Your Past Is Showing (1957) - full transcript

Nigel Dennis publishes a scandal magazine. But for each story he writes, he first approaches the person whose scandalous behavior is described (or rather implied, to avoid any libel suit) and says he will suppress the story in return for money. Several of his victims first decide individually to kill him instead of paying, but fail in amusing ways. Then they find that to protect their various secrets they must now join forces for a rather different purpose...

In answer to the question of an honorary
member, I can only say ...


- Newspaper, sir?
- Yes thank you.

Thank you.

Mrs. Ransom! Where did you come from?

- From above.
- Mumsie, honey, are you okay?

Just like rain. Halfway down,
I realized it wasn’t the way out.

Quite right.
The stairs are much safer.

- What about my eyeshadow?
- Your eyeshadow! Put that on my bill.

Open up!

Open up! What the hell is going
on there?

- Where is he?
- He's gone.

- Gone? Who?
- Nobody. Pump worker!

- Wait a minute. A pump worker?
- Pump worker!

Bill, I would never expect you,
I thought ...

So who did you jump for then?
A pump worker?

- Bill!
- And why is the door locked?

- What does my picture do like this?
- Oh, why are you always so jealous?

I'm sorry, honey.

I'm sorry.
Why do I always fire the top?

- Mr. Mayley?
- Is his lordship waiting for you?

Nobody knows,
but I think they'll see me.

Thank you.

All right, sir ... Now, pretty calm.

Excuse me.

What a sight!

- Look.
- Huh?

Va ?? polo ?? aj.

Now, quite calmly ...

Thank you very much.

Oh, there you are, Henry. Done?

- Yes. How I look?
- Very "chick".

- I thought the word was "chic"?
- Not when it comes to you.

There's a journalist who wants to see you
named Dennis. A sly creature ...

Shh, I could hear you. He knows ??
how sensitive journalists are.

I guess I'd better take it.

- Thank you, Mr. Mayley.
- Thank you, sir, uh ... Mr ...

- Mr. Dennis.
- Good afternoon, my lord.

- Good afternoon. Come in.
- I see you're going to the dance.

It's magnificent.

Oh, hello! Very funny. Sit on the bench.

Thank you.
I'll be brief.

- Um ...
- Huh?

- No ...
- Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you very much.

- Have a cigarette.
- Thank you.

- Oh, they seem to be gone.
- Do not worry.

- ??that's it?
- One of those silent magazines.

The dead truth
about people's private lives.

- You can borrow it.
- How kind of you.

I will thoroughly enjoy

He'll be naughty sooner, I believe.

Yes ... Well, now.
Let's go to work.

I run a modest magazine
called Naked Truth.

- Pretty vulgar title, isn't it?
- Maybe, but terribly capable.

Here, we have a short biography of
your public life and work.

Very nice.

On the opposite side,
we have real deeds.

- About me?
- Yes, indeed.

- And why is it called Guess Who?
- Because British law says,

The public must not be able to
recognize you

in the mischievous hero of
this article.

- What? I don't fully understand.
- Do you have a weak heart?

- No.
- Then read it.

Just to check the facts.

You can't print this.
You can't print this!

- It's slander.
- That's the bare truth, old sir.

- But no publisher would dare.
- I would.

I studied the legal aspect

Mr. X's love incident
in Regent Park ...


it has nothing to do ...
with Lord Mayley's charity work.

Of course, by verbally handing over the verdict, the
public could connect it.

You will go to jail.

- I'll sue you.
- Try it.

We would have to prove that Mr. X was you,
and thus confirm that the story is true.

"Do you dare take a chance?"
- This is England.

- There must be a way.
- There is a.

Cash gift £ 10,000 for the
Society of Distressed Journalists -

of which I am the founder, treasurer
and, so far, the only member -

it will convince the editor - himself -
to combat this problem.

- Blackmail. It's something else.
- Of course.

Either way, I make money - cash
or I earn royalties.

It will sell like hot cakes.

See how thrilled you
are to read other people's secrets.

- Well, that's ...
- My card.

Contact me in two weeks
or I'll post in a month.

- You ...
- You don't have to kick me out.

Oh, I'm sorry. My cigarettes.

£ 10,000 for a quarter of an hour.

Thank you.
On behalf of little Sonny MacGregor,

Welcome to the 167th edition of
your favorite TV show -

in which you all enjoy and love,
Here you are now!

Thank you.

Now let me introduce you to the
star of the show,

the man who made it all possible, the
faces of all faces,

king of goodness,
ace of good hearts ...

Little Sonny MacGregor!

Here for you!

- This is for you, too.
- Welcome, Sonny.

Great big welcome to
all the old people

and slender young boys and vice versa.

I can't see the difference,
you know!

I know you're going to perform
this show as a real squeaky delicacy.

Now, as you know, at this point,

we introduce the winner of
last week's talent contest.

Here it is! Former Sergeant Ramble!

For you, Walter boy,
here's your reward, too.

No, no, Walter.
It's not your reward.

How old did you say you were?

No, that's your reward, Walter.
That's it, here you go.

It is. Now be a good boy, Walter.
Be good!

Yes, Walter,
that pigskin wallet is for you,

because every week, we give one
of these wonderful prizes,

but Walter, what's the use of a pigskin wallet
if it's empty?

It's not good for you, is it?

- Is it?
- No!

That's right. So he knows ?? What am I going to
do, Walter? I'll charge it.

I'll fill it
out of my own pocket.

Look at that. Ten nice, fresh
one-pound notes, all for you, Walter.

Good thing I'm not married. A woman
might fix that pocket!

Now, Walter, did you bring it?

Are you? Well, let's see, then.

Where is? Oh!

He brought it.
He has it. His flute!

Walter, what will you give us?

- Malo Largo Händela.
- Largo Handel!

Great! All right, Walter boy,

it's your turn.

"Largo Handel"?

Will it ?? to die laughing?
Stupid old nit.

I just laid out ten pounds
to make ten of them guineas.

- The chief accountant is here.
- Make it ten pounds, then.

There's a reporter, Mr. ... Dennis.
He wants to see you. He left a business card.

Not tonight. I'm too tired.
No journalists, thank you.

He is very persistent and waits.

Is it? Well, good luck to him.

- Son!
- Little son!

I'm watching you on TV.
I think you're so funny, my friend.

I think it's beautiful!

Please, can you put "For Fred"?

Of course I can put "For Fred."

- God bless you, Sonny boy.
- God bless you, Mom!

Call me. Chelsea 1234.

- Mo ?? e ?? you put "Da Mavis"?
- I'm sorry, honey. Not.

Mr. MacGregor? My name is Dennis.
I sent you a business card.

Oh yes. Sorry, I don't have time.

If I mentioned a property in
Eastwich, could we talk calmly?


Look, he signed my name on my hand.

I care more about
the star who likes to wander.

So true.

Look, just because
I have a little property ...

Oh! But what real estate.

I doubt that the old people who live
in those slums love their boss.

If they find out
that Little Sonny is MacGregor ...

But I ... I don't have £ 10,000.

Speak ?? like a real cat,
but where did the nice accent go?

Yes ...
What a beautiful little house.

My home is a hollow barge Thames.

- I can't wait to get settled.
- Listen, man ...

I will not pray for myself.

I just want him to think ??
to those thousands of old men,

the poor, the old without friends.

Look, they look at me
as their leader and comforter.

That's right. I'll think for them,

and you're gonna keep an eye
on 10,000, huh?

Don’t bother consulting your lawyers.

I consulted three.
They all say it's safe.

Make up your mind. Pay in two weeks
or post through the month.

Don't bother kicking me out.

- Don't bite your nails.
- Ah, shut up.

Watch your behavior.

Well, you got
in real trouble.

- You listened again.
- I'm just trying to help.

Come on. Say. Say.

- I'm fired again, aren't I?
- Yes!

We can both start looking for
another term.

This is the end of Little Sonny MacGregor.
Don't bite your nails.

Mr. President,
ladies and gentlemen,

pray for that wizard of
perfect crime, D Mandeville.

Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen,

contrary to popular rumors,

I'm a woman.

The fact that I write about investigation,
crime and sudden death

and I prefer to carry the title of D Mandeville

instead of my name
Desiree Minsch

she is probably responsible
for this misconception.

We gathered here
for the award ceremony

annual Purity Literature Awards

Flora is read by the
highest and the lowest,

the youngest and oldest in the country.

Never before has this
prestigious award been more deservedly won.

Hey, hey!

In addition to winning this award,
Flora herself also won

and will soon
accept the church.

Good old Batty's dad.

Flora, come and get her.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I do not deserve this.

All I can say is ...
this is the happiest ...

the happiest ...


- I admit I'm very upset.
- So am I, Daddy Batty.

She has something in mind.

I haven't worked in a
nursing home all these years

that I don't know when someone is ...
well, on the edge.

Prilièno. Prilièno.

- What were you talking about?
- Nothing, my dear.

I just said the
window should have a railing.

I don't want any questions.
It was an accident.

Oh, yes, yes, yes!

I'm sure they wouldn't try to
commit suicide more than they would think ...

- Murder?
- Exactly.

That. I hope no one
suspects me of that.

Ethel, is that old box
still ?? always in the attic?

I think so, Mumsie. Because?
Did you mean to leave?

No ... but someone else might.

They can post
and get away, eh? Oh.

Good idea?!
That is absolutely scandalous!

You lawyers should be shot.

No, of course,
I was not blackmailed.

It's just that I ...

It's ... Oh, hell!

Halo? Is that Sister Hopkins?

Lord Mayley here. I called to
ask about my wife’s father.

Yesterday, it was terrible ...

Are you sitting?


Oh! Probably good enough
to sign ... I mean, read and write.

Is it? Oh, good.
Well, pass on my regards to him.

Ah, who was that?

My broker.

Lucy, I just needed advice
for some stocks.

He thinks?? can your father
lend me some money?

I am absolutely sure ...

not to.


Great. What part of Birmingham
does it come from ??, Fred?

I don't come from Birmingham.
I come from London.

He's a stranger!

- Great. What part of London?
- Eastwich.

- Eastwich?
- Yes. I don't want to see him again.

Ok then. Fine.
- It's hell on earth.

- Mo ?? e ?? take Eastwich.
- Shut up.

- I just don't like it.
- Shut up about it!

- I just expressed my opinion!
- Shut up about Eastwich!

- Cut it out! Cut it out!
- Shut up!

'Mr MacGregor?
This is National News ... '

You have to do something
with yourself.

In that case, you will end up without
Mr. Dennis.

What can I do?

I really do not know.

Push him under the bus. This is a way
to get rid of such pests.

It’s just some kind of
stupid remark.

Me, who wouldn't even step on an ant.

Which would not ...

I couldn't ...

but someone else can.

- Who?
- Anyone.

Any of the thousand characters
I can create,

and then destroy, just like that.

- What's going on around, Mr. M?
- Murder, Potter. Murder.

Murder by unknown persons or persons,

someone who doesn't exist at all,

murder is a fabrication of
my imagination.

Oh, no. No, he can't ??.

He could never get out.

I can laugh and kill myself while I laugh.

Oh, for God's sake.

I will drown more sailors
than mermaids.

- That trouble is Old Vic, sir.
- I'll play a speaker like Nestor,

to cheat more cunningly
than Ulysses

and like Sinon, busy yet ?? Troy!

What did he mean by
skiing around his boat?

Mr. M, television is one thing,
but reality is something else entirely.

- You should just go and overdo it.
- Why should I?

- Because you always do.
- Lovely.

Honestly, you always act ??
mostly scared.

- Will he send? What did you say?
- All right, fire me again ...

but get this crazy idea
out of your head.

Too late, my friend. A dice have been rolled.

- Who is that?
- Mrs. Right.

Well, this is an unexpected pleasure.
Come in.

It's wiser on the phone.
Please have a seat.

Do you want something to drink?

I hope this is not a plea
for my better nature.

- I have not.
- No.

You may already know,
My engagement has failed.

I'll never see Bill, so it's
not good that you're still blackmailing me

because I have no money
in the world.

This is shocking news. But 16 Texas
oil wells should not be discarded.

It doesn't matter.
They wouldn't understand.

I really love him,
and without him I'm nobody,

so please please leave me alone.

Sorry, would that make her ?? has always been a
good supporting feature.

"With the eerie past, the unfortunate
Texan oil model is losing millions."

Look, my dear.

It would be better to
try to get it back

but spend your time and mine.

to d...?!

- Excuse me, sir.
- What are you doing? here?

I apologize, sir,
for the intrusion.

- Get out of here!
- I'm trying, sir.

All right, I'll try to do it ??.

Wait a minute here.


When the hell are you doing ???

- Do you want to know who I am?
- Yes, I do.

Well, sir, you see, I'm from the London
Bureau of Vessels, Barges, Sailboats,

catamarans and maintenance,
sir ... that's it.

Maintenance? This place is damned.
I'm the last.

You're in luck.
If the wet is rotten ?? on top,

do you have dry rot ?? at the bottom.

- What are you talking about?
- I'll show you. Look.

- to...?
- Oh!

I'll see what I can do.
I'll put it in my report ...

and I'll try to get them
before they close.

I don't have a plug with me,
so I'll be back later ...

Terrible thing, over there.
Strange thing, yes.

A terrible mess over there, a
terrible mess.

- Gentlemen?
- Some soothing drops, please.

- Some...?
- Calming drops.

- Do you want to cross me?
- If I wanted to, I'd say so.

But quite the opposite. Calming drops.
You must have heard of them?

- To calm down?
- People. Who else?

- You mean sleeping drops.
- I guess so, but for now.

My dear lady,
you are asking about Mickey Finn.

- Is it?
- We have a mild sedative,

if you sleep badly.

I sleep perfectly well,
thank you. Mickey Finn ... Mickey ...

Thank you very much.

Desiree, you're a criminal expert,
how do you get one Mickey Finn?

Well, I get all the drops from a
little thief called Maury Fish.

He hangs out all the time in a pub
called Limehouse Arms.

At Limehouse Arms?
Thank you very much.

- Yes?
- Gin i ...

Porto and lemon, please.

- Thank you.
- One and six.

- You know Maury Fish?
- Why?

I need something from Mickey Finn.
Real McCoy, mac.

- What do you want?
- Don't ask questions, eh?

Wait here.


Okay veèer, deèki.

- Do you have things?
- What things?

- Mickey Finca.
- Do you like it?

- Don't ask questions, eh?
- I'm afraid it's our duty, ma'am.

We're policemen. Come with us.

My dear Lord Mayley!
This is an unexpected pleasure.

About the good news, I believe?

- Yes and no.
- Ah ... Hmm ...

I'm willing to pay
but the point is -

my wife's rich father is
in his final stages.

- So?
- It won't take a year.

She'll get a lot,
I'll be able to get something out.

I gave you two weeks, remember?

- Yes, but £ 10,000 ...
- You're the head of security.

- You make a lot of money.
- My wife spends a lot.

- If there's anything left, I'll spend it.
- Aunt.

I don't know where I'll
get £ 10,000.

- He can do it. I trust you.
- You ...

- You what?
- You all ... her!

- Help! Help!
- Hold on! Don't panic!

Don't panic ?! I can't swim!

Help! Help!

Who the hell are you doing ?? here?

All day service.
I reported a data leak.

- Are you OK?
- Yes.

Take him home.
He is my esteemed friend.

- I understand, sir.
- At home for a hot drink.

We don't want you to get pneumonia.
Good night.

Good night, sir.
Come, my dear.

Don't call me darling!

I'm sorry. I should have thanked you for
saving my life.

Half a crown?

It's not worth it.
I would do it for less.

Your mustache ...

Oh, yes, sir.
I have disgusting baldness, sir.

She crawled all over my lips,
yes, sir. Yes sir.

- Find Mrs. Ransom.
- Yes sir.

I’m sure Mrs. Ransom is looking for
local themes for one of her novels.

The local theme is one thing.

The question of the law for Mickey Finn
is another.

- I don't know Mr. Finn.
- Calming drops, sir. Drugs.

Oh, my God!

Then the abuse of a police officer
, and giving a false name.

- "Lotus flower."
- God be merciful.

- She drank.
- Oh, never.

No, Mumsie is a complete anti-alcoholic.

She was at the
port and the lemon tonight, miss.

Well, I'm sure she was very sorry
. She was stressed ...

I will write to my messenger!

You didn't hear the rest,
not in the long run!

- Flora!
- Sit down.

Disguised as a civilian. That
shit that arrested me didn't even shave!

Madam, no one has arrested you.
Now please go home.

If you want to know anything
about crime, ask the police.

Ok then.
Where would I get Mickey Finn?

I have no idea.

Eto, vidi ??? Stupid, Cedric.

?? to èekate?
Stupid. Ethel, numb!

where can I get Mickey Finn?

I have no idea, sir.

Good veèer.

Must?? do you keep popping up?

Looks like you jumped in.
What about ...?

- I ... I got stuck in a storm.
- It wasn't raining.

It was raining where I was.
Like from a cable.

- And mud, I see.
- Yes, I have to brush it.

By the way, one of your girls

Really? Which?
I mean ... what does he mean ???

She had a shrill voice
and refused to give her name.

- Never heard of her.
- Will ??. She's in trouble.

Impossible. It must be a mistake.

The bomb ... Yes, the bomb will do it.

The bomb will carry him and his records
and the barge for the kingdom will come,

but it would not hurt anyone else.

That. But where do we get the bomb?

Well, if you want ?? only one little one
should go to Ireland.

Sincerely! A bomb, in fact. Get
that crazy idea out of your head.

Ireland ... That's it!


Remember ?? is that old villain, from the
play Dublin. He's still ?? always in it.

Give me a stalk of that thing they're
carrying in a pack. ??that's it?

- Walking stick.
- No, clover, you fool.

And book me my first plane
to Dublin in the morning, will you?

Henry? Henry?

Please don't ask me any more questions
about that storm.

The orphan from the storm
had just arrived.

- What?
- Your girlfriend.

Look, I keep telling you,
I don't have a girlfriend.

- How does it look like?
- Oh, about 40 years.

I thought you said she was a girl.

- I didn't mean her age.
- E? Oh.

Poor Henry.
It never rains on the left, huh?

I've never seen her before.
That's a lie.

- What?
- Whatever he says I did.

- Wouldn't you go and find out?
- Yes, I certainly would.

And be careful. Mo ?? e ?? fall.

- Good evening. Did you need me?
- I'm sorry to break in like this.

I know you did something
terrible, too,

but you don't have to pay anything.

- What is he talking about ???
- That beastly Dennis.

Come here, will you ?? li?

... and there were magazines about Sonny
MacGregor and a lady named Rans.

Now I have nothing to lose,
I will discover everything.

- To whom?
- To the police.

You may have nothing to lose,
but other people have.

- Ne ?? eli ?? pay him, right?
- I have to think about my reputation.

I can't talk to you about it here.
That is the most embarrassing.

I'll come to you tomorrow ...

I can not. I have a board meeting
and a charity dance.

I'll come the day after tomorrow.
Until then, don't reveal anything.

- Where do you live, by the way?
- Chillingdon Court 54. You know that?

Yes, I had ... The day after

- Ah, ah. This way. The company will ...
- The company ?!

Yes, the company will try to
unravel things.

- We'll try to find the man.
- Dennis? But I know ...

Don't do anything until I answer.
12:30, the day after tomorrow.


54... 54...

Honey ...
Shall I write this down for you?


Can a drop of particles, please.

Right away.

- Three and six, please.
- Yes, yes, good ...

- Here.
- Thank you.

God bless everyone here.

My name is Lannegan.
I'm from the other shore.

You're going to be O'Toole, aren't you? I
'm glad to meet you.

I am a descendant of the kings of the
courts of Tara.

It is so.
We do business in London.

This is Albert Hall after all,
and we've run out of jelly.

So if you let me get some
explosives, I'll do the job.

But why do we speak a damn
language, when we have Gaelic?

Oh... Llanfairpwllgwyngyll...

boilermakers at ...


He's English, all right.

Oh! My nose.

My nose is gone!


F- A... F-...

F- A-R...

F- I... Fist... Fistula... Flat...

Ethel, kako is pi ?? e Finn?

- What? Suspicious fine?
- No, Mickey Finn.

Oh, Mumsie.
You and that Mickey Finn.

I won't have peace until I get one
from the nursing home.

What did you say?

Doctors use it
on violent patients.

Why didn't you say?
Why didn't I think of that?

- Get me something. Enough of them.
- Mumsie, I was just kidding.

Wait! Sit down.

Ethel, I have something
very important to tell you .

He knows ?? as much as
my reputation as a writer

and as women means.

You are loved and respected by the
whole world, Mumsie.

So far, yes.

Ethel, many years ago,
your father was in China.

He ran out of money.
I was young, beautiful.

It was easy, and so it was ...

And so I fell off.

So, you slipped, baby.
Like most people.

You got back on your feet.

In a few months,
I completely lost my mind.

Ethel, I guess someone found out

and threatens to expose me to the

What would you say?

I ... I'd like to kill him, Mumsie.

Great. That's exactly what
we're going to do.

- Mumsie!
- I worked it all out.

- I sank his barge.
- She sank his barge ?!

No, she searched.
He lives in a beautiful place.

- But, Mumsie ...
- Shh!

Halo? Are you that Dennis?
This is Flora Ransom.

I have you ?? money. Come
pick him up at 7:30 tomorrow night.

Now, get the pills,
I'll prepare the crate.

"Zalemi ?? icu u rupu denoted by Z."

And that's it.

- Great.
- ??that's it?

That, my friend,
is a complete bomb.

Now gunpowder.

My colonel of the Indian army is leaving
with too much uniform.

Mr. MacGregor? My name is Lord Mayley.

- Yes?
- We haven't met

but they said you were of a
very decent kind.

- Very kind of you.
- I'm sure you agree

how we should help each other.

- How much do you want ???
- No, I want to help.

Mr. MacGregor,
if I mentioned Dennis' name,

and to know
how you are "U" - neither ...

- "U" - an?
- Well, blackmailed.

- Look, can I come in?
- Little Sonny MacGregor blackmailed?

- I think you were wrong.
- You wonder why I'm here.

I know why you're here, my friend.
You are also "U" - neither.

- No, I'm completely unimportant.
- I wouldn't say that.

Please explain.
A young lady came to visit me ...

You are a happy man.
Good luck, sir, and have a nice day.

- Mr. MacGregor?
- Go away.

You will regret it.

- How did he find out?
- I do not know.

Why didn't you let him talk?
He obviously wanted an ally.

The more friends we have now ...

Make an ally of that idiot?
No Thanks. I will rely on my bomb.

And now ... for gunpowder.

Bill! Oh, Bill!

Du ?? o!

Oh, no! We don't want anything today.

- You don't want that?
- I don't know who you are.

- Go away!
- Of course he knows? who am i

- I do not know!
- But you called me here!

Didn't you forget last
night? You got me out of bed!

Well, didn't you?

Ne, Bill. Born! Bill!

Please don't, Bill!
Bill, please! Not!

Please ... Bill! Please come here!

Good. Good. I'll leave him
alone, and I'll tell you why.

Were done! Done!
Finished! Understands ???

Good day sir.

Good afternoon.

I have a shooting day
and I need some bullets.

Cartridge? Of course, sir.
Some specific ones?

No, as long as they
contain gunpowder.

- What time is it?
- For works?

No no. Something like rabbits, pheasants,
small game, you know.

No, no, sir. Saèma. SA-È-MA.


- Hmm?
- 12, 20 or 4-10?

Well ... Definitely, yes.

So which one, sir?

Well, the biggest you have, for sure.

Twelve. How much, sir? 50?

No, I think it's best to be a

- A thousand ?!
- Yes.

But didn’t you say
daily chase?

Yeah, I did, eh ...
and that could be pretty big.

Come to think of it, I think
1500 would be better, maybe ?

That's right. There's whiskey, gin, sherry,

tea, coffee, cocoa -
all Mickey Finn.

He will have to accept one
or the other.

Mumsie. Oh, Mumsie!
This is an obvious murder!

Remember, before you can fuck him, you
have to ?? take his keys.

But why should I do
all the dirty work?

He would never take a drink from me.
He would surely doubt it!

- I'll hang myself!
- He'll say "hang", and he won't.

Oh, Mumsie!

I'll go up the service stairs to
avoid him. Is everything clear?

I'll be in the car in front.

The moment it becomes insensitive,
give a signal from the window.

- Will he have ?? a lot to answer.

- Mumsie!
- Not yet? long. Chin up.

Chin up ... Oh!

It's ... Mumsie, she ...


Oh. Mrs. ... Mrs. Ransom?

Are you alone? Can I come in?

armantno. armantno.

- Are you leaving?
- No no.

Yes, Mrs. Ransom ... Hello.

I'm sorry.

Mrs. Ransom, if I mentioned the name
"Dennis" and the word "blackmail,"

could that mean anything to you?

That? Super. What I want to know
is if you intend to pay him,

or will you fight?

I do not know.

Do you want medicine ...?
Mick ...? Drinks?

- Yes, I think so.
- Please.

t... t...

- What would you like?
- Anything, thanks.

Except for the tomato juice, of course.

You know, Mrs. Ransom,
that's a great relief to me.

First I would like to present ...

Wow! Wait a minute.
You will knock me unconscious.

Can I have some soda, please?

Thank you. In your good health.

Mmm! I needed that.

Well, Mrs. Ransom, we now come
to a really delicate matter.

If the announcement is a
real threat , we ...

Ka ?? em ...

Oh, darling.

What, already inside?
Bravo! Well done. The keys?

- Let's go together. Best forward.
- Oh, Mumsie. Not.

We can't leave him there.
He will suffocate before we drown him.

No, it must look like suicide
or an accident.

One, two, three ... Come on!

Thats how you do it.

- Good evening, Mrs. Ransom.
- Officer Johnson, help us.

- Is someone leaving?
- Yes.

- What's here? Body?
- Yes! How did you guess?

- My daughter killed him.
- Poisoned or suffocated?

- Both, I'm scared.
- Very strange.

- Why did you do that?
- He blackmailed Mumsie ...

- Ethel! Good night, Officer.
- Good night.

After he's in the pond,
we'll go to the beautiful

and destroy the contents of the cabinet.

- We can't do this without killing him?
- Of course not.

He would just hide
and write all over again.

Of course, we have to kill him.
Wow! Slowly. We must not hurt him.

Stupid, Ethel. Pomozi mi.

Come on!
We'll get him out of here.

Come on, Ethel. Good. Mountain. So!

Let him pull. Come on.

Damn it! He's stuck. Should?? it
run! Come on, Ethel!

Psst! Will he wake up ?? him! Psst!

Hurry up, girl. Po ?? uri!

That's right, shut the box. Come here.

- He looked so happy. So happy!
- Great. Then everyone is.

The last round. Barge. Come on.

Draga ...

What time is it, darling?

Help! Help! Where am I!

My God! Where am I?

- Stupid jerk. He didn't lock it.
- Don't talk bad about the dead.

Come on. It's here. Come on.

Carefully. That's it.
Come on. Pick it up.

Carefully. Rasut æe ?? him
on all sides.

Come on!

Got it ?? is
that the contents of this cabinet

could swing London to the ground?

And provide a
very interesting read, moreover!

Oh, Henry?

- Oh, my heart!
- Yes, that's a problem.

Jo ?? one storm? No ... Algae.

That's it. That's it.
Yes, I ... I got a little wet.

- Midnight bath.
- Fully dressed?

Well, I couldn't get in
naked, could I? Well, right?

- I broke in.
- Well, get in bed.

- I'll call a doctor.
- I'm going out again.

Where at this time? Serpentine?

Have Maria bring out
your diving suit.

Go and clean up.
Looks like ?? scary.

Oh, good evening. Is Mrs. Ransom here?

Yes, but I'm afraid he
can't see anyone now.

Then I'll wait.

Please, could we come back
tomorrow? Mumsie ...

Mumsie won't be the least bit
surprised to see me.

- It would be better tonight. Can I?
- Yes, of course ... No!

- That's bad! It's gone! Flies!
- All right, all right!

It's Mumsie.

Good veèer.

Well, he doesn't look so surprised.
You were expecting me earlier,

or have other obligations
gotten out of mind?

No, no, no ...
Of course I was expecting you.

- Would you like something to drink?
- No Thanks.

- Your daughter warned me.
- Is it?

Ethel, come here. I'm sorry.



How did he escape?

- Who?
- Dennis, girl. Dennis!

- It's not Dennis, Mumsie.
- Of course it's Dennis.

- I should know.
- Well, it can't be.

Then who is the man in the trunk?

Oh, Mumsie, to si uèinila?

What did I do ?! You killed an
innocent bystander.


- Take it back to the barge.
- Why?

If he misses it, he'll be suspicious.

Besides, it's pointless to take that
while he's alive.

If I pull it now,
we can bring it back.

I mean, why did you have to
go and warn him ...

Po ?? uri! Po ?? uri!
Our whole future depends on it.

Forgive me.
I was getting rid of my daughter.

Getting rid of people
seems like yours ?? hobby.


Are you sure you won't have a drink?

Oh, no. Still, I don't think so.

- Oh ...
- Please sit down.

Work before pleasure.


Good evening, Officer.
Nice evening.

Mr. X was then pushed into the pond.
I don't know why you did that,

but if it's not worth twice
what I asked for, I'm Dutch.

That was silly.
We ... I was working on a plot.

Forging a conspiracy, don't you think?

?? to bi va ?? friend said?

Therefore, I propose a contract

which makes up more than 50 percent of
all future royalties forever.

- Impossible.
- Then I'll send an anonymous letter,

telling the police to search the pond
and name you the culprit.

- Mumsie! Mumsie!
- Go away!

But, Mumsie, the keys!
Have?? keys!

In my raincoat pocket. Po ?? uri.

Don't say someone else is up
for the high jump.

What about the money you mentioned?

I can't get it.
It could be a few days.

Well, the New Deal will be £ 5,000
less up front with 50 per cent.

When can I hope to see the
money and the contract?

Knowing...! My agent is gone.

Come the day after tomorrow night
at nine o'clock.

Well, don't disappoint me this time.

- No.
- Good.

Good night, Officer.
Good night.

Excuse me, sir, you have ... Oh!

Oh! You. G. Advanced baldness.
No, they won't ??! There is something suspicious here.

There will be something
else soon. more suspicious, sir.

We'll stay here
and discuss it very quietly.

"A mysterious explosion
smashed a car"!

So, Henry? What's going on?
Come on. Out with that.

I am impatient. If it's not the police
or the press, then it's you.

Just a few minor accidents
and I'll never see the girl again.

Mrs. Melissa Right
needs to see you urgently, sir.

So let's go again.
Bring her in, Maria.

Introduce her now.

Bathing again, or is this a dry day?

Good morning my dear.
Ba ?? It is very nice to see you again.

My husband was afraid
we wouldn't see you again.

I have a feeling you won't need the
fins of a diving suit today.

- You shouldn't have come here.
- It's me...


I came to apologize
for yesterday.

That's the only reason you came?

No it's not.
Now I really lost Bill.

- I'm going to the police.
- Please ... That's not good.

No sense in crying over spilled milk.

You don't understand.
I don't care about his money.

I really love him.

So now I'm putting my own back on
that mean Dennis.

Just a moment. You said you saw a
document about that author Flori Ransom?

- Yes.
- Good! Let's see her.

I have a few questions to ask
that murderous woman.

I'm sorry.

- Have a good time.
- I'm not having a good time!

Is Mrs. Ransom here?

He's out, but we expect him back
soon. Come in.

Thank you.

My name is Bastable. I'm the lucky
guy she agreed to marry.

She's a widow, you know. This way.

Oh, Flora is expecting you?

- I think so? and not.
- Oh.

Let me introduce myself.
My name is Mayley, Lord Mayley,

and that is Mrs. Rights.

Oh, èestitam!

No no. That's her name.

Her name? Oh, how are you?


Would you like a glass of sherry
while you wait?

Yes please.

So, Mrs. Ransom
has been a widow for a long time?

Oh yes. Many years.

Yes. Many, many, years.

Hers is he poor ?? died in the East
under very mysterious circumstances.

- Oh?
- Yes. He drowned, poor thing.

- Oh!
- Flora was in England then.


Ah! It could be her.

She's ...
She happens to forget the keys.

Let me speak.

Good morning sir. Mrs. Ransom?

She's out, but we expect her to come back
if you'd like to come in.

Well, I did, sir, didn't I?

- Don't worry, sir.
- Oh, I'm sure he doesn't care.

I'm investigating the disappearance of a locker last seen in her possession.

- I don't know if you know what?
- I have no idea. Now, please ...

- Well, you won't come in?
- Yes thank you.

This is Lord ...?

- How are you?
- And this is Mrs., um ...?

That's the smartest gentleman
in the police force.

- I'm glad.
- Would you like a glass of sherry?

Well, I shouldn't be on duty,
if you'll excuse ... a word ...

but a small one
for medicinal purposes.

- Great.
- Yes.

for what we get ...

Oh, Mumsie, are we going to have to flee the country?
If we could justify that ...

Killing a stranger by mistake?
Go and finish that crate.

How can you use that of all the crates?

- What is it now?
- It's ... It's Daddy Batty.

He will come! Get rid of him.
Let's go on vacation, remember ?? what?

Well, let me in.

He seemed ... Well, he was ...

- ??English.
- ??English?!

Cedric! Why, you cheeky girl!

- God. They fell asleep!
- Mumsie, look!

Sergeant ...

The police found out!

They drugged themselves.
We jo ?? we can get it out.

- Mumsie, look! His mustache!
- They're fine with us.

He is an ordinary bully
disguised as an ordinary policeman.

We have to get on the earlier plane.
Keep watch while I finish packing.

- Why is this?
- Like a crown to him if he wakes up.

- No!
- The one who holds the loitra alone is equally guilty.

Not! Not!

Jo ?? one?! Who's he?

- That's him!
- He?

- That's him! It can't be, but it is!
- Which one?

Which we drowned!

- He's back!
- Ethel, stop it! Are you sure?

Returned from the dead
and more ?? always so happy!

Cut it out! Refrain!

Here. Drink this. Here.

Mumsie ...

- You ...
- No!

- Vi!
- No, Ethel!

Ethel! Oh!


... I have a deadline tomorrow.

I'm sorry.

What a set.

Oh, am I interrupting something?

Yes, Cedric.
We are getting rid of the complication.

That's interesting. It's dark already.

- It seems to me that ...
- Fall off? Yes, Cedric.

- Ethel will get you a cab.
- Taxi? Oh, thank you very much.

Before I fell, didn't you
have a mustache, Sergeant?

Yes, Cedric. They also fell off.
Don't be a fool.

Well, good luck with your efforts.

Thank you. We'll need it.

Oh, darling. Oh...

- Now, where were we?
- My plan.

I'll finish it
but I'll need an alibi from you.

Just a second. I oppose violence.

This is handy
after hours of talking.

I never said I would do anything.
I find the murder fairly non-English.

Someone has to draw a line somewhere.

What is your alternative? Police?
Come on. I don't mind.

I've never worked like you,
not even on television.

Look, Dennis is coming here
at nine tomorrow night.

I can go to the beautiful. See you
at eight. Get a cassette player.

- Thank you very much.
- Henry?

It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. MacGregor.
I'm a fan.

Does he give you my husband ??
some funny ideas?

- Well, some ideas.
- If you could just say,

things that happen
to him in his private life!

Mr. MacGregor and I
have insurance issues to discuss.

- We must not be bothered.
- Really!

That's right. Sit down.

Now, have you written
any assurance dialogue?

- Here you go.
- Good.

By the way, one day, I could
really get into politics with you.

Wouldn't insure your ?? Life
to the smallest detail ... or mine.

- Ready?
- Uh-huh.

"Here are the numbers, MacGregor.

"I get it all
with such a small premium?"

'Here are the numbers,
MacGregor. Look. '

"I get it all
with such a small premium?"

- That disgusting little man again.
- He saved your poor life.

Half a crown! Ha!

"I get it all
with such a small premium?"

We better record
15 minutes of that worth.

- How long do you think you'll be?
- Depends on when he goes to sleep

but I hope he'll be done
by midnight.

'The personal risk clause
interests me. '

'Here are the numbers,
MacGregor. Look. '

"I get it all
with such a small premium?"

Sorry I'm late, love.
Mother will continue like this.

We can say that
we spent on ?? vacation cruising.

Yes, cabin class.
Come on, we'll be late.

- Ne ?? eli ?? it! Come on.
- Oh, all right.

?? what the hell is he doing ?? here?

Good morning sir. I was looking for you,
sir, for your up and down.

No need. I left the boat to a
young couple.

I understand so much, sir. That. That.

Oh, just in case.
Where did you get removed?

On village. When you're here,
can you? help carry my luggage in the car.

- Ja ka ?? em! G. Dennis?
- Gives.

I'm a cop. Who are you?

Um, I'm from the Barge, Beautiful,
West London Ships ...

Odzuji. Mr. Dennis,
I have a warrant for your arrest

based on asking for money
with threats from Wilfred Aintree.

Whatever you say
can be used as evidence.

I won't say anything, but if I have to
fall, I'll lift them into the sky ...

- Oh. All right, let's go.
- First here, please.

You won't find much here.

'The personal risk clause
interests me.

"Let's say a
terrible catastrophe happens to me ?"

'Here are the numbers,
MacGregor. Look. '

"I get it all
with such a small premium?"

- Oh, good morning, Lady Mayley.
- Good morning.

Good morning, yes. Um ... I, uh ...

- Yes?
- Well, I, uh ...

I'm sorry to bother you at this time,
but is it yours? him?? here?

Not everyone is there, I think.

We're sorry.

- Henry?
- to?

Do you and Mr. MacGregor
want breakfast?

- Just a moment. I'll ask him.
- No, I'll ask him.

He is here with me.

You know, I'm back to
clean up one little thing.

Are you saying I really got it
all with such a small premium?

I'm sorry.

Dr. Wilson.

Dr. Wilson... Dr. Wilson...

Nigel! I can not believe it.

In Virginia. I can not believe it.

Mario. I believe that.

I say. You were a little kid, were
n't you?

All lies.

I'm glad you got the file.

What benefit? He will not forget
our names. To heaven, he said.

"I will lift you all to heaven."

I hoæe, gad.

- So we're sinking.
- If he speaks.

We can also be tied
to a sheep like a lamb.

- MacGregor?
- Ha?

Dennis must not be brought to justice.

So, it goes ?? break
into jail and kill him?

But break into the jail and get him out.

- What ?!
- He must be saved at all costs

and derived from the earth.

Are you crazy ?! We killed
ourselves trying to kill him.

And you failed.
Now I'm taking over the job.

Call the
defendant Ransom. Come on.

- We'll never get away with it.
- We wouldn't ...

but we have here hundreds of allies
from all walks of life.

Look. Pilots, shipowners, doctors,
politicians. Everyone you might need.

- Why?
- For the greatest escape in history.

- Call the phone!
- Yes ...

Yes, let the police
spin in a circle.

Hundreds of loyal allies
united in a common cause.

God! Sir Hatton Aysbrook.
He is on my board of directors.

He will have to leave. We can't hire
such disgusting people.

- Come on! Call the phone!
- Yes Yes.

Brickwell, bring the prisoner.

He called -
they use Wolseley!

Toèno, doði!


Police! I'm under attack!

È- È-four men. Third floor,
Stretton Street 14, WC2.

Stretton Street 14, WC2.

Regards, 70g. Hello, 70g for George.

'Attacked Woman,
Stretton Street 14.'

Greeting. 70g for George.
Received a message. Done.

Help! Police! Odeon Cinema!

Police! Quickly! Fight the gang!

Help! He will kill me!
Lucas Square 10, SW7.

Hello, 7 for an apple.
Frobisher Street, gang fight.

Help! Help! He's breaking in!

Where is he? Where is he?

Oh, honey, I'll explain later.
I'm so glad to see you.

Regards, 15B, 15B.
Bremnitt district, the maniac is at large.

- Dennis' trial is set to begin today.
- Good!

?? Is that it? Slet?

I say, my old man.
Your tire is flat.


It's a nice day for a trial.

Nice day for almost nothing,
Mr. Dennis.

- What? You?!
- For your own good.

So your tire is flat.
Well, fix it!

No, you can't have a replacement car.
We are too busy.

- Is everything okay, Doctor?
- Yes, and thank you.

Is she waiting for us ?? a long way.

Bravo! Well done, indeed.

Open the door, Doctor.

- I really believe we did it.
- I'm worried about the last lap.

I'm sorry. It's for your own good.

Oh, good.
Whatever it is, it's over.

A prisoner abducted
on the way to Old Bailey.

I bet for sure
that's it ?? one deception.

I always wanted to go in a
helicopter, Commander.

The most exciting.

The last lap will probably
be more ?? more exciting.

Probably the death of us all.

It's for your own good, man.

- Well, the last lap, but one.
- Don't mention that last round.

I don't know what worries you.
Admiral Kinley says he had a leak

in the last 15 years.

Even so, 200 km out into the
Atlantic in such a fragile vessel.

- We should have taken the plane.
- How could we pass it on?

It's for your own good.

He is asleep again.

How do we stand?

- We're half an hour late.
- We'll be in Skylark in two hours.

Brave, skipper.
That won't ?? long.

I always knew I would hate this thing.

You know, I've said a lot of rude
things about you in the past, Henry,

but I have to give you credit,

this was a magnificent

Thank you, Sonny.
I really like it ?? on television.

Consciousness is coming.

All is well.
We won't hurt you.

- Where am I?
- 200 miles in the Atlantic.

We'll move you soon

on a ship connection
to South America and security.

- Why?
- Why?

Because of your threat to ?? expose
everything, we decided to save you ...

- under the conditions.
- What are the terms?

Never again ?? to re-enter England
or try to blackmail their victims.

Three hundred people
worked on your escape.

If only more ?? once he springs,
he'll get you 300 times.

You did all this

to prevent the worst scandal

ever since Lady Godiva went
horseback riding.

But I didn't want to talk. I had a
very good chance of getting out.

Yes, and if my defense attorney was right,

you destroyed most of the evidence
when you took that locker.

So, you're up to it.

If you don't mind, I
feel a little pale.

I think I'll get some fresh air.

Why on earth did he do that?

He's probably a very good swimmer.

Anyway, what do we care?