101 Ways to Leave a Game Show (2011–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - I'm Not Liking This at All - full transcript
Contestants are eliminated by being dropped from the top of a building.
The stunts you're about to see on
this show are extremely dangerous
and supervised by highly
trained professionals.
Please don't try them at
home or anywhere else.
Tonight eight contestants
competetin a game show
like no other. The
question is...
I don't know. Uh-oh.
Choosing the correct answers
can win you $50,000...
What's up, baby?!
But choose just one
wrong answer...
The wrong answer is...
Oh, my God.
And you're gone...
See you later!
On "101 ways to leave
a game show"...
You've got to be
kidding me right now.
Hello, hello, hello,
and welcome...
To my hotel, the Sutphen Plaza.
Not only is it a great place to
get an awesome night's rest,
but it's also a
great place to play
the most insane game show in
the history of television.
By day's end, one of you is going
to walk away with $50,000.
However, for the rest of you,
you're going to o ejected
from the show...
And we have 101 different
ways to do that.
Oh, my gosh.
Are we ready?
Of course we are,
'cause I was gonna start
whether you were ready or not.
Of course, before we get started
we need to break you
guys up into two groups.
Back row, we are gonna
start with the front row,
so you guys can relax
and enjoy the show.
That means get out of here!
To stay in the game and
compete for the $50,000,
all you got to do is get
the next question correct.
If not, you're off the
show, and here's how.
Oh, my God.
You're each gonna be strapped
to the top of one of those cars.
Get a question
right, you're fine.
Choose that one wrong answer...
and one of you will...
You will be taken on the most
insane car ride of your life,
crashing through
everything in its place,
taking you far away from
my hotel and, of course,
the $50,000.
I like to call this one
"wrong in 60 seconds."
Before we get to
that first question,
we're gonna play a little game
to determine the order
you're gonna answer in.
You're each gonna take
one of these pads.
On that pad, you are
going to write down
how many orders qvc received
in 2010 in a typical hour.
Closest to that correct number
gets to go first,
second, and so on.
All right, let's see what we got
for answers. Flip 'em around.
John going with 177,000...
Michele... 15,000...
I'm a little low. I'm
thinking I'm low.
I don't know. I'm spot on.
620. And of course...
No way.
620, with Todd.
One of you has nailed this...
Get out.
And by nailed this,
I mean on the head.
And what that means
is one of you is going to
collect a cool $101...
Cash money.
Bring it. In 2010, QVC receivedd
in a typicall hour...
15,000. No way!
Ha ha! I knew it, I
knew it, I knew it..
Michele is gonna go first...
Todd, with 620 orders,
is gonna go second...
Julie, with 322, will go third...
And big-time John over here...
Ohh. Thank you, sir.
Six figurere.. Could be
going home, you know?
Gets to go fourth. There you go.
All right, let's go. Get
on top of your cars.
Oh, now that everyone
is comfortably placed
on top of their cars...
Feeling all right?
- No.
- No.
No. All right. I'm gonna
give you the question,
but first, here
are your answers.
Ashton Kutcher,
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen,
Bruce Willis,
and Patrick Dempsey.
The question is,
which three of these celebrities
have marketed their
own fragrance?
Michele, let's start with you.
If you win the big money...
What are you gonna do with that?
Backpack across Europe.
That sounds like it's gonna
take a little bit of energy.
I hope you're in shape.
I'm crazy. I'm a
fitness fanatic.
So it's two separate thoughts...
You're crazy
and you're a fitness fanatic?
Yes, both.
So both. Yeah, and
caffeine helps both.
How many cups of coffee
do you average on a day?
Please don't say 15,000.
Like, eight.
Eight? All right, we
got to get her coffee.
Please, yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Michele, three of them are
right, one of them is wrong.
No pressure, Michele.
Well, Mary-Kate...
You said Mary...
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen.
Mary-Kate & Ashley...
They... I mean, they've
taken over the world.
They have the videos...
They do everything. I know
they have a fragrance.
It's official. She's
locked it in.
Todd... and what do
you do for a day job?
Uh, I am an I.T. guy by day.
You say that like, "I'm an I.T.
guy by day
and superhero by night."
Am I close? No, still an I.T.
guy at night, yeah.
All right. Well, good
luck to you, Todd.
Um, well, I was
actually going to go
with Mary-Kate & Ashley
Olsen, but, uh, I think,
um, I got to go with the bald.
It's Bruce Willis. Absolutely.
Bruce Willis.
I feel like he's got a
really good style going,
and he looks like he
would smell nice.
You know what? Sometimes you
just can't argue with that.
Todd is locking in Bruce Willis.
It's wrong... Another
wrong answer.
Julie, you're up.
What's up, Jeff?
If you win the $50,000,
what are you gonna do?
You know, probably do
a little maintenance.
Upgrade the girls.
All right.
Left, you have Ashton Kutcher
and Patrick Dempsey.
They both smell great. They both
probably smell fantastic...
Smell great.
But, um, I'm thinking, Ashton...
He does a lot of
marketing things.
I'm gonna lock it in with...
Ashton Kutcher.
Finally, we're over to John.
What do you do for a living?
Uh, party... pretty much.
You party.
What are you gonna do
with the 50 large? E?
Probably gonna throw a party.
Figured as much.
'Cause that's what I love to do.
How you feeling
about your answer?
I love that. Actually,
you know what, Jeff?
I'm gonna lock that in myself.
Pat Dempsey.
Have you ever partied
with Patrick,
or as you like to call him...
A.K. Patty d. Really.
We go way back.
Congratulations, John. You got
yourself a Patrick Dempsey.
Thank you. Or a Patty D.
Everyone's got their
answers locked in.
It's time to find
out who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a game show."
- Start the engines, please!
- Oh, no.
Oh, no.
I said "please,"
because I'm polite.
Oh, no.
I think we should put
our safety goggles on.
Oh, my God.
I asked you guys to
name a celebrity
that marketed their
own fragrance.
Michele, you went with
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen,
Todd... Bruce Willis,
Julie... Ashton Kutcher...
- Come on, Bruce.
- And John... Patrick Dempsey.
I'm gonna go get up close and
personal with this lever.
I just want to see soso
crazy stunt driving...
Oh, my gosh.
So I'm not gonna let any of
you know if you're safe.
The wrong answer is...
Oh, there's buttons in here.
And it's still red.
That's the problem. It's
got to go to green.
The wrong answer is...
Ashton Kutcher!
Green light go!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my
God, oh, my God, oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Patty D., baby!
Oh, my God, oh, my God,
oh, my God, oh, my God!
Congratulations. You guys are
moving on to the next round.
I say we go see what we got
in store for the next group.
Let's go!
Patty D.
My God, oh, my God, oh, my God!
He's smiling.
Who the man?
The three of you who are moving
on to the next round are safe...
Can stand right over there.
The rest of you,
come this way.
Not looking over the edge?
I already did.
All right.
To say in the game and
compete for the $50,000,
all you have to do is get
this next question correct.
If you don't, you're off
the show, and here's how.
Each of you are going
to be standing
in one of those
window washing rigs.
To stay in the game and
compete for the $50,000,
all you have to do is get
this next question correct.
If you don't, you're off
the show, and here's how.
Each of you are going
to be standing
in one of those
window washing rigs,
high above the building.
That ain't right. Answer
the question correctly,
you're safe... you get to
step back onto the roof.
However, pick that one
incorrect answer,
you are going to free-fall all
the way down to the bottom,
extremely fast, so fast...
Oh, my God.
That you're not gonna have
time to wash any windows,
as much as they need it.
Oh, my God.
I like to call this
one, "all washed up."
Good luck with that. Of course,
before we get to that question,
we're gonna play a little game
to determine the order in
which you're gonna answer.
Take one of those boards. Pass it down.
I'm already nervous.
Yeah. You're gonna write
down a number on that board.
According to the
national peanut board,
write down how many
peanuts it takes
to make a 12-ounce jar
of peanut butter.
Closest to the correct number
gets to go first,
second, and so on.
All right. Flip 'em around.
Let's see.
Deon, 550... You know it.
Emily, 352... And
Lee 300 peanuts.
- The correct answer is...
- 540.
Making Deon first,
Emily second, Lee third...
And 2,500... Alyssa...
in fourth.
Still in it, Alyssa.
Still in it.
Let's go get in our rigs.
Come on over this way.
Damn it, damn it, damn it.
So we're feeling good now?
Do you see what I'm
sitting in here?
Yeah, really.
I'm gonna ask you a
question, but first,
here are the answers.
They are... boxer,
- German Shepherd...
- Oh, my goodness.
And chihuahua.
According to the
American kennel club...
What? Which three of these
were among the ten most
popular dog breeds
in the country in 2010?
Deon, we're over to you.
Do you have any issues
with this right now?
I have a lot of
issues with this.
A lot. I don't even
want to look that way.
And what do you do for a living?
I work on wheelchairs,
fix wheelchairs,
and in my spare time, I conduct
power wheelchair races.
Do you own a dog?
I do not own a dog.
Top breed, top breed...
First instinct is boxer.
I want to go with boxer.
Why do you want
to go with boxer?
Just the name itself
just sounds strong.
You know, you want to breed
things that are strong.
I don't necessarily
see a chihuahua...
But definitely, I
want to say a boxer.
Boxer is off the table. Emily,
we're moving over to you.
What do you do for a living?
I'm a math teacher.
Have you... have you figured
the, uh, statistics here?
Yeah, 25% chance I'm
falling, 75% chance I'm not.
So you've already set up the
equation to figure this out.
Sort of. Uh, I know a few people
who own a German Shepherd,
so I'm gonna go with
German Shepherd.
Emily is taking German
Shepherd off the table.
Thank you.
We're over to Lee.
Hey, how you doing?
Fear heights at all?
Yeah, a lot.
And, uh, just so you know,
Deon here works with
wheelchairs, so...
I got you covered, Lee.
No matter what happens,
it's nice to know I got
friends in high places.
Very high places. Or low places.
Ha ha.
Well said, well said. Left, we
have dachshund and chihuahua.
You don't seem too
thrilled with those.
No, those are not good choices,
so I'm gonna have to
go with chihuahua.
Why you going with chihuahua?
'Cause they named the
movie after one.
Locking in chihuahua. Chihuahua.
And finally we're
over to Alyssa.
Tell us what you
do for a living.
- Yeah, Alyssa.
- I work at Hooters.
Yeah. Of course you do.
All right, I'm not
even gonna touch that.
What do you do in
your spare time?
I frequently go to Vegas... Mm.
Party it up there, you know.
If she doesn't eject from
this building, you got to...
I'm down... hit that up. Go
talk to her a little bit.
"Hey, you want to party?"
I don't know if you're striking a
pose to try to win my heart...
Or you're just really
unhappy with your choice.
No, I'm not unhappy,
'cause I really feel like
I've seen on tv, on
those dog, like, shows,
a lot of those
little hot dog dogs.
All right. We're locking
in a dachshund.
Deon, you went with boxer...
Emily, you went with
German Shepherd...
Lee went with chihuahua...
Leaving Alyssa with dachshund.
Oh, man. It's time to
find out who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a game show."
Well, I'll tell you this...
- Please.
- The dog that is number two
on that list...
- Please say German Shepherd.
- That's what it be.
Is... Let it be.
A German Shepherd.
- Emily, you are safe.
- You can...
I was right! Deon...
Deon's so toast. Deon...
Deon's gone.
I love you all.
The number eight dog...
On that list is... A dachshund.
Hold it!
Hold the jumping. Hold the jumping.
You're really making me nervous.
You can tell she's excited.
Come over here. I'm
collecting females.
Gentlemen, one of you
is moving on to
the next round...
Let it be me. For a
chance at that $50,000...
Got to be me. And one of you...
Please be me. Is
moving very quickly...
Please... Down there.
Let it be Lee going down.
All right, you know, let's get
you guys o o into position.
Okay... I ain't liking this at
all, I ain't liking this at all,
I ain't liking... Oh, I'm
not liking this at all.
Gentlemen, one of you is
moving on to the next round...
Let it be me. For a
chance at that $50,000...
Got to be me. And one of you...
Please be me. Is
moving very quickly...
Please be me. Down there.
All right, you know, let's get
you guys o o into position.
Ain't liking this. I ain't
liking this at all.
Don't look down.
Oh, I'm not liking this at all.
Okay, people.
This is not looking good
from where I'm standing.
Oh, yeah.
I asked you guys to name one of
the ten most popular dog breeds
in the United States
in the year 2010.
Deon, you had your first choice.
First choice.
You went with boxer... Boxer.
Because of its proud stature.
And then, of course, Lee,
you went with...
Itty-bitty chihuahua.
Itty-bitty chihuahua.
It's time to find
out who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a Gaga show."
The wrong answer is...
Chihuahua. So long.
Oh, my God!
Oh, no! No, no!
Oh, my God!
Congratulations, Deon.
The three of you are moving on...
To the next round for
a chance at $50,000.
Let's see what we have in store
for the next ejection. Yes!
Yes! Yes!
I'm coming to join you guys!
Going to the top!
Yeah, all three of you guys
can go right on over there.
Welcome to the next round.
So far we've eliminated
two contestants.
Who do you think's the biggest
competition, Michele?
Party boy. John the party boy...
why is he the biggest competition?
I don't know. He has
some kind of weird luck.
John, who's your biggest
competition here?
Uh, I guess little Emily
over there, you know?
She's, like, little, nice,
and innocent and stuff.
Yeah. Aw, there you go.
All right, good luck, everyone.
To stay in the game
and move on to the final round
for that chance at $50,000,
all you got to do is get
this next question correct.
If not, you're off the show
for good, and here's how.
As V.I.P. guests of my hotel,
everyone's gonna want to
hear what you have to say,
which is why we have set
up this press conference,
strategically located on
the roof of my hotel,
except you're not gonna
deliver a speech.
All you got to do is
give me the answer.
Give me the correct
answer, you are safe.
However, give me that
one incorrect answer,
and you are going to be yanked
off the edge of the roof
and dropped down below.
I like to call this
one "stage fright."
Oh, wow.
Before we get to that question,
we're gonna play a little game
which Michele has proven
to be very good at.
You guys are gonna write down
the maximum passenger seating
capacity of the Airbus A380,
the world's largest
commercial plane.
Closest to that correct number
gets to go first, second, third.
All right. Flip 'em around.
What do we got?
Michele went with 1,200,
John went with 2,700,
and Todd with 415.
The Airbus A380 holds
853 passengers...
Making Michele the
closest, going first...
Todd second... Lovely.
And of course... Lovely.
John, you will go third...
With 2,700.
Let's get the press
conference underway!
Follow me!
Are you ready to find
out the question?
Of course you are, but
first, here are the answers.
They are...
Nintendo game boy,
Ouija board,
and a stick.
The question is,
which two of these
have been inducted...
Into the national
toy hall of fame?
Michele, we're over to you.
Did you even know there
was a toy hall of fame?
No. I've never heard
of such a thing.
Well, there is... Oh, my gosh..
And as long as you've
learned something,
I feel I've done my job already.
Well, I know a stick is classic,
but I'm gonna have to go
with Nintendo game boy.
You're gonna have to go
with Nintendo game boy?
I'm gonna have to go with that.
Michele is taking Nintendo
game boy off the table.
We're over to Todd.
That's a tough one...
But I'm... I'm-a lock it in quick.
I'm gonna go Ouija board.
You're gonna go Ouija board?
Yes, sir.
Why are you so confident?
You weren't even gonna
consider stick?
No. No.
Although I think... I
think John's been left
with a good answer.
No way. No. I think I'm good.
And here we are once again.
Party John.
Yeah. Yeah. Being
left with the answer.
Yeah. And you are being
left with stick!
I love it.
You love it? I love it.
I love my choice right now.
Really? I'm stoked on it, yeah.
Why do you love your choice?
Uh, just 'cause, like, sticks...
Sticks are epic. I mean...
Like pick-up sticks,
styx... great band.
I love sticks.
Wow. Here it is, guys.
We've all locked in our answers.
The press conference
is going swimmingly,
and it's about to
get even better.
Why don't you turn around,
take a look over the edge?
Aw. Whoa.
Isn't it nice? It
is a good view.
Oh, my God.
It's good stuff.
Why? Why?
Michele, you went with
Nintendo game boy.
Todd, you were quick to
jump on ouija board.
Leaving John with...
A stick.
Diggin' that stick,
you know what I mean?
Bet we're dying to
know who's safe.
Yeah. Yes.
I bet we'd like to bring one
of you over here next to me.
Yes. I'm ready. Let's go.
Me. I'm ready. I'm ready.
Well, according to the
national toy hall of fame,
this toy... may be...
The very...
Oldest toy,
and it is a stick.
John, you are safe! Oh, my God!
Yes! Yes!
Thank you for
picking it for him.
Thank you for
picking it for him.
I knew it! I... ugh!
Stand right over there.
Oh, my God, I love sticks.
I knew it.
Yeah, baby! Yes!
From here, isn't it
a wonderful view?
This is beaut...
Jeff, this is great.
I love this view.
Can you guys quiet down?
I'm trying to listen
to my knees shake.
Oh, here we go.
I'm gonna give you
some dramatic stares.
Oh, no. Not dramatic stares.
Michele, what did you answer?
Nintendo, right? Game boy?
Nintendo game boy. You don't
even know the answer anymore.
Something like that.
You went with Ouija board.
I turned my back on sticks.
So now I'm rethinking
that, but, uh...
All right. Hold on.
Okay, yeah.
Apparently we're having a
little bit of an audio problem
with... with your microphone.
Todd... could you
lean in real close
and just... and say your
answer one more time for me?
Ouija board.
Ouija board was incorrect.
Oh, my God!
I think he's down in
the parking lot. Wow.
That's crazy!
Congratulations, Michele.
You are joining John
in the final round
for a chance at $50,000.
Oh, we have a very special event
planned for the other three.
Follow me.
Whoo! Yeah!
Wow! What is going on?
How are you?
What is going on?
How's everybody tonight?
Here we go.
It's on. It's on.
Is this my car? Is
this my way out?
There he is. There he is.
Get my good side. Oh yeah.
That's nasty. That's nasty.
Well, don't you guys
look all dolled up
for this special
red-carpet ejection.
So who's the biggest
competition here today?
Really? And why is that?
Sweet Emily.
Because she's a teacher,
oh. So I think she has
a lot of knowledge.
I'm the biggest
threat right now.
I mean, I can't lose.
All right. Well, you want
to know what's going on?
Please. Yes.
Of course you do.
To stay in the game
and compete for the $50,000,
all you gotta do is get the
next question correct.
If you don't, you're
off the show,
and here's how...
You're each gonna be standing on
those red carpets over there.
Just so happens that those
red carpets are attached
to those limousines.
Give me the correct answer...
You're fine.
You get to step off the carpet.
However, if you choose
at one incorrect answer,
that limo is going to take off,
dragging you far
away from my hotel,
far away from this
glitz and glamour,
and far away from the $50,000.
I like to call this one
"tragic carpet ride."
It's catchy. I know.
It is catchy. Yeah.
Tuxedo, dresses
getting pulled off?
Oh, I can't wait to see this.
Before we get to
the next question,
we have to play a little
game to determine the order
in which you're going to answer.
Take one of these boards.
You're gonna write down
a number on that board.
In 1913, Death Valley recorded
the highest temperature
in history
in the Western hemisphere.
Write down how many degrees
fahrenheit it was.
Closest to that correct number
gets to go first,
second, and third.
All right. Let's see
what we got for answers.
Flip 'em around.
Alyssa went with 131 degrees.
Deon, 143 degrees,
and Emily, 135 degrees.
So close.
The higheses
recorded temperature
in the history of the
Western hemisphere
is 134 degrees.
Ooh! Yes!
Emily first, Alyssa second...
Aw, man. And, Deon,
you are going third.
Third. Third? All right!
Everyone follow me
to the carpets.
All right. Make sure
the photographers
are gettin' this side.
Deon could pull a John.
It's okay, Deon.
We ready to do this?
As ready as I'll ever be.
Let's do it.
I'm ready to do this. I'm
gonna ask you a question.
But first, here are
the answers...
Holly Goodhead,
Kitty Skintight... What?
And Penelope Smallbone.
Your question is,
which two of these names
are actual bond girls
from the 007 series?
Oh, my goodness.
Emily, we're gonna
start with you.
Great. Are any of
those ringing a bell?
I'm guessing that 007 would
say something smooth,
like, "I want your
skin tight around me,"
or some smooth line.
So that's my guess.
Kitty Skintight.
Lock it in! Oh.
Alyssa, over to you.
What are you gonna
do with the $50,000?
I'm gonna buy a
Louis Vuitton purse
for sure.
And I don't know... Go on
a trip or something fun.
Wow. Have you seen any
of the bond movies?
Are you familiar with
who James Bond is?
He wears a suit, and he has a gun.
That's all I know.
You might wanna take a
look to your right.
Bam! Yeah, exactly. That.
Black James Bond, baby.
I'm going with
Penelope Smallbone.
Just because...
Wait... don't finish. You work
with a Penelope at Hooters?
No. Damn it.
So close.
I don't know. I just
think that name
sounds like a name that would
be on a show like that.
Locked in! Off the table!
We are over to one very smooth-
looking character himself,
Goes some lovely ladies,
but I only need one
of 'em by my side.
Oh! Oh.
I only need one.
Deon, you could be
James Bond right now.
My swagger is on
point right now.
It's all good. Oh, yeah.
Speaking of good, you're
going with Holly Goodhead.
Sounds like a perfect
name for a Bond movie.
Okay. You are locked
in with that.
I have no choice.
All of you have your answers.
Two of you are right and are
moving on to the final round
for a chance at $50,000.
One of you is going to get
dragged on this red carpet
behind one of those limos.
Emily, you had
your first choice,
and you went with...
Kitty Skintight.
Alyssa is stuck in the middle.
And you went with...
Penelope Smallbone.
Leaving Deon with...
Mrs. Goodhead.
And you are very
happy with that?
Yes, sir.
It's now time to find
out who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a game show."
Start your engines!
Oh, God.
Oh, my goodness. Whoo!
Inside this envelope...
I have... a card.
On this card is some writing.
That writing says the
wrong answer is...
Kitty Skintight!
So long, Emily!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Deon and Alyssa.
You guys are joining Michele
and John in the final round.
Emily! A little souvenir!
Ah, she'll get it later.
Let's go to the tower!
Oh, my gosh.
Whoa. Yeah.
Watch your heads,
watch your hands.
Welcome to the big
leagues, everybody!
Welcome to the final round.
Oh, yeah. Soak it in. Yeah.
Oh, no! No!
It never gets old for me.
That's so far.
In a few short moments,
one of you is going to be
walking away $50,000 richer.
For the rest of you,
you're gonna get up
close and personal
with my good friend gravity.
Oh, no. More on
that in a second.
Final round, $50,000 at stake.
I do need to tell you
about a few rule changes.
I'm still gonna give
you a question,
I'm still gonna give
you the answers first.
Only this time,
three of those answers are
going to be completely wrong,
and there's only one
correct answer.
To win that $50,000,
all you gotta do is find
that one correct answer.
If not, you're off the
show, and here's how...
Imagine laying on one
of these platforms...
Face down, of course...
When all of the sudden,
it tilts forward,
and you fall head-first, ten
stories straight down...
Ten stories straight down?
Into the freezing
cold, icy water.
Well, for three of you, you're
not gonna have to imagine it,
because it's become
a reality for you.
I like to call this one...
"Last man leaning."
Alyssa, how's it going?
Afraid of heights?
Yes. Yes.
But I'm scared of
cold water even more.
Really? Yeah.
So this is a double whammy for you.
Cold water, fear of heights...
I get afraid of cold water, too.
No, I hate being cold. Hello?
Why would you wanna get wet?
Cold water... my lashes
are gonna come off!
Oh, my God!
That's why you've
gotta get real ones.
Wow. Party John.
Yeah. What up?
The party continues ten
stories in the air.
You know what I mean?
Gotta keep going, man.
Here is a guy who has done
absolutely nothing so far...
Boo! To get here.
Boo! That's how it's done.
It's all in the mind, really
all here. All right
there, you know?
Finally Deon.
The shirt says "afraid of
heights, but going to the top."
Guess what, my friend?
This is the top.
This is no joke, dude.
I'm... 'Cause I'm further
back, I can't really see
what the heck is going on.
Well, let's see.
I'll tell you... I'm good, man.
I will take your word on it.
You're gonna take my word for it.
All right. I will take your word.
I say we play a little game
to determine the order
in which you're gonna answer
this final $50,000 question.
All right.
You're each gonna take a board.
Pass it on.
You're going to write down
a number on that board.
Closest to that correct number
is gonna get to go
first, second, third,
and then John.
Thank you, Jeff.
Thank you.
Write down... according to
Guinness World records,
the most bee stings someone has
ever received and survived.
All right. Flip 'em around,
let's see what we've got.
Alyssa went with 842 bee stings,
Michele... 800 bee stings.
John... 83 bee stings.
And Deon, 237 bee stings.
Can tell you this much...
That person received
2,443 bee stings and survived,
making Alyssa fit,
Michele second... Oh!
I knew it was higher!
Deon third, and John,
shockingly, in fourth place.
Slidin' in last.
Slidin' in last.
Head to the planks!
I don't know if I wanna be first.
I really don't.
My heart is racing.
This is crazy.
Good. We're all strapped
in nice and comfortable.
That's 100 feet.
It's terrifying.
I'm not liking this.
Alyssa, I know you said
as you were walking away,
"I don't know if I
want to go first."
Why wouldn't you wanna go first?
More options to choose from?
I'd take first.
Okay. Now that I think about it,
it's better to be
first because, like,
if the other person was first,
they could take the first...
The right answer.
And then all the options
left would be wrong.
More options to choose from.
All right. We might
as well pack it in.
Alyssa's cracked the code.
She's figured it out.
All right.
For the final time tonight,
the $50,000 question.
But first, here are
your answers...
They are...
and the Loch Ness monster.
Wow. Oh, God.
Your question is... Oh.
According to a 2010 poll
by "60 minutes" and
"Vanity Fair,"
which one of these do Americans
think is most likely to exist?
Oh, my goodness.
Alyssa, we're gonna
start with you.
Okay. Um...
Would you like another question?
Okay. Where do you work again?
I won't ask again. I just...
I gotta think about this. Just
pick the wrong one and...
Okay, guys... Move on.
Guys, she does need
to think about this.
Just pick the wrong one
and just move on, please.
Will you shut up?
No. Please. I need to
pick my right one.
Okay. Okay.
We've regrouped.
Three are wrong, one is right.
Right now I'm going between
the ghosts and the U.F.O.'s.
Ghosts is just so
obvious, though.
So obviously right or wrong?
Like, is the one that
stands out to be right.
Well, then, what's the problem?
Because it's too obvious.
You never pick the obvious.
You should just pick it.
No? Okay.
All right. Okay.
I'm gonna go with U.F.O.'s.
You're gonna go with U.F.O.'s.
Yeah. Okay. You've done more
than enough thinking for today.
Let's just leave it at that.
U.F.O.'s is off the table.
We're moving overr to Michele.
Left you have ghosts,
and loch Ness monster.
Do you believe in any of those?
I believe in ghosts.
Have you seen a ghost?
I think I have.
You think you have?
Yes. So I'm gonna
go with ghosts.
Because you personally feel
that you've seen a ghost?
I think so.
Okay. We're locking in ghosts!
Deon, we're over to you.
You look like you're kind
ofof shaking your head.
You're a little disappointed?
Were U.F.O.'s or ghosts
one of your top answers?
I mean, they sound
like good answers,
but I don't know, man.
Something in my mind
is telling me something totally different.
That's what he said.
And what... what does
that something say?
I'm hearing Loch Ness monster,
man, for some reason.
Do you believe in the
loch ness monster?
Man, I've seen them same picture
that probably people
in 2010 saw, too.
That old blurred-up picture,
looks like a big snake.
Do you think that loch ness
monster is worth $50,000?
Do you believe in that?
Something's telling me
to go with it, man.
Telling you to go with it. All right.
Telling me to go with it.
Deon is locking in
Loch Ness monster!
Which leaves us with
party John and vampires.
How you feeling about vampires?
You know, uh...
I like it.
I was scared of them as a kid.
I'm actually digging vampires.
All right, well, John
is going with vampires,
because he has no ototr choice.
But he feels that it's good.
I like them.
I asked you guys,
according to a 2010 poll
by "60 minutes" and
"Vanity Fair,"
which one of these do Americans
think is most likely to exist?
Alyssa, after much deliberation,
which we will cut in an edit
to make it seem like it
was this amount of time,
went with... U.F.O.'s.
Michele went with ghosts.
Deon went with...
Nessie. Loch Ness monster.
Leaving party John
with vampires.
For the final time tonight,
let's see who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a game show."
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
That final lighting cue means
I get to pick up my trigger!
Remember, three of you are
wrong, and one of you is right.
One of you is walking
home with $50,000.
But three of you are
going to free fall
100 feet head-first.
This is gonna be exciting.
Oh, my God.
Let's find out one of the
wrong answers, shall we?
Oh, man. Oh, no.
One of the wrong answers is...
Loch Ness monster. Oh, my God!
Damn it. See ya later, Deon!
Oh, my God.
(Lo-mo voice) Ohh!
Oh, my God.
Do you see the Loch Ness
monster down there?!
Good stuff. I'm gonna cry.
You're gonna cry? Yes.
Is it because you miss Deon?
Oh, the eyelashes. I'm sorry.
It's the eyelashes.
No. Oh, my gosh. Wow. That is no joke.
I wouldn't mind seeing
someone else go down.
Oh, my God. Another one of
the wrong answers is...
Don't drop me. Please
don't drop me.
Don't drop me, don't
drop me, don't drop me.
In a few short
moments, one of you
is going to walk out of
here $50,000 richer.
I asked you guys,
according to a 2010 poll
by "60 minutes" and
"Vanity Fair,"
which one of these do Americans
think is most likely to exist?
We now know loch ness
monster was wrong!
Really wrong. Okay.
Alyssa, you went with U.F.O.'s.
You said ghosts
seemed too obvious.
Leaving Michele to
go with ghosts.
Oh, my gosh. Don't drop me.
John... he got stuck
with vampires.
Yeah. But he likes vampires.
I love 'em. Oh!
Only 7% of Americans actually
believe in this next one...
Oh, my gosh. Which happens to
be a wrong answer, as well.
Oh! Party's over, John.
No! No! Vampires is incorrect!
See ya downstairs! No!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! She flipped over!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my... oh, my God!
That was intense!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
We've gotten rid of the guys.
It's 50/50 at this point.
Oh, my gosh.
And I'm yelling
because I'm excited.
These are the last ones I
was debating between, too.
I know. I know. I remember.
I was there for that half hour.
Remember? Yep.
One of you is going
to be $50,000 richer.
One of you is going to be on
the wrong end of this trigger.
Oh, my God, I don't wanna fall.
Michele, you went with ghosts.
I'm gonna pass out.
You said U.F.O.'s.
Because ghosts was too obvious.
Oh, my God.
You should have stuck
with the obvious answer.
U.F.O. is wrong.
So long!
Whoa! See you later!
You are $50,000 richer, Michele!
And that is the way
to leave a game show!
I'm sorry, Alyssa.
No, she's not.
I'm gonna ask how
much time you need,
just because I got a
quiche in the oven.
Wow. This is a lot of pressure.
this show are extremely dangerous
and supervised by highly
trained professionals.
Please don't try them at
home or anywhere else.
Tonight eight contestants
competetin a game show
like no other. The
question is...
I don't know. Uh-oh.
Choosing the correct answers
can win you $50,000...
What's up, baby?!
But choose just one
wrong answer...
The wrong answer is...
Oh, my God.
And you're gone...
See you later!
On "101 ways to leave
a game show"...
You've got to be
kidding me right now.
Hello, hello, hello,
and welcome...
To my hotel, the Sutphen Plaza.
Not only is it a great place to
get an awesome night's rest,
but it's also a
great place to play
the most insane game show in
the history of television.
By day's end, one of you is going
to walk away with $50,000.
However, for the rest of you,
you're going to o ejected
from the show...
And we have 101 different
ways to do that.
Oh, my gosh.
Are we ready?
Of course we are,
'cause I was gonna start
whether you were ready or not.
Of course, before we get started
we need to break you
guys up into two groups.
Back row, we are gonna
start with the front row,
so you guys can relax
and enjoy the show.
That means get out of here!
To stay in the game and
compete for the $50,000,
all you got to do is get
the next question correct.
If not, you're off the
show, and here's how.
Oh, my God.
You're each gonna be strapped
to the top of one of those cars.
Get a question
right, you're fine.
Choose that one wrong answer...
and one of you will...
You will be taken on the most
insane car ride of your life,
crashing through
everything in its place,
taking you far away from
my hotel and, of course,
the $50,000.
I like to call this one
"wrong in 60 seconds."
Before we get to
that first question,
we're gonna play a little game
to determine the order
you're gonna answer in.
You're each gonna take
one of these pads.
On that pad, you are
going to write down
how many orders qvc received
in 2010 in a typical hour.
Closest to that correct number
gets to go first,
second, and so on.
All right, let's see what we got
for answers. Flip 'em around.
John going with 177,000...
Michele... 15,000...
I'm a little low. I'm
thinking I'm low.
I don't know. I'm spot on.
620. And of course...
No way.
620, with Todd.
One of you has nailed this...
Get out.
And by nailed this,
I mean on the head.
And what that means
is one of you is going to
collect a cool $101...
Cash money.
Bring it. In 2010, QVC receivedd
in a typicall hour...
15,000. No way!
Ha ha! I knew it, I
knew it, I knew it..
Michele is gonna go first...
Todd, with 620 orders,
is gonna go second...
Julie, with 322, will go third...
And big-time John over here...
Ohh. Thank you, sir.
Six figurere.. Could be
going home, you know?
Gets to go fourth. There you go.
All right, let's go. Get
on top of your cars.
Oh, now that everyone
is comfortably placed
on top of their cars...
Feeling all right?
- No.
- No.
No. All right. I'm gonna
give you the question,
but first, here
are your answers.
Ashton Kutcher,
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen,
Bruce Willis,
and Patrick Dempsey.
The question is,
which three of these celebrities
have marketed their
own fragrance?
Michele, let's start with you.
If you win the big money...
What are you gonna do with that?
Backpack across Europe.
That sounds like it's gonna
take a little bit of energy.
I hope you're in shape.
I'm crazy. I'm a
fitness fanatic.
So it's two separate thoughts...
You're crazy
and you're a fitness fanatic?
Yes, both.
So both. Yeah, and
caffeine helps both.
How many cups of coffee
do you average on a day?
Please don't say 15,000.
Like, eight.
Eight? All right, we
got to get her coffee.
Please, yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Michele, three of them are
right, one of them is wrong.
No pressure, Michele.
Well, Mary-Kate...
You said Mary...
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen.
Mary-Kate & Ashley...
They... I mean, they've
taken over the world.
They have the videos...
They do everything. I know
they have a fragrance.
It's official. She's
locked it in.
Todd... and what do
you do for a day job?
Uh, I am an I.T. guy by day.
You say that like, "I'm an I.T.
guy by day
and superhero by night."
Am I close? No, still an I.T.
guy at night, yeah.
All right. Well, good
luck to you, Todd.
Um, well, I was
actually going to go
with Mary-Kate & Ashley
Olsen, but, uh, I think,
um, I got to go with the bald.
It's Bruce Willis. Absolutely.
Bruce Willis.
I feel like he's got a
really good style going,
and he looks like he
would smell nice.
You know what? Sometimes you
just can't argue with that.
Todd is locking in Bruce Willis.
It's wrong... Another
wrong answer.
Julie, you're up.
What's up, Jeff?
If you win the $50,000,
what are you gonna do?
You know, probably do
a little maintenance.
Upgrade the girls.
All right.
Left, you have Ashton Kutcher
and Patrick Dempsey.
They both smell great. They both
probably smell fantastic...
Smell great.
But, um, I'm thinking, Ashton...
He does a lot of
marketing things.
I'm gonna lock it in with...
Ashton Kutcher.
Finally, we're over to John.
What do you do for a living?
Uh, party... pretty much.
You party.
What are you gonna do
with the 50 large? E?
Probably gonna throw a party.
Figured as much.
'Cause that's what I love to do.
How you feeling
about your answer?
I love that. Actually,
you know what, Jeff?
I'm gonna lock that in myself.
Pat Dempsey.
Have you ever partied
with Patrick,
or as you like to call him...
A.K. Patty d. Really.
We go way back.
Congratulations, John. You got
yourself a Patrick Dempsey.
Thank you. Or a Patty D.
Everyone's got their
answers locked in.
It's time to find
out who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a game show."
- Start the engines, please!
- Oh, no.
Oh, no.
I said "please,"
because I'm polite.
Oh, no.
I think we should put
our safety goggles on.
Oh, my God.
I asked you guys to
name a celebrity
that marketed their
own fragrance.
Michele, you went with
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen,
Todd... Bruce Willis,
Julie... Ashton Kutcher...
- Come on, Bruce.
- And John... Patrick Dempsey.
I'm gonna go get up close and
personal with this lever.
I just want to see soso
crazy stunt driving...
Oh, my gosh.
So I'm not gonna let any of
you know if you're safe.
The wrong answer is...
Oh, there's buttons in here.
And it's still red.
That's the problem. It's
got to go to green.
The wrong answer is...
Ashton Kutcher!
Green light go!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my
God, oh, my God, oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Patty D., baby!
Oh, my God, oh, my God,
oh, my God, oh, my God!
Congratulations. You guys are
moving on to the next round.
I say we go see what we got
in store for the next group.
Let's go!
Patty D.
My God, oh, my God, oh, my God!
He's smiling.
Who the man?
The three of you who are moving
on to the next round are safe...
Can stand right over there.
The rest of you,
come this way.
Not looking over the edge?
I already did.
All right.
To say in the game and
compete for the $50,000,
all you have to do is get
this next question correct.
If you don't, you're off
the show, and here's how.
Each of you are going
to be standing
in one of those
window washing rigs.
To stay in the game and
compete for the $50,000,
all you have to do is get
this next question correct.
If you don't, you're off
the show, and here's how.
Each of you are going
to be standing
in one of those
window washing rigs,
high above the building.
That ain't right. Answer
the question correctly,
you're safe... you get to
step back onto the roof.
However, pick that one
incorrect answer,
you are going to free-fall all
the way down to the bottom,
extremely fast, so fast...
Oh, my God.
That you're not gonna have
time to wash any windows,
as much as they need it.
Oh, my God.
I like to call this
one, "all washed up."
Good luck with that. Of course,
before we get to that question,
we're gonna play a little game
to determine the order in
which you're gonna answer.
Take one of those boards. Pass it down.
I'm already nervous.
Yeah. You're gonna write
down a number on that board.
According to the
national peanut board,
write down how many
peanuts it takes
to make a 12-ounce jar
of peanut butter.
Closest to the correct number
gets to go first,
second, and so on.
All right. Flip 'em around.
Let's see.
Deon, 550... You know it.
Emily, 352... And
Lee 300 peanuts.
- The correct answer is...
- 540.
Making Deon first,
Emily second, Lee third...
And 2,500... Alyssa...
in fourth.
Still in it, Alyssa.
Still in it.
Let's go get in our rigs.
Come on over this way.
Damn it, damn it, damn it.
So we're feeling good now?
Do you see what I'm
sitting in here?
Yeah, really.
I'm gonna ask you a
question, but first,
here are the answers.
They are... boxer,
- German Shepherd...
- Oh, my goodness.
And chihuahua.
According to the
American kennel club...
What? Which three of these
were among the ten most
popular dog breeds
in the country in 2010?
Deon, we're over to you.
Do you have any issues
with this right now?
I have a lot of
issues with this.
A lot. I don't even
want to look that way.
And what do you do for a living?
I work on wheelchairs,
fix wheelchairs,
and in my spare time, I conduct
power wheelchair races.
Do you own a dog?
I do not own a dog.
Top breed, top breed...
First instinct is boxer.
I want to go with boxer.
Why do you want
to go with boxer?
Just the name itself
just sounds strong.
You know, you want to breed
things that are strong.
I don't necessarily
see a chihuahua...
But definitely, I
want to say a boxer.
Boxer is off the table. Emily,
we're moving over to you.
What do you do for a living?
I'm a math teacher.
Have you... have you figured
the, uh, statistics here?
Yeah, 25% chance I'm
falling, 75% chance I'm not.
So you've already set up the
equation to figure this out.
Sort of. Uh, I know a few people
who own a German Shepherd,
so I'm gonna go with
German Shepherd.
Emily is taking German
Shepherd off the table.
Thank you.
We're over to Lee.
Hey, how you doing?
Fear heights at all?
Yeah, a lot.
And, uh, just so you know,
Deon here works with
wheelchairs, so...
I got you covered, Lee.
No matter what happens,
it's nice to know I got
friends in high places.
Very high places. Or low places.
Ha ha.
Well said, well said. Left, we
have dachshund and chihuahua.
You don't seem too
thrilled with those.
No, those are not good choices,
so I'm gonna have to
go with chihuahua.
Why you going with chihuahua?
'Cause they named the
movie after one.
Locking in chihuahua. Chihuahua.
And finally we're
over to Alyssa.
Tell us what you
do for a living.
- Yeah, Alyssa.
- I work at Hooters.
Yeah. Of course you do.
All right, I'm not
even gonna touch that.
What do you do in
your spare time?
I frequently go to Vegas... Mm.
Party it up there, you know.
If she doesn't eject from
this building, you got to...
I'm down... hit that up. Go
talk to her a little bit.
"Hey, you want to party?"
I don't know if you're striking a
pose to try to win my heart...
Or you're just really
unhappy with your choice.
No, I'm not unhappy,
'cause I really feel like
I've seen on tv, on
those dog, like, shows,
a lot of those
little hot dog dogs.
All right. We're locking
in a dachshund.
Deon, you went with boxer...
Emily, you went with
German Shepherd...
Lee went with chihuahua...
Leaving Alyssa with dachshund.
Oh, man. It's time to
find out who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a game show."
Well, I'll tell you this...
- Please.
- The dog that is number two
on that list...
- Please say German Shepherd.
- That's what it be.
Is... Let it be.
A German Shepherd.
- Emily, you are safe.
- You can...
I was right! Deon...
Deon's so toast. Deon...
Deon's gone.
I love you all.
The number eight dog...
On that list is... A dachshund.
Hold it!
Hold the jumping. Hold the jumping.
You're really making me nervous.
You can tell she's excited.
Come over here. I'm
collecting females.
Gentlemen, one of you
is moving on to
the next round...
Let it be me. For a
chance at that $50,000...
Got to be me. And one of you...
Please be me. Is
moving very quickly...
Please... Down there.
Let it be Lee going down.
All right, you know, let's get
you guys o o into position.
Okay... I ain't liking this at
all, I ain't liking this at all,
I ain't liking... Oh, I'm
not liking this at all.
Gentlemen, one of you is
moving on to the next round...
Let it be me. For a
chance at that $50,000...
Got to be me. And one of you...
Please be me. Is
moving very quickly...
Please be me. Down there.
All right, you know, let's get
you guys o o into position.
Ain't liking this. I ain't
liking this at all.
Don't look down.
Oh, I'm not liking this at all.
Okay, people.
This is not looking good
from where I'm standing.
Oh, yeah.
I asked you guys to name one of
the ten most popular dog breeds
in the United States
in the year 2010.
Deon, you had your first choice.
First choice.
You went with boxer... Boxer.
Because of its proud stature.
And then, of course, Lee,
you went with...
Itty-bitty chihuahua.
Itty-bitty chihuahua.
It's time to find
out who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a Gaga show."
The wrong answer is...
Chihuahua. So long.
Oh, my God!
Oh, no! No, no!
Oh, my God!
Congratulations, Deon.
The three of you are moving on...
To the next round for
a chance at $50,000.
Let's see what we have in store
for the next ejection. Yes!
Yes! Yes!
I'm coming to join you guys!
Going to the top!
Yeah, all three of you guys
can go right on over there.
Welcome to the next round.
So far we've eliminated
two contestants.
Who do you think's the biggest
competition, Michele?
Party boy. John the party boy...
why is he the biggest competition?
I don't know. He has
some kind of weird luck.
John, who's your biggest
competition here?
Uh, I guess little Emily
over there, you know?
She's, like, little, nice,
and innocent and stuff.
Yeah. Aw, there you go.
All right, good luck, everyone.
To stay in the game
and move on to the final round
for that chance at $50,000,
all you got to do is get
this next question correct.
If not, you're off the show
for good, and here's how.
As V.I.P. guests of my hotel,
everyone's gonna want to
hear what you have to say,
which is why we have set
up this press conference,
strategically located on
the roof of my hotel,
except you're not gonna
deliver a speech.
All you got to do is
give me the answer.
Give me the correct
answer, you are safe.
However, give me that
one incorrect answer,
and you are going to be yanked
off the edge of the roof
and dropped down below.
I like to call this
one "stage fright."
Oh, wow.
Before we get to that question,
we're gonna play a little game
which Michele has proven
to be very good at.
You guys are gonna write down
the maximum passenger seating
capacity of the Airbus A380,
the world's largest
commercial plane.
Closest to that correct number
gets to go first, second, third.
All right. Flip 'em around.
What do we got?
Michele went with 1,200,
John went with 2,700,
and Todd with 415.
The Airbus A380 holds
853 passengers...
Making Michele the
closest, going first...
Todd second... Lovely.
And of course... Lovely.
John, you will go third...
With 2,700.
Let's get the press
conference underway!
Follow me!
Are you ready to find
out the question?
Of course you are, but
first, here are the answers.
They are...
Nintendo game boy,
Ouija board,
and a stick.
The question is,
which two of these
have been inducted...
Into the national
toy hall of fame?
Michele, we're over to you.
Did you even know there
was a toy hall of fame?
No. I've never heard
of such a thing.
Well, there is... Oh, my gosh..
And as long as you've
learned something,
I feel I've done my job already.
Well, I know a stick is classic,
but I'm gonna have to go
with Nintendo game boy.
You're gonna have to go
with Nintendo game boy?
I'm gonna have to go with that.
Michele is taking Nintendo
game boy off the table.
We're over to Todd.
That's a tough one...
But I'm... I'm-a lock it in quick.
I'm gonna go Ouija board.
You're gonna go Ouija board?
Yes, sir.
Why are you so confident?
You weren't even gonna
consider stick?
No. No.
Although I think... I
think John's been left
with a good answer.
No way. No. I think I'm good.
And here we are once again.
Party John.
Yeah. Yeah. Being
left with the answer.
Yeah. And you are being
left with stick!
I love it.
You love it? I love it.
I love my choice right now.
Really? I'm stoked on it, yeah.
Why do you love your choice?
Uh, just 'cause, like, sticks...
Sticks are epic. I mean...
Like pick-up sticks,
styx... great band.
I love sticks.
Wow. Here it is, guys.
We've all locked in our answers.
The press conference
is going swimmingly,
and it's about to
get even better.
Why don't you turn around,
take a look over the edge?
Aw. Whoa.
Isn't it nice? It
is a good view.
Oh, my God.
It's good stuff.
Why? Why?
Michele, you went with
Nintendo game boy.
Todd, you were quick to
jump on ouija board.
Leaving John with...
A stick.
Diggin' that stick,
you know what I mean?
Bet we're dying to
know who's safe.
Yeah. Yes.
I bet we'd like to bring one
of you over here next to me.
Yes. I'm ready. Let's go.
Me. I'm ready. I'm ready.
Well, according to the
national toy hall of fame,
this toy... may be...
The very...
Oldest toy,
and it is a stick.
John, you are safe! Oh, my God!
Yes! Yes!
Thank you for
picking it for him.
Thank you for
picking it for him.
I knew it! I... ugh!
Stand right over there.
Oh, my God, I love sticks.
I knew it.
Yeah, baby! Yes!
From here, isn't it
a wonderful view?
This is beaut...
Jeff, this is great.
I love this view.
Can you guys quiet down?
I'm trying to listen
to my knees shake.
Oh, here we go.
I'm gonna give you
some dramatic stares.
Oh, no. Not dramatic stares.
Michele, what did you answer?
Nintendo, right? Game boy?
Nintendo game boy. You don't
even know the answer anymore.
Something like that.
You went with Ouija board.
I turned my back on sticks.
So now I'm rethinking
that, but, uh...
All right. Hold on.
Okay, yeah.
Apparently we're having a
little bit of an audio problem
with... with your microphone.
Todd... could you
lean in real close
and just... and say your
answer one more time for me?
Ouija board.
Ouija board was incorrect.
Oh, my God!
I think he's down in
the parking lot. Wow.
That's crazy!
Congratulations, Michele.
You are joining John
in the final round
for a chance at $50,000.
Oh, we have a very special event
planned for the other three.
Follow me.
Whoo! Yeah!
Wow! What is going on?
How are you?
What is going on?
How's everybody tonight?
Here we go.
It's on. It's on.
Is this my car? Is
this my way out?
There he is. There he is.
Get my good side. Oh yeah.
That's nasty. That's nasty.
Well, don't you guys
look all dolled up
for this special
red-carpet ejection.
So who's the biggest
competition here today?
Really? And why is that?
Sweet Emily.
Because she's a teacher,
oh. So I think she has
a lot of knowledge.
I'm the biggest
threat right now.
I mean, I can't lose.
All right. Well, you want
to know what's going on?
Please. Yes.
Of course you do.
To stay in the game
and compete for the $50,000,
all you gotta do is get the
next question correct.
If you don't, you're
off the show,
and here's how...
You're each gonna be standing on
those red carpets over there.
Just so happens that those
red carpets are attached
to those limousines.
Give me the correct answer...
You're fine.
You get to step off the carpet.
However, if you choose
at one incorrect answer,
that limo is going to take off,
dragging you far
away from my hotel,
far away from this
glitz and glamour,
and far away from the $50,000.
I like to call this one
"tragic carpet ride."
It's catchy. I know.
It is catchy. Yeah.
Tuxedo, dresses
getting pulled off?
Oh, I can't wait to see this.
Before we get to
the next question,
we have to play a little
game to determine the order
in which you're going to answer.
Take one of these boards.
You're gonna write down
a number on that board.
In 1913, Death Valley recorded
the highest temperature
in history
in the Western hemisphere.
Write down how many degrees
fahrenheit it was.
Closest to that correct number
gets to go first,
second, and third.
All right. Let's see
what we got for answers.
Flip 'em around.
Alyssa went with 131 degrees.
Deon, 143 degrees,
and Emily, 135 degrees.
So close.
The higheses
recorded temperature
in the history of the
Western hemisphere
is 134 degrees.
Ooh! Yes!
Emily first, Alyssa second...
Aw, man. And, Deon,
you are going third.
Third. Third? All right!
Everyone follow me
to the carpets.
All right. Make sure
the photographers
are gettin' this side.
Deon could pull a John.
It's okay, Deon.
We ready to do this?
As ready as I'll ever be.
Let's do it.
I'm ready to do this. I'm
gonna ask you a question.
But first, here are
the answers...
Holly Goodhead,
Kitty Skintight... What?
And Penelope Smallbone.
Your question is,
which two of these names
are actual bond girls
from the 007 series?
Oh, my goodness.
Emily, we're gonna
start with you.
Great. Are any of
those ringing a bell?
I'm guessing that 007 would
say something smooth,
like, "I want your
skin tight around me,"
or some smooth line.
So that's my guess.
Kitty Skintight.
Lock it in! Oh.
Alyssa, over to you.
What are you gonna
do with the $50,000?
I'm gonna buy a
Louis Vuitton purse
for sure.
And I don't know... Go on
a trip or something fun.
Wow. Have you seen any
of the bond movies?
Are you familiar with
who James Bond is?
He wears a suit, and he has a gun.
That's all I know.
You might wanna take a
look to your right.
Bam! Yeah, exactly. That.
Black James Bond, baby.
I'm going with
Penelope Smallbone.
Just because...
Wait... don't finish. You work
with a Penelope at Hooters?
No. Damn it.
So close.
I don't know. I just
think that name
sounds like a name that would
be on a show like that.
Locked in! Off the table!
We are over to one very smooth-
looking character himself,
Goes some lovely ladies,
but I only need one
of 'em by my side.
Oh! Oh.
I only need one.
Deon, you could be
James Bond right now.
My swagger is on
point right now.
It's all good. Oh, yeah.
Speaking of good, you're
going with Holly Goodhead.
Sounds like a perfect
name for a Bond movie.
Okay. You are locked
in with that.
I have no choice.
All of you have your answers.
Two of you are right and are
moving on to the final round
for a chance at $50,000.
One of you is going to get
dragged on this red carpet
behind one of those limos.
Emily, you had
your first choice,
and you went with...
Kitty Skintight.
Alyssa is stuck in the middle.
And you went with...
Penelope Smallbone.
Leaving Deon with...
Mrs. Goodhead.
And you are very
happy with that?
Yes, sir.
It's now time to find
out who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a game show."
Start your engines!
Oh, God.
Oh, my goodness. Whoo!
Inside this envelope...
I have... a card.
On this card is some writing.
That writing says the
wrong answer is...
Kitty Skintight!
So long, Emily!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Deon and Alyssa.
You guys are joining Michele
and John in the final round.
Emily! A little souvenir!
Ah, she'll get it later.
Let's go to the tower!
Oh, my gosh.
Whoa. Yeah.
Watch your heads,
watch your hands.
Welcome to the big
leagues, everybody!
Welcome to the final round.
Oh, yeah. Soak it in. Yeah.
Oh, no! No!
It never gets old for me.
That's so far.
In a few short moments,
one of you is going to be
walking away $50,000 richer.
For the rest of you,
you're gonna get up
close and personal
with my good friend gravity.
Oh, no. More on
that in a second.
Final round, $50,000 at stake.
I do need to tell you
about a few rule changes.
I'm still gonna give
you a question,
I'm still gonna give
you the answers first.
Only this time,
three of those answers are
going to be completely wrong,
and there's only one
correct answer.
To win that $50,000,
all you gotta do is find
that one correct answer.
If not, you're off the
show, and here's how...
Imagine laying on one
of these platforms...
Face down, of course...
When all of the sudden,
it tilts forward,
and you fall head-first, ten
stories straight down...
Ten stories straight down?
Into the freezing
cold, icy water.
Well, for three of you, you're
not gonna have to imagine it,
because it's become
a reality for you.
I like to call this one...
"Last man leaning."
Alyssa, how's it going?
Afraid of heights?
Yes. Yes.
But I'm scared of
cold water even more.
Really? Yeah.
So this is a double whammy for you.
Cold water, fear of heights...
I get afraid of cold water, too.
No, I hate being cold. Hello?
Why would you wanna get wet?
Cold water... my lashes
are gonna come off!
Oh, my God!
That's why you've
gotta get real ones.
Wow. Party John.
Yeah. What up?
The party continues ten
stories in the air.
You know what I mean?
Gotta keep going, man.
Here is a guy who has done
absolutely nothing so far...
Boo! To get here.
Boo! That's how it's done.
It's all in the mind, really
all here. All right
there, you know?
Finally Deon.
The shirt says "afraid of
heights, but going to the top."
Guess what, my friend?
This is the top.
This is no joke, dude.
I'm... 'Cause I'm further
back, I can't really see
what the heck is going on.
Well, let's see.
I'll tell you... I'm good, man.
I will take your word on it.
You're gonna take my word for it.
All right. I will take your word.
I say we play a little game
to determine the order
in which you're gonna answer
this final $50,000 question.
All right.
You're each gonna take a board.
Pass it on.
You're going to write down
a number on that board.
Closest to that correct number
is gonna get to go
first, second, third,
and then John.
Thank you, Jeff.
Thank you.
Write down... according to
Guinness World records,
the most bee stings someone has
ever received and survived.
All right. Flip 'em around,
let's see what we've got.
Alyssa went with 842 bee stings,
Michele... 800 bee stings.
John... 83 bee stings.
And Deon, 237 bee stings.
Can tell you this much...
That person received
2,443 bee stings and survived,
making Alyssa fit,
Michele second... Oh!
I knew it was higher!
Deon third, and John,
shockingly, in fourth place.
Slidin' in last.
Slidin' in last.
Head to the planks!
I don't know if I wanna be first.
I really don't.
My heart is racing.
This is crazy.
Good. We're all strapped
in nice and comfortable.
That's 100 feet.
It's terrifying.
I'm not liking this.
Alyssa, I know you said
as you were walking away,
"I don't know if I
want to go first."
Why wouldn't you wanna go first?
More options to choose from?
I'd take first.
Okay. Now that I think about it,
it's better to be
first because, like,
if the other person was first,
they could take the first...
The right answer.
And then all the options
left would be wrong.
More options to choose from.
All right. We might
as well pack it in.
Alyssa's cracked the code.
She's figured it out.
All right.
For the final time tonight,
the $50,000 question.
But first, here are
your answers...
They are...
and the Loch Ness monster.
Wow. Oh, God.
Your question is... Oh.
According to a 2010 poll
by "60 minutes" and
"Vanity Fair,"
which one of these do Americans
think is most likely to exist?
Oh, my goodness.
Alyssa, we're gonna
start with you.
Okay. Um...
Would you like another question?
Okay. Where do you work again?
I won't ask again. I just...
I gotta think about this. Just
pick the wrong one and...
Okay, guys... Move on.
Guys, she does need
to think about this.
Just pick the wrong one
and just move on, please.
Will you shut up?
No. Please. I need to
pick my right one.
Okay. Okay.
We've regrouped.
Three are wrong, one is right.
Right now I'm going between
the ghosts and the U.F.O.'s.
Ghosts is just so
obvious, though.
So obviously right or wrong?
Like, is the one that
stands out to be right.
Well, then, what's the problem?
Because it's too obvious.
You never pick the obvious.
You should just pick it.
No? Okay.
All right. Okay.
I'm gonna go with U.F.O.'s.
You're gonna go with U.F.O.'s.
Yeah. Okay. You've done more
than enough thinking for today.
Let's just leave it at that.
U.F.O.'s is off the table.
We're moving overr to Michele.
Left you have ghosts,
and loch Ness monster.
Do you believe in any of those?
I believe in ghosts.
Have you seen a ghost?
I think I have.
You think you have?
Yes. So I'm gonna
go with ghosts.
Because you personally feel
that you've seen a ghost?
I think so.
Okay. We're locking in ghosts!
Deon, we're over to you.
You look like you're kind
ofof shaking your head.
You're a little disappointed?
Were U.F.O.'s or ghosts
one of your top answers?
I mean, they sound
like good answers,
but I don't know, man.
Something in my mind
is telling me something totally different.
That's what he said.
And what... what does
that something say?
I'm hearing Loch Ness monster,
man, for some reason.
Do you believe in the
loch ness monster?
Man, I've seen them same picture
that probably people
in 2010 saw, too.
That old blurred-up picture,
looks like a big snake.
Do you think that loch ness
monster is worth $50,000?
Do you believe in that?
Something's telling me
to go with it, man.
Telling you to go with it. All right.
Telling me to go with it.
Deon is locking in
Loch Ness monster!
Which leaves us with
party John and vampires.
How you feeling about vampires?
You know, uh...
I like it.
I was scared of them as a kid.
I'm actually digging vampires.
All right, well, John
is going with vampires,
because he has no ototr choice.
But he feels that it's good.
I like them.
I asked you guys,
according to a 2010 poll
by "60 minutes" and
"Vanity Fair,"
which one of these do Americans
think is most likely to exist?
Alyssa, after much deliberation,
which we will cut in an edit
to make it seem like it
was this amount of time,
went with... U.F.O.'s.
Michele went with ghosts.
Deon went with...
Nessie. Loch Ness monster.
Leaving party John
with vampires.
For the final time tonight,
let's see who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a game show."
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
That final lighting cue means
I get to pick up my trigger!
Remember, three of you are
wrong, and one of you is right.
One of you is walking
home with $50,000.
But three of you are
going to free fall
100 feet head-first.
This is gonna be exciting.
Oh, my God.
Let's find out one of the
wrong answers, shall we?
Oh, man. Oh, no.
One of the wrong answers is...
Loch Ness monster. Oh, my God!
Damn it. See ya later, Deon!
Oh, my God.
(Lo-mo voice) Ohh!
Oh, my God.
Do you see the Loch Ness
monster down there?!
Good stuff. I'm gonna cry.
You're gonna cry? Yes.
Is it because you miss Deon?
Oh, the eyelashes. I'm sorry.
It's the eyelashes.
No. Oh, my gosh. Wow. That is no joke.
I wouldn't mind seeing
someone else go down.
Oh, my God. Another one of
the wrong answers is...
Don't drop me. Please
don't drop me.
Don't drop me, don't
drop me, don't drop me.
In a few short
moments, one of you
is going to walk out of
here $50,000 richer.
I asked you guys,
according to a 2010 poll
by "60 minutes" and
"Vanity Fair,"
which one of these do Americans
think is most likely to exist?
We now know loch ness
monster was wrong!
Really wrong. Okay.
Alyssa, you went with U.F.O.'s.
You said ghosts
seemed too obvious.
Leaving Michele to
go with ghosts.
Oh, my gosh. Don't drop me.
John... he got stuck
with vampires.
Yeah. But he likes vampires.
I love 'em. Oh!
Only 7% of Americans actually
believe in this next one...
Oh, my gosh. Which happens to
be a wrong answer, as well.
Oh! Party's over, John.
No! No! Vampires is incorrect!
See ya downstairs! No!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! She flipped over!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my... oh, my God!
That was intense!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
We've gotten rid of the guys.
It's 50/50 at this point.
Oh, my gosh.
And I'm yelling
because I'm excited.
These are the last ones I
was debating between, too.
I know. I know. I remember.
I was there for that half hour.
Remember? Yep.
One of you is going
to be $50,000 richer.
One of you is going to be on
the wrong end of this trigger.
Oh, my God, I don't wanna fall.
Michele, you went with ghosts.
I'm gonna pass out.
You said U.F.O.'s.
Because ghosts was too obvious.
Oh, my God.
You should have stuck
with the obvious answer.
U.F.O. is wrong.
So long!
Whoa! See you later!
You are $50,000 richer, Michele!
And that is the way
to leave a game show!
I'm sorry, Alyssa.
No, she's not.
I'm gonna ask how
much time you need,
just because I got a
quiche in the oven.
Wow. This is a lot of pressure.