Yellow Hair and the Fortress of Gold (1984) - full transcript

Fiery blonde half-breed Yellow Hair and her easygoing sidekick the Pecos Kid are after a fortune in Mayan gold. The courageous duo have run-ins with an army of Mexican soldiers, a gang of dastardly bandits, and a lethal tribe of Aztec warriors while searching the countryside for said gold fortune.

(children chattering)

- [Child] Oh, shut up!

(children chattering)

- [Boy] Let me
show you (mumbles).

- [Boy] Oh yeah?

Well, your mother looks excited.

(children chattering)
(film projector clicking)

- [Child] It is not!

It's not.

- [Child] Yes you are!

- [Child] Hey, I
think it's starting.

(children cheering)

- [Child] It's starting.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Quiet, quiet, quiet!
- Sh!

(children chattering)

- [Children] Sh!

- [Child] I don't need to.

(children chattering)
- Come on!

- Sh!
(suspenseful orchestral music)

(children chattering)

(Yellow Hair grunts)

(children cheering)
- Cowboy.

- [Child] Yeah, that's
right, Yellow Hair!

(children cheering)

- [Children] Pecos!







(children cheering)

(children chattering)

(children laughing)

(dramatic orchestral music)




(suspenseful orchestral music)

(children applauding)
(children chattering)

- [Child] Sh, she's mysterious.

- [Child] Shayowteewah.

(children chattering)

(boy whistles)

- [Boy] Oh boy.

(children chattering)

(ominous orchestral music)

(upbeat orchestral music)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(horse hooves clomping)

(rope whooshes)

(horse whinnies)
(rider cries out)

(ominous music)
(horse hooves clomping)

(horses whinnying)

(man cries out)

(man grunting)

(dramatic orchestral music)

(bones snapping)

(men murmuring)

(gun fires)

(men shouting in
foreign language)

(gun fires)

(statue creaking)

(statue crashes)

(horses whinnying)
(stones thudding)

(guns firing)
(men chattering)

(stones thudding)
(rider grunts)

(men cry out)
(horses whinny)

(guns firing)

(men chattering in
foreign language)

(upbeat orchestral music)

(men cry out)

(arrows whoosh)

(man grunts)

(stones thudding)
(man groans)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(arrow whooshes)

(dramatic orchestral music)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(dramatic orchestral music)

(man cries out)

- Help!

(flesh sizzling)

(man grunting)

- I could beat you.

(man groaning)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(man grunting)

(melted metal zapping)

(melted metal bubbling)

(metal clanks)

(fist thuds)
(Pecos grunts)

- Keep this up, we're
gonna give this wall

a hell of a headache. (groans)

Besides, is this any way
for business partners

to be treatin' each other?

- I think I'm being
very generous.

I could have my men shoot you

just for being here
in Mexican territory.

But out of the goodness of
my heart, I let you live.

For now.

- Colonel, I swear
to you, I didn't know

there were gonna be
any warriors there

when I gave you that map.

- There was no temple!

Flores here lost most of his
men and barely escaped himself.

- Gosh, compadre, I'm
real sorry about that.

Come on, fellas,
let's have us a drink,

try to figure out where
Mr. Flores here went wrong.

(foot thuds)
(Pecos grunts)

All right, let's not.

- You told me there was
gold in an Aztec temple,

but you didn't
told me everything.

Did you?

- I swear I did.

You tellin' me you didn't
find any gold at all?

Is that a yes or a no?

(Flores grunts)
(fist thuds)

This fella don't talk
a whole lot, does he?

(whip snaps)

- Your jokes are
not funny, mi amigo.

Now tell me, what are
you keeping from us

about the yellow treasure?

Or maybe the old lady
didn't told you everything.

- Grey Cloud?

Not a chance.

I've known her all my life.

She raised me like
I was her own.

I'll bet she told me that story

of the yella treasure
a hundred times.

- Perhaps she lied.

- Apaches don't lie.

Maybe Flores here just
didn't look for it right.

(Flores grunts)
- No!

You can have him later.

Now you and I talk.

(gate creaking)


bring me this woman, Grey Cloud.

We will make one of them talk.

(speaking in foreign language)

- Colonel!


Heading this way!

They're Aztecas!

(somber flute music)

- [Soldier] Look.

(men chattering in
foreign language)

- There they are.
- How many are there?

- Over there.
- Yes.

- Look.
(soldiers chattering)

- [Torres] Open the gate!

- [Sergeant] Open the gate!

(ominous music)

(men chattering in
foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

- Those masks, they look
like Buckwheat and Manuel.

- Look, look what they
did to their faces.

(dramatic orchestral music)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(Indian whooping)

- Shoot, shoot!

(gun firing)
(bullets whistling)

Why are you waiting?


Fire, you idiots!

(guns firing)

That's what the guns are for.

(guns firing)

- Aim higher!

Raise your sights.

They are too far, Colonel.

(guns firing)

- I can see that, Sergeant.

Stop firing.

(guns firing)

These Indians are smart.

I said stop firing!

- Stop!

Hold your fire!

- Those Indians.

They don't have guns but they
know how to make them useless.



(Indians whooping)

You Indians.


All of you!


- [Sergeant] Si, senor.

- Take a whip to that man.

I want to hear him scream.

(somber flute music)

(whip cracking)

(grunts) Cross the border
and go to reservation alone.

(whip cracks)

And bring me the
old woman, Flores.

I do not care how,

just bring her.

(whip cracking)

(soft orchestral music)

(Yellow Hair grunting)

(Yellow Hair groaning)

(foot thuds)

(men laughing)

(fighters grunting)

(Yellow Hair cries out)
(man grunts)

(foot thuds)
(man grunts)

- (murmuring) Pecos (murmuring).

- Ya!





- Some day you make wrong move

and brave will beat you.

- And then he'll
grab me by the hair,

drag me to his bed,

and finally Grey Cloud can
have her grandchildren.

- [Grey Cloud] It is
Apache way, Yellow Hair.

- I'm not all Apache.

My white blood says I
don't wanna belong to a man

just because he
beat me in a fight.

- Why you hate men?

Grey Cloud have reason, not you.

I was the one raped.

No man has harmed you.

- All who look upon me frown.

Is that not harm enough?

- Pecos in Mexico.

He is in cage again like animal.

- He's just tired of tastin'
the dust on the reservation.

Has a hunger for gold.

- He looks for
gold below border.

(soft suspenseful music)

- He said he was bound
for Mexico this time.

What's the matter?

(suspenseful tribal music)

- Only three stones of gold.

One is missing.

I need four winds of the
spirit to carry my soul.

They are my sacred gift for
the journey through death.

Without them the spirit
can not free itself.

- If The Kid has
taken it, Grey Cloud,

it's because he's not Apache.

He doesn't understand.

- [Grey Cloud] (gasps)
He take sacred horn.

- The one with the map on it?

- It is my fault.

I fill his head with
Tulapan stories.

Like coyote he
never stand still.

I'm afraid he goes for
the yellow treasure.

- Not as long as
he's behind bars

- Get him out.

You will find help at the fort.

- Maybe I'll just
leave him there

and bring back the
nugget and horns.

- No!

We must talk, he and I.

To look for Tulapan
gold is great danger.

Bring him quickly.

I must tell him truth.

It is time to tell you both


(suspenseful orchestral music)

- Ya, ah!

(soft ominous music)

- Note the bouquet and
the color of the wine.

It is very important
to appreciate

the finer things of life if
you wish to become an officer.

Don't gulp it, just roll
it gently on your tongue

as if it were a great treasure.

- [Soldier] Give us a little.


(door creaks)

(metal scraping)

- [Yellow Hair] Kid?

- Yellow?

- We're goin' home.

- I can't.

- Why can't you?

- Because, darlin'.

Not just yet anyway.

- Don't call me darlin'.

I ain't one of your
dance hall girls.

- Grey Cloud wants you.

- Tell her I'll be home
in a couple of days.

There's somethin' here I
gotta lay my hands on first.

- Is it the nugget?

- Nugget?

I don't know nothin'
about no nugget.

- Yeah, sure.

You stole the horn,
too, didn't you?

- Look, I only
borrowed for a spell.

Will you get outta here
before you mess everything up?

- I told Grey Cloud I was
gonna get you outta here

and that's just
what I'm gonna do.


(metal clanks)

- Yellow, you're
wastin' your time.

Ain't nothin' gonna make
me move 'til I'm ready.

(fuse hissing)

(metal clanks)

I'm ready!

(Pecos whimpers)

Don't breathe.

(explosion booms)


- Ya!

Ha, ha!

(playful music)

- Don't just stand there, get
back to your post. (whimpers)

- [Yellow Hair] Ha!

Ha, ha!

Ha, ha!

(Pecos coughing)

- What am I doing here?

Trapped in this
God forsaken desert

among scorpions, fools, and--

(bell clanging)

(men chattering in
foreign language)

- Ya, ah!

Whoa, whoa.


(dramatic orchestral music)

- Couldn't you just
have found the keys?

- Come on, let's get outta here
before we wake everybody up.

- First, I gotta get that
horn from the colonel.

(man grunts)

(speaking in foreign language)

- Close the gate!

Don't even think about it.

What's your name? (chattering)

- You're gonna get
your butt shot off!

(gun firing)

- [Sergeant] Stop shooting!

(guns firing)
- Ha, ha!

(guns firing)

(speaking in foreign language)

- Stop firing!

(gun firing)

Spread out.

(gun firing)

Stop firing!

Stop firing!

You fools.

(guns firing)

(speaking in foreign language)

(guns firing)

(bright orchestral music)

Everybody out!


(men shouting)

(explosion booms)

(gun firing)

- Come now, remove it.

- This colonel's a
tough guy to get to see.

(horse whinnies)

- Okay, I'll fix it,

but only because I don't
wanna have to bury you.


- Yellow.


(gun firing)


(gun firing)

(explosion booms)

(soldier cries out)

(door creaks)
- Find the gringo prisoner!

Everybody spread out
(gun clicks)

and find him.
(Colonel Torres laughing)

- I got him.

I got him, Sergeant. (laughs)

Stop searching, I got him!

- [Sergeant] In the stables.

- Stop searching!

- Everywhere.
- Idiots, stop searching.

I got the prisoner!

I tell you, I may be surrounded
by the deaf and the stupid,

Kid, but I didn't make
colonel by losing prisoners.

(chuckles) When I get
through with you this time--

- Colonel!

He had help, a woman.

- Well, where is she? (whimpers)

- [Yellow Hair] Hello, there.

(Colonel Torres whimpering)

- Hold it.

- Oh please, please be careful.

- Gonna be really smart to do
like I say, don't ya think?

- Oh yes.
- Uh-huh.

Uh-huh, good,
- Yes, yes.

Yes, yes, yes.

Yes, yes, yes. (whimpers)

- Now get movin'.

(Colonel Torres whimpers)
That's it.

Slow and easy.

Careful now.

- Yellow, you're
just like an angel.

- Where are you going?

- [Pecos] I've still
gotta get the--

- This?

- Hey, girl, gimme that.

- Tell 'em to get us a wagon.

- I, I, I.

- You gimme the nugget.

- I ain't got the nugget.

Had to give it to somebody.

Gimme the horn.

- No, it's not yours.

You stole it.

Tell him.

- It's not yours, you stole it.

- The wagon!
- Aye!

Give 'em anything they want!

- Do it.

- Darlin', I told ya.

I just borrowed that.

I'll give it back.

- Quit callin' me darlin'!

- Don't call her
darling. (whimpering)

(horse hooves clomping)
(wagon rattling)

- Let me just hold it.

- Which?

- The horn. (chuckles)

You got enough on your hands.

- Not hardly.

- No need to insult
me, senorita.

- Shut up.
(Colonel Torres whimpers)

- This is unpleasant.

- Well it's no
picnic for me either.

- [Driver] Whoa, whoa.

(Colonel Torres cries out)

(soldiers laughing)

- Be still!

How dare you.

There's nothing to laugh about.

- Ha, ha!

(Colonel Torres whimpering)

(speaking in foreign language)

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

(Colonel Torres whimpering)

- Hold it.

(Colonel Torres whimpering)

- Shame we weren't
rightly introduced!

- On the contrary,
senorita, I feel like

we are very close friends.

Shoot them!

Shoot them!

Come on.

What are you waiting for?
- Ha!

(bright orchestral music)

- Shoot them!

Shoot them!

What's the matter with you?

Open fire!

(guns firing)
Can't you see

they're getting away?

Shoot them!

There they go.

Shoot them!
(guns firing)

Shoot them!

(fuse hissing)

(Colonel Torres gasping)



(speaking in foreign language)


(explosion booms)

(crickets chirping)

(metal clanking)

(ominous music)

(Grey Cloud shouts)

(Grey Cloud and Flores grunting)

(gun fires)

(Flores coughs)

(Grey Cloud whimpering)

- That Flores is a mean one.

I'm gonna make him pay for this.

- No.

Only Apache blood
can take revenge.

- What are you talkin' about?

- The Comanchero is mine.

You just get that nugget back.

- Come on, Yellow.

What good's a nugget
gonna do her now?

(fist thuds)

Okay, there's this
girl at the saloon

and, well, I gave her
the nugget because,


(somber orchestral music)

(chanting in foreign language)

- Pecos,


speak with man who knows.

(upbeat music)
(saloon patrons chattering)

- [Woman In Pink] How elegant.

(couple laughs)

- [Patron] Hey bartender, set
'em up over here, will ya?

(saloon patrons chattering)

- [Patron] Bring the
bottle of whiskey

and set it on the table.

(saloon patrons chattering)

- Well?

- My gal'll be down
in just a minute.

She's gettin' all
gussied for me.

(saloon patrons chattering)

- [Patron] Hey.


Get over here.

(saloon patrons chattering)

- Jacks are better.

(saloon patrons chattering)

- [Man] I can go crazy.

- [Yellow Hair] Mm-mm.


- [Patron] Can I get another
drink over here, bartender?

- [Yellow Hair] Mm-hm.

- Yellow, this gentlemen
don't take kindly

to you interfering in the game.

(saloon patrons chattering)

- Cards?

- Two.

- [Pecos] Three.

(saloon patrons chattering)

- [Card Player] I'm out.

- [Gambler] Me, too.

(saloon patrons chattering)

- Who opened?

- [Man In Tan Suit] 200.

- I'll call your 200

and I'll raise you $380.

- Pecos!


- Hold the fort,
amigos, this old boy's

got himself a gal and
a half to (mumbles).

Hi, honey.

(Rainbow giggling)
(kisses smacking)

- No, no, no, put
me down, Pecos.

Do you wanna mess up my makeup?

- You get all prettied
up just for me, honey?

- Why, who else do you think?

- Aww.

(sniffing) You smell great.

You're one of my
two favorite smells.

- I don't think I wanna
know the other one.

My, my, don't you look like a
gentleman in that fine suit.

Like you was gettin'
real successful.

- Rainbow, I'm gettin' so
close to the big strike,

I tell ya, I can feel it
in the tips of my fingers.

Why there ain't gonna
be pockets, or bags,

or even chests
big enough, honey.

- I can't wait 'til
you take me outta here.

- [Yellow Hair] Has
she got the nugget?

- Pecos handle this.

- What does she know
about the nugget?

What is she anyway.

- Don't you fret none
about her, Rainbow.

Now, if you'll just
gimme that nugget back.

- What?

- There'll be plenty more later.

I just need that one
little bitty one right now.

- I can't give it to ya.

- Why not?

- Yellow, will you quit
askin' stupid questions?

- Why not?

- My boss, Mr. Tortuga has it.

- And why has he got it?

- Well, I had to use it to
pay for my room and board

on account of you left
me here with nothing.

- What is the trouble?

- He wants the nugget back.

- She has expenses here, kid.

If she doesn't pay with money,

she will have to
pay in other ways.

- You see, Pecos, I don't wanna

have to do that.
- Aww.

- [Rainbow] I'm a good girl.

- Pecos, get your ass over here.

- I will.

I gotta have that
nugget back, mister.

- What are you kid, a
stinking Indian giver?

(saloon patrons chattering)

- Let's have that nugget back.

- Calm down, Yellow.

There ain't no reason we
can't work this out, mister.

Nobody wants any trouble.

We just came--
(knife thuds)

- Un-unh.

Nothing you didn't ask for.

- That's enough.

I want that savage out of here.

If one day she turns
white, bring her back.

I'll let her clean my spittoons.

- Yeah, Kid, what you'd
bring her here for anyway?

- Mister,

either you hand over that nugget

or they're gonna be
shippin' you outta here

with no place to go but hell.

- Get her moving.

I wouldn't want to see
her tongue cut out.

- You want her
outta here, mister,

you'll have to get her
outta here yourself.

- Pecos, don't start anything.

- All right, if
nobody else'll do it,

I'll throw the dirty
half-breed outta here myself.

Come here, you.

(gun fires)
(man groaning)

(man cries out)

- The nugget.


(suspenseful orchestral music)

(gun fires)
(metal clanks)

(Rainbow screaming)

(gun clicks)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(guns firing)

(Rainbow screaming)

(coins jangling)

(saloon patrons chattering)
(upbeat orchestral music)

- Come on, wait a minute, hey!

- Shut your trap.

Shut up.

(Rainbow screaming)

Shut it.

(hand smacking)

(Rainbow grumbles)
(Tortuga cries out)

- Oh!

(saloon patrons chattering)

- [Pecos] Hey, that's my money!

Hey, that's my money.

I had four eights!

(saloon patrons chattering)
(fists thudding)

That's my money!

(gun firing)

(fist thuds)

- Beat it.

Both of you.

Before you start trouble.

- I got it.
- Good.

Let's go.

Rainbow, honey, I'll get
the gold and be back for ya.

(Rainbow growls)

Ain't that Rainbow somethin'?

She's crazy about
me, you know that?

- [Yellow Hair] Oh yeah.

- [Pecos] Hey, what are
you doin' with the horn?

- Grey Cloud left a
message before she died.

We gotta go see somebody
called the man who knows.

- [Pecos] The man who knows?

- [Yellow Hair] Come on!

- [Pecos] What's he know?

(bright orchestral music)

- Many years ago,
the Spaniards come

and try to turn the
Tulapan Christian,

but Tulapan go

hide in the mountain

so he can worship what he want,

golden gods.

A Texan come across this

and want to use it to
get into the temple

to get gold.

I thought we were dead for sure

when Tulapans find us in canyon,

but they just,

how do you say?

They stare at my partner.

They think he's sent by the gods

to bring them back
to outside world.

He smile.

He make them smile.

They princess smile, too.

She fall in love with him.

Then the trouble start.

- What trouble?

- She was to marry the priest,
a man named Shayowteewah,

but she chose this man.

Shayowteewah not like this.

- I'll bet.

- He have his men

blind me so I can not

find my way


Then the princess
have a little one

and the priest say she
dishonored the tribe.

He say no to all babies,

dear gods forgive.

23 years now,

no forgiving.

- What do you think happened

to your friend and the princess?

- Servant woman took
the child, run away.

- What did they
think was so special

about your Texan friend?

- His hair,

it was long

and beautiful

and yellow.

(suspenseful tribal music)

- Okay, so you know everything.

What do you do with the horn?

- Blow it.

- Well I'll be darned.

- Take to canyon

where no echo,


- Thanks, mister.

Hold on, Yellow.

Where do you think you're goin'?

- Across the border.

I gotta know the truth about me.

- You don't even know
where the place is.

- No, but you do.

- Yeah, I do, but if
them crazy Tulapans

get a hold of ya,
there ain't no tellin'

what they'll do to ya,

and that sure ain't
what Grey Cloud wanted.

- I don't care what
Grey Cloud wanted.

I had a real mother and father.

She lied to me.

(ominous music)

(Flores wheezes)

- So, they are
headed back this way.

They might have learned
something new about the gold.

Bring them to me, and don't
be so stupid this time.

I want them alive.

(Flores grunts)


And God help you if any
harms comes to them.

Now get out.

- Ho.

- I'm hungry.

- I'm glad to see
you can still talk.

- Sorry, I just keep
thinkin' about the Tulapans,

what they're like.

- Dangerous.

(woman crying)

Let's get us a bite to eat,

might be our last
chance for a bit.

(ominous music)

(Flores wheezing)

(woman crying)

(Flores wheezing)

- They're not gonna shoot us.

(gun clicks)

He's only trying to sweat ya.

- He's doin' a pretty
good job of it.

(woman screams)

(gun fires)

(guns firing)

(men laughing)

- Now!
(fist thuds)

- Whoa.
(man laughs)

- What are you waitin' for?

(man groans)

Come on!

(horn thuds)

(whip cracks)


(suspenseful music)

(men chattering)

(Flores wheezing)

Hurry up.

Come on, ya!

(men grunting)


(Pecos cries out)

(men grunting)



(men grunting)

(ominous music)

(henchman cries out)


Ha, ha!

- Whoa, whoa.

- Hang on!

I'll turn!

- [Pecos] Oh!

- [Yellow Hair] Ya!

(upbeat orchestral music)

- Yellow, take us to Mexico!

- Ya!

(upbeat orchestral music)



Ya, ya, ya!


(henchmen whooping)


- [Henchman] Woohoo!

- Ya!



Ya, ya!



(henchmen whooping)


- [Pecos] Pirates?

(speaking in foreign language)

- Ya!

(henchmen chattering
in foreign language)

(henchmen whooping)

Ya, come on!

(henchman whooping)

(henchman cries out)

(speaking in foreign language)

(henchmen whistling)


(henchmen whooping)

(henchmen whistling)

(henchmen chattering)

(whip cracking)

(henchmen whooping)

(whip cracking)

- [Henchman] Hey!


- Ya!

- Woohoo!
- Ya!

(whip cracking)


(suspenseful music)

(Yellow Hair cries out)

- [Henchman] Woohoo!

(Yellow Hair grunting)

Woohoo! (whooping)

(horse hooves pounding)


(horse hooves pounding)

- Hang on, Yellow!

Hang on.

That's it, you can do it.

Come on.

You've got it.

Come on, you got it.

That's it, that's it!

Come on.

Gotcha. (chuckles)

I gotcha, oh!

- Three of a kind!

(henchmen whooping)

(men chattering)

(dramatic orchestral music)

- [Henchman] Yahoo!

(men chattering)

(speaking in foreign language)

(peaceful orchestral music)

(waves lapping)

- Yellow, what are you doin'?

- Dryin' off.

- I can see that.

Trouble is you're naked
while you're doin' it.

- How come you're complainin'?

When you were 13 and I was 10,

all you did was tried
to take my clothes off.

- Yeah, but back then
when you were whippin' us

at everything, Blue Eagle and I

wanted to prove you
were really a boy.

(horses whinnying)


(horses whinnying)

- Hey!
- Hey, hey!

- Hey!
- Hey, whoa!


- Tulapans.

- Look at 'em, like statues.

(ominous music)

- Aren't they beautiful?

- Some dead Comancheros
wouldn't reckon so.

- No, something tells me

these are the most civilized
people in the world.

- How civilized can they be?

They don't even have guns.

- They're out of range.

- [Pecos] Yeah, they're
tricky all right.

- Feel it?

- Feel what?

- I don't know,
it's just strange.

- Yeah, it's gonna take more

'n a bunch of
savages to scare me.

(ominous music)

(Pecos and Yellow Hair panting)

(horse whinnies)

(soft suspenseful music)

Come on, Yellow, get a move on!

What's the matter with you?

What's the matter
with you anyway?

(ominous orchestral music)

Let's rest here a second.

My feet are killin' me.

How 'bout you?

(dramatic orchestral music)

It's like these Tulapans
wasn't chasin' us at all,

like they was gettin' us
right where they want us.

What do ya think?

Yellow, what do ya think?

- I don't know.

- Well, I'm wore out.

Maybe we oughta just
give 'em the horn, huh?

(soft suspenseful music)

Maybe then they'll
leave us alone.

(snake rattling)

(ominous music)

(Pecos cries out)

(Yellow Hair grunting)

- Ya!

(dramatic orchestral music)

(snake rattling)

(snakes rattling)

- Now they've gone too far.

- I thought you were fearless.

- I am, except for snakes.

(gun fires)

(snakes rattling)

(gun firing)

(snakes rattling)
(gun firing)

- You're gonna
run out of shells!

- That's probably
what they want.

- I know what they want.

(dramatic orchestral music)

(gun firing)
(snakes rattling)

- Yellow!



(Pecos grunting)

(ominous orchestral music)

What are you doin'?

They'll kill you!

I think.

(soft orchestral music)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(horn bellowing)

(horn bellowing)
(horn bellow echoing)

(horn bellowing)
(horn bellow echoing)

(horn bellowing)

(rocks rattling)

(soft suspenseful music)

(ominous orchestral music)


(suspenseful orchestral music)

(rifle clicks)

(metal clanks)

(rope hisses)

(rhythmic suspenseful music)

(gun fires)

(metal clanking)

(Pecos grunting)

(rocks rumbling)

(metal clanking)

(match hisses)

(soft ominous music)

(melted metal bubbling)

(soft orchestral music)

- Come up, Kid.

- [Pecos] Yellow,
you look so pretty.

- Aren't they beautiful?

They loved each other, Kid.

My mother and father
really loved each other.

- They're somethin', all right.

How do these Tulapans do that?

- There's so much
I could learn here.

- [Pecos] What's
gonna happen, Yellow?

- I'm gonna stay.

This is my home now,
and these are my people.

I'm gonna marry Shayowteewah

and we're gonna
serve them together.

- I don't know, Yellow.

Stayin' down here?

You gonna be okay?

- It feels right, Kid.

Go on, take them.

That's what you came for.


You got what you
always wanted, Kid.

You got the gold
and you got Rainbow.

Now all we want is
the horn and your word

that you'll never come back here

or tell anyone about this place.

- If that's how you
want it, Yellow.

- That's how I want it.

- Then that's the
way it's gonna be.

- Good.

(men chattering)

Then you're free to go.

There's a pony out
there waiting for you.

- You sure this
is what you want?

I mean hell, they don't
even speak English.

(melted metal bubbling)

- Goodbye, Kid.

(somber orchestral music)

- Bye, Yellow.

(ominous orchestral music)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

- Ya.

- In Tulapan, (speaking
in foreign language).

Yeah, (speaking in
foreign language).

(ominous tribal drum music)

(chanting in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(chanting in foreign language)

Yeah. (speaking in
foreign language)


(Yellow Hair screams)

Yeah. (speaking in
foreign language)

(Yellow Hair screaming)

In Tulapan.
(Yellow Hair sobbing)

(speaking in foreign language)

(Yellow Hair grunting)
(chanting in foreign language)

(ominous tribal music)
(chanting in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(bright orchestral music)

(gun fires)

(rocks rumbling)

(natives gasp)

(rocks rumbling)

(women screaming)

(rocks rumbling)
(natives screaming)

(rocks booming)

(natives crying out)

(rocks rumbling)

(melted metal zapping)

(speaking in foreign language)

(Shayowteewah cries out)

(melted metal zapping)

(boulder banging)

- Hi, Kid.

- Come on, Yellow,
let's get outta here.

(rocks rumbling)

(Pecos and Yellow Hair coughing)

(rocks rumbling)

One thing's for
sure, ain't nobody

gonna get any gold out of
that mountain for a long time.

(Yellow Hair coughs)

(rocks rumbling)

Let's go.

(ominous orchestral music)

(boulder rumbles)

(townspeople chattering
in foreign language)

(donkey braying)

(townspeople chattering
in foreign language)

(soft orchestral music)

- Ya had the gold, Kid.

Why'd you come back?

- They were gonna
cut your heart out

and find out you ain't got one.

(Yellow Hair chuckles)

- You didn't know
I was in trouble.

- One of us always is.

- Come on, Kid.

Why did you come back?

- Gold don't mean much
without you, Yellow.

Is somethin' botherin' you?

- [Yellow Hair] Uh-huh.

- Me, too.

- Buenos dias, senorita.

You find the gold, Kid?

- What makes you think
I've been lookin', Colonel?

- Don't waste my time, I
know where you've been.

- Think we can make a deal.

- We ain't making
no stinking deals!

- Don't look like it.

- Kid, my arm is gonna get
tired and come down soon

whether I want it to or not.

Did you find the gold?

- Yeah, I did.

I've got a sample right here.

And there's plenty more
where that came from.

I tell ya, it's layin'
all over that mountain,

shinin' and glitterin', just
waitin' to be picked up.

And you can see it
from miles away.

Yeah, I could grab hold
of the colonel here

and lead him right to it,
'cause you can pick up

this stuff as easy as
you can take a pistol

out of a holster.

(gold nuggets clicking)


Almost religious, like
you was in church.

How 'bout it, huh?

But you gotta move
fast before somebody

gets to that mountain
first, ain't that right?

- Oh, that's right.

It's over there
on that mountain.

- Ya like that, boys?

Don't be shy.


- Hello again.

(Colonel Torres cries out)

- Don't shoot!

Don't shoot!

Don't shoot!

(door creaks)

(Flores wheezing)

(suspenseful music)

- Kill them.

(Colonel Torres cries out)

(guns firing)

- [Announcer] Will Yellow
and Pecos escape this time?

Here are some scenes from
their next exciting episode.

(soldiers shouting)
- Stop.


Come back, you traitor!

Right now, that's an order!

- No more orders, Colonel.

We're riding to the mountain.

We want the gold! (laughs)

- Traitors!

I'll see you hanged for this.

(speaking in foreign language)

(guns firing)

- [Announcer] Does Pecos hit
the dust for the last time?

(guns firing)

(dramatic orchestral music)

Can Yellow finally get
rid of her mortal enemy?

(spurs jangling)

(suspenseful music)

(gun firing)

Has Flores drawn
his last breath?

(bright orchestral music)

Don't miss the next adventure

of Yellow Hair
and the Pecos Kid!

- Go!

And never come again!


We don't want you
sneaking into our country.

There's no room
for your kind here.

Stay on your side of the
border with your own people.



(dramatic orchestral music)