12 Monkeys (2015–2018): Season 3, Episode 9 - Thief - full transcript

The reason why the Witness wants to destroy time and reality is revealed.

- Previously, on "12 Monkeys"...

- I used to blame myself for
what happened that day.

- This is the part
where you run.

No, this isn't for me!
This is for her!

- You're locked up with nothing
but the voices

in your head
to keep you company.

- The serpent eats it tail.
- Return to Titan.

- He's primary.
- Word of the Witness.

Grow back through time
with expiration dates.

His whole history.

- A world without death,
without time.

- It's unstoppable.
- He can choose his own fate.

- 1919 Islington.

You'll find the answers
you seek.

- Our son lived here.

- Is that it?

- No. This one's different.

- Sebastian said
we'd find answers here.

- Then let's find them.

- "Arrived amongst
the fleeing masses.

"Met a man named Owens
who wanted to die here.

"We drank whiskey until the air
turned thick with soot

and the trees burned
red with fire."

- These are all things
he's witnessed.

They're journal entries.

- There's hundreds of these.

Rome, 1610.

Paris, 1840.

New York, 2020.

He's moving randomly
through time.

- Sorry?

- Switch off the light!

It isn't safe.

- I assure you,
we are quite safe enough.

The bombs will never
reach this inn.

- Cancer, age 47.

Automotive accident, 53.

Homicide, 31.

My days are spent living
amongst ghosts.

Tedious. Predictable.

I'm just an observer.



- I've seen society rise...

and fall.

- And as I'm Primary...
- Or some variation of...

I have visions.

Often of how those I'm closest
to will meet their end.

- I find that freedom
is the best way

to cope with
my particular affliction.

Without this freedom,
those visions

that have plagued me...
My demons...

My curse of foresight...

I fear I might go mad.

Fortunate for me,

I possess the means
to stay sane.

The ability to travel

Any when...
At will.

Well, that's unfortunate.

- I have never seen
pieces like this before.

I make clocks, watches.

- Well, it belongs to something
very similar to a watch.

A timepiece.
Intricate, precise,

and I need you to recreate it
for me exactly.

- This is gonna take
weeks to tool.

And a considerable
amount of money.

- The price is not a concern.

Only its perfection.

I have every faith in
your ability...

- I want your bits of gold.

The pieces that Enslow Carver
brings you.

The ones that he steals.

I saw him drop some off this
morning, so let's have it.

- Are you sure you want to steal
from Enslow Carver?

- I'll be having the pieces
or your head.

- Only I'd kindly ask you
not to take...

that one.

Excuse me.

Stop that woman!

Stop, thief!

- More water, sir?


Water, please.

- The pain.

It will go soon.

- You're misplaced, sir.

- You have no idea.

- You've no fear of a pistol
at your back.

- In my experience, they're
inconvenient from any direction.

You stole something
from me, thief.

- Best live without it.
- I'm far better with it.

- Hmm, is it worth
your life, then?

Your manhood?

- Like my manhood, it has far
greater value to me than to you.

- I pity the woman for whom
that statement holds true.

I have no interest in what you
stole from the watchmaker.

Aside from curiosity.

Save for one piece.


Golden in color.

If you please.

Why the mask?

- If you're promising death,
best to look the part.

- Must be dreadful to wake up
on the table and wonder

whether it's a demon or
a doctor tending to you.

- Worse for them
not to wake at all.

- So you're a doctor yourself,

Oh, right, we are.

Only men-folk for the sawbones,
women only fit

for cleaning up
the shite and piss.

- Please don't make assumptions.
- The history I've seen

is one of great women sung badly
by clumsy men.


why would a healer
play the thief?

- The poor are expected
to just die here,

on the streets, penniless.

Medicines, well,
they cost money.

- It's a real shame
about the mask.

You have a face Lazarus himself
would rise to see.

- See, of the two of us,
I suspect that your mask

is older, more finely crafted.

But no man's charm
is so practiced

who knows himself well.

- Right you are, then.

Good day, ma'am.

It needs to be stronger.

If the pieces seize together

while the mechanism
is initiating...

Keep trying.

- Are you staying in
the city for a while?

London's not a terrible place.

I'm sure a wealthy gentleman
like you

could find ways
to pass his time.

- Ah. Excuse me.

I'm looking for the, uh...

The woman?
The doctor?

Why are you here?

- I realized I neglected

to introduce myself
the other day...

- Miss Goines?

What is this?

- It's what I see.

It's all I see.

You have no idea what it's like
for me in here.

- Maybe we should
get her outside

and get her some fresh air.

- No.
- In here.


- Miss Goines...

Then help me.

Help me understand the mind
of a Primary.

This image you see.

Is it the past?

The present?

The future?

- It's the end of the story,

Look around.

We all play a part.

- They haven't jumped since
we lost them in London.

So they're either
still there, or...

- They've found a way
to conceal their movements.

Jennifer have anything useful?

- Yeah, she calls it "the end."

- The Witness's return to Titan.

- What do you make of it?

Prophecy or bullshit?

- You're a scientist.

Your mind marches
in a logical direction.

Jennifer's thought process
is more random.

Past, present, future,
all at once.

Primaries are driven
to insanity by it.

They don't see the gift.

- Do I detect envy?

- Wouldn't you like to see
the puzzle from above?

- Stay calm.

You are quite safe.


- Where am I?

- My home.

I told the nurses I'd take you
to a proper hospital.

- Oh, no, this is no hospital.

- A hospital, by my definition,
is a place

where you have the least
chance of dying.


- How am I here?

- There will come a time...
- One imagines...

When even the simplest grocer
will stock medicines

that could have saved
a millennia of corpses.

You, um...

You had a staph infection.

A simple infection.
Nothing more.

- How long have I been here?

- Couple of days.

I had to give you a sedative.

You were lucid briefly.

You put up a hell of a fight.

- And did you have
your way with me?

- No, that's not part
of the cure.

And I find you far more
interesting conscious.

May I?

- A funny sod, you are.

You know, if you're
so learned in medicine,

why don't you help me
in the hospital?

Be of some use to others?

- Alas, my travels keep me
suitably useless.

- To none but yourself.

- Hmm.

My apologies, sir.

May I try again?

- Please.

- If you don't let me
take it out, it will fester.

Now, stop this bloody

Hold him down!

- Huh? Ah!

- My journey's been delayed.

I thought I might like
to dine with you tonight.

- No.

- I thought you'd say that.

- And who are they?

- These are five
highly-qualified nurses

I've hired to give you
the night off.

Since I knew you wouldn't
rescind your duties

unless you were adequately
compensated for here.

- God, I hate the way you talk.

Did you bring me here
to embarrass me?

- Not you, them.

You should have more pride
in your simple nurse's apron

than they have in
their hats and petticoats.

Anyway, who cares
what they think?

I think you look charming.

Have you dined here before?

- Of course not.


- You feign ignorance.

But I decipher
from your carriage

that you are not from
the slums that you serve.

The past is merely a shadow

that the present cannot hide.

It stalks us.

Shall we, uh...

shall we order?

The food here is middling.

- Is that meant to entice me?

- What, the menu?
- No, no.

Your insight.
How about the truth?

- All right,
the food here is terrible.

- About why I'm here.

You know, since I was
a little girl,

I've known two types
of gentlemen.

- Have you, now?

- Sir?

The madam's attire, it's...


- Affordable.

Piss off.

I'm so sorry.
You were saying?

Uh, two types of gentlemen?

- I'm an educated,
learned woman,

blessed with a pretty face,

and most men wish to either
strike me or bed me.

Now, despite all opportunity
and provocation,

you didn't attempt the first,
which makes me believe

you desire the latter.

- Well...
- But you're right.

I did escape my privilege with
just enough education

to help those who had none.

And with a little bit o'
the old cockney

so they'd trust me
with a needle.

So given the choices that
I've made in my life,

you should understand
that your...

Your lifestyle doesn't
interest me.

Your ways of purchase
do not impress me.

But I do rightly thank you
for the nurses,

and I shall return them to you
filthy and haggard.

- Oh...
- Please.

Enjoy the beauty
of your decadence.

- Ladies and gentlemen,
I crave your indulgence.

A moment of your time,
if you please.

Or, rather, a game.

In three rounds.

For the price of removing
your jackets,

I will absorb the cost
of your starters.


Anyone at all. Come on.

Ah, thank you.

A room full of economists.

And secondly, but for
the austerity of your vests,

the main courses.

And lastly,
to prove to m'lady here

that I damn well didn't
invite her here

to impress her by appearances,

but for the honor of
your shoes and socks,

the bar tab.


- "Since I was a child, I would
see the end of everything."

"Every person's death."

"Their last moment."

"Such a thing could drive one
to isolation or madness."

"But I cannot see
this woman's death."

"She is a mystery."

"Strong. Ahead of her time."

"Defying it."

"I steal her as often as I can.

When she refuses, I resort
to more desperate measures."

"I've learned that love knows
nothing of time."

"I've consumed my days
with a woman"

"who lives to defy destiny."

"What better way
to defy my own."

- Hey, you.

Hola, senorita.

Keep your cool, Three Face.

They're watching.

- Whatever.

You're not really here.

- No shit.
- Go away!

Okay? I have enough voices
in my head.

- That's the problem.

You're not listening
to any of them.

- Because they're all you!

Thousands of whispering,
ranting yous.

Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer!

- Uh, but they're not.


Those voices aren't just us,

- Who are they, then?

The others like us.


They're trying
to tell you something.

- Could they do it
in English, please?

- Yeah, that was
always annoying.

You've got everything
you need already.


What do you see?

- The end.

The dying man.

And this place.
The mausoleum.

- Oh. Huh.

- But I don't know when this is.

- Yes, you do.

It's not in the future.

- And I'm gonna go ahead and say

it's not in the past.

- My present.

- Ding!

- So what do the voices say?

What is time trying to tell you?

- Save the dying man.

But I'm stuck here!

- Got to think outside the box.


Hey. Use your head.

- No!


- Is this all you can do?

Kill yourself?

Instead of helping us?

This is your choice?

- Jonesy,

it's all you ever wanted.

What's in my head.

I don't want it anymore.

And I'm giving it to you.

Drop by drop.

- What are you doing?

- We are done.

- I killed her once.

I am not gonna let you...
Or her...

Do it again.

Jennifer, listen.

Where do you want to go?

Anywhere but here.
Any when.

Just tell me.

- I want to go home.

Home... home...

- Athan.


What dream is so terrible
to knock your resolve?


- I see a thing.

A creature.

Something I'm meant to become.

And it is lost and lonely.

Melancholy beyond words, angry.

It doesn't feel like me.

I don't want to become it.

- Then you won't.

Who's this?

- My father.

- "I've only met
my father twice.

Once when..."
- I was very young.

The second time when
I was much older...

Hardly seems worth it, huh?

All that effort
for a bag of junk.

- What do you want?

- A trade, perhaps?


One traveler to another.

Why do you think
they were carrying

all this around with them?

Surely would have
slowed them down.

- People try to stay
what they were.


- But not you.

- I didn't have a before.

- Child of the apocalypse.

But your parents?

No memories there?



- Never knew my mother.

Only have a few memories
of my dad.

- Well, we've got
that in common.

- Do we?

- How many people
have you killed?

- What do you care?

What, are you telling me
you haven't done things?

Things you wish
you could take back?

- That's not what haunts me.

I fear...

what I will become.

- Well, we have that in common.

- What do you reckon?

More junk?

- They were happy once.

And then it was all gone.

That's all that's left.

- Well, I suppose then we're
the fortunate ones, aren't we?

Can't mourn what you never
had, can you?

- If I ever had anything
like that,

even for a minute,

I'd give up a lifetime
of anything else.

- Ah!

- What is it?

- Ah!

Oh, it's just a pain.

In my leg.

No, it's nothing.
It's just a cramp.

Oh, you're still not sleeping.

- No.

I've been thinking.

There are other places
besides London.

Besides now.

- What are we running
from, Athan?

Your past?
Your future?

- I'm not running from anything.

I'm just saying that there are

other places where...

Where a woman like yourself
would never be made

- to feel less than anything...
- Oh, fantasies.

- If I could show you...

If I could take you there,

would you come with me?

- We have no world, Athan,
no hour,

but the one that we're given.

And only here are we meant
to serve and be tested.

- Oh, yes, but...

what if you could see
the puzzle from above?

And then...

and then you could rearrange
all those pieces?

- Then you would be a god,
and no man or woman

were ever meant to be such.

Yet there's another
fantasy here.

- Oh.
- Where reality doesn't exist.

You know I love being
with you, Athan,

but I have patients to tend to.

Those without warm beds.

- Get off me!

- Good evening, Miss.

My name is Enslow Carver.

I'm sure you've heard of me.

- To my beautiful thief.

Never in my years have I chosen
to confide in someone

as I am about to with you.

- I was willing to ignore
your petty thievery.

But then you started
stealing from me.

- I am a man haunted by destiny.

One based on destruction.

One that I have fled from
my entire life.

Yet, for the first time,
with you,

I see a life that is my own.

- Miss...
- Wonderfully undefined.

Without fear, or flight...

- No...

- You lying bastard!

- Ah!

- Such craftsmanship.

Such skill.

Surely you could have done
what I asked by now,

unless you have merely enjoyed
taking my money.

- Under the counter.

Get off me!

- Good evening, Miss.

My name is Enslow Carver.

I was willing to ignore
your petty thievery.

But then you started
stealing from me.

- Please...


- Ah!

- You were going to draw your
blade across her neck.

- Athan, stop.

- Athan...

What have you done?

- It was the only way.

These men were going
to murder you.

I couldn't let that happen.
Not again.

- Again?

- I have been at your funeral,

I have laid jasmine and lavender
on your coffin.

Don't be afraid.

I killed them to save you.

I am not a monster.

- And you speak of what?

The future?

Manipulating time?
Changing it?

- It was wrong of me to expect
you to understand.

Please, Eliza. Please.

Do not look at me that way.

- I want to give you something.

My father gave it to me.

It's all that I have of him.

It's broken.

- I don't understand...

- It's broken.

It cannot be set.

The hands cannot be rewound
or moved forward.

There's only now.

There's only today.

And from this moment on,
you are reminded

that time is never
to be manipulated.

It is ungodly.

- I couldn't let you die.

I would do anything for you.

- Then you'll never do it again.


Eliza, look.




- Ah...


- What is it?

- She died again.

- These are all the times
he tried to save her.

- 607.

That is how many times
I tried to save Eliza.

No matter what I did,
on the 26th day of June,

1891, she dies.

- Cole.

- Dr. Railly.

May I have a word?

- I thought I'd met
every doctor here.

- I was on leave.

I spent some time
back in London.

- Hmm.

- Is that the first patient
you've lost?

- Yes.

- I'm sorry.

I have a similar scenario.

Recently, a patient,

a young woman.

She only had a staph infection.

So I prescribed Dicloxacillin.

And wouldn't you know,
it produced

a deep vein thrombosis,
which eventually led to...

- An aneurysm.

- Cerebral aneurysm.

So I thought if I tried Warfarin
to thin the blood...

- After the aneurysm?

- Mm... no...

No, obviously not
after the aneurysm.

What I mean to say is
I was certain if I had

tried the Warfarin,

it would caused a reaction
equal to an aneurysm.

Some people,
they just can't be saved.

No matter what you do.
You can't win.

Like, if you could,

say, if you could try
hundreds and, um...

Hundreds of times.

You'd still end up
with the same result.

- My patient,
the night he came in,

there was an H1N1 panic
in the garment district.

200-plus people in the ER.

Everyone with a cough thought

they were gonna die of the flu.

When you're busy like that,
it feels

like time is running from you.

And you just need it to stop.

You just need
everything to stop.

You need people
to stop bleeding,

stop choking, for their lungs

to stop filling with fluid,
to stop crying,

to stop screaming...

- Dr. Railly?

Your patient's parents are here.

- It doesn't.

It doesn't stop.

- No, it doesn't stop.

It takes, and it runs.

- Like a thief.

- You speak about time
as if it were an enemy.

- We can call ourselves healers
all we want,

but all we're really doing
is just fighting the clock.

And it always wins.

I'm sorry, did I answer
the question you came to ask?

- Yes.

And now, I finally understand
what I must do.

Return to the place of my birth,

and become the demon
I have always feared.

And I will create others.

The Army of the 12 Monkeys.

And then shall come a plague

so that time itself
can be broken.

So that one day,
we will have forever.

When the Forest is Red.

- Don't. Don't.
- This isn't on you.

- He came to me for help.
- In pain.

- When you know someone you love
is gonna die,

and there's nothing
you can do about it...

- James.
- He was looking for an excuse.

- He didn't just lose her once.

He watched her die
again and again.

All those times he stood
over her body...

- I know how to find him.

- Miss Goines,
you will be instrumental

in rescuing my daughter.

I will have her because of you.

I want you to know that...

I will always be grateful
to you for that.

- Ah... ah...

Climb the steps...
ring the bell...

Climb the steps, ring the bell.

Oh, well.
Oh, well.

I... oh...

- Initiate splinter sequence.

- I'm sorry.

Like a fox.

- Katarina?

- I want this to end.

All of it.

The pain, the...


It's time.

- Only you can bring it.

I couldn't.

No matter how much I tried.

But you...

You're better than me.

Every way.

It all began with you.

Finish it.

- Mother.


After all this time,

here we are together.

At the end.