Wolf Town (2011) - full transcript

The timid and insecure Kyle has a crush on Jess and he invites her to go to the Paradise ghost town as a pretext to be close to her. He brings his best friend Ben with him, but Jess comes with her boyfriend Rob. Kyle drives his convertible to the town and sooner Ben is deadly wounded by a ferocious pack of wolves. The trio of survivors is surrounded and trapped by the smart wolves and they have to be brave enough to face the animals.

We called it--Paradise

when we first came here.

We'd hoped that's
what we'd found

when we discovered
what we came lookin' for.


But, that was before,

Oh, shit!



Oh, fuck it.

Hey man.

No no no.
I'm in the car right now.

Yeah. No, I'll be there in five minutes.
Just a second.

Get out of the road.
Get out of the road!

Yeah I know, dude.
The traffic is just-- it's crazy right now.

I'll be there in five minutes,
I promise. Alright?

Oh, looks like someone's in need of some serious therapy.

And, as usual,
you're late.

Well, time,
as you know,

is a myth
perpetuated by society.

Not a convention
I conform to.

Right right,
well I am a conformist

who wants to graduate
from college.

Should be studying for my finals right now,

but I'm here
as your wingman

because you're too much of a pussy to ask Jess out by yourself.

I know, and I
love you for it.

Yeah, yeah.

God damn, I can't
believe I overslept.

You think
she's already gone?

Why don't you
just chill out?

Why don't you use
this time to give me

this bullshit story I'm supposed to stick to

for this harebrained trip?

What do you mean?
I told you the plan yesterday.

Look, we're going to that old abandoned ghost town

up north
called Paradise.

It's part of a school
research project.

And Jess is going
because, you know,

she's a history
and anthropology major

so she can maybe try to figure out how and why

the place became
a ghost town.

And then,
I'm going because--

You're an idiot?

So, I'm here, why?
What's my excuse for this crazy trip?



Right? I mean,
you think there might be gold in the town

and so you wanna come
and check it out.

What? You told her
I'm hunting for gold?

I didn't know
what else to say.

You make me sound
like a complete jackass.

I'm sorry,
it was the only thing I could think of.

Dude! You're an asshole.
This is just so insane.

What, so you think
that this is crazy?


I think you've been staring at this girl

for the past
eight months.

You're too uptight
to do anything about it.

So you come up with
this idiot scheme

to drag her out to the middle of nowhere

in the hope she's gonna somehow succumb to your charms?

Yeah, how dare
I even think

of using the word “crazy” to describe you.

Fuck you, man.
You're not helping.

Right, right.

I just thought this was the easiest thing.

You're going.

Real nice.
Real nice, Kyle.

Ben, come on, man.
Don't make me go by myself.


What are we gonna do
when she gets in the car

and she sees there's
no mining tools?

Mining tools?

What tools do you
need for mining gold?

/ Don't know.
Like a hammer and a pick?

Okay, dude, first off:
we're not really mining for gold.

/ Made that up.

When she gets in the car and sees there's no tools,

she's gonna figure
that one out, dumbass.

You're stressing me out.
Please just be cool, man.

Just play along.
Just this once.

"What's up, Jess?
I'm hunting for gold."

Dude, I'm fucking
begging you.

Just stop. Please.

You like this girl, huh?

I just hope
she shows up.

I think she will.

Hey. Look, when
she gets here,

do you mind gettin'
in the back seat?



From shotgun to third-wheel in one easy step?

I'm not gonna make her sit back there,

come on. Please?

Fine. Fine.

Thank you.

I'm not gonna
smile about it.

Alright, that's fine.
Just be nice.

I'm nice.
I'll be nice.

You be nice.

I will.


Hey. Hi guys.

Hope we didn't keep
you waiting too long.

Who the fuck
is this guy?

Yeah sorry.
It's kinda hard draggin' this one outta bed.

Shut up.

Hi, Kyle.


This is Rob.


And it's
Ben, right?

Yeah, yeah.

Hey, how's
it goin'? Rob.

Hey. Cool, cool.

So. Yeah.
Okay, so, bags?

You can throw
your bags in here.

Great. Thank you.

Thanks, dude.


Oh hey, we'll take the back seat.
I mean--

Yeah. Totally.

Thank you.


I can scoot forward
if you want.

Oh, no.

So, gentlemen.

How long's it supposed
fo take to get there?

A few hours.

A few hours.

You are aware that in a few hours instead,

we could be in Las Vegas having a really good--

Stop it.
You are so bad.

Let's go.

Yes, let's.
Can't wait.

Ah! Free gold!

So. What's
the story, Rob?

The story?

Yeah, you know.
You like a football team guy or a--

what's your deal?

No, I actually blew out my knee in high school,

so kind of gave
up on sports

as the path to
fame and fortune.

Shit. That sucks, right?

So what do
you do instead?

I'm studying
discreet math.

What the fuck
is discreet math?

It's one of the dull sides of software development.

Holy shit, dude,
he's a computer geek, just like you.

I mean,
no offense.


What's wrong, Kyle?

I think we missed
the turn-off.

So where exactly
are we going?


It's an old mining town

from the California
gold rush.

Now it looks like
some kind of ghost town.

Somebody steal
your town?

No, it's a little
ways further in

if you're
still interested.

Why wouldn't we be?

Yeah, we drove all
this way out here.

Yeah, man.
What's the plan?

Well there's a--
There's a--

There's an old gold

Yeah, it's about a half-mile in...
that direction.

Let's go.

We'll catch up with
you guys in a second.

You're being such
a dick right now.

I'm being a dick?

What about the whole little car ride chit chat with Rob?

Oh, what's the story, man?
It's cool. Blah blah.

What do you want me to do?
Sit in complete silence

like you
for four hours?


What am I
even doing here?

What the fuck are any of us even doing here?

Could you just keep
your voice down?

This is all your
stupid idea

just 'cause you're too
much of a pussy to ask Jess out!

- Yeah, it is nice.

Now you're just
pissed ‘cause big Rob

had the balls to do
what you couldn't.

Screw this, Kyle.

Around the corner?
I don't know.

Look at this thing.

Crazy contraption.


Check it out.

I've been on this ride.
- Cool.

Yeah, it's got the two loops and reverses at the end.

This is where they
take the tickets.

Let's just go back.

No way,
I wanna check it out.

I was kidding.

That's rad.

Knock knock.


Fucking stupid
trip, Kyle.

God damn bullshit.

What can I do for you?

Well, my doctor says
I have high cholesterol,

so do you have
any vegan food?

Yes, no burgers here.


We have veggie patties.

That sounds golden.

Yep. Ahhh!

God damn, that's good.

Oh, Jesus.


Let's go
find some gold.

Probably not.

Wait, you think
it's safe in there?

Only one way
to find out.

Excuse me, Rob.
Anybody comin'?

Yeah, no! Knock yourself out,
geology boy.

Gonna need
a flashlight?

Do you have one?


Well, then
be careful.

Yeah, obviously!

Ah! Ooh, shit!

Are you okay?

Yeah. Damn it.

We rich?


From gold mine?

Is that funny, Rob?

Nah, I was just sayin'
“Are we rich?”

No, we're not rich.



You guys,
I just saw a wolf.

A wolf?

Yeah, right
up there.

Oh come on,
you didn't see a wolf.

No, I did. It was
right up there.

Do you even know the difference between a wolf and a coyote?

No. Exactly.

Hey, where
you guys goin'?

Listen, guys,
enough's enough.

I mean we still have
enough time to go home.

Maybe head back to town.
Let's go to Vegas.

Let's do something
fun. Alright?

No! We can't leave.


We spent all this time fo come up here

and we're not
gonna see the town?

Come on, Kyle,
this was your idea.

This is your trip.
You should take the lead.



Lead the way.

How much
further we goin'?

It's like a mile
up the road.

It's like a
16-mile hike already.

Dude, relax. The
car's right there.

We've been
running down hills

like fucking pussies because of a quote unquote, wolf.

Please shut up.

I mean how do you know it wasn't a coyote?

I wouldn't be
runnin' down the hill

saying you saw
a fuckin' wolf.

Dude, I did
see a wolf!

Fuck you.

Did you guys
see a wolf?


Yeah, I didn't
think so.

Oh, this
looks really cool.


Can we pop the
trunk really quick?



Come on.

Check it out?

You're scared.

He's got a sense
of humor too.

You're scared.


I think you should
shut the hell up.

Wow, Kyle.
This place is amazing!

What's its history?

Well, that's actually what kind of makes this place interesting.

See, a bunch of 49ers came here and supposedly found gold.

But then a year later,
this whole place was just a ghost town.

Whoa. I mean that's
not a mystery.

I mean, people came,
didn't find gold.

Or didn't find enough,
and then picked up sticks and left.

Oh come on!

Where's your sense of wonder and romance?

I think you need to be a little more open to things.

That's cool and all, Jess.
But you know how it goes.

You find a dull,
boring answer to a problem

and that's
probably it.

Right. Like math.

Suit yourselves.

You're right, Jess.

Let's explore your ghost town;
find some romance.

It's coming!

You happy now?

I mean this whole clusterfuck is your fault.

And now I just--ah.

I don't even know what to say anymore.

The thing to do would just be to quit.

This place sucks.
Fuck this man.

Hey, hey.
Where you going?

Who the fuck knows?

Alright great, yeah.
Go have another walk.

I will, thanks.
Fuck off.

Fuckin' dick.



This place is amazing.

Where's Ben?

He's just lookin'
around outside.

Did you guys find
anything interesting?


Are you kidding?

This whole place
is interesting.

Anyone want a drink?

Whatcha got?

Well, by the looks
of things... dust.

Not a whole lot more.

I'm good.

It's a good thing that happens to be my favorite.

Well then,
here ya go.

Let's see.

There we go.

He ain't havin' any.

Woo! Woo-ee!
How ‘bout another?

Pretty little
cowgirl like you?

I suppose
I'll take another.

To us.

I've got dust
in my mouth.

That's not too
smart now, is it?

That's some
strong dust!

Kyle, I'm here
walkin' by myself

in the Goddamn forest.
Stupid bastard.

Real funny, Kyle!

Look if you've
come to apologize,

then just apologize.
Stop screwin' around, alright, man?

What an idiot.

“Come on this
freakin' trip, Ben.

"It's gonna
be a great time."

Oh, real cute, Kyle.
Real cute.

Look, just apologize, man.
Stop screwin' around.


Dragging me on this
fuckin' stupid trip.

I don't even know why.

Stop playing games, man!
What the fuck?



If you guys really
wanna strike it rich,

what we should do is salvage some of the iron

from those railroad ties,
and sell them fo a recycling center.

Make a little bit of money.


Alright well,
good luck finding gold.

Whoa, hey...


I'm tryin' to.


You don't know what's in there.

There's only one
way to find out.

I've just got to--

Did you
find something?

Yeah, I think
I've got something.

Is it alive?

No. It's not moving.
So it's not alive.

Haha, your faces!

Yeah, really
really funny, Jess.

You know,
if you ever really need me to save you,

you probably shouldn't
be crying wolf now.

You wouldn't come rescue me if / needed it?

Yeah, I would.

No. Get out of here.

So what is this?

Reach around.


You feel it?


I don't know. If we just move this piece,
maybe we can--

Yeah, yeah,
push that way.

Okay, ready?

It's like a journal.
Or a diary maybe?


Should we read it?


"We called it Paradise when we first came here.

"We'd hoped that's
what we'd found

"when we discovered
what we came lookin' for. Gold."

Oh. This thing must
be over like 100 years old.

Or, some college freshman
put it here to fool impressionable...

really cute young girls.

I told you you needed to be more open to things.

This is a piece
of history. Real history.






Oh my God!

Is he?



Fucking shit.

We need to
call someone.


Shit, no service.
Jess, what about your phone?

It's in my bag,
in the car.

Alright, Kyle.
Help me.

Should we
even move him?

Yeah, as opposed to leaving him here in the streets?

I suppose maybe we should bring him to a hospital.

Come on. Grab him
by the shoulder.

Lift him back.
Then get under.

Alright, buddy.
We're gonna lift you.

One, two, thr-


Alright. I
know it hurts.

Listen, we're
gonna get you help.

We need your help
on this one.

We're gonna
take you home.

We'll get you help.


Alright, buddy.
We're at the car.

Be careful.
Be careful. Easy. Easy.

Alright? It's
gonna be okay.

I gotta set you down.
I gotta get you in the seat.

The keys.
Get the keys.



Watch your head.
Pick him up!

I got him. I'll get him.
11 get him. I'll get him.

Come here, Ben.



Shit. Shit. Shit.
Be careful, Jess. Be careful.

Help! Start the car!

I can't!
It won't! Fuck!

What the fuck?!
The wires are missing!

What do you mean?

Someone's busted
the fucking wires!

What, you can't
re-connect them?

No, they won't reach!

There's fucking
a piece missing. Fuck!

Jess, your cell phone.
Grab your cell phone.

Grab your cell
phone, babe.

No, it was right here.
It was in my bag.

My bag was right here.

You sure we--?

I got it out of the trunk and then I put it right here.

Yeah, you're right.

Do you have a first aid kit?
Anything like that?

No, nothing.

Not even in the trunk?
You have nothing?


What are we gonna do?

What the fuck is
goin' on out here?

Alright. Help me.


Wait a minute.
Where are we going?

We're going
back to town.

Come on. Help me.

Come on. Come on. Fuck.

Come on. Come on.

You got him?

Yeah, I got him.

Alright, help me get him down.

I'll get his legs.


Can you
hear me?


Here. Try to get
him to squeeze your hand.

He can squeeze your
hand to respond to you in case he can't talk.


Ben. If you can hear
me, squeeze my hand.

He can hear me.

That's good.

Rob, give me
your shirt.

Thank you.

Easy. It's
alright, man.

It's okay. You're alright.
You're alright.

Oh, God.


His whole body's
going into shock.

Here come on,
help me get the shirt. It's OK.

It's OK. You're
alright. You're alright.

Come on, Ben.

Put your arms under there.
There you go. There you go.

You're okay.
You're okay. You're okay.

Is he--?

His pulse is weak,
but I can still feel it.

We need to
get out of here.

Yeah, world's most
obvious statement.

Any suggestions, how?
We have no car and no phones.

And staying here
achieves what?

Alright, we need to
get Ben to a hospital.

Yeah but we have no idea what's even out there.

Or what even
did this to him.

He could've
tripped or fallen--

And what about my car?

Alright. Maybe we're
just panicking.

Thinking that two things are connected that really have

nothing to do
with each other.

Let's just say somebody stole Jess' bag,

and fucked up your car,
and at the same time Ben trips, or falls--

Okay, math man.

What's the probability
of Ben and my car

being completely
coincidental? Huh?

I'm just saying that--

You go out there then.

Well, we can't
just stay here!

We have to
do something.




We have to get
Ben to a hospital.

Otherwise, he could--

I know.
What can we do?

We can't carry him
all the way back to the highway.

I know.

But look, nobody's
expecting us home anytime soon.

They're not gonna miss
us in class until Monday.

Maybe not even then.

Nobody's gonna save us.

We're gonna have
to save ourselves.


Somebody has
to go for help.

What are you
guys talking about?

Rob's right.

Ben needs a doctor.
And the only way that's gonna happen

is if somebody
goes for help.

So, who goes?

Well I'm not leavin'
Jess here alone.

And she's not
goin' by herself.

So you want me to go?

Fine. Jess and I
will go together.

You just stay here
and take care of Ben.

Look, I'll
stay with Kyle.

No, I said I'm not
leaving you here.

You're not leaving
me here alone.

But you have to go
and get help so we can get out of here

and we can save Ben.

No. [Don't know
what happened to Ben.

But I don't think
it was an accident. Alright?

We don't know
what's out there.

You're right.
We don't know who's out there.

But what we do know
is that Ben needs help.

And you are gonna be
much faster without me.

I can look after Ben,
and Kyle can look after me.

It's the only way!

You sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.


I'm sorry.

For what?

It was my idea
to come here.

It's not your fault.

But I was the one who
convinced everyone to come.

Yeah, but you didn't
know this was gonna happen.

I'm just trying
to take responsibility.

I mean, isn't that
what I'm supposed to do?

It sounds to me like
you're just feeling sorry for yourself.

Do you think
that this is--?

You know, real?

I'd like to think so.

But it hardly seems like
the most important thing right now.

It says they found gold.
Just like they hoped.


There's something--

They were
being attacked.

Well, according to this--

in four months the
population of the town

went from almost 150
people down to 30.

They came for us at night.

They were being
attacked by wolves.


I told you I saw one.

You said you
thought you saw one.



Help me.
Help me.

It was wolves!

They killed the settlers,
We just read it in the diary!

No shit.

Oh, fuck.


What are we
gonna do?

Fuck. What are
we gonna do?


Oh my God, your arm!
Baby, what happened?

Kyle! Kyle,
get the table!

You said that there weren't
going to be any wolves. You said!

Yeah well, there's
fucking wolves here now!

I can see that!

Kyle, get that fucking
table behind the window!




Oh, fuck.

Shit! What are we gonna do?
This isn't gonna keep ‘em out!

I don't know!

Fuck! Help me!

Why are they
attacking us?

I thought wolves were supposed to be afraid of people.

I have no idea.

Where'd they go?

Kyle! Are you okay?

I told you I saw a wolf.
Why didn't you believe me?

Yeah, there are
wolves, alright?

That doesn't
change anything.

We still need
to help Ben, your friend.

Didn't you see
them out there?

They'll rip
us to pieces.

I saw ‘em, Kyle.
It makes me feel better about everything!

Better? How do
you figure that?

We know what we're
dealin' with now!

They're trying to get inside! Fuck!

Guys, the sun's
about to set.

We need to get
out of here quick.

Once it gets dark,
we're fucked.

In what, Rob?

What, you think
we're gonna be better out there?


Alright, they'll
fucking kill us/

We're not
going out there--

Listen to me!

Stop thinkin' about
them as wolves!

They're just dogs!

That's all they are,
just big dogs!

Yeah, dogs that were
fucking smart enough

to have fucked up my car,
and nearly killed Ben!

Why are you
such a fucking pussy?

You're too fucking
chicken shit to do anything.

You need to man up!

You guys,
stop it! Okay?

Staying here is
not an option!

Not for Ben. Kyle,
Rob is right.

We've got to
think of them like dogs.

It'll be okay.

No it won't!

This was just a dog!

A dog that almost killed me when I was 12

and it says in the book
that it was just dogs

that killed everyone
that lived here.

We're gonna die if
we go out there.


Do you hear that?


Get off him! Get off!

See? Just like I said.
They're just dogs.

Just fucking dogs.

God. Oh God.

This isn't your fault.

Don't blame yourself.

It's not your fault--

We gotta get
outta here, guys.

They can see
in the dark. We can't.

So you mean
go out there?

Kyle, we've
been over this, man.

No matter what we do,
they can get in here.

Might not be
five minutes.

Maybe it will take
an hour or two, but--

they're gonna
get in here.

So we can either
wait around for ‘em

or make a run for it.

Then what about Ben?
If we carry him we're gonna be too slow

and they're gonna pick us off.
We'll be too slow.


Ben's gone.

He has no pulse.
I'm sorry.

Alright, that settles it.
We're going.

We're not going.

Fine, fuck you. You stay.
We'll send someone back for you.

Rob, don't be
such a dick.

I'm not being a dick.
I'm being practical.

I know he's scared.

Look, we're all
fucking scared, Kyle.

But staying here's the
worst thing we could do.

What about Ben?
We can't leave him here.

Kyle, we're not
the fucking rangers.

Never leave
a fallen comrade

is for people
with guns that are highly trained.

I mean, you were
worried about Ben slowing us down before.

How do you think
it's gonna be now that it's--dead weight?

Sorry, man. Look, I know this
isn't the option you want.

But it's the
only one we have.

I've proven we can
kill these things.

Let's get out.
Let's try and get some help.

Go to the highway.
Find someone.

Whatever it takes
to get outta here.

It's either that
or you stay here--

and you're gonna end
up the same as Ben.


I don't
wanna stay here.

I know you don't
wanna leave him but--

We have to go.



I have, um--

I have a flashlight
in my car, in the trunk.

Good. We'll
get it on the way.

I think we can get out
through these floorboards.

They're kinda rotten.

Let's give
him a minute.

We keep close together.

Go building to building.
Head to the car.

Get the flashlight.
Get the fuck outta Dodge.

This isn't gonna work.

They're coming.

Alright, let's
try this barn.

Grab the door.
Grab the door!


They're looking for
a way to get in.

Alright, go up there.

We're just swapping
being trapped in the saloon

to being
trapped in here.

No, it's okay.

Alright we're safe.
At least for now.

We're close to the car.
We can get the flashlight.

We could be
a million miles away from the car.

It doesn't matter.
How are we gonna get past them?

I can see your
car from here.

Still have your keys?

Kyle, your keys.
Do you have them?

Yeah, they're
right here.

How fast do you
think you can get there and back?

I don't--
Not fast enough.

It's like you said.
We're just trapped in another place.

We gotta do something.

I'll go. Gimme
the keys. I'll go!

No. Fuck.

No. I'll go.

What's your plan?

I'm gonna run
a diversion. Okay?

You get to the car.
Get the flashlight

and anything else
you can grab

and you get your
ass back here. Got it?


Wait wait wait.
What am I supposed to, sit and wait?

No. You're gonna
man the doors.

You'll be safe in here
until I get back.

You promise?

Yes! Yes,
I fuckin' promise.

Let's go.

Kyle. Kyle.

As soon as you see
them take off after me,

you run like hell.
Got it? Got it?


Let's do this.

Hey. Come here!

Yeah, follow me.
Follow me!

Kyle. Kyle.

God damn it, Kyle.
Look at me! I need you.

On the count of three
you've gotta run.

You ready?

One, two,

three! Go!


What are you doing?

I want you to walk
towards me slowly.

Please just go
back to the barn.

No. I'm not going
without you.

Walk towards me slowly.
Just give me your hand.

Hey. Hey, hey, hey.

We need to arm ourselves.

With what?

There's dynamite.
There's dynamite!


Do you have anything
to light it with?

My bag!


Kyle, I'm gonna
need you on this one.

OK, we can get to
the house. Come on!

No! Oh shit!

My fucking leg!


Jess. Spit on that!


It's your scent.

They're tracking
us all by scent.

We'll use it
as a distraction.

Here you go.
Take the bag.

Rob, wipe
your blood on that.

Jess, can you run?

Yes, if I have to.


Kyle, I need you
to open your door a crack.

Let them think
they can get in.


Let them think
they can get in.

The only way
this is gonna work.

Bring all the
wolves together. Alright?

Alright, are
you ready?

Alright, open it.

You ready?

Oh--00h God.

We're in their lair.

We're in here,
but I think they're staying out there.

But for how long?

I dunno. Long enough
for us to find a way outta here.

The bones
are all human.

Hey. Here,
sit down.

How bad is it?

It looks okay.

You make
for a crappy liar.



That's okay.

Hang on.

I'm sorry.

Think you can
stand on it?

Maybe. I don't think
I'll be outrunning any wolves.

You'll be alright,
I promise.

Thank you.

Whose bag?

It's mine.

See if there's
anything useful.

Probably not, right?

Well, guys, I think
I left all my survival gear

in my other
bag. Sorry.

We still have this.

What, you wanna read
'em bedtime stories?

It might say something
about how they fought the wolves.

Maybe there's
information in here we can use.

Yeah, knock
yourself out.

Hey. Let him read.

"We built Paradise
in the heart of the wilderness.

"We did what
we always did

"and took what
we always wanted.

"But Paradise
came with a price,

"because we didn't
understand that Paradise wasn't ours to take.

"So we hunted the wolves,
determined to keep the town safe."

"But that only
made things worse.

"Maybe they'd have been
content if we'd've just moved on

"and left
them in peace.

"Now we know they won't stop until we're all dead."

That the answer
you were lookin' for?

Everyone dies?

Well, maybe they
didn't all die.

Alright, I'm just
tryin' to help.

Yeah, you're the
fuckin' reason we're all here.

And you don't think
I know that?

Huh, you don't think
I know that Ben's dead because of me?

Okay, you guys, stop!

We have to
work together.

And it's gonna
take both of you

to help me
get out of here.

Everything here
belongs to the wolves.

They were here
way before anybody.

And it's like
you said, Rob.

You know, we show up
and we take what we want,

and kill anyone
or anything that gets in our way.

Which helps us how?

They want us gone!

Alright, they just
wanna be left alone.

Alright, what's
your plan? Huh?

You wanna go out here,
talk to the fuckin' wolves,

and let them know that
we promise that we'll never come back?

You think they're just
gonna let us walk away?

No, we've gone
way past that.

We've already done exactly the
same as the people in your book.

Alright, they're not
gonna leave us alone.

They could've just
scared us away

when we got here
but they didn't.

They trashed your car.
They killed Ben.

You think now,
that the fuckin' shit's hit the fan,

they're just gonna change
their behavior and let us walk away? No.

You look after Jess.

They try and come in here,
you keep them the fuck away from her.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna go get
us some dynamite.

Thanks, by the way.

You know for--

for coming to help
me out there by the car.

Of course.

That's what we do.

Besides, you
fixed up my leg.

You saved my
ass outside.

I'd say that makes us
just about even, right?


So how come you
never asked me out?


How come you
never asked me out?

You were with Rob.

I mean before that.

You know, we've been
in class for the better part of a year.

I just
wondered if you--

I don't know.

I guess it just
never seemed like the right time to.

So you at least
thought about it?

Yeah. I mean,
that's all I ever do--

is think about stuff.

So how did
you and Rob--

you know,
end up together?

Well for starters,
he asked me.

OK, right. But--

mean you liked
him, right?

Yeah. I mean,
he's a really nice guy.

And, we've only
been dating for about a month or so,

so it's not like we
have any major commitments.

We're just seeing
how things go. You know?


I don't know,
it's just

when you say
it like that,

you make it
sound so easy.

Like everyone
can do it. You know?

Everyone can do it.

Well, not everyone.

I wish I could.

You know, it's
like dogs.

You know I wish
I wasn't afraid of them.

I mean believe me,
I know how stupid it is. I just-


It's not stupid.

I mean, come on,
you were attacked by a dog.

You nearly died. It's
completely understandable.

It's not like
you were attacked by a girl, were you?


I mean you're lucky.

You don't even have to
worry about asking people out.

You're a girl.

Okay, you're right.

Because I can't
even remember the last time

that I had to
ask anybody out.


Fourth grade.
Cooper Brand.

What happened?

He said no.

Do you know that at
10-years-old I was less appealing

than the latest
video game?

Well, of course.

I'm joking.

You know what though?
You're right.

I'm lucky.

Kyle! Kyle Kyle Kyle...


That's okay.

I think
they're coming in.

Oh God. You scared
the crap out of me.

I'm sorry. I got it.
Let's get outta here.

What about the wolves?

Nah, I think for the most
part they're all out front.

I think some of them
actually might be asleep.

They didn't even hear me or
notice me when I went outside.

What's the plan?

I'll explain it
on the way up.

We made it
through the night.

Let's just
make it home.

Would you
explain to us how?

You see that shack
over there by the lake?

That looks safe.

Yeah and past that's
the highway.


I'll get
you guys there.

I'm gonna come back.
Lure ‘em in, and blow ‘em up.


Just take it slow.

We made it.

Yeah, this far.

Now what?

I got it.

No. No.

Look, we don't
have to Kill them.

It's too dangerous.
Let's just go.

It's still three
or four miles to the highway.

You really
wanna risk it with her leg?

Kyle, don't worry. These stupid dogs
don't even realize we left.

I'll be back, okay?

I'll be back.


Rob, behind you!


No, let me go!
Kyle, let me go!

No, let me go!
Kyle, let me go!

No, let me go!
Kyle, let me go!

Kyle, get off mel!
Let me go! Let me go!



Let me go! Let me go!

Jess, no!

Let me go. Let go of me!
Kyle, let me go!

Let me go. Let go of me!
Kyle, let go. Let me go!

You can't go out there!

No! Let me go! No!

Stop! Stop!

No. No.

No. No.


No. No.

No. No. No.


What are they doing?


Just stay where you are.

Jess, no.

Oh, my God.

What have they done?

They're showing us
how they want this to end.

What's gonna
happen to us.

And we have got
to get outta here.


Rob's plan.

Rob's plan?

Look at ‘em, Kyle.
They're just laying there dead.

It's because
they're out there,

I think I know
how I can make this work.

You think or you know?

Look, we are not
ending up like that.

We're goin' home.

/ Don't wanna
die out here.

I'm not gonna let
that happen to you.

Kyle, you don't
have to do this.

Yes, I do.

Besides, they're
just dogs, right?

Good luck.

Kyle. Thank God.

Come on.

Where's the lighter?

I don't have it.

Why isn't he
attacking us?

He's smart.

Yeah, you know
what that is, don't you?

That's why you
didn't follow me into the lair.

I thought he
wanted us all dead.

Not if it means
he dies, too.

He just wants
his town back.