Waves of Lust (1975) - full transcript

Two carefree youngsters, Irem and Barbara, are invited for a weekend cruise on a yacht owned by Giorgio, a ruthless and cynical industrialist, whom is married to Silvia, a disturbed woman whom allows herself to be physically and mental abused by this devil-may-care man. Silvia then forms a love triangle with Irem and Barbara whom conspire against Giorgio, whose misogyny and paranoia pushes him over the edge into murder.


How's the world upside down?

Basically the same right side up.

Then just as sick.

Come here.

Do you want this?

Look how much fun they're having.

show me what you can do!

Cut it out, Giorgio!

Cut it out, I said!

- He'll end up cutting her head off.
- He's insane!

- I bet he's rich.
- The kind that never has to pay.

If he killed her,
they'd just say it was an accident.

You almost killed me today.

I'm sorry.

The idea of going to jail
over you doesn't entice me.

Don't worry,
guys like you never go to jail.

You're right.

But it would be
some what of a pain.

And I detest pain.

If I wanted to kill you,
I'd have to plan the perfect crime.

You're smart enough to not do it.

Nobody would kill
the hen with the golden eggs.

Great, him again!

Leave us alone,
I'll get rid of him in no time.

I'll meet you at the bar.

Nicolai, what a surprise!

- I heard you were here so...
- Right... have a seat.

Good afternoon.

- The usual?
- No, Tony. I'm not drinking today.

I'm going to kill someone
so I need to be focused.

I'll be your hit man for free.

- Will you?
- Well... not exactly free.

- I would want something in return.
- I think I know what you mean.

- I doubt I'm the first to ask.
- No.

And not the last, I hope.

Look who's here!

The water skier.

I'm sorry but I'm afraid
I can't continue this conversation.

It's completely pointless.

I have no choice,
give me at least one option

or at least an extension.

Making concessions
isn't my style.


Say goodbye to Nicolai,
he's leaving for good.

It's probably the last time
we'll ever see him.

Don't bother.

I won't be
harassing you anymore.

Good luck...
in getting exactly what you deserve!

If anyone needs luck here, it's you.

Get us drinks, we're going to toast
to one less idiot in the world.

So you told him
to take a hike?

There's no room
for imbeciles in this world.

All he needed was your help.

Put it all on my bill.

Get me a drink.

On the rocks?

I've never let anyone
tell me what to do

and I'm not making
exceptions for you.

Nicolai is an imbecile
and I'll treat him however I want.

- Got that?
- Sorry.

I feel sorry for him.

- You won't do it again, will you?
- No, I promise.

Please, you're breaking my arm.

That should teach you for now.

Now apologize.

I'm sorry

Not that way, stupid!
You have to earn your forgiveness.

Please don't hurt me.

Then what kind
of punishment would it be?

You like it, don't you?

Hi there, babe.

- I'm going to lie out for a while.
- All right.

The catalogue item
you're interested in is over there.

- Don't tell me you like that.
- I haven't told you anything.

Do you know the artist?

Is this any better?

- It's rather conventional.
- At least it says something.

It represents the proletariat,
I don't like proletariat.

Plus I can't buy two,
I've only got room for one.

It's your money,
do what you like with it.

Can you hear the ocean?

- I could hear you walking over.
- Were you sure it was me?

Yes, if I was a man,
I'd do the same thing.

And I bet
you bought that horrendous painting.

- Look.
- I was wrong. One - nil.

- I bet that's yours.
- How do you know?

- lntuition.
- Good guess!

- Of course.
- I satisfy all my whims.

A boat like that
can only belong to someone like you.

- Do you want to get on?
- Why, want to fuck?

- What's your name?
- Barbara.

- Yours?
- Giorgio.

- Anything else you want to know?
- You're interesting in your own way.

- How about dinner tonight?
- Why not?

Then see you at 8:00
at "La Lampara" restaurant.

All right.

Don't be late.

- Can I help you?
- That man is expecting me.

Are you Giorgio?

Barbara's running late
so I'm keeping her chair warm.

Do you mind?

They're nothing special
but I'm starving.

I could use a drink,
how about ordering some white wine?

Any requests
on the kind or year?

Nope, as long as it's cold.


Pour me another one.

- Are you alone tonight?
- Yes.

Men are such assholes,
don't you think?

We've met, remember?

Of course, at that shop today.

Can I get you a drink?
I'm pathetically lonely tonight.

- Let's get drunk together.
- You should take it easy.

- You're telling me what to do too?
- No.

I think Giorgio's got that covered.

How do you know Giorgio?

He's partying
with a few friends tonight.

- You didn't know?
- No, but I figured it out.

By how he ordered me to get lost.

Let's go,
let's give him a nice surprise!

Why not?


but you'd forgotten to let her know
so I stopped by to get her.

You must not have known
we were friends.

Sorry about the mix-up,
I didn't know I was supposed to come.

Barbara kept insisting
so how could I refuse?

Actually, you weren't even invited.

But since you're here, have a seat.

Here you are.
Would you like to order something?

- Anything is fine for me.
- The best you've got.

- Can I have oysters?
- Sure.

Oysters are a powerful aphrodisiac.

That's why I like them.

- Do you mind that I'm here?
- I've never had so much fun.

You didn't tell me
you had such nice friends.

- And so full of surprises!
- Well, Silvia...

I like surprises too.

Since we've hit it off so quickly

Iet me make a proposal.

Silvia and I are spending the weekend
at sea, why don't you come along?

- Both of us?
- Of course.

I see that Barbara
likes to play hard

so it won't be me who backs out,
it would be the first time.

Silvia, what do you say?

Silvia thinks whatever I do.
Tell them.

I would really like
for you to come too.

It will be fun, you'll see.

- It will!
- What did I say?

She'd like to have you onboard.

If Barbara's fine with it, so am l.

I'm in.

- Then let's make a toast!
- To our friendship.

I'm sure we'll have a great time.

We're going to have
one hell of a cruise.

This is your cabin.

Take what you want.
Trousers, suits, bikinis...

- Thanks.
- Try these shorts.

- Don't you wear a bra?
- Never even seen one before!

- I wish I had larger breasts.
- Why?

I'm sure Giorgio would like me more,

Do you think
your relationship would get better?

No, I would like it better.

This is Giorgio's cabin.

As you can see,
it's the biggest one.

He has to feel free
to do whatever he wants.

Don't you sleep together?

I am only allowed in
when he wants to have sex.

There's another reason too.

I can guess... so he can have
whoever he wants in here.

- Does it happen often?
- Very often.

And I can hear everything
in my cabin.

Why do you let him?
Why don't you do the same?

Honestly, Giorgio scares me.

You've never seen him angry.

Only fools never change their mind.

Silvia liked
the painting too, right?

- Yes, but I find it incomplete.
- It's amazing.

And I wanted to surprise Barbara.

The other one
looked like a stupid red stain.

You're right, a blood stain.

Sicilian Sea
calm for the next 24 hours.

All other waters
will be slightly rough.

Weak winds in the central
Mediterranean and Tyrrhenian.

North-westerly moderate winds
in the western Mediterranean.

Stable temperatures north while
hotter in the centre and South.

- When are we eating?
- It's almost ready.

Put something heavier on,
you'll be cold.

All right.

- What's wrong, are you hungry?
- You could say that.

I was wondering how can you live
with someone like Giorgio?

You'd better go back up,
or we'll never be eating tonight.

- Want me to take over?
- You can navigate, can't you?

- I can tell by how you move.
- I went to the Naval Academy.

But then I sunk
an aircraft carrier, 600 deaths.

Are you messing with me?

You have a radar,
radio and automatic pilot.

You don't need me,
I'll go help the girls.

You stay here.

I'm the one who will help the girls.

- What are you looking for?
- The salt.

It's on the bottom shelf.

Now this would make
a valuable painting!

Were you only cold
from the waist up?

I thought the pullover was longer.

It depends how you wear it.
Of course if you wear it like that...

I bet you did it on purpose!

Already arguing?

I can't stand hearing
two women argue.

- May l?
- You're the guest.

I go crazy over caviar...
and lots of other things.

- Can I have some more?
- Anything you want.

May l?

Caviar is an aphrodisiac too.

I highly doubt we need aphrodisiacs.

Now that you're loaded up
on aphrodisiacs, go drop the anchor.

- We're in shallow water.
- Yes sir, captain.

Our captain sure likes to drink!

When you have something
to say about me, say it to my face.

You sure like to drink, captain.

Your valuable painting's been changed.

Yes, I'm drinking.
Any objections?

It's your liver,
do what you want to it.

His like this every night,
but he won't listen to me.

I never do
what this stupid bitch tells me.

- Does he always treat you like this?
- Only when he's in a good mood.

Remember that time
when you broke my nose?

Or when you broke my arm?

What lovely memories you share!

She likes it.

We're much more in sync
than it looks.

That's what you say,
but what does she think?

Sylvia isn't much of a thinker.
Right, dear?

I forgot to get the newspaper
before we left.

I remembered.

reading helps your digestion.

- It's the guy from this morning!
- Did you know him?

We had the pleasure
of meeting him this morning.

A distinguished man but
rather cold and very very dead.

Silvia's insinuating I killed him

It was suicide!
He had the gun in his hand in.

But if Giorgio had helped him,

he wouldn't have ended up like that.

I didn't do it because I was drunk,
I've only had one glass today.

What happens after a bottle,
do you kill her?

Stay out of it
or you'll be swimming back.

Before they wanted to kill
each other, now listen to them!

I guess they like this,
a slave and her master.

Until the slave decides to rebel.

Too bad she ended up
with that caricature of Superman.

She's probably happy this way.

No one likes being treated
like a slave, I doubt she's happy.

Look what I caught for you!


It's still alive.

Does it scare you?

That took care of that.

I did it for you,
you were so scared!

It was your face the scared me,
it was more ruthless than that eel.

That's not true.

I can be loving when I want.

Not judging
by how you treat Silvia!

- I killed an eel.
- What have you done to it?

- You completely destroyed it!
- It would have done the same to me.

That's not true,
humans are always more ruthless.

Animals kill
out of defence or for food.

Only humans do it
for their own enjoyment.

You enjoy seeing people suffer.

You're right, everything I do
is for my own enjoyment.

That's the only law I follow.

There's nothing else in nature
except enjoyment.

You can watch, if you want.

We already knew
what would happen.

It had to be one of us

and it proved
who the smartest of us is.

Why throw out all the keys?

Things will get easier between us

now that we can't lock our cabins.

Silvia's good at drawing too.

You're good.

You have a lot of talents.

Including the fact
you don't talk much.

- There's something ahead!
- It's a little island.

It's a deserted rock.

We're staying there tonight.

I want to quit drinking.

And smoking.

Do you mind taking over?


I'm thinking about
doing something nice for you.

I'm sure you'll like it.

You get jealous with Barbara.
She's your lady, isn't she?

You don't want anyone
to take her away from you.

I don't own her.

She's free to do what she wants.
Just like me.

I'm positive
you'll like what I'm going to do.

Here I am,
naked as a pagan god.

A swim before dinner
is better than a cocktail.

Jump in, the water is great!

You heard the boss!

I'm going ahead, aren't you two?

- What about you?
- I'll stay here and cook.

You go on if you want.

It smells so good!

You should help out too, here!

A real sailor must know how to cook.

Too bad there are no oysters.

I'm ready.

Give me a plate.

- lrem's outdone himself this time.
- It's cooked perfectly.

This is for Giorgio.

There's only one captain at sea
and he has the right to live or die.

So of course he gets
the first serving!

No, no fish for her.

Here are your oysters.

How wonderful! Thanks.

Good job!


A vintage white wine
with your oysters, catch!

A skilled player
never gets caught off guard, right?

I don't think Giorgio
is a skilled player.

Always so serious?

Come on, smile!

- The oysters are starting to hit.
- Yes, it's frightening.

Giorgio promised
to give me something today.

I was going to too.

Maybe it's the same thing.
He said I'd like it.

I hope so.

I think I know what he means.

I think I do too.

Did he ask for something in return?

What could I give him that
he doesn't already have?


He can have her whenever he wants.

The moment of truth
has finally arrived.

And you want to know if I'm game.

I've never had any doubt about that.

What I want to know
is if it's worth it.

Now it's your turn.

You sound like we're at the dentist.
Show some effort.

Are you looking for passion?

You sound ridiculous.
Do you think I have a crush on you?

I've had scores of girls like you.

What will Silvia do
when she sees us have sex?

They look like two cats in heat.

Look here,

why did you two
agree to come with us?

Because we felt sorry for you.

Sorry for me?
Are you mad?

I know, we were wrong.

You like things as they are.

What else could I do?

Turn the world upside-down!

Even I could do that.

I like the world just as it is.

What the hell
are those two idiots doing?

Irem's showing her
how to turn the world upside down.

Those idiots still don't know
who's in charge here.

You are,

but you can't prevent
the slaves from having fun too.

I know,
but only when I give them permission.

No, I'm not in the mood now.

This mask is tight.

This mask is tight.

- Didn't you lubricate it first?
- Right.

See you down below.

Here we go!

Hurry up, I'm diving too.

No, this time
you acted like you're incompetent!

That bastard's tanks were still full!

- It's okay, we made it.
- Thanks.

If it hadn't been for you...

I thought I was going to die.

That was the scariest thing!

I know you're my lawyer
but I make the decisions!

I don't care what you
and the bank manager talked about!

I'm not having any money
sent back from abroad!

Everyone exports capital and
you want me import it illegally?

You're a complete idiot!

No redundancy payments,
we're closing down and that's it.

My factory is not
a charity organization!

Who cares if they go broke!

Let the government handle
600 unemployed workers!

And don't call me with
any other great ideas like this!

You fired 600 people?

My business
regards no one else.

It regards the 600 people.

I don't want you on my back now too!

Don't worry, it will go away.

You'll see.

Why don't you come in?
There's room for you too!

You yourself said
there's always something to learn.

What's wrong, are you jealous?

If you like it, keep going.

What are you thinking?

Act on your own again
and I'll make you pay!

The current unanchored us.
Can you see now?

I'm sorry, I had no idea.

I'm sorry, I really am.

- You're beautiful.
- So is Silvia.

She's good too.
Did you like having sex with her?

I feel sorry for Silvia.

She has everything
a woman could want.

Except affection from someone.

You mean she's trying
to get me jealous?

I think she feels lonely
because of your selfishness.

What do I care?

I can do what I want
and she knows it.

Even sleep with you.

Of course you can,
but why haven't you done it?

I want to decided
the right moment.

I think you're just afraid.

Me... afraid?
Afraid of what?

That she'll rebel
and do the same thing with lrem.

If she even thinks about it,
I'll beat the crap out of her.

You can't keep taking
and never give.

- I always have.
- It may not always be that way.

- What do you mean?
- That other people do exist.

I'll do it.

I heard Giorgio
apologized to you before.

I'm glad.

Are you saying he's a gentleman?

No, it's just that
he's weird with you, different.

I can't figure out why.

He didn't mention
the present he had for you?

but you had one for me too.

When the time comes,
I'll give it to you.

Why don't you get rid of him?
What are you afraid of?

I'm waiting for the right time.

I have to go back to the stern.


- It's not working.
- Where were you?

I went to the stern
to get some tools.

- Where are Barbara and Silvia?
- I don't know. Somewhere.

What is this conspiracy?

What are you plotting
behind my back?

Enough of the story,
we haven't moved.

If you drank less
you'd find us easier.

Something smells fishy here.

- Should I go make dinner?
- No, I'm not hungry.

- He's just thirsty.
- What's going on here?

What does that painting
in my room mean?

You said anything that happens
on board here, one of us did it.

One of you two did it,
only you and Sylvia and can draw.

- I can draw too.
- I don't believe it.

Let me see.

Give it to me!

It looks just like me.

You're good, you're really talented.

Why don't you do something serious?

But I especially like your legs.

I'm going to make dinner.

- That son of a bitch!
- What?

Irem tried to kill me.

Irem didn't tamper with anything,
he messed with this but it's mine

and he even told me not to use it
because it's defective.

What's going on?

His mouthpiece broke
and he says you did it.

Just name your heir

and give me a half-hour of time
to plan the perfect crime.

Strange things are happening,
just like yesterday!

- Yesterday what?
- The painting in my cabin.

Someone wants to scare me

and it's the same person
who tried to kill me today.

If I find out which one of you
did it, I'll kill you.

Anyway, people like me
never go to jail.

Right, dear?

- It's a real shame.
- Hoist the anchor and start the boat.

Did you hear me?
I gave you an order!

I'll make you all pay for this.

Do you really think
lrem tried to kill him?

- Why would he?
- For me, to free me.

He isn't the kind of guy
who does things for other people.

You're right,
people only do things for themselves.



He started early today,
that scare made him thirsty.

Look out!

That way he'll be drinking less.

Get me another bottle!

All right, after all,
my only joy is to see you smile.

- Are you getting ready for me?
- No, I'm getting a tan.

- I'm not drunk.
- Hey, captain!

Now you drink even before lunch?

- It's already his second bottle.
- What do I care!

He can do what he wants.

Silvia really is the perfect woman.

She can cook, paint,
play the piano and fuck.

No one fucks as good as her.

She's fantastic,

a real high-class slut!

Irem, why don't you answer?

Are you afraid to admit
something's going on between you?

What are you saying?

You really never wanted
to sleep with her?

That doesn't mean anything.

Irem is a good guy.

He never steps out of line
and I'm sorry I doubted him.

I'd be really upset if I found out
he was the son of a bitch.

Start the engine, we're going home.

You mean we're going back?

I don't feel like travelling anymore
with three bastards.

- You mean us?
- Just do what I told you.

Giorgio doesn't like it
when other people use his property.

And he gets dangerous
when he drinks too much.

- Who cares about Giorgio?
- Wait for the right time.

There is no time, we're heading back.

Soon he'll be drunk,
then it will be time.

- But I want...
- Barbara to join us too?

Is that what you meant?

How do you like your whiskey?

It's absolutely delicious.

And I like being your glass.

Drink up, you little pup.
The party's about to start.

We waited for you.

Your kindness
is getting more and more suspicious.

but I think I'll stick to whiskey.

Never mixing drinks
is the key to holding your own.

Does that bother you, lrem?

I don't even know
what getting drunk is like.

Why the silence?
Don't want to go home?

Irem's such a strange name,
why did you pick that?

It's written on my identification.

You never asked your parents why?

The thought never came to me.

That's the problem with young kids.

You never think about anything.

You're like animals.

Irem's pretty nice,
don't you think so?

Barbara's pretty nice,
don't you think so?

What's she like in bed?
Is she good, turn you on?

You won't believe it,
but so far there's only been

exasperating celibacy between us.

I can't say
I don't like Barbara.

I've wanted
to have sex with her since day one.

I have a surprise for you.

Right... I've already told you!

The present I want to give you
as a reward for your qualities.

it's more of an exchange than a gift.

Stop it, you're drunk!

Let me talk.

The gift is her, Silvia.

She's the most beautiful thing I have

and it's only fair
you experience her too.

You're my friend
so I'm giving her to you.

But you'd all figured that out,
hadn't you?

But you'll get her when I say so

and how I say, got it?

You're in big trouble
if you do it behind my back!

That's enough!

Not now!

I'll let you know when it's time.

I don't want to be the only one
who puts in his share.

That's not my style.

Right, Barbara?

He's out,
and he will be for awhile.

- Where's lrem?
- Up there, he's waiting for you

Now I feel freer.

I don't care about Giorgio any more.

- Where is he now?
- In his cabin.

He's as drunk as a skunk,
he'll be out till tomorrow morning.

What if he wakes up?

Barbara's with him,
don't worry about it.

I fell asleep
and dreamt I was drowning.

- I was sinking.
- Yes, in a sea of whiskey.

I dreamt the three of you had sex,
but that can't be true.

Tell me you didn't do it.

I order you to answer me!

You're done giving me orders,

done forever.

You bitch!

Stay out of this!

Have you gone mad?

I didn't mean it.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...

Did you know the Romans used to
cut up their slaves who rebelled

and feed them to the eels.

Do something, lrem!

Help, he's crazy!

Stop him before he kills us all!

- I'll kill him!
- You bitch!

It's no big deal.

We'll go back to get her,
Sylvia fell overboard.

What are you looking at, asshole?

I'm giving Silvia to you,
I promised.

You just have to fish her out
if you want to do her.

What are you waiting for?

Drink up, it's good for you.
We're going back to get Silvia.


Silvia is your woman now.

And I won't even ask
Barbara in return.

He passed out!
Hurry up!

How's the world upside down?

Basically the same right side up,
with one less prick.

Then it's just as sick.

Subtitles by:
Laser S. Film s.r.I. - Roma