Zaytoun (2012) - full transcript

Beirut, 1982: a young Palestinian refugee helps an Israeli fighter pilot escape from PLO captivity because he wants to visit his ancestral family home. En route through war-torn Lebanon their relationship develops into a close bond.

political, military, and religious factions...

Fight for control of the war-torn country
while Israel, under rocket attacks...

Launched by the
PLO, prepares to invade.

Cigarettes! Gum!
Only one lira! Who wants gum?

Want gum?

Gum, one lira,
everything for one lira!

Who wants gum?
One lira! One lira only!

All gum,just one lira.

Everything for one lira!

Everything for one lira!
Come and buy.

Everything for one lira -
cars, toys, wallets.

Come closer.

Everything for one lira!
Gum! Cigarettes! Only one lira!

Only one lira!


- Go back to your filthy camp!
- Leave me alone!

Get out of our city!

Don't come here again!
We don't want you here.

Stay out of this, you son of a bitch!

Get out of here.
Police! Police!

Go fuck yourselves!

Fahed! Ahmed! Wait for us!

Zico has the ball... he's attacking!

Zico, pass the ball!

Get out of here!
Go back to your camp. Dogs!

All you bring is trouble.

Pass it to me.

Go home, you rotten palestinians.

Zico has the ball...

He attacks...

Gets closer and closer...
And shoots!

Goal! God! Goal!

A goal for Brazil!

The Israelis! The Israelis!

Screw your mothers...

Come on, guys!

There they are...
Pull over!

- Come here!
- Gotcha.

What are you doing
outside the camp?

Move it!
You're late for training.

Get in.

Come on, Ali, Ahmed!

- Come back here!
- We'll get them later.

I'll give you 10 liras
if you cross it.

I'll give you 20 liras
if you won't.

Those Lebanese whores
couldn't hit a hill

if they were standing on it.

Hold it.

Hey palestinians!
I'll shoot you in the head.

To the camp!

Last one back is a rotten Israeli!

What took you so long?

Meet us at the yard.

Churchill, come here!
Where are you going?


Where are you going?

I'm sorry...

Go away... lousy kids!


Wait for me!

Wait for me!


What about Churchill?
Why did you stop?

Don't worry, it's ok.

Ask her.

What's up, rooster woman?

We are waiting for bus 271
to balad El-sheikh.

There is no bus today.
It broke down.

There's no bus today?
How will we get home?

They got us. Let's go!

My country, my home.

My country, my land,
land of my ancestors.

Warrior, warrior,

I fight for you,
my eternal people.

The return! The return!

With spirit, with blood,
we will redeem you, oh palestine!

- Don't miss training tomorrow.
- I won't.

- What are you doing with him?
- Training...

To liberate palestine.

Liberate palestine?

That idiot couldn't liberate a fart
from his ass.

That's not true.
He farts all the time.

Let's go in.

- Welcome, sir!
- Hi, dad!

- I scored the winning goal today.
- Bravo, zico!

Tell me...

Why wasn't my son fahed
in school today?

I went. I swear!

- Come here.
- Gotta piss.

You change the soil more often
than he goes to school.

Come here.

What did I tell you?

What did your mother
always tell you?

Don't you listen?


You don't go outside the camp!


Promise me!

You promise?

Dad, I see work in your future.

From your mouth
to god's ears.

I think I'll see palestine
before you see work.

First warm the water and then...

Plant that damn thing!

Only when we're back on our land!

Take the ammunition trucks away!

- Don't run, be careful.
- Dad, I want to help.

Stay back.

- Save yourself.
- Where is my husband?

- Keep the kid away.
- I want to help.

- Go to grandfather. I'll go help.
- Let me come.

Go home, I'll be right back.




May you never know sorrow.

God bless you.

The martyrs


fahed, the teacher...


you're an idiot!

Why smoke in class?
Do it in the bathroom like everybody.

Good job, guys.
Give it all you got.

We want to return to palestine.

Well done, fahed, you're a real man.

When do we go?

Soon, be patient.

I don't want to be patient, I want
to throw the Israelis into the sea.

I want you fast and accurate.


Goal! I shot him down.

- Fahed, how did you do that?
- Zico can do anything.

Quick, let's go and get him.

- Careful.
- He's heavy as hell.

Keep your eyes open.

- Is he here?
- Yes.

- Hello, my friends.
- Welcome, commander.

This is rami.

What's happening?

He's kissing everybody.

- This is Mustafa.
- God bless you, sir!

Let's see the prisoner.

What is he saying?

He wants to see the prisoner.

Open the gate.

- Where's the prisoner?
- Go ahead.

- Leave it alone.
- It's mine. Give it back.

- Now it's mine.
- It's not fair. Rami, tell him.

Relax, fahed.

- Your turn.
- What about the Israeli?

- Take a look at him.
- Fahed, go look but be careful.

I think the bastard woke up.




What is it, fahed?

Out, we'll take care of him.

- What's the kid doing?
- Give him a minute.

Leave him alone.

- Hood him and get out.
- But how will he breathe?

Why do you care
about the enemy?

Don't drive me crazy.
Let's play backgammon.

Will they really destroy this place?

Come with me.

Son of a bitch.

- Not a word!
- Not a word?

Rami, he's important for us.

- Be careful!
- Don't worry.

- In a few days we'll move him.
- Where to?

North to badawi. The Israelis
won't find him there. It's safer.

Let's go, guys.

Don't waste your time.

When are our olives harvested?

First the apricots...

No, first the kumquats,
then the plums?

First is the apricot,

then the peaches

and then plums.

And only after -
the apples, figs...

Dad said the stars in balad El-sheikh
are a thousand times brighter.

I don't remember.

Let's go to sleep.

Hello, guys!

Where's rami?

Didn't he come with you?

- Did you bring me some food?
- Do we look like waiters?

- Hang the map.
- Sure.

I'm starving.

So who's stopping you?
Go eat!

Take it.

It's your responsibility now.

Keep an eye on him.
He's worth 1000 prisoners.

Why is he worth 1000 of us?

Let's find balad El-sheikh.

I can't find it.

- Is it near haifa?
- I don't know.

It should be near the carmel.

Do you know where it is?

Hey, prisoner...

But... I can't swim, neither can

It's the pig!

Who cares about Sharon...

Hey, Sharon, hey, Sharon...

We'll take off his pants.

Hey, Sharon, hey, Sharon...

He is not wearing underwear.

Hey, Sharon, hey, Sharon...

His ass is big as a balloon.

Hey, Sharon, hey, Sharon...

He has no dick here.

Let him go!

God damn you!

Son of a bitch!

Happy you got us into trouble?

Here we are.
They'll take care of that prick.

Take him out.
Tell um-Ahmed to hurry.

- Keep your eyes open.
- Who is it? What happened?

Get going! Move your ass.

Son of a bitch!

How could you give them a gun?
What's wrong with you?

It's just a scratch.

- Let's race back to the camp!
- Don't talk to me.

- Why?
- Because.

What are you doing outside the camp,
you bastards?

- None of your business, Lebanese shit!
- Fuck you.


What's your problem?

- Why did you shoot him?
- He's the enemy.

You shot him in the back, you


Who's the one kissing his butt?

If you like him so much,
why don't you go home with him?

Let's go.

Don't be stupid.

Are you afraid?

Fahed, are you crazy?
Come back!

See you at the camp!


Palestinian dog!
Don't ever come back here!


Mum, they shot Ahmed!


They shot Ahmed!

Quickly, quickly.

Where's Ahmed?

Mum, the phalangists shot Ahmed.

The bastards shot him.

Bring him to me.

Ahmed, my darling, talk to me.

Grandma, grandma,

the moon is gone and you appeared.

The moon and stars are gone

and you shine upon us...

Don't let him see your tears.

- What's up, rami?
- Tomorrow he goes back to the cell.

- Why?
- Orders from headquarters.

Ahmed ai-aqqad
may 21,1982

open your notebooks.

Write an essay
about the four seasons of the year.

Ahmed al-aqqad.

The American embassy, please.

Go fuck yourself...

Okay, go fuck yourself...

The American embassy, please.

Leave my baby alone!
Leave her alone!

Shut up
and lay on the ground, bitch!

- Please...
- Make her shut up, whore!

Please, I beg you.

Get out of here!

Israeli! Israeli!

There is an Israeli in this taxi!

What a mess you got me into...

Sons of bitches.

Son of a bitch!

I have a feeling
they're here somewhere.

There's someone in the water!

Zorba, go find them!

Khaled, what's going on?

Son of a bitch! Where is he?
Where's my money?

I've been waiting for him all night.

- I'll take you to him.
- You will?

Get in the back.
I don't need you stinking up front.

- It already stinks!
- Get in the back and be quiet!

Stop the car.

- Where is he?
- I'll go get him. Wait.

- Hello.
- Hello and welcome.

- Can you camouflage it for me?
- Sure. Go kids, go...

Go on, quickly.

Give it to me, you bastard!

Keep this way and you'll get

Go away.

Son of a bitch.

50 liras.

There you go.

20 liras.

- Operator, how may / help you?
- The American embassy, please.

I'll put you through.
Thank you.

Good morning, sir.

Good morning.

- What have we here?
- Breakfast.

- What have you got here?
- Cigarettes and breakfast.

Sure, why not?
I've eaten. Give him some.

- How are you, jaber?
- Fine, sir. And you?

- Good morning.
- I'm fine.

Here you go.

Who's in the car?

No one.

Really, no one?

There's someone here.

Where to?

"Go fuck yourself".

- Who's that?
- I swear, I don't know.

Coming, boss.

Don't just stand there!
Shoot them!

I'm shooting.

Come here, son of a bitch!

You piece of palestinian shit!
You're nothing but trouble!

We ought to get rid of you all.

What's your name?

Come here, you!


Who is he?
Why is he chained?

I don't know,
they came with me from Beirut.

Where are you taking them?

To barja.
I swear, that's all I know.

Are you fucking with me?

If you're driving to barja,
how'd you get here?

I took a wrong turn
and came here to gas up.

Leave him alone!

Hey, drop the gun!

You little shit!

No! Oh, shit...

I said, leave him alone!

- Give him the rifle.
- But, boss...

Give it to him.
What are you waiting for?

I'll kill you, asshole!

Falcon 2 calling falcon 1.

Report your location. Over.

Slow down, slow down.

Hey, kid!


I'm talking to you, stop!

Stay here and don't move.

Put it down.

Take off your glasses.

- What's your name?
- Me?

No me...
Your name!


Not fahed?

Fahed? Who's fahed?

You're lying. What's your name?

I told you Ahmed. Ahmed al-aqqad.

Ahmed al-aqqad.

Where are you from?

Balad El-sheikh, palestine.

This is the key to our house.

What camp are you from?

Ein El-hilwa.

How come I never saw you
in ein El-hilwa?

A gun.

- You have a gun?
- We're at war.

It's not yours.

Whose gun is it?

- My father's gun.
- Who's your father?

He died a martyr.

May he rest in peace.

An arak drinker, huh?

Tell him to leave some for grandpa.
He's sick.

Go home.

Give me the gun.

Be careful.

Send my regards to teacher Omar.

There's no teacher Omar in our

damn it!

Damn you!

Thank you.

Zico has the ball
and he's attacking.

He's close to the Italian goal

That's the Israeli pilot?

- Who's the boy?
- I don't know.

Guys, he's coming.

I can't believe he's here.

How did he escape?

- We've been waiting for you.
- Thank you.

- Yoni, it's good to see you.
- Thank you.

- Hi, ilan.
- Welcome back.

- Good to see you.
- Thanks.

What a mess, huh?

Is alona here?

- She's waiting at the hospital.
- Good.

What's with the boy?

As you wish.

Yoni, he's a palestinian refugee
from Lebanon. How can we let him in?

Even if he wasn't palestinian,
he's a minor without papers.

We can't let him in.

Give me a second.

Son of a bitch,
i should've shot you in the balls!

Be back on time.

Dream on.

The kid! The kid!

Shay, catch him!

Catch him!

Catch him! Catch him!

Be careful with the boy!

Kid, relax!

Get him in!

Relax, we won't hurt you!

Calm down.

Go! Go!

Let's go.

This kid is trouble.

Little terrorist...

Major y. Showed resource and

coming home.
Pilot escapes from PLO captivity

who is it?

There's a problem...

He wanted to look at the sea so...

Yoni, you can't do this!
I have to return the boy.


Call his commander!


Good night...

Good night!

Good morning!

Good morning.

Let's go!


I'm here.

Assassination attempt
on the Israeli ambassador to the uk,

by the abu nidal
terrorist organization.

Minister of defense Ariel Sharon
said this morning

that the Israeli government
will retaliate severely

for any attempt
to harm Israeli citizens.

He warned PLO leaders
of Israel's determination

to invade Lebanon if necessary

and destroy the PLO's

Thank you.