man.
Okay? Something bigger.
What did you have in mind?
I'm sorry, Dad.
For what, kiddo? For telling the truth?
For not telling you...
And what did you say?
I didn't...
I didn't know what to say. I...
You know there's nothing you could do,
nothing that would stop your mother and me
from loving you.
You heard Hannah say this,
and you did nothing?
I didn't think she meant it like that.
Why is it kids
don't tell their parents anything, ever?
Is it shame?
Or fear?
It can't be fear of punishment.
No one's punished for anything anymore.
Are you afraid we won't understand?
More like afraid
you'd understand too well.
So you're protecting your secrets?
We were all still recovering...
From drugs.
And that explains why you did nothing?
Or we're protecting you.
Look, I have to get to school.
Let's welcome
this year's varsity track team!
Hey, Skye. Me again.
Court was not great.
They found out about this thing
Hannah said one time,
and they blew it way out of proportion.
But now I can't stop thinking
about the morning she said it
and the night we spent before.
Hey, Jensen.
Don't you have a class to get to?
- Don't you guys?
- No, man. We just won State.
They don't make us go to school anymore.
Yeah, you wish.
I'm wondering why
after such an excellent pep rally,
it seems like your pep
has not been rallied.
- I'm not a pep sort, I guess.
- Okay.
I didn't see you sit next to Hannah.
I never sit next to Hannah.
You always try to.
Not lately.
Remember that poem
that everyone was talking about?
Everyone was talking about a poem?
How is that possible?
Who talks about poems?
I... Anyway...
I made fun of it.
And I didn't know it was hers, and...
Man, if you and Hannah's relationship
were a novel,
a major theme would be "mistakes."
Thank you.
We'll figure this out.
The last time I took your advice,
she ran out on me at the dance.
No, no, no, no,
that wasn't my fault, all right?
If I recall correctly,
it was your nerves and uptight nature
that just ruined everything.
Look, you both
are just too hung up on shit.
We'll work on this.
I don't have an uptight nature.
You know what? We're gonna have
a gathering this weekend.
Me, you, Hannah, my girl, Leah,
and some friends. I'll text you.
- I don't really do parties.
- Oh, you'll do this one.
See you Saturday, Jensen.
We're taking State this year.
And it's for him.
He was what a teammate should be. Loyal.
- Yeah, he always had your back.
- Never had to wonder about that.
And he looked out for people.
Always took care of his guys,
no questions asked.
- Yeah.
- Right.
I just keep thinking... did I miss
something huge, like I did with you?
What are you doing here?
I stayed to watch them hang Jeff's jersey.
Yeah, me, too.
How'd it go, in court?
Not well.
- I'm sorry.
- They asked me about the party at Jeff's.
Before summer, last year.
Oh, shit. How'd they know about that?
God, no, Clay. I would never.
I swear.
Someone must've brought it up
at their deposition. Maybe Leah.
It doesn't matter now.
Was there anything in your text messages?
No. Why?
Well, 'cause the other night, your mom,
she was asking me about a text.
She said it was for a case
she was working on.
Look, anyways, I'm sure it's not as bad
as you think it is.
It's worse.
And, like,
what other signs have I missed?
- Call if you have questions.
- Got it.
- Good seeing you.
- Thanks, man.
Let's go, bud.
You good?
Oh, hey, there he is.
- Tyler, good to see you.
- Good to see you too, sir.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Baker Drugs.
This is a little out of your way, yeah?
Yeah. Uh, they carry some stuff
that the WalPlex doesn't, so...
Uh, so we're gonna see you
at the party tonight?
Oh, I... I didn't know, so...
I thought that you invited
all your friends.
Yeah, well, Jessica was supposed to...
It's at the Epicenter tonight.
Come if you can.
Alex would love to have you there.
- I don't know. I don't wanna...
- You should come.
- Really. You should.
- Yeah?
- Okay. Yeah, I'll be there.
- Good.
- Good to see you.
- Yeah, you, too.
- Right on.
- Later.
Don't they do any fucking maintenance
at this place?
- Olivia.
- Seriously.
With what we pay for this plot?
- I'll speak to them on the way out.
- They promised weekly maintenance.
- They can't even cut the fucking grass.
- Liv.
This day, Andy...
I don't... I'm not even sure
how well that kid knew Hannah.
He knew her well.
I think he was in love with her.
He's a good kid.
Yeah, who encouraged her
to do some bad things.
One. One thing, and it wasn't...
it wasn't that bad.
Nothing that you and...
you and I didn't do in high school.
But what she said to him
the next morning...
I've said to myself over the years.
Was it my fault, Andy? Did I...?
Was she sick? Did I give something to her?
- God, no.
- The women in my family...
Stop, Liv. Just stop.
Our Hannah was very happy.
She was kind, intelligent, beautiful,
and she was very, very happy.
That's our Hannah.
We were happy, weren't we?
We were happy.
Should we go have some dinner?
These are kinda cute.
- They're all right.
- I need more yoga pants.
I mean, how many pairs of yoga pants
does one person need?
- I mean, do you even do yoga?
- I do, I...
All right. Shut up.
How long have you been together?
Uh, it'll be five months next Thursday.
Damn. Has it been that long already?
Wow, okay. Don't act so excited now.
See, that's her way of saying,
"I can't get enough of you, baby."
Wow. You guys are adorable.
And by that, I mean disgusting.
I'll let you guys do your thing.
- All right. Thanks.
- All right.
So is he, like, in college, or...?
Uh, junior college.
But he's transferring to Berkeley
for fall semester. Pre-law.
- Shit. He's kind of amazing.
- I know, right?
But, I mean, hey, I deserve amazing.
So do you, by the way.
Whenever you're ready
to get back out there.
Shh. Shh. Don't worry about it.
- Just having fun.
- What are you doing? Please!
Don't worry about it.
- Just having fun.
- What are you doing? Please!
Please. No.
Jessica! Hey. Hey. What's...
You need to pay for that.
Uh, no, here, it was an accident.
I'm sorry. She's not buying it.
Jess. Hey.
I'm sorry.
It's okay. It's okay.
Are you okay?
Yeah, must have been a trigger
or something.
Security tag triggered the alarm.
It's no big deal.
Are you sure you're okay?
Um, babe, can you get us some gelato,
actually? Please?
- Good idea.
- Thank you so much.
- My treat.
- Thanks.
He knows how we know each other, right?
Uh, well, yeah. School.
I don't let what happened to me define me.
So why should I tell him
when it's not who I am?
Yeah, yeah, that makes sense.
- Haven't been here in a while.
- It didn't feel right at first.
How's the store?
Uh, yeah, I was able to find
some new distributors
for a lot of the items
so we could compete, price-wise.
Cosmetics, for one, so...
- That's great.
- Yeah.
And the new pharmacist?
He's good.
He's young, so he knows the medicine part,
but not the people part.
What about you? How's WalPlex?
- Getting used to it.
- Yeah.
I realized that I liked being my own boss,
or letting you be the boss.
- I don't know the right way to say this.
- Just say it, Andy.
We need to finalize things, Liv.
We can't stay in limbo forever.
This is about the divorce?
I don't wanna wait till after the trial.
We need to move on.
- You wanna marry her.
- No. I want...
I wanna close a door
that I can never go back through.
I see.
Hey, Skye. It's me. Again.
Listen, I don't know
if you get news there.
Uh, you might hear about...
about stuff I did that came out in court.
It's kind of bad.
- Hungry?
- Uh, sure. Why not?
Are you out of your mind? No.
Dude, listen.
- You know my body's a temple, right?
- I don't think about your body.
What I mean is you know how healthy I am.
- You're an athlete.
- Yeah, and a damn good one.
But on the rare occasion,
when I want a deep,
lovely night with my lady,
we'll do a little love drug.
I've read that that shit
can fry your brain,
like, first time you try it.
And riding your bike without a helmet
can kill you.
But which one's gonna help you let loose
and help you get past your shit
with Hannah and into each other?
- Hmm?
- This is peer pressure.
No, no. I don't wanna pressure you.
You put too much pressure on yourself.
I mean... that's the whole point.
You agonize over every decision.
I do not.
Are you sure?
I mean, we don't know where these drugs
come from, or even what drugs they are.
The way you say "drugs" makes you sound
like a Republican senator.
I'm just saying, we don't...
we don't have to do this.
You know, we can go hang out
somewhere else, or...
Sure. I mean, if you want to. But...
aren't you curious?
I'm telling you, Clay.
It's a very good idea for you.
Guys, what if we just ate
a bunch of sugar and caffeine?
- That's a certain kind of high, right?
- Seriously, do not worry.
All right. Here you go.
Three first-timers,
three veterans.
We got you guys.
This is so peer pressure.
Like, at its worst.
Uh, so tell me the truth.
How's he doing, guys?
- He's good.
- Yeah?
His balance is getting better
and so is his strength.
I mean, he's still working
on his memory, but...
But he's doing great.
You only need one hand
to whoop your old man at Skee-Ball.
- Hey.
- Yep.
You should've challenged me
at Dance Dance Revolution.
It's my birthday.
You're supposed to laugh at my jokes.
All right. Wings.
- Fries. And curly fries.
- All right.
- Burgers will come up when they're ready.
- Thanks, Mom.
Thank you.
You got all your game cards?
Yeah. Yeah, thank you, Mrs. Standall.
Hey. Jess.
- Hey, hey, hey.
- Yeah?
He can go. He's good.
I won this for you
just to say sorry about today.
You didn't have to do that.
Yeah, well, if I hadn't won it,
I'd just be saying sorry,
and I thought
maybe the cuteness would help.
Look, we don't need to talk about it.
- Hi, sweetie. How are you?
- Great to see you.
Hi. How are you?
I just think it's complicated.
See, the thing is to be in the group,
but not about the group,
you know what I mean?
- No. What do you mean?
- All right. Take Alex.
You're friends with Justin Foley.
Which is, like, whatever.
And he says you're a good guy.
He doesn't say that about most people.
He doesn't. It's 'cause he's a dick.
I just feel, like, tremendous positivity
for everyone right now.
Mmm. Exactly.
In fact, I think it's time
that a few of us
actually slip off for a while.
- Sound good?
- Totally.
Wait. Wait, no. Wait. Where are you...?
Enjoy your night.
It's already a great night.
I agree.
It's like... It's like everything
is what it is, but, like, more.
- Like, touching... touching things.
- I know.
For someone who hates parties,
I go to a lot of parties.
And it never ends well.
What is he doing here?
- No, Alex told me to come.
- Tyler, he was just being nice.
He doesn't want you here.
I wanna talk to Alex.
Okay, look, I brought him something.
What? "Oh, happy birthday, Alex.
Here's a photo book of you in a coma"?
He told you about that?
Get out. Now.
Wait. Where is Tyler going?
- Don't worry. We got rid of him.
- No, I told him to come.
Alex, look, I know he visited you a lot
in the hospital,
- but he's a fucking pervert.
- After what he did to Hannah...
What he did? Seriously?
At least Tyler tried
to help Hannah in court.
That's more than you can say, Zach.
You helped turn her into Hannah the Slut.
- At least we didn't do drugs.
- You guys, come on.
You come on. You didn't help either.
- I tried.
- From what you said today in court,
you hurt her more than any of us.
- They took that out of context.
- So you didn't let her down?
How are you any different than us?
What are you thinking about?
What are you thinking about?
Come on, tell me.
What are you thinking about?
I... I don't know.
You're not saying.
I have...
so many thoughts.
Give me one.
It's an infinity ceiling?
No. It totally is. Look at it.
It's funny how we have a word
for that concept,
but there's no way we can understand it.
Maybe love.
Maybe love is how you understand infinity.
When your love has no limits,
when it goes on forever.
Maybe that feels like infinity.
Yeah, maybe.
How are you feeling?
I feel fucking great.
At this moment,
I am not afraid of anything.
- I am fearless.
- Yeah.
I feel...
- But it's just the drug, right?
- Is it?
Didn't these feelings
have to be somewhere inside of us
for the drug to find them?
I'm not sure that's how it works.
Do you believe we have a soul?
I don't know. I hope so.
If you could see the future,
would you wanna see the future?
- You answered that fast.
- Well...
Like, can I change the future?
Because if I can see it
and I know what's coming,
and there's nothing I can do about it,
then it's just anxiety.
You can always change the future.
So you don't believe in destiny?
I do. I just believe it can change.
This is the saddest birthday party ever.
Shit. Uh, I gotta take this.
Hey, Mom.
Yeah, no, I'm just out with the guys.
I'll be home soon.
Yeah. No, I know, I know.
Okay. Yeah, I'm on my way. Bye.
"The guys"?
You're out with the guys?
I just told her I'd go home and watch May.
Home from what?
Why'd you lie about where you are?
I wasn't sure...
Of course you should lie to her
and everybody
'cause that's better than admitting
you're my friend?
- She knows you're my friend.
- Bryce know where you are?
- Come on, man.
- Fuck you, Zach.
- Okay.
- Go home.
Yeah, I should. Um...
- Thank you guys for having me.
- You don't have to go.
I'm gonna go play some games.
All right, you guys, truth now.
What the hell's going on?
He's not all right.
I think he does pretty well, most days.
Bullshit. You said he made progress.
He hasn't made any
since the day I saw him last.
- A month ago.
- He's trying.
Oh, he's really trying.
Oh, shit.
Hey, buddy.
- What are you doing?
- Just playing a game, Dad.
Okay, maybe this isn't the right game
to be playing now.
Why not? I'm really good at it.
Let's play another round of Skee-Ball...
- No, Dad, fuck that.
- Alex.
- Give me this thing. That's enough.
- Fuck, no.
Fuck, no!
- All right, buddy, I'm sorry. Come here.
- Fucking let me go!
I'm broken, okay?
I'm fucking broken.
That's how it's gonna be.
Why don't you just live with it?
- Alex, you're not broken.
- How the fuck would you know?
I've seen you twice
since I got out of the hospital.
- I had school.
- I had fucking school, too!
And I had friends.
Now I don't have anything,
except all of you standing around
feeling sorry for me,
not fucking knowing what to say.
Maybe it would've been better
if it'd worked.
Put the bullet through my brain
- the way it was supposed to go?
- Stop.
Wouldn't that be better?
You could get on
with your stupid fucking lives.
Fuck you, Alex. Okay? Shut up.
Just shut up.
- Jess.
- No.
Listen to me, you asshole.
How could you do what you did?
After Hannah, I needed you.
You were the only one I could trust,
who understood
what I was going through, and you
were gonna fucking leave me behind?
- That's messed up, Alex. It's messed up.
- I'm sorry.
Everybody here loves you.
And you just don't care?
I do care. I care. I'm sorry.
It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- How was the party?
- Stupid party, stupid people.
Sounds right.
Why are you sitting in the dark?
I'm introducing my old man
to the wizarding world of Harry Potter.
- Seriously?
- Seriously.
He's the last person in the world
that doesn't know what his Patronus is.
- Fucking muggles.
- Right?
Pay attention here. You're gonna need
to know that for the sixth movie.
Hey, so, uh...
I wanna do Zach next.
Okay. Again?
Yeah. He's just a fucking asshole
who needs to be checked.
- Cool.
- Yeah. So I have this whole idea for him.
- So I'm thinking...
- Ty, you know I'm down for whatever,
but I got to make sure my dad
doesn't fall asleep.
He's, like, 47.
They tend to do that during movies.
Just tell me the plan. I'll be there.
Yeah, fine. Later.
Clay, isn't it true
that you heard Hannah say
that she wanted her life to be over?
And isn't it true that you did nothing?
You did nothing to help her.
If he had been honest with us
about the drugs...
Did you know they were gonna ask?
No, of course not. I removed myself, Matt.
If I were to interfere with a witness...
A witness? He's your son.
If I were to interfere in any way,
I would be fired.
I could be disbarred, Matt.
Our boy did drugs, we didn't know.
He hid a homeless boy for a week,
we didn't know.
I mean, what the fuck, Lainie?
- Trying to help a friend in need.
- Our son is in need.
Yes, Matt, I'm aware.
I can't stop thinking about it,
Skye. They destroyed me.
Ask me why she was depressed.
Why she was destroyed.
Ask me who did that to her.
- No further questions.
- Jury will disregard.
Witness, stand down.
But did I deserve it?
Who ordered the cinnamon rolls?
If I put that in my mouth,
I will literally puke.
- Are we, like, all in bad moods?
- I am.
I just don't even have the energy to care.
No, we're just coming down.
It's normal.
- What's the point, right?
- Yeah, exactly.
No, but, like, really,
what's the point of anything?
That's just the Molly talking.
Her name's Hannah.
You've gotta handle the lows
if you wanna chase the highs.
Come on, drink some water.
Don't let your mind go to that dark place.
Do you ever think, "I can't do it
anymore"? Like, "I wanna die"?
Yep. Every single minute.
Like everything's black?
Guys, get through this.
Okay? Get through this moment.
And it'll all be clear.
Skye, she said it and I heard it.
I couldn't help her then,
and I couldn't help her today.
I've got to be able
to do something to help.
People need to know the whole story.
That's great.
That's just perfect.
Clay, honey.
Come on, lover. Give me a little.
I had a shitty day.
Yeah, I know.
I heard Alex had one of his outbursts.
Well, the kid's sick.
I feel bad for him. Now forget about that.
Babe, I thought we were watching
a movie tonight.
- I've seen it.
- But you chose it.
Yeah, so I don't have to pay
close attention.
I'd rather pay attention to you.
- Ow. Careful.
- Yeah.
Is that better?
- Babe, what is up with you tonight?
- Just the usual. Being into you.
Babe, what... what about the movie?
Fuck the movie.
You're good, yeah?
- Yeah.
- And you want to, right?
You can keep up the silent treatment
as long as you have to. I understand.
But Justin will need
your support tomorrow.
And on Monday, okay?
You're reading the comments.
Don't ever read the comments.
The shit that people say,
about you, about me.
They don't know the whole story.
- Don't do this.
- I'm doing it for you.
- I'm trying to make things right.
- You know it won't.
What else can I do?
You can help Jessica and Justin.
You can figure out those pictures.
I don't care about the fucking pictures.
I care about the truth. I care about you.
Then don't do it.
You know I don't want you to.
Well, maybe you don't get a say anymore.
People did terrible things to you
and they're getting away with it.
- You left those tapes for a reason.
- What reason?
To make people face what they did
and admit it
and understand how fucked up it was.
Do you think I wanted revenge?
I don't know what you wanted,
because you left a huge fucking mess.
I'm the only one interested
in cleaning it up.
It wasn't revenge.
I had to tell my own story.
I wanted people to know what happened
so maybe it wouldn't happen again.
- Exactly. So everyone should hear it.
- No, not like this.
You don't get to decide.
You left.
For help finding crisis resources,
visit 13reasonswhy.info.
Well done, Ed. Well done.
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It's a giant fucking universe.
It is a giant universe.
Like, how are we supposed to do
anything significant?
Anything that means anything?
We're not even dots.
But, somehow,
every day feels like life or death, right?
Even though, at some level,
it also feels like nothing matters at all.
Or means anything.
And, like, in a real way, we're all just
accidents of birth, you know?
Like, it's just dumb luck
that we're not having this conversation
somewhere much worse than this basement.
Like, some shantytown in South Asia,
or the frozen north of Iceland,
or a burning desert in Africa.
But that's it.
We are exactly who we are,
in this moment, in this place,
and I think that matters.
Because without you, without me,
everything is different.
I don't know if anything
would be different without me.
I would be different.
Okay, if I do something, it affects you.
Makes you do something that affects,
I don't know, Alex Standall,
who affects Jessica Davis.
Who affects Justin Foley,
then Zach Dempsey, then Mrs. Bradley,
- and then Tony Padilla...
- And on and on.
It's huge if you think about it.
It's an infinite universe.
It's funny we have a word
for that concept,
but there's no way we can understand it.
- Maybe... love?
- Love?
Maybe love is how you understand infinity.
When your love has no limit.
When it goes on forever.
Maybe that feels like infinity.
Yeah. Maybe.
Hey, Skye.
It's, uh... It's me again.
Clay. Calling you.
Nothing much new to report.
I go to court today.
To testify. For Hannah.
Still dealing with Justin.
This is weird.
You should have some pancakes.
They're fucking amazing.
I'll get you a plate.
Clay, your dad's going to take you
to court today.
- I wish I could be there as well.
- Really no problem.
I've got this.
And you've got alt-Clay here, so...
But, I mean, things are actually great.
I'm glad to be going to court,
and I really think it's going to be
a good way to get closure.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward
to being done with all this.
I love you.
Call me. Bye.
Alex, honey? Wake up. Wake up.
- Alexander.
- What? What happened?
Sorry, you were sleeping so soundly.
Sorry, I was dreaming about running.
Happy birthday.
Oh, wow.
Right. Thanks.
So I heard from Peter,
and he is driving down this afternoon
to be here in time for the party.
Do we have to have a party?
But it's all booked,
and your father got his shift off.
Haven't you told your friends?
Well, yeah, I mean... Plus, they got
your e-vite with the bunnies on it.
- You not feeling up to it?
- No, I am. I totally am.
Good. We'll have fun.
All right. Get yourself up,
do your stretches.
And I have a new hemp milk to try.
It's delicious.
You should come
for a morning run next time.
I don't run unless I'm being chased.
And even then, I don't run.
You ran pretty fast last night.
Yeah, uh... I'm sorry.
I got a text from Mrs. Baker,
and I had to go...
No excuses needed.
Look, I don't wanna tie you down.
And I don't want you to think
you owe me anything.
But I like you. A lot, I think.
- I'm done early tonight.
- Hmm.
No self-defense class.
- That's quite a group you got there.
- Yeah. Yeah, right?
The, uh, the guy with no eye,
what's his deal?
I don't know, really.
He got beat pretty bad a while back.
I think it was mugging or something.
He takes a few classes.
I think he's working through the PTSD
from the assault.
Seems pretty haunted by it.
- Does he remember much?
- Haven't spoken to him about it.
- There's lots of stories in that class.
- I bet.
Aren't we going the wrong way
for your first period?
Uh, I thought we'd take
the long way today.
Why is Zach waiting for us?
And why is he smiling like that? What?
- Wait, is it your birthday?
- Whoo!
- What?
- What?
- You guys got a banner made?
- It was a group project.
I made the design, Clay ordered it online,
and Zach put it up.
Wow, that's...
...that's really, really nice,
you guys.
Happy birthday, buddy.
Oh, sweet banner.
Is your mom bringing cupcakes?
I hope she brings enough
for the whole class.
Maybe you'll get a new cane
this year too, huh?
And some new friends.
Fuck you!
You fucking rapist!
Dude, shit like that
doesn't do anybody any good.
Yeah? Well, it felt good to me.
Maybe if you'd stop defending him
all the time.
- When have I ever defended him?
- Every day.
Every day you hang around him
and play baseball with him,
you choose his side.
Jess, tell him.
Why would you do that?
Shit. I'm so sorry.
- I mean...
- Jess.
Come on, didn't you see the red light?
- It means you're not...
- Hey.
Uh, hi.
- Sorry.
- No, uh, you're... No big deal.
I know what the red light means.
So, um, last night was really fun.
We should, maybe, do it again sometime.
We should clean vomit
off your brother's boots?
We should hang out.
Maybe not in the bathroom.
So, hang out in your yard?
Or another building. Restaurant.
Movie theater, perhaps?
- Do you mean, like a...
- I mean, like a date.
It's an early stage in the mating ritual
of homo sapiens.
We agree to go somewhere together.
I obsess over what to wear
and then you obsess over if you should pay
or if we're splitting it.
We show up,
it either goes great or it goes terrible,
and then we decide if we wanna
put ourselves through it again.
What sadistic person invented this ritual?
Every person.
- So, you wanna?
- Um...
Yes. I... I really do.
She was faithful.
She was kind to me
and cared about what happened to me.
She never gossiped,
or told lies about people.
And what sorts of things
did you do together?
We had some classes together,
we ate lunch together sometimes,
and we worked together at the Crestmont.
And we talked, a lot.
- What did you talk about?
- We talked about...
about books and shows
and songs and eclipses
and zombies and bike helmets and...
and I guess our... our hopes and dreams.
Helmet. Helmet.
If you don't help build this tower,
you don't get to knock it down.
I... I just need to finish this chapter.
Do you really have homework?
School's over in, like, two days.
All we do in my classes
is watch Stand and Deliver.
I wanna get the summer reading done
before I, um, leave for my grandparents'
for the summer.
Wait, what?
My parents think it's good
for a "growing boy"
to spend time in the country.
We don't exactly live
in a thriving metropolis.
Ten minutes at my grandparents',
and you would disagree.
What am I supposed to do all summer
without you?
- Wait, you're... you're gonna miss me?
- Of course.
You're the only friend I have left.
Come on, that's not true.
Will you write me,
like, old-school letters?
Yeah. I mean, can I write them
on the computer and print them?
You may not. And no postcards.
I want handwritten missives
filled with your deepest, darkest secrets.
Are you gonna write me back?
"Dear Helmet,
today, someone smeared feces
on the bathroom wall,
and I got to clean it up.
But there was an expired box of Milk Duds
that I got to take home for free."
Those are your deepest
and darkest secrets?
Write me, and you'll find out.
I never wrote her.
I just...
Summer gets away from you,
and stuff happens.
And I guess I didn't really think
that she'd be thinking of me.
I mean, I didn't think
I was that important.
And you always think that...
you think that you'll have plenty of time.
I'm sorry.
- What the hell?
- Whatever happened to
"What happens in The Clubhouse
stays in The Clubhouse"?
Not in here. Jesus.
- What the fuck is your problem?
- Somebody's blackmailing me.
If my dad sees that, I'm dead.
Look, you need to help me shut this down.
- I need to?
- You owe me.
I don't owe anybody anything, Marcus.
I got a lot of eyes on me right now, okay?
I can't get involved
in some stripper shit.
- You're already involved. You were there.
- I'm not in the video.
Are you fucking kidding me?
After what I did for you in court,
you can't return the favor?
A favor's only a favor
if someone asks for it.
And I didn't ask you
to drag my name into this shit.
That's on you.
Clay, you've testified today
that Hannah was a victim
of a culture of bullying at Liberty High.
But isn't it true
that you are also a part of that culture?
No, I don't think I am.
Isn't it true that you took pictures
of Tyler Down through his window
that you then circulated around the school
via social media?
- Yes, but...
- Objection, Your Honor.
Beyond the scope of the direct.
Your Honor, he's already testified
to the nature of bullying at Liberty.
I'll allow it.
Clay, isn't it true
that you were suspended from school
for possession of marijuana?
- It wasn't mine. I was set up.
- I see.
And at any point
subsequent to that suspension,
did you attempt to buy more marijuana?
- Yes, but I was...
- And isn't it true that your vandalism
caused thousands of dollars of damage
to Zach Dempsey's car?
I was angry at him.
I... I paid for the damage.
What did you do when you were angry
at Courtney Crimsen?
I just took her to Hannah's grave.
And isn't it true that you accused her
of being responsible for Hannah's death?
She is responsible.
All of those kids are responsible.
Are you responsible, Clay?
Are you responsible for Hannah's death?
Yes, I am. I let her down.
But there are kids who did a lot worse,
kids who you let skate,
who did things you won't even talk about.
And adults at Liberty don't...
Request to strike that
as non-responsive.
So ordered.
The jury will ignore that answer.
Clay, you've testified
that you were Hannah's friend
but never her boyfriend.
- Is that correct?
- Yes.
And you said that you kissed once.
- Is that correct?
- Yes.
Did you ever spend a night together?
You mean, have... have sex? No.
No. I mean, spend a night together,
evening, night, into the next morning.
Clay, did you and Hannah
ever spend a night together?
And did you do drugs together?
Go, Tigers!
- Hey! Go, Tigers!
- Yeah!
Hey! Go, Tigers!
Hey! Go, Tigers!
Hey! Go, Tigers!
Let's give it up
for our varsity baseball team!
Go, Tigers!
- Oh, look at him.
- Aww.
Hey, how about a hand
for our new cheer captain, Chlöe Rice?
So sweet.
And now, for our emcee
of today's assembly,
Marcus Cole!
That's right.
That's right.
I, uh... dressed for the occasion.
Who's impressed?
He turned it
into a fucking publicity stunt.
He's got this whole
fucking school brainwashed.
We have to do something else, man.
Okay? Something bigger.
What did you have in mind?
I'm sorry, Dad.
For what, kiddo? For telling the truth?
For not telling you...
And what did you say?
I didn't...
I didn't know what to say. I...
You know there's nothing you could do,
nothing that would stop your mother and me
from loving you.
You heard Hannah say this,
and you did nothing?
I didn't think she meant it like that.
Why is it kids
don't tell their parents anything, ever?
Is it shame?
Or fear?
It can't be fear of punishment.
No one's punished for anything anymore.
Are you afraid we won't understand?
More like afraid
you'd understand too well.
So you're protecting your secrets?
We were all still recovering...
From drugs.
And that explains why you did nothing?
Or we're protecting you.
Look, I have to get to school.
Let's welcome
this year's varsity track team!
Hey, Skye. Me again.
Court was not great.
They found out about this thing
Hannah said one time,
and they blew it way out of proportion.
But now I can't stop thinking
about the morning she said it
and the night we spent before.
Hey, Jensen.
Don't you have a class to get to?
- Don't you guys?
- No, man. We just won State.
They don't make us go to school anymore.
Yeah, you wish.
I'm wondering why
after such an excellent pep rally,
it seems like your pep
has not been rallied.
- I'm not a pep sort, I guess.
- Okay.
I didn't see you sit next to Hannah.
I never sit next to Hannah.
You always try to.
Not lately.
Remember that poem
that everyone was talking about?
Everyone was talking about a poem?
How is that possible?
Who talks about poems?
I... Anyway...
I made fun of it.
And I didn't know it was hers, and...
Man, if you and Hannah's relationship
were a novel,
a major theme would be "mistakes."
Thank you.
We'll figure this out.
The last time I took your advice,
she ran out on me at the dance.
No, no, no, no,
that wasn't my fault, all right?
If I recall correctly,
it was your nerves and uptight nature
that just ruined everything.
Look, you both
are just too hung up on shit.
We'll work on this.
I don't have an uptight nature.
You know what? We're gonna have
a gathering this weekend.
Me, you, Hannah, my girl, Leah,
and some friends. I'll text you.
- I don't really do parties.
- Oh, you'll do this one.
See you Saturday, Jensen.
We're taking State this year.
And it's for him.
He was what a teammate should be. Loyal.
- Yeah, he always had your back.
- Never had to wonder about that.
And he looked out for people.
Always took care of his guys,
no questions asked.
- Yeah.
- Right.
I just keep thinking... did I miss
something huge, like I did with you?
What are you doing here?
I stayed to watch them hang Jeff's jersey.
Yeah, me, too.
How'd it go, in court?
Not well.
- I'm sorry.
- They asked me about the party at Jeff's.
Before summer, last year.
Oh, shit. How'd they know about that?
God, no, Clay. I would never.
I swear.
Someone must've brought it up
at their deposition. Maybe Leah.
It doesn't matter now.
Was there anything in your text messages?
No. Why?
Well, 'cause the other night, your mom,
she was asking me about a text.
She said it was for a case
she was working on.
Look, anyways, I'm sure it's not as bad
as you think it is.
It's worse.
And, like,
what other signs have I missed?
- Call if you have questions.
- Got it.
- Good seeing you.
- Thanks, man.
Let's go, bud.
You good?
Oh, hey, there he is.
- Tyler, good to see you.
- Good to see you too, sir.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Baker Drugs.
This is a little out of your way, yeah?
Yeah. Uh, they carry some stuff
that the WalPlex doesn't, so...
Uh, so we're gonna see you
at the party tonight?
Oh, I... I didn't know, so...
I thought that you invited
all your friends.
Yeah, well, Jessica was supposed to...
It's at the Epicenter tonight.
Come if you can.
Alex would love to have you there.
- I don't know. I don't wanna...
- You should come.
- Really. You should.
- Yeah?
- Okay. Yeah, I'll be there.
- Good.
- Good to see you.
- Yeah, you, too.
- Right on.
- Later.
Don't they do any fucking maintenance
at this place?
- Olivia.
- Seriously.
With what we pay for this plot?
- I'll speak to them on the way out.
- They promised weekly maintenance.
- They can't even cut the fucking grass.
- Liv.
This day, Andy...
I don't... I'm not even sure
how well that kid knew Hannah.
He knew her well.
I think he was in love with her.
He's a good kid.
Yeah, who encouraged her
to do some bad things.
One. One thing, and it wasn't...
it wasn't that bad.
Nothing that you and...
you and I didn't do in high school.
But what she said to him
the next morning...
I've said to myself over the years.
Was it my fault, Andy? Did I...?
Was she sick? Did I give something to her?
- God, no.
- The women in my family...
Stop, Liv. Just stop.
Our Hannah was very happy.
She was kind, intelligent, beautiful,
and she was very, very happy.
That's our Hannah.
We were happy, weren't we?
We were happy.
Should we go have some dinner?
These are kinda cute.
- They're all right.
- I need more yoga pants.
I mean, how many pairs of yoga pants
does one person need?
- I mean, do you even do yoga?
- I do, I...
All right. Shut up.
How long have you been together?
Uh, it'll be five months next Thursday.
Damn. Has it been that long already?
Wow, okay. Don't act so excited now.
See, that's her way of saying,
"I can't get enough of you, baby."
Wow. You guys are adorable.
And by that, I mean disgusting.
I'll let you guys do your thing.
- All right. Thanks.
- All right.
So is he, like, in college, or...?
Uh, junior college.
But he's transferring to Berkeley
for fall semester. Pre-law.
- Shit. He's kind of amazing.
- I know, right?
But, I mean, hey, I deserve amazing.
So do you, by the way.
Whenever you're ready
to get back out there.
Shh. Shh. Don't worry about it.
- Just having fun.
- What are you doing? Please!
Don't worry about it.
- Just having fun.
- What are you doing? Please!
Please. No.
Jessica! Hey. Hey. What's...
You need to pay for that.
Uh, no, here, it was an accident.
I'm sorry. She's not buying it.
Jess. Hey.
I'm sorry.
It's okay. It's okay.
Are you okay?
Yeah, must have been a trigger
or something.
Security tag triggered the alarm.
It's no big deal.
Are you sure you're okay?
Um, babe, can you get us some gelato,
actually? Please?
- Good idea.
- Thank you so much.
- My treat.
- Thanks.
He knows how we know each other, right?
Uh, well, yeah. School.
I don't let what happened to me define me.
So why should I tell him
when it's not who I am?
Yeah, yeah, that makes sense.
- Haven't been here in a while.
- It didn't feel right at first.
How's the store?
Uh, yeah, I was able to find
some new distributors
for a lot of the items
so we could compete, price-wise.
Cosmetics, for one, so...
- That's great.
- Yeah.
And the new pharmacist?
He's good.
He's young, so he knows the medicine part,
but not the people part.
What about you? How's WalPlex?
- Getting used to it.
- Yeah.
I realized that I liked being my own boss,
or letting you be the boss.
- I don't know the right way to say this.
- Just say it, Andy.
We need to finalize things, Liv.
We can't stay in limbo forever.
This is about the divorce?
I don't wanna wait till after the trial.
We need to move on.
- You wanna marry her.
- No. I want...
I wanna close a door
that I can never go back through.
I see.
Hey, Skye. It's me. Again.
Listen, I don't know
if you get news there.
Uh, you might hear about...
about stuff I did that came out in court.
It's kind of bad.
- Hungry?
- Uh, sure. Why not?
Are you out of your mind? No.
Dude, listen.
- You know my body's a temple, right?
- I don't think about your body.
What I mean is you know how healthy I am.
- You're an athlete.
- Yeah, and a damn good one.
But on the rare occasion,
when I want a deep,
lovely night with my lady,
we'll do a little love drug.
I've read that that shit
can fry your brain,
like, first time you try it.
And riding your bike without a helmet
can kill you.
But which one's gonna help you let loose
and help you get past your shit
with Hannah and into each other?
- Hmm?
- This is peer pressure.
No, no. I don't wanna pressure you.
You put too much pressure on yourself.
I mean... that's the whole point.
You agonize over every decision.
I do not.
Are you sure?
I mean, we don't know where these drugs
come from, or even what drugs they are.
The way you say "drugs" makes you sound
like a Republican senator.
I'm just saying, we don't...
we don't have to do this.
You know, we can go hang out
somewhere else, or...
Sure. I mean, if you want to. But...
aren't you curious?
I'm telling you, Clay.
It's a very good idea for you.
Guys, what if we just ate
a bunch of sugar and caffeine?
- That's a certain kind of high, right?
- Seriously, do not worry.
All right. Here you go.
Three first-timers,
three veterans.
We got you guys.
This is so peer pressure.
Like, at its worst.
Uh, so tell me the truth.
How's he doing, guys?
- He's good.
- Yeah?
His balance is getting better
and so is his strength.
I mean, he's still working
on his memory, but...
But he's doing great.
You only need one hand
to whoop your old man at Skee-Ball.
- Hey.
- Yep.
You should've challenged me
at Dance Dance Revolution.
It's my birthday.
You're supposed to laugh at my jokes.
All right. Wings.
- Fries. And curly fries.
- All right.
- Burgers will come up when they're ready.
- Thanks, Mom.
Thank you.
You got all your game cards?
Yeah. Yeah, thank you, Mrs. Standall.
Hey. Jess.
- Hey, hey, hey.
- Yeah?
He can go. He's good.
I won this for you
just to say sorry about today.
You didn't have to do that.
Yeah, well, if I hadn't won it,
I'd just be saying sorry,
and I thought
maybe the cuteness would help.
Look, we don't need to talk about it.
- Hi, sweetie. How are you?
- Great to see you.
Hi. How are you?
I just think it's complicated.
See, the thing is to be in the group,
but not about the group,
you know what I mean?
- No. What do you mean?
- All right. Take Alex.
You're friends with Justin Foley.
Which is, like, whatever.
And he says you're a good guy.
He doesn't say that about most people.
He doesn't. It's 'cause he's a dick.
I just feel, like, tremendous positivity
for everyone right now.
Mmm. Exactly.
In fact, I think it's time
that a few of us
actually slip off for a while.
- Sound good?
- Totally.
Wait. Wait, no. Wait. Where are you...?
Enjoy your night.
It's already a great night.
I agree.
It's like... It's like everything
is what it is, but, like, more.
- Like, touching... touching things.
- I know.
For someone who hates parties,
I go to a lot of parties.
And it never ends well.
What is he doing here?
- No, Alex told me to come.
- Tyler, he was just being nice.
He doesn't want you here.
I wanna talk to Alex.
Okay, look, I brought him something.
What? "Oh, happy birthday, Alex.
Here's a photo book of you in a coma"?
He told you about that?
Get out. Now.
Wait. Where is Tyler going?
- Don't worry. We got rid of him.
- No, I told him to come.
Alex, look, I know he visited you a lot
in the hospital,
- but he's a fucking pervert.
- After what he did to Hannah...
What he did? Seriously?
At least Tyler tried
to help Hannah in court.
That's more than you can say, Zach.
You helped turn her into Hannah the Slut.
- At least we didn't do drugs.
- You guys, come on.
You come on. You didn't help either.
- I tried.
- From what you said today in court,
you hurt her more than any of us.
- They took that out of context.
- So you didn't let her down?
How are you any different than us?
What are you thinking about?
What are you thinking about?
Come on, tell me.
What are you thinking about?
I... I don't know.
You're not saying.
I have...
so many thoughts.
Give me one.
It's an infinity ceiling?
No. It totally is. Look at it.
It's funny how we have a word
for that concept,
but there's no way we can understand it.
Maybe love.
Maybe love is how you understand infinity.
When your love has no limits,
when it goes on forever.
Maybe that feels like infinity.
Yeah, maybe.
How are you feeling?
I feel fucking great.
At this moment,
I am not afraid of anything.
- I am fearless.
- Yeah.
I feel...
- But it's just the drug, right?
- Is it?
Didn't these feelings
have to be somewhere inside of us
for the drug to find them?
I'm not sure that's how it works.
Do you believe we have a soul?
I don't know. I hope so.
If you could see the future,
would you wanna see the future?
- You answered that fast.
- Well...
Like, can I change the future?
Because if I can see it
and I know what's coming,
and there's nothing I can do about it,
then it's just anxiety.
You can always change the future.
So you don't believe in destiny?
I do. I just believe it can change.
This is the saddest birthday party ever.
Shit. Uh, I gotta take this.
Hey, Mom.
Yeah, no, I'm just out with the guys.
I'll be home soon.
Yeah. No, I know, I know.
Okay. Yeah, I'm on my way. Bye.
"The guys"?
You're out with the guys?
I just told her I'd go home and watch May.
Home from what?
Why'd you lie about where you are?
I wasn't sure...
Of course you should lie to her
and everybody
'cause that's better than admitting
you're my friend?
- She knows you're my friend.
- Bryce know where you are?
- Come on, man.
- Fuck you, Zach.
- Okay.
- Go home.
Yeah, I should. Um...
- Thank you guys for having me.
- You don't have to go.
I'm gonna go play some games.
All right, you guys, truth now.
What the hell's going on?
He's not all right.
I think he does pretty well, most days.
Bullshit. You said he made progress.
He hasn't made any
since the day I saw him last.
- A month ago.
- He's trying.
Oh, he's really trying.
Oh, shit.
Hey, buddy.
- What are you doing?
- Just playing a game, Dad.
Okay, maybe this isn't the right game
to be playing now.
Why not? I'm really good at it.
Let's play another round of Skee-Ball...
- No, Dad, fuck that.
- Alex.
- Give me this thing. That's enough.
- Fuck, no.
Fuck, no!
- All right, buddy, I'm sorry. Come here.
- Fucking let me go!
I'm broken, okay?
I'm fucking broken.
That's how it's gonna be.
Why don't you just live with it?
- Alex, you're not broken.
- How the fuck would you know?
I've seen you twice
since I got out of the hospital.
- I had school.
- I had fucking school, too!
And I had friends.
Now I don't have anything,
except all of you standing around
feeling sorry for me,
not fucking knowing what to say.
Maybe it would've been better
if it'd worked.
Put the bullet through my brain
- the way it was supposed to go?
- Stop.
Wouldn't that be better?
You could get on
with your stupid fucking lives.
Fuck you, Alex. Okay? Shut up.
Just shut up.
- Jess.
- No.
Listen to me, you asshole.
How could you do what you did?
After Hannah, I needed you.
You were the only one I could trust,
who understood
what I was going through, and you
were gonna fucking leave me behind?
- That's messed up, Alex. It's messed up.
- I'm sorry.
Everybody here loves you.
And you just don't care?
I do care. I care. I'm sorry.
It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- How was the party?
- Stupid party, stupid people.
Sounds right.
Why are you sitting in the dark?
I'm introducing my old man
to the wizarding world of Harry Potter.
- Seriously?
- Seriously.
He's the last person in the world
that doesn't know what his Patronus is.
- Fucking muggles.
- Right?
Pay attention here. You're gonna need
to know that for the sixth movie.
Hey, so, uh...
I wanna do Zach next.
Okay. Again?
Yeah. He's just a fucking asshole
who needs to be checked.
- Cool.
- Yeah. So I have this whole idea for him.
- So I'm thinking...
- Ty, you know I'm down for whatever,
but I got to make sure my dad
doesn't fall asleep.
He's, like, 47.
They tend to do that during movies.
Just tell me the plan. I'll be there.
Yeah, fine. Later.
Clay, isn't it true
that you heard Hannah say
that she wanted her life to be over?
And isn't it true that you did nothing?
You did nothing to help her.
If he had been honest with us
about the drugs...
Did you know they were gonna ask?
No, of course not. I removed myself, Matt.
If I were to interfere with a witness...
A witness? He's your son.
If I were to interfere in any way,
I would be fired.
I could be disbarred, Matt.
Our boy did drugs, we didn't know.
He hid a homeless boy for a week,
we didn't know.
I mean, what the fuck, Lainie?
- Trying to help a friend in need.
- Our son is in need.
Yes, Matt, I'm aware.
I can't stop thinking about it,
Skye. They destroyed me.
Ask me why she was depressed.
Why she was destroyed.
Ask me who did that to her.
- No further questions.
- Jury will disregard.
Witness, stand down.
But did I deserve it?
Who ordered the cinnamon rolls?
If I put that in my mouth,
I will literally puke.
- Are we, like, all in bad moods?
- I am.
I just don't even have the energy to care.
No, we're just coming down.
It's normal.
- What's the point, right?
- Yeah, exactly.
No, but, like, really,
what's the point of anything?
That's just the Molly talking.
Her name's Hannah.
You've gotta handle the lows
if you wanna chase the highs.
Come on, drink some water.
Don't let your mind go to that dark place.
Do you ever think, "I can't do it
anymore"? Like, "I wanna die"?
Yep. Every single minute.
Like everything's black?
Guys, get through this.
Okay? Get through this moment.
And it'll all be clear.
Skye, she said it and I heard it.
I couldn't help her then,
and I couldn't help her today.
I've got to be able
to do something to help.
People need to know the whole story.
That's great.
That's just perfect.
Clay, honey.
Come on, lover. Give me a little.
I had a shitty day.
Yeah, I know.
I heard Alex had one of his outbursts.
Well, the kid's sick.
I feel bad for him. Now forget about that.
Babe, I thought we were watching
a movie tonight.
- I've seen it.
- But you chose it.
Yeah, so I don't have to pay
close attention.
I'd rather pay attention to you.
- Ow. Careful.
- Yeah.
Is that better?
- Babe, what is up with you tonight?
- Just the usual. Being into you.
Babe, what... what about the movie?
Fuck the movie.
You're good, yeah?
- Yeah.
- And you want to, right?
You can keep up the silent treatment
as long as you have to. I understand.
But Justin will need
your support tomorrow.
And on Monday, okay?
You're reading the comments.
Don't ever read the comments.
The shit that people say,
about you, about me.
They don't know the whole story.
- Don't do this.
- I'm doing it for you.
- I'm trying to make things right.
- You know it won't.
What else can I do?
You can help Jessica and Justin.
You can figure out those pictures.
I don't care about the fucking pictures.
I care about the truth. I care about you.
Then don't do it.
You know I don't want you to.
Well, maybe you don't get a say anymore.
People did terrible things to you
and they're getting away with it.
- You left those tapes for a reason.
- What reason?
To make people face what they did
and admit it
and understand how fucked up it was.
Do you think I wanted revenge?
I don't know what you wanted,
because you left a huge fucking mess.
I'm the only one interested
in cleaning it up.
It wasn't revenge.
I had to tell my own story.
I wanted people to know what happened
so maybe it wouldn't happen again.
- Exactly. So everyone should hear it.
- No, not like this.
You don't get to decide.
You left.
For help finding crisis resources,
visit 13reasonswhy.info.
Well done, Ed. Well done.
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