Movies with titles beginning with letter - "T"
- Turu, the Wacky Hen (2019)
- Tuscaloosa (2019)
- Tushka (1996)
- Tusk (1980)
- Tusks (1988)
- Tutankhamun in Colour (2020)
- Tutku (2020)
- Tutta colpa di Freud (2014)
- Tutti defunti... tranne i morti (1977)
- Tutti dentro (1984)
- Tutto tutto niente niente (2012)
- Tutuge (2022)
- Tuya's Marriage (2006)
- TV: The Movie (2006)
- TVO (1991)
- Twas the Night (2021)
- Twas the Night Before Christmas (2022)
- Tweety's High-Flying Adventure (2000)
- Twelfth Night (2001)
- Twelfth Night (1980)
- Twelfth Night or What You Will (1996)
- Twelve Chairs (1971)
- Twelve Days of Christmas (2020)
- Twelve Monkeys (1995)
- Twelve Months (1980)
- Twelve O'Clock High (1949)
- Twenty Million People (2013)
- Twenty Two (2015)
- Twenty-Four Eyes (1954)
- Twice a Woman (1979)