Where Hands Touch (2018) - full transcript

A rites of passage story of a bi-racial teen struggling for survival in Nazi Germany.

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Move aside.

We are
looking for the girl.

Where is the german?

The one you're
searching for, she

returned to Lubec two days ago.

are Frau Schlegel?

She is your child?

Yes, but she
doesn't live here.

She lives with
her aunt in Lubec.

You're making a mistake.

Women like you,
you contaminate.

If she's anything like her
mother, she'll be open also--

to contaminate from within.

You won't find her.

Because she doesn't live here.

Leyna, come They've gone.

Spring 1944.

That was the year I turned 16.

Children like me
from the Rhineland

were known as Rhineland
bastards or "Hitler's problem,"

because our German
nationality automatically

came through our white mothers
even though our fathers

were African and often absent.

There were so few of us
that in my entire 16 years,

I never saw another
soul like me.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl.

Thank you, Frau Heinrich.

wanted to deal with us secretly,

without being seen by Germany to
be attacking our Aryan mothers.

So though we had a freedom
that the Jews did not have,

still we had to be
guarded, especially

once the Gestapo started
to visit us in Rudesheim.

It wasn't that I had not
known I was different.

It was that as I reached 16,
I really began to feel it.

That was the year I realized
Hitler had a plan for us.

Why are we going to Berlin?

To be invisible.

Stop talking, Koen.

Read your book.

I have my drawing
book, but no pencil.

I can't draw without one.

You want a pencil?

I think that I might be able
to help you, little man.

Thank you.

He's restless.

He's a boy.

We never grow out of it.

Your papers?

Yes, of course.

I have all of our papers.





Here is not like the Rhineland.

They're not bothered
with children like you

or this talk of fixing you.

Life will be good again.

I promise.

We have a new girl
joining us today.

Her name is Leyna Schlegel.

Stand up.

Schlegel is a good German name,
but your face, so un-German.

Leyna has facial
features in common

with people of which continent?



Indeed So how
does a girl like you

come to have a name so
Germanic as Schlegel?

Schlegel is my mother's name.

And what is your
father's name?

When will you tell
me about my father?

He was black from head to toe.

I want to
know who he was.


You know everything.

I was just a little
older than you.

Made mistakes.


Not you.

Koen, get me some water, please.

He was a good soldier.

But I've told you all this.

I don't know what else.

Why did you not marry?

Mr. Mueller slapped me
yesterday, because he told me

that you were the first of
all people who are white

and the worse of
all people, black.

That's what a Mulatto is.

But I told him that's not true.

To me you are the
best of everything.

Your hair is dirty.

I'll wash it for you tonight.

Heil Hitler.

Heil Hitler.

Hey, shouldn't you be
going with them, monkey?

Wilhelm just
returned from Vienna.

But he
knows we're coming?

Yes, of course.

I told him.

She actually is beautiful.

And he looks just like Father.

Go on, Leyna.

Sit down.

I didn't expect you
with the children.

Today they saw a
Negro at the door.

Tomorrow it will
be a Jew, you know?

Nobody saw us, Hida.

Leyna, go ahead of me.

See if you can pick up
a good loaf of bread

before the store closes.

Take Koen with you.

Leyna, please, use the back.

Kerstin, I want
you to understand,

I have nothing
against your family.

And a choice between your
child and us, well, I know,

it's no choice at all.

But I spilled blood
for the Kaiser.

And last month they kept my
sick father over two nights

because someone convinced
them he had a Jewish mother.

And now you bring
your Negro here.

You compromised me, us, your
sister, without any regard.


Listen for just a moment and you
will never hear from us again.

I need papers.


Something to say Leyna
has been sterilized.

You really are quite unique.

Wilhelm, you have access.

A Gestapo document declaring
her physically changed.

You can do this.

I know you can.

You should leave, Kerstin.

Hida, please.

I didn't think the order
would extend to Berlin.

I hoped she would be safe here.

But two days ago they came.

She was out.

I told them she carries the
papers with her but I'm afraid.

I'm afraid that they will
take her from the streets,

from the school, anywhere
that I can't protect her.

Leyna, let's go.

Why did you
put her in school?

What's the matter with you?

I can't hide her.

If not school,
then labor service.

Who knows where she would end?

All the girls must
do labor service.

She's no different.

You want her to be special?


I want her to be
like everyone else.


Then she will not escape this
war as if it never happened.

None of us will
manage that, Kerstin.



Where did that voice come from?


Some bread, please, Gunter.

How are you?


Settling in?

I miss home.


Ah, is that a,
yes, I think a smile.

That's better.

There are people waiting.

I always keep good come
back, but you can have it.

Now listen to me.

If your sister
forgets to smile, you

remind her of Gunter's face.

It's funny, yes?


Can I go now?

Yes, you can go
with the other boys.

Go on then.



I have no choice.

The law says you must go.

But where you are going, they
will teach you many things.

Lots will make sense
and feel right,

but so much will be
confusing because it

will be different to the
things you learn here at home.

But I want you to
understand that nobody

can know a son
better than a mother,

no teacher, no group leader.

I hope, Koen, that you
choose never to forget this,

that you keep what I teach
you in here and here.

Do you understand me, Koen?


I didn't see you.



Let me look at you.

You should be more careful.

I need to get you home so
we can clean these wounds.

I'm sorry.

Why are you in the
building so early?

The leaders in meeting
before the boys arrive.

I told them we need to.

Are you making
problems for yourself?

The older ones are taking
pocket money from the others.

Yesterday I had mothers
screaming in my ears.




Don't take.

We're a little
late, Frau Nagel.

I'm sorry.

What happened to you?

A little hooligan
ran her over with his bike.

It was an accident.

What do you say, Koen?

Thank you, Frau Nagel.

And next time, I kick
your ass at chess, huh?

A gentleman asked
me to take it for you.

He was at your door
while you were gone.

I ask him his name, but
he didn't want to tell me.


Hida must never know.

Here, take them.

A set of the doctor's
papers has also been filed.


A connection in the
municipality of Rudesheim,

one who is critical
of the regime.

A communist?

You have communist contacts?

There are more
papers inside that

must be archived in Rudesheim.

Have them signed and
returned to me as instructed.

And then you must forget
that you ever had a sister.




You polish like
your Uncle Harry--

like a girl.

Oh, well Uncle Harry
told me I polish like you.

When you're finished, go
and get yourself cleaned up.

You have mud in your hair.

My targets were
excellent today.

I have to go to Hamburg
tonight but Sunday,

Sunday we'll catch
some fish, yes?

I have papers for you.

You should carry them
with you wherever you go.

They will protect you.

Where did you--

They're false,
but they're enough.

No one will know.

Wilhelm needs you
to sign these also.

If I send them back
to him, he will

make sure it's in the right
place for us to be left alone.

What is it?

A declaration
that you will not

commit the crime
of racial mixing

with anyone of German blood.

I am of German blood.

It's just a signature
to keep them away.

It means nothing.

It means something surely
or why should I sign?

I won't.


Then they will come
for you, Leyna,

and they will make you sign,
not false, empty papers.

Real ones, and not before
they have fixed you in reality

and cut your insides to do so.

Neither you nor
your brother entered

this world without pain.

But I could not be in this
life without you both.

You should also
know the blessing

of motherhood one day, Leyna.

I want that for you.

If you do not sign,
they will do to you

what can never be undone.

You will be who
they have made you.

What was the treaty that
enabled Poland to take

this land from the empire?




The five principle leaders were
signatories to this treaty?

Heil Hitler.

Heil Hitler.

Heil Hitler.


Schlegel, stand.


Leave your books.

You won't need them anymore.

And take your bag.

They didn't hurt you.

That's all that matters.

They can force you
from school, but they

can't stop you learning.

You'll learn here at home.

But you will be
conscripted to work now.

I was proud of how
you worked today.

You're growing so quickly.

I have a coat that will
fit you nicely now.

Drive us home?

No, thank you.

I-- I'll cycle.

Oh, please.

You followed us home.

I wanted to know
if you're all right.

I am.

What are you looking at?

I don't know, your bruise.

I'll see you.

What's your name?



Take them off.

Take them off.


They didn't circumcise
you good enough, Jew.

I can fix that.

What happened?

He was a Jew?

Printing leaflets.

He was plotting
with other students.

He wore a crucifix
like it was a badge.

Running with some
rotten Zionist group.

I heard some people
outside Gunter's store.

Something happened to him today.

I know.

I was there.

I saw it.

He was touching the bread.

But he was Jewish.

Don't be stupid, Koen.

He was good Jew.


Good Jew?

He was a human being.

If I forbade you from
sharing the streets with me

because your face is
freckled, should my words make

you any less of a human being?

Should that mean that
anyone should shoot

you in the street like a dog?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry you had to
see such a thing, Leyna.

Also to you, Koen.

It's not your fault.
It's my job to protect

you from the things you hear,
even the things you think.

A Waffen SS man.

He came to speak to
us in training today.

He told me my
skills are superior.

He wishes to speak
with me further.

What was his name?


Section leader.

Tell me when does Leiber
plan to speak to me?

I don't think they're
asking you to fight.

And are you asking them
why they are not out there

fighting themselves these men
who walk around recruiting you


Why are you angry?

It's easy to hit the target
when no one is attacking you,


You think there's time for
practice out there in the east?

Out there the enemy is real
and his only target is you.

This isn't a game to me.

I am training hard.

Everyone can see it.

I fought in the last war
for four years, and when I got

back Germany was even
worse than when I left.

No work.



Like you, we ran willingly
towards our death.

Towards protecting
the-- the Homeland.

Like fools, we didn't
ask a single question.

And all those men,
comrades that I ate with,

slept with, pissed with--
they died for nothing.

- Do you understand me?
- For nothing!

We were humiliated, cheated.

But this war, this war is ours.

You cannot make a difference.

That's not true.

ANNOUNCER : Germany will

be freed from the Gestapo
hyenas, the SS murderers,

and anyone who believes
in the filth of Hitler,

of National Socialism--

--and this repulsive system.

We will see the
end-- not of you,

not of Germany, for the fight is
not against the German people.


On the
contrary, Britain fights to--


you from the monstrous

hands of a dictator--

Mother, I just
need some fresh air.

convinced you he would

free Germany, and instead--


--has broken it.

She's a negro.



That's your name?

Why did you come?

You could get into
a lot of trouble.

Heil Hitler!

I wanted to see
what it's like.

Heil Hitler!

See what he does here.


He's my brother.

I know.

I have seen him with you.

Were you spying on us?

Only once.

He's German.

Of course.

I've seen a lady
that looks like you.

In a photograph.

Well not really a photograph.

My father, he has a gramophone.

He hides jazz records, but I've
heard them playing quietly.

Sometimes, late at night,
when I'm in my room,

if I press my ear to
the floor, I hear.


Isn't that what it's called?

It's not allowed.

When we're
in a friendly situation,

my conversation
might not be smart.

But if we're to have a
perfect understanding,

let's call a heart a heart.

On the cover of one of the
magazines there's a lady.

She's like you.

Kind of beautiful.

You'll get into trouble
singing those songs.

I'll just have to be careful.

Like my father.

Come on.

Have you ever been up there?

Into those hills?

It's the quietest
place on earth.

I used to go up there
to collect caterpillars,

with my father and my mother.

You can see all of Berlin
from that one place.

Did you run away?

Run away?

It's just your
mother, she is--

She's not Jewish.

No, I know, but--

your father.

He-- He's a negro.

Have you ever
swam in the night?

You know, when it's so
dark you can see nothing.

I always thought it
would be so wonderful.

Then why have
you never done it?

In Rudesheim I'd
swim every week.

There were many Jews.

They were told they
couldn't use the pool.

And then-- I was told I
couldn't use it either.

It's been a long
time, that's all.

I have dreams that I'm drowning.

You just have to get
used to the water again.

You can jump in with me.

Now the next--

Heil Hitler.








This bit you need to
know where you're going.

I can't believe I
lent you my bike.

My mother had them made for us.

For me and father.

Does she have one too?

She's dead.

Oh, I--

I'm sorry.

Is that why you come here?

To think of her?


Mostly I think of what would
it would be like to fight.

To stand up for Germany,
like my father did.

Do you think you
could take a life?

Kill a human being?

Of course I could.

I could kill a Russian
soldier with ease.

Ooh, my mother will
think I've been up to something.

Use my jumper.

It's easier.

Aren't you afraid?

Of what?



Does the war frighten you?


My father fought in the war.

He did?

For Germany?

Of course.

BBC PRESENTER : Here is England.

Here is England.

Here is England.

Here is the BBC midnight news.

The Allies' advance into
mainland Europe continues.

British Elite Forces,
along with US troops--

Did my father
fight for Germany?

Beg your pardon?

--have today captured

the French port of Cherbourg--

He fought for the French.

A Tirailleur Senegalais.

--from the western front.

The victory included--

You told me he was
sent here to fight.

You didn't tell me he was
sent here to fight us!

It's his language!

He was part of the
Occupation by the time we met.

He didn't fight you.

Or me.

Of course he did.

I am German, even if you
want to pretend you are not.

Even if you want me
to pretend I'm not.

I loved him.

It was from that
place that you came.

A place even Koen cannot claim.

You have made
me an enemy twice.

If you think I've
made you the enemy,

Leyna, then look around you!

Look, Leyna.

And the next time you are
with that son of a Nazi,

you know this--

If his father catches you
with his boy, he'll kill him.

Before he comes and kills us!

I've forgotten my gloves.

I'll wait.

No, you go on.

I'll be just a moment.

It's your choice, Leyna.

You're always here.

Outside the factory.

Are you cold?


Are you?

Yes, it's the coldest summer.

I've lost my gloves.

I told my mother I left them.

I have to go.

I don't want my mother
to be more upset with me.

I wanted to give
you something.


Maybe you could enjoy it
with Koen and your mother.

I thought you had gone.

My mother didn't
wait for me, Leyna.

And that's just how
I became your mother,

chasing the same
impossibility you are chasing.

The first time your
father looked at me,

I thought my heart
would never beat again

unless he loved me forever.

He was ripped away
from me, Leyna.

And all I had left was you.

The best of everything.

So you think I could
ever leave you?

For each of us there is someone.

For me it's you, Leyna.

The gift from your father.

Koen is my heart, you know that.

But for me, that someone is you.

unwashed Englishman.

A French baboon,
black from head to toe.

Black like your sister.

Black as coal like Leyna.

COMMANDER: Get in line!


Used to it, aren't you?

Dirt in your mouth?

A good soldier
should have honor.


Are you all right, Koen?



Do you still love me?


I hate you.

You're a girl and I hate girls!

I have not

These are not old papers!

Don't take those!

Where are you taking me?

You have Jews here?

It's just the three of us.

My son is asleep,
in the bedroom.

Where are her papers?

Go fetch them, Leyna.

It's all right, Koen.

They'll go soon.

Born in Rudesheim.


You are a Negro, but
you say you are German.

We will have them replaced.

You, er, won't be
reporting to SS Leiber.

He thinks you'll be
of more use elsewhere.


We need every man we can get.

Oh, so you do realize that
our men are freezing to death

on the Russian front?

They are dying with honor.

It's not for nothing.

No, it's for blind delusion.

Are we finished?

May I go now?

Lutz, wait.

Your mother fought for her life
with every part of her being.

She wouldn't want to see
you throw away yours.

You wear the mask that
gets you through the war,

that helps you survive.

Why did you fight for
Germany if you don't love it?

If you weren't prepared to die.

Don't judge me, Lutz.

You are just as I was.

I would have died for
Germany 10 times over.

Others made that sacrifice then.

And they will make it now.

Let them.

Lutz, I am your
father first of all.

Do you understand?

No, I don't.

You want me to feel as you
feel, but you don't want

me to fight like you fought.

You want me to have
an independent mind,

but not if it goes
against yours.

Who should I be?

Should I be you or not?

You are not a hero.

And neither am I.

We can't go to
the hilltop today.

I have to try
to get back home.

You should wait.

They'll be everywhere.


Put this on.

Come on, quick!


Where are we going?

Somewhere safe.

Until things calm down.

My father, he left
for Munich yesterday.

Sit down.

Are you hungry?

No, thanks.


Me neither.

Thank you.

What for?

Being my friend.

I will have some water.

Your mother, she looked kind.

You must miss her terribly.

My father, he
used to cry a lot.

That was the worst.

I only have one
photograph of my father.

I want to show you something.

What are you doing?

I told you.

This one he likes
to play most often.

When we're in
a friendly situation, my

conversation may not be smart.

But if we're to have a
perfect understanding,

let's call a heart a heart.

After she died I
would hear this music

and I would tell
myself if I looked hard

enough through the
crack in the door

I would catch her in here,
dancing with my father.

If I tell you what
my dreams have been demanding,

let's call a heart a heart.

We can dance.

Can I
prove how I yearn

just by the turn of a phrase?

Can I keep my control when
all my soul is aflame?

Maybe you would call a true
confession and indiscretion

on someone's part.

But if I'm to say how madly I
adore you, let's call a heart--


It's Jann, the furniture maker.

It's all right,
he can't see you.

He's almost blind.

Its only shapes, or if
you're really close.

What do you think he wants?

My father gives him work.

He probably left some
tools in the back.

He's leaving.

Berlin is supposed
to be clear by now.

I think that's why there's
so many actions today.

You don't have to be scared.


Of all Jews.

I heard my father
talking before he left.

For the Fuhrer's
birthday last year,

Berlin was to be clear of Jews.

But the Jews married to
Germans and the half Jews,

they still remain.

Where do they "clear" them to?

Poland, I think.

Camps for labor.

Better they work for Germany
than sitting here plotting

and planning against us.

It's hard, you know.

The Gestapo come looking
for a Jew and they find me.

Not for long.

It can't stay like this forever.

Germany will be calm again.

It will be all right.

What do you
think America is like?


That woman you showed
me on the magazine--

she's American.


Do you think she's happy?

They hang people like
you in America, Leyna.

They show us in
books at meetings.

People hanging in
trees, set on fire.

Did you ever do that before?

Do what?

What we just did.

Of course.


When was the first time?

I don't know.

A few years ago.

A few years?

Be quiet, Leyna.

I don't think that you
ever touched anyone the way

that you just touched me.

Here, put this on.

What time is it?

It's after 9:00.


Lutz, the curfew.


Heil Hitler.

What are you doing?

I'm-- I'm collecting
some books from Treptow.

I'm preparing for
a meeting tomorrow.

And you
couldn't do it in daylight?

Just skulking
around in the dark?

I just returned
from training exercise.

Where do you live?



I live in Koppenick.

Weissmuller's boy?

Go on, get on your way,
before you get arrested.



I'll wait until you get inside.


What we did today--

did you ever do that before?


From here on,
you will not leave

the house unless I'm with you.

You've shown you
can't be trusted.

You could have been arrested.

I'm not Jewish.


And nor are you Aryan, Leyna.

We'll all have to pay for
your mistakes in the end.

Me, you, even Koen.

We'll all have to pay.

You speak of
nothing but mistakes,

but who's paying for yours?

And that's why I will not
watch you throw your life away.

You will not go
near that boy again.

I apologize.

Excuse me.





Stop, Leyna.

We have to stop.

Stay here.

Both of you!

Mother, I have no
sterilization papers.

No identity papers.

I will explain.

Your bastard?

My daughter.

Your Negro bastard.

You're at the factory?






Her papers?


Tell me--

What was in your heart when
you were shaming Germany?

I have never shamed Germany.

Her papers!

You are
Germany's disgrace.

You and your bastard.

Close your mouth.

Black man's whore.

You're lost.

Forgotten what it is to
be a good German woman.

Do you think you are lost?

I am not lost.

Perhaps not forever.

So then, how do you become
a good German woman?

You lose your monkey.



We take
her or we take you.

- No, no, no!
- Mama!


Please, I beg you!

No, please!


Please, take me!

Be quiet!

Take me!




You don't cry.

You do not cry.




Why didn't she tell me?

She didn't even say goodbye.

She told me to
say goodbye for her.

This work, it will pay her good
money and it won't be for long.

How long?

I don't know.

But she loves us.

And you can't be away from
people you love for very long.

So I know, right now,
right this minute,

she's working as hard as
she can to get back to us.

I could have gone with her.

No, you couldn't.

Excuse me, Herr?

Herr Engel.

I was going to visit
Lutz and his father.

I wasn't sure if he
was still in Munich.

He's back.


Lutz you missed already.

He was summoned to duty.

One day ago.


Thought he had one month
but they came for him

early yesterday morning.

Sent him to the east.

No warning.

It was his time.

Wish it was mine again.

Nothing in Berlin except
women and old men.


And hiding Jews.

Is it true you can't
be away from people

you love for very long?

Of course it is.




Identity papers.

What's happening?

I think they're moving
us to the engine factory.


What is it?

What's happening?

Who are they looking for?

Take her away.


They're checking
everyone's papers.

Look, look!

A woman is running away!

Get her!

are you doing?

What are you doing?


Get in.

Shut up.

Shut up!


Hurry up.

Come here.

You're a mischling?


My mother is Aryan.



I was sterilized in Rudesheim--

The Rhineland.

Your mother did you no favors.

She rendered you a Neger.

Don't cling to her
purity because she

didn't care to make you pure.


You a Partisan?


I love Germany.

But they took my
mother and my papers.

They say there is no such thing
as a Negro of the Fatherland.

And what do you say?

I say--

I say I am German.

Stand here.

I am
going to do for you

what your mother couldn't.

I am going to give
you a chance for life,

because it was not you who
defiled the German race.

You are merely the
sickening produce.

You will work in the kitchen.

You will eat the food you
are given and no more.

If you take advantage, you
will die before your time,

as your mother should have.

You are in my bunk.

Oh, hush, Negro.

You think
you are better than me?

Spare your energy.

You are only lucky you are
not in the rat house over there


You think I am Jewish?

All I want is to
sleep near my sister.

But an African savage like
you wouldn't understand.

You would eat your own
mother to keep alive.

Only a fool sleeps down
there where they piss and empty

themselves on you from above.

Well you can sleep in my bunk.

Where are the
girls that sleep here?


They won't be back.

Those shoes will
cause you trouble.

I know but they are strong.

Down there is ripe for typhus.

I'm tired of being pushed out.

stomach is round.

I've seen it in
the wash barracks.

Do you know what
happens in there?


The Jewish rat house.

I can't breathe with this air.

can I prove how I yearn

just by the turn of a phrase?

Can I keep control when
all my soul is aflame?

But if I'm to say how
madly I adore you,

let's call a heart a heart.

Here, take mine.

Take it.

I ate in the kitchen.

Your feet are rotting, Hermine.

When I can, I'll
bring you a potato.

You can use it to buy shoes.


Last night,
I ate ice cream.

Sweet vanilla ice cream.

I was asleep in
my mother's arms.

I smelt her skin.

I felt her heart beat.

They took her instead of me.

I will never forgive myself.

I have said that
I am sterilized.

Hermine, it hurts.

You will get used to it.


Where are you coming from
and where are you going?

Sir, I'm returning from
kitchen duty to my barracks.

You carry food
from the kitchen.

Hand it over.


Take off your clothes.

Hurry up!

Come on.

Do you want to be shot?

Take off your clothes.



What has she done?


You seen one before?

Thieving from the kitchen.

See how she shakes.

She's hiding food.

I should like
to deal with her.

She-- She is miserable.

Let me take her.

I want to search her barracks.

Go ahead.

If you can stand
the Neger's stench.




Where do you sleep?

We have to walk.

Where is your block?

We sleep in the same barracks.

Can she return with me?

Do you have food in there?


You look pale.

Are you sick?


You stay away
from the prisoners.

Camp is riddled,
we can't keep up.

Why did you bring me here?

Was it just to be with you?

Well is that so bad?

Right now, the Jews are bribing
each other with food just

to be close to a loved one.

Whether you fight
or you are here,

you are surrounded by death.

At least here you're
not being shot at.

And no one can
doubt your loyalty

if you wear the uniform.

"You wear the mask that
will get you through the war

and allow you to survive."

It's cooked.

I will get you good shoes.

I think I should look after
it for you until tomorrow.

Have a small bite.

But just one or you'll
be furious with yourself.

He needs someone
young and strong.

Go with him.

You have to talk to me.

How did you get here?

What about your mother?


What about Lutz?

What happened to him?

I was called.

I had no time.

I didn't know how
to get word to you.

I thought they would
send me to fight.

Instead they sent me to a camp.


All day the smell
of skin and bone.

I can't bear it.

You have worked in
a place like that?


But I have seen Jews
selected to work in them.

In the killing rooms.

To kill other Jews?

But there will be none left.

The smoke never stops.

No, it doesn't.

I want to make it stop
but I don't know how.

Why are you staring at me?

You look changed.

The latrines.

I'll be on duty nearby tonight.

Meet me.

I'll bring food.


You need to eat, Leyna.

I haven't
received the order from you.

Which order?

Clearing the children.

In the absence of
the Commandant,

it needs your signature.

I've had more urgent concerns.

In case you haven't
noticed, we're 60

tanks short of losing the war.

Yes, and I'm not interested
in leaving diseased corpses

for the Americans to find.

Are you?

Do you know why you were always
the cause of so many rumors?

Your inability to say
what's going on in your mind

and your choice of company.

Dubious, always.

Your friend,
Bismarck Schonhausen,

has been arrested in Berlin--

plotting against the
Fuhrer, with 15 others.

He should be hanged like a dog.

So should his son, if
they have any sense.

Sins of the father and such.

How many times would you
say he visited your home?

About as many times
as you, Juttner.

You didn't come yesterday.

I brought you this.

And some food.

Sir, this was
found in the camp,

amongst jewelry
from the prisoners.

It is a Weissmuller
ring, isn't it?

Thank you, Peter.

You can go.

I'm filthy.

Let me hold you.

Why do you breathe like that?

I'm cold.



I last held you
six months ago.

Leyna, you are afraid of me?

Did someone hurt you this way?

Did we do this together?

Walk with me.

This isn't war.

Harming ordinary people.

It isn't what a soldier does.


You think so?

That is precisely
what a soldier does,

whether he wants to or not.

That is war.

I told you your choices would
keep you alive or see you dead.

You came here, so you're alive.

Those were your options.

Choose life or choose death.

You told me
we are not heroes.

What you should have said
is that we are cowards.



Get up!


Come on!

Where are my shoes?

Where are my shoes?

Did you take my shoes?

Did you take her shoes?

Did you take my shoes?

Did you take her shoes?

Where are my shoes?

- Where are my shoes?
- Hermine.

Where are my shoes?

Hermine, stop it!

She's dead!

Betz, Leyna.

Do you know what
he will do to me?

He's a murdering pig.

I saw my family go to the
place you call the rat house.

Where, one by one
they disappeared.

My mother, she told me
never admit you are a Jew.

That is how to stay alive.

I'm alive, Leyna.

I missed the smoke and
came here for labor.


And now, I will die
because I have no shoes.

You will not die.



Sir, my shoes were taken in
the barracks during the night.


Join me, will you?

Shoot her.

Shoot her.

Do you laugh?

You find her insolence amusing?

Do you?


You should
have killed her.

Then I might
understand who you are.

She had no weapon.

That's not how I
wanted to fight.

She was a Jewess.

She told me.

Germany told us the
world is against us,

and yet all I see is Germany
killing its own people.

Leyna, we need to
go somewhere where

nobody would ever know us.

Away from Germany, away from--

Lutz, when you look
at me, what do you see?

I am not a gypsy.

I'm not a Jew.

Even in this camp they tell
me I have no place to belong.

I see a German girl, loyal
and dutiful to the Fatherland.

But I was never
allowed to love it.

You are not supposed to love me.

But I do.

Hermine died, forced
to deny who she was.

And now I must live
for both of us,

declaring every day who I am.

Here, in my country.

They will kill
you and our child.

If the baby has
survived all of this,

then so can I. They didn't
want me to have a child.

But she and I will be
the evidence of all

that she and I are and all
that they try to deny--

that I am a German Negro.

Love me where we
both belong, Lutz.

We have to at least
get out of here.

Hide somewhere until
the war is over.

I can steak a car
or bike, anything.

We-- we can't stay in this.


We will never make it out
alive if we try to escape.

You can't save me.

Can you save me?

I want you to breathe properly,
and to eat morning and night

without the fear that you
will be murdered in this place

that-- that tells me that
I should be a murderer.

I don't want you to
be afraid anymore.

It will be over soon.

For all of us it will be over.

Once the prisoners are moved,
I'll make arrangements for you

to go back to Berlin.



The railway lines are
bombed, the roads destroyed

and dangerous.

They'll walk.

We'll move them.

Little by little.

They'll die.

Most of them can barely make
it to relieve themselves.

Or perhaps you want to go now?


I'm not going, not yet.

They're coming at
us from both sides.

I don't know who will reach here
first but I can't protect you.

I don't want
you to protect me.

And this?

You want me to put it back
in the prisoners' barracks?

Don't make me choose for you.


You will have to
do this quickly.

They will start moving
the camp in days.

I have a uniform for you.

I can't walk
through the gates.

I can't!

We will use a motorcycle.

I will get one.

I promise

Lutz, we will die.

Leyna, we will have a life.

A life.

Come on!

The bombing is getting closer!

I can't!

are they taking us?

Where are we going?

Where are we going?

What's happening, Kapo?

I don't know.


Hurry up!

The women's camp,
what's happening?

You're moving them already.

We have to.

You and me leave today.

And when were you
going to tell me?

I'm telling you now.

I won't go!

Then it will be you,
the thieves, and the Jews.

How do you rate your chances?

Do you know yourself, Lutz?

Do you?

Yes, I know myself.

And you!

You know what she means to me.

And if you take her
away, you will kill me.

And you think planning
a future with a Negro

will keep you alive?

I refuse to let you be arrested
and tortured because of her.

Germany will not
let you survive.

You will not survive!

Father, she is
having our child.

We have to survive!

We have to.

They will hang you.


Sir, we have to go.

There is no time.







I'm here!










Please, I'm going
to try to help all of you.

Please have the full name, age,
and occupation of the relative

you are searching for.

If you know the last camp your
relative was taken to, please

have this information ready.


Leyna Schlegel.


looking for my aunt.

Can you help me?

I'm looking for my brother.

I'm searching
for my family.

I'm looking
for my sister.

She was last known in
Flossenburg Camp in 1943.

She was last
seen in Camp

If you
know the last camp

your relative was taken to,
please have this information.

You'll ask me for all last
known information on the person

you're searching for.

Please have this ready.

Excuse me.

I'm looking
for my daughter.


