Zai jian ba shao nian (2020) - full transcript
These two tickets
weren't easy to get
I am concerned...
About what?
If he doesn't sing
what should we do?
Yang will be disappointed
We've done what we can
If he doesn't sing
just think of it as me taking you to a concert
this will be the first time since we've been married
that we've gone to a concert together
You're ridiculous
Thank you
Encore! Encore! Encore!
Mr. Chen Chusheng
would you let me sing
this song I wrote
with you at the concert
No matter what happens next
I've already done what I set out to do
Encore! Encore! Encore!
Hi everyone
sorry, I'm a little nervous
I feel like I'm pouring my heart out
OK, I'm ready
Hey guys, I'm Wang Xinyang
My screenname is XY
I am a 14-year-old
junior high student
My dream is to make a famous Tieba
where I am the music expert
But I was a little far away
from being a Tieba celebrity
Back then, although
I didn't have any followers
and nobody paid attention to me
I had a way to
cheer myself up
I would listen to music
After listening to music
my world would transform
into a magnificent place
into a beautiful place
unexpectedly, one day
something happened
that made even listening to music lose its magic
Good morning, Cai
Good morning
Everyday you get better looking
Excuse me
I want a meat bun
I don't need bag
You're gonna be late. Hurry up!
What's your name? Which class?
I'm Wang Xinyang, from Grade 7 Class 4
Ah, the one from the broadcast station?
Why are you late?
My brother told me
this was his first love
so please take good care of it
Got it
Thanks for the 58 yuan
Eww, gross
Guys, I want to show you something
Wang Xinyang
please don't bring anything that isn't related to your classwork
You'll distract your classmates
What? I didn't bring anything
No one else sees anything
Where is your homework?
It's there
Quiet! Teacher is coming
Xiaoruo, have you collected everyone's homework?
Miss, today Wang Xinyang...
Wang Xinyang
Please don't tell her about the guitar
Please, please
This is all of it
Class is over
Excuse me
Bye Bye
Excuse me
Fellow students
welcome to today's music broadcast
This is your favorite DJ
Wang Xinyang
The song
I'm about to play
is one of my favorites
I also want to send this song to the person who helped me today
Wang Xinyang, look
How's that?
Check out what i got
Woah, this...
Where did you get it
Your nose
It's bleeding
Why is my nose bleeding?
Listen to the following announcement:
Auditions for the culture and arts festival
will be held next Monday at 1 p.m.
in the Jingxin building assembly hall
Any interested student is welcome
to sign up
What are you doing?
Couldn't you wait until the song was over?
Are you going to audition?
my guitar and I will both be there
This guitar?
Hey! Looks can be deceiving
Haven't you heard what a wise man once said:
A real singer
communicates to his audience through his soul
Get it?
Absolutely not
I'm going to go grab a bite to eat
Why are you getting home so late?
Wash your hands before you eat
Yang isn't home yet?
No, I thought you were him
Smells delicious
What did you buy now?
It's a digital photo frame, dear
If you connect it to Bluetooth
it will display the photos on your cellphone
It was originally being sold for 999 yuan
but I got it for 550 yuan
It looks cool and is useful
What do you think?
Couldn't you have used that money
to buy a pair of new shoes?
You are a manager now
But every day you're buying useless electronic gadgets
Especially that
earth thing
that turns and turns
It's the moon
You're back
Why are you so late today
Go wash your hands
what's that?
A guitar
I bought it from
Steven's brother
He was originally selling it for 60 yuan
but I bought it for 58 yuan
That's a pretty good deal
And where did you get the money?
Uh... dad gave it to me
That's right
That's right, huh?
I am going outside to wait, come out later
Good, thank you
Li Jiajia and Huang Jie
from Grade 7's Class 5
for the excellent Kunqu opera show
Please give a round of applause
for the traditional culture of China
and to the students who
performed that culture on stage today
Everyone should support them
I also hope that all of you get the results you hope for
Good job
Okay. The next performer
is also a talented student from our school
He has his own unique understanding of music
Let's welcome
from Grade 7's Class 4:
Wang Xinyang
Wang Xinyang
Here we go
Where is Wang Xinyang?
Wang Xinyang is out there
In the gloom of night, when there are few lights
life keeps moving on
In this strange alley
the person wearing a backpack is a piece of scenery
This end creates another opening
for memories to come rushing back
The sea breeze brings back your silent sigh
from another shore
Are you Wang Xinyang's family?
Please follow me
On the day of the audition, I had originally planned
to walk onto the stage from behind the curtain
But, I hadn't imagined that
before I even reached the stage
I would fall to the ground
I hadn't planned for that at all
Keep him here for further observation
We will perform a bone marrow biopsy
This can't be happening!
You are awake
It's okay
I guess my mom and dad were afraid I'd start to cry
so they kept saying to me:
don't worry, everything is fine
I asked them about my guitar
They told me:
don't worry, everything is fine
After that
I started my new life and
moved into the hospital
To be honest
other than the poking and prodding
from the doctors and the nurses
and other than being stuck with an assortment of needles
it actually wasn't that bad
Limited edition!
Eat them, I will buy you coke
Give them to me
I'm hungry
You can't eat
Mom, I want a snack
I can't live without snacks
Ow, that hurts!
But...but this was only the beginning
Later, it would seem that everything had changed
There are two abnoramlities in his hemogram
How come...
That's impossible
There are many factors
such as food, environment, physical condition
they all may cause the change
Don't be too worried
We'll do further observation
Don't worry
wait for result
Brother Chao
Where's your dad?
He went home
Wang Xinyang
Where's your mom?
She went to the bank
Have you eaten the snacks
your relatives gave you?
No, actually I don't really like snacks
That's fine
but I like snacks
Are you sure you don't want one?
No, they're all yours
I've almost got it
What's going on?
Hurry up
You're such a girl, you can't even open a bottle of water
You don't eat like you're supposed to
but you sneak snacks when you shouldn't
Hey, I just had an injection on this hand
I need some time to recover
I'm normally very strong
Is everything ok?
That bread was delicious
Look at him
Even if the disease doesn't kill him, he will choke to death eventually
I have to record this moment
One hundred forty-four yuan and forty cents
One hundred forty-four yuan and forty cents
Just a second
And this too
One hundred fifty-six yuan and seventy cents
Excuse me
How do I get to ward 10511?
Take the elevator to the 5th floor
Thank you
I'm sorry, but
you can't bring flowers
to that floor
Why not?
Because that's where the hematology wards are
You can leave the flowers here
and take them when you leave
OK, thanks
You're welcome
this gift is from
Steven, Xia Chen, Wang Ji
and the rest of your classmates
and hope you can recover very soon
We had also
brought flowers for you today
But, I didn't realize that
you are so sick
Flowers are taken by hospital
It's not allowed...
Ms. Li
Yang isn't that sick
The bloodwork
only showed a few abnormal indicators
He should be able to leave the hospital soon
That's great
he is quite worried about his studies
Because of this illness
He worried that he will miss many lessons
It doesn't matter
I have?
Tomorrow, I'll ask the students
who would like to help
Yang with his studies
Ms. Li
I'd like to help him
I am the study monitor
I can help Wang Xinyang
catch up with the work he's missed
That's great
Xiaoruo is a top student
in our class
and is also Yang's friend
I've asked three days off
While I am away
there are several things
I would like to tell you about this project
I got to take this phone call
Who is this
Is this Mr. Wang Ye'an speaking?
I am Xiao Liu, the car dealer
Oh, hi
Someone is interested in your car
could you sell it 20 thousands yuan cheaper?
20 thousands yuan?
No, this won't work
Your car is worn and old
it takes money to tidy it up
I know
But I need the money, otherwise I won't sell it
Xiao Liu, do me a favor
ask if anyone else is interested, this price is unacceptable
Well, I will let you know
Liu Zitong, it's time to take your medicine
Hurry, hurry!
Come in!
Hurry, come in!
Come in!
Zhuang, this is a really good secret base
Good for you
Wang Xinyang, don't walk around here
If they find us
we won't have access to it anymore
Here, have a snack
I only brought you here because
you shared your snacks with me earlier today
do you know other interesting places around here?
Wang Xinyang, it's like you think this is Disney Land
Keep dreaming
I don't want it, you eat it
I'm trying to lose weight
Like you need to lose weight?
Alright, fine
Chao, Chao, wake up!
There's something wrong with my son
Doctor, call the doctor!
Save my son
Save my son
Please wait outside
Please save my son
Calm down
Don't panic
Don't panic
Calm down
He is my treasure
Where were you just now?
Excuse me
It's ok
What happened?
It's ok
One of my friends died today
There are only two of us in the ward
Is anyone awake?
Hello fellow sick person
I've just read your post
Don't be sad, let me join your group
Why is your name "Sea-salt Cheesecake with No Added Sugar"?
To lose weight!
You can call me Tangtang
Tangtang, are you afraid?
Afraid of what?
I heard
the recovery rate of the leukemia I have is only 50%
I wonder if I will die
You are luckier than me
What I have only has a 20% recover rate
But don't worry
We are too young to die!
What does that mean?
What are you doing?
Why are you still up?
I...I want to
go to the bathroom
Morning, Mr. Qi
Morning, Zhuang
Take a look
Take it slowly
Do you like it?
His old one was broken
He loves it
Go brush your teeth
Thanks dad
I am going to brush teeth
My dad bought me a new guitar. I'm so happy!
I didn't know you can play the guitar
So cool!
I am the DJ of my school radio station!
Bed 32. Qi Dazhuang
I'm not
Time for the infusion
I don't want it
Zhuang, don't you want to play outside?
Oh, no. I don't want to
That hurts
Shh, it's okay
It hurts so much
It seems like you really like music
One day I'll take the stage
and sing my own song for everyone!
Wow, I can't wait
We're done
See, haven't I improved?
It didn't hurt at all, right?
No! I did feel pain
It hurts, save me!
Please stop
It hurts
It really hurts
It hurts
It really hurts
The case note for No.23
is too short
I have told you so many times
that we have to record every detail
What are you trying to do?
You want to start a band
You write the songs and I play the drum
But there's only two of us
Besides, can you write songs?
I should tell you that I can't play the drums
So where does that leave us?
Playing the drum
but also exhausting
Do you have any snacks?
Just hold them
and stop talking
Do you have snacks or not?
Here, now hit the drum
Where is the drum?
Here. This is the drum
Come on. Three, two, one, go
Can you follow the rhythm?
What rhythm?
Shh. what are you doing?
Stop it, kid
Stop playing, kid
You guys
are so noisy
Can't you just be quiet
and let me live my last dying days?
What disease do you have?
It's none of your business
Are you insane?
What do you want?
There is a zoo in my neighborhood
There is a zoo in my neighborhood
I like to spend time there all weekends
I like to spend time there all weekends
I love to watch the monkeys climbing around
I love to watch the monkeys climbing around
the monkeys sometimes fight
Let's take a break
Can I show you something?
Cabinet 33
You play the guitar here?
Let me share my latest achievement with you
You play it very well!
Thank you
I'll write a song as soon as I can
You work hard everyday for the things you adore
You've inspired me
when I play the guitar
I'll give you a signal to start playing, okay?
Zhuang, you ready?
Three, two, one. Go
Zhuang, please be serious
Three, two, one. Go
What do you want?
It's you again
So what?
I will report to the hospital if you continue making noises
This roof isn't your personal place
What do you want?
Don't come here
If you do come back, I'll have to beat you up
Wow, you're so cool!
You shouldn't play music if you don't know how to
you're really good
Why don't you join our band?
Call the doctor
This guy's name is Wu Han
He also had leukemia
You're fine
but be careful from now on
Don't stay outside too long
The same goes for the all of you
Not many people go to that rooftop
You should be thanking them
that they found you
Your father often asks me
to take good care of you
Please put me on the spot
Xiaozhang, take them back to their ward
I didn't ask them to save me
You're so ungrateful
I'm going to die anyway
If I die today or tomorrow
it makes no difference to me
So, if you're saying
everyone will die eventually
then, what's the point of living?
I don't want to talk about it with you
Your dad's on the phone
Pick it up
What's going on?
I've told you to
stay in your ward before the transplantation
I have so much to do
can't you behave yourself for me?
Fine, I'm still alive
What's the name of your band?
I hadn't thought of that question yet
it's so late, and you're still playing the guitar
Stop disturbing those around you
Yang is going to
start chemotherapy soon
It will weaken his immune system
He won't be able to go outside until
we finish the first round of treatment
because we need to prevent injuries, infections
and complications
In the meantime, try to make him happy
That's good
Again, again
Let's do it together
Three, two, one. Go
I can do that too
Everyone, please be quiet
Today, I have an announcement
To finalize our band's creation
our band will be called:
Too Young to Die
Too Young to Die!
Too Young to Die!
Too Young to Die!
Too Young to Die!
Too Young to Die!
Too Young to Die!
Too Young to Die!
I've started my chemotherapy
How are you feeling?
I just want to say the F'word
Here, I felt the same when I was at first round of chemotherapy
This was my patron
Take it and you'll feel better
Leave me alone
It's so boring being staying in the ward all of the time
Then, open the window
and listen to the rest of the world
Chemotherapy is too painful
and I keep losing my hair
Even if I am cured
I am definitely going to become ugly
I got solution for this
give me your address
How do you feel?
There's a package for you
It's already been disinfected
Who sent it?
A friend I met online
A friend you met online?
What kind of friend buys you so many hats?
Eat slowly
Slow down
Here's my gift for you
I think they will fit you perfectly
Yang, it's time for your blood drawing
Mom, I don't want to
I don't want to
Why do I have to draw blood every day?
It's so we can examine your health
I don't need any examination
Can't you see how I am?
I don't want to
I don't want to
Can we do this later?
Ok, but don't let him eat anything
Of course I won't eat anything
just look at my mouth
The doctor says
Yang should
shave his head
Mom, I want to sit up
Are you comfortable sitting like this?
I'm good
Son, the other day
Aunt Zhang told me something
that made me laugh
Do you know
the girls today
if they want to determine if an actor is handsome
they'll watch him in a TV show set in the Qing Dynasty
Do you know why?
Because they believe
that a man can only be considered handsome
if he still looks good
without any hair
What do you think?
Isn't that funny?
That's not funny at all
Stop lying to me
I have a very risky leukemia
The recovery rate is less than 50%
Who told you that?
I am 13 years old
I can figure it out myself
I'm very aware that
one day I'll be just like Brother Chao
I'll just die all of a sudden
I haven't done anything I want to do
and now you are forcing me to shave my head
I don't want to die
There are so many things that I haven't done
Why me?
Why not Steven?
Why not Xia Chen or Wang Ji?
Why am I the one who had to get sick?
Now I have to shave my head
I hate you
I think I have been too patient with you these years
Now, you won't even listen to the doctor
Do you think I want you to shave your hair?
Do you think that I want
to see you sick?
I'd rather it were me who was sick
I'd shave my hair for you
I would give my life for you
So don't you ever say such words to me. Ever!
You're going to be fine
I know it!
You have to shave your head
I'm good. You should check on him
look what I bought for you
It's a massage machine
You can massage your shoulders, neck
and legs
It was on sale at 40% off! Here
Enjoy it
I don't want to be bald
I don't want to be bald
Why am I sick?
I don't want to be bald
I don't want to be bald
Don't be sad
Don't be sad
In comic books they say that
having your head shaved is like
having a fresh start
From the moment my mother shaved my head
I became a full-time patient
From then on
I was no longer the person I used to be
Don't cry
There's no need to cry
You will grow new hair
It's ok
Even though I lost my hair
I'm determined to leave something behind
in this world
Come with me
What about your homework?
I'll do it later
Wang Xinyang
Stop making noise
It's ok
Why do you make so much noise?
It's ok
What are you doing?
There's so much noise
You're still alive?
How's the chemotherapy?
It sucks
After going through all this
I think I understand the way you felt a little bit more
You guys keep talking
I'm going back there to have a look
Are you still playing the guitar?
I haven't practiced recently
The chemotherapy was killing me
but luckily it's over now
I feel better
In fact, I plan to do what I really want
That's why I'm here
After this chemotherapy
we are sort of on the same side
So do you want to
join our band?
Wang Xinyang
before I came here
I played keyboard in a band
A real band, by the way
so much better than yours
After I suddenly got sick
they said they would
wait for me
But when I came to the rehearsal room
after my first round of chemotherapy
I saw a new keyboard player
Why did they find a new guy to replace you?
They don't have to wait
for a dying person
Do you get it?
Wait a second!
I don't understand
but I can tell you
our band, Too Young to Die
won't abandon you
Do you know why?
Because we're not going to die
We will write great songs
and sing them to the world
We'll sing them to everyone
Let the past be the past
Please think about it
And don't forget
I saved your life once
so you owe me a favor
Finished talking?
Yes, let's go
Wow, what a surprise
Will this look too exaggerated?
Ok, now we have something important to do
Tie them to this
Pass me that, Zhuang
It's down there
Come on, follow me
One, two, three, go
After Brother Han joined us
our band is getting better and better
Great, I am happy for you!
Brother Han improved my song
he's so talented!
The guitar will start first
Listen to the first part
with the guitar
What do I play?
Don't eat like pears
We haven't found the right match for Yang
I'm afraid we have to wait
For how long?
Be patient
It's not easy to find the right match for transplantation
We'll try our best
So many wrong answers
What should we do?
Don't worry
I will help him with studies
after he recovers
Today the doctor told me about
an imported drug
Each injection costs more than 2,000 yuan
More than 2,000 yuan?
It works well
Soon we're going to
run out of our savings
If it works, buy it
We'll figure out a way
Can you ask your brother to return the money
you lent him?
The other day
I tried to ask him
He can't return the money now
He's my brother
He didn't have money to get married,I had to help him
We've talked about this before
What about our son?
Don't you care about him?
Of course I care
We are trying every possible way to give him
the best treatment
Which ways?
I was thinking about...
How can we afford his treatment?
I have borrowed money from all my relatives
Ask your parents for money, okay?
What are you talking about?
I haven't told them about Yang's illness
They have heart disease, you forgot?
I know
So what now?
This won't work, that won't work
Should we just give up?
Honey, honey, honey
Don't be mad at me. Don't worry
How can we afford treatment?
Say something!
I will figure out something tomorrow
I'll think of a way
We aren't suitable transplants for Yang
don't you know?
Let's have another child
Another child?
You're back
Where is Zhuang?
What happened?
You should work harder on your studies
Too many wrong answers
Are you going to abandon me?
What are you talking about?
You were talking about having another child
Yang, we were talking about having another child
so that maybe they can give us
another chance to be a match for you
Don't be silly
Haven't you always wanted
a little sister?
Forget it
This isn't fair for Wang Ziqing
Wang Ziqing?
Who is Wang Ziqing?
It's the name I'm giving to my little sister
You've done my job
I want her to know that
she wasn't born to save me
but that she came into this world
because her family
loved her
what if...
what if you don't love me anymore
after she is born?
What would I do?
Am I being selfish?
We will always love you
Why haven't you gone to work?
Why are you back?
Who will take care of Yang?
Yang is asleep
I left in a hurry yesterday
and forgot to bring my laptop
You didn't sleep well last night?
You don't go to work today?
We keep asking for time off to look after our son
This can't be our long-term plan
Are you willing to do that?
I've figured out that the money
we would get for selling the car
won't be enough for Yang's treatment
I want to sell the house
We have to sell it
What do you think?
You always liked the open kitchen
We will buy a bigger one
after our son is recovered
A bigger one
Be careful with the moon
I'll take it
It's ok
How's your waist?
It's ok
The bike
I'll get this, you go first
Do you need help?
No, I can handle it
Now that Brother Han has joined us
our band has leveled up
Shouldn't we celebrate?
I have an idea
Come here, guys
I think
we can hold a Too Young to Die concert
on the rooftop
A concert?
The hospital will have
a celebration over Spring Festival
Here is the application form
but you need a lot of signatures
I'm not sure if this will work or not
Nurse Zhang gave us the application form
Please sign it
It's getting colder
The wind is very strong on the rooftop
I'm worried that you'll catch a cold
We won't catch cold
You can't do this, Zhuang
Yang, your mom is right
Although it's summer, it's still cold outside
It's especially cold at night
It's not cold
It's not a good idea to hold a concert
given their health condition
I know
But while they've been in this hospital
the children have formed very strong relationships
And we, as parents, want to help them
accomplish their goals
Our band can put on a concert!
Brother Han's dad will sponsor us
You guys are so awesome!
We are still practicing
I hope we don't screw up
Help yourselves
It's my treat today
Which is your son?
May I invite you to our concert?
Three, two, one
promise me you'll come to our concert
Sorry, I can't make it this time
Would you sing for me when we both are recovered?
Hi everyone
We are the band Too Young to Die
we will perform the song
"When I grow up" for you
The song represents
our wish that all of us will
be happy as we grow up
The guitar plays
in a chaotic rhythm
It's my first song
I'm a carefree
with a young heart
I don't understand
what's in front of me
I bravely run towards it
without fear
come on
We shall keep in touch
after all what we've been through
Promise me you'll remember
the song I wrote for you
In the years ahead
I will
grow up with you
In the big city
there is a little me
Time slows down
the cloud sings
with the sun
Don't fear loneliness
Heal the wounds
Become stronger with a big smile
I will embrace the sun
and the blossoming flowers
We shall keep in touch
after all what we've been through
Promise me you'll remember
the song I wrote for you
In the years ahead
I will
grow up with you
Promise me
we'll sing this song together
when we grow up
Zhuang, wake up!
Electrical defibrillation, 200J
Call the doctor!
Zhuang, are you ok?
please save my son
Zhuang, wake up!
Be quiet
Mom, what happened?
what happened to Zhuang?
Please wait outside
You need to calm down
We'll try our best
Calm down
I'm begging you. Save him!
Epinephrine 1mg
Epinephrine 1mg
One more
One more
Rescue invalid death
Where is Brother Yang?
Bye, Zhuang
Bye, Zhuang
Bye, Brother Zhuang
Brother Han will have the transplantation surgery soon
He's staying in the asepsis ward
He's so lucky
We don't even have the chance to enter that room
How are you?
I'm doing chemotherapy again
I think the world is so unfair
don't you agree?
Of the three main indicators
his hemoglobin levels are slightly lower
the other two are within the reference range
Which means...
This means that Yang is recovering
after the chemotherapy
Make sure that he maintains a healthy diet
Thank you, Doctor Liu
Thank you, Doctor Liu
Thank you
Thank you
How do you feel?
You will recover soon
Good boy
Step over it
Everything will be fine after we're home
Step over it
Here, good
Put those away
Your son left the hospital?
That's good to hear
Yeah, thank you
Tangtang, I left hospital
and returned to a strange home
Do you like it?
This is your room. Have a look
Your mom and I decorated it
to make it look the same as your old room
our old house was too far away from the hospital
it wasn't convenient for us to come and go
while you were under treatment, so we moved here
Will we move back to our old house?
You still need to have follow-up visits to the hospital
When you are completely recovered
we will move to a new house
bigger than our previous one
Yes, bigger
Tangtang, I can't go back to my old home
It makes me sad
Tangtang, I've returned to school
I'm a little nervous
What are you listening to?
Do you want to listen?
Tangtang, my school seems different from before
No, I'm different from before
We need to care about what we eat from now on
I've been following many online accounts by experts
Their suggestions
are very useful
But the dishes are so bland
There you go
From now on, we will have bland dishes
everyone in the family will be healthy
drink it
Why do you eat so much?
My body is growing
Yang, do you want a rib?
There's no meat in your dish
No, thanks
I'm on a diet
What diet?
He can't eat meat because he has cancer
He'll die if he eats meat
Shut up
Tangtang, have you had lunch?
was born in a noble family in India
He liked to write poems
In school he liked doing what he wanted
he hated rules
Read some lines from his poetry
Let life be beautiful like summer flowers
and death like autumn leaves
For such a short life
Tagore wrote
The world has kissed my soul with its pain
asking for its returning songs
This is one way to regard life
the best proof
that we lived once
You don't talk to me
I feel alone
put it on
No matter where you are
or what happens
this will keep you safe
when I was in the hospital
I met a girl on the internet
We used to talk a lot
after I told her that
I was discharged
she hasn't spoken to me
Do you think
she is a little jealous of me
because I was discharged, and she wasn't?
Don't be silly
It's time to bed
Good night
Go to sleep
Good night
Has he felt uncomfortable recently?
No, everything's fine
He seems good
Tangtang, which hospital are you at?
How about I come visit you?
Tangtang, don't be sad
Otherwise your mom and dad will be worried
I'll also be worried
Someone just fainted! Call the teacher
Come on, get up
Doctor Liu
Can you tell us
what is
going on with Yang?
Yang's blood test
a reduction in CBC
his PLT is only 70
his blood coagulation function is abnormal
with alveolar hemorrhage
and lung infection
Don't use those terms with me
I don't understand medical jargon
I just want to know
what is happening to
my child
Yang's condition is very serious
But you don't need to worry
We are trying our best to save his life
Trying your best?
How is this your best?
We've been following your advice for his treatment
He's never
missed his medication
I wake him up at 7 every morning
and he goes to sleep at 9 every night
I don't give him any food that could be irritative
because I worry that could worsen his condition
I've done everything
you told me to
What else could we do?
Please calm down
I've sold my house
You need to calm down
I've quit my job
You need to calm down
What else do you want me to do?
Yang's mom
Doctor Liu
tell me why he is sick again
You need to calm down
Why is he sick again?
I've cared for him the best that I can
How is he sick again?
We'll try our best to save him
Could you calm down a little?
Yang's mom
Sorry, Doctor Liu
Yang's mom
Doctors have been doing their best to rescue
Don't get too excited
Doctor Liu
Doctor Liu
Calm down
Tell me
what can we do
to save our son
Yang's mom, please listen to me
Just tell me
how to save my son?
You have to stay strong
Please save him
We will do our best
Tell me what I can do to save him
Zhou Lan, stop it
Today is the third day of the emergency treatment
His vital signs are stable
Measure his temperature every 30 minutes
Give him 300ml more
Why is your name "Sea-salt Cheesecake with No Added Sugar"?
To lose weight!
You can call me Tangtang
After that, from now and then I wake up in the hospital
each time proves me that I am still alive
I feel like I am growing up
Eat first, then return to your research
You look very handsome with that hat today
Did your mom buy it for you?
No, it's from a girl I met online
is she your girlfriend?
I don't have a girlfriend
She's just a friend
OK, fine
Why haven't you eaten?
Eat something
No, it doesn't taste good
But you have to eat something
I want to eat the steamed bun from the market
I don't want to eat this
I'll go and buy some for you
What are you going to buy?
I'll go and buy some steamed buns
Whatever he wants you will buy for him?
He doesn't want to eat this
Fine, go
if I did have a girlfriend
would you ask me the question?
What question?
you and my future girlfriend
both fell into the water at the same time
who would I save first
Don't save anyone
Why not?
What if the current is too strong
and drowns you?
I just want you to have a peaceful life
If you died
there would be no reason for me to live
there isn't anything else doctors can do
we won't stay here and suffer
The three of us
can go abroad
and find a beautiful cliff
We could jump off together
Did the peanut skin water you gave him
Of course
it will cure him
This notebook is a present for Yang
Please write something to him inside
You too, please
I like Guo Qiujin
but she doesn't like me
what should I do, buddy?
I hope you get better soon
I want to hear you sing
You always make everyone happy
I'm sure you'll get better soon
Good luck
Why do you help me with my studies?
I'm the study monitor
Thank you for your help
Thank you for the notebook from our classmates
And thank you for...
Wang Xinyang
Promise me you'll get better
Can you do me a favor?
Here's my favorite secret base
I haven't been here since I was sick
what do you want
for your birthday this year?
Tell me
not too expensive though
I don't think
I'll need any birthday presents
this year or any year after
Don't say things like that
Take it back
Take it back
I didn't mean it like that
What I meant was
that being your son
is the best birthday gift
you ever gave me
I feel
very blessed
you're the best gift
that God ever gave us
Every year, about 40,000 children
die from leukemia around the world
And I
am one of them
Please don't do that
Our son has passed away
but I am still here
We should stay strong
I miss you
I miss you so much
Do you miss me?
Why did you leave me?
Aunty Zhou
Yang asked me to
give this to you
And this letter
What is it?
Mom, I miss you so much
Mom and dad
long time no see
How are you doing?
I am doing well
I don't need to
go through any painful treatments anymore
But I miss you very much
And there's one thing
I'd like you to help me do
Thank you for helping Wang Xinyang
make his dream come true
Let's write to Chen Chusheng
Mr. Chen Chusheng
Wang Xinyang was an
optimistic and strong boy
He used his love of music to
show us how full of life he was
On this USB
there is a song I wrote
a song that I didn't have the chance
to sing to you
Two, three, four
Being the clever boy I am
I had an idea
to release this new song
You know Chen Chusheng?
I hope
one day he can sing my song
Grandma, I've finished
I'll read it for you
Brother Yang was a good person
He listened to his mother
to shave his head
My last wish is for
my mom and dad
to personally deliver
this USB to him
I also hope you like this song
I love you
Miss you so much, Yang
This child is never reassuring
Excuse me
I want to give this to Chen Chusheng
Is he here?
Mr. Chen has recently released an album
So he hasn't been in the office lately
I can help you give it to him
Thank you, but I want to give it to him in person
How can I contact him?
Check out his recent events
He should be at his events
What's going on?
I'm sorry
The flight is delayed
because of the weather
This autograph session is cancelled
If you want to participate in the next session
please wait for
further notice
When is the next session?
I found it
Come here
Come here
Found it?
"Chen Chusheng will hold
a concert at the end of this month in this city
We will organize a reception team
to welcome him at the airport"
We can go to the airport
We can see him
only the members of the fans club
can join the reception team
We don't belong to the fan club
Who hasn't been a fan before?
Just join the fan club
Join it!
Chen Chusheng
Chen Chusheng
Chen Chusheng
Chen Chusheng
Chen Chusheng
Chen Chusheng
Excuse me
Chen Chusheng
Chen Chusheng
Chen Chusheng
Hang on
You don't need to sign it
This is from my son
Please check it out when you have time
Please read it! Thank you
Please don't forget
Please read it!
Please read it! Thank you
Please read it!
Hello Mr. Chen Chusheng
I'm Wang Xinyang
I've been a big fan of yours for a long time
But, I'm a little different
from your other fans
By the time you read this letter
and watch this video
I have already left this world behind
I'm writing this letter to
ask you for a favor
When I was sick
my mom
told me very seriously
that if I were to die
she wouldn't want to live anymore
Because of what she said
I tried my hardest to stay alive
Unfortunately, I failed
To help my mom
continue living alongside my dad
I asked them to do something
I asked them to give you this letter
and this USB
in person
Such difficult task
will definitely take them several months to complete
No matter what happens next
I've already done what I set out to do
I hope by that time
they will be able to accept
that I am gone and let go of their pain
Thank you
At the end of tonight
At the end of tonight
I'd like to introduce a friend to you
His name is Wang Xinyang
Hi everyone
sorry, I am a little nervous
I feel like I'm pouring my heart out
OK, I'm ready
Hello, everybody
I'm Wang Xinyang
My screenname is XY
I am 14 years old
I am a junior high school student
Life is like this
we can be happy
we can sing out loud
we can jump up high
we can live the best we can
In the end
I am proud
I'll sing this song for you
On the blackboard at school
I saw the sentence
which says
"The world has kissed my soul with its pain
asking for its returning songs"
I'll sing this song for you
to express my love to you
Thank you
Thank you for loving me so much
I'll sing the song Yang wrote himself with him
and dedicate this song to his mom and dad
and I hope they can
lead happy lives in the future
Are you ready, Yang?
Are you all ready?
I fly away towards the light
I fly away against the wind
When I wander about in the clouds
you'll remember that I can't forget
your shoulders and arms
we all remember the days
when I grew up
freely and wildly
I fly to a far away place with your love
Look up to the sky, you can see me sing
with tears
and my wings open wide
We've had our best moments
I flap my wings
to make the wind blow against your face
When I wander about in the clouds
you'll remember that I can't forget
your shoulders and arms
we all remember the days
when I grew up
freely and wildly
I fly to a far away place with your love
Look up to the sky, you can see me sing
with tears
and my wings open wide
We've had our best moments
I flap my wings
to make the wind blow against your face
My life was kind of short
but it was fulfilling
I feel very happy
I want to use this song to
thank my mom and dad
and people who loved me
this beautiful world that I've belonged to
when I grew up
freely and wildly
I fly to a far away place with your love
Look up to the sky, you can see me sing
with tears
and my wings open wide
We've had our best moments
I flap my wings
to make the wind blow against your face
There's a question that I've been wanting to ask you
How long will you remember me?
Why do you call yourself
"Sea-salt Cheese Cake with No Added Sugar"?