Werewolf Woman (1976) - full transcript
A woman has dreams that she is a werewolf so she goes out and finds men. She proceeds to have sex with them and then rip their throats out with her teeth. She eventually falls in love but then she is raped and her lover is murdered so she goes out for revenge.
And on the night
of the full moon
the howl of the werewolf
will be heard.
Its terrible cry will
make men tremble.
They will close their shutters
and bolt their doors.
Then the werewolf will begin
searching for food,
tearing to pieces whoever
crosses its path.
And when fully satisfied,
it will go back in hiding
in the depths of the woods.
And if it finds a pack of real
wolves, it will join them.
Not until it is discovered and killed,
not until after death
will it regain its human appearance.
What's happening?
The Count's daughter,
Daniela, has disappeared.
But why are you armed?
Where are you going to?
- We heard the howls of a werewolf.
- May the saints in heaven protect us.
- We gotta get him!
- But where has Daniela gone?
We've gotta find her too.
C'mon, hurry UP!
Now you and your brothers,
go down to the river.
And all you others
stay close together.
We'll beat the woods
up to Sales' caves! Let's go!
Down there! C'mon!
What is it, darling?
What's the matter?
Answer me!
Answer me, for God's sake!
What is it, dear? Tell me...
Answer me...
Phone our doctor immediately
and tell him to come right over.
- Get her medicine!
- Right away, sir.
No doubt about it. Reading
this ancient legend,
but above all this extraordinary
of your daughter Daniela
with her ancestor,
has made her abnormally
obsessed with it.
Did you know the story
about this ancestor?
We've talked about it
around the house,
but to us it was just a legend.
We can't accept such ridiculous
legends on werewolves, we'd be mad.
Yeah, it would be ridiculous to think
that anyone could turn into a wolf
on the night of the plenilune
and act like a beast
committing animalistic
and sexual acts of sadistic type.
And yet lycanthropy exists.
- Are you suggesting Daniela is a...
- Please, be calm.
The phenomenon has already been
analysed, it was proven really.
But considering that your daughter
has never had manifestations
of this kind before, that which
occurred last night to be certain
was determined after
she'd read that old fable.
And particularly when she found
that her ancestor, the protagonist
of this weird fable, had a
remarkable resemblance to her.
Tell me, Count,
how did your daughter
come into possession
of that old chronicle?
Daniela was 15
when she experienced the violence
of a brute who raped her.
The shock was tremendous.
Physicians advised
a change of environment.
I thought this place in the country...
would be ideal, our villa at Sales.
In the chronicle I believe
it says it was at Sales
that your ancestor affected with
lycanthropy was burned to death
by some enraged peasants.
That villa in Sales has belonged to
my family for many centuries.
I would never have made it
my house, my home.
When they advised I move out
there with Daniela and Irene...
- Irene?
- My other daughter.
She's in America now studying
nuclear physics at Berkeley.
A healthy girl, full of life.
But Daniela has never been the same
since she was raped by that maniac.
She's always alone.
She's obsessed with fear.
She seems to be repelled
by the opposite sex.
Unfortunately, there was a fine
young man who was in love with her
but made advances to her too soon.
She became quite hysterical and
didn't want to see him anymore.
No doubt it's
a case of sexual phobia.
So then, you made your decision
to live in the country.
Yes, that's right in Sales.
And at a considerable sacrifice too
for my business, my relations.
The villa was filled
with antique, dark furniture.
So I transformed the whole
place completely inside and out.
I wanted everything to be
modern and bright.
Even had a swimming pool built
and yet Daniela,
especially since Irene went abroad,
spends most of her time
in the attic.
She seems to be strangely
morbidly attracted
to that old furniture.
Apparently she discovered
a secret drawer,
where she found that miniature and
the chronicles the old documents.
Don't leave Daniela
alone, if possible.
You must look after
and support her,
and don't forget,
you must always be near her.
This therapy can be
very helpful to her.
But you never know what can happen.
What do you mean?
The strangest things can happen to
a person in this state of mind.
Well, the violence she experienced,
this kind of attraction
she bears for the past,
the nightmares, those
old papers she found in the attic,
but above all her extraordinary
resemblance to this old miniature
constitute a progression of
facts that are heterogeneous,
the components of which can be
sought in psychiatry
and in a phenomenon
of parapsychology.
When science decides
to contribute more time
to the study of
extrasensory phenomena,
within 50 years it will make
more progress
than all men of culture have
done throughout the centuries,
and without being
called visionaries, prophets...
...or even crazy.
- How's my girl?
- Oh!Wonderful!
And then it's so wonderful
for you to be here with me,
to stay with me, keep me company.
It just never happened
like this before.
It dawned on me
all of a sudden the other day.
I told myself: "You're an ass,
a perfect idiot.
Don't you see?
Here you have sun, trees...
And a daughter too!
Well, of course, dear!
That above all!
Thank you.
You know what I've been thinking?
How about the two of us
going ona trip for a while?
Where would you like to go?
To Greece, France, Mexico?
Excuse me, sir.
What is it, Augusta?
There's a cable, sir.
It's Irene!
They're arriving tonight!
Go and prepare the room for them
and have Antonio get the car
- and pick them up at the airport.
- Very well, sir.
That's the end of our vacation now.
- Welcome home, ma'am.
- Thanks.
Hello, father!
Well, you've given us a surprise!
- Hello, Daniela!
- Hello!
Fabian, what are you waiting for?
Come here!
I'm so glad that you are here.
I don't know if you intend to
stay on but should you decide
to stay here in Italy, I'm sure that
I could be really be of great help.
You see, the director of the
nuclear centre happens to be
an old buddy of mine.
Oh, that's just great!
Though it's not the right moment
to make such a decision.
In fact I have to finish
my specialization.
But it's not only what I decide,
you see, there's Irene.
Well, a parent always tries to keep
his family close by if possible.
Daniela! What's the matter?
You haven't said a word
this evening.
Aren't you glad I'm here?
You don't act like it.
What are you saying? I'm happy.
The news of your arrival today
with your husband
came all of a sudden and
just knocked me out.
We'll have along talk tomorrow.
I've got a lot to tell you.
I'm tired, now I'm going to bed.
Say goodnight for me.
Now we'd better go to bed.
Frankly I thought my sister would
share my happiness in being here.
Don't mind her, she hasn't been well.
She's just a bit nervous, that's all.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight then.
Goodnight, father.
We're here!
We're waiting for you.
You belong to us.
Come, Daniela, we're waiting!
It's along time we've
been waiting for you.
You mustn't fear, Daniela.
You belong to our world.
Daniela, the magic circle
has been formed.
We've been waiting, waiting.
Observe my wounds,
see what they've done.
- Did you hear that noise?
- Yes.
There must be someone outside.
Yo're a good girl, Daniela.
We've been expecting you, Daniela.
You'll always belong to us, Daniela.
Don't ever be afraid,
I will help you.
Fabian, come here.
You see, I've been
waiting for you.
Don't be afraid, come here.
Look at my body.
Isn't it beautiful?
I could make you feel
things Irene never could.
Go on, touch me, Fabian.
I want you more than
I've wanted any man.
What's her condition now?
Well, she's not recovering
as we hoped for.
It seems to be a state of
nocturnal schizophasia.
She's a hypermaniac,
beset by phobic complexes.
- Pressure?
- The diastolic is a bit high.
When did she have her last attack?
She didn't sleep last night.
She began to scream in a fit
of psychomotor agitation.
Her liver is a bit swollen
and the abdominal muscles
seemed knotted and hard.
And the shock treatments?
What results did you get?
Pretty negative but the alpha waves
on the electrode encephalogram
are quite regular and symmetrical.
- Electrocardiogram results?
- In the norm.
Just signs of myocardial alterations
and extrasystolic arrythmia.
In case of another attack, rather
than pump her with drugs,
it would be better to restrain her.
She couldn't stand the drugs.
Certainly in her condition,
she's likely to have another attack.
Do you suppose there may be
a lesion of the brain?
I rule out completely any lesion
of the temporal lobe brain.
Those large reddish splotches on
her body are possible hematomas
of a form of lupus sistemicus.
How about administering a therapy
with cortisone and tetracycline?
No. Better to use narcosynthesis.
Oh, what a surprise. Remember?
You promised you come and visit me.
This breast is pretty nice, huh?
Don't you admire a lovely breast?
I'm not thinner, am I?
Tell me it's not true.
You'rejust kidding!
This is a real woman.
Oh, you are a real man.
So cheeky.
I'll invite you over tonight.
You come and visit me.
Look, don't waste time.
- It's all clear.
- Yes, you are right.
- Let's check everything and...
- Excuse me. Dr. Travel?
He's on this floor,just about
finished visiting his patients.
Thank you.
Irene, you go on ahead.
Go to visit your sister.
I want to speak to Dr. Travel
for a moment.
I'll go up then.
Unfortunately, the neuroplegic
treatment didn't give us
the results we'd hoped for.
Yes, but how are things
really going on, doctor?
These cases are not simple to cure.
They're puzzling too.
The symptoms your daughter presents
are anomalous, contradictory.
Usually this kind of illness manifests
itself during puberty or adolescence.
While Daniela is a grown woman.
You're not telling me you haven't
some cure for this illness, doctor?
Surely there must exist some cure
that will improve her condition.
There are cases in which
a patient behaves
as if he doesn't want to get well.
Sometimes it seems as if he wants
to hide his illness.
Unfortunately I believe this is the
case with your daughter.
It is clear that her personality
has been shattered
because of the influence
of a violent neurotic charge.
That which we learned about
her ancestor is of great help.
It's not only imperative to make sure
her brain's energy isn't released
due to tension the cause
of which we don't really know.
How terrible!
I'd much prefer to delay my prognosis,
but don't despair.
Why did you come here?
Why, just to visit you, Daniela.
Before now I just couldn't.
So please, forgive me.
But since poor Fabian's death
I lost all sense of...
Fabian!You liked Fabian,
didn't you? Sure you did!
You liked making love with him.
Daniela! What on earth
are you saying?
I saw you making love with Fabian!
You were obscene! Disgusting!
But you liked it!
I like to make love too, you know.
I wanted to make it with Fabian.
I'd give him everything but you're
the one who makes it with Fabian.
I hate you! I hate you!
You whore! You whore!
Go fuck yourself!
You dirty bitch!
- Get away from me, you whore!
- For God's sake, stop yelling!
- I don't wanna see her face!
- Stop it! That's enough!
Can someone come and
give me a hand? Easy!
Quick! I can't hold her still,
she's gone wild!
Go away, madam!
Quick, I can't hold her anymore!
Be calm, quiet!
Keep calm!
Like this...
- Do you want some water?
- Yes, thank you.
Please, nurse, untie me.
Just for a little while.
I can't stand it any longer.
Please, I'm calm now.
Don't be afraid.
I'm not allowed to.
Oh, please, untie me!
- You have to calm yourself.
- Oh, please, please!
You'll make yourself worse,
calm yourself.
Try to sleep a little.
Tomorrow you'll feel much better.
You'll see, that's a good girl.
Damn you!You whore!
I kill you!You bitch!
Hello, there!
You're the girl who came here
at the beginning of the month.
I've been wanting
to get to know you.
My name is Josie. And yours?
What a beautiful body you have.
I knew you were so beautiful.
You're so pretty...
So nice...
You didn't mean that.
I'll forgive you.
Do you want to get untied?
Oh, yes, please.
I can't stand it any longer.
Please, untie me.
Yes, darling, I'll untie you.
Then we'll spend the night together.
Are you happy now?
Here are the keys, Dr. Savelli.
I put everything in the car.
Thanks, Renata.
Oh, no!
Oh, God!
It's time you go, darling.
Is it you, Aldo?
Who's there? Don't be silly, Aldo.
Is it you, Aldo?
Who's there? Aldo?
What is the autopsy
report on this victim?
According to the examinations
made, the autopsy report says
in all probability the victim's death
was caused by massive haemorrhaging,
with consequent
hypovolemical shock.
The lacerations and deep wounds
are of uncertain origin.
Almost animalistic.
A bite of an animal?
Look at these scars. Don't they
remind you of something?
In our profession one has to have
a photographic memory.
I remember having seen
something similar.
And so have you.
Could be but I don't recall, sir.
Try to remember.
An ltalo-American,
about a month ago,
found in a ravine near
the villa of that industrialist...
Yes, in Sales...
if I remember correctly.
Yes, sir. That young fella who
supposedly had gone out for a walk
in the park and the watch
dogs didn't know him.
Yes, but that fella's wounds
were caused
by the protruding rocks
of the precipice when he fell.
Now these. Now what do you suppose
caused these wounds? The hay?
Well, perhaps a hungry dog
before the local police
found the cadaver.
There are five different
finger nail scratches.
Distinct one from the other.
They aren't scratches of an animal.
You bring to mind a story that
my old Grandmother used to tell.
What story did your
Grandmother tell?
Fantastic tales of country people.
It was something that happened
when she was a little girl,
in her village. The story of a man
who on the nights of the full moon
was transformed into a wolf.
And he'd attack ferociously
everyone who crossed his path.
How about that?
Oh, and then she'd say: "If anyone
is born on Christmas Eve
he will turn into a werewolf".
I got a hunch that story of your
Grandmother's wasn't exactly a fantasy.
Let's go, Arrighi.
Wait for me in the car.
I have to phone the prosecutor.
Good day.
Inspector Modica, homicide.
Inspector, sit down, won't you.
Thank you.
If you've come here to inform me
of what occurred last night
at the clinic, I've been
notified early this morning.
I don't know if you remember me,
but we met about a month ago
under unpleasant circumstances.
I was investigating the unfortunate
accident of your son-in-law
who fell into a gulch trying to escape
some watch dogs in tha park.
Certainly, I recall, Inspector.
My daughter Daniela,
who saw that accident,
was so shocked
that we had to put her in
that clinic where yesterday night...
Unfortunately we have
another victim.
Was it Dr. Savelli?
No, Dr. Savelli's in bad shape
but the doctors hope to save her.
Well, who is it?
Early this morning, a few
kilometres from the clinic,
a body of a peasant girl was
found outside her house.
She was brutally murdered.
I don't see how my daughter
enters into this, Inspector.
The signs of violence found on
this young woman are identical
with those of your son-in-law.
At the time, it was thought they
were caused by his fall and dog bites.
I'm afraid Daniela's terribly ill.
Incurably, Inspector.
I understand and I'm
very, very sorry
and I hope that one day science will find
the answer to your daughter's problem.
But unfortunately I have
a duty to perform.
I have to find her before
she can do anymore harm.
It's evident that you suppose Daniela's
come here seeking refuge with me.
No, she is not!
I assure you she isn't here.
Look around for yourself.
Interrogate whomever you like.
Will you just go ahead and
do your job, Inspector.
I can assure you of my discretion.
Excuse me.
I knew it!
I heard it all!
My sister Daniela,
she murdered Fabian.
I will never forgive her, never!
Did she take anything
in place of these clothes?
A skirt with various colours
and a brown shirt.
And they were new, you know!
Not even worn yet!
The dressmaker delivered
them yesterday.
Oh, and a pair of shoes, Inspector.
Also new? Right?
No! But they were
in perfect condition!
This woman, you said that
you've seen her well?
I'd just returned home from shopping
and I saw her came out
with my own blouse and skirt on!
- Is that her?
- That's her! Yes!
Send out a bulletin to all stations
and tell them to pick up this girl.
She's wearing a brown blouse
and a varied coloured skirt.
Yes, sir.
Ah, you already know this girl?
Yeah, we got her in our files.
Oh, yeah!Who is she?
A little petty thief.
Well, you've got to put
her straight in prison.
That's where she belongs.
Just think entering into
a house to steal.
Come and frighten
a person to death.
Imagine the harm she can do!
We'll do what we can.
You can go now, ma'am.
- But I want all my things,
don't forget! - Sure, sure.
- But when you find her
you will arrest her? - Naturally.
Now you go home and as soon as
we find her we'll call you.
Goodbye now.
I consider myself very
lucky, you know.
Yes? How come?
I would have had bad trouble
if we hadn't met, you know.
I simply had to get away.
It was suffocating.
There were always quarrels and fights.
But I don't think these things
interest you.
Don't worry,
just pour everything out.
There are limits in life, understand?
When you feel suffocated,
you'll blow up in the end!
Naturally, you blow up!
My husband is very jealous,
he was always abusing me.
See what he did, my husband?
When he gets mad he's
worse than an animal.
And look at this,
look what he did to me.
And there I've got bruises
all over, you see?
- Oh, come on...
- You see I couldn't stay there.
Look out!
I was afraid, you know.
Do you think you will go back to him?
I'd be mad to go back to
a man who gave me only pain,
suffering and disappointments.
What if your husband calls you
and asks you to go back?
I think he's happy I went away.
Come on now, we're almost there.
Look, you got any place to stay?
No. Not really.
No problem, if you stay with me,
nobody will do you any harm.
You know, I have
a place of my own...
It's a nice little house.
No one comes there.
I go there every now and again when...
when I need to escape
daily routine...
If you like to come...
That feels better.
I've made myself comfortable.
You should do the same as I do.
You like someone
to help you undress.
You're right, honey,
it's more exciting that way.
Get your hands off me!
Hey! What is this?
Look, you don't think for a minute
I fell for that story
of the jealous husband with the hands,
you ran away from home.
You can't imagine what sad stories
I here from cunts like you.
Some of you bitches come out with
the sob story about Mom at the hospital
and the baby at the orphanage.
Get out of here!
Get out, do you hear?
You're forgetting, baby,
this is my house!
Oh, I see you wanna play.
Okay, I'll play that game.
You'd like me to rape you.
Come on!
- You pig!
- I'd like that.
Come on, you big whore!
I'm gonna rape you!
- You'll see I can fuck you!
- No!
Come on!
You Pig!
- Very nice.
- Can you play this game?
No, I don't play,
but I know the game.
Too bad, we might have played
a game together.
Can't imagine how relaxing it
could be, playing this game.
Oh, yes. I can imagine.
Very relaxing, it sure is.
I believe you but I came here
to speak to you about something else.
Speak to me, I'm listening to you.
It seems that your guess
was right about
that theory on Iycanthropy. I came
to the same conclusion myself.
Although I can't give any
scientific explanations.
But... how do you explain
today's murder?
Are you sure that
Daniela is involved in it?
No question about it.
The description of the girl
I got from the doorman was perfect.
Varied coloured skirt, brown blouse
and the identification of the photo.
Listen to this. When Daniela
was a teenager,
she was raped by a brute.
It was perfectly natural that
the unfortunate incident
should change her character.
She's suffering from
ancestral complexes, you see.
Based on what?
You must know that her relatives
used to speak of what occurred
two hundred years ago to the family.
But they attributed
the old tale to legend.
But soon in our poor Daniela's
mind it became a reality,
supported by a portrait,
she sees her own face in it.
And she is convinced
of reincarnation,
that her ancestor and she
are one and the same.
Two hundred years later?
We're all cells belonging to one
immense entity that's universal
and to us remains unknown.
Seems we're surrounded
by the occult.
So occult were also the
processes of reincarnation.
A very interesting theory
and somewhat fascinating.
And logical.
Think for a moment of the
phenomenon of telepathy.
And apparitions in
those who dream.
Those who are ill and recover
through faith, for example.
All this does not justify
Daniela's behavior.
I'm sure there is
justification for it.
We mustn't forget in a mind like
Daniela's two important facts.
Her conviction of her being the
reincarnation of her ancestor,
and her repulsion for the sex act.
Now try to imagine what might happen
when these two elements come together.
Irene, Daniela's sister arrives
from America, with her husband.
Daniela is probably
attracted to him
but her sexual phobia predominates.
There's a plenilune,
a full moon night,
and Daniela submits to its influence.
When the spirit of a dead person
penetrates somebody that's obsessed,
the latter follows the destiny
of that reincarnated spirit.
And so then, Daniela starts with
luring her brother in-law to exactly
the same place where her ancestor
was killed, understand?
And possessed by lycanthropic fury,
she kills her brother in-law.
Her mind breaks down at this point.
What happens?
Disassociation, schizophrenia.
I've had her under observation
for over a month,
I know this is the case with Daniela.
Now the next plenilunez Daniela
senses this mysterious summoning.
So she kills that woman
in the hospital to escape.
Wait a minute.
The autopsy on that
peasant woman revealed
that she had sexual relations
minutes before her death.
I believe it.
No doubt she met with her friend and
probably was making love.
Daniela saw them, once again
the two elements come together.
So she kills.
She begins to roam around
aimlessly doing things
which seem to be rational.
As thieving of clothes...
Finally she encounters that
broken down Don Juan.
While feigning
to offer her protection,
he convinces her to go
to his apartment with him.
Where again she experiences the same
violence experienced as a teenager.
Daniela rebels and so
she kills her fourth victim.
Hello, there!
Buses don't run around here.
Wanna a lift? You'll catch
a cold staying there.
There's a thunderstorm coming.
Come on...
Listen, my house is only a couple
of kilometres up the road.
If you like, I could put
you up for the night.
It's better than staying outside
in this weather, right?
That is a photo of
the Loire Grand Prix.
Do you have to do such
dangerous work?
Yes, ma'am. Always.
Danger is my business.
Stunt man.
That's how I make my living.
But at the moment I live
in this Western village,
an abandoned village.
I do falls and hard jumps
for lots of big stars.
They're afraid.
It's too risky.
You can't imagine
how many times I risked my life.
I guess you've had some
bad experiences with men.
Well, you don't have to worry.
I won't bother you.
You go upstairs
and I'll sleep here.
Listen, the women
I've had up to now,
have always come to me of their
own free will, understand?
Daniela! Come here!
Daniela, cut this, will you?
Right here. That's it!
When it comes to preparing these
gadgets, I'd rather do it myself.
I must be certain I'm not
running any risks.
I value my life very much.
The more dangerous the work,
the more I get paid.
Daniela, it's a whole month
you're here now.
We seem to get along
very well together.
I've got some money put away.
I'd like to take you away
from this place.
I saw a nice apartment.
Once I'm done with this film,
we'll move to our new house.
You'll go and buy some furniture.
Daniela, you haven't told me
what you think about it.
It isn't a bad idea, is it?
- Hello?
- Hi, Dad.
Yes, Daniela.
Daniela darling, where have you been?
Now please, I can't
tell you where I am.
Please, listen to me.
- Wait a minute, let me talk first.
- Daniela!
Father, let me tell you!
This is important!
First of all I ask forgiveness for
what I've done to you and Irene.
It was my illness, father,
that made me do all those
horrible despicable things.
But now something's happened
that's making me well again.
Daniela, tell me where you are.
I can't do it, dad.
But I'm fine.
I've never been so happy before.
Hope I can see you soon.
I've got to go now.
- Don't hang up
- I'll call again soon.
Shut up!
Hold your head down...
What I've been telling you, guys?
She's some piece, huh?
Get out of here!
Show us how you fuck!
- You pig!
- You bitch!
Show us what you've got up here!
Show us your tits!
- You bitch!
- Get out of here!
Catch her quick!
Come here!
I'll pull her pants down.
Go on! Give me a blow job!
You lousy cunt! You dirty slut!
Go on suck!
Shut up.
Stop it! Shut her up!
Daniela, where are you?
Daniela, here she is!
She came all over the place.
Go on, it's your turn.
Morning, hello!
Yeah, he's working.
If you wait, I'll call him.
Hang on,just a moment.
Hello! Got a phone call!
Hey, Alvaro!
What the hell...
Well? What's up, Arrighi?
We searched that
Luca Mondini's place.
The kid that worked as
stunt man for the cinema.
He was found murdered
stabbed to death in his house.
Yeah, it was some kind
of revenge, wasn't it?
Obviously you didn't find
anything interesting.
Well, I found something...
Alright, Arrighi, out with it.
Know what I found there?
Brown blouse and multicoloured skirt.
What did you say?
You heard it, and that's
not the only information.
You see, I checked around
in the nearby neighbourhood,
and you know what I found?
An old lady at the market, one of
those busybodies, you know the kind,
told me that Luca Mondini
was a nice boy,
and that for a month before he died
he was living with a beautiful blonde.
So, I showed the woman
that beautiful photo of Daniela.
And she said: "Oh, my Lord!
There's no doubt, that's the girl."
Marvellous, Arrighi!
Hello, Laurenti?
Everything's right?
Listen, I want to know to whom
those fingerprints belong,
the ones they found on that knife
that killed that stuntman,
you know, that Luca Mondini.
Yeah, that's right.
I'll wait.
There's no question about it.
There was a full moon the night
that kid was murdered
and I'm willing to bet my job
that Daniela killed that kid too.
They belong to a criminal?
And he got killed the following night
in that fire at the barn?
Thank you, Laurenti.
You can go home, Arrighi.
Thank you, sir, but I've
still got some work to do.
It's a riddle!
This woman disappears
for a whole month
and despite all our efforts
nobody can find her.
All of a sudden she calls her father
and tells him that she's cured,
that she's happy.
But she can't
tell him where she is.
Now we find out she's been living
with a young man
who gets killed by a stranger.
The same stranger gets burned
to death in a fire.
But we know he's
a well known criminal,
the friend of other two criminals
who mysteriously disappear.
We don't know where or how.
I can't help it but in all of this
I suspect only one person,
But where is she?
Where can she be?
I'm telling you, sir, this Daniela is
going to drive us all to the nut house.
Me too.
What is this?
The werewolf, the moon...
I'm even afraid of sleeping at night.
Since that story began,
I have nightmares.
The other night my wife told me
I was yelling as if I was mad:
"The forest of Sales, beware of
the forest! The forest of Sales!"
Did you say the forest of Sales?
Turn on the headlights.