Worth Each Penny presents Scary Stories (2022) - full transcript

This film is brought to you by

the Los Angeles
cinefest film festival

the Hollywood
screenings film festival

and the oh scares awards

I see you ready. Already.


Let’s begin then.

Enjoy. Worth each penny.

Hello, everyone.

I’m worth each penny.

My father couldn’t come
today so he sent me.

Like I don’t have nothing
else to do, right?

Like what?

Anyway, don’t get me wrong.

I love my father and I
love my mother, Susan king.

That’s her real name.

I also love my brother.

He is wise, handsome,
and worth each penny.

My family is awesome.

I can’t wait to kill them all.


One day. One day.

I present to y’all
scary stories,

previously selected by
the Los Angeles cinefest

film festival and
the oh scares awards.




Only blood relates us.

The ogress.

The street lights are on.

Do you want this?

Oh yes. Yes you do.

So come and get it.

Come on.

When’s the last time
you drink it huh?

Come on.

Oh, you got one already.

So, never mind unless
you want to get diabetes.

Then, be my guest.

Anyway, now you can watch and decide
which story you like the most.

Enjoy the screening.

Bit of car trouble mate.

Hi. So what’s happened there?

My car’s fickly.

Started smoking about
a mile down the roads.

The whole thing’s just stopped me
when I fucking have to go anywhere.

Had a wee look saying there’s
just smoke pouring out everything.

It stopped new lake.

I cannot fucking do now.

If you need a ride I can take
you to the nearest servo.

Fucking yes.

Done again, I’ve got much to
offer you for your services like.

It’s alright mate.

We’ll think of something.

There’s some music in there
if it’s a bit quiet for you.

Bloody potholes.

With tools are flying
around all over the back.

Give me a sec.

No problem.


Got a leak in the
back rear tyre.

Spares fucked.

Might not make it to the servo.

Alright. Fingers crossed eh?

Might be here for a bit.

Could take a while to
sort out that tyre.

Aye. I reckon you’re bang on.

Can’t even make it that much better
off the road to a fucking tyre eh?

I’m going to use a
little girl’s room.

Now might be a time for
you to take a slash too.

Aye I’ll be right on your tail.

Just going to stretch my legs a wee
bit eh? I can’t fucking feel my knees.

Where are you?
You daft old hag..

You going to help me or what?

We made a pretty
good team back there.

Aye. I suppose so.

What’s wrong mate?

Couldn’t fucking shut you up before and
now you’re giving me the cold shoulder.

Hey, sorry.

I just know I never
met one before.

Another one what?

You can. A killer.

I'm not killer mate.

I'm a fumigator.

Getting rid of
pests one at a time.


We better go and
change that tyre.


Can I eh come with you?

I reckon you're spot on
about us making a good team.

Dunno mate.

Or more like.

Be like eh Bonnie and Clyde.

Paving the road with
bodies behind us.

Become the fucking notorious
backpack of butchers.

I reckon that'd be brilliant.

Fuck it. Why not?

Oh get it up here.

This is the beginning
of something beautiful.

You might be right.

We're going to have
some fun you and me.

Thank you.

Of course.

Order up, Jessica.

Excuse me, ma'am.

Do you have any change?

I know you do.

Yeah. Yeah. Of
course I do. Yeah.

Here, here you are.
Have a good night.

Thank you, ma'am. God bless you.

Hi. Hi. How's your night going?


Oh, you don't need to
worry about that, Jessica.

Oh, well, that makes it easy.

Um, it's going good. I, you know,
just ran into a guy outside.

He asked for some money,
you know how it is.

Oh, I apologize. It's a
real problem around here.

It's no worries at all. I
always like helping him out.

Gave him some money.
You know, $20.

Well, that is very kind of you.

You can go ahead and have a seat.
They'll be starting shortly.

Okay, did you Mark her here?

It was Jessica.

Hi again.

Thank you for being here.

Of course. You know,
I love these things.

Can I see your ID please?

Oh, yeah. Of course.

Sorry. No, it's not.

What's the matter?

Oh, nothing. I just need
to update your information.

We had some issues
in our last video.

Oh, the address on there is old.
I haven't updated it in years.

Okay, look. I'm going
to level with you.

We don't get a ton of people
with your income level.

We have two tonight but they're
more interested in you than anybody.


Try to make an impression
tonight. You know, stand out.

Don't I always. Of
course. Thank you.


You can go ahead and have a
seat. They're almost ready.

I'm so sorry. The bus is late.

Can I see your ID please? Sure.

Okay. Thank you, Andy.

Take a seat. We'll be starting
very soon. Okay, thank you.


Don't I know you? Nope.

I mean I don't I don't think so.

Cuz I swear. I…

Okay. Hey, everyone.

My name is Aaron and I'm going to be
leading the discussion this evening.

First thing I gotta get you to
do is turn those cellphones off.

If you're afraid you can
get an emergency phone call,

you can leave your cellphones at the
front desk and they'll notify you.

Other than that, all
electronics have gotta be off.

Okay, we're good.
Phones are off.

Okay, let's head
back and we'll start.

Alright, good.

Great. Everyone
found their seats?


So, I'll introduce
myself real.

Are we good? Alright, we good?

Yeah. Yeah.


I lead these discussions all around
the United States and the world

and companies hire me to be
a dispassionate listener.

Meaning, it's my job to get
unbiased information for

those companies to use when
creating their new products.

So guys, tonight, I
have no vested interest.

I'm not a cop.

I just want to better
understand your thought

process when purchasing
consumer products.

Make sense?
- Yeah?

Yeah. Great.

Okay. So, let's get to
know you a bit better.

Let's get a conversation
going, shall we?

Let's start by just talking about what we
all do and what brings us together tonight.

Who wants to go first?

I'm cash.

Michelle, right?


Well, it's a great incentive certainly
but that's not the only reason, right?

Matthew, why are
you here tonight?

I'm a student.

You're a student?

Great. Okay. Um and
what are you studying?




Okay. Wait. Anybody in the
room need to be evaluated?

Hey, whoa. Huh?

I'm kidding.


So, being a student
brings you here.

I mean, cash just like she said.

Told you.

Oh, okay. Fantastic.

Great. Um what
about you, Michael?

Is that thing on?

Oh, yeah. We record
all the sessions.

Oh, well, I don't think
I should tell them.

Oh, oh, it's just for
review purposes only. It's

internal. Don't worry,
completely confidential.

Okay, I want a boat.

Oh, that's interesting.
Um, what kind?

Big boat.

Oh, okay. Uh great. A big boat.

Now, let's see.

Uh Jessica, what do
you do for a living?

Uh I'm an attorney.


What firm?

Oh, it's a smaller firm.

Okay, great.

Which one?

I'm a partner. Oh, partner.

Okay, so what brings you here?

Well, honestly, I am here to maybe
field some potential clients.

Anybody here need
legal representation?

I think I might have something for
you. If you take government contract.

Well, a partner is
very impressive.

My mom's a partner. Which firm?

Blair and associates.

Anyway, how many
in your household?

Um my husband and my daughter.

Okay, good. Great.

Well, nice to meet you, Jessica.

Um who else haven't
we heard from tonight?

Uh Andy, what brings
you here tonight?

What? I'm sorry.
I was…I was just

yeah. What do you do?

Um well, I work for a maid
service. We clean houses office.

How much longer is
this going to take?

I mean, can we just get
to the questionnaire

of whatever I work
in the morning?

Well, let's get to it then.

Thank you, Andy. Alright.

Michelle, what is
it that you do?

I'm a waitress.

Hold on a second.

Says here that you work
at the post office.

I used to.

I just started at this
new gig a week ago.

Well it's really important
that you specify.

They're very particular about the
occupations that you have here.

I didn't realize it was
going to be an issue.

Uh one moment everybody.
Give me a sec here.


I'm just trying to place
where I know you from.

Can you help me out?


Have you ever been
to Miller heights?

That's where I live.

I can't say I've
been there before.

Yeah, millionaires only.

Oh. Well, I grew up there.

Okay. How do we not
know each other?

You know, actually. Michelle,

can I have you grab your things
and meet me out here, please?

You've gotta be
fucking kidding me.

Um okay.

Better be getting paid
for this bullshit.

I apologize for that everybody.

They're very particular about the
occupations in regards to the study.

We need unbiased opinions.

let's continue shall we?

Uh now that we all
know each other.

What's the most important
factor to you when

purchasing let's say
an article clothing?

Jessica, we'll start with you.


Oh, I would say quality.

And is price a big
factor for you.

Um, no, that's not
usually a problem for me.

Well, that's a nice
one for you to have.

So, when deciding to purchase a
good, the main thing to consider…

I'm sorry.

Am I the only person
that's hot in here.

Uh, yeah, it is still a little
hot, everybody else warm?

Yeah. Alright, you know, let me
just check on that real quick.

Hey, can we get the ac
turned on over here? I

am in a focus group. It's
like a freaking sauna.

Why do you keep looking
at me like that?

Oh. You don't even
know what's in there.

Okay. Jessica, can you hit me

you don't know me.

No, you don't.

I think I do. No. No.

Yeah. I don't. Just give me a
second. It's on the tip of my tongue.

It. Inter…

inter Lewis. Just right here.

Bad news everyone.

We have no ac tonight. So, it's going
to be a little warmer than we thought

and I apologize for that. Sorry.

Anyway, Jessica, back to you.

What's the last thing that
you've purchased for yourself?


Probably this wallet.

That's a fake.


No, it's how would you know?

Hey. See?

Where did you buy
that? The mall.

Then you didn't check.

You got scammed then.
No, it's not a fake.


Hey, I
told your all phones off.

I'm so sorry. I am I
have to take this. It's

an emergency. I'm sorry.
I'll be right back.

I'll call you back
in a minute, okay?


Are you leaving, Jessica?

Oh, I was just going to

you know that you have to wait
till the end to get the money.

Where's your bathroom? Okay.

Uh oh.

Down that, through
that door, to the left.



Big white bush.


Okay, first off, I'm your brother.
Don't talk to me like that.

What do you need from
me right this minute?

Jessica, I need your rent
tonight. I am getting it now.

Since last month…
I'm getting it. Now.

I dont get it. I
don’t fucking get it.


Things are so fucking
hard right now.

Long day.

You don't belong
in here, Jessica.

I'll see you back in

I bought a new hat.

Jessica, great to have
you back.

Everything alright?

Oh, yeah. Sorry about that.

My my son was acting
up with his tutor.

Okay. Well, glad it
was nothing dire.

Uh your phone? It's off now?

Great. Okay. Alright.

Well, it's good to hear.

Matthew, purchasing habits.

Well, with my non-existent
cash, I just save any way I can.

You know, ramen noodles
and shit like that.

Can I see your ID please?

Yeah. Of course.


Do I know you? Nope.

I am just trying to place
where I know you from.

Particular about
the opportunity.

Okay. Jessica.

Now at your back,
what do you think?

What do I think about what?

Well, we're talking about splurging
on items outside your income.

What are you trying to say?

Well, since you're one of the
high-income respondents in the group,

do you ever hesitate when purchasing
things outside your financial obligations?

Sometimes, I suppose. I don't
know. I'm not made of money.

Okay, I mean.


I got it.

Shut up.

Jessica, I need
you to calm down.

I I've never seen her
before in my life.

Please calm.

Long day?

Just trying to place

To my husband and my daughter.

I'm a waitress. I'm sorry.

Am I the only person that hot in
here? What are you trying to say?

I didn't realize it was
going to be an issue.

I got it.

Shut up. Jessica.

I've never seen her
before in my life.

Jessica. Jessica.

Don't you work at the...

Does anyone have
a couple dollars?


Thank you.

No problem.

It’s an emergency. Okay.

It’s an emergency. Go, fast.

Can I grab my check?

Uh, yeah.




Thank you so much for coming with me.
Yeah, are you sure you're ready for this?

I mean, it was just a couple of days
ago. Someone has to do it, right?


He's suing an ethics paper.

What do you mean?

That's due tomorrow.

Yeah, that’s right.

What? I’m sorry
if I have a life.

No, that’s not what I
meant. I just, you know.

We both know I’m going to end
up copying hers anyway so.


What should I do with
this one? What’s in it?

Uh perfume and stuff.

See if you can find
her black nail Polish.

She never went anywhere
without wearing it.

Your grandma wore
black nail Polish?


Not in this one.

Yeah, she was pretty amazing.

Should my grandma have friends
over for dinner every night?


Thought you said your
grandma was a terrible cook.

Never said terrible.

That’s right. It’s a
vomit-inducing catastrophic.

You sure you’re okay?


Um can you see what’s in
that chest right over there?

That one? Yeah.

Oh, hello.

Listen to this.

The one that reads it through
shall read it without an issue.

If your intent is to renew your
soul red is the path you shall go.

Your blood, flesh and bones shall
be fed with a piece of your own.

Once you’ve started, there is no going back
for your body will only be alive with that.

Empty people for
a powerful soul.

That is the path you’ve
now chosen to go.

Grandma’s poetry sucks.

The principle of morality,
could be reached by a standard

of rationality with our
own minds figuring it out.

He dubbed that a categorical imperative.
It had to be it was imperative.

Ladies, are we bothering you?

Emily, since you seem
to know all of this,

would you enlighten us with the
definition of morality please?

Morality is the
differentiation of intentions,

actions, decisions
between wrong and right.

Okay, on to the next.

Let’s talk about right and wrong.
Who can give me a definition?

That’s defined by your culture.

Yes, in some cases,
you’re exactly right.

Uh ethics refers to rules
defined by an external source.

Whereas morality these
are the internal rules.

Ethically, it is
wrong to kill someone.

We all agree on that, right?

But let’s say, let’s
take it a step further.

Let’s say your government
puts you into war.

You’ve got a gun.

The other guy’s got a gun.

What are you going to do?

That is a moral dilemma
when you come face to face.


Next class, I’d like you to
read chapters one through four

and we’re going to talk about
this more deeply and just for fun,

bring in your own personal
example of a moral dilemma.

Okay? Thank you.
Class dismissed.

So what’s your
big moral dilemma?

I don’t know. What choice?

What happened to like…
oh are you are you okay?

Yeah. I’m going to go to the
bathroom. Can you watch my stuff?

I’m sorry.

We’re sorry. The number
you have dialled is not in…


I don’t get it.

I really am sorry that happened to
you but you can’t change it now.

How is it possible that I did a
ritual without even knowing it?

You read the book and
you put on the pendant.

There’s gotta be another way.
It can’t be that simple. I mean.

There isn’t.

The transition only happens
after you have tasted.

There’s no point in
trying to hide it.

We are the same now.

You can trust me.

What do I do now?

You’re getting
weaker by the day.

You need to eat. I can’t.

You can’t eat what you’re used to. You need
flesh to survive and it has to be fresh.

You’re insane.

Why would anyone
choose this life?

I know this wasn’t your choice
but as I said, you need to eat.

Now, it’s kill or be killed.

You want to go get
something to eat?

I’m not hungry.

Come on, you can pick the place.

I said no.

Jesus, I’m just worried about
you. Why are you attacking me?

Trust me. I’m not.

Yeah, but I don’t.
Just leave me alone.

Now, you’re turning into a real bitch
lately. Not the Emily I used to know.

Emily. Are you okay? I’m just...

Do you want me to
call the nurse?

Are you alright?

No. I’m I’m...

I’m so sorry.

Now arriving downtown…

So you think I’ll like it there?

Yeah. Yeah I think so.

I mean, I hope so.

Haven’t really taken
many people here before.

Who have you taken here?

Just my ex.

So, where is this place anyway?

It’s a surprise.

It’s getting kind of dark.

Do you want to stop again?

Sounds good.

We are just going…

no thanks. I just late.

See you soon.

How long have you guys
had this place for?

Well, my parents have lived all over
the place but this is a vacation home.

They’ve had it for a while.

My sister and I haven’t
visited them for years.

Years? What happened? Do you
guys get in a fight or something?

No, no, of course not.

We just all have our
own lives, I guess.

Billy wait up. For a bit.

Hurry up.


Billy, come here.

Haven’t taken a
dump have you yet?

No look.

What is that?

Holy shit. We need to go.

Sarah, how many this time?

Detective Hayes, I think that
you’re working the cases anymore.

I am, fine. What we got?

One child, male,
approximately 7 months.

Cause of death looks
like strangulation.

The body is in advance decay. I think
it’s been here about four to five weeks.

We found the body.

Some local children.

Anything is the body has the same markings
as the other bodies that have been found.

Alright, finish up here.

Take the body to the
coroner and get it analyzed.

I’ll meet you there.

John, good to see you back.

Come in.

Hi, John.

Uh we’ve got a man
who’s just come in.

He’s reported his wife is missing
and there’s no one else around.

You do me a favor
and take this one.

Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute.

Cheers. He’s in room
two when you’re ready.


I’m detective John Hayes cid.

I’ve been assigned your case.

So, you are David
Hughes, is that correct?


Time is 11:26 pm on June the
ninth two thousand and sixteen.

So, from what I’ve
been made aware,

your wife and missus Anya
Hughes went missing from

your home in Redding last
night, is that correct?


Okay, I need you to tell me everything
that happened starting from the beginning.

I’ve just told the other
police officer everything.

I don’t understand. You
haven’t told me, have you?

Is there any reason you can think
of why Arnie would want to leave?

Any recent argument?


I already told
the other officer.

When I woke up, she
was already gone.

There was no note, all of her
stuff was still in the house.

There was no reason
for her to leave.

Where did you get that bracelet?


sister Claire gave
them to me and my wife.

Said it was like a symbol of
starting a new life or something.

Who’s sister Claire?

Uh she’s a member of
my wife’s congregation.

Liam met about a year ago.

Um they became pretty close.

When’s the last time you were
your wife’s sources declare?

Yesterday, she was over the
house before we went to bed.

Why is she at your house?

About a week ago,
Annie was telling me

she had been hearing things and s eeing
things in the house that weren’t there.

I just thought it was a
bit of stress you know.

We’d only moved into
the house recently.

And this time of year
is it’s difficult for us

about five years ago our
daughter went missing

Had a pretty big
effect on both of us.

Anyway, she called sister
Claire and sister Claire

came over to reassure her
and to bless the house.

What time did sister Claire
arrive at your house?

It must have been
after 10, maybe 10:30.

Yeah, about 10:30.

I let her in, told her
to make herself at home.

And you was upstairs.

She’d been in bed all day.

So I went up stairs to tell
her sister Claire had arrived.

Obviously, it’s been a difficult
time for Annie and well,

I know she’d appreciate
you being here.

Sister Claire.

Is everything alright?

Yes, I was just admiring
your beautiful mirror.

It’s actually a family heirloom.

I believe that originally
belonged to my grandmother.

And you’ve always loved it.

After my my mom passed away last year.
We brought it with us to the new house.

At least you’ll find
somewhere to put it up now.

Well, it’s very beautiful.

My grandmother had a bohemus of a mirror
right in the center of her hallway.


Yeah, she was obsessed with it.

She used to just
stand there reticent.

She used to look past her
reflection as if she was waiting.

Waiting for what?


Thanks for coming.

Honey, my dear, how
are you feeling?

I’ve been better,
not going to lie.

Look, I think we should
now bless the house.

It will put your mind at rest.

I’d like that.

And bless this house oh lord.

Give it your protection
for this couple who are

starting a new chapter of
their lives together here.

May your love bring
happiness and joy.


Thank you for that.

I really appreciate you coming
here and on such short notice.

Of course, my dear.

Well, my work here is done.
I must go. It’s getting late.

Sorry, before you leave.

Can I just check there
wasn’t something here?

I’m sorry.

I just feel more comfortable
knowing I wasn’t crazy.


There is nothing to fear.

The miracle that is inside you
is his instrument for change.

And the world will
be blessed by it.

When you witness it.

Don’t worry my dear.

Everything will
reveal itself in time.

Thank you dear.

I almost forgot.

I made these white
bracelets for you.

They represent a new life.

A new start.

Thank you, sister.

Right, we best be
letting you get on then.


See you Sunday.


Nothing to worry about.

We got each other, yeah?


Like sister Claire said, this
house is a fresh start for us.

I’m going to head up, okay?

Yeah. I’ll switch
everything off.

Is that the last time
you saw your wife?


Look, I don’t even understand
how she could’ve left the house.

The keys were on the hook, all of
the doors and windows were locked.

I checked the entire house.

Do you recognize
any of these people?

Look, I just want
to find my wife.

Do you recognize
any of these people?


Take a closer look.


Sister Claire.

You sure?


You’re absolutely
sure that’s her.

It’s definitely her.

That photo was given
to us 2 years ago.

She’s someone of high interest in
a number of missing person’s cases.


You’re telling me she
isn’t even a real nun.

If that wasn’t the woman
at your house then no.

Her and some others are involved
in a series of copycat killings.

There’s no way. It’s a mistake.

The case has all the
similar aspects to it.

It’s a mistake.

This case has all the
similar aspects to it

but there’s one thing
that does not make sense.

In all the other cases,

it was a child
that been missing.


I’m trying to understand
why your wife has vanished.

She was pregnant.

She was only six or
seven weeks pregnant.

Did sister Claire know?

I’ll be right back, okay?



Where’s my wife?

The ogres.

A fearsome and wicked entity

that serves the darkest of evil

feeding on the
young and innocent

with one single
objective to become human

only that from which is born pure can
this entity enter the realm of man.

One face.

I am the darkness.

The life you have will be mine.

And I will cause suffering.

When the darkness consumes.

Gathers associates, this
is ed, how may I help you?




when are you coming by to
get the rest of your things?

Are you really just
calling me for that?

Look, I need to know.

My sister Angela is
coming by this week and I

don’t want her to see
your stuff in the house.

You’re acting like this
crap’s not a killer.

Could you hold on for a second?

Lucy, look,

I’ll get my stuff when
I get my stuff and

please don’t call me at
work anymore, alright?

Just not the best time.

You know what?

I’m just going to put your
stuff on the front porch, okay?

Goodbye, Lucy.


Hey, look.

I don’t need my desk clean.

I don’t need the windows washed.

I don’t need the trash taken out.
Just leave me the hell alone.

Oh. Did I come at a bad time?

Don, sorry.

What you need dude?


Just checking on
you before I leave.

It’s seven o’clock. Don’t
you have a few more hours?

I told Scott I’ll finish the Peterson
count first thing tomorrow morning.

Let me see.

So who’s flowers?

They are for my mom.

She’s at the hospital, remember?

Oh, right. I am so
sorry. Hey, how is she?


open heart surgery was a success but
she’s currently at the icu right now.

Oh man.

Again, I I am so sorry. Hey, tell
her to get well for me, alright?

Will do.

Oh, I forgot to
tell you something.

So, I have two tickets to the usc versus
clemson basketball game this Friday.

Wanna go?

Sorry, man. I can’t.

But you love the gamecocks.

You wouldn’t miss
it for the world.

Well, I’m going
to miss this one.

I need to get these taxes done by the
end of the week and on top of that,

I mean my divorced
attorney on Friday.

Didn’t I mention this
last night to you?


That’s why you did tell me that.

How’s things between
you and Lucy?

You really want to know?

That bad? I’m really sorry. I wish
there was something I could do.

Don’t worry about it.

Well, I guess some things
are just not meant to be.

You know, it’s funny.

Have you been married to the love
of your life for over four years?

You start to think to
yourself, everything’s alright.

Everything’s perfect.

That is until one day
she walks up to you,

looks you straight in the eyes and
says, I don’t love you anymore.

That’s when it clicks.

She’s seeing someone.

Do you have a place to stay?


if you need somebody to
talk to, just let me know.

Look, I appreciate what you’re trying
to do but I I don’t need your help, man.

Just I want to get the
shit done and over with.


I gotta get going.

I’ll see you tomorrow.

Yeah, you take care.

Long night, huh?

You don’t have to say anything.

I can tell by the look
of your eyes, son.

Working nearly 80 hours a week tired,
frustrated by your boss and colleagues?

Going home every
night expecting dinner

complaining over small things that get your
wife irritated and started a big argument.

You’re the real mvp.

What the hell are you
even talking about?

First off, you’re the
janitor, not my therapist.

Do you even know me?

I don’t need to.

I’ve seen it all happen before.

Yeah right.

You need to be careful my son.

Oh, of what?


A wise man once said,

a relationship is like a house.

If a light bulb burns out,

you don’t go out and
get another house.

You fix the light.

Otherwise, you’ll
be in the dark.

Remember that.

Yeah sure.

Well, there’s my stop.

You have a good
evening, mister mccray.

I’ll be seeing you again.

Hi. This is Lucy.

I am unavailable to take
your call right now.

But if you leave a message, I
will get back as soon as I can.

Love you. Mean it.
- Hey, Lucy. It’s ed.

Just calling to let you know I’m coming
by to get my stuff like said so yeah.

I’ll see you.

Lucy, you there?

Here to get my stuff.




whoever’s in this
house, I swear to god.


Who the hell are you?

Appearances can be deceiving.

I told you I’d be
seeing you again.

I’m so sorry.

I’m so sorry.

I didn’t mean…

I’m so sorry.

I’m so sorry.

What’s up, man? What’s up?


this is where all
the shit went down.

Yep. This is their house.

Was their house.

The man went mentally insane.

He shot his wife,

the dude she was sleeping with,

and killed himself.


Here you hear me?

That’s crazy, man.

I know right.

Come on. Street
lights are coming up.


Can you help?

I am trapped in here.

Now. You'll be in the dark

uh hey guys.

Like do you me to say for
anything or like what?

Nope. That’s it for today.

Oh I thought you wanted
me to say something at

the end of the compilation
or in between shorts.

I prepared some lines. I.

Nope. That’s it.
It’s a wrap hahaha.

Ah. Finally.

I was dying in that mask. Ugh.

Okay. Well, see you next time.

I'm so sorry...

Has is she?

I am trapped in here.

Now. You'll be in the dark