Zameen Aasmaan (1972) - full transcript

Disciplinarian Shanti Swaroop (Ashok Kumar) alienates himself from his wife Urmilla (Indrani Mukherjee); son, Ravi (Sunil Dutt), and daughter, Roopa (Yogeeta Bali). His wife passes away, and he marries another woman, Maya (also Indrani Mukherjee), who looks like his wife. Maya has an on-going affair with Heeralal "Heera" (Ramesh Deo) unknown to Shanti Swaroop. A fall from a staircase makes Shanti Swaroop lose his eyesight, and makes him totally dependent on his wife, and a nurse, Kalpana (Rekha). Blinded and unable to see reason clearly, he refuses to let his daughter marry Ram (Sharad) as he is poor; and asks Ravi to leave his house, when Ravi speaks out against Heera and Maya, thus leaving the ground wide open for them to attempt to initially permanently blind him, and then blame the nurse for this negligence.

You Tube - Video Running Time 02:13:45

You Tube search name - Zameen Aasmaan I

Full Movie I RekhaI Sunil Dutt I Ashok Kumar

I Yogeeta Bali I Hindi Movie

Who is it?

Who is it? Who is it?

Who are you?

Don't hit me.

Don't hit me. I am not a thief.

I am not a thief.

Don't cry.

I will not say anything to you.

What is the matter, Hameeda? Who is he?

An unlucky boy.

A child of some poor person.

I think he is hungry since long.

Dear, are you hungry?

Don't be scared. This is your home.

Come, I will feed you. Come.


Here you are.

Where do you stay, dear?

I don't have a house.

And your parents? - I don't have anyone.

The one who has no one has God, dear.

He has sent you to me.

I will not allow you

to leave this house now. Take.

God, If you have given

a belly than give them food too.

It is against your grandeur

to keep people hungry.

- Hey! Have you eaten your food?

- We have already.

- We were sleeping.

- So soon? Are you lying?

Ravi, is your mother telling the truth?

Yes, aunty, we all were sleeping.


We cannot sleep.

We haven't eaten anything.

We are hungry.

What kind of mother are you?

You wanted to make your

children go to bed hungry?

I have told you so many

times that what I have is yours.

So what if I was not at home.

Couldn't you help yourself?

Did anyone ever stop you?

I would have taken

if it was only for a day.

This happens every day.

I am so embarrassed to say so.

Why are you embarrassed?

Am I a stranger?

It is not your fault but mine.

I am crazy to consider

everyone as my own.

And people don't...

No, sister Hameeda.

That is not the case.

Sit children. Eat.

Now you are telling them to eat.

Couldn't you say so before?

Here children. Eat. Eat.

Even I don't care of anyone.

Now even I have someone of my own.

So? Will you be my son? - Yes.

Bless you, son. Bless you.

Dear, what is your name?


Ram? But...

Why? Are you scared?

Hameeda has an Indian heart, Ganga.

Both Hindus and Muslims

can reside in it.

Don't be scared.

Ram will remain Ram in my house.

He won't become Rahim.

Oh yes, tell me if you have received..

Any letter from Ravi's father? - No.

Any money order? - No.

What is the matter with Shanti Swarup?

He might have some problems.

We are far away to know it.

He must be worrying about us.

- Shanti Swarup.

- Yes. - What were you thinking?

I was thinking about my home.

And looking into the

eyes of my wife and children.

The one who are waiting

for the postman and..

Say money order which

will make them smile.

Girdharilal, today is the seventh and..

The rations in our house

finishes before the 20th.

You are still lucky, dear.

This problem starts four

days earlier in our house.

But friend, when will these days end?

Shanti Swarup, days can never end.

We will think and the days will pass by.

We are like those people who are still..

There where they started.

I don't know that we

work so hard and diligently.

But why this is so?

Do you see this line?

This is the line of fortune.

It is always short

in the hand of the poor.

And when you work hard

it fades even smaller.

Show me your hand.

The line is small in my hand too.

But if I can get some money than..

I will show the world what I can do.


I am so confident about myself..

That God will himself

come and ask me that..

Shanti Swarup,

tell me how lucky should I make you?

Right now ask him,

when we will get the salary?

Are we going to get it or not? - Sir.

Master is calling you.

Greetings, master. - Come, sit.

Shanti Swarup,

I need your help again today.

- Yes, master.

- I have to pay two lakhs by evening.

You are the only person who can help me.

Yes, master.

I have already mortgaged my property.

Now I have only one last support.

This box contains

my wife's entire jewelry.

I am very worried and sick too.

I cannot go to anyone

and neither will I go.

Mortgage it to someone

and get the money.

- Master, me?

- Yes, I believe you completely.

I will get the money, master.

But you should buy the

land I have told you about.

Leave it, Shanti Swarup.

I can't dare to gamble anymore.

These are my unlucky days.

Even gold will turn into dust if I try.

Master, the land

I am telling you about..

Will yield gold if you deal in it.

You don't know that the

land is filled with iron.

Please listen to me, master.

You will profit.

Ask your debtors for a few days.

No, Shanti Swarup.

Don't expect this from me.

I have lost everything but one.

And that is my word.

And today I have promised some people.

I need two lakhs by this evening.

Don't worry, master. Your honor is mine.

Listen. - Yes.

No one knows about

it except for you and me.

Not even my wife.

Nobody should know it either.

Trust me, Master. It will be so.


The poor man was very honorable.

He always kept his promises.

- But who will give us our money now?

- God knows.

You have not done a good thing.

Go and return it to

the people it belongs to.

It sin to take over other's money.

You are crazy, Ganga.

If I return it to them,

this money will..

Neither help them nor us.

The debtors will snatch everything away.

I don't care who takes it away.

This is not our money.

All right, Ganga. This is not our money.

But that doesn't mean

that I have to throw it away.

I asked master to buy

those lands various times.

But he was only wasting his money.

It's such a sorry state.

Ganga, I have brains but no money.

Today I have money and

I want to use my brains.

Just watch what I will do now.

I will become rich with this money.

What is the use of

such riches for which..

You have to sacrifice your honesty?

Honesty. Honesty.

Ganga if honesty made people rich..

Than no one would

have been poor today.

And every poor person wants to be rich.

Seth Daulatram was also honest.

What happened to him?

He lost his life while

trying to pay off his debts.

You have become dishonest.

- What?

- Ask your soul not your heart.

Does it agree to act like this?

It does. It surely does.

When I see the condition of house,

you, my kids and myself.

My soul surely does agree.

And I am not going

to keep it with me forever.

As soon as the work starts

I will get the jewelry..

And return it to them.

Ganga, it is so embarrassing that..

Our children are

living off other's pity.

It is embarrassing that

you have sold humanity..

And honesty for this money.

Ganga, it is useless to argue with you.

You won't understand it.

I am going to change my fate.

I am going to use

this money to buy land..

Which is going to change my future.

- Stop. Listen to me.

- Don't stop me. Don't stop me. Ganga.

Listen. Stop. Wait.

You are under my oath

This door is the line

of honesty and trust.

It is right to stay inside it.

And you will be cheating

if you cross it.

Poverty lives inside this door.

And happiness stays outside it.

I have seen poverty a lot, Ganga.

Now I want to see happiness.

Don't do this for God's sake.

I won't let you go.

Ganga, I have taken my step.

- Now I am going to go out.

- No. - Let me go. Let me go.

I used to yearn to

see my children happy.


I have got happiness today.

I am successful wherever I go.

But I still not happy

because you are not.

I don't like you wearing

these glass bangles.

I have got gold bangles for you.

Wear them.

Why do you do this?

I get you good clothes.

But you don't wear them.

I get you jewelry.

You don't even wear them.

I ask you to leave this

small house for a bigger one.

But you don't agree to that either.

You become sad whenever

I say something happy.

Ganga, I don't know what

I should do to make you happy.

You forgot other people's

grief in your happiness.

You said that as soon

as the work will start..

You will get the jewelry

and return it to them.

You are always saying the same thing.

Do you think that I have forgotten?

Even I remember it, Ganga.

But I was so busy that

I didn't get the time.

I will get rid of this burden

as soon as I get the time, Ganga.

Please wear them.

First give them back their stuff.

I will surely wear them.

All right.

Oh God!

Shanti Swarup, you?

I am not able to recognize you.

- I think you have been very lucky.

- Forget it.

- I have to meet the mistress.

- The mistress?

She is not here anymore.

Even this mansion has been

auctioned off, Shanti Swarup.

And the mistress had been

driven crazy by this shock.

She has become mad.

Is she with her relatives?

Shanti Swarup,

when you don't have money..

Even your relatives denounce you.

That means she...

Who know where she is roaming around..

With her small daughter?

God, save us from this sin.

Save us from this sin.

What is this craziness, Ganga?

You inflate every matter.

I am not sitting idle.

I am trying my best to

find them wherever they are.

I will give them what belongs to them.

Ganga, I have a huge business.

Allow me to work in peace for it.

Here you are.

Keep it safe. I have other work to do.

Ganga. Ganga. - My son. My son.

What is wrong with my child?

Why is he so silent?

What is wrong with him?

He fell down.

Blood! Hameeda, blood! - Don't worry.

I have called the doctor.

Move aside. Let there be some air.

Get some water.

Call me again if he doesn't

regain his senses in an hour.


Punish me for this sin.

Nothing should happen

to my husband and children

They shouldn't get hurt. God.

Mother. - Son. Son.

My child. - Mother.

Nothing will happen to you now,

my child.

I have gathered the fire which was..

About to burn our family.

Go to sleep.

Nothing will happen.

Ganga, you will develop

fever if you continue to worry.

I understand, Hameeda.

We have ruined someone's

life for our happiness.

I am always thinking

the same thing. Hameeda.

Take care of my children

if anything happens to me.

Don't worry, crazy girl.

What are you saying?

What are you lacking

that you are worrying so much?

God has given you everything.

- You should be happy.

- Of course. Of course.

I have got some good news. Guess what?

Have you found them?

Did you return the jewelry?

You always say the same thing.

You have ruined everything.

We have bought that big house.

Will you come?

I will if I am destined to.

We got the house because

we were destined to, Ganga.

The days when we were no

destined to anything are gone.

Ganga, you have supported

me in times of sorrow.

Now please be with me in times of joy.

I will be very pleased

if you ask me something today.

Tell me, what do you want?

You should remain happy.

My children should smile.

That is what I want.

Hameeda, the auspicious

moment is about to pass.

Why has Ganga not come yet?

She was ready.

She said that go ahead. I will follow.

I don't know what is

stopping her in that house.

- Shall I go and call her?

- Stop. I will go.

Ganga, you are still not ready?

Hurry up.

The auspicious moment is about to pass.

I am ready. - Are you coming with me?

I was scared that you

don't want to leave this house.

This is a house of sorrow.

I want to let it go.

That's smart. Come.

Listen. We are leaving

this house forever.

Shall we seek blessings from God?

Oh yes, why not? Come on.

I pray to God that my Ganga has..

Always helped me in my hard days.

I will always keep her happy.

Come, pay your reverence.

Shall we? - Wait.

Forgive me if I made any

mistake or said anything wrong.

Forget the past.

We are starting a new life today.

It seems that you are

dressed like a bride again.

And I have come to fetch you.

Then apply this vermillion

on my hair parting.

Here you go.

Do you remember, Ganga?

I have married you 15 years ago.

And have got you in this

house in a bullock cart.

Today I am going to

take you to a new world..

In a palanquin of happiness.

There is no sorrow or poverty.

As soon as you will

step out of this door..

People will say that the

mistress of the big house is coming.

Then I...

What happened? Ganga.

What happened? Ganga.

What have you done, crazy woman?

I asked you to leave the house.

You have left the world.

People are right, son.

Few people die before death.

Because they think that they were born..

To die and not to live.

But why did my mother die before death?

Some people die so

that others can stay alive.

Your father was bitten

by the snake of greed.

And your mother sucked away that poison.

That's why she died. - Wonderful.

You are teaching the

children good things.

Now I know why their mother has died?

You were the one to brainwash her.

Mister! - Or what?

You were not able

to tolerate our success.

You were jealous that we were happy.

Shanti Swarup... I understand, Hameeda.

But I am not blaming you.

The entire world is the same.

Everyone is jealous

of the one who succeeds.

I didn't expect this from you.

Thank you very much for

all your favors till now.

But we are strangers from now on.

We will go our separate ways.

Come. Come. Come.

- Eat. Eat properly.

- Ravi. - Yes, father.

After you have fed the Brahmins,

give them to the poor.


They say that your mother

will get its fruit in heaven.

People are so strange.

They bear hell when they are alive..

So that they can die and go to heaven.

And when they die they cannot say..

Where and how heaven is.

No matter what anyone says, Ravi.

I think both heaven

and hell is here on earth.

The one who don't have food,

shelter and clothes..

They are in hell.

And the one who has the power to buy..

Every comfort stays in heaven.

Father you think this

illusion as heaven, father.

What use is heaven

where people have to..

Have sleeping pills to sleep in peace.

The one who eat dry crusts

and thank God for it..

Are the ones in heaven, father.

You have at least given this.

Look at our house.

You say that it has everything.

But I am asking you, what is here?

I am asking you, what is not here?

What is it that I can't buy for you?

Tell me, what do you want?

I want my mother, father.

Can you bring back my mother?

You are arguing with me?

And I don't argue.

Kalpana, I think that

if you keep her with you..

- Than she will recover fast.

- What can I do, sister?

You know what my job is like.

And then I have to attend

classes during the day.

The day I am fit to look after her,

I will take her along.

Daughter, take me home. Daughter.

Your father might have

come with the money by now.

Mother, the day you

will understand that..

Father has passed away

to the land of the dead..

You will be cured completely. Mother.

Don't worry, mother.

I will take you home soon.

It's time for my bus.

It us my job and I have to be punctual.

All right, mother? May I leave?

So Mr. Guard, where is my

passenger from the mental asylum?

You were late. The passenger has left.

The passenger has left. - She has left.

Well, that was my luck. Lalua. - Yes.

Fill the tank fast. Well done.

You want a full tank.

I will fill it with petrol.

Madam, did the bus ask you to get down?

Why should I go by bus

when I have this free ride?

The bus driver is old but not you.

Wonderful. You drive very well.

What did you say?

I didn't say anything.

Please take your seat.

I am getting late.

As you wish, madam.

I have come to this world to serve you.

Here's your bill. - Oh yes. Give.

Take. 20 for the petrol

and one rupee for lying.

Thank you, sir. Thank you, ma'am.

Kalpana you are a mystery.

We have been meeting like

this since so many Sundays.

But I still don't know who are you,

where do you..

Come from and where do you go.

I told you, have patience.

In time you will

come to know everything.

Why are you staring at me?

I am looking at these big pink eyes..

Which has got the two worlds.

And I am trying to find

out about you through your eyes.

No chance.

Drive carefully or

there will be an accident.

Is that the reason? All right.

Okay, ma'am.

Thank you for your company till here.

Please get down now.

- I am not your driver.

- Stop being angry, sir.

You have brought me so far.

So take me further.

- What's the difference?

- Are you getting down or I...

My keys.

You cannot go alone like this, sir.

You will have to take me along.

Hey! Give me the keys.

Otherwise I will throw

you into the water.

Are you giving them or shall I...

So that's it.

"Your eyes are like two worlds."

"Your stole is like the sky."

"Your blooming body is like a garden."

"Where have you come from,

darling, gorgeous, sweetheart?"

"Your eyes are like two worlds."

"Your stole is like the sky."

"Your blooming body is like a garden."

"Where have you come from,

darling, gorgeous, sweetheart?"

"I am not able to look

away from your face."

"It's my desire to

see you my entire life."

"Every look is unique.

It can win one's heart."

"Every look is unique.

It can win one's heart."

"Your eyes are like two worlds."

"Your stole is like the sky."

"Your blooming body is like a garden."

"Where have you come from,

darling, gorgeous, sweetheart?"

"You are an exciting and spicy bud."

"Your talks are so juicy.'

"Your arms hold the way to heaven."

"Every move of yours is

intoxicating which is high."

"Every move of yours is

intoxicating which is high."

"Your eyes are like two worlds."

"Your stole is like the sky."

"Your blooming body is like a garden."

"Where have you come from,

darling, gorgeous, sweetheart?"

Kalpana, are you planning

to vanish here again today?

Or will you give me a chance

to let me know your address.

No, sir. You seem to be very rich.

You don't need to ask my address.

You will reach there soon.

Bye. - Good bye.

Ram sir. - What happened?

The master's daughter

and mother have come.

- Have they come here?

- Yes. - Okay, I am coming.


Son. - Mother, you here?

Thank god you have

recognized your mother.

You don't care if anyone lives or not.

What is wrong with you, mother?

You haven't shown

your face since two days.

What can be wrong with me?

Mother, do you think that

I am here with my own free will?

But you know that aunty

doesn't eat without seeing you.

You could have come home for some time.

What's the difference?

Roopa you know that

sir is out of station.

Even brother Ravi has

not returned from Mumbai.

I am responsible for everything.

On top of that one of

the mines are not working.

- What should I do?

- Couldn't you make a call?

What made you so busy

for you to forget your family?

Look at this hard worker.

Come and eat first.

One packet cigarette. Make it fast.

"Who knows anyone here?"

"Who recognizes anyone here?"

"Everyone is a stranger here."

"Even the one we know is unknown."

"What are you thinking?"

"Why are you staring?"

"What are you thinking?"

"Why are you staring?"

"The entire world is a maze. A maze."

"Who knows anyone here?"

"Who recognizes anyone here?"

"Everyone is a stranger here."

"Even the one we know is unknown."

"What are you thinking?"

"Why are you staring?"

"What are you thinking?"

"Why are you staring?"

"The entire world is a maze. A maze."

"Let the one who is coming come."

"Let the one who is leaving, leave."

"What will happen if you stop them?"

"The more you will think

the more confused you will be."

"What will happen if you think?"

"Let the one who is coming come."

"Let the one who is leaving, leave."

"What will happen if you stop them?"

"The more you will think

the more confused you will be."

"What will happen if you think?"

"The way life is."

"The way life is."

"Accept it the way it."

"Who knows anyone here?"

"Who recognizes anyone here?"

"Everyone is a stranger here."

"Even the one we know is unknown."

"What are you thinking?"

"Why are you staring?"

"What are you thinking?"

"Why are you staring?"

"The entire world is a maze. A maze."

"By the time you will

know and recognize everyone..

This youth will fade away."

"You shouldn't care who it is."

"Just deal with the heart."

"Just have great nights."

"By the time you will

know and recognize everyone..

This youth will fade away."

"You shouldn't care who it is."

"Just deal with the heart."

"Just have great nights."

"The way life is."

"The way life is."

"Accept it the way it."

"Who knows anyone here?"

"Who recognizes anyone here?"

"Everyone is a stranger here."

"Even the one we know is unknown."

"What are you thinking?"

"Why are you staring?"

"What are you thinking?"

"Why are you staring?"

"The entire world is a maze. A maze."

So, did you have any

problem in find my address?

I never imagined that you did this.

Why? Did you feel very bad?

Oh no.

Leave it, sir. I know everything.

You come here to amuse yourself.

And the ones who amuse you..

You look at the

poor things with hatred.

But Kalpana, was this the

only job you could find to do?

There are other jobs.

Why do you dance like

this in front of others?

I want not dancing, sir.

A helplessness of a

woman was dancing there.

You don't know that I need

money to treat my sick mother.

And money has its own price.

A woman has to pay

the price by displaying..

And selling off her body.

Kalpana, I want to tell you something.

Can you meet me tomorrow? - Why?

I think we should understand

each other properly.

Is it? Let me see how

the sky will change its color.

'Father has remarried.

Come home soon. Roopa.'

I don't know what is

wrong with Shanti Swarup?

It is time for his children to marry..

And instead he

has got married himself?

I know that you all are angry with me.

But I am sure that you

will understand why I did this.




What is the matter, Hammeda?

Are you leaving?

I was suddenly reminded

of old times, sir.

May God keep you happy.

This is my daughter, Roopa. - How sweet.

And this is my son, Ravi.

Say hello to her Ravi.

She is your mother.


This is not you, Maya. This is Ganga.

She passed away before

she could enter this house.

Come. And she left my heart vacant.

She didn't even give

me a chance to make her happy.

Now you must have understood..

Why I have got you here.

What happened? - Nothing.

I am feeling strange

with this garland of flowers.

Can't you move this picture from here?

Move it...

She is correct, father.

This picture doesn't have

a place in this house anymore.

I will take it away from here. - But...

Don't worry, father.



When I was an air

hostess I used to dream..

About such a house,

with servants and cars.

- What is the matter?

- Whose house is that?

Hameeda stays there.

The one whom you met downstairs.

Look, it is spoiling the entire view.

It seems as if there is

a stain on a pretty painting.

Ask Hameeda to go move

and have it demolished.

Let it remain here, Maya.

This house always reminds

me of what I was..

And where I have reached.

This house bears witness

that people who..

Compromise with

circumstances as fate..

Always remain there.

But people who fight

against circumstances..

They achieve success

and reach the sky.

Wonderful. What ambition. What a man.

I am very lucky to be in your house.

Aunty, my mother has returned to you.

- Take care of her.

- She was always here, dear.

You have forgotten.

Your mother never left this house.

How will she?

This house is not a mint, aunty.

It is a temple of good will.

Kalpana, you are in this city!

- Kalpana! - I think you have mistaken.

- Mistaken.

Kalpana. Kalpana. Listen.

Don't joke, Kalpana.

Why should a poor

person like me joke, sir?

Only rich people like

you can crack jokes. - Kalpana.

You asked me to wait and then forgot.

It doesn't matter.

I am very embarrassed, Kalpana.

The matter was so urgent that..

I had to return the same day.

And I couldn't even inform you.

There was no need, Mr. Ravi.

You might have thought

that what will the world..

Think if they see

me with a dancing girl...

It is not like that, Kalpana.

- You don't know what my problem was.

- Forget it.

I have to reach home soon.

It's a new place.

I have left mother alone. - Kalpana.

Don't you need this driver today?

Mother. Mother, this is Ravi.

Sit, I will go and change.

I have to go to work.

But at this time?

Yes, nowadays I have

to work during the day.

After all it is social service.

Aunty, Kalpana has told me everything.

But don't worry.

God will resolve everything.

Shall we?

There are other jobs

in the world too, Mr. Ravi.

Is this okay? Mother, bye.

Okay, aunty.

Yes, sir. Whom do you want to meet?

Sir. Sir.

Sir. - Tell Shanti Swarup

that Hira sir has come.

Hira sir? Sir, I don't recognize you.

The entire world knows

me and fools know my worth.

Sir, be careful before speaking.

Fool, Maya whom Shanti

Swarup has married..

I am dearer to her than her own life.

She has come to her new in-laws.

I thought that she shouldn't become sad.

That's why I have come

to increase the grandeur here.

Go and tell Shanti

Swarup that I have come.

Hey, sir.

Beautiful. Very beautiful.

Everything in this house is beautiful.

And a few things are very beautiful.

Bansi, who is he?

He is a trespasser.

Roopa ma'am, this sir...

All right, so you are Roopa.

Hello. Hello.

You are very pretty. Wonderful.

Save me.

Anybody there. Anybody there.

Save me. Save me. Save me.

Bingo, stop it. Stop it, Bingo!

This is the dark age.

Dogs have started to

bark on tigers. Go away.

Roopa, go inside.

Mr. Tiger, come down.

You are safe now.

Sir, first take care

of the danger standing below.

Don't worry about him.

Bingo, go. Go. Come down.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Hira. - Oh yes.

When did you come? - Just now.

You could have sent me a message.

I would have sent

the car to the station.

To tell the truth I had

come to give you a surprise.

But I got surprised instead.

They are not to be blamed.

They don't know you.

They will know me now.

Mr. Shanti Swarup.

Mr. Shanti Swarup, bless me.

Bless me. - Get up.

This is my duty.

I might have done some

virtue in my last birth..

That I am able to enter

the house of a great man like you.

Master, there was ruin where he went.

- What are you saying?

- Just a verse, master.

Go and take out the car. - Yes, master.

This is my son. - Hello. Hello.

- And I have just met your daughter.

- All right.

- So Hira, consider it as your home.

- Yes, I will.

Maya, take care of our guest.

I will talk to him once I

return in the evening from office.

- Come Ravi.

- Give that to me. - Goodbye. - Bye.

God, you are great.

Your face fooled his brains.

Wow, oldie. I am smitten by your love.

He has got Maya thinking

her to be Ganga.

At first I thought he was mad,

but he was genuine.


I was shocked to see Ganga's photo.

It's my face exactly.

Darling, we have been successful so far.

Now start with your magic.

Enter his heart like Ganga.

And make him so intoxicated by you..

That he sees you all around. Only you.

And once you are with him,

his money will be with us.

Heera, there are always

snakes with money.

Even I have seen them.

Ravi seemed to be very fierce.

I will hold him by

the neck and strangle him.

- And with regards to Roopa.

- We will marry her off.

The thorn will be removed automatically.

What is this?

The shipment for Japan has not left yet?

If I leave for a day you

think you are not answerable.

I want to know why there was a delay.

Sir, there was a danger

for mine number five to cave in.

That's why I stopped the work.

Nonsense. Who are you to stop work?

I will tell you when

you can stop work. Got it?

Start the work immediately.

But sir, we have bombs fitted close by.

Do you want me to teach how to mine?

Just follow my orders.

I don't want your advice.

But father,

the workers are at risk there.

If the mine caved

in they might get buried.

Ravi, why do they take their salary?

This is business.

We only look at profit and loss.

Not fear and danger.

The one who is scarred can leave work.

Did you give that broker 5000 rupees?

I had sent Charandas from the office.

Have you lost your mind?

Why didn't you go?

I have told you a thousand times..

Not to trust anyone with money.

But father, he is working

in our office for 15 years.

I can never imagine him to cheat me.

After all you have to trust humans.

Ravi, even cheats are humans.

Not every human is a cheat.

There are many people in the world..

Whom you can trust with lakhs.

This is wrong, Ravi.

I have never heard anyone

giving lakhs to an ordinary clerk...

- 'Sir, me..

- Yes, I trust you completely.'

'This is one dark corner

of father's life which scares him.'

When father bought this house..

He had specially

kept it for my mother.

She didn't even get a chance to see it.

Since than my father has locked it up.

How strange. I want to see this room.

- Father will be very angry.

- I will console him. Open it.

I am telling you.

I am your mother, Roopa.

Leave it, mother.

I don't know why I

am scared of this room.

- Come, let's go.

- Nonsense. Give me the keys.

What happened?

Why did you scream?

I thought it was your mother.

But that was my reflection.

I got scared of myself, Roopa.

Mother, you have seen the room.

Let's leave now.

I am scared.

Such beautiful saris.

What lovely jewelry.

Why are they here, Roopa?

I have seen them for the first time.

Keep them back, mother.

Father will be very angry.

He will be angry with me.

Why are you scared?

- Listen to me, mother.

- Come on. - Mother! - Come.

Where is mistress, Bansi?

Master, I don't know where she is.

She will be around

here somewhere, master.

Master, if you don't

mind can I say something?

- What? - I am scared in this house.

- Scared?

Yes, master.

It feels like a ghost has entered.

What nonsense! - Okay, master. Master!


Yes, I am Ganga. - No, you are Maya.

What have you got all

covered by this kerchief?

It contains something which

you have forgotten completely.

I have forgotten? - Yes. - Show me.

- You will be shocked to see it.

- Okay, give me a shock.

Close your eyes first.

Close your eyes. - All right.

I have found your loot. - What loot?

No, keep your eyes closed.

Now I know how much you loved Ganga.

That's why you have kept

them like it is someone else's.

What? - Open your eyes

and look for yourself.

What have you done?

Gove it to me.

Don't touch this box in the future.


Careful! Careful!

Bring him here.


Rascal, I will have your blood.

Shebu, what have I done?

You will get promoted

by pleasing the owners.

But you didn't think of our families.

Shebu. - The lives of the workers...

What are you doing?

Sir, if he knew that there

was a danger for the mine..

To cave in then why

did he send us inside?

How is he to be blamed?

He has just carried

out his master's orders.

That's his job after all.

I don't want a job where

you can lose your life.

You are the only

one I have in this world

If anything happens to you,

how will I live?

God decides life and death, mother.

Sir gave me orders.

Father is only concerned

about his profit.

He doesn't care if someone dies.

But aunty, tie him up now.

Get him married soon.

- He won't risk his life than.

- You are right, dear.

Whom should I get married him to?

The wall?

- Girls are not dead.

- But nobody will marry him.

Why? - Muslims don't

because he is Hindu.

And Hindus don't because I am a Muslim.

I have told him many

times to let go of me.

The world doesn't accept

such a relationship.

The way you have

suddenly entered my life.

Leave me in the same manner. - Mother.

You were not born of my

womb to stay with me forever.

Now go and start a family of your own.

Why are you ruining your life for me?

Mother, you are my life.

I can even refuse heaven for you.

Leave you for a girl.

Don't say so again, mother.

I don't know why people

measure humanity to religion.

Aunty, let me worry

about Ram's marriage.

I swear, if my own

sister agrees than I will..

- Happily marry her off to Ram.

- Brother.


Will you keep your word? Will you deter?


Brother, you said what was in my heart.

Really, Roopa? Ram.

Do you like Roopa?

Brother, don't show me dreams.

Give me a clear answer.

Will you marry Roopa?

Brother, this is a wish

which I have hidden in my heart.

Then why didn't you tell me?

I was scared to be hurt, brother.

Crazy boy! Why will you be hurt?

Roopa has the same opinion as you.

I will unite the hearts, Ram. I swear.

Dear, you have said

such a thing in emotion..

Which your father will never accept.

The heart is like a sea, aunty.

If there is a storm

it can even break the shore.

Here you are.

After a long time someone

is serving me tea so affectionately.

May, do you know, since you have come..

This house has become fragrant.

Really? I...

Why are you feeling shy?


Oh! Roopa.

- I have got flowers.

- Yes, place them there.

I get worried whenever I see her.

- Why are you worried?

- She has grown up now. You don't care.

Find a good boy and marry her off.

You are right.

I didn't notice that

my girl has grown up.

Maya, I thought you

only thought about me.

But today I can see that

you have taken Ganga's place.

Since I have come as her mother..

I will fulfill the duty of one.

Roopa is my daughter

first and then yours.

- Right, Roopa?

- Did you hear your mother?

I have to find a bridegroom for you now.

"We are going."

"You are going." - "I am going."

"In the journey." - "Of love."

"We went." - "As partners."

"We united." - "Into one."

"We were lost." - "In the paths."

- "Who?" - "We." - "You."

- "We are happy partners."

"We are going."

"You are going." - "I am going."

"In the journey." - "Of love."

"We went." - "As partners."

"We united." - "Into one."

"We were lost." - "In the paths."

- "Who?" - "We." - "You."

- "We are happy partners."

"You still have time.

Think and take the step."

"Get lost. Don't try to test me."

"You still have time.

Think and take the step."

"Get lost. Don't try to test me."

"We will go together."

"With great love."

"We won't be able to return."

"From the paths of love."

"We are gone." - "We are gone."

"We were lost." - "In the paths."

- "Who?" - "We." - "You."

- "We are happy partners."

"We are going."

"You are going." - "I am going."

"In the journey." - "Of love."

"We went." - "As partners."

"We united." - "Into one."

"We were lost." - "In the paths."

- "Who?" - "We." - "You."

- "We are happy partners."

"We are dancing as

we cross the streets."

"We are kissing every bud and flower."

"We are dancing as

we cross the streets."

"We are kissing every bud and flower."

"They couldn't follow us."

"Even the wind was left behind."

"That in the midway."

"Even the breeze was left behind."

"We are gone." - "We are gone."

"We were lost in the paths."

"Who? We. You. We are happy partners."

"We are going."

"You are going." - "I am going."

"In the journey." "Of love."

"We went." "As partners."

"We united into one."

"We were lost in the paths."

"Who? We. You. We are happy partners."

"We shouldn't be left

alone in some corner."

"I will stay with you

after leaving everyone."

"The strings to our hearts

will never break severed."

"What else should I do in your love?"

"I have." - "Been smitten."

"We were lost." - "In the paths."

"Who? We. You. We are happy partners."

"We are going."

"You are going." - "I am going."

"In the journey." "Of love."

"We went." "As partners."

"We united into one."

"We were lost in the paths."

"Who? We. You. We are happy partners."

"Who? We. You. We are happy partners."

What nonsense?

How can I marry Roopa to Ram?

Have you lost your mind?

Why you are angry, father?

They are together since kids.

Ravi childhood and youth is different.

Everything can be ignored in childhood.

But you have to check

the status and family when..

Form an alliance in your youth.

We don't know anything

about his caste or family.

I cannot make an orphan

from the streets my son-in-law.

A man is tested by his qualities,

not by caste and family.

But... - Father.

Ram was raised very decently.

And he is very humane.

Dear, money is required

to live not humanity.

You are absolutely right.

But he doesn't understand

the reality of life.

Hameeda has sure done a great thing..

By raising a Hindu kid.

People will praise her for that.

But no one will give

their daughter for marriage.

Father, I have already promised them.

How can you make promises?

This is my responsibility

until I am alive.

I know father,

but this is what Roopa wants to.

- Nonsense!

- It's true, father. - Shut up!

I know what is good for Roopa.

Try to understand, Ravi.

We have decided to marry

Roopa to an affluent family.

I am sorry but I don't think that..

You are connected

to an affluent family.

What? - Father,

this is about my sister's life.

She has no right to

meddle with this affair.

Why not?

She has the right to be a

part of everything in this house.

She is the mistress of this house.

Your mother.

My mother is dead, father.

She cannot replace my mother.


My mother was contented.

She is covetous.

My mother was virtuous.

She is false. Untrue.

You have been entrapped by her, father.

Shameless! Useless!

Don't trust these, eyes father.

They are cheating on you.

Get out. Get out right now.

I denounce you now.

You cannot break blood ties, father.

Now I will return only

when you will be able..

To differentiate

between light and darkness.

My doll, you look just like a queen.

Come and sit here.

Now what shall I dress you as?

Rich or poor? King or beggar?

Do you want to be a Hindu or a Muslim?

There is still time. Tell me.

I can dress you as you want.

Why are you being so cruel, aunty?

Let men be men.

Why are you differentiating

them into Hindus and Muslims?

Man is no longer just a

man when he dons clothes, dear.

Cloth can decide one's

religion and status.

What is the matter?

Even you seem changed.

I have come to bid you goodbye, aunty.

Father has turned me out of the house.

- What are you saying?

- This is not new, aunty.

A son has to leave his

home when there is a step mother.

But why? Did you quarrel with him?

I asked father to

marry off Roopa to Ram.

She interfered and ruined everything.

Aunty has dressed the doll so prettily.

She is my bride.

She cannot replace me.

Why have you thrown

away my bride? - Ram!

Only lifeless dolls can be brides here.

I am only destined for this.

What is the matter, aunty?

What is the matter, brother?


You brother is leaving home, Roopa.

Brother. Brother.

Don't cry, Roopa. Don't cry.

I am leaving this house not you.

I remember the promise

I have made to you, Roopa.

I will fulfill my promise.

Aunty, take care of Roopa.

Maybe I have come at the wrong time.

I am sorry, Hameeda Begum.

Mr. Shanti Swarup has

asked you to come now.

What does he want from me now?

I want to know the price of your hut.

You can take any amount from me.

And go away from with

that shameless boy..

You address as son.

Sir, will this matter

end if we go away from here?

Don't argue with me? I know you well.

To prove himself,

your son blew the mine.

And then had me insulted in public.

That's a lie.

The truth is that you have

found an easy way to get rich.

You showed false love

and entrapped my children.

Don't say so, sir. I am not so wicked.

Then how did you dare?

Didn't you look at yourself

before asking for an alliance?

The sky and the earth can never meet.

Maybe you have not seen the horizon..

Where the sky and the earth meets.

They are still embracing

each other right now.

That is just an illusion, Hameeda.

Not reality.

The earth is the reality, sir.

The sky is the biggest illusion.

What do you mean? - I mean to say that..

Even you used to

live on earth at one time.

The floor of a hut was your bed.

And you used to look at

the moon form its broken rafters.

Hameeda, that time is gone. It's past.

Yes, that time is gone.

You will shiver if you remember it.

You will remember the crime which..

You committed to become rich.

I am responsible for what I have done.

You shouldn't bother about it. Got it?

You shouldn't bother about it.

Shanti Swarup you have

been blinded by money.

You won't be able to

see anything through them.

Open your heart if

you really want to see.

You will see your reality.

You will come to know who

sacrificed for these riches.

Shameless, lowly wicked woman.

If you don't leave

now then I will kick you...

For God's sake, don't go.

I won't let you go.

Ganga, I have taken the step.

I will go out now.

Let me go. Let me go.



Bansi! Bansi!


Why is it so dark? Why is it so dark?

Why am I not able to see anything?

Why am I not able to see anything?

Come on. Get down.

Doctor, I am not able to see anything.

You can't. You still can't see.

Doctor, get any medicine you need.

Don't worry about money, doctor.

It is not about money, Mr. Hira.

We are giving him the best treatment.

Take him home and continue

with the treatment.

I will send the nurse

along to look after him.

Be brave, Mr. Shanti Swarup.

If God wills than you

will be able to see again.

Doctor, you are giving me false hope.

Tell me the truth.

Can you cure my eyes or not?

Father, calm down.

The doctor is trying his best.

And we children are your eyes.

Come, father.

Don't touch me.

You should be pleased that

I can't see right and wrong now.

Maya, tell him that I won't

go to that house if he is there.

Come, sir.

We are there with you. - Let's go.

God, I am taking your offerings.

Please bless my father.

Take my eyesight.

But please let him see again. I pray.

Please come, sir. Please come.

Have you finished your prayers?

A virtuous son like you

has been turned out of the house.

You have got a very bad father.

Stop your nonsense.

Calm down, mister. Calm down.

I wish everyone well.

You and also your father.

Remember never to go

to your father's house again.

Who are you to stop me?

Don't you know that I am

the lover of your new mother?


Look behind you.

Your death is lurking nearby.

You are with the death angels.

Do you want to go to your old mother?

Tie him up and take him to the den.

I will follow.

Mr. Shanti Swarup, how are you now?

Where did you go so

early in the morning, Hira?

I have gone to the temple.

I have got offerings for you.

Hira, what happened? - Shut up.

- He will be pained to hear.

- What is wrong with you?

It's nothing. - What happened? Tell me.

- What happened?

- I'd gone to get offerings for you.

Did you fall down and get wounded?

What happened?

What can I say?

The world is very bad nowadays.

I had said my prayers

and returning from the temple.

I prayed to God to take my

eyesight and make you see again.

And suddenly I met your son, Ravi.

And he had me beaten up by his rogues.

What are you saying?

Why would brother do that?

Because he thinks that I have had him..

Thrown out of the house.

He thinks that I am

creating obstacles for him.

This is wrong, father.

I am sure he has done something.

Shut up, daughter.

Why should he do anything?

- He went to the temple.

- Ms. Roopa, I am at fault.

Mr. Shanti Swarup, please give me leave.

What is the use of staying here?

The father and son are fighting and..

I am getting bashed up instead.

Take these offerings. May god bless you.

I will take the offerings Hiralal.

But you will remain here.

I will need your help now.

Sir, I have done one of your jobs.

I have taken your

offerings to your father.

So just do this for me.

The one who will do good will get good.

The end will be good. All will be good.

Will you sign this paper?

Now see how death looks like and..

Tell me what you have decided.

Come on, take him down. Take him down.


Mother. - My child. - Mother.

Nothing will happen to you now,

my child.

I have taken over all bad

things that might ruin our family.


Fill this well. Bury both of them.

Let me go. Let me go. Shameless. Rascal.

Let me go.

Let me go. Let me go. Let me go.


Why? Were you scared?

You shouldn't have scared me like this.

Are you angry with me?

It was a joke for you. I was so scared.

I thought it was him.

Him? Who is that? - Leave it.

You won't be able to tolerate it.

You are a man.

You will accuse a

woman for her weakness.

Don't try to conceal things, Kalpana.

Tell me, what did he do?

I won't tell you. - You won't?

No. - Okay, get lost.

"One night I was sleeping alone."

"I was sleeping alone."

"There was no one with me."

"One night I was sleeping alone."

"I was sleeping alone."

"There was no one with me."

"When I opened my eyes I

saw someone staring at me lovingly."

"I screamed, shouted and made a noise."

"And he pulled me towards himself."

"He hugged me fiercely."

"He embraced me with his arms."

"I am a girl, what could I have done?"

"I was left sighing."

Who was he?

"He was a lion,

he was brave with a broad chest."

"I was weak,

how would I have stopped him?"

"He was a lion,

he was brave with a broad chest."

"I was weak,

how would I have stopped him?"

"He was starting to feel passionate."

"Like the fast spreading forest fire."

"He didn't give me

a chance to run away."

"He hugged me to his chest."

"He hugged me fiercely."

"He embraced me with his arms."

"I am a girl, what could I have done?"

"I was left sighing."

"He kissed my hair and my cheeks."

"He picked me up in his

arms and took me around."

"He kissed my hair and my cheeks."

"He picked me up in his

arms and took me around."

"I don't know how

powerful his love was."

"Slowly I lost my senses."


"I was beyond control

and he touched my body."

"I don't know what happened."

"I am a girl, what could I have done?"

"I was left sighing."

"Listen. Listen.

Listen to what happened next."

"Where are you going?"

"I was five years old

then and that was my grandpa."

"I was five years old

then and that was my grandpa."

"He did love me but

within his boundaries."

"I was five years old

then and that was my grandpa."

"He did love me but

within his boundaries."

"I just wanted to fool you."

"So that I can take my revenge."

"If you make me jealous,

I will make you jealous too."

"If you tease me, I will tease you too."

"I am a modern girl."

"We both are equal."

Hira thinks that I am dead.

But he doesn't know that

I am living only for him.

Now I understood why you

have called me in these ruins.

But why don't you say

all this to your father?

Kalpana, you know that

I cannot go to my father's house.

But I will be worried

about father and Roopa..

Till Hira is in that house.

Kalpana, inform me if anything is wrong.

- Yes. All right, shall I leave now?

- Listen.

Nobody should know that you have met me.

Not even Roopa. - Yes.

Roopa, it's late. Go home now.

It is not right for us to meet.

We should stop this now.

Then there is only one way out.

For me to die.

Don't say so Roopa.

Just think that we met like travelers.

And we departed when we reached

our respective destinations.

But you are my destination Ram.

Why are you running

after shadows, Roopa?

Forget what is not possible.

You are asking me to forget you!

I am helpless, Roopa.

I can't dare to brave

the obstacle in my path.

Why can't you? I am there with you.

You might be great Sita. I am not.

If I try to act great

than people won't let me live.

Ram! - Roopa, please go back.

You will find new

happiness in your new life.

You are under my oath.

I am going because you are asking me to.

But remember, that lovers can die too.


Why are you crying?

Did he say anything to you?


Roopa, I can understand you.

It's your first love.

You might be very hurt.

I misunderstood you.

But you can understand

other people's pain.

This is your age.

You are not to be blamed.

I wish everyone well.

Yours and your father's.

Roopa, God does everything for good.

Who knows you might find a better..

Handsomer boy than him the one..

Who will love you so much

that you will forget everything.

You... - Why are you scared, Roopa?

I am far better than that Ram.

Let me go. Aren't you ashamed?

I don't feel shameful at all,

my bird. Never.

Father. - Why are

you calling your father?

You went to meet Hameeda's child..

To dishonor your blind father.

Weren't you ashamed then?

You love Ram. And I love you.

Let me go. Let me go. - No. - Let me go.

Let me go. Let me go. Mother.

Let me go.

Mother. Mother. - Hira! - Let me go.

Get out. I said get out. Get out!

What is the matter?

What is wrong with Roopa?

Master. Careful.

Walk slowly. - Why is she crying?

Master. - Shut up.

Calm down, Mr. Shanti Swarup. Calm down.

- Roopa is crying because of me.

- What did you do?

I did a very bad thing.

You were about to lose

your honor I saved it.

What are you saying?

I told you that she was

eloping with Hameeda's son.

I got her back that's

why she is crying. -Roopa!

I wish everyone well... - Shut up. Roopa.

- Did you ask for Roopa?

- Yes. Where is she?

In front of you. - Come here.

Did you go to meet Ram?

But father...

Yes or no? Did you go to meet Ram?

Yes, father but...

Shameless girl.

You went to meet that

rascal when I told you not to.

You should die. - Father, listen to me...

I don't want to listen to anything.

Maya, lock her up in the room.

I have realized today

that I am really blind.

Children are the real eyes of

their parents but my children... - Master.

"My heart shouldn't cry here."

"My heart shouldn't cry here."

"This is not your world."

"Who has time to understand your tears?"

"My heart shouldn't cry here."

"This is not your world."

"Who has time to understand your tears?"

"My heart shouldn't cry here."

"Why does the crazy world

connect love with money?"

"Why does the crazy world

connect love with money?"

"Why does it hurt

people for traditions?"

"Nobody will be there for you."

"All are shadows."

"Nobody will be there for you."

"All are shadows."

"If this how the world is

than we are not fit live in it."

"Who has time to understand your tears?"

"My heart shouldn't cry here."

"How can anyone live in

a world which imprisons love?"

"How can anyone live in

a world which imprisons love?"

"How can I complain to strangers..

When my family has hurt me so bad?"

"Get lost in the dark as

if you are the fog in the sky."

"Get lost in the dark as

if you are the fog in the sky."

"Who needs you?"

"Erase of your identity."

"Who has time to understand your tears?"

"Who has time to understand your tears?"

Inspector, what is the difference..

If we can find her body or not?

I have lost my daughter.

My foolish girl didn't even understand..

That I said all this for her welfare.

Who is it? Who is it?

Ram, whom have you got home?

Mister, you have come in

as if it is your father's house?

So is this your father's house?

What kind of people Mr.

Shanti Swarup has?

You don't even know how to talk.

What did you say?

Let go of my hand.

I don't like this shamelessness.

Mister, I will teach you manners.

I will reap off your beard.

Don't you know who I am?

The dog is telling us who you are.

What did you say?

Shut up.

Well done, my tiger.

Please take care of this gent.

I will go upstairs.

Ram. You? - Greetings. - Greetings.

I have married my Hamshira with Ram.

I thought that they should

seek blessings from their elders.

Ram you have got married?

I will go an inform master.

Where are you going? Hold this dog.

You have come here. Wonderful.

You have been a great lover.

We have not even recovered

your lover's corpse.

And you are already married.

And you have come to

seek blessing from that man..

Whose daughter died because of you.

Sir, only God knows who

will live and who will die.

But you are now lucky.

So move aside now.

No. You cannot go upstairs.

Sher Singh! Bahadur!

Yes, sir. - Throw them out of the house.

Don't exert yourself. We will leave.

Well done, my tiger. We will meet again.

Come, Ram. Come, Hamshira.

Nurse, go and see why is it so noisy?

I don't know. I will check.

Master, Ram,

Hameeda's boy has got married.

Married? With whom. - I don't know.

A Muslim girl in a burqa.

They have come to seek your blessings.

- That rascal Hira... - Hey.

- All right, master. Sir Hira.

Hira sir threw them

out of the house. -Why?

I don't know that.

That's why I have come to

tell you so that you can ask him.

There is no need.

Leave. - Yes, I am leaving.

Nurse, men commit huge mistakes..

Because they are blinded

by false pride and status.

If I had listened to her request..

My daughter would

have been alive today.

Bahadur, go and tell Hameeda.

If she didn't move from

the hut in a few days..

Than we will set it on fire.

What is the matter?

Why is everyone silent to see me?

When the sky comes to earth..

The world gets scared, sir.

We don't know if he

has come for good or bad.

Hameeda today I have

come to rebuild broken.

I have got to know

that Ram has got married..

And he had come to

my home with his wife but...

Yes, sir.

I have taken them to your mansion.

Who are you? I didn't recognize you.

I am a servant of yours.

You can consider me as your son.

- What do you mean?

- I am Ram's wife's brother.

But how did they get married?

You seem to be a Muslim.

Yes, you are right.

But I value humanity.

I didn't care for anything

but the happiness of Hamshira.

Otherwise people were ready to kill me.

Yes, it is good that

you didn't care about people.

My daughter would

have been alive today..

If I had done the same thing.

Sir, there is no difference between..

My Hamshira and your daughter.

- She is like your daughter too.

- Yes, of course.

- Ram! - Yes, sir.

- Where is your wife? - Here she is.

Come here, dear. I am blind.

Dear, I am very sorry that you came..

From my home empty handed.

I have got a small gift for you.

I hope you like it.

You are crying, dear.

She was reminded of

her father by seeing you.

Got it? A daughter's

maiden home is not hers.

You have to leave it one day.

That is the way of the world.

It has always been so and...

Nurse. Take me away.

Bless you, dear. Bless you.

I am sorry, sir. I couldn't save you.

I should have been

careful when someone..

Had asked me not to cross

this threshold repeatedly.

No! No! You have taken away my husband.

You have taken away everything from me.

Where is my daughter? My child.

Don't take away my daughter from me.

Don't take away my daughter from me.

You have taken away everything from me.

You have taken away everything from me.

Don't take away my daughter from me.

Don't take away my daughter from me.

No. - Mother. No, mother. No.

- No. No. - Mother, oh no.

- My daughter. - No, mother.

I am Kalpana.

Kalpana, your daughter. Mother.

Don't cry, mother.

Don't cry. Give me your tears.

I am fighting this world for you.

Curse you the one who has made us cry.

May you cry forever.

Maya! Maya! - What happened?

Are your eyes paining?

No Maya. I just saw the lightning.

Are you able to see? - No.

I was able to see for a moment..

And then everything went dark again.

- I will call the doctor.

- No, Maya. Stay with me.

- I am feeling nervous.

- Yes, I am with you. Get up.

Go to sleep now. Get up.

Maya thought that my

eyes have become better.

But... But...

I have got a new gift for Mr.

Shanti Swarup.

Maya this medicine is very special.

The one who applies it

once will become blind forever.


After some time this medicine will be..

Given to that old man

and he will be blinded forever.

But this is a crime, Hira.

We have appointed a

nurse to commit the crime.

We will just replace

this with the real phial.

The rest will be done by the nurse.

I am very scared, Hira.

- Hey you! Where are you going?

- Are you blind?

Can't you see that I am

taking breakfast for master?

Give it to me. I will take it. - Come.

My time will come too.

Bansi. - No, it's me, Maya.

I have got breakfast for you.

Keep it aside, Maya.

I don't feel like eating now.

What is the matter? You seem worried.

Yes, Maya. I was thinking

that I was not just to you.

I have ruined your life with mine.

What are you saying?

I like taking care of you.

I always pray that you

should regain your eyesight.

Maya, I think that maybe

God will listen to your prayers.

What happened? - The glass fell down.

Maya, please put some

medicine in my eyes.

They are hurting.

Me? Oh no. I cannot give you medicine.

Why are you nervous?

No, I am not nervous.

The doctor has said

that no one but the nurse..

Should give you your eye medicines.

I don't know what the

matter with the nurse is today.

She has come. Take care of him.

I am sorry, sir. I was late today.

Sir, last night was very crucial for me.

If I had not reached on time than..

I don't know what

my mother would have done.

Why? What is the matter?

The shock of father's

death has driven her crazy.

Entire night I have

been cursing those people..

Because of whom we

met with such a condition.

No, nurse. You shouldn't curse anyone.

Curses take effect.

Do you know why I

am dependent on others?

Even I have been cursed by someone.

Nurse, you don't know

what a criminal I am.

I ruined someone

for my own selfish ends.

I forced a mother and

daughter to struggle for life.

When I heard about your mother,

I remembered my sins.

Sir. - No, nurse.

I have a huge burden in my heart.

I want to unburden it today.

What do you want, sir?

The keys to the locker

are below my pillow.

Come with me.

The locker is behind the curtain.

Open it.

Give me this box.

This is the memento of my crime.

Someone had given this

to me to safeguard his family.

When he was about

to die to keep his word..

I stopped being honest

and ran away from him.

What does it contain, father?

It is someone's treasure, dear.

And this is the family

whom I have cheated.

I forgot that you are punished..

For your sins in the same life.

My Ganga understood what I couldn't.

If anyone asks me why Ganga died..

Than I will tell

him that because of me.

Nurse, today give me a medicine..

Which will burn out my eyes.

I don't want to lose

that light of truth which..

I have seen in this

darkness in brightness again.

Nurse, you are crying?

Nurse, why are you crying?

What is the matter, nurse?

Where are you?

Nurse. You...

Nurse. Something is

wrong with my eyes, nurse!

Nurse. Something is wrong with my eyes!

Nurse. Something is wrong with my eyes!

Anybody there?

Bansi! Maya. Anybody there?

Anybody here? Bansi. Bansi.


I am able to see again.


Phial. Phial.

What is that?


Who wanted to pour acid into my eyes?

Who wanted to pour acid into my eyes?


'Why nurse? But she was crying."

"But why was she crying?"

"Did anyone force her

to pour acid into my eyes?"

Who can force her? Who has come here?

Maya had come too.

No. It cannot be Maya.

But why did she refuse

to give me the medicine?

Why? Did she know that

the bottle contained acid?

No. - 'I cannot give you the medicine.'

'She was so nervous

that she dropped the glass.'

But I was holding her hands.

That means someone else was there too.

Who was it?

But is happening in this house?

Why? How...

Jewelry? Where is the box of jewelry?

Who has taken the box? Hey... No.

'It will be better

if I act to be blind.'

'So that I can find out the truth.'

Mother, our days of

sorrow are over. Mother.

I have found the man

who has done this to us.

Mother! Mother!

Do you know where the nurse is?

She ran away with Mr.

Shanti Swarup's jewelry.

This was her plan.

Doctor, why did you send

such a nurse to our home?

But I cannot believe

that she can do this.

You will soon get to know that.

I have called the police.

No matter what,

I will treat him myself now.

There is no need for anyone to help.

Okay, doctor.

Hira, you have removed all obstacles.

Now only blind Shanti Swarup is left.

For him it is the dark night.

And for me, it is a full moon night.

Come, my darling.

Let me make love to you. Come.

Come on.

Have it. - Someone might see us.

Who will see us? Come on. Have it.

Wicked, shameless woman.

Hey. Why did you come alone?

You could have called me. You are blind.

You might have fallen down.

Blind people are bound to fall down.

It is bad when people

with eyes fall down.

Come, let's go to your room.

Have you drank alcohol? - Alcohol? No?

Them why are you smelling of alcohol?

Who is inside? - No one. No one.

I can even smell a cigarette.

Who is smoking?

Hira was smoking.

He forgot to extinguish it.

Even a small flame can burn the house.

You should extinguish it.

Dog! Dog!

Save me. Save me. Sir. Sir.

Sir. - Bingo, go away from here.

Where were you, Hira?

Me.. I received a call.

I had gone to attend it.

- Call from home?

- From our mine. The mine.

What is the matter?

The workers have gone on strike.

And they are saying that we will work..

Only if the master comes.

But how can you go?

Why not? I will surely go, Hira.

Because it is necessary

to find the truth now.

Oh yes.

And listen. - Yes. - Walk carefully.

You are not wearing shoes

and there is broken glass here.

- You might hurt yourself.

- Let me take you upstairs.

I don't need you, Maya.

How did this old man come

to know that I am bare feet?

Yes, he might have guessed

it from the sound of your footsteps.

But why do you want

to take him to the mines?

Who is taking him to the mines?

I will take him to the

jungle and kill him there.

What? You want to kill him?

Are you crazy?

You should kill the enemy

if he becomes smart, got it?

- Come. - Where have you got me, Hira?

- The mines.

Why? - Why is it so silent here?

I told you that the

workers are on strike.

That's why the machines are not working.

But now since you

are here this problem..

Will get resolved forever.

That is what I think too.

This problem will get

resolved forever today.


Are you hurt?

The workers are saying

that they won't work here..

Because it is dangerous for them.

I have brought you here

so that you can yourself see..

That it is not dangerous at all.

See? - I mean understand. Right Maya?

Yes, don't encourage the workers.

These poor people are rascals.

They will kill you if you care for them.

You are right, Maya.

These poor people are rascals.

They will kill you if you care for them.

So you want to push me from here..

So that all your problems are over.

Rascals, do you think I am blind?

I can see...


Who is it? - The angel of death.

I have come from the same

well where you have buried me.

You? - Yes, me.

No. This is not possible.

But it is, Mr. Hira. Stop.

I have to settle many debts with you.


Hameeda? - Yes, sir.

Why are you sitting alone?

I was running after an illusion.

This wealth took from

me the ones I earned it for.

Everyone has left me, Hameeda.

I am alone now.

This place is no longer fit for living.

I had a wish to die in

the same hut my husband died.

But what can I do, sir?

My children won't

be safe if we stay here.

We are always scared.

Pray for us, sir.

Your children want to take your leave.

Dear, when I met you I

felt that my daughter is alive.

Go dear. Bless you.


I am sorry to inconvenience you.

The nurse who has stolen

the jewelry from your house.

We have got her along with her mother.

She is saying that this

jewelry belongs to her.


Tell him that this jewelry is ours.

Madam, not only this jewelry.

Everything that I have belongs to you.

I have done you a grave wrong.

If you forgive me,

than maybe God will forgive me too.

I forgive you. Give me my jewelry.

Yes, mother, you will get it.

Sir, are your eyes cured?

Yes, dear, I can see.

I started to see the day

I accepted my crimes to you.

But I wish I had never

seen what I have seen till now.

But I am no longer sorry.

The one whom I have

been searching for so long..

Are standing in front of me today.

Today I have got a chance to repent.

Maybe today my Ganga's

soul will be at peace.

Inspector, this is the real criminal.

Arrest him.

I have to work hard to catch him.

Get up. Constable,

keep the jewel box there.

Sorry ma'am.

We were just doing our duty.

Hira, I told you that my time will come.

My time will come. Let's go.

And Mr. Shanti Swarup,

here is your money and jewelry.

The same which Mr. Hira has stolen.

Why are you silent, Mr. Shanti Swarup?

Are you ashamed to say father?

Now your eyes are fooling you, Ravi.

I can see.

Father. Father, I am sorry. Father.

Son, you and Roopa

should be forgiving me.

I have hurt you two a lot.

Ram. Bring Roopa here.

Ravi, you got Roopa and

Ram married without my permission.

I need to find a suitable

punishment for you.

Sir, I know how you should punish him.

Have him imprisoned for life.