Yukinojô henge: Daiippen dainihen (1935) - full transcript

Yukinojo Henge
An Actor's Revenge


Hayashi Chojiro
as Yukinojo, Yamitaro and mother

Arashi Yokusaburo: Kikunojo
Kodo Kuminori: Dobe Sansai
Chihaya Akiko: Namiji, Sansai's daugher

Fushimi Naoe: Ohatsu
Yamajo Yoshito: Kadokura Heima

Shiga Yasuro: Hijoiya
Takamatsu Kinnosuke: Nagasakiya
Minami Mitsuaka: Hamakawa

Kusakabe Ryuma: Hokayama
Hara Takeo: Hom

Directed by Kinugasa Teinosuke

Yukinojo Henge

Chapter 1

Nagasaki-ya ... Hiromi-ya

Dobe Sansai ... Kadokura Heima

Yokoyama ... Hamakawa

By a vicious plot by Dobe and others,
Yukinojo's parents were tormented to death.

Before his death, his father
asked Nakamura Kikunojo,

an actor, to take care of
his small son, Yukitaro.

The father asked for vengeance
on Dobe and his men also.

Kikunojo promised and gave Yukitaro
a new name Yukinojo and made him an actor.


14 years have passed.

Yukitaro, now called Yukinojo,
became a popular actor in Osaka.


Dobe Sansai achieved
political power in Edo by giving

his daughter Namiji to
the Shogun for his mistress.


The conspirators, Hiromiya and
Nagasakiya also became rich under Dobe,

through their criminal acts.

Yukinojo was invited by the Nakamura
Theatre and came to Edo from Osaka.

Now, the time has come. The 14
years endurance will be rewarded.

The enemy is Dobe,
but Yukinojo must be patient.

Using Namiji's love for him,
he can successfully enter Dobe's residence.

Yukinojo was planning to make Dobe suffer
by using Dobe's daughter Namiji, but

an unexpected hindrance appeared,
a female thief Ohatsu.



At the same time, another strange man
appeared, called Yamitaro.

He sympathizes with Yukinojo
and determines to help him.

The story starts with
Yukinojo coming backstage

where many fans
are waiting for him.

Look! There he is!

- How popular he is!
- That is Yukinojo.

The say the oyama, Yukinojo,
wasn't born in Osaka.

No, it is said
he was born in Kyushu.

So the master Kikunojo
has known Yukinojo since childhood.

They were living closely together.

It is said the master taught him
not only acting but other skills too.

I heard he was taught
swordplay also.

It is said he was taught by
Wakita Ichishosai, our sword master.

I can't believe it.

It's true.

When Ichishosai sensei stayed in Osaka
he gave Yukinojo training.

Did our master teach him in Osaka?

The acting master said, Yukinojo
is as good as Kadojura or better.

That's strange.

He is just an actor.
How could it be possible?

Seats for
Dobe Sansai-sama

Who is she?

That's the Lady Namiji-sama.

Isn't she the mistress of Shogun-sama?

Yes, as long as Lady Namiji-sama
has Shogun-sama's favour

no daimyo, hatamoro
or important merchant

can challenge Dobe Sansai-sama.

I see.
He's done well.

It is said, when Sansai-sama was in
the office of the Nagasaki magistrate...

Look, the samurai
on the right,

is Hamakawa-sama.

The next is Yokoyama-sama.

The two officers conspired

with the regular merchant...

Look, the senior gentleman
is Hiromiya-san,

the other is Nagasakiya-san.

It is said that Dobe-sama
used these people

and easily obtained a huge fortune
by dubious means in Nagasaki, Kyushu.

I see. Otherwise Hiromiya-san
and Nagasakiya-san

could never have got such
a great fortune in so short a time.

Hey, Muku, is that Nagasakiya
sitting behind the lady?

The next one is Hiromiya.

He seems to have it.

Have what?

Some of this.

Karuwaza, Ohatsu and Mukuinu.


Yukitaro, never forget

those wicked men who took
everything from your father

by a vicious trap.

Take revenge on them.



Yukitaro, you must
gain revenge for your father.

Mother, its you.


When you were a small child
your father always said that

when you grow up you must
succeed in this Matsuuraya shop

and establish its
reputation throughout the world.

It was his wish.

the wicked Nagasakiya,
our trusted employee...


you must gain revenge
for your father.

I will.

All the enemies
are in their seats now.


Hamakawa, Yokoyama
and Hiromiya and Nagasakiya.


Mother, I know.

I have lost my house,

my father and my mother.

Now I am to be an actor.

Wait, my enemies.

Master, do you feel ill?

No. The onnagata.


I feel I have
seen him somewhere.

Yes, a long time ago.

He looks like someone.

I see, master.
It was last night...


Yes, sir.
Somehow similar.


A long time ago.

I feel it was a woman.

I can't remember
where I met her.

Namiji-sama is smart,
but she is a girl after all.

She is fascinated
by the Osaka actor.

So quickly.


Sir, the master is waiting.

Leave us alone.

Do you need me, sir?

Tonight, Nagasakiya
and Hiromiya invite you

to Nagasakiya's
villa in Negishi.

This must be through
the guidance of your late father.

I don't think this is
yet the time to be rash.

You can go,
but do not act in haste.

Try to inquire
and get behind the scenes.

I give you a cup of sake.

I was told that
you are good at swordplay.

No, sir.

No, no, don't hide it.

You are a fellow disciple
of Kadokura Heigo here.

Mine is just a copycat
for my stage action.

You speak well.

Pass this cup
to your senior disciple.

- I decline, sir.
- Why?

I have to tolerate him
in sword training but,

he is just a low actor,
how could I accept?

Inflexible man.

Excuse me, sir.

My daughter gives
too much favour to Yukinojo.

I hope it is not getting serious,

meanwhile, she needs
some recreation.

You are right, sir.

I believe she is
not stupid enough

as to forget her name
and standing.

She is my important daughter.

Her recreation
must be done moderately.

That is your responsibility.

Certainly, sir.

Well now...

Every room is still lit up.

Who is it?

Who is it?

Who's there?





I was fooled
by the gentle voice.

It's a man!

You don't look like
a member of this household.

I am a thief.

Be quiet.

Someone may come.

What are you going to do?

I have nothing to do
with this house,

I'll set you free. go.

If you have nothing to do with
this house, why do you prevent me?

You are Yuki
from Nakamura Theatre.

Don't bother about it.

You are Yukinojo
of Nakamura Theatre.

He's an actor.
To be continued.

See you tomorrow night.



I can't bear it anymore.

I have to do it now,
the five enemies, I...

Don't you understand
the master's advice to wait?

If you kill
Nagasakiya or Hiromiya

with a single cut,

it would be a mercy for them.

Consider your father's
long term suffering.

You must give those five men
the same suffering.

But, master...

Please try to guess my agony,

having to talk with enemy Sansai's
daughter and flattering her.

I know.

But the lady Namiji-sama is the most
important lead to access your enemies,

so you must bear it.

If you rush and fail,
what will you do?

They are powerful men in the world.

How could you get
all of their heads?

Wow, kill those powerful men?

Who is it?

It must be a thief.
It doesn't matter. Go to sleep.

You must appear
on stage tomorrow.

I want to see
the top Hanamura star (tayu).

A letter from someone,
it's no regular fan.

Walls have ears.

Walls have ears.

This must be discussed secretly.
I need to talk to you tonight

From a woman you know.

You heard some nonsense.

With that,
you want to threaten me...

You can't cheat me.

I know who your enemies are.

My mouth can destroy your plan,

as well as your life.

But I don't want to do that,

as I have fallen in love
with you unto death.

Tayu, you must understand me.

I understand.

The play will be finished soon.

After that
we will meet again...

I can't wait so long.

You very well know
in what world I live.

I can't wait
ten or twenty days.

It's unreasonable.

Is falling in love unreasonable?


I can't stop anymore.

You can't stop?

Oh, are you going to kill me?


I was flirting with you like in a play,
but don't get carried away.

If a woman like me could be
easily killed by a failure like you,

I couldn't survive
in my dark business.

I said I'd help you
because I fell in love,

but you wasted my favour.

Damn you!

Do as you like. If you don't accept me
I have something else to do.

I'll go to shaven headed Sansai

and tell him that the monster
Yukinojo from Kamigata is...

I am not a woman who begs
god or a snake for help.

Namiji-san ran away from home.

Namiji-san ran away from home.

The lady left a note and left.

I told you, you idiot.

Never show your faces again.

I am ruined.

Call Heima.

We are so sorry, sir.

Carrier, why should
we take such a lonely path

for visiting the villa
of Nagasakiya-sama in Negishi?

We are taking a short-cut.

A short-cut?


A guest has arrived,
what shall we do, sir?

Well done.

A seat is prepared there.

Men, prepare.

Yukinojo, come out.


What a careful reception!

I have never got
my footwear by myself.

Carrier, give me my footwear.

Take care for your head!

I am scared
of my head being cut off.

But without footwear...

Shut up!

If you don't listen to me,
I won't either.

This sword is
not just a threat.

Of course not,
you are a samurai.

But you are afraid
and that is why

you prepared on
such a large scale

to receive a humble
actor through a false letter.


This is a very
deliberate entertainment.

Shut up!

Just a sword-wielding entertainer?
Don't forget who you are!

For your honour tonight,
we'll teach you a tough lesson

so you'll not
appear in Edo again.

Did I disgrace you, sirs?

And if so, how?

You deceived the lady of a
distinguished family and coaxed her out.

The lady of a distinguished family?

I won't mention the lady's name,
but you must know.

No, sir.
I don't know at all.

You don't know?

How dare you.

Why do you try to harm
a helpless woman?

That is nothing
short of disgraceful.

If you don't like it,
please do to this Yukinojo

whatever you like, sir.

My business starts
early in the morning,

so I have not much time
to waste tonight.

Receive this.

You call yourself
a sword wielding samurai,

but just watch
from the sidelines.

What is this child's sword play?

You invited me, thank you.

Yukinojo wants to see
your way with the sword.

You unsheathed your sword.
So this is no game but for real?

I mean it.

Do it, there.


You won't come?

You must come.


Don't do it.

There is no need
for you to be killed.

Don't come out. Danger.

No, I don't care.

How are you, onnagata?

You are so frightened.

Is this secret
more important than your life?

I've never told anyone yet.

If you like, I can
tell Kadokura-san here.

You just stand there.

Say something.


To tell you the truth,

I wanted to see my
loved one, you, covered in blood.

So I asked this sensei
to collect those men, however,

they are all weak,
I'm quite disappointed.

I can do it.

Don't do it, sensei.

You will be down again.

But I can't let him go.

I don't say to let him go.


Don't you want to move?

Shall I shoot?

Look at the honeycomb
on the pine tree.

I never miss a target because
I was trained at acrobat house.

See? Not bad, is it?

This gun...

Can shoot five successive bullets.


Say something.

You can't?

Even Yuki-san
can do nothing against this.

It's dawn already.

[A theatre in Edo period opened early
morning. They needed the natural light.]

Should we open anyway?

No, the people
want to see tayu, we can't.

Why do you make me talk alone?

This Ohatsu-san is short tempered.

If I am upset, I'll set a fire and
burn the old temple. I can do it.


Say something.

Why on earth?

Why can't I give up
such a failure of a man?

Do as you like?

I'll shoot you.

Hey, stop.

You were afraid.

I won't give you
a merciful instant death.


you can see
rats and weasels there.

They can... suck your blood,

you can show the ghosts
your dance and play

and die in madness.

By now, the Nakamura Theatre stage,
which concerns you, is open.

I'll go see what it's like.

That's it.

Well, sirs, Nakamura Yukinojo is...

Yukinojo is...
for a moment...accidentally,

What will it be?

They'll cancel
today's performance.

No kidding!

Why don't they start?

They say the Hanamura tayu
was kidnapped.

Oh? The beautiful tayu
was kidnapped?

What a pity.

What happened?
It's strange.

We came here to see
the beautiful Yukinojo.

That's too bad.

You waited.

Sit down!

Thanks to my parents,

I can see my loved one.
If I knew he was coming,

I would have
prepared my hair this morning.


See sis, the tayu
of Hanamuraya

is as sexy and beautiful
as always.

Even Kappa-no-Ohatsu
can't understand what it means.


Yukinojo's trapped Hiromiya.

He put an idea into Hiromiya's head,
to outfox his accomplice, Nagasakiya.

During the inflation
of rice prices in Edo,

Hiromi-ya sold his rice below cost price
to successfully ruin Nagasaki-ya

who plotted the evil devices
together with Hiromiya.

Hiromiya artfully achieving
his reputation in Edo, visited Yukinojo.

He boasted to Yukinojo he was now
the leading wholesale merchant in Edo.

Did you forget already?

Hey, all of you,
sorry, leave us alone.

Days ago, I heard that important
government officers talked about me.

About the matter of rice?

Yes, that's it.

I sold and sold.

You don't know where
you can find a chance in business.

I bet on the chance.

I moved my rice stock from Osaka
to Edo and sold out immediately.

Then the skyrocketing
price of rice dropped sharply.

Through that my reputation
grew enormously in Edo.

Like you.

What a bold move.

However, Edo people are happy
with that, but

you must face a big loss.

No. I bought the rice at the cheapest
price from farmers in the west,

even if I sell cheaply in Edo,
I still make some profit.

Since Lady Namiji-san

Dobe-sama has
lost his political power.

I couldn't depend on him anymore,
so challenged myself.

These days Hiromiya
enjoys a huge success.

Meanwhile, Nagasakiya-sama was
buying up rice to corner the market.

He must face a huge loss.


Nagasakiya was bankrupted.

What? Such a big store bankrupted?

If I'd known, I wouldn't
have told you about it.

But if you hadn't
given me the advice

my house and all the property would
have been destroyed like Nakagakiya's.

Don't worry, tayu,
I'll always be with you.

Make yourself at ease.

Now, all your theatre members, let's
go to Yoshiwara and have some fun!

Hiromiya-san, Nagasakiya-san
is looking for you, sir.


Tell him, I'm not here.

I'm not here, alright?

Don't hide.


Oh, Nagasakiya-sama.


You betrayed me.

No, I didn't betray you.

This often happens
in the way of the merchant.

What did you say?

Give me your fortune.

What for?

Because I am ruined
on account of you.

I helped you when you
had big trouble in Nagasaki.

Did you?

How dare you!

You licked the bones of the master
of Matsuuraya and sucked his blood.

You destroyed the family.

Who did that?

Someone reared
by the Matsuuraya

but who forgot the master's
favour and betrayed him.

Who was that?

But there were
other people involved.

I won't mention them,
for your sake.

Dobe? Yokoyama?
Hamakawa? Hiromiya?

I have nothing
to be scared of anymore.

Stupid. Who would
believe what you say?

Why are you angry with me, a merchant
should challenge in his way of business.

His way of business?

How could I do that now?

The last challenge was rice.

You destroyed my rice business too.

Still you tell me to challenge
in the way of business.

If you've become a beggar,
that's none of my business.

Wait, Hiromiya.

I'll teach you a bitter lesson.

What will he do?

See Yukinojo? Their fighting
is a guidance from your father.

Now, quick.

Tomekichi, give me my kimono.

He's changed.


Stop the fire!

I can't find my boy!

My boy,
my only son!

Nagasaki-ya lit the fire.

It is the death date of my mother.

You, again!



Yukinojo is...

What? Yuki?


Yuki-san, the lady
and all the samurai are here.

Do I make your secret
open and clear?



Heima kidnapped Namiji, Dobe's daughter.
Heima loved her secretly.

On the way,
Yukinojo and Ohatsu

became involved,
as well as Yamitaro.

Heima escaped from them and took
Namiji in order to satisfy his own desire.

Namiji, who loved Yukinojo, avoided
Heima's violence using a knife

and preserved her
pure love for Yukinojo.

Yamitaro tried to save
Yukinojo and Namiji,

but when he rushed to Namiji,

she was already in
a critical condition due to Heima.

This knife was stuck
into Mr. Kadokura's side.

This seems to be my daughter's.

This is hers.

Recently many
strange things have happened.

Excuse me, sir.


A man called Yami
wants to see you, sir.


He said he met you once
and he has brought you something.

Did he say Yami?


- You can't handle the matter.
- What?

The master said you could meet.

Go to the garden.

The garden?

Does he want to cut off my head?

Leave it and go home.

- But, you alone...
- No problem.

If he takes the contents

he will be willing
to entertain me.

Hey, men, treat the box properly.

Maybe you'll have
to cut your belly.


I thought it was you.

You have something for me?

Such a big parcel.

Yes, sir.
Rather bulky.


Please leave us alone.

You and I alone?

It looks like
something very confidential.

You have many
treasures in the world,

but this is priceless.

Does this need
such a careful explanation?

Where did you get this treasure?

What is this, Yami?

This is the corpse of a woman.

Sir, please see
whose body this is.

This is...



Tell me!

Where did you get this?

Depending on your answer,
you must pay for it.



this is between
you and me, isn't it?


Now, Yamitaro,
tell me the details.

Sir, now I believe
the fate of a meeting.

The lady and I
were complete strangers.

I encountered the lady
just before she died.

I found she was your kin,
so I treated her with respect

by giving the last water
to her lips from this my own hand.

Tell me more details.

Her last moments were peaceful.

She looked like
she was willing to die.

I believe she went to heaven.

She told me that

she was stalked by Kadokura Heima,
for whom you built a sword school.

She was attacked by him.

Then she stabbed him
in order to protect her chastity.

So, it was true,
my daughter stabbed Heima.

He hurt the lady badly.

What a pity.

This is because, sir,

you didn't care for
your daughter's feelings,

but sought your
own success alone.

So my daughter

was kept by Yukinojo.

No, that's totally wrong.

Yukinojo never accepted lady Namiji.

Are you saying
my daughter died

without seeing Yukinojo
whom she loved to death?

There was the mercy
of god and Buddha.

With her last breath she had a dream
that Yukinojo took her hand.

A dream.

She mumbled that
she would be with him in the future.

What was her message to me?

What did she say?

Her message to you?

It wasn't easy
for me to hear that.

She tried to say something
accusing you.

But she was modest.

No word to you, sir.

Without saying a word,

my daughter dead.

Sir, please hold a funeral
and pray for her soul.

I take my leave now.

Yamitaro, wait!


Yokoyama, Hamakawa.

If you fail, it will pile
shame on top of shame.

Understood, sir.

I see this is
the plan of your people.

I know you will go
to hell sooner or later.

I can do it now.

But taking your life
is not my job.

Someone needs your shabby head.

Until then make sure you

don't lose it.

Such a sight for a samurai!

Hold on.

A more terrible one
is waiting for you.

There's no need to run.
I know you.

You are a samurai of Dobe-sama.



Who are you?

Nakamura Yukinojo.


That Yukinojo is trying to avenge you
since the time of Nagasaki.


Ruined Nagasakiya,
who had gone mad,

and Hiromiya, crazy
through the loss of his child,

were trapped by Yukinojo again.

They were led to
a hellhole (trap cellar),

where the two insane
half-dead men

will end their lives
without the help of anyone else.

Meanwhile, in a corner of the theatre,
broken hearted Ohatsu

became upset and tried to destroy
Yukinojo's stage by gathering a gang.

What had Yamitaro done
to counter her plot?

For Yukinojo,
Yamitaro was his sole help.

Where is my baby boy?

The boy is
in Children's Limbo, already.

You, Saburobei, forgot
Matsuuraya's long favour,

betrayed him
and ruined the family,

in conspiracy with magistrate Dobe,
Yokoyama, Hamakawa and Hiromiya here.

It is the voice of the master.

Forgive me, please!

How can I forgive?

My dear wife was sent
to Dobe's residence by you

where she was tormented to death
by biting off her tongue.

Can you imagine how terrible
to bite off one's tongue?

Can you, Saburobei?

Compared to her pain,
your current suffering is nothing.

That was not done
by me alone, sir.

That Hiromiya did it...

That bastard did it.

What are you saying, Nagasakiya?

I'm scared.

are you afraid of me?

By your sweet talk I was involved in
illegal trade before I noticed.

Then our property was confiscated
and I died in madness.

And now are you afraid of me?

Forgive me, sir.

Matsuuraya-dono, Sei'emon-dono,
I was wrong.

But it wasn't only me.
This Saburobei set the plot.

What? Me?

Now you know.

Hiromiya, Nagasakiya.

The concentration of soul will do.

The soul of Matsuuraya Seimon
stays in his son Yukitaro

and here watches
your end by doing nothing.

You don't know this face?

The face of Yukinojo.


please watch.

The place is different,

but in the same hellhole,
the trap cellar of the theatre,

those two are
falling into a burning hell.


Muku, now!

Sorry, sir.


Sorry, sir.


Sorry, sir.

Give me your face.

Why has nothing happened?


Female thief Ohatsu,
you are arrested.



You are free after
this performance, aren't you?

Today is Namaji-san's funeral.

Can you go?


I was planning to do so.

If you miss this chance
you won't find another.

I will do so.


Yokoyama and Hamakawa.

I have killed them both.

Then, I will wait.

The carriage is
at the back entrance.

[Dobe Sansai lost his office.
He was ordered to a leisurely post.]

Reporting, sir.


and Yokoyama-san

were killed by someone
in the Nakamura theatre.

and Yokoyama killed?

In the Nakamura theatre?

Damn, Yukinojo!

A person called Yukinojo
of Nakamura Theatre

is visiting for
Namiji-sama's funeral, sir.

What? Yukinojo?

What shall we do, sir?

I'll meet him.

Show him to my room.

But he says he wants
to burn incense for the dead.

Do as I say.


You see?

Certainly, sir.

Suspended ceiling!


Show your face.

No need of an innocent look.

Yes, you resemble.

Very much so.

Resemble whom?

Your deceased mother.

An exact copy.

Until now

I was unable to remember.

Are you saying I am an exact copy
of my tormented mother

who killed herself
by biting off her tongue?

Don't say that.

I didn't torment
your mother to death.

I was fond of your mother.

I wanted her to be mine.

You knew my mother
was wife to my father.


Don't say a thing.

Maybe, through your curse,

the members of the Nagasaki age
were ended, but...

I will not lose.

You cannot defeat me.

No sir, indeed.

You are Dobe senior, who drove
my mother and father to die in madness,

licked the bones, and sucked
the blood of Matsuuraya.

How could you be defeated by

Yukinojo, the child
of Matsuuraya?

I am your enemy. I, Dobe Sansai,
since Suragano-kami

had everything in the world without
fear or worry, that is who I am.


Your body will be
crushed to pieces.


Yukinojo here,
wants to thank you.

My first performance in Edo
has ended to your satisfaction.

Thanks to you I have
fulfilled my long term wish.

I cannot staunch
my tears of gratitude.

When I perform in Edo again

I will humbly ask
to receive your favour once more.


Subtitles: Maya Grohn
corvusalbus edit