Movies with titles beginning with letter - "S"
- Splitz (1982)
- Spoiled Brats (2021)
- Spoiled Children (1977)
- Spoiler Alert (2022)
- SpongeBob SquarePants Presents the Tidal Zone (2023)
- Spontaneous (2020)
- Spontaneous Combustion (1990)
- Spook Louder (1943)
- Spookies (1986)
- Spookley the Square Pumpkin (2005)
- Spooks! (1953)
- Spooky Buddies (2011)
- Spooky House (2002)
- Spooners (2013)
- Spoonful of Sugar (2022)
- Sportloto-82 (1982)
- Spotkanie na Atlantyku (1980)
- Spotlight (2015)
- Spotlight on a Murderer (1961)
- Spotlight on Christmas (2020)
- Spotting the Difference (2022)
- Sprayed (2017)
- Spread (2009)
- Spread Your Wings (2019)
- Spreading Darkness (2017)
- Spree (2020)
- Sprengbagger 1010 (1929)
- Spring (1947)
- Spring (2021)
- Spring (2014)