White Lightnin' (2009) - full transcript

Deep in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia, where every man owns a gun and a moonshine still, abides living legend Jesco White, "the dancing outlaw". As a boy Jesco was in and out of reform school and the insane asylum. To keep him out of trouble, his daddy D-Ray taught him the art of mountain dancing, a frenzied version of tap dancing to wild country banjo music. After his father's death, crazy Jesco dons his father's tap shoes and takes his show on the road.

#Wished I was an apple
hangin'on a tree.

#And that old Cindy come along
and take a bite of me.

#Now, get along home.

#Get along home, I said
Get along home.

#I'll be leaving soon#

When I was a younger man
in Meldwood...

when there was no gas
and we used to huff air...

...you'd bend over and breathe real hard
maybe 20 times.

Then one of your buddies'd come up from
behind and squeeze your chest real hard.

Then you'd pass out
and dream and go off.

When you come round again, it felt like
you'd been away a year and you'd say...

"How long was I out?"

Everyone laughed
'cause it'd only been a few seconds.

You see, I was about six year old
when I first started huffing.

I'd get me some of that lighter fluid.

...and I'd get me some of
that good gasoline and huff it right up.

By the time I was a younger man,
I was pure animal.

Seemed all's what I wanted to do
was to get high.

I'd wake up and my arm was all bloodied
and black with ink I'd scratched in.

Daggers and crosses, that sort of thing.

There'd be whole weeks pass, can by can.


D Ray! Get yourself in here.

- He's on the gas again.
- What? That's it!

I told him, son of a bitch.

Daddy really loved me, and I
know now he was only trying to help me...

...keep me from deteriorating my brain.

D Ray White was my daddy...

...and never there was a better
mountain dancer that ever lived.

He was able to jump 52 steps
more than any other dancer ever.

He was the greatest mountain dancer
of all time. He was a worldwide.

All over West Virginia, Kentucky
and all these parts...

...they still talk about the fast-stepping
feet of my daddy, D Ray White.

That's it!

I got him, D Ray. Come on, Jesse.

More than one time
the sheriff took me to Meldwood.

That's the West Virginia
Industrial School for Boys.

That's a reform school.

Left! Left, right, left!

Left! Left! Left, right, left!

Left! Stop!

They'd shave you and spray you down.

...to make sure you didn't have
none of the blue ball crabs.

Man, that shit burned.
They sprayed your nuts, too.


They'd give you your clothes
and make you line up.

- Name.
- Jesco White.

Back again, Jesco White.

Just like the army.

Left! Left, right, left!

Stop! Turn!

Left! Left! Left, right, left!

Left! Stop! Turn!

Sometime if you messed up.

...and they thought Meldwood weren't
strong enough in its punishments...

...they'd send you to Everett Work Camp.

You really didn't wanna go there.

I guess they 'posed to make you better
than what you are down there.

Move it!

But I don't 'uppose it to.

'Stead I reckon it just made it worser.

'Cause as soon as I'd get out, I'd just
do something to get right back in.

My daddy tried to fight it, though.

He didn't want nothing from me
but the dancing.

He'd understand from a young age
that I was weak...

...and he tried to keep me
from the evil in the world.

#Get along home.

#Get along home, I said
Get along home.

#I'll be leaving soon#


But I was 'ready gone,
and then things would happen.

...that made me slide even farther.


Dorsey, come on!

Go get Papa's hacksaw.
You know, the one in the motor shed.

That looks like a bow.

- Rocket.
- Pardon?

Lighter fluid. Rocket?

Mr Warner, you wanna come over here?

Son of a bitch.
All I wanted was some lighter fluid.

We know it's you, Jesse. You've been
breaking in every store in town.

You want your daddy
to come and collect you, boy?

Now, wait a damn minute!
Little son of a bitch.

So I'd end up back in that place.

In a place like that, things happen
that'll make you even worser still.

Keep on sliding right down, you know?

Well, one of the other boys decided
he just plain didn't like me very well.

He and a few others worked me over
pretty good in the washing room.

- Give me a cigarette.
- I don't have any.

Boy, you better give me a cigarette.

I told you, I don't have any.

Sure wish I did.

I knew the kid from Boone County
named a Cedal Davis...

...and he took me and showed me
how things ran, you know.

Cedal then telled me
that I'd best get in the back quick.

...and showed me how to make
a kind of knife like a weapon.

...out of tape, shaving razors
and a toothbrush.

Well, I left a cigarette packet out
on the bunk there in the dorm room.

...to see if them kids would beat me.

I figured they had call to any of my
things, so they come over and took 'em.

Well, I'll tell you now that I don't
recall what happened second for second.

But at the end of it, all them boys
had been beaten worser than I took.

Their ears had been slit,
their nostrils opened up and flapping...

...and their mouths cut wide
like they was smiling...

...just like you'd cut a pig.

Some of them things that I've done in my
life come out of the gas and the like.

Some of them things
that would later happen.

...come from Meldwood and the camp.

And there was madness that'd come from
what happened to Cilla and D Ray, too.

In the beginning,
God created the earth and the light...

...and all things good was born.

After the devil
fell from heaven's grace...

...oh, man walked to earth.

...and wars of suffering
broke out on the earth.

God cried and was angered...

...so the floods came.

...and he drowned all the evil
that had taken root...

'cept in the devils in the soil.

...and the rocks and the air.

There can be no hidin' from it.

...till we're a-washed in the pure fire
of the rapture.

He tried to give it to me,
the gifted, the danced...

...to push the other from my blood.

- Take off them shoes.
- Huh?

- I said take off them shoes.
- Why?

Take 'em off, you little son of a bitch.
You're gonna learn one goddamn thing.

You're gonna learn to dance.

Watch me.

Come on. That's it.

That's it. That's it.

That's right. That's good.

Once you get the flatfoot,
I'll teach you another step.

Come on. Look at me.
Look at me. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Every day we'd go out there on the dirt
out the front and we'd hit it, you know?

Get all them steps down.

We'd dance barefoot on account of
it toughens up your feet and ankles.

Well, we must have gone out there most
days for about two or maybe five months.

I got myself pretty good at dancing...

...and D Ray, well,
he wanted me to get goin'on it.

Daddy liked to see everyone having
a good time and keeping out of trouble.

That is why everyone all over
Boone County and all round here...

...they loved D Ray.

They used to all come out.

The cripples, the homeless,
the coloured folks.

Everyone was welcome at ours.
That is the way D Ray liked it.

He'd tell jokes and dance and sing...

...and everyone would carry on
and have a real good time.

Edgar Hudd played for Daddy.

They were as close as kin
since they were kids.

He was a powerful preacher too. I mean,
He'd cite the Bible, chapter and verse.

Everything was perfect then.
We was all together and happy.

But I was weak.

I didn't care much for nothing at all.


Them's some pretty nice tattoos
y'all got there.

This one's the grim reaper.
This one's the rebel reaper.

What's that? Looks like snot in a bag.

That's pure cream.

Put ice right in your veins.

Give me your arm.

I'll pop you a little one.

That snot'll make you feel
just like an angel from heaven.

Y'all would run for three days not being
able to sit still or close your eyes...

...but you'd never wanna come down.

You want me to die?

- You're not gonna die.
- Get away from me!

They's got water for your breathing.

He thinks he's a fish
or something like that.

A turtle! I'm a seagull!

They was gonna throw me
down in the real prison that time.

When they got me to the jailhouse...

...the doctors realised
I was not in my right mind.

So they sent me
to Bennett State Hospital.

That's the insane asylum.

I must have spent more time
in them places than I was out.

But when I was out, I'd try and follow
what my daddy had said.

...and hope that the dancing
would keep me right.

Things was like that for some year.

I'd try and stay good, but I was weak.

...and sooner or later I'd do something
evil and get sent right back in.

What'd you do that for?

I was watching my own programme.

How can you say that to me like that?

Hey, motherfucker! I told you
I was watching my own programme!


I told you I was watching
my own programme!

When I'd go off it
and get in a fight or something...

...they'd hold me down and shoot me up with
something to keep me good and quiet.

I'd be right for a time then
before them drugs'd wear off.

...and I'd feel it again,
the devil moving in my blood.

Jesus. How am I 'posed to eat in here.

with these retards and their shit?

Goddamn it!



Hey! Look at this!


You stupid motherfucker!

When the sun shines
and Jesus holds court...

...then all's light.

But when the dark comes,
then things change.

...and the other angels come,
black, with no teeth...

...flying, moving fast.

They howl and they take your thoughts...

...and all that evil stays clogged.

...and your guts turn with it,
your heart labours with it...

...till the sin flows through your blood.

I was still incarcerated
the night they killed my daddy.

They didn't tell me for quite a time.

...on account of all them drugs they had
moving through my brain round then.

They waited till I was back in my
right mind, and that took a while, so...

Even when they told me,
I don't 'uppose I understood.

...just what it was they were saying.

It is about six months
that I had to sit and stew...

...thinking about what they did
to my daddy.

I love my daddy
and will till the day I die.

It is D Ray White that gave me this life.

...and near the only good in it
has been his doing.

But they took that from me.

Eye for an eye was my thinking,
just like it says in the Bible.

Now, I just wanna make sure.

...that you realise what
you're gettin' yourself into, Mrs White.

If you sign this, you're responsible
for him and his continued care...

...making sure he takes his medication and
goes to his psychiatric appointments.

Can you explain it plain? On account of
we don't have the education.

OK. Uh, here.

Take your hand. Now, take it like this.

And put it on Jesse's head. Like this.

Now, his brain there, it's like, well...
it's like ashes.

- Cigarette ashes?
- Yeah, that's right. Cigarette ashes.

I don't think anything as sad
or as powerful as my daddy dying.

...ever happened to me.

His death was a deep hurt in my heart
and in my brain, too.

It's a great pain
when someone you love dies like that.

And almost strong enough
to change your whole life.

Jesco, look here.

You can work on your dancing now.

Take your daddy's shoes.

So I took them old shoes
and I made to set my life straight...

...to get away from all the bad things
what had happened.

Wait, wait.

- Yeah, on that one, right there.
- On which? On where?

Yeah, when you do that bounce.

- Like this?
- And then shuffle. Yeah.

I called up old Bob Houston.

Bob played the guitar many times
with Edgar Hudd...

...the old banjo player what played
all them years with daddy.

On that one right there, you just need
to bounce and then shuffle.


So he knew all the songs or guitar
strumming that I could do them steps to.

We started playing
anywheres that'd have us.

#Oh, he taught me to love him
and called me his flower.

#That's blooming to cheer him
through life's dreary hour.

#Oh, I long to see him
and regret the dark hour.

#He's gone and neglected
this pale wildwood flower#

Thank you.

Wow. I love you.

We're gonna rock out. Come on, Bobby.

Then John Jackson got us some shows
over in Charlotte.

...and we took the show on the road.

We started there in Charlotte
and then all over.

We must have played
five or six times a week...

...in Ajax, Manhong, Delsock, Gary,
Jessetown and Horbanietown.

I'd get up there in Daddy's shoes
feelin'good, you know?

But I always had this problem.

...that no matter where I was
or how good I was feeling...

I was only one second away from thinkin'
bad thoughts and startin'it all over.

It is in me like a cancer
ruining my blood.

I tried the good life all right,
but my guts is bad...

...turning always sour.

See, I used to think real bad things.

Time I was down there in Meldwood,
I was on detail, you know...

when you gotta do work around the place
and that sort of thing.

So I was out there mowing and working
hard and waving to them guards an'all...

when I'd get to thinking,
"What makes a lawnmower run?"

It's out of gas.

Now, I don't know if I was dreamin'
or awake, but, man, I'll tell you...

I had some thoughts come to me then
that weren't no good.

Thoughts of killing and hurting
every one of them guards.

I had all kinds of them punishments.

Just about any kind of pain
you can imagine.

A kind of venging angel, I'd give them
their retribution for their sins.

Thank you. This next song
we're gonna play for you...

Cheers, Bob.
This next song is a song that...

- Move your feet!
... My late daddy D Ray taught me.

Fuck your daddy.

This song's called Wildwood Flower.

Y'all don't wanna be so rude, I know.

Y'all have been drinking alcohol.
I understand.

But you're disturbing my show
and disrespecting my daddy.

And that's some bad manners.

Fuck you.

Y'all kiss your mother with that mouth?

Wait, Bob!

- Hey.
- Hi.

You goin' toward Prenter?

- We ain't got no ride, man.
- Well, let's put her out in the road.

Get us a ride just like a fish
and hijack the car.

All right.

#Here she comes
What a pretty gal.

#Brown shoes on and a sequined gown...

See, I was prepared
to steal the car that night.

...and rob them people of all their money.

That is how I was thinking at the time.

Till I saw her, a vision of beauty,
like an angel from heaven.

- Why are you laughing?
- You're shining.

They's sparkles.

- My God.
- Why are you laughing?

- Can you see without your glasses?
- Why?

Can you?

- No.
- My God.

You look just like a movie star.

You do. You look just like a movie star.

I think I am in love.

What's your name, baby?

Enid. Enid Connor.

I think I'll have to call you Priscilla.

- It's my favourite name.
- Where are we goin'?

I was goin' to a wedding in Prenter,
but we could go to mine.

- It's in Twilight.
- In Twilight! Whoo!

My husband, Vernon,
he's away with the children.

We could go party at my house.

Man, that is the best piece of pussy
I had in my whole life that night.

The cleanest, too.

I can see your ass.
I can see your ass. I can see your ass.

I never before or since saw a bird that
smart who could talk just like a person.

Your husband's coming.
Your husband's coming.

What the fuck? Hey.

- Who the hell are you?
- Um...

We're friends of Cilla's.

Who the fuck is Cilla? Enid!

What the fuck is going on here?

- They's my cousins.
- What?

- They's my cousins.
- And who's he?

- Their friend.
- And who the fuck is Cilla?

- Well, she's Cilla.
- Cilla?

#As I sit here tonight.

#The jukebox playing.

#The tune about the wild...

She left him that night
and came away with me.

I don't know why
and I'm sure she don't either.

Sometimes she can be
kind of simple like that...

...just doing things without thinking,
like a chicken that can't help eatin'.

You know, if you don't take that food
away, chicken'll eat itself to death.

#It wasn't God.

#Who made honky-tonk angels...

Me and Cil got a place
and Cil came out on the road.

She loved being out on the road.

Them times we'd go as far
as Marshall or Cookstown.

Cilla cooked my food and washed
my clothes just like a regular family.

Those was the best times I can remember.
My good life.

#That has caused many a good girl.

#To go wrong#

- Baby?
- Hi.

What you got there?

- Eggs.
- Jesus, Cil.

You gonna cook them eggs?
Sloppy, slimy eggs again?

Well, I've got bacon.

And those little peppers you like, too.

I really do love them peppers.

Darned if they's ain't
the hottest little fuckers.

Dangs. My mouth.
Maybe it's too hot, huh?

Should I have made it ? la mode?

It tastes good.

Come here, baby.


Ah! Whoo!

Oh! Whoo!


You scared me, you little bastard!

And I'll tell you, son,
that Cilla could drink.

But she could do one thing
better than all that.

Drunk or sober, she's some hot stuff.

Been training at it since a kid,
she said.

I guessed there were some that said
she weren't much to look at.

And there were days I'd agreed with 'em.

But, man, I loved her.
Honestly. Seriously.

Goddamn it! You better come out
and clean this mess, woman!

I's know it's you that made it!

Stay away from me, now, Jesco White!
You're the devil himself.

Don't fuck with my fucking head!
It's not to be fucked with!

She was always trying me, picking
at my brain, what little was left of it.

She'd drive me
into a red, red, effin'rage.

Jess! What's goin' on here?


Jess, give it to me.

You know me, Reilly.
I ain't done nothing wrong.

- Come on, now, Jess.
- She's picking at my brain an' all.

- She's fucking with my fucking head!
- You stay away from me, d'you hear?

She keeps fucking with my...

She's effin' with my effin' head.

Come on. All right. Just calm down.

All right. Come on, now.
Let's go outside.

- I wasn't gonna do nothin'.
- I know.

Just scare her a little.

It's true, sometimes we'd fight,
just like all couples.

But then we'd get out on the road
and have good times.

...and everything'd be just like heaven.

Jesco White, folks. Jesco White.
The fast-stepping feet of Jesco White.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, we have
a special treat for you here tonight.

She don't know it yet,
but we're gonna try and get her up here.

I heard her sing one time in church
a few years back...

...and if she ain't a second Loretta.

Let's see if we can't get Miss Cilla
White up here, ladies and gentlemen!

Come on up here, honey. Come on up.

Come on, Cilla.

There she is. She's a little bit shy.

You have to help her on up here.
Come on! Miss Cilla White!


#As I sit here tonight.

#The jukebox playin'

#The tune 'bout the wild side of life.

#As I listen to the words.

#That you are sayin'

#I think back on when I was.

#A trustin' wife.

#It's not God.

#Who made honky-tonk angels.

#Like you said.

#In the words of your song.

#Too many times.

#Married men think they're still...

I don't think even Elvis
loved his Priscilla.

...more than I did mine that night.

My heart was fair bursting out of chest
as she sang and I stood there listening.

It was like we was real stars
from out of the sky...

...sparkling now instead
on this here earth.

#That's ever been broken.

#Was because.

#There was a man to blame#

#God who made honky-tonk angels...

That was the good life all right,
playing them shows, Cilla and Bob.

'Cepting there was always
some kind of evil lurking.

I don't know why,
but it just seems to follow me round.

What's the matter, Bob?

Jess, I don't like playin'
for no niggers.

Well, they's no problem, Bob. Honest.

I knows a whole load of them
in Meldwood.

They's human beings
just like all God's creatures.

Now, pay no mind, Bobby.

We'll have us a right good one here.
I can feel it.

All right.

I had no problem with them blacks.

I'd been with them in Meldwood
and I had no quarrel.

Not like Bob. No quarrel at all.

Go, Jess!

Come on, Jess.

Jess, Jess.

If y'all wanna live, then y'all run back
to that room and be waitin' for me...

...or I'll see your head blown into them
bottles on the other side of this bar.

- Jess...
- You son of a bitch motherfucker.

- Come on, now. Let's get outta here.
- You playing for my woman?

- They wasn't trying to steal Cilla.
- They was coming up to Cilla!

They wasn't trying to steal Cilla.
They was just playing.

Come on. Give me my gun.
Let's go on outta here.

I knowed if Bob, who didn't even take
to niggers, was trying to get me out...

...inside of shooting holes in everything
as I'd a mind to...

...that I should pay heed,
else things'd get worser still.

I was pullin'on that bottle
pretty good, you know...

when I went into the motel.

Room 11. One plus one.

I remember that to this day, which is
funny, 'cause I was a man gone mad.

You're goin' to hell.

#It's a shame that all the blame.

#Is on us women.

#It's not true that only you men
feel the same...

The blood caught the water
and started flowing real good...

'cause I'd cut pretty deep, you see.

All that blood and hot water
was pouring over her.

...and down onto the white of the bath.

It was then that I figured out
I loved her...

'cause she wasn't dead and there
I was dying and I didn't mind at all.

#It wasn't God.

#Who made honky-tonk angels.

#Like you said.

#In the words of your song...

Cilla started yelling and carrying on...

...so as Bob busted on in
and then stopped up my arm.

I can't say what'd have happened
if Bob weren't there.

I think that Cilla would have hollered
till I was dead and buried.

I said sometimes she ain't right.

That was my good time cut short again.

My life's been a party
and a joke and a tragedy.

Jesus got good hands,
smooth and pink.

The devil, now,
his hands is raw and black.

You can feel his touch like sandpaper.

...rub down your back and scar your guts.

Jesus's hands came...

...and the devil's hands fire the blood...

...coursing and hot
so as you have to move to cool off.

You got to do something.

Idle hands the devil works...

...and that's true that idle hands
is the devil's hands.

Venge is a strange thing, man.

Alls you want is to do it.

It's all you can think 'pon for
the whole day, every week, month, year.

It is when them thoughts came back
that I'd carve or burn a picture.

I liked all them stories and songs
from the Bible.

It'd bring a peace
all over your whole life.

I'm goin' out.

Where you goin' now?

I'm goin' to church.
Where you think I'm goin'?

I didn't let on,
but I knowed where she was going.

Dorsey told me he'd seen her
outside Vernon's old place of a time.

I guess she missed them kids.

Things is sad when y'all get home
from being away.

It gets quiet and you get to thinkin'
about all them things what happened.

Like I said, that is what you do
when you got the time.

You ponder 'pon the past.

Then your home become
more like a prison than anything.

Like your past
coming up into your future...

...messing with your good life.

- What's your name?
- Sam.

Sam, you can call me Jesse.

- How long you been in for?
- Two years.

Two years? Never seen you.

Why you here?

Now, this can't be good for the soul,
and me with not much to begin with.

Well, Sam's older brother
used to beat on him fairly.

He was into them dogs
and chickens and the like.

I guess that Tally got tired
of them dogs and chickens.

...and started work on Sam there
in the hayloft up behind them fields.

He'd get Sam up there in that hayloft
and really give a working.

You know, naked
like barnyard beauties 'cept faggot.

Sam's pa went up the mountain
to the new pasture, and Sam...

well, I guess he didn't waste a minute.

Tally hung there a few days
calling out till his voice went.

Please, Daddy, help.

Then his belly got real big
from the gas that was in his guts...

...on account of him being crucified
of a sort.

The stink was so bad, y'all could get
a whiff of it all the way down the road.

Now, Sam wanted Tally
to feel that same pain in the gut...

...so he took his ma's old knitting needles
from before she passed.

That's how they came on him, sticking
needles in his brother's fat belly.

Bob wouldn't play for me no more...

...and Cil didn't wanna go out
on the road.

Cil didn't like for me to party or drink
at all, not even a beer, neither.

She said it weren't no good for my head...

...made me promise to her and God above.

Some say vengeance
is best left to the Lord...

...and I tried to keep
them evil thoughts from my mind.

And it got worser still
when I found out thems what done it.

...had already got out of jail.

Look what we got here.

Judge said something wrong
with the trial.

They moved right back to the county.

I even heard they was drinking
down at Bob and Bs.

I must have thought of more ways
to kill a man than there are possible.

Dear Lord,
for what we are about to receive...

...let us be truly thankful.

- Amen.
- Amen.

There's a time when if left
in your own head for too long.

...that y'all have the privilege
to go insane.

Movin' out your own parts now,
ain't you?

Folks should be gettin' back
to their holler.

- We should give him a little help.
- Help?

Need some help, mister?

How about y'all show us some dancing?

Come on, now!
Show us some of that steppin'!

I'm talking to you, boy.

- Get the metal wire.
- Shit, Long.

Metal wire, Davie. Get the metal wire.

He gonna give us some dancin' yet.

Tie it on the back.

Get in the truck!

Get in the goddamn truck!

Leave me alone. Can't you see
I'm trying to finish this carvin'?

You're lost to the devil hisself,
Jesco White.

I'll fuckin' blind you...

...then take out your fuckin' tongue.

...if you don't shut your maggoty mouth.

You're leaving me?

You're destroying yourself.

What I got to live for?

And I ain't never coming back.

Well, you ain't leaving me alive!

Once that the devil
is in your blood...

...smaller than you can see...

...then there can be no retribution.

He gets in your skin and heart and bones
and he grows.

He moves you then,
and there ain't nothin' Jesus can do.

All you can hope for is to die.

...or to take away your limbs.

...so as not to do the devil's work.

Cut out your tongue
and chop off your feet...

...for they're no longer your'n but his'n.

Tow-truck drivers,
they get paid by the load.

They was always cranking it to haul more
so as they can get paid more.

Most of 'em are good for a shot or two
if they get a full head of steam on 'em.

And goddamn if I didn't want a trip.

A trip straight to heaven.

...feels just like being baptised
in a cool river made of silver and gold.

I felt like I could bless the world.

One more, Elvis. One more.


Get into bed. You're drinking too much.

You're taking too many drugs, bitch.

Get into bed. Uh-huh.

Jesus, Long. You're strangling him.

- Whoo!
- Maybe we should give her up, huh?




I could kill y'all...

...and then fuck you and slit your throats.

But, then,
you're not the judge to judge.

God is.

You ain't right,
you crazy hillbilly fuck!

I love you, Daddy.

Y'all was a good pa.

I'm sorry for them things what I done.

All them wrong things.

And for the huffing
what put me in Meldwood.

I'm sorry for the tragedy
what's my life.

I'll make it right.

I'll make it right.

There shall be vengeance 'pon them.

It was like in them videos...

...them nature ones,
wild beasts of the animal kingdom.

One minute he's running like a squirrel,
then I pawed him with that hammer...

...and he was down,
just like a bobcat I'd tagged.

Y'all didn't think
I forgot about things, did you?

- You know, I'll hang.
- Jesse, no, please.

"Jesse, no, please. "

No, Jesse, please!

That was Davie paid up.


Son of a bitch. Oh, Cil, fuck!


Call the state trooper. Call Reilly!

Long's got to Cilla! We gotta go now!


Cilla. Oh, fuck!

Jess! What the fuck is going on?

- Cilla's gone.
- Jesse, you gotta put down that gun.

She's gone, kidnapped. Long'll kill her.

What happened to Cilla?
Did you hurt her?

I told you! I just came down and found
my trailer shot to hell and Cilla gone!

- Just take it easy, Jess.
- Jesus Christ!

We can't wait here
or she'll be dead for sure!

Long's come and wants the venge,
account of what I did to Davie.

Davie? It's OK. It's all right now,
Jesse. It's all right. Just...

He's already in hell.

Your turn.

Tight enough for you?


Back in Meldwood, we could make things
out of toothbrush and tape.

I use this'n for shaving.

- No, no. No, Jess, no!
- I know what you did to Cilla.

- I didn't do nothin' to Cilla!
- I don't know how you did it.

- Help!
- But I know it's you.

No! No!


Sting a little?

Ain't no one here to help you, Long.

Prayin' ain't gonna save you now.
See, you's in hell already, Long.

And the Lord ain't surely lookin'
to save you with all you done an' all.

The way I figure is that the Lord
has a way of punishing people.

while they's here on earth.



No! No!

Bye-bye, Long.


Already in hell.

You gotta come with me now.

Long paid for what he done,
just like Davie paid.

I got the revenge.

The mind has a way
of gettin'away on you.

I don't know what happened rightly.

That's what happens
when you're cranking it.

Hardly know the visions
from the reality.

But I did know I had to get to the woods
and get gone...

...or I was gonna have a fate
worse than Tally Briscoe.

Venge makes you sick...

...like alls you can think about or imagine
is killing and torturing.

...and getting that vengeance.

But once it's done,
you gotta live with what was done.

...to make you venge in the first place...

...and then that venge ain't there to make
you feel good or anything no more.

It is my daddy D Ray White
that gave me this life...

...and near the only good in it
has been his doing.

I tried to think what he'd have done
in my place right then.

He'd have give himself up
and told the police everything.

...and do what's good and blessed,
and I should have done that too...

...but I'm a weak man.

He'd be heartbroken, that's sure.

I still think on him, though,
and I miss him...

'cause I love my daddy
and will till the day I die.

Them bugs was always on me
and drivin'me to distraction.

I was there in them woods about two days.

...before I figured
I'd to get somewhere else.

I got to thinking that old Edgar Hudd
had a cabin that was way out...

...and nobody went out there 'cept Daddy...

...and that was only for huntin'.

I let out then and there
for old Hudd's cabin.

Hudd'll be 90 if he's a day. I was not
sure at all if I'd find him there alive.

I'd not seen him around
for about a year.

Jesse, boy!

Been a time.

I hear that you're dancin'
just like Ray now.

Over at Twilight, Bandytown.

But look at you, boy.
Now, you're real ragged.

You get a jar of that water down you
right now.

Took me near on three day to get here.

I can't do that trek no more.

But no need, neither.

But don't try foolin' me, boy.
'Cause I know that you got trouble.

When you come in,
I could smell a reek like dead squirrel.

I know about your evil, Jesco White.

Well, Edgar, I won't lie to you.

I'm hiding out on account of the fact
that I sorted out Davie and Long.

...for what they done to Daddy.

And them police is after me now,
so's I come up here to hide out.

I don't want
no trouble for y'all, though.

And if you can see your way clear
to settin' me up with some food and...

well, just lettin' me rest apiece,
then I'll be gone.

Liar is what you are, boy!

You're weak. You was never enough man
to venge your daddy's death.

Old Davie and Long, happy as can be...

...living a life on the other side
of that mountain.

Lord'll take care of them
in his own sweet time.

'Cepting now you,
in your anger and vengeance...

...has taken the life
of one not determined...

...and that there
is blood on your brow, boy.

And, oh, it sickens my heart
and that of Ray's.

...to see you lie before God.

Boy, you done some bad things
in your life.

...that no amount of crying's gonna change.

You was always comin' here, Jess.

Always said you'd turn out wrong.

And here you are, a killer...

...and at some point
comes the retribution of the judge.

Now, Jesus was made
to walk on broken ground...

...his body gutted and his breath gone
from this earth that unholy day.

Them what was left gotta live
by the laws set down by God.

If you had been man enough
to get Davie and Long...

...you'd have sure speeded 'em
on their journey to hell.

where they'll burn for eternity!

But killing Reilly.

...is a killing against Jesus the Lord
who died for us...

...and his will got to be done
'gainst the man what done this wrong.

Please, Lord, save me!

I accept Jesus into my body!

Jesus, save me!

I accept Jesus into my body!

I accept Jesus into my body!

Now, I don't know
how long that fight lasted.

'tween the good Lord and the devil.

But when I came out of it,
I was nearly done myself.

I understand now that it weren't
Edgar at all that I was talking to then.

I see it as God a-talking to me,
telling me sense.

I could still hear old Edgar's voice.

...days after I put him
down there in the ground.

The voice of God
tellin'me things direct.

And I knew what I had to do
to clean them sins away.

The Bible is what tells us everything
that we need in life and death.

It's pages of the messages
to the people from God.

Hell on earth so's eternity
can be spent in the heavens.

Turmoil and torment,
40 years of suffering.

...to rid yourself of the devil's taint.

Jesus is the Son of God.

He could make miracles
and feed the people with fish and bread...

...multiplying the numbers
with the skin of his holy body.

I understand my punishment now, though...

...how to cleanse away them bad
what coursed through my veins.

Flesh is impure
and must be bled or boiled.

Gotta clean the impure blood.

I started with my fingers.
They was easy.

After cutting them,
I'd take a poker from the fire.

...and burn that wound closed.

Sometimes I'd pass with the pain
and dream of robins and the good.

And so my flesh comes to bread.

And my body comes to wine.

When I take it into me,
my new good soul clears it of its bad.

...and takes it to remake myself
in a better image.

The bad what's left
is shit out and buried.

...and the whole area then
is prayed over and set to flame.

I knew then I was right.

I was on the course of Jesus.

When I get done with my toes,
then go my ears and this liar's tongue.

With each cut,
I'm close to eternal bliss.

Already I feel that my soul is lifting...

...trying to get to heaven 'fore its time.

It's fair bustin'to get up there.

First, though, I must satisfy God...

...and I'm trying
the best as I can to do so.

Honestly. Seriously.

#Amazing grace.

#How sweet the sound.

#That saved.

#A wretch like me.

#I once was lost.

#But now I'm found.

#Was blind.

#But now I see#

This time equals your death.

Listen to the birds sing.

#Restless sinner, rest in sin.

#He's got no face to hold him in.

#He feels his day is dark as night.

#He's been waiting with the blind
Just to find a place to hide his ghost.

#No open lies, no consequence.

#The door's been closed
since he's walked in.

#The fight's been raging so many days.

#He'll greet you with a cross
and a sickle as he helps you in.

#You fall in ways to an open fire.

#You've got no taste for his desire.

#He brings you in to warm your bones.

#He's the reason why you came
and the reason why you have to go.


#Fool's gonna fall and raise.

#Another fallen child.


#Fool's gonna fall and raise.

#Another fallen child.


#Fool's gonna fall and raise.

#Another fallen child.

#It can't be known what lies in wait.

#For those of us in crippled states.

#A broken mind is no escape.

#When there's no one left
to reason with.

#There's no one left to call your name.


#Fool's gonna fall and raise.

#Another fallen child.


#Fool's gonna fall and raise.

#Another fallen child.


#Fool's gonna fall and raise.

#Another fallen child.


#Fool's gonna fall and raise.

#Another fallen child.


#Fool's gonna fall and raise.

#Another fallen child.


#Fool's gonna fall and raise#

Huh! Come on!