Watusi (1959) - full transcript

Following the end of World War I, explorer Allen Quartermain's son Harry travels to Africa to search for King Solomon's mines. He wears a special medallion given to him by his father from the Watusi tribe, who guard the mines. With him is his friend Rick Cobb. Along the way, they meet and take with them Erica Neuler, the daughter of a missionary who was killed by a local tribe. Harry has antagonistic feelings toward Erica because she is German. His mother and 8 year old sister were killed by Germans when the boat they were on was sank by a German U-boat. Can he overcome the challenges of hostile tribesmen, dangerous territory, and his own anger to find the treasure and the love of his life?

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Welcome to mantzaco village, sir.

We don't often have the the pleasure of visitors.

What's going on there?

Just passing time.
do you like safari, sir?

I have the best boys and best guns.
there is not alike in all of Africa.

- Thank you, Mohammed Khan.
- You know me, sir?

Only about you. Where can I find Mr. Masters?

Mr. Masters? he left here many years ago.


The Groveror is still the best hotel?

The only one.
but I can arrange, mister...

I don't seem to recall you.

Were you here on safari,before the great war?

No. do you have any idea where I can find
a gun bearer called kanda?

No, sir, I do not!


Do you want a beer?

Thank you.

Jim-Jim, two beers.

- Make yourself at home.
- Thank you.

We don't see many strangers
in these parts

- My name is Rick Cobb
- I'm ha...

And I thought you were a greenhorn
looking for a safari.

- I am.
- Which?

- Greenhorn.
- Yes, with Swahili and all...

Oh, this is just what I needed.

Ah, beer is the only thing that made
this stinking place bearable.

Seems quite good to me.

It's your first trip to africa?

I landed in Zanzibar a couple weeks ago.

- Great day in my life.
- Great nothing.

You'll live to regreat it ,you'll never get out.

Are flies always that bad?

Bad? this is their off season

What happened to the screens?

Oh they rotted away

I've never seen ...

Why do you know about the screens?

I know quite a lot about this house.

even about you.
- You do?

I've heard stories about this
house for many years.

My father built it.

Your father?
Alan Quatermain?

I'm Harry Quatermain.

Harry Quatermain?
Why did you not tell me?

your father took on my first
safari when I was just a kid.

- I know.
- Harry Quatermain!


Yes, bwana, two more beers.

Oh, never mind about that, come on out!

He started me in the hunting business.
he used to give those safaries he didn't want

- Yes, I know.
- Yes, bwana?

- Jim-Jim , what do you think?
this is nakuma's own son .

Happy, happy day , bwana.
you're father was the greatest

most loved.
- I know, Jim-Jim... thank you.

It's nice to know my father is so well remembered
after so many years

he's a legend in these parts!

The greates white hunter forever.

Yeah, where are your things? you'll move in here.
- Well but...

Oh no "but" for pete sake!
this is almost your own home.

- I'll get your bearers , bwana..
- I dont have any, Jim-Jim.

- I came alone.
- Alone?

- from Zanzibar?
- Yes, it is faster that way .

I was in a hurry to get here.

So you've arrived.

Anything else, bwana?

No, nothing, thank you.

What's the matter, Ompa?

Nothing, bwana.

- Hi, Harry
- Morning, Rick.

- Breakfast?
- Just some cofee, thank you.

- Any luck?
- Eh ,yes and no.

Kanda is dead. he died a few years ago.

He didn't have any relatives,so...

Well at least you know it.

You've been jumping as scorpion
ever since you got here.

What now?

-I would like to try something else.
- Good ! do you want a safari?

Maybe, but I could'nt afford much one

Afford nothing!
my pleasure!.

Might not want this, Rick.
may take 4 or 5 months.

4 or 5 months?

Yes, I'm going north to the Kalaoyana country.

Do you wanna die young?

Will you come along?

You wanna try for king solomon's mines


I thought it'd be something like that.

-You're Alan's son

You're all tied up inside.

You spent 3 sweating weeks
trying to track down Kanda

... by finding him buried ahead

They didn't bring back any diamonds.

There's no prove for the story.

My father wouldn't lie ,
neither would my mother.

you'll have half of the diamonds
if we make it .

Your life should be worth more than
a half of some possible diamonds

Me sure I got nothing to lose,
and many to gain.

You're worst than your father.

he pushed his luck and africa got him...

... even him.

Yes, I know.

but I think he was lucky
he died doing what he wanted .

seen everything, done everything...

... his time had come is such simple.

He is still buried ,somewhere out there.

I'ts as good a place as any

The last place I'm gonna be buried is in africa.

I dont think you have a choice.

is in the cards or is not.

I'm going to find the mines.


Diamonds.money is the only thing that
counts in our days

Do you think so?

There's no much left
of the world I knew.

so I'm gonna try for something different.

If I fail...

but If I find them,
I'm gonna contruct my own world.

-You're nice and cinical , aren't you ?
-Well ,aren't you?

You know ,you've never been
on safari before.

True, but I know every end of the way
of my father...

... every foot of it.

Second hand knowledge
won't keep you alive.

You've ever seen one of this?


Umbopa, king of the Watusi
who guards the mines...

... gave it to my father.
if we make get into their country...

- ... we're home free.
- Yeah... if...

I've never been in or near of that country

... no one has ,except your father.

You know we'll have maybe
one chance in ten of getting there

- ... let alone getting back.
- Probably one in fifty.

The whole idea is crazy.

Jim-Jim !

Yes, bwana.

I told you a million times.
to keep that thing out of here

-Well, take it outside!
-Yes, bwana.

stinking country

I've tried house snakes to keep the others away.

All right, so I don't like snakes!

Well, sure I got nothing to lose.
except my life.

no family, nothing, sure I'll come

I was really hoping you'd ask me


Possibly the diamonds.

- Here, you'd like to use this?
- No, thank you...

... I'll just use my own rifle.

an army rifle?
you're married to that?

Sort of.

Captain H. Quatermain.

King's own scottish borderers

Oh... a Kilt and all that?

Yes, I've got very pretty knees

I didn't know officer carried rifles

They don't ,actually
but I found it much more useful...

...especially with the bayonet.

Hi, glad you could come over

I want to introduce you to
a friend of mine ,Harry

He's been around this country
for years.

Might be useful to have another
gun along

he is lousy shot.

Harry Quatermein.

Wilhelm von Kintner.

If mr. Cobb had told me ,
I could have saved you a journey.

We don't need another gun, sorry.

That's a Lee Enfield I see
is it yours?


Good luck, Rick and safe journey

Thanks for coming over.

You know, Harry, we could have used
another gun.

Maybe, but we'll handle it ourselves.

What's the matter with you?
you're still fighting the war?

No, four years was quite enough

It is just personal.

my mother and sister were drowned
in 1916...

... an U.boat got their ship

A lot of people died unnecessarily.

That's right. but in this case
I had to identify their bodies.

My sister was still in her mother's arms
she was 8.

just a child,she had no legs

no legs, just stumps

my mother had her child ...
half a child in her arms.

I know he had nothing to do with it...

... but I just don't want
anyone of them around me ,that's all

- Jim-Jim !

You lead, Harry.
I'll take the wagon.


- Whats the matter, Rick?
- My feet.

Do you want some help?

I'm sure better at desk job.
never did like walking.


hynas always hunt in packs never alone.

Kalaoyana atacked the white God.

White God?

-Is there any mission settlement around here somewhere?
-Yes , there is.

we'd better bury them.

You didn't find a body of a woman
by any chance , did you?


... only eight natives and the missionary.

That leaves only one posibility.
I'll take Jim-Jim ...

Oh, no you don't , Jim-Jim!

Yes, bwana.

If we're not back for sundown,
come and find us.

Come on.

-She wasn't as lucky as the others.
-What do you mean?

Kalaoyana like to torture women.

- Cover me.
- All right.

Come on!

We'll never be able to hold this bridge.

or leave trying to make a run forth

There's only a vill up ahead.

We'll have to risk it
We can never hold them here.

All right, but leave the wagon,
We don't have too much time.

-Let's just take what we need.
- All right.

I'm Rick Cobb,are you all right?

I think so.
but they'll come back?

Yes , I'm afraid so.

I'm Erica Neuler

I do not know how..
I don't know how to thank you.

Well, thank Him.

too bad about the missionary.

I know.. he was my father.

- I'm sorry.
- We're all ready , Rick.

-Think you can go on?
-I will try.

"ich muss Ihnen danken"
I mean, I'm very grateful.

Erica Neuler
this is Harry Quatermein.

Thank you for saving my life.

We haven't done that yet
you're german


Won't be long now.

Better get some clothes together
be prepare to travel light

- Where will you take me?
- Never mind ,no questions just keep going

We'll have to fire that bridge.

Fire is a pretty dangerous thing
to play around with in this country.

Well, I'll set the rods
we'll just have to risk it.

All right.

- you think is safe to camp now?
- Yes, I think so.

What's that?

The river must have carried
the fire down stream.

We're lucky the wind is blowing
away from us.

We're right in their path

quick, behind these rocks!

Come back here!

Get down , down! Come back

Come back!

Get down, get down!

we did keep off the vultures this time... just.

Yes, the Gods are with us.

- Long way to get through yet
-Long ? why? where are we heading?


Where are you going to leave me off?

You can't expect us to turn back now

We'll leave you off at the end of our safari.

It is not usual to find
europeans in this area

- You've been here long?
- Many years.

even during the war
we saw few europeans.

I was lucky you came by.
almost a miracle

Go easy with the water!

This isn't berlin.

We may not find drinkable water for days.

I'm sorry, I should have known better.

Yes, you should have.

What have I done to him by
he should be like this to me ?

What have I done?

Maybe he just dislikes germans

it's looks like a good place, Rick.


We'll camp here, Jim-Jim.

Yes, bwana.

Do you know how far is it to Zampari?

About half day march , I'd say.

but we're lucky. I know there's
elephants spot about a mile back .

- You're looking for ivory?
- No, no

but the elephant meat is a delicacy
to the Zampari.

if we bring them meat they ferry us
across the river

is the only way we can get across
- Oh, I see.

Does the "haupman" permit me to bathe?

I was a captain.

Captain , "haupman" it is all the same.

Never was to me.

Nontheless, I wouldn't bathe
in the river if I were you

You are afraid I may poison the crocodiles?.

Oh, do you consider dirtiness a merit
with us germans?

I didn't say that
you did!

Look, Erica, why don't you
stop picking on him?

Then tell him to stop
picking on me!

I am a human, I exist ,I am here...

... it is not my fault.
and not asked to be rescued.

maybe I do not like him as much
as he dislikes germans .

I am not ashame of being german.

my father told me to be proud.

Why don't you forget it?

you're the only one
that keep bringing it up

I know ,I'm sorry.

you've been so kind.

I will try.
it is going to be dificult...

... because he is such a ...

... "dickkopf".

- How are your feet?
- Few blisters not too bad.

- Good.

-Rick, are you coming?
-Yeah, I'm coming.

You do like him, don't you?

Sure, he's my friend.

-Yes, bwana.

- Get some of the boys
and bury the tasks.

we'll pick them up on our way back.

We're going to get back?

Do I ever say different?


Second hand knowledge ,eh?

Say, you are a genius.

- Did you have good hunting?
- Yes.

You look good.
I mean clean , rested.

- Thank you.
- I'd use a bath myself.

- I organized the food I hope is all right.

- I baked some bread.
- Bread? here?

All you need is flour and water.

It's easy to make an oven
out of clay.

I smelled something good

Do you know why the Kalaoyana
atacked your mission?

There's been much trouble with the change
from a german east africa to a british protectorade

Many of the native tribes
didn't like the war years.

It wasn't only the natives.

We happened to be germans
who've blamed

sometime innocent people suffer.


Are you sure there is nowhere
I can be left?

You know there isn't.

you're quite safe with us
don't worry.

But I do.

for the first time I have the chance
to live my own life

... and do not intend to throw it
way just because you want to go north.

You have no alternative , have you?

You know my idea of heaven would be
reunite all the mosquitoes in the world...

and burn them to death , slowly

real slow.
- are the flies that make me ill.

getting in your hair ,in your eyes,
in your food!

Hey, you better take this .

- Dr quartermain, I presume.
- Someone has got to look after you.

I'm fed up with quinine.

- How about yourself?
- I already had mine.

My idea of heaven would be ...

... a constant hot water
flowing from silver taps

where is always clean
and green...

...where the rain falls gently...

...and where you can go out in the sun
without hat on and not be afraid

you know , I left the old country.
seeking for a good climate.

I figured africa was the place

with the time I found out it was too hot
whatever, I was stuck with it.

funny...we always wanna be
somewhere we are not.

Anything would be better than this.

You know i've never had a pretty dress
never in my whole life...

... no silk stockins.I've never been to the ballet
or theater

I've never read today's paper of today

-I'm sure you'd get bore with it.
-No, I wouldn't.

What's your idea of

This, without flies and mosquitoes.

- You'd get bore with that too.

- What are you looking for north?

We're going to king solomon's mines.

You are gone through all of this to find
the will o the wisp?

king solomon's mines?

"komisch ,sehr komisch !"

It's funny,very funny.

Do you know how ironic it is?


A fitting end to everything

A trip off to nothing!

Maybe it's kind of crazy.

Not if we got there.

- She's a fine girl, isn't she?
- Yes.

Have you been married, Rick?

No, and you?


I can't stand much more of this.

neither can I.

- You're doing fine, Erica.
- How much more?

Another five or six days.

- We'll make it all right.
- If the fever doesn't get us.

Keep going.

Harry , harry

- Harry !
- Fever !

Get the quinine, Jim-Jim.

There's none bwana it was lost
in the stampede

all except for one small bottle

that nakuma's son bwana took


the crazy it has been giving it all to us !

We better go to the falls.

Cannot be more than a
half day ahead.

There ,give me a hand.

-Hello, Rick.
-No quinine , nothing

If we don't break his fever,
I think he will die.

How do you know? you're a nurse?

I ran the mission hospital.
my father told me about it.

I wonder..?
perhaps we can find mimtoyali.

- Any good?
- No.

Maybe there aren't
in this part of the country

There must be!

Give me a hand Rick ,please

We got them, Rick!

Raise his head.

Thank you.

Well , if that doesn't kill him,
nothing will.

Sometimes , this natives
remedies are good .

-It should break his fever tonight
- I hope so.


It's a Watusi, It must be.

Just like Harry described it.

I cannot undestand him.

it's Bengkala. he says his name is
Amtagka has come to guide us.

- He want to see harry.
- Harry, why?

He told me politely,
to mind my own business.

- He is asking if he will live.
- Yes.

He said , he will wait.

How could he possibly know
about Harry?

I dont know, strange things
happen in africa..

There's not much a white man can do

without words passing from drum to drum

Do you really believe
solomon's mines exist?

Sure. his father got there
and lived to get back.

If he dies what will you do?

I'd like to go on.

Would you come?

I would have no alternative

I like have you around, Erica.

Thank you

How do you feel?

Much better, thank you.

-I'll tell rick you're awake.
-No, no,don't.

I'd like to sleep a bit more.

- Good night, then.
- Good night.

No, she's not my wife.

I'm sorry I didn't know you were taking....

I can't hear you.

I want to talk to you ...
down there.. all right?

-Is anything the matter?
-No, Erica.

- I'm sorry I interrupted you
- I thought something was wrong

I didn't even take time to dry myself.

What did the watusi say?

only that he's been sent to guide us .
that we'd be welcomed

- Will it take long?
- No , it won't take long.

By the way, Rick told me...
how you broke my fever.

I wanna thank you.

We have quite a time with you

My mother died of the same swamp fever.

We didn't know about Mimtoyali then
we had just arrived to África.

Sorry... sorry about
your father.

He was living on borrowed time

so many years in the
jungle all alone so far away

he knew it would come one day.
but he stayed.

it was quick when it came
so I think is all right.

I didn't think I was going to be as lucky

...for that I thank you

Were you born in germany?

Yes , we lived in Freiburg.

I can just remember the little church
at the edge of the green forest.

all the cattle wore bells...

... and at sundown
we could hear them over the whole valley.

I'ts was beautiful.

-Was your father sent here?
- No, he asked to come.

my mother beg him against it

she wasted so quickly.

and since I was eight ,
I was mother to the mission .

my mother also died
in Africa, when I was born.

when my father died ,
my step mother took me to canada.

I always remember my step mother.

She is dead also?

Yes ,she and my sister were drowned
in 1916.

their ship was torpedoed
by an U.boat.

Oh... I see.

I'm sorry.

I wanna thank you for saving my life

I would do the same
for anyone...

... black, white, german or english.

What did he say, Rick?

It's a watusi proberb:

"two virgin and one man
is only good.

but two men and one ,
will destroy all three.

He is very wise.

We should have caught up with amtagka
hours ago.

- I hope nothing has happened to him.
- No, he's too clever for that.

Jim-Jim !

- What's the matter with those bearers?
- Tabu land , they're afraid , bwana.

Tell them we are well armed
there's nothing to fear and keep them quite.

Better not shoot yet.

the sound will carry 20 miles.

We're lucky they're half blind
and almost deaf.

Yes , but we better get out
before he sense us .

I waited as long as I could .
but he wouldn't go away

As long as you're all right.


- The boys, bwana... they're gone.
- What?

- He said he saw the bearer deserting .
Why don't you stop them?

- He says the bearer were afraid of going
to the land of the little people ,the pygmies


Pygmies are too small to hunt games
with weapons..

... so they build traps.

from now on it'd be like going thrugh a minefield

I will check our suplies come on , Jim-Jim.

I'll give you a hand , Rick.

Harry,for God sake, stop,help!
No, Harry...

Let me go!



... Oh I'm so sorry, Harry.
but I thought that you...

That's the trouble ,
you're always got the wrong thought

- It was just that I...

- We got a mad woman in our hands, Rick.
- I'll have to watch out myself.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- Good night.

- Oh ... it smells good!
- breakfast is nearly ready.

- I'm so hungry I could eat
an elephant raw

Where did you get the eggs?

One thing about the army
they teach you to survive.

There you are.

- Rick...
- Yes

Wake up

What's the matter?

I'm afraid this one is a bit too ripe.

- An egg is an egg.

I'm sorry about yesterday
about weeping and all.

Oh, you can use my shoulder .
anytime you like...

... or maybe harry's.

How about some breakfast?


Amtagka says we'll get to the
desert in a few days...

... after that watusi country...

... and the diamonds!

How about split it in three ways, Rick?

It's all right with me.

This is very kind of you , but..

- You've earned this share.
- You do not owe me anything.

Only my life.

Look out, bwana!

It broke his neck..

Yeah, that would've been mine.

Is there anything we can do?

Yes... bury him.

This damn thing never keeps it's edge.

How do you keep that thing sharp?


I work out it .


After my sister.

Harry, do you mind if I say something...

- ... just as a friend?
- No, go ahead.

you know, you'll never be whole,never be content..

... while you force it all to remember.

- I don't have to force it, that's my trouble.

- Mistakes were made on both sides
during the war

- That's right but that doesn't help me.

- You know ,you'd like my people

- They're what?
- Oh, nothing.

If we get those diamonds,I'm going back
to the old country.

It must be 20 years since I left home.

I don't have a home.

Everyone has to belong somewhere
or somebody

... otherwise, there's no point

Erica is all right , isn't she?

yes, she is.

I'd like to marry her.

Why don't you ask her?

I have no courage.

You like her too , don't you?

Yes , I do.

That makes it kind of rough , doesn't it?

- No it doesn't , I couldn't marry her

- Nothing gonna stop us now,eh Harry?

-Only the guards.
-They are on our side.

- Well, I hope so.

- If they are , you'll be the richest woman
in the world.

- I don't know if I want to be that rich.

- If they're not , we end up as dust in the wings
of the wind .

- I like the simplicity.
- I don't.

- How beautiful!
- How wonderful beautiful!

My father said it was a paradise ,
but I didn't expect it .

I wonder what we'll find down there ...

... you, you Harry, and me

I wonder what we'll find ?

Whatever we're looking for .

He asked if we came for
the little white stones.


The only safe way to the diamonds
is sealed forever?

I cannot undertand him

He said that the only passage
to the mines..

... is through the kingdom of fire.

The mines are tabu for
his people, but...

... he promises to help us .
if we still wish to go

Yes , I want to go.

It'd be funny if after all we've been through
the diamonds weren't there

They'll be there it got to be !

- I have the feeling that it won't be
that easy

before we go , there's something
I wanna get settled.

You mean Erica?


Umbopa's daughter
gave me the dress.

the women wear them

You look wonderful, Erica.

You don't like it?

I've never really seen you in
a dress before.

it's quite a shock,
a nicer look.

It's nice to be a woman again

I think I'll take a walk ,good night.

- Look, Erica...
- Do you like some?

Oh, no, thanks.

perhaps by tomorrow we'll have
the diamons.

Is that so important to you?

Yes... and no.

Look, Erica, I'm pretty beat up and I'm not as young
as I used to be

without the diamonds , I'll have to earn my
keep as a hunter

if we get the diamonds

... you'll be wealthy too, I thought that...

You're not beat up, Rick!
you're a wonderful man.

You've been so kind to me.

you both have.

What a meant was ...

... will you marry me?

Even if we get the diamonds
we have a long way back.

it's so dificult to think clearly.
with so much dangers around

- Not for me it isn't
- You and Harry...

sometimes I don't know what I see.

What do you mean by that, Erica?

All my life I've been told what to do.
It was so easy then

now ... I don't know how to make
a decision.

- It's beautiful here isn't it?
- Yes and so peaceful.

I've never been anywhere
quite like this

so calm, eternal.

everything out seems so unimportant.

I feel the same.
this land isn't like africa

Rick wants to marry me.

Rick is all right.
are you going to?

- We have to go back.
- This heat will fry us.

We can make it across.

Wait, I'm going first.

- Where next?
- Wherever the tunel lead us .

- You are all right, Erica?
- Yes... for the while that's there

The way back will be safer...

... we can find the cave

Look, we're here!

- It's unbelieveble!
- Fantastic!

We made it! we've got it.
now we can do anything!

- Now we got only get them out.
- We'll get them out all right , come on!

How much do I have to take ?

Two handful will be enough for all
of your life.

and the life of your children.

This one is for a house,
and this two for some land...

- How big is it your land?
- This one ! No, it's too small.

- This one have a mansion.
- I like my little house.

-And this for all of constant hot water.

And this for all the dresses you want to buy
and silk stockins and hats and everything

And this is for a car you must have a car.

- I never drove it one.
- Oh, and a chauffer, eh, Harry?


This will pay his wages for the rest of his life.

- Erika?
-It's only ...

... you have been so kind
both of you. so very kind

but I'm afraid we may not get out of here.

Nonsense, we're almost home already

another half hour and will be out
in the sun ,come on

There should have been a stream there

We'll have to go back for where
we came in

What do you think, Harry?

You jump first, Rick,then Erica.

you'll help her land in the other side.

Each jump gonna make the rock shake loose
you think it'll be safe?

Never mind , come on!

You know, the last to jump may be
in real trouble.

I'll worry about that.
come on, keep going!

- You're wasting time.
- I don't think so.

I want you to go first.

If anyone can make it,it's me.

my legs are lot younger than yours

Yes, but mine have been around
more time than yours ...

... I want you to be around too

I'll be around.

- What do you say, Erica?
- What do you mean, Rick?

- You decide who goes first

I don't want anything to happen to either of you.

Then what are we gonna do ?
We can't fight about it!

- No, but If I had to

... I would do get you across

now, come on!

- will you please go?
- It's ever your own way?

You're as stubborn as your old man.

You'll be all right ,are you ready?

I'm afraid

If you make it, I'll make it.

I'll try.

lets get out of here.

Umbopa is giving us another 20 bearers.

We'll make the coast in fine shape

I can hardly wait to start spending.

Now that I got them ,they don't seem
so important anymore

They will in a month or so.

What's the matter ?
you're all right ?

Do you remember when we got the crest

... Erica said
I wonder what will find down there?

well,I found something down here.
I don't want to let go off.

this place.

I'm not going back, Rick, I'm staying here.


are you crazy?
what for?

Almost everything I want is here.

I think this is the one place in the world where
I can find content , peace of mind

- Do you think you found the paradise?
- Yes.

I'll tell you one thing for sure you're all mixed up.

You'll never find any paradise or peace of mind

... while you've got that thing around..

- Are you ready? they're waiting.

- Oh, I'm sorry, I interrupted.

- No, no,come on in .

perhaps you should hear this too.

I'm going to say something that I needed to say for a long time.

I'm your friend harry , ain't I ?

- Of course.
- No wonder

I'm as german as she is .

- German?
- Sure

I was brought up in england but I was born in germany

same as my folks from way back

I wish I'd known

I tried to tell you many times

... but I never seemed to find the right moment.

would this have changed , if I had ?

after now ,I don't think so

No, I didn't think so either.

why didn't you tell me this before

maybe I had to prove a point.

I was a friend of your father.

that's right , I thought he'd told me everything about you.

he had.

everything that he considered important.

it didn't make any difference to him.

he judged a man as a man

He was right! ,he was so very right

I'm sorry

How I must have hurt you...

...both of you.

Forget it

Erica, looks like we are now on our own .

harry is not coming.

- Are you serious?
- Yes


Coming , Amtagka.

maybe you can talk and sense into him.

Will you be staying a long time?

I don't know...

... maybe a year, maybe more.

I guess I've taken from my father more than I thought.

this place makes me feel so at home.

I can undestand why.

It's so gentle and peaceful.

It's not just that ,It's...

I think Rick is right. I'm all mixed up by...

there's only one way:
to live for today.

today must be the world...

... eternity and everything.

Well , you're coming?

I think we are both staying.

I've heard it all!
you're both crazy!

Erica... you're going to stay?

If you'll ask me .

It's because today I suddenly believe
that I love you

today?, I believe I've loved you for many days.

only today is important.

Well , aren't you gonna ask her to stay?

Will you?

Good luck to both of you.

I'm proud to have you as a friend , Rick.

Do me a favor , will you?
take this with you...

... bury it somewhere in the desert.

I'll bury it deep.

I'd have been a lousy husband anyway.

you know, the drums carry a long distance

I hope one day they'll tell me you have a fine son.