Witchcraft X: Mistress of the Craft (1998) - full transcript

In England, bisexual British vampires free Californian Satanist Hyde from police custody; LAPD Detective Lutz and Interpol's Bureau 17 try to catch them.

(dramatic electronic music)

(ominous electronic music)

(lightning cracks)

- [Celeste] I am Celeste.

For many years, I have served
the Lords of the Overworld

in their battle against
the forces of evil.

Led by the demons
of the Underworld.

(atmospheric electronic music)

This is the Eye of Destiny.

It is my one link to my home,

and is the source of my power,

the voice of Shaguthma.

The Watcher of Chaos
emanates from the eye.

He is asking for
my help once more.

- [Shaguthma] Celeste,
the demon of Morshenka

has once more alluded us.

Walpurgis approaches.

Beware the servants
of Morshenka.

For they hope to free
him from the Underworld,

So he may reek chaos on Earth.

- [Celeste] Night is upon us.

And it is time for
me to go to work.

For I am the Mistress
of the Craft.

(heavy rock music)

* Never stuck my hand
on a sacred pin *

* I like they way you stop

* I like the way ya spin

* It's all gone wrong

* You led me on

* That rock n roll to Babylon

* I call you your house

* And you're always out

* But you won't say
what's going on *

- Check out the
honey's over there.

- Oh man, they're
really something.

- Here's your chance.

- Look man, there's
no way a babe

like that's gonna
be interested in me.

- You don't know until you ask.

Come on.

- Okay, okay.

(heavy rock music)

* Such a pity you
can't join us *

* Things are going
ever so well *

- You fancy a dance, love?

- I'm not your love,

but I will have that dance.

- I'll make it easy for you.

- Pardon?

- Do you want to dance?

- Sure.

* You never going back

* You'll never see it again

* You're gonna follow a track

* Just like your subway train

* It's all gone wrong

* You led me on

* That rock n roll to Babylon

* And I call your house

* And you're always out

* And you won't say
what's going on *

* And meanwhile

* Back in hell

(Linnaca moans)

(atmospheric electronic music)

- Get off, get away,
fuckin' psychos!

(man yells)

(man screams)

(Linnaca hisses)

(car engines whir)

- We can connect you
to over 35 murders

across the United States.

- I believe you already
know Detective Lucy Lutz

of the LAPD.

- Well she's on her way here,

and she's got a file on you

bigger than the one on
the Yorkshire Ripper.

- You can't intimidate me.

- You're finished, Hyde.

We're holding you on
extradition orders.

You're going back to California.

- You're going to fry
in the electric chair.

- Doesn't matter.

You'll all be dead.


(airplane engine whirs)

- So when we found
Hyde's temple,

all his disciples were dead,

and the groom was cut
open on the alter.

- He killed his own disciples?

- Sliced their throats.

I mean, I have
evidence with that me

that proves how
we knew he did it.

It was very strange.

It's like,

they all stood in line waiting
for their numbers to come up.

Just waiting for
him to kill them.

- [Agent Dixon] Like
nuns to the slaughter.

- So where's Hyde now?

- We've got him holed
up at Bureau 17,

secret base just
outside of London.

Do you ever get so sick
of the way the world is,

you just wanna give it all up?

- No, it just makes
me more determined.

You know, I was face
to face with Hyde once,

just before he escaped us,

and I wanted to riddle
his body with bullets.

- [Agent Dixon] I
know what you mean.

- All the way in 1985,
Amel Kosarison, 19.

- I cut her open.

Then I ate her liver.

Damn tasty.

(knock on door)

- Come in.


- [Celeste] Evening,
Director Markovec.

- Here, take this.

- [Celeste] What is it?

- It's a file on Hyde.

Not much yet.

And he's waiting to be
extradited to the states.

They sent a detective over

with evidence linking him to
several ritualistic crimes.

He thinks he's Satan himself.

- Not sure how much
I can help you here.

My speciality is paranormal
and supernatural.

Religion is not a cup
of tea, altogether.

- I know, but we could do
with your unique insight.

- When did you catch him?

- Three days ago.

I would have called
you in sooner,

but, well we've been swamped
by all the bureaucracy

it takes to organize
an extradition.

You wanna get a
closer look at him?

(driving electronic music)

- [Det. Lutz] I wasn't too sure.

- [Agent Dixon] But you
said you couldn't see him

on the security video.

- I know, but vampires?

I mean it was a bit far fetched.

Most men are insistent
that they are vampires.

- Now let me guess.

Your rationale side said no way,

heart said (mumbles).

(Detective Lutz mumbles)

Well, you could admit it to me.

I know vampires exist.

I've met one or two
myself in me own lifetime.

- You know, I do have to admit,

the thought of weird stuff
that I've come across in LA,

I did get a little curious

on how I could get transferred

to the California State
Branch of Bureau 17,

but I (mumbles).

And now, here I am,
working with one of you.

- Well, we've got
a strict policy.

You don't get
transferred to Bureau 17,

you have to get recruited.

- Director Marcovek.

- Agent Harris.

- [Agent Harris] Miss Sheridan.

- You better wrap up for now?

You won't get
anymore out of him.

- Sir, trust us, we can't.

- I said wrap it up.

Detective Lutz
will be here soon.

We can look through the
evidence in the morning

after we've seen
all the LAPD files.


- Coming.

- Celeste Sheridan,
I detect there's more

to you than meets the eye.

- Stay seated.

Camera's off now.

We can do anything we
want to do right now.

So you better do as I say.

- You know, you would have
made a good sacrifice.

I would have loved
to cut you open,

and listen to your screams
as I removed your liver.

(hand whaps against face)

- Watch it.

- [Hyde] I scare you, don't I?

(high-pitched, electronic buzz)

(fist whaps against face)

- Anymore of that hypnosis crap,

and we'll blindfold
you, alright?

Are you alright?

- Sure.

- You're busy tonight, sir?

- [Agent] Certainly am,
Steve, certainly am.


- [Agent Dixon]
Good evening, Steve.

- Cold night, hey.

- [Agent Dixon]
It could be worse.

- Hi Chris.
- Hello, Celeste.

This is Detective
Lutz of the LAPD.

- Ah, welcome.

Hope you had a good flight.

- [Detective Lutz] Oh,
it was fine, thank you.

- Good, Markovec's in his office
if you're looking for him.

I'm late for dinner.

I was cooking something special.

I'll see you tomorrow, no doubt.

- [Detective Lutz] Okay.

- Good night.
- Bye.

(knock on door)

- [Director Markovec] Come in.

Detective Lutz.

I trust you had an
uneventful flight?

- Thank you, yes.

- [Director Markovec] I suppose
you're curios to see Hyde?

- Well, I was hoping that
we could wrap things up

as quickly as possible,

and get Hyde onto a
plane back to California

by tomorrow afternoon.

- Now, I can't see
any problem with that,

providing the
papers are in order.

- If I could see Hyde now.

I have to see him
with my own eyes.

Just so I know that you really
have caught that bastard.

- [Agent Dixon] I'll take you.

- It's Steve, I'm just gonna
have a look upstairs, okay?

(hand thuds against back)
(Steve grunts)

(ominous electronic soundscape)

Oh, Jesus Christ.

(Linnaca hisses)

Oh no, please, please.


oh no.

Oh, God.

(Linnaca laughs)

Oh please, get off.

Help, help.


Oh please stop, help, please.


- Come on girls.

We have more work to do.

- Right, let's get
him back to the cell.

- Let's move it.

(ominous electronic music)

- [Raven] How convenient.

A personal escort.

- [Agent Dario] Get back
inside, it's Raven Damonelli.

- Looks like I'm famous.

- Fuck.

- And now you both shall die.


as I've predicted.

- I've had enough of your shit.

- Dario, cuff him to the chair.

We've got bigger
fish to contend with.

- [Raven] Open up.

Or I'll huff,

and I'll puff,

and I'll blow your door down.

- Raven,

we've got some admirers.

- Ladies,

we've been caught.

- [Agent] Keep your hands up.

- (mumbles) the cuffs.

- [Agent] They won't do
anything while we've got guns.

(Linnaca laughs)
Go check everything.

(agent grunts)

(elbow whaps against head)

(neck cracks)

(agent grunts)

(Linnaca hisses)

(agent screams)

- Drain him dry.

I'd like to leave some
surprises for our friends.

- [Agent Dixon] So, do you
think you'll get to see

any of the sites of London
while you're over here?

- [Agent Lutz] Oh, I hope so.

There's so many things
that I wanna see.

(gun fires)

- Come on.

(palm whaps against head)

(Raven growls)

(Agent Dario screams)

(body whaps against shelf)

(head thuds against desk)

(Agent Harris gurgles)

- [Agent Dixon] Harris? Harris?


(Linnaca growls)

- Get off him, you bitch.

(fist whaps against face)

(handcuffs snap)

(Linnaca hisses)

(flesh rips)
(Lutz yelps)

- [Hyde] Let's go

- [Raven] After I kill her.

(stake thuds into flesh)
(Tansy gasps)

- Now.

- No. (growls)
(boot thuds against body)

- [Hyde] Who are you?
Why have you rescued me?

- [Raven] We both serve evil.

- [Hyde] What do you want?

- Have you ever heard
of a ceremony of


- [Hyde] Walpurgis?
The stuff of myths.

Walpurgis belongs in the
storybook about demons.

I seve Satan, the
only true master.

- I serve a greater
God than Satan.

One who rewards generously
those who serve him,

but if you are unworthy,


you will die.

- [Hyde] What reward?

- Power.

Beyond your wildest

- [Hyde] I am worthy.

Tell me more.

- We all are worthy. (laughs)

(Dahlia and Linnaca laugh)

- Hyde, where is he?

- Some vampire women
made off with him.

- It was Raven Damonelli.

- Get Celeste
Sheridan here, now.

(phone beeps)

- Hi, Celeste.

Look, we got a major crisis
down here at Bureau 17.

Hyde has escaped.

(bus engine whirs)

- Raven, you have
exquisite taste.

- Why thank you, Hyde.


allow me.

- Tell me more about Walpurgis.

- I have a book that
will explain it all,

but it is written
in ancient tongue,

that I know little of.

But you,

my dear Hyde,

should know well.

- This master of yours,
what powers can he grant?

- Unlimited powers to
those who serve him well.

Together, we will help him,

and share in his power.

We will serve by his side,

as he brings this world
and everything in it

to their knees.

- [Agent Murphy] The
dislocated scaphoid

would suggest a struggle.

- [Agent Fisher]
Okay, I've got that.

He has two puncture wounds
on both sides of the neck.

- The blood has been
drained from the wounds

which would suggest that
he must have been dead

at least half an hour.

- [Agent Fisher]
There's massive bruising

on the collar bone.

- [Agent Murphy] So what was
the exact cause of death?

- [Celeste] Let me look.

- He was killed by
a snap of the neck.

- Where are the others?

- [Agent Murphy] They're
in the interrogation room.

- Okay.

- I'll see you in the morning.

- [Agent Dixon] Sure.

- Well what about Hyde?

We've got to find him.

- At the moment, Hyde is
the least of our problems.

- What are you saying?

Hyde is a cold-blooded killer.

- And Raven Damonelli
is a 100 times worse.

(creepy electronic music)

Everyone stand back.

- My God, what is going on here?

- I never liked you,
Celeste Sheridan.

- And I always felt like
you were a pain in the neck.

(Agent Webb growls)

(Celeste moans)

(Detective Lutz grunts)

(fist whaps against back)

(knee whaps against head)

(heel thuds through flesh)

- Wow.

- You

and I

will be prince

and princess

in his kingdom upon Earth.

- You're a very
persuasive woman, Raven.

(Raven sighs)

(Raven moans)

- Raven Damonelli would not risk

breaking in herself to free Hyde

unless she had a
damn good reason.

- And you think this is
connected to this, Walpurgis?

- Undoubtedly, Raven
is the daughter

of Louie Damonelli, who was
a very powerful vampire.

His kiss alone was death.

He served a demon
from the Underworld,

name is Morshenka.

It was one of the
servant's of Morshenka

who would attempt to
free him at Walpurgis.

- So, Raven must
need Hyde's help,

but why?

- Perhaps there's
something in Hyde's past,

Raven knows about.

- Okay.

It's very late.

Better get some sleep.

I'll send Dixon
around in the morning.

You can both go
through the LAPD files.

See what you can dig up.

- I was thinking
of touring the city

to see if any of Raven's
vampire disciples

are out and about.

- Yeah, but don't take too long.

You need some sleep,
you're looking tired.

(wind blows)

(water splashes)

(Detective Lutz winces)

(car engines whir)

- Oh, poor Harry.

(atmospheric electronic music)

(juice splashes)

(Raven moans)

- [Harry] Hi.

- [Celeste] I am so sorry.

- Where have you
been? It's 3 a.m.

- I had a major crisis at work.

- Look, even police
detectives work regular hours.

- I'm not police, I'm Interpol,

and I'm not a detective,
I'm a special adviser.

It means irregular hours.

(Celeste mumbles).

- Did you find him?

- No.

- It doesn't matter
about dinner.

We'll have it for breakfast.

- I have to be up
early, I won't--

- Shh.

It doesn't matter.

- I love you.

(driving electronic music)

- Thank you.

(glasses clink)

Mm, do you mind if
I make a quick call?

It's to the states?

- [Agent Dixon]
No, of course not.

Feel free.

- Hi, Gardner?

It's me.


Not so good.

Um, can I ask you for a favor?

If I um,

if I don't make it back,

call my sister and tell
her that I love her.

No, I can't explain now.

Just, just tell the captain

that there's been
some complications,

and that I'll be
late returning, okay?

Thanks, Gardner.


That was my partner back home.

We've been a team for years now.

- I used to work
for Scotland Yard.

The Flying Squad Division.

- Oh yeah?

So how did ya end
up at Interpol?

- Oh, it wasn't a
very concerted effort

to get to work for them.

It all started with this case

that was a bit
out of this world.

It was Markovec of Bureau
17 who recruited me,

so to speak.

That was okay cause I
always had this fascination

with the occult and the
mysterious and the supernatural.

I've even got my own
theory on Jack The Ripper.

(Detective Lutz laughs)

- Oh, really?

Ooh, I'd love to
hear it sometime.

- Yeah, so why did you
decide to become a cop?

- My dad was a cop.

I never saw much of him, though.

We weren't that close.

I guess I joined
the force in order

to make him appreciate me.

I'd hoped that it
would bring us closer.

- And did it?

- He died before I
graduated the academy.

He was killed in
a gang shootout.

- I'm sorry.

But I'm sure he's
very proud of you.

(ominous electronic music)

- The Book of Morshenka.

(car engines whir)

- So, how many supernatural
killers have you come across?

- Actually, I don't get
to see much of that stuff.

Celeste does most of the work

when it comes to
attacking the paranormal.

- Ooh, fighting fire with fire?

(door clacks)

- Morning, boss.

- Mm-hmm.

I want you to go and
see Miss Sheridan

after you've taken
Detective Lutz

to wherever she would
like to spend the day.

- I assumed I would
be spending the day

assisting you retrieve Hyde.

- This is a Bureau
17 matter, detective.

As far as I recall,

you came here to escort
Hyde back to California.

Nothing more.



is our main priority now.

- But, sir.

- I have been working on
the LAPD investigation

for the past seven months.

- Excuse me, sir,
but I have to believe

that Detective Lutz
input be vital.

I mean last night,

she risked her life trying to
stop Hyde and Raven escaping.

- Very well.

- This is everything
we have to date.

- Thank you, detective.

And please,

accept my apologies.


I want you to introduce
Detective Lutz

to Miss Sheridan.

- Yes, sir.

(ominous electronic music)
(birds chirp)

- Would you mind
calling Celeste?

Her number's programmed in.

- Sure.

(car engines whir)

(phone rings)

- Sheridan.

- Hi, this is Detective
Lutz, we met last night.

- Good morning, detective.

- Agent Dixon and myself
are on our way over

to his place to check
some things out.

Are you able to join us?

- Do you have Hyde's files?

- [Detective Lutz] Yeah.

- Okay, I'll meet
you there then.


- Hey, that's my stuff.

- Well then, I advise you to
pick it up and get out of here.

- This my spot, I
found this place.

- This building is mine now.

- Hey Trev, we got troublemaker.

(head thuds against column)
- Let him go.

(pole clacks on floor)

- Fuck.

(fist whaps against face)

(Trev screams)
(bones crack)

(body thuds on floor)

Please don't kill me.

Place is yours.

I'll do anything you want.

- If I spare you, then
you will serve me.

- Yeah, anything.

- If you fail me
or try to leave,

I'll hunt you down and
kill you, understand?

- Yes.

- Bring me the book.

- Okay, so what
are we looking for?

- Any references to
Morshenka, the Underworld,

demons, not Satanism,
oh, and Walpurgis.

- Walpurgis?

- It's a ceremony, I don't
know much more than that.

My guess is, that
Raven rescues Hyde

to assist her in the ceremony.

- Well if anyone knows
anything about a ceremony,

it's Hyde.

And going by his previous
Satanic ceremonies,

I'd hazard to guess that killing

will most probably
feature somewhere.

- As I said, Satanism
isn't a part of this.

We're dealing with
something more powerful.

- Mikey.

It all comes back to me now.

- What's up then, boss?

- I read this many years ago
in his mister's mere fable,

but obviously Raven
knows something I don't.

She and her family
have been in service

of Morshenka for centuries.

What's this?

Beware the holder of
the Eye of Destiny.

The servant of Shaguthma.

The Lodger of Chaos
guards the eye.

If the eye is used
against Morshenka

as he leaves the underworld
and enters Earth,

Morshenka will be
banished into limbo,

and his power will be
absorbed by the eye

or whoever controls the eye.

His power will be absorbed
by whoever controls the eye.

- [Agent Dixon]
Where are you going?

- It's almost dark.

Raven's vampires
will be up and about.

I'll meet you guys
at Bureau 17 later.

Have you found anything?

- Yeah.

Lucy found, where is it.

Lucy found this.

- Hyde worked many years
ago as an assistant

to a James Radley at Berkeley.

Now, Radley was a
professor in mythology,

and his interest was
in forgotten mythology

and classical literature.

I believe that
this is where Hyde

first started his
interest in Satanism,

but Radley also taught
him dead languages.

- Oh, let me guess, Radley
also translated ancient books?

- And one of the books
was the Book of Morshenka.

A book about the Underworld's
Demon of Pestilence.

- Now, when Hyde
stopped working Radley,

he moved to this commune,

where the guru was a Satanist.

- And after three years,

Hyde killed the guru and
started his own cult in Texas.

- Raven must have
Book Of Morshenka,

that must explain Walpurgis.

Why don't you see if
you can track down

this Professor Radley and
perhaps he can shed some light.

I'll see you later.

- Okay.
- Bye

- [Hyde] About time.

You and your vampires
sure know how

to waste the better
part of a day.

- Where's my book?

- Yes Raven, I have it.

I decided to start early.

But you haven't
told me everything.

Have you?

- It wasn't Morshenka's wish.

- Still, it doesn't matter now.

I planned everything already.

Tonight, we'll be at Walpurgis.

- Have you translated the pages?

- I know everything I need
to know about Walpurgis.

- [Raven] What must we do?

- [Hyde] I need you and your
girls to bring me sacrifices.

- Allow me, mistress.

- And me.

- Quiet.

- Such enthusiasm for sacrifice.

I've never seen it before.

I want you to bring me
Special Agent Ben Markovec.

- What, go back to Bureau 17?

- [Hyde] Don't tell me you're
scared to go back there.

- But what if Celeste is there?

- Must I think of everything?

Celeste won't be there.

One of your girls
will distract her.

- Okay.

- Thanks.

- [Agent Dixon] Well?

- That was Gardner.

I had him check on
a few things for me.

It's not good.

Radley was killed
several years ago

by a certain Louis Damonelli.

- [Agent Dixon] Louie Damonelli.

Raven's father.

- Well, Damonelli must
have stolen the book.

Which means, we're
back to square one.

- No, no, I'm sorry, it's just.

- Shh.

(atmospheric electronic music)

(thunder booms)

- Morshenka.

- [Morshenka] You can't, for
you cannot defeat me, witch.

In a few hours I will be free.

And you,

servant of Shaguthma

will be the first
to feel my wrath.

- I will defeat you
demon or die trying.

- [Mikey] What now, boss?

- You're the thief, get me in.

(heavy electric guitar)

(man coughs and groans)

- [Man] What's that?

What is that?

(nails scratch on wall)

Who's there?


found a coin, anyway.

Who's there?


I've got a pound coin.

- We've been waiting for you.

- I've been waiting, darling.

(man grunts)

- We want your money.

- Do you want my money?

(man screams)

(driving rock music)

- Well, if it isn't
Raven's right hand bitch.

- I should have killed
you the other night.

- That was your chance.

- Let's see what you can do.

(Linnaca grunts)

(upbeat electronic music)

(fist thuds against head)

(fist thuds against stomach)
(hand whaps against head)

(knife thuds into flesh)

(Linnaca gasps and gurgles)

- See you in hell.

- No.

- This my friend, is
used to, I will use

to steal the power from
the evil Morshenka.

- What have you done?

- You're too late.

There's nothing you can do now.

I have the Eye of Destiny,

and soon I will be the most
powerful warlock on Earth.

Mikey, the matchbook.

Let's get out of here.

(phone rings)

- [Harry] Hello?

- Harry, it's me, where are you?

(cabinets clack)

- Who the hell are you?

(fist whaps against head)

(hand whacks against head)

- [Hyde] (sighs) Get
the Eye of Destiny.

I'll bring him.

He'll make a good sacrifice.

- Harry.

- Hey, Celeste, baby.

You've reached a number
that's been disconnected

or is no longer in service.

If you feel you've reached
this recording in error,

who gives a fuck.

(phone clacks against booth)

(car engines whir)

(ominous electronic music)

- [Raven] Kill anyone you see.

Drain them dry.

And bring Markovec to me.

- [Agent] So I told
him given the evidence,

there was just no way we
could detect whether or not...

- [Raven] Go.

(agent screams)

Good evening, Mr. Markovec.

- [Agent Markovec] Raven.

What a surprise.

- We came for you.

- [Agent Markovec] Big
mistake coming back here.

The place is crawling
with my agents,

you'll never get out alive.

- No, you're agents
won't get out alive.

- The last one's dead.

- [Raven] Excellent.

Oh, you are defiant, but
it will not help you.

(cross bangs on floor)

Give in,

you can't


- Oh, no.

- [Agent Dixon] Damn.

- [Detective Lutz] It
looks like the vampires

are back in town.

- [Agent Dixon] There could be
more of them in the building.

We could be in for
some serious trouble.

We better call for backup.

- There may not be time.

If Celeste arrived before us,

she could be in danger.

- Okay.

I hope there's nobody
else working late tonight.

- [Detective Lutz] Come
on, let's go find Celeste.

What do you think happened?

- [Agent Dixon] Where's Ben?

- Do you think Raven took him?

(phone rings)

- Hello?

Celeste, no it's Chris.

Ben's not here.

We think Raven took him.

Yes, we'll wait for you here.

- [Hyde] Do you have
everything I need?

- Absolutely, boss.

- Good, then take this.

But be careful, or your
life won't be worth living.

- You better not
point that at me.

We don't want an accident.

- God, Celeste.

Raven and her vampires
have killed everyone

who was in the building.

- I know, I saw the bodies.

- So what's the plan?

I wanna kill those fucks
before someone else dies.

- And I'm with you there.

- We don't even
know where Hyde is.

- Ah, yes we do.

- I know this place.

- So then what are
we waiting for?

- It's a trap for a start.

- What?
- Why else would

they have left it?

- They might not have
known they dropped it.

- Hyde wants me there.

He's stolen the Eye of Destiny.

- Shit.

- Ah, excuse me,
what is this eye?

- It's a magical icon,
the source of my power.

Hyde intends to
complete Walpurgis

and summon the demon Morshenka,

and use the eye to
steal Morshenka's power.

- Making him the most
powerful warlock on Earth.

- Mmm.
- God.

We have to go stop them now.

- And you've got work to do
before you can leave here.

Stake the bodies before
they turn into vampires.

Go on.

(Dr. Lutz screams)
(vampire yells)

(dramatic orchestral music)

- [Celeste] The stakes.

(stake thuds in flesh)

(Agent Dixon coughs)

- Jesus Christ, that was--

- Was, are you alright.

- I'm fine, fine, just shaken.

- You better stake the others

or we'll have more
vampires to contend with.

(ominous electronic music)

- Poor, Fisher.

He just had a second child.

That poor family.

- [Detective Lutz] I'm sorry.

Chris, we don't have much time.

- [Agent Dixon] Okay, right.

- On the count of three.

- [Agent Dixon] One,

- Two.

- Three.
- Three.

(vampire screams)

(Lutz coughs and gasps)

- [Agent Dixon] Lucy,

Lucy are you okay?

- [Detective Lutz] Yeah,
I'm just a bit winded.

- Hey, you did great.

- [Detective Lutz] Looks like
we're gonna have company.

- [Agent Dixon] Shit.

Shit, it's Agent Simmons.

- [Agent Simmons] Hi, Dixon.

You're looking good.

I see you have a
little girlfriend.


I'll enjoy sucking her dry.


- Back up.

- [Detective Lutz] Uh-oh.

- Run.

(dramatic orchestral music)

(Agent Simmons growls)

- [Agent Dixon]
Run Lucy, this way.

- Chris, Up here.
- Lucy.

(vampire growls)

- [Agent Dixon] There,
that will slow them

for a minute or two.

- [Agent Simmons] I can
smell your sweet blood.

- [Detective Lutz] Where does,
where does that door lead to?

- [Agent Dixon] Hey, we can
use that to get out of here.

(vampire screams)
(Lutz screams)

(stake whaps against body)

- Hello, boys.

(high-pitched, electronic buzz)

(fist whaps against body)

(neck cracks)

(stake thuds into flesh)
(Agent Simmons hisses)

(stake thuds into flesh)
(vampire gurgles)

- Wow.

- You are something, girl.

(heavy rock music)

* Winter's coming

* Winter's coming for me

* Winter's coming to take me

* We'll score again, oh

* The skies are white outside

(Dahlia screams)

- Leave us.

- [Hyde] Not yet.

I brought him here
to be a sacrifice,

not for pleasure.

- [Dahlia] Very
well, leave us alone.

- Leave by the back entrance,
(high-pitched buzz)

and wait for me there.

- Why do you have to
sacrifice the cute ones?

- [Hyde] Go find the others.

Celeste Sheridan is on her way.

* Winter's coming for me

* Winter's coming to take me

* Winter's coming again

- [Detective Lutz] So how
do you think this trap's

going to work?
- I don't know.

- What if it's you
that Hyde wants?

Why don't you
(mumbles) comes out?

- It could be dangerous.

- Don't worry,
we've come prepared.

- Just pretend you're
one of the punters.

- Two please, girl.

(heavy rock music)

* Winter's coming

* Winter's coming for me

* Winter's coming to take me

* Winter's coming again

* Skies are white outside

* Sucking out my life

* Winter's coming

* In this year now

- Why don't we split up?

- [Agent Dixon]
Wait, over there.

I see something.

(heavy rock music)

- Okay, you distract,

and I'll go see where
they hid Markovec.

- Be careful, I don't want
you running into Hyde.

* Ladies

* You are welcome

* We are the
marshals of trance *

* We are the slaves

* At the temple of trance

* We want you to come
with us and learn *

* How to trance dance

(ominous electronic music)
- Ben?

- Ben?

(heavy rock music)
* To the left

* Turn right

* There's a trail of
pills on the table *

* In center of the room

* Take a blue capsule

* Then five minutes later

* Take a red capsule

* Ten minutes later

* You'll be ready.

* Now move around

* Get to know each other

(electronic chime)

* I am the marshal of
the temple of trance *

(fist whaps against flesh)

- What

are you


- [Hyde] Celeste
is in the building.

(alarm beeps)

- Is this your doing?

- We have work to do.

There's not time for dancing.

- Who is this man?

- [Hyde] Mikey, bring Agent
Dixon to the sacrifice table.

(ominous electronic music)

- Huh!

(flashlight clacks against head)

- Welcome to hell.

(Lutz screams)

Now, you shall die.

- [Detective Lutz] No.

- Get back.

(electronic chime)


- [Raven] You don't know pain.

- [Celeste] Go upstairs.


- [Raven] Kill them.

- Run upstairs.

(driving electronic music)

- Dear Celeste, now I
have my revenge on you.

For what you have done to us.

- Don't count on it.

(Celeste grunts)

(Hyde claps hands)

- Hyde.

(wind howls)

(ominous electronic music)

- Where am I, in hell?

(head whacks on wood)

(thunder cracks)

- Coming storm.

- If we had time,

we could torture her to death.

- As painfully as possible.

- But you and I dear Raven,
have a date with destiny.

- When Shenka will be free.

- No, Raven.

He's lying to you, he's
stolen the Eye of Destiny.

He can use it to steal
Morshenka's power.

- Your lies won't save you now.

Kill her.

Raven, come with me.

- Listen to me Raven.

He'll kill you, too.

You cannot trust him.

- Warlock?

- Come Raven, we have
a ceremony to perform.

- Raven, I don't trust him.

- He speaks lies.

(driving electronic music)
(stake thuds into flesh)

- [Raven] You traitor.

(Lutz screams)

(electronic buzz)

- Lucy, the stakes.

(head thuds on floor)

(Celeste grunts)

- Rose, Dahlia, come with me.

(ominous electronic music)

(sword clacks in sheath)

- [Celeste] Are you okay?

- I'm not sure.

- Come on, we're
gonna be too late.

- Too late for what?

- Walpurgis, Hyde is going to
summon the demon of Morshenka.

- Why did Hyde
attack the vampires?

- If he can complete Walpurgis,
he will summon Morshenka.

He stole the Eye of Destiny
to use it against Morshenka,

as he used the
Underworld for Earth.

With the eye, he can
trap Morshenka in limbo,

and channel Morshenka's
power to himself.

- Oh my god, he's crazy.


Chris is missing.

- Hyde may have him.

- Ow,

uh, I can't feel my arm.

- [Celeste] What is it?

- I'm gonna turn into
one of them, aren't I?

- No, you won't.

You'll recover, come on.

(ominous electronic music)

This way.

- [Raven] Celeste, Celeste.

- [Detective Lutz]
What should we do?

- [Raven] Kill them.

(Lutz screams)

(heads crack)

- Fuck it.

(stake thuds into flesh)

(Lutz sighs)

(ominous electronic music)

- Celeste,


(foot whaps against flesh)

(fist whaps against face)

(Dahlia yelps)

(driving electronic music)

(Dahlia groans)

(ominous electronic music)

- [Celeste] Lucy?


- [Detective Lutz] Chris.

- [Hyde] Detective Lutz.

(fist whaps against face)

Stay away.

- Raven Damonelli.

At last.

- You've interfered
for the last time,


- Don't count on it.

(atmospheric electronic music)

- Oh, my God, I'm frightened.


you've broken my nail.

(Raven grunts)

(Celeste coughs)

(Raven screams)
(bones cracks)

- Now you've




(Raven screams)
(bone crunches)

(high-pitched electronic buzz)

(heart pops)


(ominous electronic music)

- [Hyde] Lords of
the Underworld, hear
me, your servant.






The knife.

Take the knife.

Spirit's of Walpurgis,
past and present.


the sacrifice of fire.

Now, man, now.

- [Mikey] I can't.

- [Hyde] Do it or die.

(man gurgles blood)
(spirit wails)

(fire roars)

(electronic buzz)

(electronic boom)

(Hyde grunts)

- Hyde.

- You are too late.

I've already absorbed
some of Morshenka's power,

and am now more
powerful than you.

- You can never win.

You're dealing with forces
you cannot understand.

Morshenka will
(electronic chime)

destroy you.

- Celeste.

(electronic boom)

(Celeste gasps)


(Celeste coughs)

- Mikey.

(fist thuds against head)

- Ben.

Ben, wake up, Ben.

- Spirit's of Walpurgis,
past and present.

Hear your servant.

Accept this sacrifice of fire.
(Lutz yelps)

(Lutz screams)
- Lucy.

- Over here.

- Lucy, get them out of here.

(hand thuds against head)

(electronic boom)

- The eye.


(ominous electronic music)

- [Harry] Celeste?



What the fuck is going on here?

(Harry gasps)

(door creaks)

(door creaks)

- [Mikey] She's in here.

- [Hyde] Ah, Celeste.

Bring me the eye of destiny,
I'll spare his life.

Well Celeste, never
trust a warlock.

(Dixon grunts)
(knife clanks on floor)

- [Hyde] Come here.

- [Mikey] Master?

- [Hyde] One sacrifice
is as good as the other.

Accept this sacrifice of water.

(spirit wails)

(electronic buzz)

(Hyde screams)
(electronic boom)

- [Harry] Can we help her?

- But there's nothing
we can do against him.

- [Celeste] Stay away from me.

- Yes there is.


Hey you.

Sacrifice me.

- [Celeste] Shaguthma,
close the port off.

(electronic boom)

(Hyde screams)

- Let's go find the others.

- Right.

- You know, you'll
have to come back soon.

I think Chris over there
is going to miss you a lot.

- Don't worry, I will.

- Here.

Should you decide to visit

the LA Branch of Bureau
17, give 'em these.

- What is this?

- Well, it's just some
papers that state,

should you decide
you'd like to work

at Bureau 17 in California,

there's a job waiting for you.

- [Detective Lutz] Thank you.

I Just might.

- Goodbye, then.

- Ta-ta.

(upbeat electronic music)

- [Celeste] Have a safe trip.

- [Detective Lutz] I will.

(heavy rock music)