White Christmas (1995) - full transcript

Dorothy and her brother have an adventure in Weatherland and Scratcher the dog. Helped by Jack Frost and the bumbling odd job man, they have to outwit thunder and lightening twins and storm demons in their quest to meet the weather wizards

("White Christmas" by Bing Crosby)

♪ I'm dreaming ♪

♪ Of a white Christmas ♪

♪ Just like the ones I used to know ♪

♪ Where the tree tops glisten ♪

♪ And children listen ♪

♪ To hear sleigh bells in the snow ♪

♪ I'm dreaming of a white Christmas ♪

- [Peter] Superheroes, and a
Captain Galaxy space helmet.

and a racing car, and a radio,

and a tool set.

- What are you two doing?

- We're writing to Santa Claus, pop.

- Telling you what gifts we want.

And a baseball bat...

- Your list doesn't
look very long, Dorothy.

What are you asking for?

- I have plenty of toys
and dolls already, mom.

So I'm only asking for
one thing this year.

- Why, you've asked for a white Christmas.

- Huh? That's stupid.

- It would be wonderful.
(Christmas carol playing)

Peter and I have never
seen a white Christmas.

Remember last year?

It rained all Christmas day.

And the one before that was like summer.

- She's right.

I've never or even used my sleigh.

- Well, maybe this year you'll be lucky,

if Dorothy gets what she's asking for.

- Come on, you two, it's time for bed.

And Santa won't come
until you're fast asleep.

- Night, pop.
- [Dorothy] Night, dad.

- Goodnight. Sleep well.

(plate clanking)
(Christmas hymn playing)

- In case Santa gets hungry.
(hymn continues)

(Scratcher moans)
(firewood crackling)

(bricks clanking)

(gentle orchestral music)

(bag thumps)

(paper rustling)

- [Santa] Hmm.

You don't want much, do you, young fella?

Now, let's see what your sister wants.

(paper rustling)

Oh dear, oh dear.

A white Christmas.

I can't help her there.

(Scratcher sleepily moaning)
(footsteps thumping)

(floorboards creaking)
(Scratcher groaning)

(Scratcher barks)
(door lock clicks)

- [Santa] Aha! You must be Peter.

There you go.

Now the dear girl.

(stuttering) I can't leave
her with nothing at all.

(clock softly ticking)
- Hmm? What?

Santa, is it really you?

- Shh!

I just wanted to tell you

that I'm sorry I can't
give you a white Christmas.

Is there anything else you would like?

- Um, no.

I thought if anyone could
help, it would be you.

- I'm afraid not.


- Yes?

- Maybe there is something I can do.

Come with me.

- Can peter and Scratcher come to?

- Yes, of course.

But hurry, I am very busy tonight.

- Peter, wake up.

- (stuttering) Uh, uh, what?


(stuttering) Is that who I think it is?

(bright orchestral music)

- Hold tight, now!

(sleigh bells chiming)
(orchestral music continues)

I'll drop you off in Weatherland.

You should be able to find someone there

who can sort out some snow for you.

This is as far as I go, kids.


Cloud Nine.

(Santa laughing)

Now, take care!

I'll come back as soon as
I finished my deliveries.

Watch out for the Odd-Job Man (laughing)

Well, he means well,
(sleigh bells chiming)

but he can be a terrible waste of time.

- What do you think those things are?

(machine clanking)
- [Dorothy] Well,

they look like leaky clouds
waiting to be repaired.

- Huh?

That's silly.

- No sillier than these
clouds we're standing on.

We shouldn't be able to.


Our geography teacher
told us they're only made

of water droplets.

- Ha! Uh, geography teachers!

(laughing) What do they know?

Now, ahem.

Uh, what can I do for you two?

(Scratcher barks)
Sorry, uh, you three.

- We've come to see if we
can get a white Christmas.

Could you fix it for us?

- (laughing) Ah, of course!

Consider it done.

But you have to come with me.

I can't do it here.

- Why not?

- Because, young man,

this is the leaky cloud repair depot.

(playful orchestral music)

- Wow, look at that!

The junkyard of the skies!
- What? Where?

(laughing) Oh!

(Odd-Job Man laughing)

No. See here...

That's not junk.

I could fix anything you like
with them valuable materials.

- Like for a white Christmas?

- (laughing) Oh, you bet!

(Odd-Job Man laughing)

Consider it done.

It'll be ready in a jiffy.

- Looks like my wish is
coming true a lot quicker

than we expected.

Scratcher, come out of there!

(Scratcher whining)

(Scratcher moaning)

(trumpet buzzing)
(Scratcher barks)

(Peter and Dorothy laughing)
(Scratcher whimpering)

- (laughing) Ha! Hey.

Got it!

- [Peter] What on earth is that?

- Well, it's nothing
on earth, young fella.

That's an old cloud.

Perfect for the job.

(laughing) Oh, well, almost.

(Odd-Job Man humming)

(Odd-Job Man speaking gibberish)

(tractor engine revving)

(Odd-Job Man speaking gibberish)

(tractor engine revving)

(Odd-Job Man humming)

(Odd-Job Man speaking gibberish)

(laughing) There you go!

Now, you just pull for a white Christmas.

- Amazing!

- So what, I pull that rope,

the cloud opens and the snow falls?

- (laughing) You got it, young lady.

Only uh, it's sugar, not snow.

- What?
- Well, it is white!

- No Scratcher, no!

(Scratcher groans)
(rope twanging)

(sugar rustling)
(Scratcher barks)

(Scratcher moans)

you wouldn't happen to be
the Odd-Job Man, would you?

- Why? Yes.
(gentle orchestral music)

- Santa did warn us.
- Shh!

Thanks for your help, that was a nice try.

- Oh, well, um...

I'm sorry.

Maybe you'll have better
luck if you ask one

of the weathermen.

- And where do we find them?

- [Odd-Job Man] Up those
stairs, over there.

- [Dorothy] Right.

Come on, Peter.

Come on, Scratcher.

(Scratcher panting)
(Scratcher barking)

(energetic orchestral music)
(Peter panting)

Oh, whew! Some climb!
(Scratcher barking)

- [Dorothy] Excuse me.

Are you one of the weathermen?

- Yes. Windy!

So what?

- Can you help make it a white
Christmas for us tomorrow?

- Ah, not me!

I can only make it windy, so I can.

Try Jack Frost, he's a winter-y sort.

That's his place, over the bridge,

Now, be off, would ya!

(Windy chuckles)

(Windy inhales deeply)
(Windy blows violently)

(heavy wind howling)
- [All] Whoa!

- [Dorothy] Oh! Ow!
- [Peter] Ooh! Argh!

(Windy laughing)

- Ow!

I wish I was back in bed.

(door lock clicks)

- Oh, hell there, kids.

You've arrived right on time,

I've just made a fresh pot of tea.

Come in, come in.

(pot clanks)

I hope the tea is to your liking.

- Ice tea, yuck!

- Peter!

- [Peter] Sorry.

- So am I,

because I can't arrange your
white Christmas for you.

I could make it nice and slippery, though.

- (sighing) No, thanks.

Ice is dangerous for all the old people.

- I know.

My heart's not really
in my work, you know.

Look here, it's the snow master you need.

Come on, I'll take you to him.

(Scratcher panting)
(Scratcher barking)

- [Jack] Hop in.
- [Peter] You fly a plane?

- [Jack Jack] Sure.

Doesn't everyone?

- Well, uh, no.

- That's a pity, they don't
know what they're missing.

Shall we go?

(airstair clanking)
(Scratcher barks)

(engine starts)
(propeller squeaking)

(engine revving)

(engine roaring)

(engine roaring)
Here we are.

(door creaking)
(hopeful music)

(door creaks)

- [Dorothy] Hello? Snow master?

We've come to see you
about a white Christmas.

- Have you indeed.

Well, you're out of luck.

I'm off on my winter holidays.

- That explains why we've
not had any snow for years.

- Can't you do something
to help before you go?

- Certainly not, young lady,

I am late as it is.
(thunder rumbles)

Ahh, there's a storm brewing, I must fly.

Florida, here I come!
(thunder rumbles)

- Oh, we must go too.

The Thunder and Lightning
twins are on the loose.

(plane engine roars)

- Who are the Thunder and Lightning twins?

- They're troublemakers.

Their favorite pastime is getting up

to all kinds of mischief, and
that makes them dangerous.

(plane engine roars)

- [Thunder] Ha! Time for
some old wicked mischief.

Why don't you give them a
few kilowatts, Lightning?

- Well, if you'd be so
kind as to accompany me

with your great sound
effect, brother Thunder.

- You got it.
(cymbals crashing)

(thunder rumbling)
(Lightning laughing)

(both laughing)
(lightning zapping)

(both laughing)
(thunder rumbling)

(both laughing)
- [Lightning] Yee-haw!

(Peter gasping)

- Oh, whoa! Whoa!

- [Dorothy] Peter?
(Peter screaming)

(storm demons laughing)

- Those cloud things, they've saved him.

- [Jack] No, Dorothy,
they're storm demons.

They've captured him.
- [Dorothy] What?

- [Both] Whoa!
(plane engine roaring)

(plane stand crashing)
(Scratcher barking)

(plane engine roaring)

(plane stand thuds)
(Scratcher barking)

(plane thumps)

(Scratcher barking)

- [Dorothy] No, Scratcher,
we can't do it again.

Oh, well done, Jack.

You got us all down in one piece.

- [Jack] (nervously) Yeah,

but look what they've done to my plane.

It's ruined.

(Scratcher growls)

(Scratcher barks)

- Ah, Dorothy, this is Slusher.

He could fix you up with a gray Christmas.

- (slurping) Oh, pleased
to meet you, Dorothy.

- He is a bit messy, bur a good chap.

Ahem. Slusher,

the storm demons have
got her brother, Peter.

- (slurping) Oh, dear.
Thunder and Lightning

and their storm demons
are a powerful rough lot.

Only the weather wizards

on top of their mountain
are more powerful.

- Well, what are we waiting for?

- (laughing) You're going up the mountain?

- Of course.

- (stammering) But why?

- [Jack] Because it's there.

- Because they're crazy is more like it.

Oh well, good luck!

(thunder rumbling)

(thunder rumbling)
- This path leads to the top.

Uh-oh, it looks even higher from here.

- [Dorothy] Yeah, but it's the
only way to get Peter back.

Scratcher, come on, boy.

(Scratcher barks)

(Scratcher growling)

(storm demons laughing)

(Scratcher barking)

- Oh, look, he's seen a bone.

(Scratcher barks)

- Scratcher, look out!

(storm demons laughing)


We'll have to keep going.

Now we've got two of them to rescue.

- Yeah. Right.
(wind whistling)

(wind whistling)
(thunder rumbling)

- Oh! Phew!
(wind whistling)

Well, so far so good.

- Don't speak too soon.


Peter, Scratcher!

Oh, Jack, what can we do?

- Uh, keep going?


We've got to get to the
weather wizards for help.

Come on.

- We'll be back, I promise.

- Tell me, brother, do you ever get fed up

with being bad?

- Nope! No way!

- Indeed not!
(cymbals crashing)

(both laughing)
(thunder rumbling)

- [Jack] Oh, it looks awfully narrow.

- You'll be fine.

Just don't look down.

I'll go first.

- Oh, oh dear.

Oh, oh.

- [Thunder] Okay, after three.

- [Lightning] Four!
(cymbals crashing)

(both laughing)

(twins cheering)
(Jack screaming)

(twins cheering)
- [Dorothy] Jack!

(cymbals crashing)
- [Lightning] Yee-haw!

(both laughing)
(log splintering)

- [Dorothy] Whoa!
(twins laughing)

(Jack screaming)
(Dorothy screaming)

(balloon thumps)
- [Dorothy] Ooh! Phew!

- [Odd-Job Man] (laughing) Hello!

Who's there?

- Odd-Job Man, is that you?

- [Odd-Job Man] It sure is!

- Boy, are we ever glad you
were in the neighborhood!

(balloon squeaks)

- [Dorothy] Peter, Scratcher!

- Odd-Job Man saw the fix we were in,

and luckily for us, he had a
portable hairdryer with him.

- [Dorothy] A hairdryer?

- (laughing) Perfect for the job.

- I'd say! He used it to melt the holes

through the ice we were trapped inside.

- How clever!
- Yeah! Real clever!

- Why, thank you.

All right, going down.

- [Dorothy] No, wait.

Will you take us up to
see the weather wizards?

- [Odd-Job Man] Consider it done!

- [Lightning] So, now what're we gonna do.

- [Thunder] No problem!

We go and find someone
else to work our mischief.

(twins laughing)
- [Lightning] Yeah!

(twins laughing)
- [Thunder] You like that?

(twins laughing)
- [Lightning] I love it!

(twins laughing)
(somber music)

(wind whistling)
(balloon thumps)

- Ah, you go on ahead.

I've got to adjust the rigging.

(inspiring music)

(Scratcher barking)
(birds chirping)

(birds chirping)
(balls collide)

- Excuse me, are you the weather wizards?

- [Pitter] Uh, oh.

- (laughing) Oh, uh, thank you, my dear.

It's just the break I needed, and yes,

we are the weather wizards
- [Pitter] The weather wizards

- He's Pitter,

- and he's Patter.

(wizards laughing)

At your service.

- Now, we don't wear
these silly wizard outfits

for nothing, you know.
(Pitter laughing)

- (laughing) No. Indeed
the salary is too good.

Now, I only recognize young Jack Frost,

and who might you be?

- I'm Dorothy, this is
Peter and that's Scratcher.

(Scratcher barks)

- [Pitter] (laughing)
Oh, pleased to meet you.

Yeah, now, you must come inside

and at tell us what Patter

and I can do for you.
- [Patter] Do for you!

Now, have some more tea.

- Yes, and some more toast.

(toaster dings)

- [Dorothy] Scratcher!

- Oh, sorry, everyone.

I, I must apologize
for our dog's behavior.

- [Pitter] Oh, yes.

- But he's our dog.

- [Patter] (laughing) Ooh, oh yes. Sorry.

- [Dorothy] Are you sure you're
in charge of the weather?

- [Pitter] So they say.

- Well, tomorrow it's Christmas day.

Do you think you can make it
a white Christmas this time?

- I thought Christmases always were!

- Not where we live.

It's not fair.

- [Dorothy] Well? Can you help?

- Well, it's true,

we're in charge of the weather, but uh...

We just deal in quantities of weather.

So many thousand gallons
of rain and so many yards

of sun rays and uh, so on.

- [Patter] That's right!

But we delegate the running
of it to Jack Frost, here.

And the other weather
man down the mountains.

- But they're all useless.

Oh, sorry, Jack.

- They need organizing.

- Especially the Thunder
and Lightning twins.

They want sorting out good.

- (laughing) I know, I know.

But there's such a lot to
remember in running this place.

- [Patter] There is.

- [Pitter] I know; we'll
show you around if you like.

- [Patter] But first,

- [Wizards] More tea, anyone?
(guests sigh)

- [Pitter] Being weather wizards,

we need the basic raw materials.

- [Patter] Yes indeed, and
this is where we keep them.

- Wow! Wind?

- [Wind] Uh, yeah. Up to hurricane force!

- [Pitter] (laughing) Right?

Weather is all a matter of balance.

You may wonder,

- [Patter] "What about the
hungry little bird looking

for food?" I'm sure he wouldn't.

- [Dorothy] Yeah. I can see your point.

- [Pitter] Oh, I'd take a
rain check on that one, Peter,

Unless you're a real good swimmer.

(wizards laughing)

But I think it's worth a
look behind the next door.

Don't you, Patter?

- [Patter] Indeed I do, Pitter
- [Pitter] Oh, good.

- [Wizards] Shall we?

(door creaking)
(birds chirping)

- [Peter And Dorothy] Wow!
(Scratcher barking)

- [Jack] You're right. Woof!

- [Patter] We've plenty in stock.

What do you say, Pitter?

- [Pitter] A white Christmas for the kids?

(wizards laughing)

Why not?

- [Dorothy] Hurray!
(Scratcher barking)

- [Dorothy and Peter] Hurray!
(Scratcher barking)

- [Peter] Yeah, great!
(Scratcher barking)

- [Dorothy] Goodbye, and don't forget.

- [Pitter] Oh, no.

Forget what?

- [Patter] Oh, silly.

With that contraption the
Odd-Job Man has built with it,

its rope miles and miles long hanging

all the way down to earth,

how could we forget her white Christmas?

- (laughing) It wouldn't be easy.

- [Peter and Dorothy] Bye!
- [Dorothy and Jack] Goodbye!

- [Wizards] Bye! Safe journey.

(laughing) Nice kids.

- [Pitter] Now, I was about
to take my winning shot,

I think.

- [Patter] Uh-uh-uh, I think not.

- [Patter] Oh.

(wizards laughing)

- [Jack] Oh no.

That's got a puncture.

- [Dorothy] Can you fix it?

- [Odd-Job Man] Sure I can.

But there's no need to.

(levers rattle)
(Odd-Job Man laughs)

all aboard for Cloud Nine!

- [Peter] Hey, that's a pretty neat trick.

- [Jack] Isn't it just?

(bright orchestral music)

(all cheering)
(orchestral music continues)

- [Jack] Wow! What a ride!
(vehicle thumps)

(wind whistling)
- Thank you, Odd-Job Man.

And you too, Jack.

Thank you for everything.

(Scratcher barking)
- [Jack] Gosh, she kissed me!

- [All] Goodbye!

- [Dorothy] Bye!
- [Jack and Odd-Job Man] Bye!

- [Jack] Wow! I think I'm melting.

- You'd better stand on this, then.

- Oh, thanks.
- You're welcome.

- [Santa] Odd-Job Man didn't
waste any of your time, did he?

- [Dorothy] A bit, but he's forgiven.

- He saved our lives!

- Did he?

And speaking of saving things,

I saved these for you in Scratcher,

seeing as Peter has his
presents waiting for him.

- Well, thank you!

- [Santa] Remember, don't
open them 'til tomorrow!

(gentle orchestral music)

- (yawning) Is it Christmas day?

- [Peter] (laughing) You bet!

- You wouldn't believe the
dream I had last night!

- That was no dream, sis!


(Scratcher growling)
Scratcher's got his present,

and there's the one Santa gave to you.

- Oh, yeah.

Oh! I wonder if it's snowing.

(wind whistling)

(gasping) The rope!

(rope whipping)
The rope from Weatherland!

Peter, come on!

Mom, dad! Come on quickly!

(button clicks)
(Christmas carol begins)

- [Mom] What's this all about, Dorothy?

- [Dorothy] You'll see!

Go and pull the rope, Scratcher.

(Scratcher barks)

(Scratcher whining)

(levers rattling)
(parts clanking)

(glass shattering)
(wizards snoring)

(brass bell blaring)

- [Patter] Oh, ooh. It's time.
- [Pitter] Yes!

- Ready, Pitter?

- When you are, Patter.

♪ Wind stay back, sun stay cool ♪

♪ Snow with all your might ♪

♪ Be deep, be crisp and even ♪

♪ To make this Christmas white ♪

- Oh, Dorothy and Peter will love it!

- Yeah!

(warehouse trembling)

(door slamming)
(snow rumbling)

(Christmas carol continues)
(Scratcher barking)

(kids laughing)
(Scratcher barking)

(kids cheering)
(Scratcher barking)

(Christmas carol continues)
(children cheering)

(Dorothy giggles)

♪ And children listen ♪

♪ To hear sleigh bells in the snow ♪

♪ I'm dreaming of a white Christmas ♪

♪ With every Christmas card I write ♪

♪ May your days be merry and bright ♪

♪ And may all your Christmases be white ♪