Weisse Wölfe (1969) - full transcript

Farsighted Falcon, the Dakota chief, seeks refuge in the Black Hills with his wife Blue Hair and two warriors, the sole survivors of his tribe, in order to join part of the Cheyenne headed by Chief Little Wolf. On the way, they are attacked by the bandit Jim Bashan and his gang. On the orders of mining boss Harrington, Bashan is terrorizing the inhabitants of Tanglewood and regularly stealing goods from the successful trader Sam Blake. Blue Hair is shot by Bashan from behind. Farsighted Falcon pursues him to Tanglewood where he befriends Sheriff Patterson, an honorable man, who wants to help him. Together, they prevent a raid on a shipment of money belonging to Blake. Patterson tries to prove to the incensed citizens of Tanglewood that Bashan is behind the robberies, but the city had surrendered itself to the mining company long ago. Boss Harrington now gives the orders. He revokes the sheriff's badge and incites the whites to lynch the Indians. Although Farsighted Falcon manages to kill Blue Hair's murderer, he falls victim to the the whites' powerlust.

in the film



The chroniclers of American history say

that after 1879 there was
an economic boom,

which followed the Civil War
and the Indian War.

They're talking about the race
for the highest profits

and about the ruthless pursuit of power.

It was the time

when Morgan and Vanderbilt,
Carnegie and Rockefeller became great.

In the west of the United States,
the land of the Indians was conquered.

The Indians have been defeated.

The strongest and the most
ruthless among the new rulers

could quickly amass
power and wealth.

They eliminated resistance
by all means.

It was then that under heavy
pressure from White America

the tragedy of the Indian
prairie peoples has ended.

Fort Robinson is close.

Whay this caution
I would like to know?

How long will it take
for your horses to die?

It does not make sense.

We won't go any further.

Not far from here is the Long Knives Fort.

So how are we to protect and nourish
ourselves when the blizzards come again?

We won't get to our reserve anymore.

We have to go to Fort Robinson.

Whites in forts and settlements
treat us as enemies.

They lock us up in
their prisons or kill us.

Remember Tashunka Witko!

He also went to the fort.

He believed in the generosity of the winner.

He was murdered.

We fought for four years.

Ever since we left our mountains,
we've been chased like mad dogs.

There's no other way.

We must reach the reserve
of our commander-in-chief,

Red Cloud,

if we want to live.

Your horse meat will help us.


Hello Hille!

Peter, get your horse over here!

Aye, Sergeant!

What brought you here.

Our Robinson's windy nest.
The weather is devilish here.

But in January the
weather was worse.

This is enough for me.


Unhook the horses!


Do you want to freeze in here?
Come on finally!

Captain Wessels in?

Already in place.

Cold, innit?

At this time of year, a decent fellow
stays by the fire.

What has driven you out?

Longing, Wessels.


- Hi, Hille!
- Hi, Captain!

Inside first!


Hey Blake!

- Hello people!
- Hi!

You've grown up since the last time ...

Yes Yes.

... and across.

The Lord, my dear Blake,
instead of a mount

you will need
an elephant soon.

You have yours, Blake!

This is a new education at Westpoint:
little but oho!

And fierce.

He chased the Cheyenne
like a rabbit's dog.

Captain Wessels!

I must protest sharply
against this comparison!

Ah .... a new face around here.

Welcome to Fort Robinson!

Can I please?



Allow me to introduce:
Mr. Collins P. Harrington

"General Mining Incorporation",
Omaha, Nebraska

and the general attorney of
a Tangelwood based company

dealing with the mining
of gold and precious metals

in the valleys surrounding
the Black Hills!


And not the poorest of Tanglewood.

Only after Samuel Blake, my gentlemen.


First after Blake.

Why this modesty,
Mr. Harrington?

To have a bit less than Blake
is still enough.

Even though money itself doesn't stink,
he is lousy rich.

Admit it, Blake!

You've been pretty good at fishing
in the last few years.

Cheers! ... Health!

Cheers! ... Old swagger!

We'll wait here until it gets dark.

We'll cross the river
before the moon rises.

Not really!

Guest ... like a wardrobe!

And when they both ...

You know Blake! We enjoy your visit.

Thank you, Fraser.

As much variety as in Tanglewood

unfortunately we do not have in our Robinson.

- Mhm ...
- Oh yes, love!

If there was a saloon ...

At your age, Wessels!

Anyway, Betsy has
been married for a year.

You dont say!

Poor thing ...
Already completely subdued?

Don't be serious, Blake!

What brought you here at this hour
from your warm socket?

Your scheduled trip
will not take place for a long time.

A special ride.

We want to pick up our magistrate
and his daughter from Ogallala.

To Emerson.

You must know him.

To Catherine.

Catherine Emerson!

She is getting married soon.

Let marriage be in hell!

To Pat Patterson.

Former Shining Stone gold miner.

We love the most beautiful ladies.

Your glasses, gentlemen!

About supplies, Wessels.

I hope you will soon get
supplies from the train station again.

It could be done.

And as always for free
with military protection, you smarthead!

It's free, that's good.

Actually, what do you need
military protection for, Blake?

After all, you have brought your
own military force.

So that your bones don't get sluggish.

The war with the Indians
ended years ago.

You have nothing else to do.

And a bunch of Cheyenne?

They had made this country
dangerous for months after escaping !

It was ... for life and death.

Come on, Lieutenant.

A whole army and a handful of Indians.

With such officers ...

No, no, really, Blake!
They are like devils.

Fortunately, they split up.

We caught one half.

But Chief Little Wolf with 120 men
is still wandering around here.

Anyway, he was supposed to move to
the Black Hills, you didn't hear anything?


- To the Black Hills?
- It looks.

Ah ... you only have trouble with them.

Also with the captured.

The stinking mob
is wayward and insolent.

She can barely crawl.

For weeks the smallest rations
in the ice-cold barracks,

but still insurmountable.

In fact, they should be dead long ago.

We have to move them back
to their reservation in Oklahoma.

What? In the middle of winter?

An order is an order.

What do you think, my lords:
do you want to meet their leader?

It wouldn't be uninteresting.

I have to issue the order anyway.

- Frazer!
- Sir!

Have the chief brought.

Yes, sir!

What do you think, Wessels?

Why are the Indians not complying?

Who would understand those redskins?

They just don't want to go back.
They want to stay in the north.

What are those in Washington thinking?

Because of these redskins, send a whole
squadron to the prairie in winter.

Who is to be responsible for this?

And do you really want to transport them?

On this cold? To Oklahoma?

This is a death sentence!

And what?

Only a dead Indian
is a good Indian.

The Indians are incapable
of civilized life.

They hinder our progress.

The American people have the right to ...

Indians, Sir!

The White Father in Washington ordered

that you will be transferred back
to the reserve from which you escaped.

Tell it to your people.
You are leaving in a few days!

I hope you are reasonable and obedient!

We are not unreasonable.

We want to live with you
in peace and friendship.

I've said it a lot and I'll say it again:

we just want to stay in
our homeland in the north.

To a reserve in a strange south

we won't be back.

To the homeland! To the homeland!

Still the talk about the homeland in the North!

The Indians have no homeland!
You have the order!

If you don't come back of your
own free will, I will force you.

You can fill in the rest yourself!

So we're going to die here.

Better here and right away.

I will not succeed my brothers
with their women and children

to a reserve full of suffering
and death from hunger.

We're not going!

You're not going? So we will see!


Tie the bullies!

No more right!

No water!

Further beyond the gate!

There he runs!

Back there!

There are!


Hello Mrs. Catherine!

May the Lady spare any tenderness
towards Tanglewood.

I know someone there is waiting for this
since you left four weeks ago.


So how is Tanglewood going?

Do you have a concession, this business,
what's its name?

- Blake.
- Right, Blake.

Did you take them over?

Tanglewood is different
from cities in the East.

This is not easy.

Who says it's easy?

But if we don't pay attention now

we will lose our chance.

Leave it alone, Blake!

No no! When the Justice of the Peace returns,
everyone should see how the people respect him.

But ... where do you have Pat?

He has to prepare a wedding.

There are only a few weeks left until spring.

We don't have time to waste!

I know.

But this guy is not stupid.

Since finding the first gold,
he has mastered the entire gold buying process.

First of all, he secured
his venture well.

He is a good friend
of the Justice of the Peace,



Did you bring yourself a
beautiful wedding dress?


Damn me! Sheriff's Star!

Since when?

Congratulations, Sheriff!

Only a sheriff's deputy.

Pat Patterson's assistant.

- Oh no, Pat!
- Really, Pat?

- That's right, Pat!
- Not!

Before your departure, we congratulated you on
the position of Justice of the Peace,

and now you get the sheriff
as son-in-law.

Who Controls Tangelwood

controls the south of the Black Hills.

And that's it.

Who then, four years ago,
would have imagined it?

Today Sam Blake is a rich man,

my father... the judge of the peace,

and my Pat is the sheriff.


After all, you have
all the resources in your hand.

Take down that pompous trader!

It is him or me.

Let you think about "General Mining"
- in your own interest!

I don't understand my brother
Strong Left Hand

why you separated from
the chief Little Wolf.

Many moons you fought together
with our enemy.

Did you quarrel?

Our chiefs thought two smaller groups
would do better.

Winter was on the threshold.

We shouldn't have gone
to the salt desert.

It sucked all the strength
out of our bodies.

We only have slavery.

The Long Knives got the rest.

Treacherous white wolves.

They tormented us to blood.

Little Wolf has gone north, you say?

To our Black Hills.

Eight riders. Whites.
Two days ago.

From there

for that.

Ride! Wio!

Ride! Go on!

That was still missing, damn it!

Go, everyone here!


And ... once!

And once! And once!

Come on guys!


Come on!

Thank God! We made it!

In any case, you don't have
to wash your neck anymore today.

Neither have you your feet!

Cursed great water!

What the devil advised us to collect ourselves
from Fort Robinson?

If your last shipment
had come to Tanglewood,

we wouldn't need to get our feet wet
in these maddened waters.

We could put it
under Pat's wedding table!

This lousy water has cost us
a whole day.

I just want to know why
it always snows so much in winter.

Hey David! We'll be finished in a moment.
Can we finally move on?

- Yes, boss, we can.
- So come on! Forward!

All right, Sleek. We'll talk more
about this in the days to come.

Don't forget this,

I would be very grateful.

You can rely on me.



Not so violently, McGrave!

Has the wanted poster arrived?

My telegraph office
is closed today.

Due to urgent family matters
and all.

Huh? You shouldn't have
stopped the sheriff!

I still haven't seen your
witness at the wedding, Sheriff.

Unfortunately not.

If Hille doesn't come back in time, the
Lord will have to replace him, McGrave.

And this too.

But it's time!

High time! And the Lord
didn't even get dressed!

You will be late!

Joshuah, you're getting
too nervous again!


all is ready.

No need to be nervous?

His wedding isn't that simple,
is it?

After all, the Lord only has to say yes.

But I have to make sure you say yes
in time,

so the Lord hurry up.

I will look here again.

Come on!

- Tree!
- Faster!

Damned bandits!

Get off the road!


Ride! Next!

Only tie the sheriff's print!

This time.

"Alive!" Said the boss!

From the horse!

Horse him!

Damn dogs!

It went well, boys!

As always, boss!

Here, boss!

Now tight!


We want a bride's kiss!

Way to go! Way to go!


Dancing for the bride and groom, isn't it?

If I can please?

"Carcass" please!

- Pat.
- Joshua.



You don't look like the bride's happy
father now, judge of the peace.

What's happening?

You are not happy with this beautiful couple?

The sheriff can be envied.

Of course!

But I just can't get over
the thought of transportation.

Blake and Hille are a day late.

Since the last shipment was robbed six weeks ago,

you have to fear the worst.

In addition, apparently a group
of Indians is on the way.


Ah what, Emerson!

Great water will stop them.


Way to go! Way to go!

Congratulations, Sheriff.

Here you are, Peter! Drink!

The bandits have stolen the money.


Did you cut them?

Not. I had the same.

Bloody weird thing.

You, the rabble is back!

Come on, to the car!


I thought they caught you too.

- Where are the bandits?
- They got away.

- Aaa!
- Boss! Injured!


Who is this?

No worries. Friends.

They saw the bandits.

It is impossible!

Peter! That Indian!

Yes, Sam Blake,
I'm the Farsighted Falcon.

You know the murderers?

I will avenge Blue Hair
and my little brother.

So the same bandits
who attacked us.

You don't know them?

They were masked.

I'll find them myself.

I'll look for you if necessary,
Sam Blake.

- Can I please?
- Yes.

Come on, my child!

Don't make such a face!
What are people to think?

Hey Bill!
Give me one of your good ones!

You must have a good day.

Oh, how. Of course.
For our good sheriff, always.

- They'll come yet.
- Why wouldn't they?

One more!

Ladies and gentlemen!

Please take positions by ...


"square dance"!

Now we'll begin!

The gentlemen go forward,
the ladies stay behind

Ladies go forward,
gentlemen stay behind.

And ... they change places
and turn around

and they turn around
and change places.

Please watch out for steps!

And the whole thing ... again!

Let's dance!

And they turn around
and change places!



And next!

They could bring us a new beer!

And again: "dance square"!

Now you are going to yourselves!

And back!

And the whole thing again!

Go for it, Pat!
After all, it's your wedding!

She's right, Sheriff.

Let the Lord forget about worries!

A wedding is a wedding.

Shipment arrives! Where's the sheriff?

Transport... hold up.

Did you hear Looted ...

A wedding is a wedding.
Hmm ... really!

A real sheriff's wedding.

Come out!
Let them see you outside!

Bandits! Masked bandits
like last time!

They shot Smith and Rendler.

Mine payouts looted.

Nothing else.

Thank God!
Nothing happened to both of them.

But these two others.

How long is this going to continue,

These bandits must be fought off,
but definitely!

And fast.

How many were there, Peter?

They knocked him down first!

Seven to eight people.

So you need help,

Thank you, Harrington!

I will make a public summons
when the time comes.

You should get yourself
a second deputy.

Andy Sleak! Where is he?

Tak, Andy Sleek!

He is an experienced Westman,
known to everyone.

Has he not already applied for
a job with the Lord?

Yes, he did.

Well well!

Agree people?

We agree!

Okay guys!
I'll swear him.

Go home now
and take care of the dead!

We don't celebrate anymore.

You will find out more tomorrow.

One more moment, Sheriff!

My men upstairs in the mine reported
that redskins were roaming the area again.

Maybe it's a bunch of the
infamous Little Wolf.

Perhaps they are dressing up
and robbing our paychecks.

We saw them!

Who? Indian?

- They have nothing to look for here!
- Let's drive away the rabble!

We saw the bandits!

I think...

It's my business to find out
who the criminals are!

And I will, you can be sure of it.

End of this! Go home!

Anyway, Sheriff, I have to protect
my men in the mine.

And I don't know if you can protect
Tanglewood against a gang of Indians.

The city has already been burned down once.

- Bashan!
- Hi!

May the Lord strengthen the mine guard.

OK boss!

If necessary, you will send
people to the city.


But only when armed will report to the

Of course, Mr. Emerson.

Armed, they will
only enter the city at my request.

Naturally, Sheriff!
Only at your request.

Come on!

Why are you looking for the killer here?

How are we to find him among
the many white people, Chief?

I will find a murderer.

Stay nearby!

Backwards! Backwards people!

Don't do theater here!

Stay calm, people!
Don't do any stupid things!

We don't have a gun.

- What are you talking about!
- Shall we let go?

Fight the bandits!

- We finally want our money!
- What an insolence!

Look at them!

- They're supposed to protect us!
- But not our earnings!

We cannot let go.

We have to stick together.

No security squad, goddamn it!

Mr. Bashan should kindly leave!

We must speak to him urgently!

We finally want our wages!

How long do we have to wait?

Get our wages here!

What's up folks?
What do you want from me?

Today is payday.



Hello Fred!



We don't care if the little bandits
steal money from the big lord!

We don't believe in the
story about the Indians!

There hasn't been any here for years!

We have worked and we want to be paid!

I agree with it!
Say something about it!

Bring the money here!

It happened to us too.

I didn't get any money either.

You don't have to tell us about it.

And my people who protect you from the Indians
and the rabble that hang around here.

You are a rabble yourself!

Should I clean your unwashed mouth?

Let him go! Don't be silly!

We sit in one boat!

People, why can't we talk?

What's going on here?

Did you bring a paycheck?

It's me?

Nice life for me!

I'm sick of this job!

I don't bring money,
but whiskey and lots of dynamite.

You can't live without both
of these precious goods,

if I got your boss right.

Come on, get it from me!

You can see it for yourself, people!

Harrington even sends us whiskey

whom Blake refused to give us,
even on credit!

The company is not guilty.

Blake is responsible
for the stolen money.

It was stolen from him,
not from the company.

Blake has to pay!

I don't understand
why we should give up our money.

And the chimney must be burning something!

- Whiskey isn't cheap either.
- Bob?

And we'll give it to the saloon.

I propose that I will take him
for inquiries myself ...

... with a few people on your behalf.

Hey Bob!

... in his foxhole ...

... and in Tanglewood.

Indians in the camp!


Hide yourself!

There is a redskin!

Come on, get up!
Get redskins!

They're in a dynamite tent!

There are!

Shoot the dynamite tents!

Next! Withdraw!

There are some too!


Harrington's Man!

I told you this.

God, don't get
Harrington into this, Blake!

Nothing is proven.

It is proven
he wants to take me down!


You were with Farsighted Falcon.

How many people does he have with him?

Do you know where is?

I do not know.

But he will find the cowardly
murderer of Blue Hair

and his younger brother.

The Dakota chief takes his revenge
without help, all alone.

There are only two warriors with him.

Everyone else is dead.

Was your mother Lakota too?

Yes. My name is Wakon-Sika.

Thank you, David!

You can go now.

Dakota was a proud and brave people.

If Bashan actually killed the
Falcon woman ...

let the hand of God protect him.

And if he murdered Blue Hair,
he is also the leader of the bandits.

Even so, how are you
going to prove it, Pat?

How much a Half Indian's testimony
is worth, you know as well as we do.

And the Indian's revenge
is no proof.

It is not about the Indian's revenge.

It's about law and order.

And if Bashan is a bandit ...

should hang.

As long as I'm the sheriff.


Law and order - good,

but what about my money

what about my business in the meantime?

One more robbery like this
and I'm done, lost.

Then I can ask for a job
with Collins Harrington.

Maybe she just needs a coachman!

Hell, Pat!
I need money!

Maybe refreshment for
hot heads?

Thank you, Catherine.

Is it so bad that because of your trouble
you don't see your wife anymore?

Sheriff, my love!

You'll have to get used to it
while in this country

law and order do not prevail.

Do you believe that you will live to the age
of Methuselah if you want to experience it yet?

Thank you, Madame!

"Swirling head" Bashan ...

Didn't he say that the Lakota chief
had inflicted the wound on his neck?

Then he was chasing the Indians like crazy.

He and his camp police
are the worst in this area.

It attracts rabble like a magnet.

When they show up in the saloon,
decent people go home.

You can expect
anything from him.

There is more to these seizures than the
Swirling Head could possibly have come up with.

Blake may be right.

I come from upstairs, Sheriff.

From Shining Stone Stream Camp.

But it was all over
when I got there.


What has ended?

Hmm, riots.

- Come on!
- Open your mouth at last, man!

The camp was raided
by the Indians.

- By whom?
- By the Indians?



It was supposed to hit
James Bashan.

So Bashan after all.

Tak, Bashan!

Happily he is still alive.

They blew up the camp.

Probably out of rage that they didn't find the
money there, just like in the transport.

Now what, Sheriff?

Bring order.

If Little Wolf is still in the mountains,
we must look for him in that direction.

Hello my brother, Strong Left Hand!

Who are his companions?

I greet my brother

Fast-footed tracker,

a friend of the Cheyenne.

My companions are the brave Lakota men.

Lead us to Little Wolf's tents!

We've been looking for him since last winter.




But I don't know with whom yet.

What do they want here?


Hi Henry!

Sam Blake! Sam Blake!

I'm sorry, gentlemen.

Come on!

Nothing happened to you.

They did not touch your things,
only money. Bandits!

Fourteen. Your turn!

You should have been upstairs
in the camp then.

Blake, I thought
the world was ending.

When I think I had the chest
in my hands ...

Hi Blake!

Hi Kitty!

What, already on your feet?


Give one!

Music would be good, would you, Blake?

I advise you, Blake, be careful!

I heard something up there.

I think they want to get at you.

Who Said What?

Attention Blake!

Hey Mr. Blake!

We would like to talk to you.

What do you want, Harrington?

I'm sorry, Blake.

It looks a bit rude
but ...

my people at the top
demand tough behavior.

They are annoyed.

We two might have
had a deal long ago.

But you see ... now?

What's going on here, Blake?

What's that supposed to mean, Mr. Harrington?

Nothing about you, Sheriff.
This is a purely commercial matter.

And yet it concerns me when you do business
in Tanglewood with the help of armed men.

This is a delegation from the mine, Sheriff.

A deputation that only concerns me and Blake.
I am telling the Lord!

Unarmed? Sheriff ...

People are armed, that's true.

But would you be driving through
the mountains unarmed now?

After the insidious attacks of the Indians?

It is not!

Well Blake,

he is forced to demand that the stolen money
should be immediately compensated.

Immediately? Impossible!

You know that he is responsible
for his transports.

This was the second robbery!

This is your risk.

You wanted it, Blake:
do nothing.

Because of the Indians, my people are
upset enough anyway.

They need to see the money, and
they need to see it immediately.

Otherwise I cannot vouch for anything.

Mr. Harrington!

It's a threat under the gun.

Settle your case with Blake
before the magistrate,

not here and not like that!

I demand that you send
your people back out of town immediately!

Don't take your arms out, Bashan!

Against me you are a dead man.


if that's how Patterson sees it,

I don't want any violence.

Get lost, rookie!

Listen, Blake!

I understand your difficulties.

I will give you an advance.

May the Lord get a new one from Ogallala!

Maybe the sheriff will find
the stolen one as well?

The Indians can't be far,
hmm ...?

You have ten days, Blake.

Then we'll do our errands.

I am broke if this tells you something to you.


Rich Sam Blake!

He's got me in his hand.

So soon and Tanglewood.

Hmm, everything fits.

You stand in his way.
He has to ruin you.

Bashan does his dirty work
and you have to pay.

This is what you get from
your unequivocal contracts!

And Harrington puts the
stolen money in his own pocket.

A great scam!

As if the two of you weren't
earning money separately

or, as far as I am concerned, they
could not earn well together!

Well, you're right.

But I repeat:

you need evidence that Bashan
has robberies on his conscience.

Say Blake

didn't David say the Lakotas
shot one bandit?

Ah! They didn't leave him
where they were.

This would be an option!

If he was one of Bashan's men ...


Get David and search the dead!
Maybe you will find him again.

Meanwhile, I will bring Blake
the gold from Ogallala.

Openly attack the sheriff:

they will have to think
carefully about it.

You think so?

Of course. There is the death
penalty for killing a sheriff .


Besides, I'm faster
and they know it.

It's risky.

But you have to know what you are doing.
You're the sheriff.

The idea is good. I like.

What if the Lakota chieftain
shoots Bashan? Then what?

Then Harrington has everything in hand.
And he can blame it all on Bashan!

And his armed gang will be unstoppable!

Go to hell! That's right.

You have to prevent that, Peter.

We have ten days.

Defeat Falcon's revenge?

Do you have any more wishes?

There is no other option, Hille.


Find the dead and the Lakota with David !

And one more thing.

I don't trust Sleak.
This is often the case with Bashan's people.

Don't tell him anything!

And so...

hurry up Peter!

And take care of yourself!

More like you on yourself!

I appreciate your work,
but it costs me a lot.

Almost too much.

Supplements to your salary remain,
but outside the norm this is the last bonus,

you understand me.

I see.

Besides, Hille hasn't come back yet.

I have to do my chores.


- Unpleasant guest.
- But effective.

As long as I pay.

With us, even death is not free.

We have to move on, Bashan.

The situation is favorable.

The sheriff is absent.

The deputy is absent. It's beneficial,
but the Justice of the Peace is here.

He is a soft man.

Patterson must disappear.

It's my business.

Tanglewood won't see the sheriff anymore.

It won't play like that
in my presence anymore.

It won't be a loss for you, Bashan.

Your people are ready?


They will appear when summoned.

And Blake is not afraid of.

Blake is stubborn.

If he and Emerson hide
behind the military ...

Before that, we must have
Tanglewood under control.

Strength creates legality, Bashan!

Patterson has to disappear before
you can become the sheriff.

Your legality as sheriff
will be no worse than Patterson's.

It will be better.

Then we will be able to push you through.

Give the Little Wolf a message!

Watch them here!

Stand back!

The roads in our mountains are
snow-free again.

Soon the Long Knives
will hunt us down and chase us.

We must reach the prairie before
they can man the access points.

We will go tomorrow.

Where do you want to lead your tents?

Long Knives are everywhere.

Our country is great.

And there are only a few
sons of the prairie left.

The white chief will understand
that we require little

and fair.

Have you forgotten Fort Robinson?

It was their answer!

My brother the SFarsighted Falcon
is bitter

because the white bandits
murdered his Blue Hair.

The girl from the
Gray Bear's tent.

His eyesight is blurry

by the desire for revenge.

I too mourn many of my brothers and sisters.

But I see our revenge
is leading to death.

I want to keep our freedom
as long as there is life in me.

As a free man, I want to demand from
the whites a space for our tents.

That's why I negotiate with them.

My brother Little Wolf thinks wisely
as a father to his sons.

I have to go my own way.

This is not your way.

I respect your decision,

but you should know one thing:

there will always be
a place for you by my fire.

Listen to me!

Stay with us and live, my brother!

May the bosses of this hospitable village
not go far away for a few days.

Come on ask him!

At the Indians, the guards never answer.
We are waiting.

Then I'll see you.

I wish I had your peace of mind.

We're wasting precious time, you understand?

Mhm. I understand,
but we still have to wait.

The Falcon is still in the camp?

I see. I think so.

The shaman is already drumming.
The Cheyennes will soon travel.

- Sheriff! I think the chiefs are coming.
- Thank God!

Yes, I know them.

They told the scouts the truth.

Why are you looking for me?

I want to talk to you about your
woman's murderer, Chief Savior.

He will die when the time comes.

You can't kill him.

We have to capture him.

If you kill him, they will chase you
and hang you.

I'm not afraid.

One more word, chief!

I know your courage,
but the murderer is not alone.

Wait, Chief!

If "Twisted Head" is killed by the Falcon,
all Cheyenne will be in danger!

I think so.

They will kill you all!

I will not betray your brothers

but the bandits will find them themselves.

They are worse than the soldiers,
you know it better than I do!

I promise you,
the murderer will be punished.

You will see it.

Our Cheyenne brothers will not leave the mountains
alive if "Twisted Head" is killed by the Indians.

Come with us, Chief!

You can't better protect your brothers.

The white man is right.

We have to distract the bandits
from the Cheyenne route.

We want to consider your words.

The Strong LeftHand will now lead you
to his tent.

Wait there!


Just not too long.

Hi Sheriff!

Let's get out of here!

You better go home!



Stop! Spread out, folks!

May the Lord help me, Mr. Bashan!

I can't handle these people on my own.

Help Lord, Bashan!


Get out of the way, ram!

Inside! Drive, drive!

Quick! And close the door!

Why are you still standing around here?

You don't want to bring order?


Hurry up!

Close the windows!

Children, come in! Quick!

Why! Let me see!

- Not!
- Come on!

I don't want!


The lady stays at home.

Come inside, Catherine!

What's that supposed to mean, Sleak?
Please do something!

Law and order were at stake,
judge of the peace.

The sheriff asked for my help.

I helped him.

It is illegal!
You will answer for it!

I'll answer?

This gang is trying to terrorize us,

Why such strong words, Mr. Blake?

Get home, man,
but quickly and don't be hurt!

Help him and put under the protection
of the Justice of the Peace!

What do you gentlemen want?

Let me go!

Ride! Hatch! Quick!


Damn garbage! Stupid villagers!

- Stop!
- Stop!

Transporting gold to Tanglewood
for Sam Blake!

Here is the power of attorney.

You could have said right away!



You do not want to convert?
No, you have an honest face.

Go Go! Chase!

This young man is fucking in a hurry .

There, by the rocks, my bullet
hit one of the murderers.

Rex Gray.

One of Bashan's men.

- Hurry up, people!
- Yes Yes.

We don't have time to waste.

What is? Don't you recognize
your mare anymore, Jim?

She's in heat, which makes her wayward.

Not only horses have that.

Stupid joke.

One more!

And one more!

- Enough now.
- Shit!


Go to hell!

Are they finally here?

Just Roy.

There is a guard at the saloon.

Nasty Waiting!

It makes the expectation soft!

It must have been arranged a long time ago.

I thought so too.

Such a sheriff is also just a human
whose head abhors lead.

Shake up the murders!

You talk too much, Jim.

It can hurt you, I tell you.

I was just joking!

They should be here by now.

And ... our beautiful hostess!

Hi! Where?


You are not allowed to leave the house.

Hmm ... I want to do some shopping.

After all, I cannot starve
because of you.

And your helpers
eat and drink a lot.

Waiting makes you hungry.

Let her bring you something!

This one - empty! And this one too!

Bring a new one lovely!
Go get a new drink!

Go love!

And let her serve us, Andy!

Often no use, Madame,
for a fine sheriff like ours.


In general, it will be better
if you go to the saloon right away.

And please hurry up, right?


Could you please get Bill Myers,
the host?

I don't want to go in there.

Too many men on the inside.

Sure, miss. I'll do it.

I'll do it for you
with goddamn pleasure.

Thank you!

Hey Myers!

Myers, usurer! You hear

Hi! I see!

The damned beast!

You don't shoot a lady, Roy.

Our sheriff's wife.


I see! You're right.

Widows must be saved.


Old brute! Come on!

Driving away! People, take cover!

Stupid sheriff's bastards, goddamn it!

What are you still waiting for?
Come on, catch them!

Over there! Through the rocks!

We are coming too late!

Peter, watch out!

There's another one over there!

Leave him!

Only one horse lost
is not a very expensive fee.

I'm afraid that was barely the beginning.

Me too.

The "Twisted Head" was not there, chief.

Was! Only he gave the scratching post on time.

He'll be waiting for us at Tanglewood.

Come on!

The white man should take that horse.

Thank you, chief!



It was bad, boss.

We almost had it

but this dwarf, sheriff's assistant,
got in the way of us.

With a group of Indians.


Did they catch our people?


What does "supposedly" mean?

If I had known exactly, I
would probably not be here.

Come here!

- Get Blake and the Justice of the Peace!
- Okay.

People are to keep their eyes open!

Nobody is to be seen!

Only shoot on my orders,


Listen, Bashan.

O Bed!

Thank God you're alive!

Hi Catherine!


What's going on, Catherine?

You can't go to town!

They took them. Bashan's people.

Lord God! And yet!

They want to kill you.

I will not be blackmailed by you, Harrington!

Your way of expressing yourself
doesn't fit your situation, Blake.

- Pour yourself one!
- Thank you!

You shouldn't use
criminal jargon in business, Blake.

And the Lord uses criminal means!

Just be careful, Blake!

What does "blackmail" mean?

I am just soberly assessing your situation,
Blake, and I can see exactly what you are.


You see

Patterson will be here soon
with the money.

With my money, Blake.

And what will the Lord benefit from this?


Your losses were too great.

Your debts to me are too high.

You're finished, Blake.

May the Lord forgive me!

What if the sheriff finds the stolen money?

Do you believe a friend of Indians will be
the sheriff at Tanglewood for a long time?

- Do you want ...?
- I don't want anything.

The young man will get a lesson.

Why is he opposing me?

Me and "General Mining".

And if you're sensible,
don't do it either!

Otherwise you will lose access.

A Sam? Blake!

You have no chance yourself.

I will not give you any!

So is that sheriff's idiot.

By me,

just with me, Blake,

and with "General Mining"
lies your future.

Not with the poor judges of the peace,


and other naked men.

So ... be careful:
either join the GMI,

or be my enemy!

Go ribs - at best.

- There, on the wagon!
- Do not shoot! We have to go to the office!


Attention! In the office...

Fast for home!


Stand up, Patterson!

Not a step further!

Don't move, buddy!

Throw down your weapons! Lock up
these three! Sleak stays here.

Come on!

- Indians! Damn Indians!
- Go, go!

You will pay me for this!
A cursed gang of rogues!

Damn it, put him in!


It's all over, Catherine.

And you!

Tell your boss

that his people were to disappear
from Tanglewood, if his life was nice.

Do you want to let him go?

The shooting must stop.

Get out of here!


We should have shot him
right on the street.

Then the jaunts from the judge of
the peace would attack federal forces.

In this state of affairs
it is handled differently.

I can not help it.

There were seven ... instead of three.

If you don't do everything yourself ...

Except for the sheriff outside, huh?

You are all inept!

I just hope you can fix it.

Judge of the Peace!

Let the Lord listen carefully!

Bashan with his men for
the protection of the sheriff

and to protect your money, Blake,

Rode Patterson on horseback to meet him.

They heard that the Indians had attacked them.

They had seen the sheriff protect the chief
of the red-skinned bullies themselves!

They murdered my people.
I demand that the reds be issued

and for the sheriff to be held

We don't need a friend of
Indians as a sheriff!

Did you understand me?

The sheriff has the right.

He and only he is responsible for
what will happen to the Indians.

So we have to get the redskins ourselves.

I will not tolerate it.

It is illegal! Illegal
like everything that happens here!

Emerson, let the Lord think of Catherine!

Leave me alone, Blake!

If you think you need to get involved
with the GMI, that's your thing.

But what's happening in Tanglewood
is lawless!

I will not tolerate it!

Who is listening to these wise words?

You will stay here!

We'll talk more later.

I'm counting on your word, Blake.

I can't do otherwise, Emerson.

Attention, they are coming!

Go backwards, Catherine!



May the Lord come out!
We want to negotiate.

You can go. I'll be fast.

Thank you, chief.

Sleak, did you tell your boss
what did I say?

We don't want anything from you, Sheriff.

But the Indians killed our people.

We demand redskins!

The Indians helped to put an end to
the bandits. They are under my protection.

We know the bandits.

If your leader shows up,
everyone else can leave the city free.

Bashan will be brought to trial.

For murder, robbery
and violation of public peace.

There was a higher right!

I warn you!

Who will help the bandits from now on,

will hang like Bashan!

You must have me first, you have
been praised!

As the sheriff you protect
your filthy redskin

and you let the Indian slander
the honest Westman.

You'll hang next to the redskin
if you don't remember where we are!

Hand over the redskins to us, Patterson!

Drop your gun, Bashan!

Give me the ammo, David!


Next! Go to the back entrance!

Can't McGrave call
for help?

His office was taken.
This cannot be counted on.

When the thugs incite Tanglewood
against the Indians,

will be after us.

Something must happen.

It's not just about the chief.
The bandits must go.

Nobody will benefit
if we stay.

You won't get out of here during the day.

We'll fix a gang, then you
can stay with us like David.

Trust me, Falcon!

You saved my life twice.

I trust you, but ...
I don't want to live here.

Pat, come here!

Blake? It is impossible.

Pat, did you dismiss the Indian?


It's suicide!

Pat Patterson!

Should I follow him?

Stalemate! Can you hear me?

Yes. Go, David!
Maybe you can help.

What do you want?

We don't want blood to be shed any further.

We won't shoot anymore.

I got in touch with Harrington.

Do that too!

Be smart!

He said "we".

I just wish I knew
how much it cost Harrington.

He cheated!

Sammy Blake cheated.

Deal with Harrington!

Thank you, Pat.

Listen to me!

Come on!

You have your money.
Get off the street!

Bashan! I am waiting for the Lord!

OK, Patterson.

And what now?

May the Lord put down the gun, Bashan,
and come here!

You forgot the redskins,

And the Lord will not order us anything anymore,

Until we get along with you,
like with Blake.

First the Indians!

They belong to us!

You don't think I could recognize the guy
who did this to me!

Give me those red bastards!

The Indians are no longer
here. And Lord, Bashan ...

Come on, we'll kill him!

People! Come on!

Come here!

Don't let go!

We don't need a judge.

We will judge for ourselves.

The second one eluded us.
Go to hell!

Okay, come on! Because we will
miss the fun with the latter.

On with him!

One of those rascals is here.

Dead redskin is good redskin.

- Hang it!
- Hang it!

We hang it!

- Hang him!
- People!

The Sheriff's Retaliation Awaits!

I know a red skinned man.

This is one of those who
burned the Tanglewood back then.

Hang him on the lasso!

Come on, hang it!

Hang! Hang! Hang!

You have to prevent this,

It's against the law!

Nice tie, huh?



What else is holding you back?

All Indians will hang.

Grab the rope!



I'm not looking at the killing!

They will finish you off!
This is crazy, Pat!


- Next!
- Hang him at last!

Hurry up!

Oh my God!


- Sheriff, friend of the Indians!
- We don't want you anymore!

Get out of here! Get out! Get out!

Come on!

My God!

Come on! Hang him at last!
Do it!

The Indians are coming here!
Less than 10 miles away! Cheyennes!

What, Cheyenne?

There is work, people.

Quick, get it over with here!

- Come on, mister, sheriff!
- Get out of here!

And ... did it taste good, Sheriff?

Now let's go!
Come on, boys!

Come on!

Hold him down!

- Yes!
- Want another one?

And one more!

This is!

You will hang for it, Bashan!

And you too, Harrington.

- Come on out!
- Get out of here!

- Hiding yourself!
- He's on the roof!

- Faster!
- Hiding yourself!

Be careful! Hides!

Hiding yourself!

Na front!

Shoot the Indian!

Back here!

- Go to the other side!
- Carefully!

Come on, people!
Get him off the roof!

Jim, come with me!



Come on, go on the other side!

You're right!

Don't let him get away!
No more ammo.


One moment more folks! Do not shoot!

Redskin is mine.

I wish we could hang it.

I couldn't prevent it.

I can't prevent anything.