Woman of Desire (1994) - full transcript

A yacht captain, Jack Lynch, is accused of murdering his boss and raping the victim's wife, Christina Ford. Nothing is how it first appears. Jack seeks the help of veteran attorney Walter J. Hill to help prove his innocence.

[thunder rumbling]

[waves crashing]

[brakes screeching]

[woman talking indistinctly
over police radio]

[thunder rumbles]

He's alive. Come on.
Let's get him back on the beach.

[radio chatter continues]

He's breathing.


[officer] Okay. Turn him around.

Easy now.
I'll cover him up.

-Get another blanket.

[officer] Fine.

-[speaks indistinctly]
-I'll radio the station.

-[man] Man over...
-[officer] What did he say?

-He fell overboard.
-[officer 2] He fell overboard.

-What's your name?

This is Landis. Come in.

-[coughs, speaks indistinctly]
-Who fell overboard?

Who are you, son?

We couldn't find
him in the storm.

Put me through
to Detective Stone.

Who fell overboard?
What was his name?


[thunder rumbling]

Please, Christina!

Ashby? You don't think he means
one of Ashby brothers, do you?

Ashby... [coughs]

[screaming] Christina!

Cristina. [coughs]

[wind blowing]

[thunder rumbles]

[officer] Better get him
down to the station

and have a doctor check him out.

Lieutenant Stone's not there.

There's some emergency
at the hospital.

Take him. Let's go.

Okay, let's get him
to the police station.

Come on,
we're gonna get soaked.

Hurry up.

[Stone] So the only
other people on board

were Ted Ashby
and this captain named Lynch.

And you say the yacht
was about a half mile off shore.

[camera clicks]

-No. Please, stop.
-That'll be all, miss.

Thank you for your statement.

I know how difficult
this can be.

You get some rest now,

and we'll notify
the next of kin.

Okay. We'll put your personal
belongings in here.

They'll be safe.

[ominous music playing]

Oh, it is you, all right!

See, I read the society page
all the time.

I'm sorry,
but what happens now?

-Is the doctor coming to see me?
-Oh. Um...

I'm just gonna take a report.

The doctor should be back
in a few minutes.

He had to run down
to the police station.

-I'm just so cold.
-Oh. Um...

-here's a blanket.
-Thank you.

[nurse] I must say
you're a very strong woman

to have survived such an ordeal.

Okay. We'll let's just
take this report quickly.

[Stone] The doctor says
you're gonna be just fine.

[Jack] Yeah? Lieutenant, uh...
can I get a cigarette from you?

You got enough bad habits, Jack.

[Jack] What are
you talking about?

You know what I think
the two most overrated things

in the whole wide world are?

White folks' barbecue

and one-night stands
away from home.

Oh, do we have to listen
to this again?

See, they're just mad
at me 'cause I won't give them

my secret recipe
for love or barbecue.

And I ain't giving it
to you either.

But how about you tell us
about your recipe, Jack?

My recipe? I...

I don't know what
you're talking about.

-Is that right?
-Yeah. I...

Well, maybe we can help refresh
that failing memory of yours.

[Stone] Now, how long were you
with the Ashby brothers, Jack?

[suspenseful music playing]

I'm sorry.
I didn't know you were here.


It's my brother.
Wanna join us?

For old times' sake.

Your guests are waiting.
It's rude to be late, you know.

Well, fuck 'em.
You entertain them.

I'm busy,
or haven't you noticed?

If it's all the same to you,
I won't be staying.

All work and no play
makes Jonathan a dull boy.

But a very rich boy,
isn't that right, John?

Isn't it?

[ominous music playing]

[clears throat]

-Boozing again, bro?
-Don't disappoint us.

-It's good to have you on board.
-Listen, Ted,

I have to be going now.

I'll catch up with you
on the island.

After all, two's a company,
three's a crowd.

I'll take the morning flight.

Maybe you'll surprise me
and be on time for a change.

Well, look who's here.

Let me introduce
my new captain, Jack Lynch.

I had to fire the old one
for insubordination.

You know how I like people
who do what they're told.

Stop playing games.

-[Ted] Ooh. Temper. Temper.
-[Jonathan] Grow up, Teddy.

What are you waiting for?
Party's on deck.

[suspenseful music playing]

[Stone] Now,
why don't you tell me

what happened
on that yacht last night?

Uh, there was--
well, there was a storm and--

Yeah, we know all that.
What else is going on out there?

We already have confirmation
that the rest of the crew

was on shore,
leaving only you on board.

Now, our friends in the Coast
Guard we're lucky enough

to find your employer's yacht
drifting out to sea.

They sent us these pictures.
Now, I have a sworn statement

giving me
a very interesting version

of what happened on that boat.

-Statement by who?
-[Stone] A young lady.

She says you shot her boyfriend,
threw his body overboard,

then went down to her cabin
and raped her.


Well, I... [scoffs]
I didn't shoot anybody

and I sure as hell
didn't rape Christina.

I didn't mention
the young lady's name.

But I do have
a nurse's report that says

she had sexual intercourse
within the last 12 hours.

And according to your statement,

Mr. Ashby went overboard
the night before.

Now, who she have sex with,
Jack, if it weren't with you?

There wasn't anybody else
on board, was there?

Listen, I can't think
straight right now.

[Stone] In fact, you forgot
to tell the boys here

that Ms. Ford
was on board at all.

Well, she was on board. I-I...

I'm a little confused right now.
She, uh-- Okay.

I didn't say she was on board
but she was on board.

She was there.
What are you guys getting at?

Hey, you see what I mean, Jack?

It's like my barbecue mix.
It's one big mystery.

It took the whole night
and most of the next day

to get back to port,
then we ran the reef.

Now, you see my problem, Jack?

Unless you're telling me
that while you were struggling

to bring the boat back to port,
she jumped back in the water,

swam out there to give him
one last goodbye piece of ass,

then swim back to the yacht
to be with the man

she says kill him...

[man] I'd say that's
one hell of a nice girl.

[Stone] You got that right.

You know I met the father,

the seedy Mr. Ashby, one time?

[man] I'm sure
you wouldn't remember,

but I actually met you
and your brother, Ted,

during the island carnival
last year.

I was supposed to meet
my brother on his yacht.

We were flying out tomorrow.

How could something
like this have happened?

I'm very sorry, Mr. Ashby.

Who's the prosecutor out here?

That would be
Mr. Wendell Huston.

-Is he any good?
-Well, I'd say this case

is so cut and dry
I could handle it myself.

Well, I applaud your enthusiasm,

but I intend on seeing
that my family's best interests

are served, you see?

Oh, why, of course.

Thank you.

Sorry to tell you, Jack.

I'm afraid
I'm putting you under arrest

for suspicion of murder
and rape.

You're gonna have
to get a lawyer.

I don't think so. [chuckles]

[suspenseful music playing]

Let's see what we got here.

A good sailor
washes up on shore,

beautiful socialite say she
been beaten and raped by him,

and a Coast Guard
finds a yacht

minus one multi-millionaire.

Hope you don't think this is
a big game we're playing here.

This lady's laying some
serious charges on you, Jack.

So, uh,
what about the gun?

What'd you do with that?
Just toss it overboard?

Listen, I don't give a shit
if you believe me or not,

but what happened was a big
swell hit the side of the boat,

the starboard side.

I went to the wheel
to see what was wrong,

She yelled and said
that he fell overboard.

It was an accident, all right?
That's what fucking happened.

Was that before
or after you raped her?

I didn't rape her.

But there was no one else
on board, right?


Yeah, that's right...

Sorry, Jack. That don't cut it.

I bet you know the drill
as well as I do,

so make yourself comfortable.

You boys see to it
Mr. Lynch here

gets photographed,
fingerprinted, and tucked in.

Let's go get some lunch.

[man] Hey, come on,
give me a break.

She's one of
America's top models,

you think she's gonna be shy
about one photo?

If you don't back off,

we'll have you all
out of the building.

-[journalists clamoring]
-I said that's enough!

-Now back off. That means you!
-[journalists clamoring]

You can't leave.

There's gonna be
a preliminary hearing.

Now, if it makes you
feel better,

I'll move you to a hotel.

But what more can I do?

I've already told them

We have responsibilities.

We want to assist
the authorities

in every way possible.

Well, why can't you
handle everything?

I will, but you're
the only eyewitness.

[seagulls squawking]

[man] Lieutenant Stone?

I've videotaped
all the damage topside,

so I guess I'm finished?

But on the other hand,
you find anything interesting...

Damn... They got
a regular gift shop here.

You mind telling me
how you white folks

hit your rocks off
with all this stuff?

Hey, don't knock it
till you try it.

Yeah. I read about
this type of thing once.

Rich people like the Ashby's.

Got to find new ways

-to get their kicks.
-Is that a fact?

Well, maybe you'd be
better off doing

less reading and more working.

Before you start thinking

about getting
some strange kicks of your own.

Ugh, you guys are like kids
in a candy store.

Exhibit A.

[seagull squawking]

[Stone] Now, I'm no sailor,

but didn't she say
Ashby went off the stern?

This is where the murder
was supposed to take place,


-What do you mean "supposedly"?
-I don't know.

Just a gut feeling I have.

Being at the back
of the boat here,

I was wondering
who was at the wheel

during the storm?

The young lady says
she was down in the cabin.

Lynch and Mr. Ashby
were fighting.

Now, how do you figure a yacht

could just drift out
into the sea

when it's anchored offshore?

And since both survivors
claim they swam to shore,

who took the dinghy?

[man] That's a good question.

Hey. Hey.
I think I found something.

Take a look at this.

Now, how many times
have I told you guys

not to touch evidence?
You professionals or what?

Norman, you surprise me.
You, of all people...

What exactly happened
aboard that beautiful yacht?

[Walter] Elizabeth?

Can you hear me?

...suspect in custody
at this very moment.

Where the hell are the rest
of my fishing lures?

How many times
do you have to tell people

not to mess
with my fishing gear?

[news reporter]
...vast Ashby fortune.

-Their extravagant lifestyles...-[Elizabeth] Grandpa,

there's a call
from the police station.

Somebody who says
he knows you.

Honey, do me a favor.
Tell him I'm out of town.

I already told him
you were here.

-You can pick up that one...
-[Walter groans]

...and I'll hang up
the kitchen phone.

Yeah, this is Hill.
What can I do for you?

[news reporter] ...this tragedy
One brother is missing...

[Walter] Jack?

Jack Lynch, my friend,

how's the charter boat
business treating you?

Go where?

[dog barking]

[Jack] Look, Walter, all I know
is I wake up on the beach

with a mouthful of sand,
and the next thing I know,

they're accusing me
of rape and murder.

-But I swear to God--
-No. No.

Let's leave his name out of it
for the time being.

The police said
you can't remember anything

about that fateful night.

Told you,
I got whacked in the head.

I'm afraid
that won't hold up for a judge.

Listen, Walter,
why would I rape someone

that I've been sleeping with
for about four months?

-Is that a fact?

Her and Ashby,
see, they, uh...

well, let's put this way,
they weren't exactly

exclusive to each other.
You know what I mean?

This was an ongoing affair,
sort of?

Yeah, you might call it that.

-Did Ashby know about it?
-I don't know. I don't care.

I mean, he must have figured
something was going on?

Did you and he ever have
a confrontation about it?


But he was acting a little
strange the other night.

The night he "accidentally"
fell off the boat?

Hey, Walter, there was a storm
and that cat was drinking.

So... you and this young lady

had been carrying on,

and now she accuses you
of murder and rape

Why the sudden change
on her part?

I don't know.
But I can tell you this.

We were gonna take off
together, you know.

I mean, I'd have done
anything for her.

-Even kill somebody?

Haven't you ever felt
that way about a woman?

They're all something special.

Some more than others.

Look, I'm gonna do
the best I can for you,

but I sure hope that memory
of yours returns along the way.

[seagulls squawking]


[Ted groans] Hot...


I swear this boat is gonna
kill me one of these days.


Too much work and no play
make Jack a dull, dull boy.

I'm no good
with this mechanical stuff.

Look at me.
Can you believe this?

This is what I hired you for,
to do the dirty work.


I'm a captain, not a mechanic.

Well, when there's two guys
on the boat

there's only room
for one captain.

Or did you think
you were gonna stand around

and salute the guest?

I never learned
how to salute anyway.

Hey, lover.

Come on. I got an itch
I need you to scratch.

Do it yourself.

[Ted] Watch, Jack. Watch.
She's like a shark.


[Walter] So now she's
accusing you of rape and murder.

Why a sudden change on her part?

I don't know.

The police say that you've got

quite a reputation
as a ladies' man.

Yeah, well,
got to have a bad habit,

that ain't such
a bad habit to have, huh?

So it seems, in your case.

[Huston] I hope
Mrs. Ford's feeling better.

And I can't tell you
how excited I am

to be working
for the Ashby family.

-Morning, Lola.
-[Jonathan] I appreciate that.

Now, would you mind bringing
me up to date on the case?

The overalls pretty
much lock it up.

-The what?
-The overalls.

Yeah. They found
the suspect's overalls

covered with your
brother's blood.

So there's sufficient reason
to believe

that there was violence

Oh, absolutely.

This should interest you.

The police just gave us
these photos.

They were taken when Ms. Ward
first arrived at the hospital.

She'd been beaten up
pretty badly,

and the tests show there were
signs of sexual intercourse.

I think we have an airtight
case here, Mr. Ashby.

Murder, rape,

not to mention kidnapping
and hijacking.

And what is being done
about trying to find

my brother's body?

[Huston] Coast Guard's on it,

as well
as the local authorities.

Everybody wants
to get in the act.

Let me assure you, Mr. Huston,
that my family and I

have no intentions
getting into anyone's act.

Now, if this Mr. Lynch
is responsible,

I intend on seeing
that he is held accountable

to the full extent of the law.

Now, who is representing
the defendant?

Oh, he's a local attorney,
Walter J. Hill.

He's semi-retired. It shouldn't
be a problem really.


Well, then may I suggest

you find out everything
you can about him,

personal, professional,

I just want to know
what I'm up against.

Have a nice day.

See you tonight.
Dinner, eight o'clock.

-[indistinct chatter]
-[hip-hop playing on stereo]

About this murder trial,

there's several possibilities.

One, of course,
is you didn't do it.

Two, it was self-defense
and justifiable homicide,

and, three, it was an accident.

What, do you want me
to cop a plea?

Unless you can discredit
the only eyewitness.

Whose side are you on?

-You've got to get a defense.

They don't even have a body.

They don't even have
a murder weapon.

How are they gonna get
a conviction with that?

Look, two men,
one woman on a yacht.

-[keys rattling]
-One man comes back.

Believe me,
it's her word against yours.

[indistinct chatter]

-So, Walter, is that it?
-[gate locks]


-Do I stand a chance, or, uh...
-[Walter] We'll see.

Oh. One last thing.

Why did Ashby tell you
to head back to the mainland

if he knew a storm
was coming up?

He didn't. Christina did.

[Walter] I'll get back to you
in a couple of days.

[bell ringing]

[insects chirping]

[classical music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

-[clears throat] Hello.

Do they always stare like this
or is it just me?

I don't think they would
like it themselves.

I understand that.

You know, you never think

something like this
will happen to you and...

I want us to do our best
to keep the focus

off past history.

I don't want any unnecessary
publicity concerning my brother.

Now, what did you find out
about this attorney?

[Huston] Well, it's not
exactly what I thought.

Harvard Law,

partner in a major
law firm for 23 years,

past president in ACLU.

In short, Mr. Ashby,
we don't have a pushover here.

What I think we need to do
to prepare for this case--

I see.

Now, Christina,

Mr. Huston here will help you
in preparing answers

to some of the questions
that might arise.

Mr. Huston, I want to be sure
that there's no probing around

for skeletons
in the family closet.

You understand?

[electrical crackling]

-[Walter grunts]
-[doctor] Rodent ulcer

meets death by electrocution.

Just about through here.

That's why they finally came up
with lethal injections.

A hell of a lot more humane
than what you're doing here.

[chuckles] Skin cancer is
not a pretty sight, my friend.

You got to get underneath it
and burn it up

before it spreads.

Well, we're all finished now.

How long are you staying
in town for?

You wanna grab some lunch?

No, I got some business
to take care of

-then I have to get back.
-Oh, that's too bad.

Er, you'll join me
in a drink though.

Easy now. I've got a lot
of work yet to do.

So come on then.
Let's hear it.

Well, I've taken on
a new client.

At your age, that's the best
thing that could happen to you.

-Nice choice of words.
-[doctor] Okay, our age.

I take it you've heard
about the Ashby case?

That's all everybody's
talking about.

In fact, I remember reading
somewhere here

about the girlfriend.

-Oh, here it is.
-Oh, let me see that.

[doctor] I knew their father.

We belong to same club.

Yeah, real Cain
and Abel story, those two.

Good seed and bad seed.

I didn't know the boys
particularly well.

It's just that Ted was usually
in some kind of trouble

due to his behavior.

His lifestyle tended
towards debauchery.

He inherited
half the family fortune

and seemed hell-bent
on spending it all

as fast as possible.

-And the girlfriend?
-[doctor chuckles] Oh-ho...

A real culture vulture,
that one.

Rumor has it that she used to do
a little more than workout

with the club trainer.
If you know what I mean.

[truck horn honking]

[Stone] Three kings over a pair.
I win.

-[man] Ah, you got the kings.
-[Stone] Yup. Save your money.

-[man] Beats me.
-[Stone] Hey, Jack.

How you doing?
We got a little card game going.

-You want in?

[Stone] Deal this man in.

All right.
Sit here, Jack.

I'm a little low on cash.

We'll lend you some cash.
That's cool.

Yeah, we're just waiting
for your lawyer

to get down here, Jack.

-Why? What's going on?
-Got some bad news for you.

Looks like your overalls
got Mr. Ashby's blood

all over them.

That's because he was
wearing them

one time
when he cut himself.

[Stone] Hey, starting
to get your memory back.

All right.

No, he-- he was, uh-- He was
working in the engine room

and, uh, he was wearing
my overalls that day.

He was putzing
around down there.

Never knew what the hell
he was doing. [chuckles]

I thought that's
what he hired you for.

[chuckles] No, he hired me
to treat me like a dog.

Is that right?
Well, what happened then?

What happened?
Well, I heard some yelling,

went down,
saw that he was bleeding.

He cut his left leg and--
so I took off to look

for some bandages

and, uh, couldn't find any
on the boat.

By the time I got back
down the engine room,

he had taken the overalls off
and wrapped them around his leg

to stop the bleeding.

And what was the girlfriend
doing all this time?

You got me.
She wasn't there.

Is that right?

So he just popped off
to sleep, right?

No hospital, no stitches,
no nothing?


And he went back to his cabin
and I...

-I didn't follow him.
-[Stone] Well, what did you do?

I stayed and cleaned
the engine room.

So you cleaned up,
and he took these overalls

with your name on them down to
his cabin where we found them.

[Walter] Maybe he did
and maybe he didn't.

Hey, Walter, I heard
he put a call in to you.

Whew! Don't you fellows believe
in air-conditioning?

[Stone] How you doing?

[Walter] Good to see
you again, Lewis.

Judge Parker
has been kind enough

to release the young man
in my custody temporarily,

and he's waiving bail
until the outcome

of this preliminary hearing.

Nice hand, Jack.

We'll be seeing
you again real soon.

[Walter] Come on, kid.
My car is outside.

[Stone] Okay.
We'll start a new game.

[car engine rumbling]

[indistinct chatter]

-Would you please?
-Okay, okay!

All right. I've got to go over
to the mainland

for some business.

I'll be back in time
for the hearing, all right?

-You have to now?
-Yes. Yes, I have to.

I don't want you
to leave me alone.

Christina, you'll be fine.
Just stay in your room.

This will be over soon,
I promise.

The door, please.

-[indistinct chatter]
-[carnival music playing]

[Walter] I've got to go
pick up some sunblock.

You wait here.

Well, they're all fine.

Everyone's been put back
into working condition.

There's film in most of them.

You can actually go out
and take photographs with them.

[Christina] Do they work
or are they just for decoration?

[man] Both decoration and use.

-Hi, Ms. Ford.

Can I please
have your autograph?

Well, sure.

-There you go.
-Thank you.

[Christina] You're welcome.

[gasps] Oh, you startled me.

Uh, ma'am, I saw you
from across the street.

Uh, I just wanted to check
and see if everything is okay.

Uh, it might be best
if I just stay close,

uh, in case any
of the locals bother you.

They're not used
to having celebrities

like yourself around.

Aren't you nice?
What was your name?

[Norman] Officer Landis.

[Walter] What was going
through your head, kid?

Our agreement was
we played by the rules

or not at all, remember?

That was the deal.

Just trying to find out
why she's lying, Walter.

Somebody's putting
her up to this.

[Walter] Why the hell
are you so sure she needs help?

Look, I'm not feeling too well.

It's gonna take every
bit of strength

that I've got to save your butt,

but don't you go
and sandbag me, boy.

I'm dropping you off
at the house.

You leave there
and we're through, understand?


[Christina shivers]

It's freezing down there.

I had a dream about us.

I was naked, and pure white
snow was falling on me.

Everything was so clean.

Do you ever have
dreams like that?

No, I don't.
I don't dream very much.


You should use your imagination.

Don't you ever want to do
something special

with your life?

Like what?

[Christina] Look around you,
Jack, life's a banquet.

Most people
are starving to death.

Maybe I'm not as hungry
as most people.

[Christina] You and I
are a lot alike, you know?

We've seen enough to know
what's out there

and we're strong enough
to get it.

Sometimes I feel so trapped.
I wish I could get free.

-You understand?
-[Ted clears throat]

What are you doing out here,
my love?

I couldn't sleep.
It's too cold down there.

It's freezing.

Believe this shit?

You wouldn't have a pot
to piss in if it wasn't for me.

Come on.
Get back downstairs.


And you,
I'm watching you, Captain.

Why don't you go get yourself
a drink or a tranquilizer?

Why don't I?

If he so much as lays
a hand on you,

I'll kill him.

And what if I put a hand on him,
are you going to kill me too?

Hmm? Are you?

Hmm... I'm tired. Going to bed.

[Christina] I have to go now.
Sweet dreams, Jack.

Come on.

Come on, let's go to bed.

Are you listening to me?

[truck horn blaring]

Yeah. I understand.

Fuck. Fuck it. Forget it.

I've had it.

[indistinct chatter]

Hi. I wonder who she got
caught sleeping with

this time, huh?

-Sure is a popular girl.

[man] This latest breaking news.

We've just received news
that Jack Lynch,

the chief suspect
in the Ashby case

has been released into the custody of W. J. Hill,

a prominent local attorney.

Next up,
our special preview

of the carnival week
celebration continues.

[birds chirping]

[woman chuckles]
Yeah, so then he said

that we would go if it
was all right with my parents.

Sorry to keep you
waiting, Mr. Hill.

You wanted to hear
about Christina Ford?

Well, I can assure you
of one thing,

I wasn't her only, uh...
shall we say, friend?

Oh, I can assure you
of that myself.

But what I'm looking for
is a sense of who the woman is.

I mean, what's she like?

Sexy. Very sexy.
She just loves sex.

But then again, who doesn't?

Now don't get me wrong.
I mean, she's a nice girl.

The way she kept trying to
improve herself and everything.

But, you know, the Ashby family,
they were--

They're kind of weird
in their own right.

I mean, Ted slept with anything.
He always did.

It's funny, because I thought
she'd end up with the brother.

What's his name? Jonathan?

From what I heard, he was
the one who had a thing for her.

Yes, I've heard reports
of that effect myself.

What else can you tell me?

[birds squawking]

What are you doing out here?

Found a dead bird
so I buried it.

Bet you never knew there was
a kind of bird that didn't...

didn't have no legs.

Nope, no legs.

So it has to live
it's whole life

on its wings in the sky.


It's true. It is.

It's small. It's about...

about the size
of your baby finger.

Doesn't weigh much more
than a feather.

Its wings they're...

they're, uh...

they're transparent
so you can't see them. They...

blends right into the sky,
and that's why the hawks,

they can't catch them.

Even sleeps on the wind.
It does.

And it only lands one time.

That's to die.

[Christina] Jack,
I fantasize about us.

Do you like to play games?


Would you like to play
a game with me?


I like to play bad.

This yours?


Really beautiful.

Yeah, she is, isn't she?

Got classic American lines.

Right down to the fuel tank.

That's the exhaust.

King, queen, step, seats.

It's got a lot of chrome.

It's got acres
and acres of chrome.

Chromed engine.

She's the smoothest, quietest...

most reliable ride
I've ever had.

Do you love to ride?

[Jack] Hmm. Yes.


She's a custom renegade
love machine.

[engine revving]


[dramatic music playing]


I'd do anything for you.

Will you do anything for me?

Jack? Are you all right?

[seagulls squawking]

That bird was as free
as the wind.

Never got corrupted by...


...landing in the wrong place
at the wrong time.

Kinda like you?


No, I didn't land.

I was shot right out of the sky.

-[water fountain gushing]
-[tennis balls bouncing]

[indistinct chatter, laughter]

Excuse me, sir.
This is a members-only club.

Yeah, so I've been told.

I'd like to ask you
a few questions about a member.

Ted Ashby.

[sighs] Look, uh, this isn't
the time or the place.

And not to mention,
it's the policy of the club

neither to discuss
or fraternize with members

-or their guests.
-Mr. Walter Hill,

I'm Jonathan Ashby,
pleased to meet you.

[Walter] Pleased to meet you.

[waiter] Is there anything
I can get for you, Mr. Ashby?

-Uh, you could bring me

-a scotch and water.
-[waiter] Yes, sir.

I sincerely hope
I'm not imposing, sir.

But it's come to my attention
that you're defending

the suspect
of my brother's murder.

It has not yet been determined
that your brother

-in fact was murdered.
-Of course.

Nevertheless, I'm surprised
that an attorney of your stature

and your reputation
would get involved

-in such a case.
-Now you are imposing.

For the record,
let's just say I'm doing it

to help out a friend in need.

What exactly
are your intentions?

If you don't mind me asking.

-I do mind.
-I see.

[Walter] And since
you're in such a mood

to discuss, uh,
confidential information,

perhaps you'd like to tell me
a little about Ms. Ford?

There have been rumors around.

[waiter] Will you be
staying for lunch?

What? No, I'm afraid
I'm late for an appointment.

Do you mind my asking,

where were you
on the night of the incident?

Well, my brother had asked me
to meet him at the island.

Unfortunately he never
made it back, you know.

Now, if you will excuse me.
Have a nice day, Mr. Hill.

Will you be staying
for lunch, sir?

No, no.

Thanks for all the time,
but just like you said,

a members-only club and...

having heard about some
of the social activities,

I don't think I'd like to join.

[waves crashing]

[Jack] This is one hell
of a place you got here, Walter.

You know what I love about it?

The quiet, nurturing
surroundings here.

Whatever happened to this
charter boat business of yours?

It's-- I just missed
a couple payments

and the bank
took it away from me.

So you had
money problems as well, huh?

And Ms. Ford,

did you know that she had other
boyfriends besides yourself?

Nope. Never asked.
Why? Were there many?

Well, none with reason
to kill Mr. Ashby.

why do you always make it sound

as though you think I'm guilty?

It is the prosecutor's job
to prove that you did it,

it's my job
to show a reasonable doubt

that you didn't.
I don't pass judgments.

Now, tell me.
You love this girl

or was there
a financial interest?



let's just say
I've seen enough bullshit,

poverty and low life
to last me a million years.

I'll bet.

But either one
is motivation for the crime.

Tough, ain't it?

You're damned if you do
and damned if you don't.

I think it's about time we got
down to some specifics here.

-Want a cup of coffee?
-[Jack] No thanks.

[Walter] Maybe we better start
at the beginning again.


I guess
what it comes down to is...

the haves and the have-nots,
you know what I mean?

And, uh...

I just, uh...

[Walter] You want
to spell it out for me?

I just want a break,
that's all I want.

I just want a break, I want--

I want my shot
at the brass ring.

There's a lot more at stake here
than being broke.

You're looking at a murder rap.

Well, fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all.

I didn't do a goddamn thing.

Jack, you promised,

you said
you'd do anything for me.

Tell me your secrets, Jack.

[Jack] You shouldn't
do this, Christina.

Tell me your secrets, Jack.

You told me
you'd do anything for me.

-You promised.

[Christina] What? Tell me.

One time...

a guy tried to kill me.


He found some pictures of me.

What kind of pictures?

With his wife.

That can be fun.


What happened?

[Jack] He came after me
with a gun.

Then I...

I... I took the gun
away from him


I shot him.

And I shot him and I shot him.

[knocking at door]

[Ted] Jack?

Captain Jack?

-[Ted] Yeah, it's me.

I thought you said
he was out of town?

[Ted] Oh, Jack.

Come on. Time to go.

Thank you.

-What is this?

You're ready, aren't you?
Oh, boy. Oh, boy.

Yeah, I got a message
to meet you down here.

We're sailing in two hours,

-[Jack] Yeah.
-[Ted] Today.

-[Jack] Yes.
-This wasn't on your resume.

Let's go-- Oh, boy.

Drinking, too, and--
Oh, and making movies, I guess.

Look at this.
A little home movie.

A little--
a little movie about you?

-No, that's...
-You in a towel?

[laughs] It doesn't work.

-I'm trying to fix it.
-[Ted] You're fucked up, Jack.

Now, look. Get in the shower,
take a good, cold shower.

I'm gonna be here,
I'll wait for you,

and I'll take you to the boat
and we'll go sailing today.


Maybe we'll even
bring the camera.

Now, now, now,
come on, come on, come on.

Come on. Come on.
You explain later how-- yeah.

How do you work this thing?

I can never figure out
these mechanical jobs.

Can't work this mechanical shit.

Don't worry, I'll figure it out.

Fuck. Fuck.

Oop. Don't mind if I break it.

Jack, I'll tell you what...

[Jack] What are you doing?

...and then I'm gonna go
sailing by myself.

Jack, you said you like
to play games.

Listen, your jet-set friends

take pretty good care
of themselves,

so, uh,
let's just cut the bullshit

get back to what happened
on the boat that night.

All I wanna know
is if I get through this hearing

-do I stand a chance?
-Anything's possible.

One thing sticks in my mind.
If you're telling the truth,

and you didn't beat her up,
then who did?

Well, I swear to you,
I never hit her.

[Walter] Even her statement said
that he was killed

the night before you were found.

Oh, God. You have to leave.

I warned you
about playing games with me.

[Walter] That would indicate
that someone else was involved.

Say Ashby died accidentally
while she was with you,

why wouldn't she come forward
with the truth?

Cheating on your boyfriend
is not exactly

a capital offense, you know?

So somebody's
putting her up to it.

[thunder rumbling]

The radio's out.

[Walter] Why is she lying?

Oh, I don't know,
maybe it's the money.

That's why she wanna marry Ashby
in the first place.

[Walter] No, no. I don't think
she's the type of girl

that Ashby would marry.
Keep, maybe.

Well, you see, they had, uh...

[thunder rumbling]

-We can outrun this storm.
-[engine starts]

They had this arrangement.

[Walter] But
the recurring question remains,

why is she trying so hard
to nail you?

-[reporter] This is TNN...
-[indistinct chatter]

[reporter 2] Ms. Ford, Ms. Ford,
can we have a word with you?

Did you actually see
the suspect shoot?

[woman] How many times
did he rape you?

[Ted] Do not answer
any questions.

[reporter] What about the, uh,
rumors regarding Mr. Ashby?

Please, get out of my way!

Could you get
these cameras out?

I'm warning you, get out.

Don't worry, Ms. Ford,
I won't let them hurt you.

Mr. Ashby, what about
a statement from you?

This has been
a very difficult time

for the Ashby family.

We only hope
that justice will be served.

-That's all I can say right now.
-Thank you.

[crickets chirping]

[indistinct chatter]

Excuse me, sir.

[knocks on door]

-[Jack] Room service.
-It's about time.


Surprised to see me, baby?


Don't worry, baby,
I won't hurt you.

I just wanna ask you
a few questions.

-Why are you lying?

No, no, no, you said
we were in this together, baby.


-Didn't you say that?
-[Christina] Uh-huh.

Then why did you tell them
I raped you?

You left me on the boat.

You told them I killed him. Why?

[Christina mumbles]

[knocking at door]

[man] Room service.

Just leave it.

Look, you're crazy
for coming here.

You don't understand anything.

It's Jonathan, he's crazy.
He thinks he's in love with me.

I have to lead him on or he'd
never let us be together.

Just wait until the trial,

I'll tell them everything.
I promise.

Look, they can't convict you
unless they find a body.

Come on, Jack.

Take the gun, use it on me
if you don't believe me.

Come on, Jack.
I need you on this

I can't do this all by myself.

It's just like we planned.

We'll go away together,
I've already got the tickets.

[seagulls squawking]

[Walter] Well, I was hoping
to find something,

but this is more
than I expected.

-Can I help you?
[Walter] I'm Walter J. Hill,

Jack Lynch's attorney.

You know, you shouldn't be
on this boat, Ms. Ford.

Are you going to turn me in?

Maybe. And then again,
you scratch my back a little,

I'll scratch yours.

I have some experience
in that area.

[Walter] I'm sure you do.

Would like to tell me
what happened that night?

The police reports
will tell you everything.

No, I'm not so sure of that.

I've been hearing
an entirely different story.

Oh, I'm sure you have.
Jack has a vivid imagination.

I think the young man's
in love with you.

I'd say the word is "lust."

Would you mind telling me

what you were looking for
just now?

Look, you're not going to get
anything from me, Counselor.

So, why don't we
just leave things as they are

until we meet in court?

Maybe I should inform you

that this is a judicial hearing,

not a trial.
But there are some things

in your past
that might come out

during this hearing.

You ask me a direct question

and I'll give you
a direct answer.

Well, if that's the way
you want it.

All you'll find
is that a long time ago

I decided that the key to life
was pleasing men.

I've gotten pretty good at it
and I know how to handle myself.

I don't mean to seem hard,
it's just that I've had to work

for everything I've gotten,
and I've come too far

to give it up now.

And I'm going
to survive all this

-with a clear conscience.
-I'll sleep better

just knowing that.

[Christina] See you
in the morning, Mr. Hill.

Carnival Week has begun

and the hearing
is standing room only

for what could turn out to be
the trial of the decade.

According to inside sources,
new damaging evidence

has been found
which could place Jack Lynch

in a very compromising position.

Wait a minute.
Oh, here they come.

-Come on. Let's get a shot.
-[cameras clicking]

-[woman] There she is.
-[Michael] Excuse me.

Excuse me. Ms. Ford, Ms. Ford,
could you please, uh--

Ms. Ford, could we please
have an interview, Ms. Ford?

-[woman] Ms. Ford.
-[reporter] Mr. Ashby.

Ms. Ford, Ms. Ford.

-Tragedy follows at every step.
-I just wanted to...

-Ms. Ford.
-Ms. Ford.

Will the controversy abound
as to what happened

that fateful night?

[woman] I just wanna tell you
that I think you're fantastic!

[woman] Come on! [chuckles]
Yes, of course!

[speaking indistinctly]

[man] Look, here they come.

[man] Please stay back.
No, no. Stay back.

If you're not part
of the proceedings,

stay back.
Go, please. Please.

I asked you one, please.

[man] Gee, Ms. Ford,
can I have your autograph?

[crowd clamoring]

Order in the court.

[gavel bangs]

Ladies and gentlemen,
may I remind you

that this is not a trial,
it is simply a hearing

to determine whether or not

there is sufficient evidence
to prosecute.

this is still a court of law,

and if this kind
of behavior continues

I shall have each and every
one of you thrown out.

Mr. Huston, let's get started.

Your Honor, I feel confident

that we have sufficient grounds

to proceed to trial
in the Edward Ashby case.

I brought in
the medical examiner,

Dr. Robert Scott,
and nurse Vivian Donner,

the first person to see Ms. Ford
when she arrived

at the hospital
the night in question.

I've also brought in
the police officer

who took Mr. Lynch's report
of the supposed accident.

You have a problem
with any of this, Mr. Hill?

The defense will have
a few questions

of its own, your honor.

-Get on with it, Mr. Huston.
-Thank you.

Do you swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth,

and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?

[Dr. Robert] I do.

[Wendell] Doctor,
is it true that the blood type

found on these overalls
is Type A?

Yes, sir. That's correct.

And is it also true
that Mr. Ashby's blood

was in fact Type A?

[Dr. Robert] Yes, that's what
his medical record shows.

Would you please tell the court
the name written

over the pocket
on these overalls?

Your Honor, let the records show
that my client spoke

of an injury suffered
by Mr. Ashby a few weeks past

while working
on his yacht's engine

wearing my client's
borrowed work clothes.

Yes, acknowledged.

[Huston] Doctor,
with regards to the facts,

were there any other tests
performed by you

in regards to this case?

Yes, we did a DNA test.

Would you please explain
that procedure to the court?

Well, in cases like this,

blood testing
has become obsolete

compared to DNA testing.

You see, the DNA code exists
in every cell in the body,

saliva, blood, uh,
even the hair,

our tests prove conclusively
that the blood found

on the overalls
was that of Ashby,

while the DNA code found
after examining

the rape victim was that--

[Walter] Your Honor,
there seems to be a foregone

conclusion that a crime
of rape took place.

In my client's statement,

he does not deny
having sex with Miss Ford.

We simply refute
that it was against her will.


Dr. Scott, you will confine
yourself to medical facts

as you know them to be true,

Thank you, Doctor.
That'll be all.

[Judge] Mr. Hill?

Uh, no further questions,
Your Honor.

Thank you.

-[Huston] In that case,
I'd like to call the nurse

on duty at the time
of Ms. Ford's arrival

at the hospital,
Nurse Vivian Donner.

Ms. Donner, would you please
tell the court what you saw

when Ms. Ford first arrived
at the hospital?

[Vivian] She looked like
she'd been struck

several times on her face.

There was bruising
around her throat.

Um, she was naked
except for a large linen shirt.

She was crying and she told me
that she'd been raped.

[Huston] With regard
to her appearance,

would you please tell the court
if these facial, throat,

and other body marks
could have happened in a fall

or been self-inflicted
in any way?

No, sir. Not in my opinion.

[Huston] Could you determine
from her appearance

the approximate time

that these wounds
were inflicted?

[Vivian] Well, not exactly,
but it was clearly

just a short while before
she arrived at the hospital.

[Huston] Thank you. Your Honor,
I'd like to reserve the right

to call this witness back.

[Judge] Mr. Hill, your witness.

So you don't feel
that this supposed beating

could have taken place
say, uh, 24 hours earlier

or 12 hours earlier?

Oh, no. That bruising
was very fresh.

And how exactly did Ms. Ford
arrive at the hospital?

It would be a very long walk
from the port,

wouldn't you say, for a woman
in her condition?

Not to mention
having to swim

from out past the reef
to shore?

Well, yeah. I guess so.

It was late.

[Walt] Did someone bring her?

You know what,
I actually did hear a car.

So then I went over to the door
and there she was,

she was just standing there,
the car must have left.

Thank you. That'll be all.

Your Honor, I have a statement

from the police officers on duty

that my client was with them
at approximately the same time

Ms. Ford was in the hospital.

What I do wonder, though,
is how she got there.

And why she didn't use
the yacht's dinghy...

instead of swimming ashore.

He's gonna call her up,
I suggest we beat him to it.

...the dinghy, incidentally,
that was missing from the yacht

when the Coast Guard found it.

[Huston] I'm sure
Your Honor realizes

that we reserve the right

not to have Ms. Ford testify
at this time,

but in an effort to promote
swift and fair justice,

she agrees to come forth.


Get on with it, Mr. Huston.

[indistinct chatter]

[Judge] Order in the court.

Martial, please.

Quiet. Quiet, please.

This applies
to the press as well.

Do you swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth,

and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?

Yes, I do.

[clears throat]

[Walter] I realize
what a terrible ordeal

you've been through, Ms. Ford,

but could you please
tell the court

what happened
on Mr. Ashby's yacht

the night he disappeared?

Actually, it all started
late that afternoon.

Ted had given the crew
the day off, except for Jack.

The three of us had spent
the day on the island together

where Ted and Jack
had been drinking.

[Ted] That's why
I hired you for,

to do the dirty work.

What did you think
you were gonna be,

standing around
in white, saluting the guests?

[Walt] Excuse me,
but what exactly

were they arguing about?

Well, Jack wanted to head back
to the mainland,

but Ted insisted upon staying,

so we finally just dropped
anchor offshore.

I got sick of all the fighting,
it gave me a headache,

so I went downstairs
to lie down,

but it only got worse.

I thought
if I left them alone

they might stop fighting.

I was really frightened...

and I took out Ted's gun
from the nightstand

for protection,
but it only got worse.

Oh, God, you have to leave,
he'll kill you.

I warned you
about playing games with me.

He's crazy today.

-That's it, it's gone too far.
-Get out of here, you drunk.

I warned you
not to do this to me.

I said get out of my way!
I'm the captain of this boat.

[slurring, grunting]

[Ted grunts]


[both grunting]

[both groaning]

I could hear them fighting,

knocking things over.

It was always terrible when Ted
would get on into these

jealous rages.

I went to see
what was happening.

[both grunting]

[thunder rumbling]

[both grunting, panting]

This was the worst storm

I'd ever experienced.

I could barely see
through the spray.


[Christina] Then I saw Jack
push Ted to the stern.

And Ted grabbed
for the railing,

and Jack returned
to the cabin.

[screaming] Christina.

Please! Please!


I was trying to figure out

how I could help Ted.

[screams] Christina!

[Christina] Jack returned.
He had the gun

and he shot Ted again and again.

Bullshit! Bullshit.
That's a fucking lie.

-That's a lie.
-Clear the court.

-[gavel banging]
-Don't bullshit! She's lying!

She's fucking lying.

[men clamoring]

She's fucking lying!

She's lying.
Why are you doing this?

Marshals, get everyone
out of here.

-[Jack] Why are you lying?
-[Judge] Come on.

Why are you lying?
Why are you fucking...

-Clear the court!
-She's... [grunts]

[bangs gavel]
Marshals, get everyone out.

-It's all bullshit!
-[Judge] Order.

-[Jack] She's fucking lying!
-[Judge] Order.

Walter, she's lying!
She's fucking lying!

She fucking lying!
She's lying!

It's all bullshit!
She's lying!

[men clamoring]

[Jack] She's fucking lying!
Fuck you!


She's lying! She's lying!

[Jack shouting indistinctly]

-[indistinct chatter]
-[gavel banging]

[Judge] Clear the court!
Get them all out.

[Jack] She's lying!

[indistinct chatter]

[man] ...murder case.
Get your copy here.

Murder and rape amongst
the rich and famous.

Photos, eyewitness accounts...

Get your papers here.

The Ashby-Ford latest...

[sighs] Oh man.

I just keep on thinking
that it...

just all should have turned out
so different, you know.

It's like--
I mean, I shouldn't have been

on that fucking yacht
to begin with.

[Walter] You realize this
hearing's as good as over,

and you're going to have
to stand in trial for murder.

-She's lying about everything.
-[Walter] Well, then,

you tell me the truth.


Either if you are one devious
son of a bitch

taking enormous chances
with his own life

or that lady has amazing
powers of persuasion.

[scoffs] Yeah.


it's time to come in now.

[man] Photo,
eyewitness accounts,

Get it all here.

Get your latest copy here.
Read all about it.

Photos, eyewitness accounts,
get your copy here

in the famous murder case...

[indistinct chatter]

Can I have a minute, Mr. Ashby?


[man] I noticed that he was
bleeding from his right ear.

It appeared that he might have
had a concussion.

What did he say to you?

He told us
about the boating accident

involving Mr. Ashby.

Did you inspect
the yacht personally

Yes, we did.

And we have a video tape
to show exactly what condition

the yacht was in
when we inspected her.


We found a big tear
on the haul.

And yacht showed
extensive damage

on the starboard side.

Also, we found traces
of blood at the stern.

-[Walter] Whose blood?
-Mr. Ashby's.

[Jack] I took the gun
away from him.

-I shot him. I shot him.
-I object.

Turn that tape off immediately.

Your Honor,
this is totally out of order.

[Judge] Officer Miller,

the court is confiscating
this recording

for further examination.
And you better have

an explanation for this
or your entire department

is gonna come
under investigation.

[Officer Miller] Your honor,
I don't know

what's going on here
or how this happened,

but this isn't the tape I shot.

[Judge] Mr. Huston, do you have
any explanation for this?

[Wendell] Your Honor,
no one informed me

the tape's content.

I only suggested that the police

bring in a copy of this tape
to better serve this hearing.

[Walter] Your Honor,
I move that we strike everything

on this obviously
edited and tampered with tape

from the court record
as any visible evidence.

[Judge] I agree, Mr. Hill.
Pending further inquiry.

Officer Miller, you're excused
for the time being

Thank you.

[Walter] Still, none of us
can really be expected

to totally disregard
what we see or hear,

but the fact of the matter is
we have no body

and no murder weapon.

All we have is the word
of Ms. Ford here to tell us

what happened that night.

And we understand that Ms. Ford
could collect a substantial

amount of money left
to you by Mr. Ashby,

which considering that you are
carrying on numerous affairs...

[Huston] I object, Your Honor.
Ms. Ford is not on trial here

for sexual activity
or any other offense.

Precisely my point.

Maybe we have the wrong person
arrested here.

Mr. Huston would like
to convince us that my client

is a calculating,
cold-blooded killer

who planned a murder
and yet couldn't help sleeping

with the only eyewitness.

Not to mention
leaving behind a videotape

and enough evidence
for a prosecutor

even with his questionable
ability to get--

I object to the
personal attack, Your Honor.

Murder is personal, Mr. Huston.

And I might I say that
your client might be one

of the most personable
people I have ever met.

I have a list here of some
of her so-called relationships.

I object.
This is disgraceful.

Just what are you accusing
my client up, Mr. Hill?

[Walter] That we're dealing
with a woman who's whole life

is based on dishonesty.

Why should we believe
what has she say now?

And more importantly,
which of those relationships

drove that car
to the hospital, Ms. Ford?

And what about
the yacht's dinghy?

Did Mr. Ashby, by any chance,
use the dinghy

to get off the yacht?

Is this just a cover up
to convict my client

of a murder that never happened?

[Christina] Stop. Just stop it.

[Christina screams]

[indistinct chatter]

Help her.

[all clamoring]

[man] Somebody help her.
Please. Please. Somebody help.


Clear the court.

[man] Somebody help her.

[Judge] Marshals,
see that she gets

to a doctor immediately.

[cameras clicking]

[indistinct chatter]

Marshals, get everyone
out of the court.

[Marshal] Okay. Clear the court.
Clear the court.

Get out the way. Hey, mister,
I said out of the way.

Clear the court!

Dammit, come on. Move!

The proceedings
have been called to a halt.

It appears that Christina Ford
apparently injured herself.

The marshal has just taken
her to a hospital.

All hell is breaking loose here.

This is Michael Altman
coming to you live.

[man] I want a complete report
on Ms. Ford's condition

as soon as possible.

And I also want that
police video examined

by independent experts,
and held by the court

until further notice.

Also, I want a list of anyone
who might have had

access to the tape.

[Judge] Mr. Huston...

Gentlemen, I realize
this is not a trial,

but I have in mind to have
you both brought up

in front of the bar association.

I will not tolerate
this kind of behavior.

And believe me, someone
is gonna have a lot to answer

for this videotape business.

Now, I'm calling a recess
until we determine

the seriousness
of Ms. Ford's injury.

Before you do, Your Honor,
I think I have information

that significantly changes
the complexion of this hearing.

Mr. Huston, so help me,

I'm one step away
from holding you in contempt.

Your Honor, I've just received
confirmation from the police

on the mainland that Jack Lynch,
the very same Jack Lynch

we have here today,
was charged with assault

with a deadly weapon
late last year.

The charges were dropped due
to extenuating circumstances,

Your Honor. Read: self-defense.

But I would like you to note
that Mr. Lynch shot

a jealous husband six times
at point-blank range.

Did your client also
lose his memory

regarding that incident,
Mr. Hill?

[birds chirping]

-Evening, Ms. Hill.
-Hi. Come on in.

-Grandpa, it's for you.

It's the police.

[clears throat]

Sorry to disturb you, Mr. Hill,
but we got an anonymous tip

regarding some evidence
that apparently was overlooked

during our preliminary
investigation on the yacht.

And, uh, we found, uh...

That's the gun that was
on the yacht.

-[man] It has your

fingerprints all over it.

The lab is running some tests
to determine how recently

it was fired.

I never fired that gun.

Under the circumstances,

we're gonna have to revoke
your custody arrangement.

I'm afraid you're gonna
have to come with me.

I supposed somebody just
shoved it into your hands.

-Actually, yes.
-She did it, didn't she?

I already told you
everything I know.

Maybe you didn't do,
but you didn't stop it either,

did you?

-He fell.
-So, he fell on the water

and she had sex with you
immediately afterwards.

You have a very serious desire
to test your luck, friend.


Yeah, well, I don't think
you'd understand.

Did you ever get the feeling
that maybe you were being used?

Thank you, Mr. Hill. Goodnight.

-So what do you think?
-[door closes]

it's been my experience

that when it comes to women,
men can just be convinced

of just about anything.

[seagulls squawking]

[Judge] The hearing is now
called back into session.

And while, on the one hand,
I'm holding

the supposed murder weapon,
I've just received a communique

from the Coast Guard
that a man's body was found

entangled in a fishing net
under the Ashby yacht.

That this body has been
preliminarily identified

as that of Ted Ashby.

Furthermore, this body bears
no signs of any bullet wound.

[crowd gasps]

[Judge] Now, this hearing
has been overrun with a kind

of malicious mendacity
that I have never

previously experienced
in all my years on the bench.

But before this hearing
is finally concluded,

which it is about to be,
I would like to talk

to the prosecutor
about the consequences

of these recent findings,

particularly with
regard to Ms. Ford.

[Wendell] Your Honor,
my client, Mr. Ashby,

would like to recommend
that Ms. Ford undergo

a psychiatric evaluation
before this court

considers the possibility
of further hearings

with regard to this matter.

[Judge] Judging by her actions
in this courtroom

I can understand the need.

Young lady,
would you rise please.

Do you have anything
to say for yourself?

Your Honor, I know in my heart
I've done nothing wrong.


I didn't think you have
any clear idea

of the seriousness
of your actions.

Lying in a courtroom

is an abuse of the law,
Ms. Ford.

This is a matter of
perjury, Mr. Huston.

Well, look who we have here.

We've had bodies turning up
everywhere this morning.

-You've heard the latest?
-[Dr. Brooks] Yeah, sure.

Get this.
The local medical examiner

overlooked one very important
biological fact...

[Judge] I am recommending
that you be released

into the custodial care
of Mr. Jonathan Ashby

until such time
as a psychiatric evaluation

can be completed.

Now, this hearing

-is officially closed.
-[gavel bangs]

[indistinct chatter]

Mr. Huston,
would you be so kind

as to escort Ms. Ford
back to the hotel?

You did it, Walter.
You really did it.

No, I'm afraid the young lady
did it to herself.

Yeah. It, uh...


Listen, why don't you meet me
across the street in a bar.

There's a-- there's a few things
I got to get straight with you.

Oh, that'll be a new twist.

Talking of twists,
I prefer mine a dry martini.

I'll get out of here.
I'll meet up with you later.

[indistinct chatter]

[Walter] Mr. Ashby...

would you mind my asking
what kind of game

you've been playing here?


Things do seem to have gone
a little out of control, yeah.

For the self-appointed
protector of the family name,

you took this latest turn
of event much better

than I would have expected.

It's all real tragic.

But I am satisfied
that my brother's death

was an unfortunate accident,
nothing more.

What else is there to say?

Ms. Ford was most fortunate
that you stood by her

throughout this ordeal.

Well, all families
have their ups and downs.

Now seems quite evident
that Ms. Ford's emotional state

is more imbalanced
than we previously thought.

Maybe so.

But it's too bad
that whoever did the killing

didn't follow the plan
as they were told to.

I beg your pardon?

Look, I'm just trying to fit
a few last pieces together.

A medical associate of mine
was kind enough to inform me

of a little-known medical fact,
the matching DNA

of identical twins.

You wouldn't know anything
about that, would you?

Don't let your
imagination run wild, sir.

And what about your own
feelings about the lady?

From what I hear, you're the one
that was in love with her.

Now you're reaching,
and you're way out of line.

-Is that so?

-Hey, Ted, you forgot something.
-Nice try.

They don't care about her.

They're all using her.

It's all about money, my friend.
It's all one big merry-go-round.

Some of them get hold
of the brass ring,

but most of them fall off
the horse trying to get it.

They're not gonna
hurt her anymore.

I'll see to it.
I won't let them.

Well, guess everybody's
disappointed now

that the show's over.

Not till the fat
lady sings, counselor.


You're taking any bets
on what's gonna happen next?

It's getting damn hard
to figure out the horses

-without a scratch sheet.
-Yes, sir.

And that Mr. Ashby,
he's something.

I mean, I've seen a whole lot
of hard-boiled eggs in my time,

but that one,
he got to be 20 minutes.

Which Mr. Ashby
are you talking about?

[indistinct chatter, cheering]

♪ Come with me ♪

♪ Move with me ♪

♪ To the touch
Of your fantasies ♪

♪ Your velvet lips ♪

♪ Mingle with mine ♪

♪ Let's find a black god
Painted gold♪

♪ To share our love ♪

♪ Naked and gleaming ♪

♪ My star and slaves ♪

♪ You and me
And god painted gold ♪

♪ A flaming circle
flesh to the bones ♪

♪ Pain and pleasure ♪

♪ Pleasure ♪

-♪ Ooh ♪
-[singers] ♪ Sextacy ♪

-[singer] ♪ Hold my heart
-[singers] ♪ Sextacy

-[singer] ♪ Crush my love ♪
-Bartender, come on.

Give us some more
tequila over here.

[man] One tequila coming up.

♪ I want to fly ♪


Why did you lie to me
about the gun, my love?



I never thought
the body would turn up.

We were so far out at sea
and the storm.

Well, if only you'd have
told me the truth,

I would have
been prepared for it.

I didn't think it would matter.

Jack wouldn't go
through with it.

He's was all entangled
in the lines.

All I had to do is push.

I've been trying to forget
about it ever since.

Well, it's only a matter of time
before they reopen the case

-so we have to get going now.
-Okay. All right.

Let's just disappear
like you planned.

-Yes. Like we planned

What about your friend, hm?

What are you talking about?
We don't need him anymore.

Is that why you've forgotten
to tell me

that you just met with him?

He called me.

He said he forgave me
and wanted to see me.

Sounds romantic.

Let's just get out here
and never come back, okay?


-And never come back?

I'd do anything for you.

I love you, Ted.
I love you.

-Mm-hm. You do?

[singer] ♪ Come with me ♪

♪ Move with me ♪

♪ To the touch
Of your fantasies ♪

Walter. [laughs]

Why don't you have
a drink with me, all right?

-One drink. Bartender. Get me
-Coming, sir.

...another glass
for my buddy here, yeah.

-Two shooters?

-Thank you, sir.
-There's some things

I think you should know, Jack.

Ah, first, I wanna make a toast.

I want to make a toast
to the best friend and lawyer

a man could possibly have.

[Walt] You were lucky, Jack.
You were real lucky.


[singer] ♪ You and me
And god painted gold ♪

♪ A flaming circle
flesh to the bone ♪

♪ The pain and pleasure ♪

♪ Pleasure

♪ Ooh

-[singers] ♪ Sextacy ♪
-[singer] ♪ Hold my heart ♪

-[singers] ♪ Sextacy ♪
-[singer] ♪ Crush my love ♪

-[singers] ♪ Sextacy ♪
-[singer] ♪ Drink my wine♪

♪ I want fly ♪

You planning on using
some frequent-flyer miles?

Yes. We can only have
a couple of these, Walter,

'cause I'm out of here tonight.

Yeah, but not
without paying you,

and I'm gonna pay you
whatever you want, Walter.

You just name your price

because you're worth it
and more.

That's very generous.

Now, where's all
this money coming from?

We're together now.

♪ A flaming circle♪

♪ A flesh to the bone ♪

♪ Pain and pleasure ♪

♪ Hmm, pleasure ♪

♪ Oh, come with me ♪

♪ Move with me ♪

♪ To the touch
Of your fantasies ♪

♪ Your velvet lips ♪

♪ Mingle with mine ♪

I think I will join you.

Yeah. And if you're surprised,

I'm not surprised
if you're surprised

'cause I'm surprised.

[Walter] I'm not quite sure
I know what you're saying.

Don't you understand, Walter,
this is what happened.

You see Jonathan put her up
to the whole thing.

He made her tell all those lies.

He had her terrified
'cause he figured

that with his brother
out of the way,

see, good old Jonathan could
just step right in his place.

[singer] ♪ Affair ♪

♪ Affair ♪

[upbeat music playing]

[singer] ♪ Come with me ♪

♪ Move with me ♪

She's lying.

Walter, she was lying because
she was scared for her life.

You really think the lady's
in love with you?

You don't understand.

For once in my life,
I got lucky, you see.

For once in my life,
I'm coming out a winner.

Funny, isn't it?

You pretend to believe
something long enough

and it finally
becomes true for you.

changing for me now.

That lady didn't lie
about the murder

out of love for you.
Take my word for it, kid.

[upbeat music playing]

[cheers and applause]

Walter, you don't understand
what I'm saying.

There was no murder.

It was an accident, just like
I told you all along.

I think you should know
that Ted Ashby was not the man

who fell off that boat.

He's the one who set it up.
They did it together.


They played you and Jonathan
both well, son.

[indistinct chatter]

[Ted] Please. Please.

[indistinct chatter]

[upbeat music playing]

[woman] Can I have
your autograph please? Please?

[overlapping conversations]

[chuckles] Sure.

♪ ...I feel the spirit

♪ Moving in my heart

♪ I will pray♪

♪ Every time
I feel the spirit ♪

♪ Moving in my heart

♪ I will pray♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la

♪ Every time I feel the spirit

♪ Moving... ♪

You'll find everything in order.

The court order, placing her
into your care

until further notice.
I have the power...

[chuckles] Yes.

[man] Good to see you,
Ms. Ford.


[upbeat music playing]

[singer] ♪ La, la, la, la, la♪

♪ La, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la, la


♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la

Here you are.
You're welcome.

[nurse] Ms. Ford.
Ms. Ford, we're here.

-Excuse me.

Who are you?

We've been sent by the court.
You must come with us.

Jonathan, who are these people?

Come here, my love.

I'm afraid,
that as the judge said,

you're in desperate need
of help.

Plans have changed.

What are you talking about?
You can't do this to me.

I've done it, my love.

-Ms. Ford, come along with us.
-Wait. Just a minute.

It's long over time.

What are you talking about,
my love?

[suspense music playing]

-What about our plans?
-We're finished.

I don't know you.

Come along. Come along with us.
The driver's waiting.

[suspense music playing]



[suspense music playing]


[whistle blowing]

[officer 1] Stand back.
Stand back.

[officer 2] Are you okay,
Ms. Ford?

You sure?

You haven't done
anything stupid yet.

Why start now?

[dramatic music playing]

[Dr. Lascus] So, Christina,
when you saw Mr. Ashby

die so violently that night,
what were your feelings?

[Christina] I went numb.
I don't even remember crying.

[Dr. Lascus] And now?

What are your feelings
about Mr. Ashby now?

[Christina] Well, as you know, I loved him.

And I guess I love Jonathan too,
but more as a brother.

[Dr. Lascus]
The police suggested

that the man who was killed

was actually Ted
masquerading as his brother.

[Christina chuckles]

I think the police have a vivid imagination, Dr. Lascus.

[Dr. Lascus chuckles]

You've had a lot of time
to reflect back on that night

in the storm.

What do you now think happened?

[Christina] The only logical explanation is that Ted and Jack

came up with a scheme
to fool the insurance company,

and it went terribly wrong.

I knew Ted was
having money problems.

He and Jonathan argued
about finances all the time.

And Jonathan was pressuring Ted to sell the Christina.

[Dr. Lascus] That yacht? Yes.

And how do you feel
about the court order

awarding her to you?

I guess I'm flattered.

And to be perfectly honest,
it was very reassuring

to know that the court decided
that Ted and Jonathan

would have wanted
me to have it.

[Dr. Lascus] And what about
returning to normal life now?

[Christina] Are you saying
that I'm ready to leave?

To go back to the...

[Dr. Lascus] The what?
The world?

Normal life?

Oh, yes.
I think you're fine now.

But, Dr. Lascus, I don't know

that I can get along
without you.

I guess, I really don't
want to get along without you.

[Dr. Lascus]
I'm sure you'll be fine.

Besides, leaving the clinic
doesn't necessarily mean

we can't see each other.

[Christina] Do you mean
that doctor?

[Dr. Lascus chuckles] Yes.


There you are.

Ladies and gentlemen,
please join me in a toast.

To my beautiful new bride.

Christina Ford-Lascus.

[all] Christina.

[Dr. Lascus] Darling,
may our marriage be

one long smooth,
calm sail for life.

Maestro, strike up the band.

Go on. Enjoy yourselves.


[woman] Hey, music's here.
It's a party.


[upbeat music playing]

[singer] ♪ Make me an offer ♪

♪ I can't refuse ♪

♪ Show me your shade ♪

♪ Let's see your moves ♪

♪ Baby, it's no trouble ♪

♪ Cause you're such a drag ♪

♪ Blow up my bubble ♪

♪ Lady da da ♪

♪ Blow up my bubble ♪

♪ Lady da da ♪

♪ Walking a tight rope ♪

♪ Girl, you're too real♪

♪ And dazzle me with glamour ♪

♪ Out of your reach ♪

♪ Girl, it's an offer ♪

♪ A cat can't refuse ♪

♪ You don't have to suffer ♪

♪ Lady da da♪

♪ Don't blow my cover ♪

♪ Lady da da♪

♪ Play me a red heart
You could get a queen ♪

♪ I might take you places
that you've never been♪

♪ The Mercury's rising♪

♪ This could be your night♪

♪ Lady da de da♪

♪ Cat bite!

♪ Mascara, allure
I take by the pound ♪

♪ But my cat's sexy-tini♪

♪ Could make you blind♪

♪ So, come on
Play with my pussy♪

♪ And sharpen your claws♪

♪ I might be a lady♪

♪ Lady da da
Ha, ha, ha, ha♪

♪ Bite♪