Yaar Pardesi (2012) - full transcript

Ripped by gdhaliwal23

He left?

You didn't go with him?

Scoundrels,we are like

airplanes taxiing at the airport.

One by one, all of us will fly away.

Why do you need to be upset about it?

Jashn, go get beer.

As if he must be missing us over there.

Kuku, I don't feel

like leaving you guys.

Then let's go back.


Go, you fool.

Get into the plane before

you change your mind.

Take care.

Call once your reach there.


He left us.


You think you are his wife...?

He found one.

Shetook him with her.

One day, we, too, will

find one and fly away.

Right, man? Tell him.

I don't want to get married.

Friends and brothers part

moment a girl enters their life.

Saw my elder brother?

Moment he got married,

sister-in-law took him away.

What do you know?

You never had a sip of it.

You don't know there isn't a

better way to double your joy.

And the best way to drown your sorrows.

Buddy, I say, one day a plane will land.

And a very beautiful Punjabi

girl will come out from it.

And take me to the heavenly

land called Canada or Austrdia.

Scoundrel, come out of your dreamland.

She could be dangerous as well.

"Her waist measures 28

inches. She weighs 47 kilos."

"The girl. She weighs 47 kilos."

Oh my.

Careful. Careful.

What happened? Did you get hurt?

You were saying something.

Her waist measures 28

inches. She weighs 47 kilos.

That can't be your mother.

Must be your sister.

What have I done'?

Myself Shunty from Haiori Garden.

And myself Sahei from Patiala.

Sahe], come on.

Sahei, you are here?

I thought you are coming tomorrow.

Idiot, I said PM not AM.

Gary, watch out if your touch your hair.

All you know is to use gel

to make your hair stand.

You don't know anything else.

Look, sister, you shouldn't shout.

Maan Sahib says"

Shut up. Gary, don't say a word more.

I will manage. Don't worry. Gel: lost.

Gary isn't here.

- What now?

Let's hail a cab. Let's go.

Hello, Jashn'?

Did you make him board it?

You think I am a driver?

You guys get drunk and

I have to drop everyone.

Brother, you were the

one who used to say this.

"| drop so many people to the airport."

"It's like a taxi service.".

Yes, why don't I start a taxi service?

I should stand here and shout,

Delhi-Punjab, Delhi-Punjab, Delhi-Punjab.

Hello. Hello. Hello.- How will

I look shouting Delhi-Punjab"

Delhi-Punjab? - I

want to go to Punjab.

Hurry up. Look, I don't have

time. Hurry up. Hurry up.

Ma'am, I am talking on the phone.

You can talk on the phone later.

It's very simple.

Look, we have a lot of luggage with us.

Carry our luggage quickly and hurry up.

- I am not a taxi"

I know the rate for taxis.

How much do you charge?

Yes, 12 rupees per kilometre.

I will give you a tip as well.

- VWII you listen to me?

What's there to listen?

It's very simple.

I know you are a taxi

driver. We want a taxi.

You are going to Punjab.

We want to go to Punjab.

We want to go to Patiala.

This is our luggage.

Let's go, Anna. The |uggage..

- Ma'am, I am not a driver..

Listen to me.

- You are not a driver? You look like a driver.

Hurry UP-

Yes, Jashn. I still haven't

started the Delhi-Punjab business..

...and I already got passengers.

That's great. You will have

company on your way back.

Make sure you take the money.

Make sure of it. Yes.

We will be able to gei a Johnnie Wdlcer.

Hello, please concentrate on driving.

You can sing once you reach home.

Hear that, singing has

taken Punjab by storm.

Madam,| am just humming.

Thewhole of Punjab has

cut albums in their names.

I know everything. I was

born and brought up here.

Got it?

Not a problem, you can sing.

Madam ..

What's wrong with your voice?

You sounded different.

Hey, it's me.

Hey, watch out!

Madam, you spoke in Punjabi?

That too so properly?

Hello, my friend knows

Punjabi very well.

Got it?


- What's so strange about it?

Can't I talk in Punjabi?

No, you can. Talk all you want.

It's a pleasure.

Then why don't you sing us a song?

If you will ask so affectionately, I'm

ready to sit with a drum all my life.

Come on, sing us a song.


"We are the best friend

a person can have."

"We rule the world."

"We love everyone."

"We never take anything personally."

"We are the best friend

a person can have."

"We rule the world."

"We love everyone."

"We never take anything personally."

"We work in the fields

"We are also the headman

of the village council."

"We work in the fields

"We are also the headman

of the village council."

"Even if we live abroad."

"We always earn our living."

"We are the best friend

a person can have."

"We rule the world."

"We love everyone."

"We never take anything personally."

"We are the best friend

a person can have."

"We rule the world."

"We love everyone."

"We never take anything personally."

"People call us Punjabi."

"They take our name with pride."

"People call us Punjabi."

"They take our name with pride."

"Some call us brave men."

"Some call us brave men."

"We are well respected."

"We are the best friend

a person can have."

"We rule the world."

"We love everyone."

"We never take anything personally."

"We are the best friend

a person can have."

"We rule the world."

"We love everyone."

"We never take anything personally."

"We never take anything personally."

"We never take anything personally."

Come on, let's go.


- Brother.

Sorry, sister.

I got confused with the dates.

I thought you are coming tomorrow.


Oh my..

- Your sister's friend.

Shewill be staying here?

- Oh yes.

Where are you going?

- To get some gel.

Don't get the gel, get our luggage.

Come on.

How much money for you?

My family will know how much

'hey want to sell me for.

No, I mean how much

do I pay for your taxi.

Which taxi?

Excuse me. Neither is this my

taxi, nor am I ataxi driver.

This is my personal car. I came

to drop you for courtesy sake.

Oh. So you thought of having

some fun when you saw girls.

You were very eagerly

carrying our luggage back then.

And now you are saying

that this isn't a taxi.

And you are not a taxi driver.


Anna, this is the reason

why foreigners are scared..

...of travelling to India. Why?

Because you find such people here.

They are cheats and liars.

They cheat everyone.

Give me a chance to speak.

I mean, what is it?|- Sahei, please.

He wants to say something.

Please, hear him out.

You are great. Imported

Goddess, you are great.

You understood this

mere mortal's feelings..

...and asked this Indian

Goddess to keep quiet.

Otherwise, this Indian Goddess doesn't

give anyone else a chance to speak.

Hello, what are you saying?

- Sahe], please.

Let me complete first

I am not a taxi driver.

I have done my MA in geography

from Punjabi University Patiala.

I have 27 acres of land. I am a farmer.

I had gone to drop my

friend to the airport.

I was talking on the telephone.

You mistook me to be ataxi

driver and sat in the car.

I brought you here.

Neither did I misbehave on the way..

...nor did I steal

goods or money from you.

Why are you calling me a cheater?

You talk without thinking. You

don't give anyone a chance to talk.

L, too, can talk non-stop

like you. Now you can talk.


He never said that he was a taxi driver.


I said sorry.

She is the first woman in

the world to apologise".

...in a scolding and an angry tone.

Hello, I am not a woman, I am a girl.

Oh, again sorry.

Sorry that I called you a woman.

Sorry that I dropped you home

from the airport for courtesy sake.

Sorry for any misiake I might

make in the future as well.


By the way, I am Anna.

Myself Kam aliit Singh.

People affectionately call me Kuku.


- No. Not Khukhu, Kuku.

Kuku. Kuku.

My village is close by. Amampur.

It is just 12-13 kilometres away.

I'll be more than happy if you

come some time, to my place.

And my aunt will be happy. Aunt.

I am sorry. I am very late.

My aunt will kill me.

My aunt is very shrewish.

You don't know.

Shrewish? What does that mean?

- It means"

Shrewish. Shrewish.

- It means"

A very nice person.

- Yes.

Wonderful. Amazing person.

- Yes, that's what is means.

Oh. Okay. Okay. You

are also very shrewish.


- Take care. Take care.

Sahe], it's a beautiful place.

Anna, this is my village.

And you will love it.


We will have a lot of fun here.

Come, lefs go.

Hey. Which one of you was it?

Spoiled the atmosphere of the room.

First You have chickens

and then later crow.

Hey, wake up.

Calm down. What are you up to?

Wake up.

What is it?

Don't you have to go

for an interview today?

You go and build your body.

Let us sleep. Why are you troubling us?

Intelligent people say that

one should get up and exercise.

That keeps ones machinery well-oiled.

And these guys are lying here.

You oil your machinery.

Our machinery is fit and fine.

If this continues your

parts will stop functioning.

If you continue to drink like

this your liver will stop working.

Your engine will give up.

Jashn, you are putting your

education down the drain.

At leasi you should think of something.

Why don't you get me a job?

I have given around 150 interviews.

I still haven't got a job.

No one values education.

And you?


Jagtar, listen to me.

Some people are born to have fun.

- Yes.

And some are born to serve them.

- Yes.

Keep doing your duties.

Bloody bugs.

Have sucked my blood.

Friendship is a curse.


Where are you these days?

I asked the old woman,

but she growled at us.

She is my aunt, but do you guys

call your mothers, old woman?

Karma, I think things have heated up.

We will have to cool it down.

Not a problem, we will add

somewater in his radiator.

Or we can throw him into the river.

Tell me, what have you decided?

My decision remains the same.

I am not a government officer to

take a bribe and change my decision.

Listen, no one will offer you

the money sir is offering you..

...for your land near the highway.

Your sir can even urish

to buy the GT road.

Will the government sell it?


We know how to turn a no into a yes.


- Where are you, sir?

The speaker is on.

.Karma is here.

You are always with him. Damn him.

No, he is my brother.

He is your brother.

But you listen to me.

You come to my place. I have some work.

We need to go some place.

Okay. Should I get Karma wilh me'?

Damn him. He has no work

to do. He won't let us work.

We need to do some work. Come fast.

Damn him.

- Hne, then I will come, brother.

I have kept the speaker on by mistake.

I don't know how to switch it off.

Who was he? Tell me, who was abusing me.

Forget it. Why are you getting hyper?

Actually, he didn't know

I was on speaker phone.

Everyone abuses you behind your back.

He abused you upfront.

You tell me his name.

Otherwise" otherwise I

will teach you a lesson.

Why are you getting angry with me?

You can take his number. What else?

- Yes.

Tell me his number.

- His number is 140..


- 120-10.

His name is Jagtar.

Jagtar speaking.

You are abusing me. You

don't know me, you pig.

If you are a man then..

then come before me.

Who are you?

This is Karma. Karma. The

one whom you just abused.

If you are a real man then meet

me at the stadium in half an hour.

Look, what's my faultif

your engine is leaking oil.

It's my job to service it.

Disconnect the line, I'll be there.

Boss, this situation doesn't seem right.

Their muscles will do a lot of damage.

I have never been thrashed after school.

What should we do? Should we leave?

Hurry up.

- Let's go.

Don't even think of running away.

All the exits are sealed off.

Brother, Karma loves to joke around.

Tell him.

- Yes. Yes. Yes, brother.

I was iustioking with you.

Well, all of us are

worshippers of non-violence.

Non-violence. - But I don't

like anyone joking with me.

I never initiate it.

But if anyone messes me I never

let him go without a good service.

Tell me, will you fight

together or one by one?

One by one.


Why are you standing here?

You go.

Fatso, what are you doing? Come on.

Bodybuilder, you? You have

eaten a lot and made this body.

Come on now.

Now you come, Karam Singh Sandhu.

Brother, I am a dog.

Get a leash, put it

around my neck and tie it.

I like dogs.

But you are not of a good breed.

Get lost, you dog.

Look, son, I say we

should sell 'lhat land.

We will buy some other piece

of land here, in place of that.

And in future if he likes that place

then we'll buy another piece of land.

It's like he is a puppeteer

and we are his puppets.

We will do as he says.

He wants to build a shopping

mall on our piece ofland.

As if I will let him.

I will not spare him.


First your parents passed away.

Now you are saying such things.

I have dedicated all my

life to you and Vinnie.

For what? To see this day?

Aunt, how many times have I told you

not to watch Elcta Kapoofs serials.

You get emotional in no time.

They can get their work

done with a small push.

And we can't even use the law?

It's like your eye is an eye

and ours is like a glass ball.

Yes. You have become very smart.

You don't need me anymore.

Do as you please.

I ask you to get married

and you don't agree to it.

Aunt, we will first gei Vinnie married.

Get Vinnie married.

And look, I don't have a

marriage line in my palm.

Aunt, I was thinking,

let's find a nice..


Beautiful ..

Lovely uncle, first

Wait. Damn you.

Theatrical lad.

Well done, boys.

You have come before me with such faces.

Don't you feel ashamed?

Look over here.

Look at their faces.

Brother, there isn't a spot on

his face left wherel can slap.






Where are the other two?

Brother, the other two

are in the hospital.

Hospital ..

You look unharmed.

I had sent you for some important work.

And you came back thrashed.

Brother, we had gone to meet Kuku.

But.. but he got us trapped.

He lured you and you got trapped.

You don't have any brains.

Damn you.

You have humiliated me, you scoundrel.

- Hello, sir.

I had gone to your house to meet you.

From there I learnt that

you are at your farmhouse.

Order me.

Tell me, how can I serve you?

I thought you, too,

should have a look at them.


Looks like they have been served well.

Son, did you lose any teeth?

Inspector, the boys who

did this should be arresied.


First enlighten me, how

did they get into this mess.

And after they got thrashed,

they should've come to me first.

I would've gotten their medical done.

I would've filed a HR.

Don't blabber. You will

get the medical report.

Those boys should be arrested.

Brother, we will get into

trouble if this gets to the press.

Television reporters hunt for such news.

And what if Kuku gives a statement..

"That we are forcing

him to sell his land?

We will get into trouble.

You are right.

Fine. So what if you get a

little thrashed for sir's sake?

Yes? Come on. Good. Come on. Come on.

Go in a single file.

Very good.

Very good.

Do have milk with turmeric in it.


Fine. So, I'll make a move then.

Careful, don't scrape off your skin.

Tarsem Singh, give him Rs. 500

Lei it be.

I will count them.

Why do you take the trouble?

One, two, three, four, five,

six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

This is from your behalf. Thank you.

Listen .

- Yes?

Reason it with Kuku.

- Not a problem, sir.

Not a problem.

A thousand scoundrels died and

that's when Uiagar Singh was born.

See you. Bye.

And copy to all.

Heis a duplicitous.|

don't trust him at all.

Watch out, he will get

us into trouble one day.

We can't do all the dirty jobs.

We need such people as well.

Papa, how could you even think

that I would marry any boy?

Why? You have to get married.

You are of marriageable age.

All the relatives still taunt

me that I sent you abroad, alone.

Papa, I'm not saying that

I don't want to get married.

But I won't get married to a stranger.

Mummy, why are you keeping

quiet? Say something at least.

Look, she has just come and

you are already after her.

And talk softly, what will

Sahefs friend think of it?

Why? Don't they get married in abroad?

I was not in the favour of sending her.

I send her only because

you pressurised me.

Now if she will go to Canada, she

will go there only after marriage.

Papa, but this is for sure that I

won't get married in this manner.

What did you say?

Then get this straight as well.

Now if you go to Canada

you will go there"

...only after getting married

to a boy of my choice.

Otherwise forget about Canada

Mr. Sidhu and his son

are coming over tomorrow.

I don't want any problems.

Sahei, father is looking

for a lot of boys for you.

They are ready to spend Rs.

30-35 lakhs to go abroad.

Shut up. Stop adding fuel to fire.

"Stop adding fuel to fire.'

Mum my, is it true'?

Papa is talking about money while

looking for alliances for me?

Sahei, you forget about these things.

Go. Go upstairs to your friend.

That means this is true.

In olden times, people used to make

deals involving their daughters.

Or poor people used to

sell their daughters.

But father is great.

No, it is no so, dear.

Mummy, if it is not so then

place your hand on my head..

...and say that Gary is lying. Place it.

I know.

Drunkards, from where

did you get this beer?

From the wine shop.

Will your father pay for it?

Why will our father pay for it?

You will.

Do I owe something to your father?

Look, for God's sake, I

beg of you, take up aiob.

If nothing else, wash

cars at my workshop.

Anyway I am short of labour.

Do these handsome faces

look like that of labourers?

He does look like a daily wager.

I don't come to your workshop as

people will mistake me to be the boss.

They will call you an

employee. This isn't right.

Maharaia of Patiala, get

out of your dreamland.

Put your feet on the ground reality.

Here you go.

Now you call Pizza man.

Please. We are very hungry.


Do one thing, roast

me, add salt and eat me.

Useless guys.

Anna, pack your bags.


Weiusi landed yesterday.

I still have ietlag.

And I still haven't unpacked fully.

That's even better. You

don't need to unpack.


If you are uncomfortable,

I'll move to a hotel.

What are you saying?

I brought you to India

Actually, the thing is,we are

running away from the house.

We are running away.

- Okay.

What? What are we doing?

Quiet. Keep quiet.

We are vanishing? We are running away?


- I'll tell you.

My dad is getting me

married against my wishes.

He has queued up boys for the same.

If I stay here, he will

get me married for sure.

But how can he do this?

He can't do it. He cannot force you.

I'll go and set him right.

Sit down. My dad has become greedy.

The boy's family which

gives him HsBO-AO ldrhs"

I mean 3-4 millions, my dad

will get me married to that boy.

It's crazy.

Let me talk to your father.

I'll set him straight.

Anna, you cannot reason it with him.

We are just running

away from here tomorrow.

Listen, tomorrow morning Gary will

be out of the house with our bags.

We just have to jump off 'lhe

bulwark behind the house and leave.


- Wall.l mean wall.

It sounds like an Indian movie.

In Indian movies the heroine escapes

from her house in this manner.

Good. Very exciting.

"Watch out, boy. Your

father might show up."


Where are you going so

early in the morning'?

Daddy. I was going to the gym.

What made you think of a

gym today, all of a sudden?

You never wake up before noon.

I thought it keeps one healthy.

And even Maan sahib says that other

things can wait, health comes first.

I think you're still not

over with singing fever.

No, daddy, Its over.

I feel much better now

Hne. After you come back from the gym ..

...go and take care of your work.

Okay. Okay.

Can I go?

- Yes.


Thank God.

'Everyday I take.."

"I taken"

fine, God.l am drunk. My

wife hits me with her sandals.

Now even you have

started doing the same?

I won't drink. I won't drink

again, God. I won't drink.

But don't hit me again.

Don't hit me again.


Brother. Brother.

Come here. Listen.

Now I have even started hearing things.

But why does God should like a woman?

Hey, Goddess Parvati will

obviously sound like a woman.

Come here.

You are Godess Parvati?

- Yes.

But you look young.

Quietl am still a child.

Do you want my blessings?

- Yes.

Stand next to the well. Hurry up. Hurry.


Yes. Yes. Yes.

Bend over like a horse. Bend over.

- I should bend over?

Good. You at least recognised me.

My wife thinks I am a donkey.


- It's okay. It's okay.

We know that you are a horse.

And that too a good one.

Child, you should never drink again.

Otherwisel will turn you into ashes.

Goddess, can I stand straight now?

Inspector, you did a good thing

by sending these people over.

I was going to come to meet you.

You guys can relax. Rest.

How did you cometo know

that I need protection?

That my life is in danger?

Son, I'm 'lhe inspector of this area

I know about everything.

The thing is, Ni".

Kamaliit Singh alias Kuku..

...| am calm in the morning.

After dealing with

criminals I get hyper.

Thething is, brother,

you are very stubborn.

I am stubborn.

Mr. Harnam Singh..

- Is a dog.

He is the one who is running

illegal businesses in your are

Booth capturing during elections.

Taking over someone's land.

He even sells drugs in this are

I say you should arrest him.

I have called you here

to reason that with you.

He has lodged a complaint against you.

If I want, I can arrest you.

But no, you are a nice man.

Hence, you should stop being

stubborn and sell your land.

Hear that. Now you

have put me in a dilemm

You are telling me to sell the land.

And the IG says that he wants

the marriage to take place there.

Now whom should I listen to'?


Whose marriage?

You don't know?

Hear that. ThelG's

niece is engaged to me.

Ham gopal .


Why are you standing

here and staring at me?

Go to Gopal siore and get a

quarter kilo of sweets and pretzels.

Just a minute.

I think Gopal doesn't give

a quarter kilo of sweets.

Get half a kg.

- Okay, sir.

The thing is, brother,

as soon as I came know".

"That Harnam's men

have approached you..

...| immediately got into action.

- I know.

Brother, I want to get

transferred to Mandi Govindghar.

You know there are big

steel dealers there.

I have to get my

daughter married as well.

You want your daughter

to marry a steel dealer?

No. I will be able to get her married"

...only when steel

dealers will do something.

Oh. I got it.

That's not a problem.

I'll get you transferred.

I'll send someone away from

there and send you away from here.

Okay, brother, I'll make a move then.

Yes, go on.

- Don't forget me.

Yes, I will. Just keep doing your duty.


- Bye, WYS-

Hello. Hi.

- Hello.

You, too, hello.


I never imagined

I never thought that

you'll come over like this.

What are you saying, Mr. Kuku.

You had helped us a lot.

Won't we even come to

your house to thank you?

No, why not?

I would say, this is

like your own house.


- Saw, Anna?

Didn't| say that Mr.

Kuku is a very nice man?


- He said it, this is like our own house.

So, we can stay in our house for a few days.

- Yes..

'Hear that.

I was just being courteous.'

'They are getting too emotional.'

'God Almighty, what

have you got me into?'

'They don't know of my aunt.'

Kuku. Kuku.




You are back?

Where did you go so

early in the morning?

Aunt, I..

- Okay, so you are his aunt.

Hello, aunt. You are just like

Mr. Kuku has described you.

Yes, aunt, you are very shrewish.

What did you say? I am shrewish?

Who told you that I am shrewish?

Kuku said. You are very shrewish.

Aunt, I just remembered

an important work.

I'll just go and meet the headman"

Wait. I will tell you.

Come back and I will show

you how shrewish I am.

Don't call me aunt if

I don't break your legs.

Shrewish is a bad word?

It's something bad?

- No, it's a good thing.

Aunt, let go of your

anger. She is my friend.

She has come from Canada

She didn't know and

Mr. Kuku joked with her.

I know, dear. Kuku is very naughty.

Just like his father.

But where did you meet him?

Aunt, should we tell you

everything standing outside"

...or will you invite us in?

- Yes, of course.

Kuku has made me crazy. Come in.

Come on in. Come in.

Jagtar. Jagtar.


Jagtar, you still aren't ready?

- Yes.

We had to go to Kuku's house today.

Come on, hurry up.

- Come.

Let me work. I need to repair

these two cars by evening.

Brother, try and understand.

Two very beautiful girls

have come to his house.

That too from Canada

Weasels, get lost from here.

Girls these days are very smart.

They first look at how much

land he owns, what does he do..

...what is his bank balance

and both of you are useless.

Jashn is educated but jobless.

And Deep took five years

to complete his graduation.

I made sure I learn it well.

And when I ask them to

work they feel insulted.

Listen, brother.

Brother, listen to me.

Look here.

- Yes.

Look carefully.

This handsome face"

Do you think we are born to work?

We are born to rule.


Kings of pauper land, get

lost from here. Let me work.

Forgive me.

- How can we forgive you?

You are our brother.

- I am.

You are our bro.

- That I am.

You are our nurturer.

Our provider.

Our car provider.

- That too.

Car? Sukhi.

- No, we don't want to have te

Get a hammer. Let's service them.

Brother, get this straight.

If you don't help us, we

will hang ourselves here..

We will hang ourselves here.

- Suicide.

Get them a rope.

- No. Cancel.

Look Jagtar, Kuku is hungry and is hiding from his aunt.

- Yes.

We have to take him home.

- Yes.

And aunt's stuffed bread"

- Stuffed with potatoes.

Yes. With cumin seeds.

- 'With coriander seeds.

'With buttermilk.

A bowl of curd.

- Yes.

Sukhi, you remove the engine.

I'll go do something for

brothers and come back.

Pacing won't help.

Pacing won't help..

Now what will I tell Mr. Sicliu'?

That our daughter ran away?

Our Daughter had to run away

because of the schemes you are up to.

I say, tell me, where has she gone?

Wherever she is. She is safe ..

...and her father own stood

before her as an enemy.

You tell me, what wrong did she do

in going somewhere to save herself?

Okay, so now I am her enemy.

So affectionately I brought

her up, educated her.

I spent money in sending her abroad.

And now she has become so independent.

"That she doesn't like the

boy selected by her 'lather.

What would've happened if

she would've met the boy once?

I wonder where she ran away.

It's so nice. Here friends

have time for each other.

In Canada, everyone

is running after money.

No one has time to spare.

And here, everyone is sitting idle.

- Yes.

Jagtar and Jashn too were sitting idle.

I gave them a job in my workshop.

Your engine needs finetuning, I guess.

Jagtar is a very good

mechanic of our workshop.

The head mechanic.

And Jashn handles the accounts.

And Deep has decided

that he won't go to Canada.

...no matter how many proposals

he gets from there.


- He says his workshop is doing great.

He is well settled. How can he leave? Right?

- He can't.

No.- No, he is

right. - Of course.

It's a practical thought.

- True.

He is right.- Yes.-

Kuku, I didn't say so.

No, you didn't say so,but

this is what you mean.

This is the central idea of what you said, right?

- Of course.

How can he leave his workshop and go?

No, Jagtar can handle the

worlcshopflight, Jagtar?

No, I am your servant.

What can a servant do without his employer?

- Yes.

Right. He's right.

You know I, too, really

wanted to go to Canada

But after I went there I realised

how hard one has to work there.

How many times have I told Sahei

to find a Canadian resident for me.

But she doesn't.

First find yourself a

]ob."Find me a girl."

Sit down.

- I don't wish to work.

You guys..


You guys wait till my cassette

is released.

I will make everyone eat out of my hand.

Right, Deep?

Even Jagtar gets marriage

proposals from Canada

But he doesn't want to

get married and go to Canada

Because he is Lord Hanuman's devotee.

There is no tradition of

getting married in his family.

Oh, my God.

Then how was Jagtar born?

Valid question.

What do I say about us?

My family looks for

stray kids.

I don't undersiand, sir.

How do I eat?

I am feeling restless.

I feel I cannot Kuku's case.

Why? Has he become your senior?

He has got a better promotion, sir.

|G's son-in-law is the whole

department's son-in-law.

I am just a small inspector.

Tell me, what should I do?

Brother, I think he has lost his mind.

My wife would know if Kuku gets engaged.

Because Kuku's sister

works in my wife's school.

Kuku's sister's the one

who is getting engaged.

He is so stupid.

Look at that, sir.

To call a government officer fool

is like calling the government fool.


So if anyone comes and

tells you thatl am the SSP..

...will you believe it?

How can anyone say that? I

will first enquire about it.

Did you enquire about Kuku?

No,I didn't.

- Then go and do it. There the topic ends.

Someone has eaten any my

expense for the first tim e..

...in my 25 years of service.

And herel don't feel like

eating anything.

Now do you know how we

feel when we feed you?

My right palm was itching since morning.

I was bound to suffer a loss.

Come on.


Anna has come to India

only because of me.

Some Balbir Singh from Hardaspun.

...em otionally trapped Anna's

sister and got married to her.

And then he disappeared from

there with all her money.

And now we have found

out that he is in Punjab.

You didn't lodge a police complaint?

We have lodged a report everywhere.

Actually, there is no one

by that name in that village.


My sister is in depression.She

is in a bad state.

You know we don't care about money.

But he has cheated us.

He has defamed us Puniabis.We

should find the scoundrel.

There are so many

Balbir Singh in Punjab.

Where will we find this person?

And who knows whether he is dead or alive.

- Yes.

And if he has lied about his village"

...he must have lied about his name as yes.

- Yes.

How can someone do like that?

All of you are so nice.

But he? A cheat.

Let's do one thing. There is a

Sikh temple 50 lcilomelres from here.

Let's go there and pray.

A pray made from a true

heart always comes true.

Look, I have to testify

for Nirm al's case tom orrow.

We will go day after tomorrow.

Mr. Kuku, each day is

very precious for Anna

We will go in our car. It's okay.

Our old man won't let

us take the car.

Deelfs car?

Yes, we will take my car.

- Yes, of course.

His father has left a lot for him.

Scoundrel, the car

belongs to your father?

"| will get the car."

It is after a long time

that I've liked a girl.

And she's from Canada!

You are a celibate. You should try and undersiand my

feelings. - Yes.

So what shouldl do?

- Why are you behaving like this?

Look, be a brother and give us the car.

Scoundrels, you saw a girl from Canada

and both of you started drooling.

Both? Hey, Jashn, man, why

don't you go for the foreigner?

Don't look towards Sahe].

Looking at my sister's state, I don't

think the foreigner will suit me.

That's leaves me with

only one girl, Sahei.

I think she is very smart.

That means you won't go

after her. Thank you, man.

Now you are talking like a kid.

You can only marry someone you love.

Then think that I love her a lot.

Love. You?

You met the girl iusi once

and you're in love with her?

Why don't you say that you don't

see the girl but the dollars?

Why'? Love at first sight.

And this is how love happens.

- True.

So, buddies,| am

here,but is the car ready?

Gary, my car has broken down.

Jagtar is repairing my new

car.It's not repaired as yet.

Really? The car has broken down?

- Yes.

You were weaving your tales well.

My car com es here for repairs.

I know Jagtar since a

long time. Right, Jagtar.

You are my younger brother.

- No, I am your brother.

Jagtar, it would've been

great if we could get a car.

Becausel am asking Sahei to

fix me up with the foreigner.

If things work out, your

brother's life will be made.

Then you can do whatever you

want,there won't be a problem?

A lover boy? You too?

Bloody kid.

Jagtar, yo, yo..

"L, too, will be called a Canadian..


"I, too, will be called American.."

"Come on. Come on.

"L, too, will be called a Londoner.."

"L, too, will be called a Canadian..

"For nowl am an |ndian."

"L, too, will be called a Canadian..

"For nowl am an |ndian."

"Come on."

"I just need to find

a nice,beauti'l'|.|I girl."

"I just should get a

chance to ask her out."

"I just need to find

a nice,beauti'l'|.|I girl."

"I just should get a

chance to ask her out."

"We, too, will be called a couple.."

"We, too, will be called a couple.."

"For nowl am single."

"L, too, will be called a Canadian..

"For nowl am an |ndian."

"Village lads sing a

different tune now.

"They are crazy about going abroad."

"They will go abroad and earn dollars."

"They will go to Canada

and US and drive trucks

"Mother says my son will start earning."

"He will get bundles

of dollars and pounds."

"Come on."

"We will be the talk of our town

"We will be able to spend lavishly

at our daughter's wedding."

"Father wishes to have big mansions."

"He will lease the land

and lead a relaxed life."

"Our house will have all the luxuries

"We will go to the Golden

temple whenever we please."

"Lord Almighty."

"L, too, will be called a Canadian..

"For nowl am an |ndian."

"L, too, will be called a Canadian..

"A fresh rose is always fragrant."

"Let me apply the soil of

my Punjabi on my forehead."

"You are right, brother."

"A fresh rose is always fragrant."

"Let me apply the soil of

my Punjabi on my forehead."

"L, too, will be called a foreigner.."

"L, too, will be called a foreigner.."

"For now I am a local."

"L, too, will be called a Canadian..

"For now I am an |ndian."

"The whole universe

serves You, day and night."

"Please hear my prayer, Dear Lord."

"The whole universe

serves You, day and night."

"Please hear my prayer, Dear Lord."

In spite of being so

smart and intelligent.

...you let the girls stay at your house?

This is all thanks to her support.

Otherwise how can a girl

from a decent family..

...go and live at someone else's house?

What makes you think you are decent?

You were making a deal

involving your daughter.

Sir, those who makes deals of

their daughter aren't called decent.

Sister, I tried explaining

to him, our girl is smart.

It is not right to force her like this.

Shut up. I will slap

you.You have defamed us.

Sir, is this away to talk?

She is your wife and not someone

you have bought off the market.

I dare you to touch her.

Then see what I do to you.

Look, this is our personal matter.

You don't need to interfere.

I have full intentions to

interfere in this matter.

If you have the courage

then try messing with me.

He says don't interfere.

Why are you showing your teeth?

What's wrong with my teeth?

They all seem to be in their place.

My aunt is the one who

manages to pull outteelh well.

She pulls them and

places them in one's palm.

Aunt has done so with

more than the village.

Sister, don't feel

bad about what he says.

Shut up. You too have

started blabbering.

Listen, if he ever raises

his hand on you then tell me.

If I don't make him stand in

the middle of the village"

"and hit him with a stick in such

a way that he will follow you..

"Like a puppy all his

life,no one will call me aunt.

Get up, let's go.

Sit down, girl. I want to talk to you.

You can leave. Go.

And listen.. don't make the mistake

of raising your hand on her again.

Otherwise, lnder Kaur

does what she says.

Shall I escort you out?

"When it thunders like dark

cloud,my aunt's stick lashes out."


He acts brave.

He has scared the whole family.

Don't be afraid of him, dear.


- Yes.

What did you ask God for?

- What else?

And thatl should get

a chance to punish him.

And what did you ask God for?

What else could I ask for?

I prayed to God for only one thing.

That my dad should stop

looking for weird boys for me.

I will find one for myself.




What kind of a boy do you like?

Why should I tell you?

VWII you find such a person for me?

Or are you thinking about

what are your chances?

No, it's not so.

- Why? Why isn't it so?

What do you mean? Am I not beautiful?

What kind of boys are you?

There is such a nice

girl standing before you.

And you are not thinking about

what are your chances with her.

Jashn, you always stay quiet.

You should say something

sometimes at least.

Yes, speak up.

Well, a person needs to know where

he siands even to flirt anyone.

Look, Maan says, "Our status..'

- Shut up.

VWII we just keep standing here?

Shall we go inside?


Actually, I am starving.

Just a minute. You guys go

ahead,we will go visit the washroom.


Come here. Come here. Come here.

Thanks, man. You told her

that you are not interested.

When did I say that?

- Over there.

I was talking about my status.

That's why.. that's

why you don't progress.

Now I will show you how to trap a girl.

As if she is not a girl, but

a fish which you can trap.

Telling thetruth doesn't help at all.

You should make girls emotional.


Fine. But all I know is

that if 'lhere is no love".

"Between the girl and the

boy then nothing can happen.

Okay, SageJashnpreet Singh.

You find the girl you

|ove.And stay here.

I feel you have changed your

mind about going to Canada, right?

It hasn't changed.

I will surely go if I fall

in love with a Canadian girl.

Hello, listen to me, don't eye Seine].

She is mytarget.

Now should I get my eyes

removed or get my ears oiled?

You should know what you want.

But Sahei is my target.

Don't worry about me.

By the way, all the best.

Thank you.

This way.

That's done. Come, let's go.

Hey, man. You okay?

I'm okay.

- You are alright?

'If Ilhy this noise'? What happened?

Actually, I..

Just a minute.

Actually, I was cleaning mytongle.


I have to talk to such a

clean girl all day along..


Oh, my God. Aunt it chewing wood.

Stupid, it's edible branch, not wood.

That's actually an edible


Margosa tree's branch.

And your mouth will be clean.

Indian toothbrush.

- Oh.

Oh. Okay.

- I'll get you one. I'll get you one.

Anna, come with me

Let's tour the village.

Here's your Indian toothbrush, Anna

And one for you also.

- Thank you, brother.

We will go have a tour

of the village. Let's go.

Be careful of the village dogs.

Why'? Do your village's

dogs bite outsiders?

No, those dogs are very tame.

Actually, a lot of people

in our village act like dogs.

What people are dogs?

- You won't get it. Come, let's go.

Well down.

Keep drinking.

You have made me so proud.

Have some shame. You are smiling?

I am being sarcastic.

That's greaLbrother. What men you have.

Useless guys.

Tarsem, you should stay calm.

Listen to me.

If we buy the land around the highway"

...hen we can sell them to

builders at inflated rates.

Brother, the man and his land

relationship get in our way.

No, it won't. There are still

many fools in this world.

Only Kulcu is a tough nut to crack.

I don't know who has trained him.

Brother, why do you worry?

Kuku's sister teaches

in my wife's school.

She is getting married on Sunday.

I will be going there.|

will talk to him over there.

It's good if he agrees

otherwise we will use our muscle.

That ends to topic.

- That's right.

Hi! your (kink than.

"The girl looked at me

and stole my heart away."

"She looked at me and

stole my heart away."

"When she passes by me, at a slow pace."

"| feel like giving her a big hug."

"The girl looked at me

and stole my heart away."

"She looked at me and

stole my heart away."

"She looked at me and

stole my heart away."

"The boy doesn't tell

but he steals glances."

"The boy doesn't tell

but he steals glances."

"His mind keeps wandering somewhere."

"| feel he won't be able

to survive without me "

"The boy doesn't tell

but he steals glances."

"He doesn't tell but he steals glances."

"He doesn't tell but he steals glances."

From where did she come here?

Hoopi. I iusi remembered something.

I'll have to |eave.|

am suffering a huge loss.

I'll have to go.

- You are strange.

We have come for \finnie's engagement.

And you are talking about leaving.

Listen to me.

Do one thing, ask Kuku

to meet me in the evening.

But listen to me.

Ask him to meet me in the evening.

- But..

"Her eyes drown you in them."

"This is first time I have

seen such intoxicating eyes."

"Her eyes drown you in them."

"This is first time I have

seen such intoxicating eyes."

"My life is at stake, I swear on God."

"My life is at stake, I swear on God."

"She looks so beautifuLiusi

like Heer's sister."

"When she dances in such a manner."

"The girl looked at me

and stole my heart away."

"She looked at me and

stole my heart away."

"She looked at me and

stole my heart away."

"Our heart gets into trouble."

"When it heeds to our eyes."

"Once it gets trapped

there is no escaping."

"A look is enough."

"It gets difficult to survive

a loss in love, my friends."

"But no one cannot control one: heart."

"But no one cannot control one: heart."

"You never know when

you fall for someone."

"When love enters your heart."

"The girl looked at me

and stole my heart away."

"She looked at me and

stole my heart away."

"She looked at me and

stole my heart away."

"One doesn't have to

explain things about love."

"Love just happens, you

don't go looking for it."

"One doesn't have to

explain things about love."

"Love just happens, you

don't go looking for it."

"Like he feels his heart

is not in his control."

"Like he feels his heart

is not in his control."

"| too feel that my heart is helpless."

"| feel he is slowly

dwelling in my soul."

"The boy doesn't tell

but he steals glances."

"The girl looked at me

and stole my heart away."

"The boy doesn't tell

but he steals glances."

"The girl looked at me

and stole my heart away."

"The boy doesn't tell

but he steals glances."


You sing well.

Thank you so much, Deep.

By the way, your friend

Jashn sings very well.

Kuku is right.

Girls must be crazy about him. Right?

What are you saying?

He is from a very ordinary family.

He sings at weddings and makes a living.

But I had heard that

he is good in studies.

What's the use? No job.

He doesn't have a job.

He owns no piece of land.

But he has principles like

that of Mahatma Gandhi.

Fine. Forget about

JashmLets talk about you.

Everyone has gone to have dinner.

And you are still here. Come on.

You too have dinner.

- I have lost my appetite.


- I can't eat or sleep.

Deep, did you consult a doctor?

It's a bad thing.

The doctor is standing before me.

Who? Me?

Good, you at least recognised it.

Sahei, from the time I have seen you..

...it's like someone has taken

my sleep, hunger and thirst.

Sahe], did you feel

bad about what I said?

We||.. Look, I am not a bad boy.

Deep, I know you are a very nice boy.

But, look, Deep, we can

be very good friends.

I am not talking about friendship.

Try and understand me.

You try and understand.

We metiust a few days back.

We hardly know each other.

We have a lifetime to know each other.

And, one falls in love

at first sight, right'?

I cannot say anything at the moment.

Well, okay. I have

said what I wanted to.

If you want to take

some time then do so.

But, be careful, I shouldn't

be another man to lose his love.

Hey, what are you doing here?

Everyone is having dinner.

Let's go.

Wow. It's so beautiful.


So, what happened?

- Anna, Navdeep says that he loves me.

I never thought about it.

And I never encouraged him either.

He is not a bad boy.

- Yes, he isn't.

But one cannot decide on that basis.

But the boys your dad is

selecting are very bad.

I know.

Do one thing, select a

boy and get married to him.

And Deep is a good boy.

Hey, then your dad can't do anything.

And, moreover, Deep loves you.

Shut up. I don't know whether he

loves me or is it about going to Canada

But.. your idea isn't bad.

Anyway, soon or |ater,|

have to get married.

Then why should I delay it?

I will think about Mr. Deep.

Come, lefs go.

- Let's go.

Brother, my head is spinning.

I saw Halina's sister

dancing at a wedding.

Brother, I think trouble has

come knocking at our door.

Did you confirm it was her or did

you run away from a random foreigner?

Brother, who will

recognise her if not me'?

I stayed with her in her

sister's house for six months.

If I don't recognise her

will Uiagar recognise her?

Sir, I can recognise

someone from his fragrance.

Sit down, I know you.

There isn't much difference

between you and a dog.

Gall me a dog if you

want,at least I am loyal.

You shouldn't praise yourself

at every opportunity you get.

You shouldn't interfere when we

are talking about something serious.

Tarsem, control your angenLet

me think of something.

Listen, henceforth, you won't

come before that foreigner.

She won't stay here forever.

Got it?

- Okay, brother. I got it.

Very good. I am having a lot of fun.

You know, this is the first

timel am sitting on a tractor.

Kuku, tell me something,why

didn't you get married?

'With any Indian girl or a foreigner?

I'm sorry, Kuku..

...if I've made you upset.

- No.

Everyone asks me this question.

I should've got married five years ago.

But perhaps God didn't

want that to happen.

You mean God? What does God

have to do with your marriage?

Anna, you are na6ve.

In our country

everything is done by God.

When God didn't want meto get

married,how could I get married?

That's strange. Why can't

you get married as you please?

Aunt worries about

you.Don't you care for her?

Hear that? Why don't I care for her?

Who do I have other than aunt?

She has dedicated her life to us.

Then make her worries go away.

Get married.

I can get married, Anna

But there is a problem.


- I will need a girl to get married to.

And you need a girl who loves you.

And you, too, should love her.

And love happens just

once, in your life.

And once that passes

by,it never comes back.

You mean, you were in love with someone?

What happened?

I was in love. And

perhaps,she too, loved me.

I just couldn't say it out aloud.

And I thought she would

read it in my eyes.

I couldn't gather courage

to go and tell her.


- I love you.

But you just said it.

I must've said it a thousand

times behind her back.

But I couldn't open my mouth

when I was standing before her.


Now if you like any

girl,you must say I love you.

Any girl yearns to

hear these words. Okay?

You must say it out aloud.

Out aloud. How loud?

- I love you!

Have you gone crazy? All

the villagers will hear it.

Hey, if that girl loves you, she too will say I..

- Softly. Softly.

Love you.


I think I wouldn't be able to

gather courage this time as well.

Otherwise, I would've

said it right away.


You said something?

No. I was saying, aunt

must be waiting for us.

Yes, let's go. Sahei and

I have to go out as well.

Sahei, should I talk?

- No. Please.

You go to the room, I'll comethere.

You guys talk. Saheilll be in my room.

- Okay.

Was shetroubling you?

She could've stayed here.

Shut up. He keeps talking nonsense.

You told her as well?

She is my friend. We share things.

They share things.

You love doing this, don't you?

You have defamed me.

I know what excuses

I have made to people.

Does it look good, you staying

at someone else's place like this?

Viflll I ever think of something

that isn't good for you?

I won't let anything

happen against her wishes.

Refuse all the families

you have spoken to.

Tell them we have fixed her alliance.

You interfered again?

Have you forgotten this hand?

Garmail, call Kuku's aunt.

Mummy, I will call her right away.

Son, what's the need for that?

I was saying why we need to call her.

It is our personal

matter,we will resolve it.

"Daddy, don't fight like

this.Mummy has high contacis."

Shut up.

I wonder from where he was born.

He is yours. I didn't bring him with me.

Mummy, here, call aunt.

- Give it to me.

Look at that. He wishes to

see his father get an earful.

Daddy, we don't like

embarrassing you either.

We, too, are humans. We have brains.

We aren't cattle that you are nurturing.

Now I'll see how you go

to lnder Kaur's house.

I will break your legs if you do.

If we don't reach there by

4:00pm ,aunt will come here.

Daughter can lay their lives

for their father's honour.

I've heard this dialogue in a movie.

Dear, your father's

honour lies at your feet.

Make sure you don't tarnish it.

Which movie was it?

- Keep quiet and sit there.

Movie buff.

Sahe], stay here.

Your daddy doesn't

like you staying there.

Mummy, I will come back.l

will get married as well.

But the boy will be someone I like.

Look at the result of

sending her to Canada

Enjoy the consequence.

"The boy will be someone I like."

Mummy,| know aboy.

- I told you to keep quiet and sit tight.

She will marry the boy I accept.

I will marry after you

give your acceptance.

But he will be my choice.

She is right.

I wouldn't have married

such an authoritarian"

...if someone would've

asked me my choice.

An authoritarian?

What did you say? An authoritarian?

I am an authoritarian?

So, what have you decided, Sahei?

I am so confused.

Both the boys are

good.They are different.

Deep is very loud, outspoken.one

has to ask him to keep quiet.

And Jashn, you have to

make him to talk to you.

Deep believes in showing off.

And Jashn never hides anything.

I asked did you make a decision.

It will take some time.

But Sahe], both of

them are close friends.

There will be differences

between them because of you.

A friendship that falls apart because

of a girl, isn't strong enough.

You are a smart girl.

- Thank you.| know that.

I tell you, once girls enter a beauty

parlour they can be thrown out..

"But they never come out willingly.

By the way, we didn't tdce that long".

"That you are making

such a scene about it.

You say you didn't take long but ask me.

I am the one who was

standing outside, waiting.


Welcome. I was waiting for you.

Are we late?

No, you are on time.

Kuku said we are late.

- When didl say so?

That's what you meant. Be honest.

Right, Vinnie?

- You are right.

Where is Sahei? She didn't come along?

Sahei has gone out for lunch.


- She must have had hers.

Ours is getting cold inside.

- Yes, please. Please come in.

No, the land is very useless.

Yes. Make the deal.

- Brother.

400 acres. Don't worry about the money.

I'll arrange for the money.

- Broth er. Brother.


Gall me in the evening.

I'll give you all the information.

Brother, listen to me. Just a minute.

At least let me finish the conversation.

I'll be finished by the

time you finish this.

Why? Are dogs behind you?

Brother, one can survive a

dog bite but not a bullet.

She came home today.

- What did you say?

That foreigner came to your house?

Did she see you?

Brother, I wouldn't be standing

here if she would've seen me.

You would come enqJiring

about me in central jail.

Brother, do something.

I don't understand how

did he come to your house'?

Wives have a bad habit of

inviting people for lunch.

They think people will say

the lunch was very tasty.

She told me not to go outside

todaygguests are coming home.

"There's a surprise for you."

This is the surprise she gave me.

She has given me a 440 volts shock.

She has smoked me.

Brother, you can still do something.

Otherwise, both of us will get trapped.

I will do something

once you stop yelling.

We are already in trouble and

on top of that you are yelling.

I'll have to make arrangements

to send you abroad.

That's right, brother. Send me abroad.

Otherwise they will arrest me.

Brother, I swear, my life will be made.

I feel greedy when I see tasty food.

And then I overeat.

This is the result of overeating.

You haven't eaten anything.You

areiusi making noise.

I love Indian food.

You just lilcelndian food

and not the Indian men'?

I thought all Indians are like Balbir.

My opinion was bad about Indian men.

But, I found men like Kuku also.

They are helpful and

kind.And I changed my opinion.

Anna, my brother is single. A bachelor.

I know he is single.

The one who will marry

him will be very lucky.

'Anna, the one who marries you

will also be very formnate.'

What are you thinking about, Kuku?


What will I think about?

Can I use the washroom?

- Yeah, sure.

That way, adjoining the bedroom.

Where is Mr. Tarsem?

He was here. I wonder where he has gone.

His meetings don't let him sit at home.

Hey. You?

- What are you doing here?

Sahei has called me here.

Sahei has invited me as well.

Come, let's go then.

- Okay. You too come along.

Hi, Sahe].

Hello, Sahe].

- Hello.

Sahei, you didn't tell me that

you have invited Jashn as well'?

Well, I had called up both of you.

Don't you both discuss

things among yourselves?

I thought you might have

surely discussed about it.

Yes. - No.

- Yes.- No.

I mean, we didn't meet yesterday.

- Yes.

Otherwise we share everything between us.

- Yes.

And the mobile network is also

down most of the time nowadays.

Isn't it? It's not possibleto talk.


Okay, sit down. Or do

you want to keep standing?

Yes, yes, sure. Do you want to sit?

Yes, sure.

- Come, sit.

Anna, I want to change your

name from Anna to Anna Hazare.

He is on hunger strike and you

have taken an oath of silence.

This girl didn't utter

a single word on the way.

She looks upset as if she is

getting cramps in her stomach.

Are you feeling alright?

Yes, Kuku,| am okay.

Hello, if you want to lie

say it with confidence.

This Kamaliit Singh Kuku,

can catch a lie very easily.

Tell me the truth. What's the matter?

He is Tarsem Singh, why

do you have his photograph?

He is not Tarsem, he is Balbir.

Anna, your eyes have become weak.

He is Tarsem Singh, a

very big businessmen.

And you got the report in Canada

that Balbir Singh is missing.

Believe me, he is Bdbir.

You are mistaken. And you only

said that Balbir Singh wears turban.

And he doesn't wear a turban.

Then Balbir Singh and Tarsem

Singh, how can be the same thing?

Why don't you believe

me? He is the same thug.

Bring him before me

just once. Am I lying'?

No. No, Anna, you cannot lie.

BuLburlii Tasan Singh

is Baht Singh hem.

...| will definitely

expose him. I promise you.

The food was very tasty, isn't it?


We have overeaten as the food was tasiy.

No, I'll pay the bill.

Oh, no. Jagtar, scoun..

Sorry. He took my wallet.

Is it?

And he didn't even keep it back.

Do one thing, you pay the bill.

Look it was my lunch treat.

I'll pay you later.

Deep, you very well

know that the money..

...my father sends me gets over

by the 15th or 20th of the month.

Right? So what's the date today?


This Jagtar is taking undue

advantage of our friendship.

We have to teach him a lesson.

You are absolutely right, Deep.

Even though if your

employee is your friend"

...he shouldn't forget that along with

being a friend he is also a servant.

Don't worry I'll pay the bill. As

it is, I had invited both of you.

Okay, fine. But I owe you guys a treat.

And I don't like girls paying the bill.

Why? Why can't girls pay the bill?

Jashn, you tell me, havel done

anything wrong by paying the bill?

No, I don't feel so. As it

is, I cannot afford the bill.

Why do you worry when I am there?

I am there. Okay, fine,

I owe you for this bill.

Sahe], I will pay you

when I meet you nexttime.

Shall we leave now?

No, you both sit and think who

will pay the bill nexttime.

I'm leaving,

bye-bye. - Bye.

Stop. Stop. Stop the jeep.

Stop, stop. Stop. Stop.

Tell me one thing, you scoundrels,

you want liquor before..

"And after the meals.

This is not liquor, this is beer.

He doesn't even knows this much.

When did we drink before lunch?

We cannot drink in front of Seine].

We have some self-respect.

Okay, tell me one thing,

when did I steal your wallet?

Rascals, you both steal money

from my pocket every day.

Did I ever say anything to you?

Did you tell him this?

Listen, Tara

You steal money from my wallet and..

...now you call me

Tara instead of Jagtar?

Sorry, sorry. Very sorry.

Sardar Jagtar Singh Hai.

- Check.

Listen, don't listen to Jashn.

The quiet and silent types of

people are very smart and cunning.

When you know that Sahei is

mine even then you went there.

You went there without

informing your friend. Why.'

It's okay.

- What "it's okay"?

If the girl calls me how

could I refuse and stay back.

Scoundrel, you could have made

some excuse and stayed back.

She is going to be your

sister-in-law in future.

Stop dreaming of making

her our sister-in-law.

The girl has not even said it once.

Listen, you did not go?

You are questioning me?

She is my girlfriend.

- Alright.

No, it's not alright.

If he says that Katrina Kaifis my

girl friend, would you believe it?

Listen to me, I have told you so

many times to stay away from girls.

Once a girl comes into our

lives our friendship falls apart.

Look at this.

You are wrong. Listen to me, if

everybody worships Lord Hanuman..

...then how will this

universe move ahead?

Man does not make the universe

move it's the God who helps it move.

After giving birth to four

kids we say it's God's gift.

It must be happening with

guys like you, not us.

I am going to relief myself.

- Let's go.

What are you saying, Kuku?

It's good that you didn't speak

with anybody else about this.

Mr. Tarsem Singh is

a respectable person.

You are saying that he is Balbir Singh.

I am very confident, sir.| am sure.

Madam , the time period

you are talking about.

...Tarsem Singh was

in India at that time.

He was working on a

project near Bangalore.

And his wife was in England

for educational purposes.

But Anna cannot make such

a big mistake, Inspector.

What do you mean?

You just bring Tarseln

Singh in front of me once.

Madam, tomorrow if you say

you suspect Amitabh Bachchan..

...bring him to you.

It's not how things work.

You should have some evidence.

Do you have Balbir Singh's photo?

Do you have any?

Strange, he lived with

you for six months"

...and you don't even

have his photograph?

When you filed a report in Canada

the embassy had sent his photo.

But he was some other person.

The way we feel that all

the Japanese look dike".

...similarly,| feel she feels that

all the men in turban look alike.

Am I right?

I don't know about that, Inspector"

"but I feel all the

policeman are alike.

We will inform you if

we get any information.

We will call you up.

We will be grateful you.

- Yes.

I was also wondering how my photo

disappeared from the bedroom.

No problem, it's just the photo.

What will she do with the photo?

That's okay, brother,

but you please support me.

Sir, you know it very well

that I did everything"

...as per your instruciions.

As per my instructions?

Did I tell you to go

and trap a foreigner?

Your wife went to study

and you trapped a foreigner.

And what was the need for

you to flee with her money?

Brother, I..

- Shut up you rascal.

We settled Dasonda's

matter after you left.

But you have ruined the

whole matter after returning.

Sir, what are your orders for me?

Well, I don't give any

information to anyone"

...but| can't help it,

my kids are growing up.

Their needs are also increasing.

Stop laughing. Give him some money.

Saw? Saw that? Sir

has been so kind to me.

But a pet dog never

bites the family members.

Hem ember one thing Uiagar Singh..

...if1he dog acts crazy, its shot dead.

But my experience says that

if a mad dog bites anyone..

...then the dog also dies.

Good bye, and copy to all.

Sir, this mad dog of yours

will definitely bite us someday.

She has come.


- Hello.

My servant told me that you have come.

What a pleasant surprise!

Please be seated.

Yes. You too have a seat.

Actually, we wanted to discuss

a very important matter with you.

That's why we have come to meet you.

Okay, tell me, how I can help you.

Well, actually, her

sister has a problem.

Yes, tell me.

A married man from

India had gone to Canada.

He went there and got

married to her sister.

He stayed there for a short

period and after that.

...he stole all her money

and came back to India

He went missing after coming here.

Okay. But how can I

help you in this matter?

I am sure you must have lodged

a report in the police station.

Yes, we have lodged the complaint.

And the fact is we have a slight

doubt about who that person is.

We just want to confirm it.

The problem is that

his wife is very nice.

When we look at his

wife we feel very sad.

That's the confusion now,

what should we do now.

But is his wife aware about all this?

No. No, she is not aware of anything.

But whenever it is confirmed

you please inform his wife.

Such a man should be shot dead.

Really, you mean that?

Are you telling the truth?

Yes, Anna, I'm telling thetruth.

Such a man should be shot dead.

You have relieved me

from a great burden.

Anna, I think we should move.

Thank you so much.

We are getting late. Let's go, Anna

You please be seated. Have some tea

Next time. We will leave.

We shall take your leave now.

Okay, thank you so much.

Why don't you sit down?

Your daughter is not

going to come back"

...if you walk around like this.

Okay, tell me, does it look

nice to leave your own house..

"And go and live in

somebody else's house?

After all she is your daughter.

She is stubborn like her father.

She said that she will come

only after she selects a boy.

Are the boys found hanging on

the trees in lnder Kaur's garden?

Is she going to pluck one

of them and bring home to us?

Why didn't she see the boy

the onel had selected for her?

Leave aside the good or bad

points of a boy selected by you..

...when she came to know

about the money marten.

...she refused to meet any of them.

I'm sure you must have told about it.

Otherwise how would she

come to know about it?

Sometimes I feel like giving two

slaps to you and your son as well.

Listen to me very carefully. If you

ever raise your hand on me again..

...you will get twice as payback.

You will not be able to bear it.

Why don't you leash me

and tie me near the door?

Give me food twice in a day. You

have made me a dog in my own house.

This man has done only

bad deeds all his life.

Now he says I have made him a dog.

I really feel sorry for Ms. Hoopinder.

She is such a nice lady

and such unfortunate thing"

...is happening with her.

For once I thought forget

it, let bygones be bygones.

But Kuku says, the

culprit should be punished.

He is absolutely right. Don't

leave him. Do you understand?

But we don't have any proof with us.

You are helping me a lot. And I..

Hello, madam, no need to say thank you.

As it is a Punjabi has

cheated your sister.

So it's the duty of all

us Puniabis to help you.

Do you follow?

Okay, tell me one thing,

have you taken any decision..

"About Deep and Jashn?

I think Jashn, too, loves you.

Strange, you see love

in Jashn's eyes for me.

But didn't you notice love

for you in Kuku's eyes?

I have, but Sahei, I might"

What "| might"?

He loved somebody else before.

He couldn't get the one he

love, he was heartbroken.

And he still has not forgotten her.

I cannot break his heart.|

have to go back to my country.

I belong to a different country.

Hello madam,what are you

talking about countries?

You don't fall in love after

seeing which couniry one belongs to.

You just fall in love. That too without

thinking and considering anything.

I hope you understand me?

Kuku is very nice and decent

person. I just can't break his heart.

Yes, if he is iilted in

love for the second tim e..

...he might not be able

to bear this pain again.

Sahe], slowly, my child.

Look here, Anna Head this

Get up.


It means get up in Punjabi. Get up.

Get up?

- You be seated.

Camel. Camel.

- Camel?


- Yes.

Yes, camel.

- Camel.

Hello, aunt.


- Hi, Anna


Hi, Sahe].

How come you are here?

Jagtar dropped you here?

Jagtar had some work, I

took the bus and came here.

You could have called me up.

'If Ilhy would you come to pick me up'?

No, I would have also

suggested you to come by bus.

You are great.

Okay, you have a cup of tea and I.. Anna



- Yes, what happened?

Keep all your papers ready

we have to go and meet..

...a very important person today.

- Okay.

It's very important. Okay.

Keep all the papers ready.

The doctor has comel

will go and meet him.

Okay, fine.

I'll get tea for you, brother.

You let it be. Aunt,

you make tea for me.

God save me from her te

Be careful. Don't pop his eyes out.

You keep the water

boiling. I will make the te

You are very dangerous.

Come on. You are so mischievous.

Broiher troubles me a lot.


- Hi.

The weather is good.

- Yes.

Well, if you don't like this cot,

I will get another one for you.

Please be seated.

Sit down.

- Okay.

I feel you have liked this place.

Your family members

don't tell you anything?

No, papa is very angry with me.

But I can't leave my friend alone.

As it is we are helping her so much.

Tell me, whom are you

going to meet today?

One of my friends.

He is a police inspector but he's

suspended since the last six months.

Punishment for being loyal and honest.

So, do you also believe that the

loyal and honest always get punished?

That's what happens.

People feel good about

lies and fake and..

...think that an honest person is a fool.

So, despite knowing everything

you also believe in the same thing.

Why is it so'?


I didn't make the tea,

brother, aunt has made it.

Have it.

I'm sorry, Jashn. If you don't

want to tell then please don't.

It's your wish.

It's not like that, Sahei.

I believe that a single truth is

stronger than a thousand lies.

As it is everybody knows

everything about me.

People made fun of me in the college.

But I even met a few peoplewho

didn't look at my background.

They saw only me.

And Kuku is one of them.

Kuku is a very nice human-being.

If he is doing so much for

Anna, so he can help anybody.

And whatever you are doing for Anna,

only very few people can do that.

Okay, stop talking about me.

Shall I ask you something?

Why don't you take up a job?

I mean you should take up

some job or do a business.

Your parent's might look for a

girl for marriage for you in future.

The girl's family will ask what

the boy is doing. What 'then?

My mother is no more and

my father is illiterate.

He lived all his life

as a live in son-in-law.

A character everyone can joke about.

I can never get married.

What if a girl loves you and

you also love her, not even then?

You too areioking with

me, the way everybody does.

Jashn, I am not joking.

I'm asking you seriously.

If you love a girl and

the girl also loves you.

Not even then?

Yes, I do love her.

For the first time in my lifel saw

a girl and felt liketalking with her.

But I don't know what's in her heart.

The day she says yes I'll not step back.

Because that's my nature. Once if

I go forward, I never go back off.

Shall we leave, Jashn Singh?

Anna, come, we are getting late now. Anna

Yes, coming.

Sahe], you were saying

that you wanted to go home.

So shall we drop you on the way?

No, Gary is coming to pick me

up. I'll come in 'lhe evening.



Okay, then, we shall leave now. Come on.


'The day she says yes

I'll not step back.'

'Because that's my nature. Once

if I go forward, I don't back off.'

Hello, Deep.

- Hello.

How are you, Sukhi?

- Fine, brother.

Go, get it. - I

will. - Jagtar.

Why'? 'What happened?

He left early in the

morning. Something is fishy.

I have seen a lot of lover boys.

I can see a glimpse of

Han]ha's esirangem ent..

"And Mirza's sadness and

MahiwaPs restless in his eyes.

Scoundrel, you flunked

Punjab literature in college.

From where did you get these details?

From where did you get

the overhauling done?

No overhauling, I am just laughing

at these lovers' stupidity.

Look, first Haniha got his ears

pierced, renouncing material world.

Then he grazed cattle for 12 years.

But let see what our Haniha does.

My boy, you too are after that girl.

Brother, I am trying my luck.

Let's see if I get lucky.

Otherwise, I'll look for

someone else, or someone else.

Or someone else.

I will find someone for myself.

Just write nice dialogues for me.

I want to recite them to Sahe].

Those dialogues were very good.

But nowadays, it needs..

It needs to be up there. Up there.

Here, hold this wrench.

- A wrench?

And go under the car.

- Who? Me?

No, your father.

- Laali. Get our workshop's shirt.

Here, wear it.

- Brother, there are so many boys here.

You can send anyone in there.

My boy, don't you want me to write dialogues for you?

- Yes.

Don't you want to drink beer?

- Yes.

Get under it. Open the filter.

That's it. This is how you blackmail me.

That's why I don't come here.

You make me do all the work.

He was giving me a

brief on Heer and Hanih

You are making me, a celibate,

write romantic dialogues.

Brother, that's why I am

making your write them.

There's a lot offire in you.

- Wait, you..

How are you, Jashn?

- Strange. How did you know it is me?

Shame on our friendship I can't

recognise my friend's touch.

We have been looking

for you since morning.

Then I thought that it's

time for you to be here.

You must be here. Forget it. Meet Kuku.

Hello, brother.

- Hello, brother.

How are you? - Anna-

She's here from Canada


- Nice meeting you.

Kuku, Jashn always talk

about you when we meet.

Kulcu is like this. Kuku is like 'lhat.

Now I feel I know you very well.

He also tells me about you quite often.

That I got suspended?

Forget all this. Firsi

tell me, what you will have.

I get half my salary.

That's enough for me.

I can afford it.

- We will be having something today, brother.

But what we want is your help.

- My help?

Suspended sub-inspector

Viiay Singh Chauhan.

Mr. Chauhan, when active

officers can't help people..

...suspended officers

come to their rescue.

Wiay, we really need your help.

Now only you can guide us.

God is the one who guides everyone.

Still let me know what the problem is.

Then I will seewhatl can do.

No one can do anything.

You saw? They left you

alone and went somewhere"

...so late in the night

because of that Wiay.

Why should we feel

scared in our own village?

And then,| stay alone

for many days at a stretch.

I am not scared of anyone.

Everyone is scared of me.

Aunt, Viiay won't find anything.

He was a sub-inspecionHe

is suspended now.

He drinks all daylong.

And he fights with a

new officer everyday.

Actually, he has been

bitten by a big of honesty.

And you know how dangerous that can be.

You mean a person should

be dishonest, right?

That's not what I mean. I

mean one needs to be practical.

Practical .

Look, is it wrong to lie

or make some adjustments"

...to get one's work done, right?

You say that what I teach

children at school is wrong.

I shouldn't teach

them to tell the truth.

Saw that? This is what

is wrong with girls.

Aunt, they over-analyze

everything that is said.

Sahe], why did you start this with him?

Now he just won't stop. He will

keep bringing up different points.

This is how he has always been.

Sit herewith him. I'll

go and get some hot milk.

Aunt, first tell me, you

are on my side, right?

Aunt support the truth, got it?

- Yes. - Keep quiet. Sit down.


By the way, Deep, thank you.

You showed m e the way

of how to stay in India

What's great in that? This

is how things wrong here.

I will stay in India now. So,|

should learn how the system works here.

What did you say? You are

not going back to Canada?

No, life there is very

hard. It's great over here.

Even idle people enjoy life here.

No, look, your parents have

spent a lot of money on you.

And you say you don't want

to go back. It's not right.

And life here isn't good,

life in Canada is great.

Forget it, Deep. You have

a bad time working there.

Here the onel marry will

work and I will enjoy my life.

Right, Vinnie?

- Right, Sahei.

L, too, have decided not

to work after marriage.

I will sit at home. He will earn. I will have fun.

- Yes.

Okay. Fine. I'll make a move now, aunt.

Kuku will be here soon.

He must be on his way back.

No. Drink the milk before you leave.

Actually, my stomach is

upset. I am getting cramps.

I won't be able to drink milk now.

Fine. I'll make a move now.

- Bye, Deep.


- Bye.

Girls, what's wrong with him?

He ran away all of a sudden.

Aunt, now he will have loose motions.

So, Mr. Ghauhan, this is the story.

Now you tell us what we should do.

Wiay, reputation of

Puniabis is at stake.

This means the key to this

problem is with Uiagar Singh.

But what should we do now?

Let me think. Let me think.

Look you need to use crooked

means to solve crooked cases.

I am sorry, Viiay. But Tarsem is Balbir.

Don't worry. I know everything.

Look, no rules apply on a

suspended police officer.

And then how can they suspend

an already suspended officer?

So, you go home and

let me think over it.

I will let you know

when I need you guys.


- Thank you, brother. Thank you very much.

Enough. Enough.

I need to go. I can't run anymore.

And there is water over here.

I know what you are talking about.

Why don't you say that you are out of breath?

- Yes.

Your radiator has heated.

- What is it?

Go, continue running.

It's so early in the

morning.| am feeling cold.

You know how cold it gets in Canada?

Who is going to Canada?

- Why? What happened?

Sahei says that she doesn't

want to go back to Canada

What do you mean? Sahei

isn't going back to Canada?

No. She isn't.

Hear him talk. As if

he is engaged to her.

Hello, she is impressed

with me. - Really? - Yes.

A little more effort by me and

she will agree to get engaged.

But what's the use now? She says

she doesn't want to go to Canada

She has spoilt my mood.

Where are my dialogues?

- Your dialogues?

Here you go.

You can.

No. They might be useful to you.

Hold this.

- Do one thing, you keep them with you.

They might come in handy some place else.

I write my own dialogues.

That's fine, but I don't

understand one thing.

What kind of a girl is Sahei?

She came back from Canada and..

...now she says she

doesn't want to go back.

It's hard to believe.

It's like it happens in Punjabi movies.

It's okay. It happens. Don't feel sad.

Okay? I have to go for an interview.

I am going there, see

you in the evening.


Look, Sahei, parents are bound

to worry about their children.

It's not wrong for your father

to worry about your marriage.

He called me up.

He said his daughter

has come from Canada.

...and is staying at

someone else's house.

This is giving him a bad reputation.

Okay, aunt. We will leave

if you are tired of us.

But still, I won't go to my house.

Becausel know my father very well.

Aunt, he is very stubborn.

He does what he decides upon.

You aren't any less stubborn.

You are welcome to stay over here.

I am happy that you

guys are staying here.

Look how happy Kuku is.

He used to stay sad all daylong.

Aunt, I know why Kuku used

to stay sad earlier and..

...why does he look happy now.

Aunt, try and understand.

Anna is the reason behind his happiness.

Yes, this fear is troubling me as well.

Talk to Kuku. Look, Anna

has come from abroad.

She will go back to her count-y.

And Kulcu will once again

be in the same state.

Earlier as well he had used

liquor to drown his sadness.

That's it then, liquor

was the only solution.

But that's not a solution.

I know, but it helps you

forget things for a while.

You know, when apatient is in pain..

"Doctor inject painkillers

to kill the pain for awhile.

So, liquor helps kill the

pain in the heart for awhile.

No. This is so wrong.

It was your fault that you

didn't tell her "| love you."

Make sure to tell the girl you love her.

How will you say it?

Hey, look at me.

Look here.


Hey, look here.

I can't say it.

- Then how will get any girl?

How will she know that you love her?

She doesn't know.

You, too, will leave me some day.

You said something?

I said.. we are getling late. Let's go.

We'll talk about it later.

Kuku, you know what? You are impossible.

If I ask him to get married, he refuses.

L, too, thought why deceive any girl?

And what's the use of 'the marriage

if both of them stay unhappy?

Anyway, forget about him.

Tell me about yourself.

What are you thinking about?

Aunt, what's there for me to think?

Hear that? What does that mean?

You won't think of anything.

You won't let your

father think about it.

Then what do you wish to do?

Aunt, by the way, I like a boy.

And I feel he, too, likes me.

But papa won't agree for our alliance.

Hey, leave that to me.

Forget your father, I can

convince his father as well.

But aunt, grandpa

passed away 10 years ago.

Shut up. I mean it's my

responsibility to convince your father.

Tell me, who is that boy?

I will tell you, aunt. I will tell you.

But first, let me talk to him.


Where is Jagta“?

- Brother, he must be under 'lhe ca'.

I am here.

How are you, man?

Sorry, man.

What is it? Why are you alone?

Where's Deep?

- Where will Deep go?

What does a hunter dog

do? Look for a pray.

He will keep looking for a

pray, you have a look at the car.

It is giving jerks since yesterday.

You are destined to

get jerks all your life.

Some jerks will be given by it as well.

Sell this trash and buy a nice car.

Listen, older the liquor

the better it tastes.

The older the friendship the better.

Then why isn't it same

with the car as well?

Let me tell you.

A new car is like a new girlfriend.

As it gets older it starts

troubling like an old girlfriend.

Girls have to feature in

all their conversations.

These boys can't think about

anything other than girls.

Jagtar, relax, cool.

Look, with great difficulty

has our friend found love.

You are say such things

and making him homeless.

He is the silent-type.

He keeps his mouth shut when

a girl is standing before him.

What will he do?

Look the silent-types like

him are like a devil's tail.

If you love the girl, get on

the terrace, play the drums..

"And announce it to the

world. Close the topic.

He too? Who is he involved with?

The one from Canada, Seine].

Forget it. She is a

very tough nut to crack.

Jagtar, you are surrounded

by machines all daylong.

You don't know what's happening outside.

She is signalling him,that's

why things are progressing.

Oh I see. His alignment is already done.

And here, the expert of

cars has no clue about it.

Look, Jagtar, don't tell

anything to Deep as yet.

Nothing is confirmed as yet.

I feel Sahei too.. But..

but nothing is confirmed.

It will affect our 'friendship.

Jashn, a friendship that falls apart

was not strong enough to begin with.

Deep was after her because

she was going to Canada- Yes.

And now she isn't going to Canada

She said so to test Deep.

But.. but look, nothing

is confirm ed, man.

If it isn't confirmed then confirm it.

Otherwise, give up everything and

come with me to Hanumen temple.

"| wi||.."

- Sir, should I also get half empty bottle?

Keep quiet. Keep quiet.

My wife.. is a very religious woman.

Very religious.

No meat, chicken, fish, eggs,

liquor is allowed inside the house.

So, sir, you won't

be going home tonight.

Then will I be going to yours?

No, I mean, sir, you have

half a bottle of liquor..

...and four chicken legs inside you.

So how can you go to your house?

Keep quiet. Keep quiet. Don't blabber.

Take the bottle with you.

- I don't drink, sir.

Then give it to someone

else. Don't argue with me.

Sir, should I drive you home?

I will drive it. I know how to drive it.

Don't talk nonsense.

"Click a photo of me dancing."

"Click.. click a photo of me dancing."

"Click a photon"





Quietly drive the car.

Drive it to a place I want you to.

Viiay, you? You still

crack such funny jokes.

I am notioking. I am serious.

And you know when I am serious.

You are right. Anyway,

I don'tlikeiokes.


Okay. I will drive it.

Answer it. Jashn. Your phone is ringing.

Jashn, answer the phone. Hey..

'Where is he'?


Listen to me. Meet me at the

Royal restaurant at 11 o'clock.

Got it? Listen, I want to tell

you someihing very important.

Don't tell anyone. And

don't bring anyone along.


- Bye.

Sahei has asked you to

meet her at Royal Castle.

And she has also said not

to tell anything to anyone.

Shewants to discuss something

very important with you.

Hence I don't know that

you have gone there.

You didn't tell her that it's

not Jashn, but Deep on the line?

|would've said something if

she would've given me a chance.

She doesn't stop once she begins.

By the way, what is this is about?

And remember one thing, my friend.

She isn't going back to Canada

You are a schmuck.

What did you say? I didn't

get it. What's a shuck?

Schmuck. It means

Abuse me properly. Say, you..

What's the use if you have to use a

dictionary to know what an abuse means?

Anyway, all the best.

Deep, tell me the truth, will

you feel bad if I go meet her?

People say that a friendship breaks

if a girl comes in the middle.

Oh, my noble schmuck. We are

friends like in the movie 'Sholay'.

We should even sing a song with

that extra cart on the bike.

Don't worry. I will come with you.

No. She has asked not to bring anyone.

She has, really? I said I will

go with you, that means I will.

Brother, Uiagar is

missing since late night.

Yes, his wife had come in the morning

enquiring about his whereabouts.

They said they found

his car near the river.

Brother, then you should

ask the department.

...if any dead body

has been washes ashore.

By the way, brother,

he won't commit suicide.

There's a possible that

someone must have murdered him..

...and throw him in the river.

It will be great if someone

has taken care of him.

Tarsem Singh, such people

don't die so quickly.

Really? They take time?

I mean then we shouldn't

be so happy about it.

We have that issue with that foreigner.

And you are saying that

Uiagar won't die so easily.

Brother, then, we should pray that

someone should've taken care of him.

Otherwise he would have troubled us.

I don't understand

one thing. Where is he?

I can eat only once you untie my hands.

The apple is not for eating"

But for target practice.

No, Wiay, don't. Brother. Brother.

Tell me the truth. Who is Balbir?

And how did he get a passport?

Sir, it's been six since

months since you practiced.

Careful you might hit Uiagar

Singh at the wrong place.

No, Viiay. No.

Tasem is BaMnTarsem is Bdbir.

I made a false verification

report and got his passport made.

I did all this at Harnam Singh's behest

I seized Dasvinder Singh's land as well.

He was after Tarsem.

Harnam Singh sent Tarsem to Canada

After a few months we got

Dasonda killed in an accident.


- Sir.

That's great.

I hit right on target

even after six months.

I am worried.

Place another apple.

Why another one?

I told you the truth about everyone.

No, brother. No.

If your hand shivers even a bit

my children will become orphans.

Even Dasonda Singh had children.

You didn't feel any pity back then.

Sir, Uiagar Singh's tank has leaked.

Not just the tank, even the big drum.

At least now let me go.


- Sahe], I am not here to interfere.

I am here just to say that my friend

is very nice, honest and decent.

He was also good in studies.

Sooner or later he will

get a very good job.

You won't be able to find a better guy.

He loves you a lot as well.

- Can't he say all that?

That's why I have force invited myself.

If he could then what

would've been the problem?

Okay, I'll make a move now.


Sorry, I lied to you.

That I don't want to go to Canada

I know.

I am not that that as

much as you think I am.

I cameto know during

Vinnie's engagement.

"That I am dialling the wrong number.

Fine. All the best I'll make a move.

'If I wouldn't have helped him today.'

...he would've never expressed

his feeling to any girl.'

'It's okaywith me. if I didn't

get her I'll get someone else.'

'Come on, Deep. Let's find

a cure for the heart ache.'

Couldn't you say all this?

I could, but I had told you once

I move forward, I can't back off.

Now if your dad doesn't agree,

you shouldn't back off either.

That's what I wanted to see, how

good you are at keeping promises.

This is the first time

I realised what love is.

Now we will face whatever comes our way.

"Listen, my beloved."

"Yes, my love'? "

"Let's go.

- Where to"

"A place different than all."

"Where there's just you and me."

"There shouldn't be anyone to spot us."

"Far away from this world."

"Far away from this world."

"Let's make a different

world for ourselves."

"You and me."

"You and me."

"You and me."

"You and me."

"My heart races."

"But it fears sometimes as well."

"My heart races."

"But it fears sometimes as well."

"That we might get separated."

"You and me."

"You and me."

"You and me."

"You and me."

"You and me."

"Yes, you and me."

"One cannot attain

love fearing the world."

"Don't worry. Place your head

on my chest and go to sleep."

"Don't worry. Place your head

on my chest and go to sleep."

"My love.

- Yes, dear?"

"Listen to me, my love.

- What is it, dear?"

"This world is evil.

"This world is evil.

"Let's save our love from it.

"You and me."

"You and me."

"You and me."

"You and me."

"You and me."

"Yes, you and me."

"My love, I am your

heartbeat, you are my heart."

"My love, I have

dedicated my life to you."

"My love, I have

dedicated my life to you."

"Don't fear, my dear."

"Don't break my heart."

"Hold my heart, my dear."

"Don't ever shy away."

"My dear, you love me?"

"My heart now belongs to my beloved."

"My life has become musical."

"Let's add fragrance to flowers."

"Let's add fragrance to flowers."

"Come let's sing love songs."

"You and me."

"You and me."

"You and me."

"You and me."

"You and me."

"Yes, you and me."

"Yes, you and me."

"Yes, you and me."

That's great.

What you did is amazing.

- Thank you, sir.

Sir, you can take

whatever action you want.



Turn around.

Why are you staring at me?

Well done.

I reinstate both of you

with imm edi ate effect.

Report me in your complete

uniform within 5 minutes.

You began this case,

hence you will end it.


Aunt, where's Anna? Anna? Anna?

Why are you shouting? What happened?

Where is Anna? Anna?

- Anna is here. What happened?

Where is Anna? Anna!

Why are you going there? She

is on the terrace with Sahe].



Anna! Yes! Anna!

Anna! Anna! Anna, I'm so happy.

I'm so sorry. Anna.

- What?

There's good news.

What happened, brother?

- Tarsem is Balbir.

Oh really? Yes!


Viiay made Uiagar confess everything.

Now no one can save that bastard.

I'm.. I'm so happy-.


What, Kuku?

You are so happy for me?

- Yes.

You are so happy for me?

You are very nice.

You.. you too are very nice, Anna

Anna, I.. I want to

say someihing to you.

Say it, Kuku.

Anna, well, I wanted to say"

Tell me. Why are you hesitating?

I wanted to say that

we are getting late.

We should go meet Tarsem. Let's go.

Take me along.

Why are you standing?

Please have a seat.

No, madam. We cannot sit today.

Why? What is it? Why

are you in such a hurry?

Why are you looking at each other?

Tell me, what is it?

What should we say,

ma'am? We are speechless.

Look, please, I am getting worried.

I will know about it

only when you tell me.

Look, Hoopinder, I'm really sorry.

I am very sorry to

break this news to you.

Tell me, what is it? ls Tarsem alright?

Tarsem is alright.

What will happen to him?

Actually, ma'am , the other

day we had come to you".

...to tell you that someone

had betrayed Anna's sister..

...and came back to India

- Yes,| know.

We have confirmed the

identity of that person.

Now we need to decide his fate.

Fine, but what can I do in 'that?

Now whatever can be done can

only be done by you, ma'am.

Because.. I'm sorry to say

that person is none other than..

Tarsem .


Madam, when you had gone

to UK for your education"

"behind your back Tarsem has

gone to Canada on a fake passport.

He went there and got

married to Anna's sister.

And when he came to know that

his enemies in India are dead"

...Tarsem deceived her, took all

her money and came back to India

Madam ..

Is your decision still the same?

My decision..

Is still the same.

But where is Tarsem?

What? Did you hear it properly?

Broth er..

Did you make sure of it?

Hang up now. Another

problem has cropped up.

What happened, brother? ls Uiagar dead?

Such people don't die quickly.


- What are you doing here? Hun.

Wiay has been reinstated.

He will be here any moment.

- And you, brother?

What brother? Whose brother?

- Don't do that, brother.

I will die alone in

prison. Come with me.

I will take you with me. Nothing doing.

Hun away. I have political immunity.

Nothing will happen to me.

Brother, what you did was not right.

You have ruined me.

I will pay back for this.

I will take your name.

Those who take my name die. Go away.

What you did was not right, brother.

Hoopi. Hoopi.

Where are you? Hoopi.

Hoopi, pack a few things

quickly. We have to leave.

Hurry up.

- Why? Where are we going?

You women will never stop questioning.

I'll tell you that later.

Take Pinky and hurry up.

We don't have much time.

Be back in a minute.

Neither will I go anywhere,

not will I let you go anywhere.

This is no time to ioke. It's a real

pistol, you will shoot it accidentally.

Give it to me.


No, Hoopinder. I forgive him

for your and Pinky's sake.

But I won't forgive him.

He has deceived not one but two women.

Look, Hoopi, for God's sake,

don't take Pinky away from me.

I will tell you about these foreigners.

They are characterless. They

get married a number offimes.

Shut up. Their character

is better than yours.

She is still forgiving you.

But now, I won't let even your

shadow fall on my daughter.

I'll tell you tomorrow.

Your game is over, Tarsem Singh.

Come with me.

- Hoopi. Hoopi, look.

Nothing has happened.

We will make sure it does soon.

Okay, he too is done

for'? Hello, brother.

Do you recognise me now?

No, no, no. Why are you so angry?

It's so hot, and I've heard

there's no air conditioner in iail.

Stop your nonsense, all this

has happened because of you.

Why are you getting so angry?

Save some of your

conversation for prison.

You can share your

joys and sorrows there.

Get him in.


You stayed in someone's

house for a month.

Didn't you feel any shame?

Now you have brought

this useless guy here.

His father lived off

his father-in-law.

And now he is here to do the same.

Stop it. He is educated

and our girl likes him.

Don't interfere.

Flies always gather over sweets.

He went after her because

she has come from Canada

Uncle, you can say you want

to me, but not my father.

Why? Am I wrong?

A brother shouldn't stay

in his sister's house.

And a son-in-law shouldn't

stay at his wife's house.

A smart person always checks the

breed of the dog before taking it in.

And you?

- Uncle, please.

No matter how he is,

he is still my father.

You cannot say such things about him.

You are Sahe]'s father otherwise"

- What otherwise?


What will you do?

Did you hear that, girl? He

would've raised his hand on me.

Think over it. You can

go with him if you want.

But then, never come back to this house.

Papa, please.

Papa, at least listen to me.

Sahe], I had told you, I never back out.

I won't back out now either.

Come, lefs go.

Sahei, I'm talking to you.


I don't know how to thank all of you.

I have no words.

All of you are very nice.

I'll miss everyone a lot.

Sahei, why are you so quiet?

Her father threw Jashn out of his house.

Why didn't you call and inform me?

Aunt, Jashn had asked

me to come with him.

But I don't know whyl couldn't move.


- Yes?

'Where is Kulcu'?

- Kulcu'?

He left early in the morning.

His phone too is switched off.

Perhaps, he couldn't

see both of you leave.

I wanted to give Kuku special thanks.

Nothing would've been

possible without his help.


Kuku has given this for you.

And he has asked you to open this

packet only after you reach Canada

Tell Kuku that I'll miss him a lot.

'God, why does Kuku get his

heart broken time and again?'

"I've kept my feelings

hidden in my heart."

"Neither did you ask,

nor did I tell you."

"Neither did you ask,

nor did I tell you."

"| thought of you today."

"| thought of you every moment."

"| thought of you today."

"| thought of you every moment."

"| couldn't forget

my estranged beloved."

"| couldn't forget

my estranged beloved."

"Bless you, my estranged beloved."

"Bless you, my estranged beloved."

Tell me, we always do our best

to make our children happy.

But when we get a chance to

give them the biggest joy".

...of their life, we back off. Why?

"God knows, you are

somehow related to me."

"God knows, you are

somehow related to me."

"Even though you are

miles away from me."

"Even though you are

miles away from me."

"You siayin my heart,

my estranged beloved."

"You siayin my heart,

my estranged beloved."

"Bless you, my estranged beloved."

"Bless you, my estranged beloved."

'I apologise for not meeting

you when you were leaving.'

'The truth is, I cannot see you leave.'

'I tried telling you a number

of times, but I couldn't.'

'Anna, I love you.'

"Your presence used to please my soul.

"Your presence used to please my soul.

"VWthout you, my soul wanders aimless."

"VWthout you, my soul wanders aimless."

"Without you, the spring

seems meaningless, my love."

"Without you, the spring

seems meaningless, my love."

"Bless you, my estranged beloved."

"Bless you, my estranged beloved."

"| thought of you today."

"| thought of you every moment."

"| couldn't forget

my estranged beloved."

"| couldn't forget

my estranged beloved."

"Bless you, my estranged beloved."

"Bless you, my estranged beloved."

"Never fall in love with a foreigner."

"No matter how precious that person is."

"That person is only

good for one thing."

"Miss him and cry."

You cannot forget some people.

Come, let's at least forget our sorrows.

You didn't tell me. You

wrote it in a letter?

Will do.

I love you.


I love you.

You thought I betrayed you.

I didn't come with you the other day.

No, Sahei.

I'm really sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Your dad was absolutely right.

Let me stand on my feet then

I'll surely cometo take you.

I'll wait for you.

- What?

Jagtar, your aunt from Canada is here?

- Yes.

She came back four days ago.

- Really'?

Did her daughter come with her?

Her daughter had to come with her.

Strange, aunt came four days ago

and you didn't even inform me.

I'll go and meet her

first - We.. - Me too..

You scoundrel.

What? I am planning to

make you my brother-in-law.


"Sister-in-law, with my

musical instruments "

"Sister-in-law, with my

musical instruments "


I was rehearsing."

"Sister-in-law, with my

musical instruments "


I was rehearsing."

'Someone came from behind.."

'Someone came from behind

and ruined everything."

"Sister-in-law, someone hit

me on my back with a rod."

"Sister-in-law, someone hit

me on my back with a rod."

"Sister-in-law, someone

hit me with a rod."

"Sister-in-law, someone

hit me with a rod."

"He was very bad."

"He ruined everything in no time."

"He tore the bellows of my harmonium."

"He was very bad."

"He ruined everything in no time."

"He tore the bellows of my harmonium."

"He tore it apart."

"He tore it apart."

"He dismantled it.

"Sister-in-law, someone hit

me on my back with a rod."

"Sister-in-law, someone hit

me on my back with a rod."

"Sister-in-law, someone

hit me with a rod."

"Sister-in-law, someone

hit me with a rod."

"Sister-in-law, someone

hit me with a rod."