You Nazty Spy! (1940) - full transcript

In this satire of the Nazis the stooges are paperhangers in the country of Moronica. When evil cabinet ministers overthrow the king, they decide to make Moe the new ruler as he'll be stupid enough to follow their orders. Moe becomes Dictator, Curly is a Field Marshal and Larry becomes Minister of propaganda. After successfully preventing a female spy from committing mayhem, the boys are run out of office by a mob and eaten by lions.

- Awful.

- Awful.
- Terrible

I tell you, gentlemen, there's no use
arguing against facts.

Our business is at a standstill,

and we've got to do
something about it.

You're right, Mr Ixnay.

Our munitions factories only show
five million buckaroos profit

for the first quarter of this year.

Think of it, Mr Onay.
Only five million.

Why, we're practically starving.

That's true,
but we must remember

that the Kingdom of Moronika
is at peace, Mr Ixnay.

You're right, Mr Amscray.

- But there's no money in peace.
- No.

- We must start a war.
- Right.

And if the King wants only peace,

then we must oust him,
and appoint a dictator.

- That's it, a dictator.
- Exactly.

We must find someone
who is stupid enough

to do what we tell him.

But where can we find
anyone that stupid, Mr Onay?

I've got the very man,
and he's in this house right now.

His name is Moe Hailstone.

He and his two helpers
are papering my dining room.

- A paperhanger?
- Why not?

Now, here's the whole plan...


He means us!

Yes, sir.

These are the men
I was telling you about.

Boys, I want you to meet
Mr Amscray, Mr Onay.

- Hailstone, Gallstone, Pebble.
- How do you do?

Shalom aleichem!

We've come to offer you
the greatest opportunity of your life.

You mean, you'll let us
paper the living room?

No, no, no.
You're through with papering.

My partners and I are going to
make you dictator of Moronika.

What does a dictator do?

A dictator? Why, he makes love
to beautiful women,

drinks champagne,
enjoys life, and never works.

He makes speeches to the people,

promising them plenty,
gives them nothing,

then takes everything.
That's a dictator.

Hmm! A parasite.
That's for me!


I must think.

Quiet while I think.

I must think.
Let me see...

Well, what about it?

I like the job all right,
but I can't leave my two pals.

You know, our motto has always been
"One for all, and all for me".









- Oh!

Gentlemen, so as not to
break up your little triumvirate,

we're going to make
this man Field Marshal

and head of
all our fighting forces.

Can I have a uniform
and a real sword?

You can have a hundred uniforms.

Just go out and shoot
a hundred generals, and help yourself.

I'll shoot two hundred generals!


- What's that?
- It's a machine gun.

Let me see.


IXNAY: We'll make this man
Minister of Propaganda.

Propaganda? What's that?

A poppa gander
marries a momma gander,

and they raise
a lot of little goslings.


We'll take the job.
What do we do?

- First, you start a beer putsch.
- How?

You putsch your beer down,
and wait for the pretzels.

No, no, no, no.

You go to the saloons and buy
free beer for all the saloonatics.

Then you march them to the palace,
and force the King to abdicate.

That makes you dictator.

Hail, hail, Hailstone,
the dictator!

Hail, Hail, Hailstone. Wahoo!

My good people of Moronika,

I am very happy
to see this little gathering.

We must throw off
the yoke of monarchy

and make our country
safe for hypocrisy.





Our motto shall be:

"Moronika for Morons!"


We will have less work
and more play.

Every Thursday, you will
receive hamburger and eggs.




Moronika must expand.

We must extend our neighbours
a helping hand.

We will extend them
two helping hands

and help ourselves
to our neighbours.

- Beblach!
- Beblach!

- Beblach!
- Beblach!




- Ja?
- Ja!

- Ja?
- Ja!

- STOOGES: Yeah, man!
- Hallelujah!

We will now pause
for station identification.

This is NUTS.

When you hear
the konk on the dome,

it will be three o'clock
Bolonia watch time.

- Three o'clock Bolonia watch time.

Three o'clock Bolonia watch time.

It must be three o'clock.



- Here's how!
- I know how.

Ring for my seck-tree.

You mean secretary?
- I said seck-tree!

- Secretary.
- Which is correct?


I'll ring for her.

I still say "secretary".

- Is that so?
- Yeah.

- Hold that.


What do you mean
by reading a book?

Suppose you learn something?

Loyal Moronikans shouldn't read.

Take your troops out, and have them
burn every book in Moronika.

Not my little red book.

Let me see that.

"June East, 110 Good Necking Place,
Whoopee 4430.

"Ruby Clutch, 000G, has car,
often runs out of gas.

"Woo, woo, woo!"

Woo, woo, woo!
Woo... woo-woo!

- I'll keep this.
- Oh, a bookkeeper?

Go burn the books.

Why burn the books?

There are too many bookmakers.

The bookies are
overrunning the country.

Those are my orders.

Hail, Hail, Hailstone!

- Wahoo!

- MOE: Yes?
- Mattie Herring is here to see you.

- Marinade her and send her in.
- Yes, sir.

Go on, get in there!

Treason, Your Excellency.

I caught this man walking
down the street with a chicken.

- Blonde or brunette?
- Quiet.

- Where did you get the chicken?
- From an egg.

- Where'd you get the egg?
- Er... from a chicken.

A vicious cycle.
We must kill it.

- Remind me to kill a cycle.
- Quiet.

Put him in a concentrated camp.

Go on, go on there. Go on.

On second thought,
throw him to the lions.

But we have no lions.

How about
the Tigers or the Cubs?

Or the Giants?

Why have we no lions?

Because there's
no bones in ice cream.

Well, we...

How can I throw
anyone to the lions

when we have no lions?

- Oh, don't worry, little fella.

We'll get you nice
ferrrrocious lions.


With long claws,
that scratch like this.

And long white teeth
that bite like that.

- Aaaah!


You know...

I am Mattie Herring.

Ah, my favourite dish.

Don't taste like herring to me.

- Oh, a connoisseurie, eh?
- Oh!

As Minister of Propaganda, I...

- ...don't wanna hear from you.

What's the matter with him?

He's a little grouchy. Got up on the
wrong side of the gutter this morning.

Shall we gaze into the magic ball,

and see what the future
holds for you?

Come along.

LARRY: (QUIETLY) Gonna take him up
on the roof and overthrow him.

Whip out your magic ball, Mattie.

Ickel, Dickel, Bickel, Mickel...

- Why, that's an eight-ball.
- Sit right down behind it.

Magic ball says
you have not long to live.

- Oh, goody!
- Ssh!

Ssh! Ssh! Ssh!

Ssh! Ssh! Ssh!


Whoo! Whoo!


All out for Syracuse!

This is where I get off.

- Where's he going?
- The boy's from Syracuse.


The spirits are sending me a message.

They are coming closer, and closer.

I can feel their magic touch.

Me, too.


Why, you double-crosser, you...

- Oh!

Oh, look, a note fell out of the ball.

Let me see that.

"Dear Daughter.
If you poison Moe Hailstone,

"I'll make you Queen of the May.

"Your father, Herman
the Sixth and Seven-Eighths,

"King of Moronika.

"PS. There's a sale on poison
at the cut-throat drugstore.

"Six and seven-eighths."

Grab her!

Hey. Hey!

Just hold her arms.
She's a spy.

She's a spy all over, isn't she?

Why, you half-wit!


Call out all my storm troopers.

Calling all storm troopers!
Calling all storm troopers!

- What's the matter?
- Quick! There's a storm brewing.

We caught a spy.


Get a confession of a
nazty spy and shoot her.


MOE: Hey, how can you
shoot her with dice?

They're loaded.

Here, take her out
and shoot her.

Don't worry about it.
When I get there...

Come on, toots,
we'll shoot the works.

And just think,

I might have asked
Mattie Herring to marry me.

Yeah, you'd have been in
some pickle with that Herring.

Yes, we...

- Blindfold?
- Yes, of course.

Turn around.

- Ten paces, and I'll fire. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven,
eight, nine, ten...

- Ooh!

That's that.

- What happened?
- That Mattie Herring escaped.

And you shot me
in the excitement, you fool.

We must get her back.

I'll be satisfied
if we get her half back.

I'll take her quarterback.

In fact, I'll take Notre Dame
and two points.

- Oh, you want two points?
- I certainly do.

- Well, you got 'em...
- Ow!

We gotta strike before she
gets back to her father, the King,

and they gather an army.

- What can we do?
- We'll start a Blintzkrieg.

Oh, goody. I just love blintzes.

Especially with sour krieg.


- Ja?

- Ja?

Get 'em!



study this map carefully.

We're gonna conquer
the continent of South Starv-Vania.

You, I shall give Mikey Finlen.

If I take Mikey Finlen,
I'd better be rushin'.

Then quit stallin'.

So be it.

It's time for our
round table conference.

How can we have a round table conference
when we've only got a square table?

Oh, in Moronika
nothing is on the square.

We shall have to cut corners.

Get busy.

- I'm cuttin'...
- WOMAN: Oh, Your Excellency,

I'm your new secretary,
Miss Pfeffernus.

What is it, Miss Pfeffernus?

The delegates are here
for the round table conference.

- How many of them are there?
- Oh, I don't know.

Maybe five, six,
seven or eight, maybe.

Five, six, seven, eight...

Oh, I don't know
what we'd do without you.

Mighty pretty girl, isn't she?

Mighty fine dancer, too.

You're not so bad yourself.

I bet you tell this to all the boys.


Tell the delegates
we'll be ready in a moment.

Oh, I will.

- Can I have another dance?
- I think I'll sit this one out.



Isn't that half-wit finished yet?

Gentlemen, let us begin to begin.

As Minister of Oomphola, I object!

Your minorities are
creeping into our majorities,

until you're making
our majorities minorities.

Objection overruled.


Peace! We want peace!

Yes. A piece of this,
and a piece of that country.

Delegate Von Rippemup,
do you really want peace?



That bonce is hard to crack.

You're usin' the wrong club.
Try this niblick.

Oh, thanks, caddy. Fore!


Peace! We want peace!

What we want is a corridor
through Double Crossia

as an outlet into the Bay of Window.


- DELEGATES: We object!
- Quiet!

The gentlemen object.
Appease them.

How about throwin' 'em
to the new lions?

No, let's appease 'em.
I just love appeasing.


- DELEGATE: You can't get away with this.
- MOE: I've got a whole box...

Why, you can't get away with this!
It's robbery! It's outrageous!

You're out.


Oh! Ooh! Ooh!

- Ooh!

- DELEGATE: Why, you...
- See this?

Get him! Get him!

- Moe! Curly!

Moe! Curly! Curly!

Why, you...

Duck, dic-take that!

Get up, get up.

Oh, boy, that's what I call
a peace conference.

At last, things are beginning
to come our way.

- You said it!
- What's that?


Things are comin' our way,
all right.

The King, Mattie Herring,
and a million people!


- Oh, what'll we do?
- Maybe we'd better abdicate.

What do you mean, "maybe"?

Hurry up. Lock that door.

Well, they won't get in here.

What a narrow escape!

Oh, it's lucky
I thought of this place.


What's the matter?
You got asthma?

No. That wasn't me.