Movies with titles beginning with letter - "B"
- Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch (2023)
- Butchered (2009)
- Butchers (2020)
- Butlers in Love (2022)
- Butt Boy (2019)
- Butta Bomma (2023)
- Butter (2011)
- Butter (2020)
- Butterbox Babies (1995)
- BUtterfield 8 (1960)
- Butterflies (2018)
- Butterfly (1999)
- Butterfly (1975)
- Butterfly (1981)
- Butterfly (2015)
- Butterfly (2022)
- Butterfly (2022)
- Butterfly and Sword (1993)
- Butterfly Crush (2010)
- Butterfly House (2019)
- Butterfly Kisses (2017)
- Butterfly Kisses (2017)
- Butterfly Vision (2022)
- Buttons, A New Musical Film (2018)
- Buy & Cell (1988)
- Buy Me a Gun (2018)
- Buya Hamka Vol. 1 (2023)
- BuyBust (2018)
- Buying the Cow (2002)
- Buying Time (1988)