Ya pozvonil svoyemu ubiytse. On priznalsya (2020) - full transcript
A call to his poisoner during the investigation into the poisoning of Alexei Navalny.
Hi, it’s Navalny.
I said before that this whole poisoning story is cooler than a Hollywood movie
and you still have no idea how true this is.
In a classic detective story, there is always a scene
when the killer himself confesses to what he did.
And we have it too. It's just incredible.
But first things first.
Exactly a week ago, we released an investigation, it became a worldwide sensation,
there are already 17 million views just on my YouTube channel.
The evidence presented by us is so convincing that even the instigator of this crime,
President Putin, could not deny it and practically confirmed
that the magnificent eight who had been following me for almost 4 years were FSB officers.
But it is clear that Putin could not say to the whole country:
“yes, I ordered the FSB to kill my political opponent”.
Therefore, he once again started talking nonsense
about how there was no investigation, and all this is “legalized information by the CIA,”
the FSB officers were just looking after me,
and the most important proof that there was no poisoning is that I am alive.
Because if they wanted to poison me, they’d surely succeed.
Look, we all understand what this is.
Both in the first case and in this one, this isn’t an investigation.
This is legalization of information from the American special agencies.
Of course, we know they track the geolocations.
Our special agencies know and understand it very well.
Of course, special agencies should look after him.
That doesn’t mean he needs to be poisoned though.
If we wanted to do it, we’d probably take it to the end
Immediately after Putin, his words were confirmed and concretized
by the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov.
The president told you the reason why he’s being looked after.
Firstly, the obvious traces of special agencies.
- From other countries, you mean?
Of course.
Secondly, as we’ve said many times before,
We have many questions about his various statements with appeals
to overthrow the government, and so on.
- Why didn’t our special agents keep him from getting poisoned then?
That’s not a question for me. Any more questions?
Peskov later expressed himself even more clearly,
telling reporters that the FSB was "looking after" me,
because this is a common practice in the case of those
who "are in contact with the intelligence services of other states",
and also "make statements calling for a violent change of power."
Thus, after thinking for a few days, the Kremlin and Putin answered us:
Firstly, the CIA is behind everything.
Secondly: yes, there were FSB officers, but they were just keeping an eye on me.
Thirdly: if they wanted to kill me, they’d do so.
And since I remained alive, they didn’t do it.
The CIA argument is so ludicrous
that it was instantly refuted by journalists, including pro-Kremlin ones.
They wrote detailed reports that no CIA was needed
to obtain the information used in the Belingcat investigation.
It really is for sale to anyone. It's funny that the Kremlin media even lament that,
because of me, such services will now rise in price.
By the way, at the same press conference, Putin also called
the investigation about his son-in-law, a billionaire, the work of the CIA.
The real authors are the State Department and the American special agencies.
At least, it was done under their orders, it's entirely obvious.
The second part of Putin's rebuttal also does not hold water.
If I was being followed because I am an extremist,
then why were doctors and chemists doing it?
Why did they fly different planes with me?
Why did they arrive and depart at different times with me,
on different flights one day apart from mine?
This is a complete lie, not even worth discussing.
And now for the main argument: if they wanted to poison me, they would succeed.
And no one can tell us about this, except the killers themselves.
Well, they did. Or rather, one of them did.
Last Monday we were preparing to release materials at 15:00 Moscow time.
It was to be done simultaneously by us, Belingcat, The Insider, CNN, El Pais and Der Spiegel.
It was clear that after five minutes a group of murderers and their bosses
would realize that they have been exposed and lie low.
They’d change their phones and so on.
We did not rule out that these eight people who failed the mission
would simply be killed. Or hidden. Or hidden first, and then killed.
Therefore, at 6:00 Moscow time, we organized an improvised headquarters over here.
We distributed tasks among ourselves,
so that we start acting at the same time from 7:00, catching the villains by surprise.
At 7:00, Lyubov Sobol knocked on the door of one of the killers.
Could you tell me if someone lives in this apartment?
People appear there occasionally.
At the same time, correspondent of the Shtab YouTube channel Dmitry Nizovtsev
was keeping watch near one of the FSB headquarters, where the killers work.
He was detained by the police 20 minutes later after a call from the FSB.
- Ramenki Police dispatch center.
- Good day, head of Ramenki municipal district Maxim Gongalsky calling.
Tell me please, there are reports that a certain Dmitry Nizovtsev
is being detained at your station.
- That’s right, he’s being questioned now.
This was a direct call from the FSB, from Lubyanka, 12.
CNN correspondent Clarissa Ward came to the coordinator
of the group of killers Oleg Tayakin at 7:00,
and the whole world saw these fabulous few seconds
As for me I started calling my killers at exactly 7:00.
Belingcat had their phone numbers and a list of numbers they called themselves.
Analysis of this data showed that in order to hide the content of conversations,
they used a special number. Something like an FSB switch.
We took the simplest program used by phone prankers
to hide the number from which I was calling
and substitute the number we need instead.
The plan was simple. You get a call at seven in the morning.
You see a familiar service number, pick up the phone and start talking.
Almost everyone I called answered, almost everyone hung up quickly.
And then great luck awaited us.
Konstantin Borisovich Kudryavtsev, a military chemist
from the Institute of Forensic Science of the FSB, who previously worked
at the biological safety research center of the Ministry of Defense
and the military academy of radiation, chemical and biological protection.
He talked to me for 45 minutes, assuming that I was the assistant
to the Secratary of the Security Council and former FSB director Patrushev.
When we started, we knew only three things about Kudryavtsev:
He is a member of a group of secret killers, he is a chemist, and on August 25 he flew to Omsk.
Therefore, I assumed that he took my clothes from the hospital.
My clothes disappear in an unknown direction,
It was quite probably picked up by one of the members of the team, Kudryavtsev.
He came to Omsk on the 25th.
And by the end of the conversation, Konstantin kindly explained many details to us.
Now I am speaking quite officially, and I will send out all the relevant complaints.
Here is a photo of Kudryavtsev. Here is his phone number.
We know that he is an FSB officer, and you will now hear his voice.
Any phonographic examination will confirm that the voice is his.
And his words are enough to arrest not only the murderers,
but also those who helped them hide the traces of the crime.
When President Putin said at a press conference:
“if we wanted to poison him, we'd take it to the end”
If we wanted to do it, we’d probably take it to the end
a phrase that all propagandists are now repeating - I just clapped my hands for joy.
Because FSB officer Kudryavtsev answered this question to all of us.
And besides, now you will find out why Putin thinks a lot about my, pardon me, underpants.
Christo Grozev, Bellingcat
December 14, 7:27
- Yes, Artem, hello
- Konstantin?
- Hello
- Konstantin Borisovich?
- Yes, yes
- Hello, my name is Maxim Sergeevich Ustinov, I’m an assistant of Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev.
Vladimir Mikhailovich Bogdanov gave me your phone number.
I’m sorry for an early call, but I really need 10 minutes of your time. Come again?
- Yes, I’m listening
- There is… a new stage of discussions at the command.
They will probably ask you to prepare a personal account later on, but right now,
I’m making a report for Nikolai Platonovich.
This will be discussed at the highest levels of the Security Council.
I need just one paragraph, just a short explanation from the members of the team:
What went wrong? What caused the total failure regarding Navalny in Tomsk?
Please tell me your own opinion, I’ll write it down,
and you will later write it in your personal account.
- Was there a failure in Omsk?
- No, in Tomsk. I’m talking about Tomsk.
- In Tomsk?
- Yes.
- And what happened in Tomsk?
- Konstantin Borisovich?
- Yes, yes.
- Didn’t you hear what I told you? I’m calling on the request of Patrushev.
- I understand this perfectly, I’m just trying to remember what happened in Tomsk.
- Well, why did you go to Omsk on the 25th?
- To Omsk or to Tomsk?
- You went to Omsk on the 25th, and the operation took place in Tomsk.
I will now prepare a short version of your personal account of what happened there.
Vladimir Mikhailovich will later ask you to write the long version.
I know this isn’t the first time, but the command is asking me
to prepare the documents for the Security Council right now.
So, you will help me a lot if you don’t keep Nikolai Platonovich waiting.
- I’d be glad to help, but I am now sitting at home on a quarantine.
- Well, that’s why I’m calling you.
- Let me… And what about Makshakov? Have you considered calling him?
- Of course, I will also call Makshakov. This is a simple procedure.
I will now be calling Alexandrov, Makshakov and Tayakin
and asking each of them for a two-paragraph personal account,
because I need to prepare a two-page report at the end of the day,
and you understand who this report is for.
I don’t want to say any names, but I wouldn’t be calling you or Bogdanov at 7 am
if the situation wasn’t urgent.
I need to write something like “Kudryavtsev thinks this and that”
Why we failed, what went wrong and what needs to be done for things to go right.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate Alexandrov’s work?
I know that he’s your colleague, but still.
- Alexandrov?
- Yes.
- He did a good job, yes. I rate him positively.
- And how would you rate Tayakin’s leadership skills? His management of the team.
- Tayakin wasn’t there though. Osipov was.
- I know that Osipov was there and Tayakin wasn’t.
But Tayakin still participated in the operation, right?
- Honestly, I don’t have any information about this, I can’t tell you anything.
- Alright, how would you rate Osipos on a scale from 1 to 10?
Hold on, I’m writing it down.
- Positively, yes.
- Alright. This raises a logical question then.
I will need to explain it to Patrushev somehow.
If you’re saying that you rate both Alexandrov and Osipov positively, how come you failed?
- Well, I asked myself this question many times already.
You know, the circumstances… I don’t have all the information…
- I understand.
- You understand, right? I only possess the information
that I obtained directly or that was relayed to me.
- That’s exactly what this report is for
- (Unintelligible)
- Yes, yes
- Sorry?
- Yes, I interrupted you. I’m saying that this is exactly why we’re making this report,
to let everyone express his viewpoint.
That’s why I’m only interested in your personal opinion now.
- Well, I rate our work positively. At least, well, the job was done.
We did everything as we discussed many times before. That’s my opinion.
- Alright. This is an obvious question I need to write down an answer to.
If you rate the work of both Osipov and Alexandrov positively, why did you fail?
What needs to be done in the future to make sure this doesn’t happen again?
- Phew… You know, there are always lots of issues and nuances in our job,
we always try to keep them all in mind to avoid any blunders and so on.
You understand, right?
- I do. What’s most important here is that…
- I’m sure the preparation was very thorough. That’s what I think, it’s my opinion.
At least, if we consider what was done before, there are always nuances.
Every job has them, right? The situation turned from one side to…
Oh, how do I put it…
- So?
- Well, I thought about what could… They landed it… You understand, right?
He flew, they landed, and so on. The odds… were against us. That’s what I think.
Had it taken a bit longer, everything… could have gone completely differently.
- Had what taken longer? Konstantin Borisovich?
- His flight.
- Had his flight taken a bit longer?
Possibly, yes. Had he flow a bit longer, had they not landed so urgently,
everything could have gone differently.
The paramedics on the runway worked really quickly. And then… Hello?
- Yes, yes. They landed the plane after 40 minutes,
this should have been accounted for while planning the operation.
You can’t say they landed the plane instantly.
You miscalculated the dosage and the probabilities, why?
- Well, I can’t tell you why. As far as I know, everything was calculated with a margin.
- How was the substance applied?
- We’d better discuss it using operational communications.
As you know, I did my part of the job after that.
- Yes, I know.
- We arrived later and observed and… did our own things, you know…
- What would you do differently?
If you were the one planning the operation, how would you do this whole thing?
- Well, I’d need to sit down and really think about it.
It all depends on the situation, the circumstances.
On the methods, I mean places, sorry. Like I said, there are lots of nuances here.
And each of them must be considered.
I think that everything… well, in my opinion, everything was planned right.
If it wasn’t planned right, we wouldn’t go ahead with it.
- Alright. I still have some questions.
First of all, where are his clothes? What happened to them?
- What clothes?
- Well, where are Navalny’s clothes?
- Well… I last saw them in Omsk. We left them there.
We came there and worked with them.
- Yes, you went to Omsk on the 25th, right?
- I’m trying to remember. I think so, yes. I have it written down at work.
- So, what exactly happened to these clothes?
- Oh, you mean where they ended up?
- Yes.
- Well, I have no idea about that. You know what I can tell you?
When we came there, they were given to us by those local police guys.
From the… what’s it called?
- The transport police, yes
- Yeah, yeah. We received a package from them.
- Uh-huh.
- We did our thing with the box then and gave it back to the local guys.
The local head… I actually have his number, I can give it to you if you want.
- Yes, let me write it down.
- So, I told him to give the box back.
He probably gave it back to those guys from the transport police.
- Alright, give me his number, please.
- Hold for a moment, ok?
- Sure.
- Hello?
- Yes, I’m writing
- 8962.
- 962.
- 059.
- 2595.
- 2595. And what’s his name?
- Mikhail… I didn’t write down his patronym.
- Mikhail Pavlovich?
- Yes, he’s the head of the transport police.
You can ask him and check…
- Sure, I’ll do it, no problem.
- He’ll tell you where it is.
- Let’s go into more detail regarding the clothes. Was there something in them?
Or was it on the box? What exactly did you do with all this?
- Well, we went there two times.
- Uh-huh.
- First time, it was an ordinary bag.
- Yeah.
- A bag with seals, all torn up. The clothes were in it.
They were all wet for some reason. There was… His costume, those underpants,
socks, a face mask and a T-shirt, yes.
- Ok, and what was the procedure? What did you do to all this? I need to report it.
- We did the treatment.
- What sort of treatment?
- We applied a solution, so that, you know… No traces could be found.
- I have one strange question on my list. You've been following Navalny for a long time.
You also went to Kirov in 2017, right? How would you describe his personality?
- Whose? His?
- Yes, Navalny’s, whose else?
- What do you mean - how would I describe his personality?
- Well, I told you this is a strange question.
- He’s cautious and… afraid of everything, so to say. On one hand.
But on the other hand, he still goes everywhere, and so on.
He changes his phone number regularly, yes.
He’s very careful when it comes to that.
Maybe he had a feeling that he was going to get…
Well, he doesn’t hide the fact he’s being followed and so on. You know, right? Hello?
- Yes, yes, I’m listening, I’m just writing it down.
- He said many times in his blog that he was constantly being tailed.
So, he’s very precautious when it comes to that.
He never makes unnecessary movements. That’s my opinion on him.
He’s careful and precautious.
- I’m sorry, I have a rather naive question,
but judging by what I’ve written down, they will ask me that.
The clothes were treated because traces could be found on them.
This means there could be traces on the body as well.
But you’re telling me there couldn’t be any traces on the body. Why?
- Well, I think, it simply absorbs quickly. It leaves no traces.
Makshakov will give you more details. I don’t have all the information.
I don’t even know what was done there. You know what I mean, right?
- I understand.
- I have no information.
- Konstantin Borisovich…
- I was told to come, so I came, did my thing and left.
All the… remaining information about who went where and did what, I don’t have it.
- I’ll talk to all of them myself. Again, I need your specific point of view,
Because the command told me to gather information from everyone
to get the complete picture. Let’s sum up what we have one more time.
So, you think that this… subject… survived because they landed the plane too quickly?
Is that the main reason?
- I think so, yes. It’s the only reason. Had they taken a bit longer,
everything would have ended differently. You see, it was a confluence of circumstances…
That’s one of those bad factors that can occur in our line of work.
- I see. When we talk about a confluence of circumstances, the first circumstance
is that they landed the plane. And what’s the second one?
- Well, the fact that… The paramedics arrived, and so on.
They gave him first aid, looked at his condition, injected some sort of an antidote.
Supposedly, this was the reason. I mean, they symptoms were similar.
- Yeah.
- The medics were just following their instructions. So, it was because of the paramedics, yes.
- Uh-huh.
- This was also a factor. Next, they took him to the hospital.
And they also treated him there, based on his symptoms and such.
- Ok, is it possible that he saw the faces of some members of the group?
Will he recognize them?
- I doubt it. There’s always a strict protocol.
- I have information…
- They change their clothes...
- Alright. I have information that members of the group
once took the same flight as him, is that true?
- I have no such information, I’m afraid…
I don’t know, (unintelligible) didn’t tell me anything.
They normally take a different flight on purpose.
Even if it’s a group of several brigades, one of them takes one flight,
and the other takes a different one. At least, they always try to do so.
I don’t know, I have no information about that.
- So, you don’t know anything about it?
- I honestly don’t.
- On a scale from one to ten, how do you rate the probability
that he or members of his team could take a photo of one of them or film them?
Could someone get caught on camera by accident?
- Well…
Considering today’s… There are cameras everywhere, so in any case, during their work,
they cover (unintelligible) and so on. You know, right?
- Yeah.
- As for the rest, we only act when we receive a clearance from the operatives.
They explain the situation to us, and we tell them if we’re coming or not.
So, any possibility of someone getting caught on camera is eliminated. You understand?
- I understand.
Maximum conspiracy is top priority. So that nobody films or sees anything and so on.
That’s always out of question.
- How would you assess the work of the operatives?
- Those who participated?
- Yes.
- Well, I’d rate those I worked with positively.
- Are you sure there won’t be any surprises with the clothes?
- Well, that’s why we went several times.
- You went to treat the clothes several times. Let’s go over it again.
I have information that you did it on August 25, and when was the second time?
- We went after some time, about a week or two later.
- One week after August 25? Do you remember precisely?
- I don’t, unfortunately. Makshakov will tell you.
- Alright. Who else went with you?
- With me?
- Yes.
- Vasily Kalashnikov
- Ka-lash-ni-kov.
- His name probably wasn’t called, right?
- No, it’s not on my list, strange…
- This means the command thought that he has no (unintelligible)
- Alright, no problem… I’ll check it with Bogdanov.
Ok, could you tell me… what clothing item did you focus on?
Which of them theoretically posed the most risk?
- Well, the underpants.
- The underpants.
- (unintelligible)
- Come again?
- What do you mean by “risk”?
- Well, where could the maximum concentration be found.
- Yes, the underpants.
- What part of them… is it an inner seam, an outer seam, what’s it adjacent to?
I have a block of questions on this topic.
I will be discussing it with Makshakov, but I need information from you as well.
- Well, we focused on the inner seams. At least, those were the parts we treated.
- Can you visualize the underpants? What part was the most…
- (unintelligible) That’s near the groin.
- The groin part of the underpants?
- Yes, the so-called flypiece… You know, there are seams there…
- Hold on a moment, this is important.
Who told you that the flypiece of the underpants must be treated?
- That’s just my suggestion. We were told to focus on the inner part of the underpants.
- Who told you that? Makshakov?
- Yes.
- Hold on, I’m writing down “inner seams of the underpants”...
Ok, so what was the color of the underpants? Was it gray?
- They were blue.
- Blue…
- In all honesty, I’m quite baffled by such questions, (unintelligible) this situation…
- Konstantin Borisovich, we’re all baffled.
Imagine how baffled I am, I don’t know anything about all this.
- Alright, if I need any more clarifications, I’ll call you within a couple of hours,
so, please, stay in touch, okay?
- I’m always in touch, day and night, it’s a matter of habit.
- I understand.
- I go everywhere with my phone, even to the toilet, so…
- Yes, that’s right. But I still don’t understand one thing.
Did they apply it on the underpants? Or both the underpants and the trousers?
I have contradicting information and can't understand it.
- Makshakov will tell you that for certain.
- Well, they will, but I want to hear it from you.
- I don’t know where it was applied. I’m telling you: we only worked with…
With the underpants, the trousers, we checked the inner parts for spots.
There were no visible spots on the un underpants, at least we didn’t see any.
Same with the trousers, those were thick fleece trousers,
You can’t really see anything on them.
Moreover, both the underpants and the trousers were dark blue.
We looked as we were told didn’t see anything.
- Okay. Understood. Alright.
- Ok, Konstantin Borisovich, thank you very much, I’ll be in touch then.
- Maksim Sergeevich?
- Yes?
- Hello?
- Yes, yes.
- Sorry for this question, but… Is it ok that we talked on a regular phone?
- Well, we didn’t discuss anything special.
This is more of an emergency situation, it’s alright.
I got permission from Bogdanov to call you like this.
- Oh, he allowed it then?
- Yes, yes.
- Alright.
- I’ll be in touch then.
- Good luck, bye.
There. We still don’t know everything, but now we already know quite a lot.
And I, apparently, became the first person in history whose underpants
were discussed at the Security Council of Russia,
or wherever Putin plans his most important operations.
As you can see, everything that I said in the previous video
about the complete degradation of the law enforcement system is confirmed.
Just imagine: evidence of attempted murder kept by the police.
FSB officers come to them, they take this evidence, erase the traces of the crime from them.
Then they give it back. Then they come a second time and do the same. To be sure.
They’re acting like bandits, not government agents.
Look how many people are already involved: from doctors and police officers to the local FSB.
They commit a serious crime on the first order, fabricating evidence.
Because this is not an operation to save the butt of some Kudryavtsev or Tayakin.
They are saving Putin. He came up with all this. Why do you think this is happening?
Well, because… Because… Because!
You and I pressed them against the wall. The evidence is now more than enough.
But I will not present it to the court, I can only present it to the citizens of Russia.
Last time I asked, you helped me a lot with the distribution. So, I ask you once more.
He lies on the “Direct Line”, using all newspapers
and all television in the country to spread his lies.
We can only answer by telling the truth. Take part in this.
Let the whole country ask Putin why there is no investigation.
And finally, I want to once again say a big thank you to the pilots of the plane,
who quickly landed it, and to the doctors who provided me with first aid.
You, friends, are probably watching this video.
Now it is finally clear that Putin and the FSB wanted to kill me, and I survived thanks to you.
Good people doing their duty. Thank you.
There are more good people than villains.
Such pilots and doctors are the pride of Russia, not the Tayakins, Putins and Kudryavtsevs.
And sooner or later, good will triumph over evil.
Subscribe to our channel, we tell the truth here.