Zamane Se Kya Darna (1994) - full transcript
Virendra Singh lives wealthy lifestyle in Bommbay, India, along with his wife, Shalini, and son, Vikram. He gambles on Diwali, loses all his money, borrows a large amount from his friend, Gajendra Singh, ends up losing this too, and returns home along with Gajendra and his brother to try and repay as much as he can. When Gajendra's brother attempts to molest Shalini, Virendra's kills him and flees. He boards a bus which meets with an accident, leaving only two survivors - himself and a young heiress named Anju. He adopts her, looks after her estate and assumes a new name, Sardar Rajpal, and becomes wealthy over time. Years later Anju has grown up and finds out about her foster father's tragic story and decides to try and re-unite this family. She posts two advertisements in Bombay's newspapers, to hire an Estate Manager, as well as asking for the whereabouts of Shalini and Vikram. Little does she know that she has opened up a Pandora's box for the advertisements were read by none other than Gajendra and his son, Shakti, who are well aware that Virendra's wife and son had both perished in a fire that engulfed their residence on that very night - and now they are poised to re-enter Virendra's life - with Shakti re-naming himself Vikram with a view of marrying Anju, inheriting her wealth and then the duo plan to kill Virendra to avenge the death of their brother and uncle respectively.
Some say that they have a right on this land.
Some say that they have a right on the ocean.
Some say that they have a right on the sun and the moon.
But the silence if the maker above says that.. fools, it is only who has the right on the whole universe
Hey, good. The time is up.
One, two, three, four.
Pyarelal, stop it. I said stop it. Pyarelal.
Oh, my God. Stop it.
Very good. You got up?
You idiot, what is all this?
All these are the wonders of my brain, Anju baby.
You had told me to wake you up exactly at 7 o'clock.
I had asked you, how should I wake you up?
Ring the bell and wake you, wake you with cold water..
..wake you with the bark of a dog?
You said that you did not know anything. Use your brain.
So I used my brain. And I woke you up at the exact time.
You bloddy stupid fool, let Uncle come.
I will get you fired from the job, today itself.
Who wants the job?
I was thinking this is my father's house..
Greetings sir. - Greetings.
What is all this going on dear?
See, Uncle I just slept after doing the rehearsal..
..the whole night. I told this fool to wake me at 7 in the evening
But he woke me up, now that is 7 in the morning.
In this I am not at all in fault, Anju baby.
All these are the problems of the English people's, AM & PM
Okay brother, all of you go now, and..
..come back at 7 in the evening.
It is okay now, isn't it, Anju baby?
Get out, get out all of you or else I will shoot all of you.
But dear, what was the need for you to practice dancing..
..the whole night?
Hey, Uncle, you don't understand.
This year's dance competition in Mumbai this year.. very, very challenging.
And my daughter, never gets defeated in any challenge.
Boss. Boss. Boss. Boss.
What is the matter, Hariya.
The Banjaras, have again attacked our godowns.
Attack them. Kill them.
Wherever Bhairav Singh goes, the storm of destruction comes
Come on.
Boss. Boss. Boss.
Hey, Balram what happened to you.
Come I will take you to the doctor.
This wound will be made okay by the doctor, boss.
But if their knife would have gone through my chest, then?
Boss, we eat from the salary from you.
We can shed our blood for you.
But we can't give our life for you.
Because we too have family. We too have family.
After today, till the police come here.. one will do any work here.
Yes, yes. No one will do any work here.
No one will work here.
Wait. No one has to go anywhere.
I am going right now and bring the police here.
Wait, daughter, wait. The police will not come here.
But why will it not come, Uncle?
These Banjaras, often come here and loot our things.
And you don't allow any one to tell the police.
I am asking, why are you so afraid of the police?
Did you do any crime, or are a murderer?
Or are you a criminal?
Yes, dear. Yes. Your Uncle, is a criminal for the law.
Criminal? Till today..
..I hid this bitter truth from you.
Not because I am afraid of the punishment the law will give.
But it is because, even when in the eyes of law..
..I am a criminal, but in the eyes of Justice..
..I am not a criminal.
Yet, I am leaving this decision to you today.. decide whether, I am a criminal or not.
This matter took place at that time..
..when you had not come in my life.
I had a small family.
My wife, my son.
We were celebrating, Diwali.
Listen, every day because of your work.. are able to spend some time with me and Vicky.
But today when you got time during, Diwali.. too you are going to gamble.
At least remain with us today, and celebrate the festival.
And you have to worship mother Laxmi too today.
Goddess Laxmi, has given me without my worship..
..a wife like you and a son like, Vicky.
Papa, don't go.
Did you see? Your son too is telling you not to go.
At least to make him happy, you stay back.
Shalu, I would definitely be with you.
But they are waiting outside to take me with them.
Cote, my intentions are this. Some how I hit the target..
..with my plan that all the properties of Virendar..
..come to me.
Brother, if our club works well then not only Virendar's..
..but one day we will have all the riches of..
..the creamy layer of this whole area.
Hello. Hello.
Cut, Mr. Virendar, sir.
Take these, 9, 10. Jack.
Sorry, brother, this happens in a game.
7, 8, 9. Sorry, once again.
What ever I brought with me, is finished. I am leaving.
What are you saying, Virendar sir.
The game has only started now.
And you get up and walk.
On the night of Diwali, you should have brought..
..that much money, as per to your status.
Quiet, how dare you talk to, Virendar, sir,. such a manner, you idiot?
Golu, give Virendar, a credit of Rs.5 lakh..
..from my account.
What happened? How did this happen. Hey.
What happened, what happened?
What happened.
Sir, Virendar the money that I gave now as a loan..
..I have to pay that money tomorrow.
If I am not able to pay, then I will be destroyed.
No, no. You come with me right now to my house.
I do not have that much cash, but I have some jewellery..
..and the papers of my bungalow.
That I will give you.
At last the same thing happened..
..which I was afraid of.
They have deceived you and looted you.
But I will not let you give, the jewellery, and..
..papers of this bungalow.
You don't understand, Shalu. If I don't repay my debt now..
..I won't be respected any more.
And when my family jewellery is sold..
..when this bungalow is auctioned.. that time how much honor will be left then?
Hey, Virendar, what are you saying?
She is saying correctly. These jewellery are not for..
..repaying the debts of a gamble..
..but to embellish her beautiful body.
You dirty fellow.
You go from here, immediately.
You dirty fellow.
You go from here.
But. Shalum, how I can go leaving you and Vicky.
You don't worry about me.
I swear that you must go now.
Open the door.
I swear on your son, Vicky you go from here.
You go from the back door. Go.
Dear, I ran from the police that day, and
..I am running today till today.
But, Uncle what happened to, Aunt and Vicky.
When the storm of misfortune comes, dear.. takes everything with it except grief, and tears.
After I left, those villains took revenge on them..
..for not finding me, by burning them.
But, my heart still says that they are alive even today.
The maker can not be so cruel..
..the he will give the punishment due to me.. my wife and son. No.
Uncle, if God was angry with you, then in that bus accident.. which my parents were killed along with all..
..the other passengers, and I became alone in this world.
And then why did God save only you among them all?
May, God wanted us two support less people.. support each other. And after that as you came in life..
..the doors of riches opened for me.
And the Virendra, who used to loiter in the streets..
..has become, Sardar Rajpal, today.
Uncle, if really I am so lucky for you..
..then it will be due to me, that you will meet Aunt and Vicky.
But, Uncle we have to do something..
..about these Banjaras.
Yes. I have thought of a ruse for that too.
You are going to, Mumbai tomorrow.
You give an advertisement in the papers there..
..that we need a young and strong manager..
..who is not only expert in the management work..
..but is an expert in martial arts too.
Advertisement? Uncle, tell me by what name you called..
..your wife, at home?
Shalu. Why?
Now you rest assured that you have got, Aunt and Vicky.
Got them? How is that?
Leave that to me. It is easy for me. Yahoo.
Left, right, Left, right, Left, right, Left, right, ugh.
Hey, he killed me. Is it your hand or a hammer?
Hey, Ganiya how was my new punch?
Brother, this punch will puncture the best.
But my dear, I had asked you to prepare for the interview.
And you are getting ready for a fight?
I am fed up of searching a job for you.
I am going friend.
Hey, listen to me, Ganiya.
See, you have brought me an accountant's job. Right?
Nowadays, people want such an account..
..who keeps account properly, and when needed..
..can make the accounts okay too.
You read in the papers daily, that some where looting..
..some where dacoits, some where robbery.
Catch, catch, thief.
See, what did I say? Did I not say correctly?
Now you go, I will follow you. Go.
Catch, catch, thief.
Catch, catch, thief.
Catch him catch him.
Now that I have relieved myself I am happy.
Hey, stand aside.
Hey what are you doing?
What I am doing? I was doing, or you were doing?
That is over, now what?
Over? Run, there is a thief, run. Hey, run.
No you run.
Thief, thief. Catch him.
It is very difficult to run with sarong.
Catch. Catch. There he is running.
Shall I stop? No I will be looted.
Hey, so many thieves?
Are they the forty thieves of, Alibaba?
But, I too am a Sindi, I won't get frightened.
I will be courageous, I will run.
Where did a wall in the way?
Hey, you robbed and are running?
Hey, why are you beating me?
Hey, I am not a thief.
I have two wives, one is official and another unofficial.
If I die, then my wife will become a widow.
And the other will become, free.
Hey, don't beat me. Don't beat me.
Now I don't have even one child.
Brothers, I have beaten him, and now if you guys..
..want to do so, then you too do the same.
Here take him.
Hey, what are you doing? I will die. Don't beat me.
I am not a thief.
Brother, one minute. One minute.
If the government gives a reward for catching a thief..
..then please send it to this address.
Seth Chelaramani and sons. I am the new account there.
My name, is Vikram. What?
Very good. Keep beating him.
Beat him. Beat him.
Hey, what are you all doing?
Good morning every body.
Do you know me?
No. who are you?
I am the new Account of Chelaramani and sons..
Hey, Vicky, Vicky, Vicky.
What happened?
With great difficulty I met the boss, and got you the job.
Yes, that is why I am introducing myself to the staff.
First introduce yourself to the, boss.
He must be coming now.
What ever questions he asks, you answer correctly..
..and confidently., make the boss happy.
You don't worry at all, Ghany. Today is a very good day.
Do you know, on the way I caught a pick pocket..
..and beat him a lot.
Jhulelal, whose face did I see early in the morning?
I saw my own face.
Do you know, after today he will forget his..
..pick pocketing and remember his grandma.
I am finished.
You have not yet improved? After getting beaten.. came here too. I will..
You will steal, you will pick pockets?
I will cut you to pieces. Leave me.
Hey, run. Catch him. Catch him.
Catch the thief. Catch.
I will pull your Sarong. Catch him don't run.
You pick pockets, you dirty fellow.
Hey, Khanni, even the boss will appreciate me.
That as soon as I came what a good thing I have done.
You did a wonderful thing.
This pickpocket would pick the pocket of the boss too.
Hey, he is the boss, Chelaramani.
Hey, throw him out of the office. Take him out right now.
Or, Chelaramani & sons will become..
..Late Chelaramani & sons.
Listen to what I am saying, Boss.
I don't want to hear anything, go from here. Go.
Come on.
Do it in your underwear, do it in your sarong.
But never do it on the road.
Live, my dear.
Hey, friend tell me, what you have done..
..that you are going on laughing?
You are laughing, and shouting live, live.
Then listen. Today the rich man whose pocket I picked..
..the people around shouted.
Hey, the people always shout. Then what happened?
Then what happened? Then came a foolish rich man.
He ran with the fright of the thief.
A foolish rich man? Then what happened?
Then another fool came there. He caught the first fool..
..thinking that he is the thief.
Then what happened?
Then the second fool beat the first fool a lot.
And that lean, dry fish, half dead..
..thought himself to be Dara Singh, and the sixth son..
..of Mike Tyson.
Then what happened?
Then he broke the other's bones.
I was sitting behind the car and enjoying the scene.
Dry fish, lean, sixth son of Mike Tyson?
You fool, because of you I lost my job, do you know that?
Hey, a very good think happened.
A job is not written in your fate. In your fate.. written your own business. Own business.
Brother, sign on this, and start your own..
..independent business.
Business? What business?
Hey, it is the same business, without investment..
..without laboring, with courage and slyness..
..meaning, showing the knack of one's hands.
I am the president of all India Pickpockets association.
Start today. I don't even want your joining fees too.
Hey, you want to make me a pick pocket? I will make..
Police, police. Run.
Hey, what a man he is, simply beating me up.
Hey, rickshaw wait. Cycle, cycle.
sit in the cycle and run. Hey he is chasing.. God, save me from him.
Did not even allow me to eat the chicken.
Hey, madam. Daughter of a blind man. Can't you see?
You son of Tata, is the muck smelling bad?
Here, take this, Rs.5, go and get your clothes cleaned.. a laundry. A listen, your own face too.
How dare you?
Madam, when you throw muck at others..
..what you get is muck too.
And remember one thing, that this muck can be cleaned..
..with any soap.
But the muck of being rich in your head.. cannot be cleaned by any soap. Understand?
Here take Rs.10- and with this, you wash..
..your English, frock. And then by a Hindustani sari.
I only lifted your frock. I hope one day..
..a hot headed man would carry you off too.
Isn't it brothers? - Yes, yes.
This man is mad. Really mad.
If he remains out even one second more..
..I do not know how many more people
..he will make mad.
Somebody, please call the police.
Please call the police.
Put him inside.
Hey, inspector, I am not mad.
Every mad man in this world says the same thing.
Which sign of madness did you see in me?
The justice is blind. It does not see. It only hears, what?
At least let me ring my friend.
A friend of a mad man?
If you had any friend, would he not have freed you by now?
I have come, Inspector.
Is it you?
Yes. Me.
I understand. You picked some one's pocket again..
..and the people are behind you.
And you came inside the police station.. escape from them. Come on remove the goods.
And what is this?
Bail. Today I have not come here to escape..
..but I have come here to bail some one out.
Wear your specs and see.
I have brought a special bail, from a special court..
..and from a special magistrate.
For my friend. He is my friend. That, too very close.
Havaldar, remove the man out.
You are a pick pocket and how can you bail some one out?
Why? A pick pocket can give bribe. Cannot give bail?
Are you going to leave or shall I give the commissioner..
..the account of your bribes?
Hey, Babu why do you get angry?
Leave him.
Leave him..
Leave him.
Leave him..
Leave him.
In our first meeting, I lost my job.
In the second, I was jailed.
Now after bailing me out what do you want to do?
Brother, I am not as bad as you think.
Yes, I pick the people's pockets.
But before looking into their pockets..
..I look into their hearts. I have never such a man's pockets..
..which there is money, but the heart is filled with sadness.
My heart is not filled with sadness, but.. filled with rage for that rich girl.
The one who made me mad and got me in to this jail.
I have done the arrangement for that too, boss.
Tonight at nine, there is a dance program.. Bhaidas hall, in which Anju is taking part.
He is mad, inspector,
He is more dangerous than even a mad dog.. he is mad inspector.
Take him away inspector he is a dangerous mad man.
"Oh friends, there is song and music."
"Oh friends, there is song and music."
"My voice is there and my stylish actions are there."
"My voice is there and my stylish actions are there."
"I will sing in such a manner that I will steal your hearts."
"I will sing in such a manner that I will steal your hearts."
"Oh friends."
"The singers have come, and players of music have come."
"The singers have come, and players of music have come."
"The singers have come, and players of music have come."
"They don't know to dance and they have come to compete."
"They don't know to dance and they have come to compete."
"The singers have come, and players of music have come."
"They don't know to dance and they have come to compete."
"See my dear, the fun will start now."
"See my dear, the fun will start now."
"See my dear, the fun will start now."
"See my dear, the fun will start now."
"See, see. The girl is very angry but she is very proud."
"See, see. The girl is very angry but she is very proud."
"Tease her, tease her. One can see.."
"..the pride of her adulthood."
One can see.." - "..the pride of her adulthood."
"My heart says ..
"My heart says that I steal..
"My heart says that I steal the pinkness of her cheeks."
"That I bring her to her senses."
"That I bring her to her senses."
"See my dear, the fun will start now."
"See my dear, the fun will start now."
"The girl is getting red with anger.."
" though she is heated in an oven."
red with anger.."
" though she is heated in an oven."
"The horse is running breaking the ropes."
"Friends catch her, she is a monkey."
"Friends catch her, she is a monkey."
"I feel that she is mad,..
"I feel that she is mad,..
"I feel that she is mad, as she keeps abusing me."
"we will give here punishment."
"we will give here punishment."
"See my dear, the fun will start now."
"See my dear, the fun will start now."
In which corner of the world are you lost in?
The time of Lord Ram's staying in forest..
..was over in 14 years. Then why our stay without you.. not getting over?
Just come and see, that son who used to crawl..
..has grown so big.
Vicky, when did you come dear son?
When you were talking to this photo.
Mother, I cannot understand, what this man gave you?
He has given this holy symbol in your mother's neck..
..and had put vermilion on her forehead.
Along with that he also gave you the black spot of being..
..a murderer's wife.
Shut up. Son's clean the spots on their father.
And you, listening to others you yourself accuse him?
I am not staining him, mother. The stain is put on me by him.
That I am a murderer's son, and a gambler's son.
A son of such a gambler, who even laid..
..his own wife's honor in the game too.
Shut up. He did not lay his wife's honor in the game, son..
..but to save her honor, he had put his own life in danger.
And to save his own life, he ran away leaving his wife..
..and son at the mercy of his enemies.
I had compelled him to run, Vicky.
But see, the day you both come face to face..
..then at that time you will understand his love for you.
Pray that day never comes, mother.
Or else, you will have to choose one of us.
Your son or that murderer
What happened to this, Vicky?
Any way aunt, I am fed up of your, Vicky.
I search jobs for him and get it, and..
..he makes a mess of it and goes.
In the whole of Mumbai, there is no job left for him.
Yes, if he gets a job out of Mumbai, then alright.
There is an advertisement in the newspaper..
..that an estate manager's job is vacant.
That job is suitable for our, Vicky.
And it written to meet immediately at this address.
Sardar Rajpal, Rajpal estate, Virgarh.
Here is the advertisement. Now you convince him to go.
I am going. Thank you.
And this other advertisement?
Shalu for the last twenty years, I searched for you everywhere.
Today I am defeated and and giving this advertisement.
Wherever you are, as soon as you read this advertisement.. come immediately with our son, Vicky.. the address given below. The address is..
.. Sardar Rajpal, Rajpal estate, Virgarh.
God, I thank you a lot. At last you showed kindness on me.
Now that you have given me his address..
..then be some more kind and destroy the hatred.. my son's mind for his father.
So that even a shadow of any enemy does not fall on us.
Rajpal estate?
Yes. Son read these advertisements.
Dad, some Rajpal estate's address.. printed in these advertisements.
Yes, and the boss of this Rajpal estate.. none other than Thakur Virendar Singh.
The one who killed my brother and your Uncle and ran away.
Long cut in short cut dad. How can you say that..
..this is the same Thakur Virendar Singh?
Both the advertisements are given by, Rajpal.
The first advertisement he has give for an estate manager.
The second ad he has given for calling his wife and son..
..who got separated from him 20 years before.
In the ad he has called his wife as Shalu..
..and his son by the name of, Vicky.
And twenty years before, Virendar Singh too..
..had called his wife, Shalu, and his son as, Vicky.
And all this he has done to escape from us and the police.
But you had yourself killed his wife and son by burning them.
Yes, I had done so, but after Virendar ran away.
And that is why till today Virendar, believes that..
..that his wife and son are still alive.
He is very anxious to meet his wife and son, isn't it?
I will just now go and send him to his wife and son.
No son, no. this work we can do by calling the police..
..on phone any time we want.
By the fire of my revenge which is not yet extinguished..
..even after burning them in the fire.. will be put off by burning this old man's pyre.
He will die, but not like this. But he will flutter before..
..I will usurp all him wealth. And you will do this work.
By becoming his son.
Understood, dad. This is long cut in short cut
Then prepare for leaving immediately.
All preparations ar done, mother.
But I don't feeling like leaving you alone.
Shall I cancel the ticket?
No. It is a only a matter of few days.
You make arrangements for staying there.
Then I too will come there.
Mother, in such jobs, there is no arrangements for staying.
You have to sleep on trees and stay amongst wild animals.
- Shall I cancel the ticket? - No.
After years of prayers, God has shown us this day.
And such jobs cannot be got every now and then.
But mother, where I have got the job?
Now I have to give interview and meet the owner.
Think that everything is over.
You have got this job.
Got the job? Mother, you are talking as though.. know this Rajpal, very well.
Not me, my friend's husband knows him very well.
Hence, I have brought a recommendation letter..
..for you from him. You give this to him..
..and you will immediately get the job.
Vicky, the taxi has come. Come soon..
..the train's leaves in a short while from now.
Mother, you have become emotional again?
Shall I cancel the ticket?
No need for that. Take this and go quietly.
Mother, if you feel happy that I do this work..
..then I will definitely do this work. Bless me mother..
..that I am successful.
My blessings are always with you.
Let God, help you in completing the job..
..for which I am sending you.
I am leaving mother.
Hey, hey give way. Guddi, I am coming. Come quickly.
Hey, give way.
Come, come.
Thank God. If I was late by one more minute..
..then I would not have caught this train.
Then you could come by tomorrow's train.
You could have enjoyed one more day at, Mumbai.
Shut, Guddi. You are talking about one day?
I cannot stay one minute in, Mumbai.
That jungle animal spoiled all my mood.
Oh, God! So many abuses?
This is ours, isn't it? I was thinking that..
..the train would leave.
Who is this?
Ah, a dead body. A dead body.
You people don't be afraid. I am there.
Now I will go and pull the chain.
Pulling the chain without a reason.. a crime. Rs.500 fine and 3 months imprisonment.
Who said this?
The dead body.
The dead body?
The dead bodies don't speak.
But, you are speaking.
Because I am not a dead body.
But then why are you lying down like a dead body?
Why don't you show us your face?
Because you will not like my face.
No. No such thing.
Yes. Promise. Promise.
The see me.
Shriek, you?
Shriek, I mean me.
How dare you come here?
The same way that you did, madam.
See, here. First class ticket.
See, if you don't want to go jail again, then..
..immediately get down at the next station.
Hey, why the next station. If you get down with me..
..let us do so, right here in the forest. What?
Anju, by law we cannot force him to get down. Come here.
See, Mister. Don't get down. But pay attention to one thing.
If you try something, then just think that you are alone..
..and we are so many. Understand?
Okay, sisters. No excepting her.
You idiot. I will kill you.
Looks like he was an animal in his last birth.
Cockroach.. Idea.
How dare you do this?
No daring, madam. Necessity.
That too not mine, but yours.
Looks like you won't listen like this.
Go to hell.
Anju, you try many thing to leave him behind.
But he will come behind you.
If he is not thee, then his coat. See here.
Oh, God I heard that when ever you give, then you..
..tear the roof and give. Now what is you gave..
..tearing the roof?
Sardar Rajpal?
Oh, God. You have really torn the roof.
No, Chopra sir. You know the tea from our gardens..
..are one of the finest tea in the world.
Hence, its price will never come down.
Yes, the goods will reach when ever you want. Okay.
Uncle. Hai.
Oh, my dear, you have come? Tell me dear.. was your dance program?
Oh, Uncle, don't ask. One donkey had come and had..
..come and had made a mess of our program.
Then surely some female donkeys must have been there
Oh, God. Shut up Pyarelal. You take my things and go in.
Anyway, dear did you give that ad fro the manager?
Yes, Uncle. How would I forget that?
I have not given one but, two advertisements.
Two advertisements?
Yes. Now you see, all your problems will.. solved like this.
Hey, Anju solve our problems too.
We too have to go home dear. Come.
Uncle, I will them home and come.
Come soon dear.
I will go like this, and come like this.
Bye Uncle.
Bye, bye.
Boss, a man has come who has brought this letter for you.
Shalu? Shalu's letter?
Dear, probably after long years my prayers are answered.
Only today I saw your advertisement.
Advertisement? I knew that if your crime is not crime.. the eyes of God, then one day or the other..
..he will surely get us all together.
You must be thinking, why I am sending this letter..
..instead of coming personally?
That is because, the teasing of this world..
..and severe testing times have made our son, Vicky..
..your enemy.
Enemy? - Yes. You let know that you are his father..
..hence I am sending. Vicky in the pretext of a job.
You give him so much love that the hatred of you.. his heart has turns into elixir.
And you both become father and son, just by blood..
..but also become so by love too.
Where is the man who gave you this letter?
Boss, he is sitting in the hall.
'That is because, the teasing of this world..
..and severe testing times have made our son, Vicky..
..your enemy.
You give him so much love that the hatred of you.. his heart has turns into elixir.'
Young man, you have come for the job of our manager?
Oh, so this is the old man.
Sir, I did not want to come, but mother insisted on it.
That if at all I do a job, then I do it only with you.
Yes, mother is like a, God to me.
Now if you want take management or..
..any tests in martial arts, then you can take it.
The biggest test of a man is his character.
And the man who considers his mother like, God..
.then there is no need to take his test.
Just think that from today you are the.. owner of this estate.
What I mean is a new manager.
I am very happy to meet you. Hariya.
Yes, sir.
Take the things of the new Manager to his cottage.
Come on, sir.
Thank you.
Shalu, in spite of being alone, how well you have..
..reared my son.
Hello. - Dad.
The gaps fit and the matter is a hit.
Dad, you told me that you had burned this..
..old man's wife and son. But they are alive dad.
Alive? Now even if his real son comes here..
..then I will take care of him.
But dad by that time, you do long cut in short cut..
..of the old woman.
Okay, I will do that.
Who are you all?
Your death.
If you don't want to die young, then tell me..
..where is, Shalu?
Who? Aunt, Shalini?
She has gone on a pilgrimage of fourteen holy places.
A pilgrimage of fourteen holy places?
Looks like the old woman is herself anxious.. go to, God. Okay, at least for the present..
..thorn in Shakti's way seems to be going away by itself.
Tell me, whether you slept well in your cottage?
- No, sir. No. - Why?
Because I was thinking the whole night, that when.. will be dawn, and when I will do work?
Because my mother had said, son where you are going. do work. Don't take rest.
Sir, you bungalow is very good.
I four more such Bungalows, by the grace of God.
I have tea gardens, forests of teak.
Good morning, Uncle.
Good morning.
A beauty in the Jungle, too?
This is my adopted daughter. Anju.
And he is our estate's new manager.
I had told you yesterday, isn't it?
How did you like our place?
Anju, I believe that work is worship.
And the place we work as heaven.
And heaven is never bad.
Even then if you have any problems..
..or you need anything, then don't hesitate in saying so.
Now it is my duty to keep the troubles away.
Yours and the Sardar's.
Really, Uncle you have selected a very good manager.
Come dear, let us show him around our estate.
Vicky, these are our farms.
From that mountain to that mountain.
And this is the place, sir where the Banjaras..
..cut the head off the last manager's body.
Sorry for the fright I gave you.
And the place you see now, are our teak wood, jungle.
It is spread far and wide.
And it is this place where the previous to that manager's..
..intestines were removed by tearing his stomach..
..and threw it in the jungle.
Shut up, Pyarelal.
Am I telling something wrong? I am telling the truth, baby.
And all these tea gardens are ours.
What had happened here?
Till now nothing has happened.
But it will happen now.
What do you mean?
I mean that you have come now.
Sir, I will teach these, Banjaras such a lesson..
..that forget coming here, they will forget..
..even to look this side. Yes.
And this is our depot.
The tea from the tea gardens are packed here.
Greetings, sir.
How are you, Baliram?
I am alright, sir.
Have you loaded the goods in the truck, for Sitapur?
I am getting that done. Sir.
That Rohtak and Kanpur, goods I have sent sir.
Very good.
- And Baliram. - Yes, sir.
You were saying that you want..
..a good and brave manager.
Then this is the new manager, Mr. Vicky.
Greetings, sir.
Ok. Sir, the work is very big.
Long cut in short cut, is the profit big too or not?
Anyway, in a year, we get 14 to 15 crores.
But if we get a person who can sweat..
..then we can get Rs.20 crores, too.
Rs. 20 crores?
For Rs.20 crores, I can not only sweat but..
..can make blood flow too.
What I mean sir, if for you I can make my blood into sweat.
Sir, the Banjaras.
You villains, you had to come today itself?
Uncle, where are you taking me?
Loot them.
No need to run. We have a new manager today with us.
What have I gotten into?
Manager, what are you doing here?
I am searching for the, Banjaras here.
The Banjaras, are there. Go and face them there.
Why do you search them here?
Sir, will face them. I will go and protect, Anju.
This too is correct.
Destruction. Come. Blood for Blood. Life for life.
You have killed a, Banjara.
As per the laws of the Banjara, you will beheaded.. the daughter of that Banjara.. full view of the whole Kabila. Shiva take this man.
They have gone?
Where are you all? Come before me.
I will drink your blood one by one.
If you are a man, come before me.
If you have drunk your mother's milk..
..then come before me.
Where are they? Why are you shouting? They have left.
They have taken the boss and left.
The boss? Where have they taken him?
Hey, Rajpal. You must have heard the sentence of death..
..many times over. But the death you will get today..
..hearing that even the most stone hearted man's..
..soul will shiver in fear.
The souls of a coward shivers on seeing a brave man.
But remember one thing..
..that the hands of the one who saves is much longer..
..than the one who kills.
Brave, young man, you really are an angel sent by, God.
How can I repay your debt?
Just keep your hand on my head and bless me.
My mother says, that the blessings of the elders are..
..the biggest wealth in this world.
That mother is very fortunate who has a son like you.
Where do you stay?
I am seeing you for the first time, in this area.
I have come here for the first time, in search of a job.
Can you tell me the address of the Bungalow, of Rajpal?
You are standing in front of Rajpal, right now.
Now you think that you got your job now.
You mean that I got this job?
Where are they? Where are those, Banjaras?
I will not even leave even a single, Banjara alive.
But this, Banjara.. No.
Uncle, are you okay, isn't it?
I am okay dear. Where such brave young men reach..
..there everything becomes okay.
I have appointed him as my estate's and jungle's.. officer.
Uncle, what are you doing?
You don't know that this fellow is a.. villain, goon and a cheat.
Whatever it is, he is nothing less than an angel for me.
You know it my dear, that these Banjaras..
..are the enemies of our lives.
If they kidnap you are Vicky, then?
In such a situation it is very necessary that..
..a brave man remains with us. Understood?
What are you thinking, Anju? Even if he stays here..
..he will be here as your servant, isn't it?
Where will you get such a good chance.. even the insult he gave you?
Destruction. Destruction.
A stranger saved, Rajpal from your hands.
Now Bhairav's angers destruction will destroy you.
Destruction, Destruction,
Stop it, Bhairav. Sot your anger, Bhairav.
See, may be to stop this killing and bloodshed.. father is saved in spite of being shot.
Yes, but his blood has been let.
And the policy of our, Kabila is blood for blood.
Listen the people of this, Kabila.
..this is a promise by Bhairav, that Rajpal will be avenged..
..but before that the fire of Bhairav's destruction..
..will destroy the fellow who saved, Rajpal.
Destruction, Destruction,
Sir, sir the Banjaras, have again..
..attacked on our tea depot.
Hey, the keys?
At last he got into my trap.
Hey, Anju that fellow sat on your horse and went away.
Till today, no human is born that will ride on my, Sheru..
..and has come back in good health.
This is my horse.
Any one else except me, who has sat on it..
..has never return back walking on his feet.
Oh, really? If he makes your stubborn horse into..
..tame pony then?
Will you wager a bet of Rs.1000?
One thousand each?
Yes. - Okay, alright, I have done so.
Oh, no. Stupid horse.
Very good, my Sheru. Very good.
Now do you believe? Yes. You won and I lost.
Hey, come let us go and see, whether he is dead or alive?
That you people go and see.
Come on, Sheru. Come on.
Let us go.
Hey, hey Sheru, what are you doing? Have you gone mad?
Stop it. Sheru, I said stop. Sheru.
Yes, me. Madam, no horse has been born on this earth..
..which I cannot ride. You did not win the bet, but lost it.
Leave me.
You traitor.
Ouch. The more stubborn the horse is.. gets more enjoyment riding it. Isn't it, madam?
You idiot.
"You walk carefully my dear queen."
"Don't act so proud, oh my sweetie."
"Oh, my dear beautiful, Heer come into my arms.."
"..Let me lift you in my arms."
"Oh, my dear beautiful, Heer come into my arms.."
"..Let me lift you in my arms."
"You walk carefully my dear queen."
"Don't act so proud, oh my sweetie."
"Oh, my dear beautiful, Heer come into my arms.."
"..Let me lift you in my arms."
"Oh, my dear beautiful, Heer come into my arms.."
"..Let me lift you in my arms."
"You shake your small hips in such a way.."
"..that you make my heart more and more restless."
"You shake your small hips in such a way.."
"..that you make my heart more and more restless."
"Your fragrant and lovely body, your adulthood.."
" not in your control"
"Come and put off my fire, come, come."
"Oh, my dear beautiful, Heer come into my arms.."
"..Let me lift you in my arms."
"Oh, my dear beautiful, Heer come into my arms.."
"..Let me lift you in my arms."
"One of these days I will make you mine."
"if you won't agree like this then I will take you away."
"One of these days I will make you mine."
"if you won't agree like this then I will take you away."
"Don't be so proud of yourself, turn and look this side too."
"smile and let the eyes meet. Come. Come."
"Oh, my dear beautiful, Heer come into my arms.."
"..Let me lift you in my arms."
"Oh, my dear beautiful, Heer come into my arms.."
"..Let me lift you in my arms."
"You walk carefully my dear queen."
"Don't act so proud, oh my sweetie."
"Oh, my dear beautiful, Heer come into my arms.."
"..Let me lift you in my arms."
"Oh, my dear beautiful, Heer come into my arms.."
"..Let me lift you in my arms."
I will kill you.
Hey what happened?
Save my grand child.
Save the child. Save the child. Save the child. Save the child.
Some one please save. Some one please save.
Come brothers, some one save my grandchild.
Save. Save. Save.
What happened to my, Grandson?
Save him. Sir.
Quickly sir. Quickly sir.
Hey, this jeep is not for servants.
It is for the bosses.
You stand aside from my way.
You will stand aside. I have to take this Jeep for, Anju.
She goes for long rides in this, at this time.
Tell her walking is better for her health.
That two piece servant has that much courage?
And he does not obey my orders?
This whip, which makes the animal obey..
..will now peel his skin and show him who he really is.
You two bit man, I think you have forgotten that..
..this is not your city, but my property.
And you are my servant.
And you took my jeep without my orders?
Now this whip will you your real status.
You proud, girl. You will show me who I am?
I will show you who you are.
The wealth you are so proud of, is the result of.. of workers like us. This wealth is created by us.
And with this wealth you rich people have made..
..these Bungalows. You made your property.
And made this tin box of a jeep.
My heart feels like making your fair skin in such a way..
..that another girl who looks at you will never dare..
..touch a whip again.
But as I am faithful to the my employer..
..which has stopped my hands. Go. Go from here.
Leave me. Leave me.
Put me down. Put me down.
I say leave me. I say leave me.
Leave me. Leave me.
Put me down. Put me down.
I say leave me. I say leave me.
I will kill you. I will tell my, Uncle. Leave me.
Look, I am telling you now. You better leave me.
Or else my men will come here shortly..
..and beat you so much that even your mother will..
..not be able to recognize you.
Mothers, recognize their children in any condition.
But after today, you will learn how to recognize the humans.
What are you doing? I say, you stop.
See, if you even touch me..
You gave me this wound. Now you will apply medicine..
..on this wound with your own hands.
I will apply medicine on you? Are you in your senses?
I have my senses intact.
Hence I only tell you to apply medicine.
Before I lose my senses and you everything of yours.
Come on.
Red chilly powder?
Here is the medicine with my hands.
Now remember along with the wounds, this medicine too.
Such wounds and pain are a part of every day life..
..of men like me. But today I will give you such a wound..
..which you will never forget for your whole life.
After today, whenever you see yourself on a mirror.. will forget yourself and remember me. Me.
Now get out.
After today, whenever you see yourself on a mirror.. will forget yourself and remember me. Me.
Me. Me.
You fair body burns in the water.
Now on this stones, I and you will have good time.
Oh how I wish that I was this water.
It will be short cut in long cut.
Vikram, what is this nonsense?
This isn't any nonsense, it is my respect for you sir..
..that the eyes that ogle at the innocent women..
..of the Banjaras, are okay tell now.
What do you mean?
It means this. He is in cahoots with the, Banjaras.
You villain.
Hey, you go. Sir, the Banjaras, had come again to loot us.
And this villain was with them. I courageously faced them..
..and had caught one of their girls, so that..
..I could present the truth in front of you.
But he got frightened, that his secret would now be revealed.
Hence he accused me with this lie..
..that I was trying to molest that Banjara, girl.
Sir, this villain is completely lying.
You better be in your limits, Vikram.
He is not the villain. The fault is in your blood.
The fault is not in my blood, but in your eyes, sir.
Which is why you are not able to see who is faithful to you..
..and who is not. This villain..
Vikram, before the time you abuse my so.. manager, and I cross the limits of my patience..
..go from here. I fire you here and now.
What you will remove me from the job?
I myself kick this job of yours.
The boss who cannot see who is faithful and who is not..
..he is not fit to be a boss.
Sir, Vicky your mother's letter has come from, Mumbai.
How dare you touch my mother's letter.
But on this the name of Vicky, is written.
And your name is, Vikram.
Yes. My mother calls me by the name, Vicky.
What is your mother's name?
Oh, so this is the son of this old man.
You imposter, you have made my name yours.
Now you want to make my mother too yours?
Sir, Shalini is my mother's name.
You villain, how dare you take the name of my mother.. your dirty mouth. I will pull your tongue.
Leave my mother's letter. Leave.
You villain I will not let you live.
Stop it. I say stop it. Stop it.
Long cut in short cut dad. The son of Virendar is here.
What? You fool. Why didi you not crush him..
..before he reached there?
I will do that too when the time comes.
And dad, have you taken care of that old woman or not?
That old woman has gone on a pilgrimage.
Make her pilgrimage into a funeral, dad.
That old woman must never reach here..
..under any circumstance.
Please, stop Vikram, sir. We all are begging your pardon..
..on behalf of the boss. Uncle, where one is not respected..
..I cannot work there.
But at least you can pardon me.
As a boss, I did injustice to you.
And if you don't stop even after I ask your pardon..
..then won't it be injustice on these poor people?
How much hope and love they have on you?
But, sir today the way you closed your eyes..
..and insulted my faithfulness, and with knowing the truth.. sided with him..
You leave that. That was a compulsion on my part.
Such a compulsion which gets him entangled.. justice, and injustice, and stops.. from doing one's duty.
Vikram sir, when the boss is ashamed..
..the servant's duty is to keep the honor of the boss intact.
Vikram, we all will await you at the farm, tomorrow at 9 AM.
What was the necessity for you to bow down.. front of that two bit servant?
What do you think, if he goes our work will stop?
We will be destroyed, finished?
It would have happened so, if I had not stopped him yesterday
Yesterday, a letter came on Vicky's name from Shalu.
A letter?
Before the time, Hariya gave that letter to, Hariya..
..Vikram took it from his hand, saying..
..that it was from his mother.
When I told him, Vicky's name is written on this..
..he said yes, my mother too calls me by the name, Vicky.
I felt as though a mountain fell on me.
Then, Uncle we will do one thing.
We will find the address from this letter..
..and get aunt here.
Shalu, cannot come.
Why, Uncle?
She has gone on a Pilgrimage.
Then, Uncle, put all your troubles on me.
Before, Aunt comes back I will find who is the real son..
..of the aunt, and who is the man who has come.. deceive you and get hold of your wealth
You, get up.
What is it?
I did not see anything special in you..
..Either left, right, up or down, back or front.
Then why did Anju baby say that..
..I give the letter only to you.
Anju's letter? Where is it?
You fool, it is here.
My love.
My love.
May be you don't know, that I like the red color..
..more than anything in this world.
Whenever I see your red drunken eyes, and..
..the red tomato like, cheeks then the red blood.. my heart, becomes more red.
My wish is that I see your redness, wearing red all over.. the Lal Baug. And that I immerse my self.. that redness and become red myself too.
Awaiting you, only yours Anju.
With you red.
Hey, Anju we are fully ready, but if he does..
..not come wearing red clothes then?
Hey, Guddi.
Won't he come? There he is, see.
Banke Lal, see my wonder today.
Your gait will change today.
When there happens a lot of fooling around.
There he got it.
Go away. Save me, Go away. Save me, Go away. Save me,
Go away. Save me, Go away. Save me, Go away. Save me,
Take this.
Idea. Idea.
Hide yourself. Hide yourself.
Take this.
Take my red clothes. Save me. Remove red clothes.
Save me. Now I will remove my pants.
Now I will remove my pants. Red ones.
I am saved.
Hey, my underpants too are red. Run. Idea.
Come now. Come now. Come now.
You made my life difficult. Come now.
Run. Run. Run. Run.
The redness of Banke lal.
I am red from top to bottom.
The bull saw red and my underpants became red.
Ph, my love, where are you. My heart is yearning for you.
See the red marks on your body, now I hate red color.
Now even in my wedding I will not wear red dress.
Wedding? Whose wedding?
Yours and mine. Who else?
Yes, my love.
Actually, our wedding has taken place.. our previous birth.
And our divine love of this birth should have..
..the stamp of wedding, isn't it?
I have already talked to, Uncle.
You talk to my in laws, I mean your parents.
And call them as soon as possible.
So that the talks of our wedding take place.
Then this wedding can never take place..
..because my father can never come to talk about wedding.
Can't come, but why?
Because for me my father is dead for me.
And if at all there is any one for me, then..
..that is only my mother.
Then call your mother.
Yes, mother.
I can make you meet my mother right now.
Then do that.
Then come.
Oh, oh. Come.
Where is she?
Now I will make you both meet. Come.
This is my mother.
Mother. Mother. Mother. See who has come to meet you.
Your would be daughter-in-law. Mother, bless her.
That she live long and give you children.
She is gone. Getting me beaten by a bull.
By throwing the trap of love, she wanted to know.. real details.
But I too am long cut in short cut, red among reds.. cheater, the god of death, oh I am torn.
Destruction. Destruction. - No.
No. Don't.
No. No. No. No.
What justice is this, Sardar?
The crime is done by some one and..
..some one else is being punished.
Who are you?
Sardar, he is the manager of Rajpal.
It is good, manager that you yourself came here.
If you can save yourself from Bhairav's destruction..
..then do so. Here.
No one interferes.
Stop it, Bhairav.
Stand aside, Gauri.
The hands that raise against your honor.. not only just, but also my religion.
No, Bhairav, no.
These are not the hands that was raised against..
..Gauri's honor. These are those hands..
..that saved your, Gauri from that demon.
No. What I was going to do?
The hands I have to kiss, I went to cut those very hands.
Sir, cut of my hands. I should have put garlands..
..with these hands, and I went to beat you..
..with those very hands? Kill me.
Life for life. Dishonor for dishonor.
This is your policy of your, Kabila.
Love for love, and friendship for friendship..
..this is my policy.
No, no. He cannot be any deceiver..
..that has come here for, Uncle's wealth.
The one who fights for Gauri's honor..
..and savior of my life, cannot be a thief of wealth..
..but can be only a thief of hearts.
But Bhairav, our revenge is not yet complete.
Till the time, the one who is tried to molest, our Gauri..
..till then this girl will remain with us.
Sardar, I saved the honor of Bhairav's fianc?.
And you will hold my fianc??
What your fianc??
Yes, Bhairav.
The fianc? of the one who saves the honor..
..of Bhairav's, fianc? is Bhairav's sister.
Gauri, go and free my sister.
Here brother, you can take your fianc? and go.
Not like that. There is a rule in this Kabila..
..that the boy lifts his fianc? in his own hands.
Yes, sir. This is the rule in this, Kabila.
Think, or else leave her here.
Oh, I traveled in trains, planes, cars..
..but I never enjoyed any travel, that I am enjoying.. your arms. What fianc?? Are you enjoying?
Ouch. Hard hearted man.
See, madam this road goes straight to your estate.
Now sit on your horse, and it will take you to your estate.
Understood? Good bye.
Hey, where are you going?
He is an understanding animal.
He does not want come between lovers.
Madam, this place is full of poisonous..
..and dangerous animals. If something bites..
..then you will die.
The one who is bitten by the most poisonous thing..
..then nothing else will work on that person.
What did you say?
You have given the wound.
Now give the medicine too for it.
Medicine? What medicine? I don't have any medicine.
Really? You don't have?
Yes. I said I don't have. Strange girl.
"Friend we have started talking with our eyes."
"Friend we have started talking with our eyes."
"we have started loving, and acknowledging."
"dear we have started accepting the heartaches."
"Friend we have started talking with our eyes."
"Friend we have started talking with our eyes."
"we have started loving, and acknowledging."
"dear we have started accepting the heartaches."
"Take my salutes, the messages of my heart.."
"..oh my dear, my better half."
"there is shade and sun, I see you wherever I look."
"Take my salutes, the messages of my heart.."
"..oh my dear, my better half."
"there is shade and sun, I see you wherever I look."
"Your eyes stole my heart, and your style beat me hard."
"Before your faithfulness, I lost my heart to you."
"You made my garden of desires bloom."
"we have started loving, and acknowledging."
"dear we have started accepting the heartaches."
"Do you know what my state is and my life is.."
"..without you, oh my dear."
"you are near me, I always think of you.."
" are the queen of my heart, my dear."
"Do you know what my state is and my life is.."
"..without you, oh my dear."
"you are near me, I always think of you.."
" are the queen of my heart, my dear."
"Whenever I think of you I lose my mind."
"the exchange of hearts is madness.."
"..someone explain this to me."
"You come to see me even in my dreams, in the nights."
"we have started loving, and acknowledging."
"dear we have started accepting the heartaches."
"Friend we have started talking with our eyes."
"Friend we have started talking with our eyes."
"we have started loving, and acknowledging."
"dear we have started accepting the heartaches."
"we have started loving, and acknowledging."
"dear we have started accepting the heartaches."
Boss, see. Anju baby has come.
Dear. - Uncle. Oh, Uncle.
Thank God, countless times. As He saved.. daughter from the clutches of death, safe & sound.
Uncle, the one who got me out from the clutches of death..
..and the giver of gift of life, is him.
Sir, Vikram it looks like you had to fight long and hard.. save, Anju baby. See your lips are cut.
But it does not seems to have been caused by some arms..
..but by something else.
Yes, a honeybee bit me in the jungle.
Hey, honeybees are very poisonous.
Stay away from them.
Vikram, this is second time you have done a favor for me.
Servants don't do favors.
They only do their duty for the salary given.
But the employers too have a duty..
..that they shouldn't see lie and truth with compulsion..
..but weigh it on the balance of justice.
My mother has taught me this.
Sir, Sardar, it is you? Anything special?
Come, the things you said yesterday..
..have opened my eyes.
So today I have come today to do justice to you.
From today, you won't such work.
Instead you will do the cash dealing work of, Rajpal estate.
Go right now to the town, and get 25 lakhs..
..payment from Super tea.
But, sir such a big responsibility on me?
Has you mother not taught you this..
..that not to question your elders decision..
..but just obey them.
As you wish sir.
At last it is clear that blood is thicker than water.
Before the father and son's blood shows..
..some other colors, color the land of the father..
..with the blood of the son. Kill that man. Finish him.
Brothers what is matter, clear the road.
Sir, there is nothing special about this.
What is there to hide from you?
Ultimately it is you who will decide.
Decision? What decision?
The thing sir, is you are going to die alone.
We are four of us to do that.
I see.
This Gujarathi, brother says that he alone is..
..enough to kill you.
First he will hit you in the stomach..
..make you unconscious, and then he will finish you.
Now you tell me, sir is there anything lacking in my plan?
Now this Maharashtrian, brother says..
..if I break your limbs, then won't you..
..become unconscious? Tell me.
And the Tamil, brother says..
..all the intestines will come out in one stroke.
I will stab you with my knife.
Yes, looks like the matter is of the whole of India.
There should be no injustice in decision with any one..
..hence, every one has to be tested first.
Brother, you tell me that .. will catch me, this way.
And will box me in my stomach, this way?
Save me. Save me. Save me.
Don't hit me. I am dead.
He has failed in the test.
What you Kolhapuri, you said that you would cut my limbs.
Mother, my head, legs. Head legs.
Head legs. Head legs. Head legs.
He too failed. Aunt's leg.
Come I will finish you. I won't leave you.
You came to stab me with a knife?
No sir.
You were going to kill me.
Rascal. You came to hit me?
No sir.
Brother, here hold your knife.
I have dealt with your friends. Now what to do with you?
See, son what I will do.
Sir, here is your money.
Okay, good.
How did you get this wound? Nothing sir.
I met some goons on the way.
Anyway, you count your money.
I am counting your favors.
I am sure you must have had some blood relation..
..with me, in some of your births.
It is why you save me time and again.
Go and put medicine on your wounds.
I don't know why, you are wounded and I feel pained.
Sir, the kindness of the employer.. the biggest medicine for a servants wounds.
Mother has taught me this.
Vikram, you are alright, isn't it?
The man whose work is to protect others..
..knows how to protect himself.
You mad girl, the people who have true love..
..they have, God with them.
If something had happened to you..
..then I would have my life.
No dear, don't ever talk again of taking your life.
My life is in your life. If this is there, then Vikram, is there.
And if this is not there, then Vikram, too is not there.
Destruction, Destruction,
Destruction, to those cast evil eyes on..
..this beautiful couple.
Hey, Bhairav you are here?
Why not, brother? Today we both are getting married.
But I too have told, Bhairav clearly, that..
..if brother, Vikram does not shoulder my palanquin..
..then I won't sit in it.
Hey, what only shoulder, I will come to reach you..
..up to his house.
No. I won't allow her palanquin to enter my house..
..if my younger sister does not come along. Destruction.
She felt shy.
What are you saying?
This is true.
Vikram, is a traitor. He is in cahoots with your enemies..
..the Banjaras. And I had told this many times to you.
But, you did not believe me.
And the result, is he has trapped Anju.. his love trap.
And now he is with our enemies..
..celebrating the success of his plans.
"Oh, mother. Oh, mother. "
"Oh, my adulthood has started troubling me."
"My heart is not under my full control."
"Oh, my adulthood has started troubling me."
"My heart is not under my full control."
"My steps are going astray."
"my heart started singing."
"My steps are going astray."
"my heart started singing."
"As you made me so restless, so I gave my heart to you."
"As you made me so restless, so I gave my heart to you."
"My steps are going astray."
"my heart started singing."
"My steps are going astray."
"my heart started singing."
"Oh, mother. Oh, mother. "
"Oh, mother. Oh, mother. "
"My heart started beating faster in my chest."
"I have started getting lost in your dreams."
"My heart started beating faster in my chest."
"I have started getting lost in your dreams."
"I will tell the whole world."
"that I too am mad after you."
"You hide me in your eyelids."
"I am the target of your eyes."
"Oh, my adulthood has started troubling me."
"My heart is not under my full control."
"My steps are going astray."
"my heart started singing."
"My steps are going astray."
"my heart started singing."
"Oh, my dear, come into my arms."
"Now my heart says don't trouble me now."
"Oh, my dear, come into my arms."
"Now my heart says don't trouble me now."
"Your songs are on my lips."
"Your stories are in my talks."
"Your hands are very fragrant."
"My adulthood is just for you."
"As you made me so restless, so I gave my heart to you."
"As you made me so restless, so I gave my heart to you."
"My steps are going astray."
"My heart started singing."
Uncle, you have not gone to sleep till now?
When a daughter makes merry with he father's enemies..
..then that father gets sleep with a lot of difficulty.
But, Uncle those, Banjaras are not out enemies any more.
My fate is my enemy, dear.
I got my son after a long time, yet I can't call him son.
The one whom my daughter loves..
..she cannot say whether her way will end.. a beautiful place or a dangerous pit.
Uncle, as per the knowledge that you gave me..
..based on that I assure you that your girl will..
..never walk on such a path which..
..will end in a dangerous pit.
Mine or you heart can't decide that dear.
Only the time that comes will decide that.
I am afraid that if you go very far in the road of your love..
..that if you have return you will not be able to do so.
Hence, even now you have time.
Pull back your steps.
I am not saying that, Vikram is not a good boy.
But my problem is this dear, that if he is not my blood..
..and he is the enemy of my family, then?
Then I will strangle my love for him.
I will forget that I ever loved, Vikram.
Enough, dear. Only a few days more.
As soon as Shalu, returns from the pilgrimage..
..we will know who is the real son.
Vikram, or Vicky.
Oh God, you know very well why I have come..
..on the pilgrimage of 14 holy places.
I hear that no one goes back empty handed..
..from your house.
Then please put some alms in my lap..
..that when I return back, the wall of hatred..
..between the father and son, falls down for ever.
But you will not be alive to see all that.
Villain, aren't you the one who set fire.. the happiness of my family and burnt it?
Yes. You escaped that day.
But you won't escape today.
Don't get shocked, son and listen to a good news.
I have parceled the biggest stumbling block..
..on our road to success, to hell.
You could tell that on the phone too.
There was not need for you to come here.
If any one sees both of us together.. will be long cut in short cut for both of us.
Don't be afraid, son. I am your only father.
I shoot and hit the target surely even with crooked arrows.
No one saw me coming here.
But I saw everything. You laid the trap.
But the crocodile is not fully trapped in it.
That is because the actual son of the crocodile has come here
But be happy to note in this dad, that..
..the son still does not recognize the father.
And the father is not able to make out till now..
..who is his real son.
Then I will do the good work.
What do you mean?
What I mean is so far I shot and hit the target..
..with crooked arrows. But today I will aim..
..surely with straight arrows at the final target.
- Greetings, sir. - Yes. Greetings.
Has the Rajaram, company's trucks are loaded?
Yes, it is loaded, but we cannot send it.
Because Vikram, is not here. He makes the challan.
No problem, I will make them. Come.
Why are you suddenly sweating?
This man, had come here in the morning here.. meet, Vikram. By looking at them talk.. could say that they father and son.
After that, Vikram took him towards his cottage. Yes.
Long cut in short cut.
Yes, take this.
Son, Vikram just as we had planned.. have played all your hands successfully..
..and the best among them is to trap Virendar's foster..
..daughter in your love trap, but looks like..
..his actual son too has come here.
Hence you get married to, Anju at the earliest.. that immediately thereafter we can finish off, Virendar..
..and make all his wealth on our name.
Your father, Gajendar Singh.
"I made you mine. I got you etched in my eyes."
"I made you mine. I got you etched in my eyes."
"Since the time I fell in love, I am far from everyone."
"Oh, my dear, you are my everything."
"Oh, my dear, you are my everything."
"I made you mine. I got you etched in my eyes."
"I made you mine. I got you etched in my eyes."
"Since the time I fell in love, I am far from everyone."
"Oh, my dear, you are my everything."
"Oh, my dear, you are my everything."
"your fragrance is strong in my heart."
"I am nothing without you, and you without me."
"your fragrance is strong in my heart."
"I am nothing without you, and you without me."
"We won't get angry on each other."
"we will never separate from each other."
"On this world, my dear."
"Oh, my dear, you are my everything."
"Oh, my dear, you are my everything."
"My dreams and future are all depending on you."
"Now I cannot stay without you any more."
"My dreams and future are all depending on you."
"Now I cannot stay without you any more."
"I will live and die only for you.."
" why should we fear the world."
"I will love you only all my life."
"Oh, my dear, you are my everything."
"Oh, my dear, you are my everything."
"I made you mine. I got you etched in my eyes."
"I made you mine. I got you etched in my eyes."
"Since the time I fell in love, I am far from everyone."
"Oh, my dear, you are my everything."
"Oh, my dear, you are my everything."
Vikram. Leave me.
Leave me, Uncle.
Vikram, no. Uncle, please. No.
Finish that fellow.
No. Leave me.
Vikram. Vikram.
Long cut in short cut
Lift him and throw him.
Until today, I gave you what ever you asked for.
I did whatever you wanted.
But, now you will do only what I want.
Uncle, why don't you listen to what I say?
You don't know, but Vikram, is your son.
Your true son. He is your own flesh and blood.
It is not you but your love talking.
You blind love is talking.
No, Uncle the truth is speaking.
If you want to know the truth, then see.
See, his father Gajendra Singh's letter.
This reveals the plans that the father laid for us.
That fellow not only lied to me, but he..
..made a false drama of love with you.. destroy me, fully.
No Uncle, this is a move by your enemies.. that you will become an enemy to your own son.
And the enemy will succeed in their plans.
They would have definitely succeeded..
..if my eyes had not opened in the right time.
You can become blind in love, Anju but not me.
Now only what I say will happen.
- Uncle. - Stand aside.
Uncle. Uncle. Uncle. Please open the door, Uncle.
Uncle, you don't know what mistake you are going to do.
Uncle, please open the door.
Sir, I did just as you said.
You have done your work, Vicky.
Now I too have to do my work.
Today I am going to reveal a truth..
that I had hidden till today from you.
It is this that the father whom you hate so much..
..that unfortunate father is none other than me.
Sir, you?
Yes, son. Now your unfortunate father.. standing before you.
What ever punishment you want.. can give for the crime that are mine.
Due to your hatred for me, I hid this truth from you.
And I hated a father, who is an angel.
The one whose snap, I had hang in..
..the temple of heart..
..the one whom I had to worship my whole life..
..the one whose blessings I had to take..
..I was abusing that great man my whole life.
I should be ashamed of myself.
Such a wicked son has no right to live in this world.
No right.
No, son. No.
Son, our enemies don't have the right to live.
The ones who separated us father and son.
And again today, those same enemies..
..want to snatch everything from me..
..and finish me off.
And so son, I decided that I will..
..get you married to, Anju.
And write all my wealth on your name..
..I will surrender myself to the police.
But dad, if Anju does not agree then?
If she values, her Uncles life more than her blind love..
..then she will definitely marry you.
Today, either the fire for wedding you and her..
..will be lit, or my funeral pyre will be lit.
Cheers. Cheers.
Very good dad. Your shot with crooked arrow..
..hit the target bulls eye and my thorn in the right place..
..wrapped up the whole thing.
No son, no.
The revenge of my brother, which is burning..
..for last twenty years will cool only when Virendar..
..aka Rajpal's wealth is in my hands..
..and he himself is in the clutches of death.
Once this wedding is over..
No, Pyarelal, no.
This wedding should be stopped at any cost.
In this not only my destruction but, Uncle too will be finished.
But, Anju baby now only Vikram..
..can stop this marriage.
But at this time, I don't where or how he is.
My Vikram, wherever or however he is..
..will definitely come to save me, Pyare.
But who will inform him, and how?
You know that, Uncle has kept guards all around the house.
Pyarelal, my Sheru will do this work.
Yes. - My Sheru, will inform him, Pyarelal.
Sheru, Sheru, will you do my work, Sheru.
Will you get my, Vikram Sheru?
Go Sheru, Go Sheru,
Go Sheru, Go Sheru,
Go Sheru.
"Come my dear. Come my dear. "
"Come my dear. Come my dear. "
"This is the last moment, of my wait for you."
"Listen to my restless beats of my heart."
"Those promises and oaths should not break."
"the rites of our love should not break."
"Come my dear. Come my dear. "
"Come my dear. Come my dear. "
"Come and destroy all the villainy of the foes."
"show the world the strength of our love and affection."
"Come and destroy all the villainy of the foes."
"show the world the strength of our love and affection."
"Both of my eyes are fixed on the road of your coming."
"The foes should not win and even in death I will pray."
"Those promises and oaths should not break."
"the rites of our love should not break."
"Come my dear. Come my dear. "
"Come my dear. Come my dear. "
"without you I will die stifled alone in my life."
"In spite of my love for you, I am not able to meet you."
"without you I will die stifled alone in my life."
"In spite of my love for you, I am not able to meet you."
"I think and get afraid that it should not get late."
"The time and the will to come together should get lost."
"Those promises and oaths should not break."
"the rites of our love should not break."
"Come my dear. Come my dear. "
"Come my dear. Come my dear. "
Hey, this is Sheru's neighing.
Sheru. Sheru. Sheru. Sheru.
Sheru. You are here?
Sheru, you are crying? Tell me what is the matter? Tell me.
What is the matter, Sheru? Tell me.
Understood, surely my..
Anju is in trouble. Inst it Sheru.
Vikram, can shed blood for his master..
..being faithful to him.
But I cannot see, my Anju's tears. Come on, Sheru.
Let both of you be blessed.
Why are you all looking, before he sets foot in the wedding..
..shoot him dead.
No, stop.
Run, Anju. Run. Run.
People get fed up and die. This I have heard.
But such a wish for death, I am seeing for the first time.
Sir, the decision of life and death is written by..
..the pen, of the Almighty.
Not from the gun, of rich people like you.
Shoot me, sir. Shoot.
Shalu. You?
Yes. What a fate? For years I decorated..
..the togetherness of the father and son in my eyes.
Today I saw it, but just opposite.
A father is the enemy of his son?
What? - Yes.
He is your son, he is our flesh and blood.
What she says is correct, Virendar.
Gajendra Singh?
Yes. The guy who has become the groom is my son..
..and not yours, Shakti Singh.
Not villain. We are the worst of the mankind and criminals.
We are dogs.
So long cut in short cut, let us do what we intended to..
..after the wedding.
I mean signing the property papers.
Do that work right now. Take this.
Villains no plans of yours will work now.
Not plans old man, bullets will fly now. Bullets.
If you don't sign these papers, then your wife..
..who you got after such a long time, and the son whom.. were separated from, will be lost to you forever.
Long cut in short cut, think about it.
Nothing? You pauper. It will of use to you above.
What will you do when He asks you?
They ask for money in all the gates.
Nothing works without money, anywhere.
Rotten egg of a cockroach.
This is the first I saw love in Kalu's eyes.
Hold me tight. Hold me tight.
No. son. Did you see?
Stand aside.
If any one tries to come in between..
..then I will shoot this girl.
Shakti. Come on.
Vikram. - Come.
Vikram. - Come.
No. Uncle. No. Uncle.
Son, Vikram go and save the honor of the house.
Vikram, for the destruction of these rats..
..Bhairav Singh is enough.
You go and save my sister.
Go my son. Go.
Leave me.
Roast that villain.
No. No.
Sheru, you take care of him, I will take care of the other.
Vikram, Vikram, brake has failed.
"I made you mine. I got you etched in my eyes."
"I made you mine. I got you etched in my eyes."
"Since the time I fell in love, I am far from everyone."
"Oh, my dear, you are my everything."
"Oh, my dear, you are my everything."
"I made you mine. I got you etched in my eyes."
"I made you mine. I got you etched in my eyes."
"Since the time I fell in love, I am far from everyone."
"Oh, my dear, you are my everything."
"Oh, my dear, you are my everything."