War of the Satellites (1958) - full transcript
An "unknown force" declares war against planet Earth when the United Nations disobeys warnings to cease and desist in its attempts at assembling the first satellite in the atmosphere.
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[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
[satellite beeping]
- How much longer?
- Very soon now.
- Why do we watch?
- Patience, Mr. LeMoine.
We must give the good doctor
the benefit of every doubt,
and you must admit that we
have done that up to now.
- Yes, Mr. Akad,
I must admit that.
- Let me see now,
this is nine times
a half a billion dollars
and this will make 10.
- It's still in its
orbit, Mr. Akad.
- For the moment.
Ms. Carrington, what
is your opinion?
- I collate observe
data, Mr. Akad.
I make no predictions.
- Well, I make a prediction.
All those men in that
satellite will die,
as have all the others,
and when they do,
your project comes
to an end, Doctor.
- The satellite is
approaching the critical area.
[dramatic music]
There it is at the barrier,
it's forming again.
- Get through it.
Get through it.
[suspenseful music]
[explosion rumbles]
- I am truly sorry
Dr. Van Ponder.
What is it that destroys every
manned satellite we launch?
- I don't know.
I just don't know.
- And yet you propose to
follow this tenth failure
with another attempt, using
more of your volunteers?
- No matter how
many times we fail,
Mr. Akad, we'll continue
until we succeed.
- Human beings are
not guinea pigs.
I warn you doctor,
I shall fight you
on the floor of the
council all the way.
We've seen enough.
[upbeat jazzy music]
- Are you still cold, baby?
- Yeah, but I'm getting
warmer every second.
- Hey listen doll,
they're playing our song.
- Yeah, I don't dig
the arrangement.
- Yeah, I see what you mean.
Too many violins.
Change the station, maybe we
can get somebody else's disc.
- Alright.
Don't move, I'll be right back.
- A shooting star?
- Oh darling,
you're so romantic.
Make a wish.
- Oh, that's no shooting star.
It can't be Sputnik, it's
not listed in the TV Guide.
Oh wow, something is
flipping around here.
- Yes, and it's my top. [laughs]
Oh Jay, I really am scared.
[explosion rumbles]
Did you hear something?
- Yeah, my elastic just snapped.
- No besides that, idiot.
Go see what it is.
Well, go ahead.
Well, you're not scared, are ya?
[upbeat jazzy music]
- Hey Mitz, come
get a load of this!
- Alright, but I hope you
know what you're doing.
You know, you flunked
chemistry twice.
- What do I do now?
- I don't know,
but make it snappy.
We're double parked.
- Well, don't just stand there.
Who's the three letter
man around here?
[crickets chirping]
Asnasiunum unitum planetae...
[dramatic music]
- "To the United Nations
of the third planet
"of minor luminary Sol,
"called by the inhabitants
thereof, the Earth.
"Attention, we the masters
of the spiral nebula Gana
"have been observing
your actions.
"Understand earthlings,
that we look with disfavor
"upon your peristent efforts
to depart from your own planet
"and infest other
areas of the universe.
"We have therefore set up
quarantine measures to ensure
"that this contamination shall
not be allowed to spread.
"We shall frustrate your
every attempt in the future,
"as we have those in the past.
"Knowing that
earthlings are equipped
"with rudimentary,
reflex type intelligence,
"we are taking this means
of conveying our command
"that all such efforts
to expand and depart
"from the infected planet Earth,
"shall from this
moment be stopped."
- Mr. President, Mr.
President, Mr. President?
- Mr. President.
- The chair recognizes
the honorable member
from the United States.
- Mr. President,
honorable delegates to
the general assembly,
I speak for all men
everywhere when I say
that this alien
intelligence is wrong,
that man cannot be
dismissed as a disease
or as a growth that
infects our planet.
Our hopes, our aspirations
lead us to the stars,
and no other race has
the right to judge us
or to deny us that journey.
- What do you make of the
space message, Dr. Van Ponder?
- Do you think it's a hoax?
- Gentlemen, gentlemen,
ladies, please.
Now I'd be a little less
than frank with you
if I didn't admit
that whatever I might
say is only an opinion.
- Well doctor, why was
this message in Latin?
Does it mean an end
to Project Sigma?
- The fact that the
message was in Latin
causes me to
believe it's a hoax.
There are those who
would like to see
our rocket program abandoned,
however, as for Project Sigma,
it most assuredly will proceed.
- [Reporter] Then you'll
ask for new volunteers?
- [Reporter] Do you
think you'll get a crew?
- Well, there's an old saying.
If you just want something,
send someone for it,
but if you really
want it, go yourself.
- Then you'll go up yourself?
- Well, Akad calls
it a suicide mission.
- I won't ask anyone to take
a risk I wouldn't take myself.
I mean to captain my own ship.
- Captain your own ship?
- Is this very dangerous sir?
- Now gentlemen and ladies,
if you'll excuse me.
I have an appointment
with some components.
[group chattering]
- I'm going with him.
- Well, I guess that
makes me a volunteer also.
- You really started
something this time, Doctor.
I think you're right.
- Well thank you, but I'm not
at all certain I am right.
- But if this thing is a
hoax then you can prove it.
- I didn't say I
could prove it, Dave.
I said there was evidence.
Unfortunately, there's just as
much evidence the other way.
- Like what?
- Well, ever since
the capsule landed,
we've been working on it.
The metal container
itself defies analysis.
It's harder than anything
we've yet been able to devise,
and it has a fantastic
thermal resistance.
- Well, I didn't know that.
I haven't seen all
the reports yet.
- Oh yes, and consider their
method of communication.
Now this is something,
telepathically geared
to the human mind.
One merely thinks the word
message, and it appears.
Stop thinking and
it goes blank again.
- Curious about the Latin.
- Well, why not Latin?
Once it was understood
throughout the civilized world.
Perhaps they think it still is.
- Well, the whole thing is
still a little hard to swallow.
- Dave, not so many years back,
space travel itself was
a little hard to swallow.
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
- I've calculated the figures
for the Doppler effect at the
speeds we'll be traveling.
- I want the figures all the
way up to the speed of light.
We can't put the silver reactors
through a full
test here on Earth,
but if they reach optimum
efficiency in space,
we'll be the first to
achieve photon propulsion.
[Sybil laughs]
- But Van, that would mean--
[phone rings]
Dr. Van Ponder's office.
Mr. Hotchkiss.
He sounds worried.
- Yes, Hotch?
- It's Akad and his crowd, Van.
They're reviving the whole
suicide issue on the council.
They're beginning to
play it pretty rough.
You better get down
here in a hurry.
- I'll get there
as fast as I can.
I have to be at
the United Nations.
Extend this series and
I'll check it tomorrow.
[dramatic music]
[tires screeching]
[car crash rumbling]
[suspenseful music]
- And so Mr. President,
even at this late hour,
and after millions have
been poured down the drain
in this insane project, it is
not too late to reconsider.
Something greater than
money is at stake.
The lives of the fine young
people who have been deceived
into believing they would
travel into outer space.
- Mr. President?
I apologize to the honorable
delegate for interrupting,
but his speech is
no longer necessary.
Dr. Van Ponder, without whom
Project Sigma cannot proceed,
Dr. Van Ponder was killed
in an automobile accident
while on his way to this forum.
[crowd muttering]
- Mr. President, I
extend my condolences
to the delegate from
the United States,
but now there can
be no further reason
to delay passage of my motion
to suspend payment of funds
to Project Sigma, immediately!
[dramatic music]
- I hope I never live through
another moment like that, Van.
Getting that message,
the shock of seeing
you in the doorway.
Risen from the dead like
that, it's almost a miracle.
- As I explained, the
officer was mistaken.
- Well, miracle or no miracle,
it certainly worked
like a charm.
It pulled the slats right
out from under old Akad.
If I didn't know you better,
I'd say you planned it yourself.
- Well, if you'll
excuse me, Hotch.
I have some charts to prepare.
I do hope you won't mind
my using your office?
- Not at all, not at all.
Make yourself comfortable.
- [Radio Announcer] Would
be a very serious matter
at home and abroad.
There was consternation in
the United Nations Assembly
when Dr. Van Ponder
appeared dramatically
after his death had been
announced to the assembly.
Upon his appearance,
the delegates cheered Dr.
Van Ponder to the rafters,
then proceeded to vote unlimited
funds for Project Sigma.
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
- They proceed with their plans.
Our warning did not deter them.
I propose a stronger warning.
Come in.
- Excuse me, Van.
I thought I heard you
talking to somebody.
- No, Dave.
I'm quite alone.
- I was wondering if I
could ask you a question,
a personal one?
- Certainly, sit down.
- Thank you.
- What's on your mind?
- It's about Sybil.
- Ms. Carrington.
- She volunteered
for this job, Van,
because she has great
admiration for you,
and the faith that
you'll probably succeed
where the others have failed,
but you and I know what our
chances of returning are.
- Do you agree with Akad,
that it's a suicide mission?
- I didn't say that, if
I did I wouldn't be here,
but I know the dangers involved
and I think you should
order Sybil to stay behind.
- Ms. Carrington is a very
intelligent young woman,
quite capable of reaching
her own decisions.
- Doctor, turn on
the radio, quickly.
- [Radio Announcer]
Fires, floods, earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions
in unheard of numbers
bursting out all over the world.
Foreign Minister
Smirnoff first accused
the United States of
triggering the fires
that broke out in his
country via nuclear means,
until convinced that
similar holocausts
were occurring
without visible cause
through this and
other nations as well.
There have been suggestions
that these disasters
are a followup of the warning
reporting to come
from outer space,
from hostile beings
on a distant nebula,
who demanded that humans desist
from attempts at space travel.
The strange message
was dismissed as a hoax
by the United Nations
Security Council at the time,
but many responsible
persons believe
that it should've
been taken seriously.
Just a moment ladies
and gentlemen,
a bulletin has been handed me.
Reports are coming
in thick and fast
of wheat and cornfields
destroyed, ships sunk,
all occurring at
the same instant.
This is a bulletin.
There can be no question
or coincidence here,
[phone ringing]
these terrible events are
purposeful and directed.
[phone ringing]
- Hello?
Yes, Hotch.
Yes, we've been listening.
Well, what can we do?
We've got to quit.
I know it's disappointing.
How do you think I feel?
Yes, I know.
But we can't fight this.
Dave Boyer's here with me now.
I'll send him over
with a statement
you can read on the floor.
- Van, you're not giving up?
- We're up against
a race of beings
whose intelligence is as
ours to ants and bacteria.
We have the choice of
continuing to exist
under whatever
conditions they may name,
or of being exterminated.
It's that simple.
Sybil, I want you to
type this up immediately.
- Intolerable.
- Well, I guess that
puts the wraps on Sigma.
- And to think that Van should
have to plunge the knife.
Let Stephens give the report.
I haven't got the
heart for it, I'm sick.
- The honorable
delegates will recall
how my colleagues and I warned
of the dire consequences
if we ignored this ultimatum.
We are obviously in
the grip of a force
stronger than we can oppose.
I noticed that the delegate
from the United States
has chosen not to be present.
Well, Mr. United
States delegate?
Don't you agree that
we must immediately
give up this insane project?
As a matter of pure,
naked survival!
- The delegate from the United
States sends his apologies
for his unfortunate absence
from this important meeting,
but he sent me
here with a message
that expresses not
only his views,
but the views of Dr. Van
Ponder, head of Project Sigma.
The delegate has spoken
of naked survival.
Gentlemen, you do not
survive by abject surrender.
Nations and worlds must
fight for survival.
If we give in now,
let down our defenses,
give this alien
planet full control
over our actions and our
lives for mere survival,
won't they decide to take
even that away from us?
Can the gentlemen here ask
themselves why these aliens
are so concerned that we do not
penetrate the Sigma Barrier?
Isn't it peculiar
that this action alone
excites them to retaliation?
They consider us
a danger to them
if we break out of quarantine,
as they so tactfully put it.
They haven't even
bothered to find out
whether our motives
are peaceful or not.
They don't know that
we would collaborate
and share knowledge,
treat them as equal
partners in the universe,
but we can't show them
this by surrendering.
No, it's precisely because
they do not wish us
to travel the skies
that we must do so.
Gentlemen, we must proceed with
Project Sigma at all costs.
- [Radio Announcer] And what
looked like certain defeat
for Project Sigma was turned
into a brilliant vindication
by the impassioned
address of an emissary
representing both delegate
Hotchkiss and Dr. Van Ponder.
[suspenseful music]
- Radiation density
at 1,500 miles.
10 to the minus 27.
2,000 miles, 10 to the minus 30.
2,500 miles--
- Doctor, how did you get here?
- We've been sweating it out
here for the past three hours.
- Well that's funny,
because I could've sworn
I just saw you over
at the probing ground.
- I guess the pace is getting
too much for you, Johnny.
The eyes go first.
Van here will probably be next,
he's been working like twins.
- Triplets is more like it.
Oh, I just came to tell Dave
that the new solenoids
have arrived.
We're testing them now.
- Okay Johnny, I'll
check 'em later.
You know Van, I would've
sworn you'd take my head off
for that stunt I pulled
at the Security Council.
- On the contrary Dave,
I should thank you.
I don't know what got into
me to give way as I did.
I'm in your debt for
saving Project Sigma.
- Do you still have
that growth on your arm?
You know, you oughta
take care of that, Van.
Those things can be dangerous.
- [Loudspeaker] Dr. Van Ponder,
you are wanted in reactor
construction area, urgent.
- I'd better get over there.
Dave, I'd like you to,
what's the matter?
- Nothing, Van.
- Well, you can handle the rest
of these reports, can't you?
- Sure, see ya later.
- Alright.
[suspenseful music]
- You wanted to see me, John?
- Yes, Doctor.
It's these new solenoids.
They're not testing up
to capacity resistance.
- Oh, how do they test?
- 68 ohms maximum, it
should be at least 75.
See, I thought if I
added this extra coil.
- I don't think it
matters very much.
Every element of the reactor
is geared to a 61 safety--
- Look out!
Good lord, I'll get a doctor!
- No, John!
[dramatic music]
- [Loudspeaker] Dr.
Lazar, Dr. Lazar,
emergency in reactor area.
Come at once.
[dramatic music]
- Let me look at that hand, Van.
What kind of a joke is this?
- Would you mind explaining
what this is all about?
- Well sure, John
came rushing in,
said you'd burned your hand.
Burned it off, he said.
- With the torch, I saw it!
- Quite obviously he's mistaken.
- Yes, I should think he is.
- We'd been examining
these solenoids,
suddenly he screamed
and ran from the room.
- I see.
Well, he's been under
a lot of pressure.
I'm surprised there
hasn't been more
of this sort of thing as
we approach blast off.
- What are you talking about?
- Buck fever my boy, I'm
afraid you're grounded.
- But you can't
negate what I said!
- Come on now, I'm
sure Dr. Van Ponder--
- But I saw it with my own eyes
in the flame of that torch!
He didn't even feel it.
- John!
- There's something about you.
You're not human.
- John, stop it!
- Alright, I'll go.
But I know what I saw.
- Perhaps you see
too much, John.
- Come on, John.
[suspenseful music]
[phone ringing]
- Hello?
- Hello Sybil, this is Dave.
Look, I know it's a little late,
but this kind of important.
- Dave, where have you been?
They've been trying to
locate you everywhere.
We blast off at 23:30.
- 23:30?
- Van advanced the time,
you've just got 45 minutes.
You'd better step on it.
- Look Sybil, meet me
at the launching site.
I've got to speak to you.
- [Sybil] Dave,
stop wasting time.
[suspenseful music]
- [Loudspeaker] Rocket
one, final crew call.
- Sybil?
Sybil, I've got to talk to you.
It's important.
- [Loudspeaker] Rocket
one, minus six minutes.
- We don't have much time, Dave.
- We've got plenty of time.
They're just calling
for rocket one.
- I'm going on rocket one.
- You were scheduled
for rocket two with me.
- Well, Van made the switch.
- Van made the switch?
Sybil, you can't go with him.
- He must've had a reason.
- [Loudspeaker] Rocket
one, minus five minutes.
[suspenseful music]
- Corrections on
the calculations.
- Okay.
[suspenseful music]
- Checking in, sir.
- Alright then.
- Ready Van?
- I thought you grounded him?
- Oh no, he's perfectly okay.
I checked him out thoroughly.
Even gave up your
hallucination, didn't you John?
- Yes, sir.
I'm sorry I caused trouble, sir.
- You see?
Just as good as new,
and astronautical engineers
don't grow on trees, do they?
- No.
No, they don't.
Well, I'll see you on board.
- Yes, sir.
- See ya, Van.
- [Loudspeaker] Rocket
one, minus four minutes.
Dr. Van Ponder wanted
in general control.
Dr. Van Ponder,
you're wanted onboard
rocket one immediately.
[suspenseful music]
Minus three minutes.
Crew stations all
rocket one personnel.
[dramatic music]
Minus two minutes.
All unauthorized personnel
clear launching area.
- We're about to blast off.
[suspenseful music]
[machine beeping]
All instruments checked out?
- Everything alright.
- Good.
I'm depending on you.
- Yes, sir.
[suspenseful music]
- Have a good trip, John.
- Yes, sir.
- [Loudspeaker] Nine, eight,
seven, six,
five, four,
- I didn't get a
roundtrip ticket.
- [Loudspeaker] Two, one.
[rocket rumbling]
Rocket two, minus 10 minutes.
[suspenseful music]
Minus 10.
Nine, eight,
five, four,
two, one.
[rocket rumbling]
[machines beeping]
- Rocket one, second stage.
[rocket rumbling]
Rocket two, second stage.
[rocket rumbling]
Rocket three, second stage.
Rocket one, third stage.
[rocket rumbling]
Rocket one, approaching
rendezvous point.
[rocket hissing]
Rocket two, converging.
Rocket three, converging.
[rockets hissing]
[dramatic music]
Contact completed,
ship in orbit.
Ground control, handing over.
Good luck.
- Thank you, satellite
control taking over.
Up antenna.
- Antenna up.
Activate gravity control.
- Gravity control on.
- Feedback interlock
on automatic.
- Feedback interlock
on automatic.
- Orient solar aspect cells.
- Solar aspect cells on.
- Automate robot control.
- Robot control on.
- Sybil, check the
computer panel.
[suspenseful music]
I'm glad to see Lazar was right,
about your surviving
the blast off.
- I hear you, Doctor.
I can't move.
- I've partially inactivated
your muscular system.
- What?
- There's no time
to be more explicit.
I have no desire to harm you.
However, necessity
governs action.
The warning from
outer space was valid.
It came from a
superior intelligence,
an intelligence
able to transform
energy into matter
and back again.
You once told me
I was not human.
You were correct.
I am above the human,
a transformation
which can be yours.
This satellite will
never return to Earth.
Its disintegration upon
contact with the energy barrier
will end Project Sigma, and
all similar projects to come.
The creatures of your planet
are not yet ready for space.
- Who are you to decide?
- We have only your
best interest at heart.
In this realm of outer
space, you are mere children,
and it is disastrous
for children
to enter areas where they
have so little understanding.
John, I can offer you the
opportunity of joining us.
- You can go to hell!
I was born a human and I'll
die one before I'll join a race
that kills innocent
people for abstract ideas.
- Abstract ideas?
Very well, you've
made your decision,
one I'm certain
you'll deeply regret
when only death remains.
[dramatic music]
- Van, I thought I heard...
- He couldn't stand
the acceleration.
I knew he should've
stayed behind.
[suspenseful music]
- Orbiting on schedule, sir.
- Fine.
This is the captain speaking.
We have successfully completed
the first phase of our mission,
and I wish to congratulate
all members of the crew.
I can now reveal to you the plan
by which we hope to overcome
the cosmic accumulations
which have destroyed all of
our previous manned satellites.
The plan consists of two steps.
Step one has already
been accomplished.
This called for a blast
velocity of over 1,000 times
that of our previous satellites,
a force which has carried us
into an orbit far
beyond the moon.
At our present velocity, this
cosmic mass if encountered,
will act as a solid
impenetrable wall.
However, at the first
indication of this mass,
or Sigma Barrier as we call it,
we will put into operation
the second step of our plan,
which varies according
to necessity.
If at this time we have
accumulated enough solar energy
for 750 miles per second,
we shall be able to
blast through the barrier
and in so doing destroy it.
Should the barrier appear
before we have reached
the requisite velocity,
we shall take immediate
action to avoid it.
- Dave, what are you doing here?
You should be in operations.
- I regret to inform you,
there has been one casualty.
Astronautical engineer
John Compo was found dead,
apparently the result of
blast off acceleration.
All hands not on duty
will attend a space
funeral at 1400 hours.
- Sybil, I've got
to talk to you.
It's about Van.
He's not human.
- Oh Dave, don't be ridiculous.
- I saw him he split in two.
He's been seen in two
places at the same time.
- Why aren't you at your post?
- What happened with Johnny?
Did you kill him?
- We're now in outer
space with one man dead,
and I can't afford
to lose another
by confining you to quarters.
So I'm giving you
another chance,
we'll say no more
about your accusation.
But I warn you, get out
of line just once more,
and I shall take the
necessary measures.
I remind you that I am
the captain of this ship,
and that astro-planetary
law gives me supreme
and unquestioned command.
Do I make myself clear?
- Yes.
- Van, please forgive him.
We've all been under
a great strain.
- There's no room for personal
feelings on this mission.
For his sake, he'd better
straighten himself out.
[suspenseful music]
This is a sad duty
we must perform.
To say goodbye to a brave
and beloved fellow crewman.
We must think of him as one
who gave his life
in a noble endeavor,
the salvation of the human race.
- Well, I feel
it's all my fault.
I should never have
checked the kid out.
- You said there was nothing
physically wrong with him.
- Well that's the curious
thing, I was extra cautious.
I double checked every test.
There's just no reason
why he should've died
from the same acceleration
we all all took.
His training record
was better than most.
- He was murdered.
- Murdered?
- Look, Johnny knew
something dangerous,
something he shouldn't have
known, and he was killed for it.
- And so we commend his
body to the depths of space.
[dramatic music]
- Haven't you
noticed Van's face?
There's something
different about it.
I can show you what I mean.
- Well that means nothing, Dave.
Everybody's face is
slightly asymmetrical.
- Yes, but not Van's.
I've been watching it.
Here's something else.
You got a magnifying glass?
- Yes.
- Sybil, I'm glad you're here.
I'd like you to see this too.
- Dave, you're
disobeying orders.
- Orders, from Van?
Don't you realize he's
trying to destroy us all?
These are Van's prints.
They're identical.
- Mirror images.
- What does that mean?
- What I've been
trying to tell you.
This is not Van.
- Dave.
- It's true!
I saw Van's car, it
was burnt to a crisp,
over the license plates,
I checked those out.
Van died in that car.
This man's a substitute,
a copy of the real Van.
[Sybil scoffs]
- You don't expect me to
believe that fantastic nonsense.
- Is it fantastic that there's
an intelligent race out there
that stops at nothing
to keep us quarantined
on our own planet?
Is the Sigma Barrier fantastic?
They've destroyed
every ship we sent up,
and now through him they
mean to destroy this one.
Could those prints lie?
- You know, ever
since his accident,
Van has always found some excuse
to keep me from giving
him a routine checkup.
I haven't even
checked his heart.
- It's quite possible
he doesn't have one.
- Well, I'll find out.
Then we'll know for sure.
[dramatic music]
- Oh, hello Howard.
- Hi Van.
- What can I do for you?
- Well, it's time for a checkup.
I have to check your heart.
It has to go in the report.
- I'm in perfect
health and you know it.
- Yes, but I'm not so sure
the board will take
my word for it.
You fellows read
the instruments,
it's up to me to
read the human being.
[dramatic music]
- Captain, captain wanted
in control room, urgent!
- I guess we'll have
to put it off, hmm?
- No, no, I'll wait.
- Alright Howard, I'll
be back as soon as I can.
[suspenseful music]
- It's the sim action heads,
the dials are acting up.
- Well, it's still pretty faint.
It could be cosmic dust.
Keep your eye on it.
If it continues
to build, call me.
- Yes, sir.
What do you make of that?
- Cosmic dust?
[suspenseful music]
[heart beating rapidly]
[bright music]
- Captain.
- Captain, do you
have to be so formal?
- I'm sorry.
- Well, I'm a little hurt.
I thought we knew
each other better,
better than that anyway.
I've been wanting to
talk to you, about us.
- Of course, captain.
- Van.
- Van.
I'm in the middle
of a computation.
- Half an hour then.
[suspenseful music]
Alright Doctor, you wanted
to listen to my heart?
Proceed, I have work to do.
You know, I might almost believe
you thought I
didn't have a heart.
- Everybody has a heart.
- Dave Boyer put you
up to this, I suppose.
- Put me up to what?
- Quite typical of
the childish mind.
I'm sorry Howard, but I
have no more time to waste.
- What do you mean?
- You're a man of science.
What would you do if a
guinea pig got out of control
and threatened to ruin
one of your experiments?
- I don't understand.
- John didn't understand either.
- What is this?
[dramatic music]
I'm issuing an order for the
arrest of one of the crew.
- Sir?
- I've discovered
that John Compo
did not die of natural causes.
He was murdered.
I want staff engineer Dave Boyer
brought to my
quarters immediately.
You may use force if necessary.
- Yes, sir.
[suspenseful music]
- Sybil.
- Dave, I just saw Van.
He seems so strange.
I don't know what
to think anymore.
Maybe you're right.
- I know I'm right.
I've got to stop him somehow.
- Dave, please.
- Look, I'm going after Van.
You go to Dr. Lazar
and stay with him.
I don't want you here alone.
- You're under arrest
by order of the captain.
- What for?
- No questions, let's go.
- Get to Dr. Lazar,
tell him what happened.
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
- Gauges are going higher.
- Check the viza-screen.
- We better call Van Ponder.
- What for?
He already told you
it was cosmic dust.
- Sure, cosmic dust.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
- Sybil, I just
want to talk to you.
I just want to talk to you.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
I had no choice.
I couldn't permit him
to endanger the ship.
Please listen to me.
- Yes?
- I'm human now, Sybil.
I need you.
- [Loudspeaker] Captain,
the prisoner has escaped.
- Don't you see, I...
Alert all hands.
- The satellite is in sector H9,
and in sector H12
is the barrier.
- They're heading for it.
- That's to say, the
barrier is forming
where the satellite
is bound to travel.
- Now, Van knows
what he's doing.
He'll avoid it.
- Let us hope so.
At least this time,
let's hope so.
- [Loudspeaker] Seize the
prisoner at all costs.
- I'm sorry, but
there's no alternative.
- [Loudspeaker] Astro
gater to captain,
astro gater to captain.
- What if...
Captain speaking.
- Magneto nebulous cloud
mass forming dead ahead.
Alpha concentration is
building to critical points,
suspect Sigma Barrier.
- Yes.
Sybil, I...
- [Loudspeaker] Captain,
Sigma Barrier dead ahead.
We're bearing down rapidly.
Awaiting orders.
Repeat, awaiting orders.
- I...
Remain on course.
- Remain on course?
- What's the matter
with old iron pants?
- I don't know, but if
he don't get on the ball,
this $3 billion
balloon's gonna go bust.
- Not only that, we're in it.
- Request further orders.
- Remain on course.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
Sybil, I want you to understand.
- You're not human.
Who are you?
What are you?
- What am I?
Well, I'm human.
Because of you, I'm human.
[suspenseful music]
Captain to astro gater.
Keep readings on
approaching mass.
- It's about time.
- Alpha 102,
beta 147,
gamma 208,
thermal 477,
Mass in quadrant
three, sector nine.
Estimate collision course.
Collision time
estimate, five minutes.
- Activate plan B.
- Plan B?
Reverse that order,
you'll destroy the ship.
- Don't be a fool.
You can't hurt me with that.
[gunshot fires]
[dramatic music]
- For the love of Pete,
you're running us
right into that thing.
- Have you got a better idea?
- You can be stopped.
[dramatic music]
- Thermal one, radiation up.
Alpha, beta, and gamma going up.
Sky speed, we're decelerating.
- Just following orders,
ours is but to do and die.
- Die, you said it.
- [Loudspeaker] Crash
emergency dead ahead.
[dramatic music]
[gunshots firing]
- Dave!
- [Loudspeaker] Sigma
Barrier, dead ahead.
Crash emergency.
- Reverse previous
order, ditch plan B.
Activate plan A.
- Activating plan A.
- Secure all hands
and prepare to blast.
- Oh, that's more like it.
- Hang on boy, we ain't
out of the woods yet.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
- Start burning that satellite.
All hands secure for blast.
All hands secure,
blast in 120 seconds.
- Why don't they blast?
- Sybil!
- [Loudspeaker] 90 seconds.
Blast in 10 seconds.
Niner, eight, seven,
six, five, four,
three, two,
[dramatic music]
- It's disappeared,
they've been destroyed.
- I'm not so sure, Hotchkiss.
We can still hear
the solar blast.
- They made it.
- [Dave] Sigma
calling, Sigma calling.
UN satellite control,
do you read me?
Do you read me?
- UNSC calling Sigma.
We read you, Sigma.
We read you!
- We are passing through
Andromeda at the speed of light.
We've made it.
The whole universe
is our new frontier.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
[satellite beeping]
- How much longer?
- Very soon now.
- Why do we watch?
- Patience, Mr. LeMoine.
We must give the good doctor
the benefit of every doubt,
and you must admit that we
have done that up to now.
- Yes, Mr. Akad,
I must admit that.
- Let me see now,
this is nine times
a half a billion dollars
and this will make 10.
- It's still in its
orbit, Mr. Akad.
- For the moment.
Ms. Carrington, what
is your opinion?
- I collate observe
data, Mr. Akad.
I make no predictions.
- Well, I make a prediction.
All those men in that
satellite will die,
as have all the others,
and when they do,
your project comes
to an end, Doctor.
- The satellite is
approaching the critical area.
[dramatic music]
There it is at the barrier,
it's forming again.
- Get through it.
Get through it.
[suspenseful music]
[explosion rumbles]
- I am truly sorry
Dr. Van Ponder.
What is it that destroys every
manned satellite we launch?
- I don't know.
I just don't know.
- And yet you propose to
follow this tenth failure
with another attempt, using
more of your volunteers?
- No matter how
many times we fail,
Mr. Akad, we'll continue
until we succeed.
- Human beings are
not guinea pigs.
I warn you doctor,
I shall fight you
on the floor of the
council all the way.
We've seen enough.
[upbeat jazzy music]
- Are you still cold, baby?
- Yeah, but I'm getting
warmer every second.
- Hey listen doll,
they're playing our song.
- Yeah, I don't dig
the arrangement.
- Yeah, I see what you mean.
Too many violins.
Change the station, maybe we
can get somebody else's disc.
- Alright.
Don't move, I'll be right back.
- A shooting star?
- Oh darling,
you're so romantic.
Make a wish.
- Oh, that's no shooting star.
It can't be Sputnik, it's
not listed in the TV Guide.
Oh wow, something is
flipping around here.
- Yes, and it's my top. [laughs]
Oh Jay, I really am scared.
[explosion rumbles]
Did you hear something?
- Yeah, my elastic just snapped.
- No besides that, idiot.
Go see what it is.
Well, go ahead.
Well, you're not scared, are ya?
[upbeat jazzy music]
- Hey Mitz, come
get a load of this!
- Alright, but I hope you
know what you're doing.
You know, you flunked
chemistry twice.
- What do I do now?
- I don't know,
but make it snappy.
We're double parked.
- Well, don't just stand there.
Who's the three letter
man around here?
[crickets chirping]
Asnasiunum unitum planetae...
[dramatic music]
- "To the United Nations
of the third planet
"of minor luminary Sol,
"called by the inhabitants
thereof, the Earth.
"Attention, we the masters
of the spiral nebula Gana
"have been observing
your actions.
"Understand earthlings,
that we look with disfavor
"upon your peristent efforts
to depart from your own planet
"and infest other
areas of the universe.
"We have therefore set up
quarantine measures to ensure
"that this contamination shall
not be allowed to spread.
"We shall frustrate your
every attempt in the future,
"as we have those in the past.
"Knowing that
earthlings are equipped
"with rudimentary,
reflex type intelligence,
"we are taking this means
of conveying our command
"that all such efforts
to expand and depart
"from the infected planet Earth,
"shall from this
moment be stopped."
- Mr. President, Mr.
President, Mr. President?
- Mr. President.
- The chair recognizes
the honorable member
from the United States.
- Mr. President,
honorable delegates to
the general assembly,
I speak for all men
everywhere when I say
that this alien
intelligence is wrong,
that man cannot be
dismissed as a disease
or as a growth that
infects our planet.
Our hopes, our aspirations
lead us to the stars,
and no other race has
the right to judge us
or to deny us that journey.
- What do you make of the
space message, Dr. Van Ponder?
- Do you think it's a hoax?
- Gentlemen, gentlemen,
ladies, please.
Now I'd be a little less
than frank with you
if I didn't admit
that whatever I might
say is only an opinion.
- Well doctor, why was
this message in Latin?
Does it mean an end
to Project Sigma?
- The fact that the
message was in Latin
causes me to
believe it's a hoax.
There are those who
would like to see
our rocket program abandoned,
however, as for Project Sigma,
it most assuredly will proceed.
- [Reporter] Then you'll
ask for new volunteers?
- [Reporter] Do you
think you'll get a crew?
- Well, there's an old saying.
If you just want something,
send someone for it,
but if you really
want it, go yourself.
- Then you'll go up yourself?
- Well, Akad calls
it a suicide mission.
- I won't ask anyone to take
a risk I wouldn't take myself.
I mean to captain my own ship.
- Captain your own ship?
- Is this very dangerous sir?
- Now gentlemen and ladies,
if you'll excuse me.
I have an appointment
with some components.
[group chattering]
- I'm going with him.
- Well, I guess that
makes me a volunteer also.
- You really started
something this time, Doctor.
I think you're right.
- Well thank you, but I'm not
at all certain I am right.
- But if this thing is a
hoax then you can prove it.
- I didn't say I
could prove it, Dave.
I said there was evidence.
Unfortunately, there's just as
much evidence the other way.
- Like what?
- Well, ever since
the capsule landed,
we've been working on it.
The metal container
itself defies analysis.
It's harder than anything
we've yet been able to devise,
and it has a fantastic
thermal resistance.
- Well, I didn't know that.
I haven't seen all
the reports yet.
- Oh yes, and consider their
method of communication.
Now this is something,
telepathically geared
to the human mind.
One merely thinks the word
message, and it appears.
Stop thinking and
it goes blank again.
- Curious about the Latin.
- Well, why not Latin?
Once it was understood
throughout the civilized world.
Perhaps they think it still is.
- Well, the whole thing is
still a little hard to swallow.
- Dave, not so many years back,
space travel itself was
a little hard to swallow.
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
- I've calculated the figures
for the Doppler effect at the
speeds we'll be traveling.
- I want the figures all the
way up to the speed of light.
We can't put the silver reactors
through a full
test here on Earth,
but if they reach optimum
efficiency in space,
we'll be the first to
achieve photon propulsion.
[Sybil laughs]
- But Van, that would mean--
[phone rings]
Dr. Van Ponder's office.
Mr. Hotchkiss.
He sounds worried.
- Yes, Hotch?
- It's Akad and his crowd, Van.
They're reviving the whole
suicide issue on the council.
They're beginning to
play it pretty rough.
You better get down
here in a hurry.
- I'll get there
as fast as I can.
I have to be at
the United Nations.
Extend this series and
I'll check it tomorrow.
[dramatic music]
[tires screeching]
[car crash rumbling]
[suspenseful music]
- And so Mr. President,
even at this late hour,
and after millions have
been poured down the drain
in this insane project, it is
not too late to reconsider.
Something greater than
money is at stake.
The lives of the fine young
people who have been deceived
into believing they would
travel into outer space.
- Mr. President?
I apologize to the honorable
delegate for interrupting,
but his speech is
no longer necessary.
Dr. Van Ponder, without whom
Project Sigma cannot proceed,
Dr. Van Ponder was killed
in an automobile accident
while on his way to this forum.
[crowd muttering]
- Mr. President, I
extend my condolences
to the delegate from
the United States,
but now there can
be no further reason
to delay passage of my motion
to suspend payment of funds
to Project Sigma, immediately!
[dramatic music]
- I hope I never live through
another moment like that, Van.
Getting that message,
the shock of seeing
you in the doorway.
Risen from the dead like
that, it's almost a miracle.
- As I explained, the
officer was mistaken.
- Well, miracle or no miracle,
it certainly worked
like a charm.
It pulled the slats right
out from under old Akad.
If I didn't know you better,
I'd say you planned it yourself.
- Well, if you'll
excuse me, Hotch.
I have some charts to prepare.
I do hope you won't mind
my using your office?
- Not at all, not at all.
Make yourself comfortable.
- [Radio Announcer] Would
be a very serious matter
at home and abroad.
There was consternation in
the United Nations Assembly
when Dr. Van Ponder
appeared dramatically
after his death had been
announced to the assembly.
Upon his appearance,
the delegates cheered Dr.
Van Ponder to the rafters,
then proceeded to vote unlimited
funds for Project Sigma.
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
- They proceed with their plans.
Our warning did not deter them.
I propose a stronger warning.
Come in.
- Excuse me, Van.
I thought I heard you
talking to somebody.
- No, Dave.
I'm quite alone.
- I was wondering if I
could ask you a question,
a personal one?
- Certainly, sit down.
- Thank you.
- What's on your mind?
- It's about Sybil.
- Ms. Carrington.
- She volunteered
for this job, Van,
because she has great
admiration for you,
and the faith that
you'll probably succeed
where the others have failed,
but you and I know what our
chances of returning are.
- Do you agree with Akad,
that it's a suicide mission?
- I didn't say that, if
I did I wouldn't be here,
but I know the dangers involved
and I think you should
order Sybil to stay behind.
- Ms. Carrington is a very
intelligent young woman,
quite capable of reaching
her own decisions.
- Doctor, turn on
the radio, quickly.
- [Radio Announcer]
Fires, floods, earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions
in unheard of numbers
bursting out all over the world.
Foreign Minister
Smirnoff first accused
the United States of
triggering the fires
that broke out in his
country via nuclear means,
until convinced that
similar holocausts
were occurring
without visible cause
through this and
other nations as well.
There have been suggestions
that these disasters
are a followup of the warning
reporting to come
from outer space,
from hostile beings
on a distant nebula,
who demanded that humans desist
from attempts at space travel.
The strange message
was dismissed as a hoax
by the United Nations
Security Council at the time,
but many responsible
persons believe
that it should've
been taken seriously.
Just a moment ladies
and gentlemen,
a bulletin has been handed me.
Reports are coming
in thick and fast
of wheat and cornfields
destroyed, ships sunk,
all occurring at
the same instant.
This is a bulletin.
There can be no question
or coincidence here,
[phone ringing]
these terrible events are
purposeful and directed.
[phone ringing]
- Hello?
Yes, Hotch.
Yes, we've been listening.
Well, what can we do?
We've got to quit.
I know it's disappointing.
How do you think I feel?
Yes, I know.
But we can't fight this.
Dave Boyer's here with me now.
I'll send him over
with a statement
you can read on the floor.
- Van, you're not giving up?
- We're up against
a race of beings
whose intelligence is as
ours to ants and bacteria.
We have the choice of
continuing to exist
under whatever
conditions they may name,
or of being exterminated.
It's that simple.
Sybil, I want you to
type this up immediately.
- Intolerable.
- Well, I guess that
puts the wraps on Sigma.
- And to think that Van should
have to plunge the knife.
Let Stephens give the report.
I haven't got the
heart for it, I'm sick.
- The honorable
delegates will recall
how my colleagues and I warned
of the dire consequences
if we ignored this ultimatum.
We are obviously in
the grip of a force
stronger than we can oppose.
I noticed that the delegate
from the United States
has chosen not to be present.
Well, Mr. United
States delegate?
Don't you agree that
we must immediately
give up this insane project?
As a matter of pure,
naked survival!
- The delegate from the United
States sends his apologies
for his unfortunate absence
from this important meeting,
but he sent me
here with a message
that expresses not
only his views,
but the views of Dr. Van
Ponder, head of Project Sigma.
The delegate has spoken
of naked survival.
Gentlemen, you do not
survive by abject surrender.
Nations and worlds must
fight for survival.
If we give in now,
let down our defenses,
give this alien
planet full control
over our actions and our
lives for mere survival,
won't they decide to take
even that away from us?
Can the gentlemen here ask
themselves why these aliens
are so concerned that we do not
penetrate the Sigma Barrier?
Isn't it peculiar
that this action alone
excites them to retaliation?
They consider us
a danger to them
if we break out of quarantine,
as they so tactfully put it.
They haven't even
bothered to find out
whether our motives
are peaceful or not.
They don't know that
we would collaborate
and share knowledge,
treat them as equal
partners in the universe,
but we can't show them
this by surrendering.
No, it's precisely because
they do not wish us
to travel the skies
that we must do so.
Gentlemen, we must proceed with
Project Sigma at all costs.
- [Radio Announcer] And what
looked like certain defeat
for Project Sigma was turned
into a brilliant vindication
by the impassioned
address of an emissary
representing both delegate
Hotchkiss and Dr. Van Ponder.
[suspenseful music]
- Radiation density
at 1,500 miles.
10 to the minus 27.
2,000 miles, 10 to the minus 30.
2,500 miles--
- Doctor, how did you get here?
- We've been sweating it out
here for the past three hours.
- Well that's funny,
because I could've sworn
I just saw you over
at the probing ground.
- I guess the pace is getting
too much for you, Johnny.
The eyes go first.
Van here will probably be next,
he's been working like twins.
- Triplets is more like it.
Oh, I just came to tell Dave
that the new solenoids
have arrived.
We're testing them now.
- Okay Johnny, I'll
check 'em later.
You know Van, I would've
sworn you'd take my head off
for that stunt I pulled
at the Security Council.
- On the contrary Dave,
I should thank you.
I don't know what got into
me to give way as I did.
I'm in your debt for
saving Project Sigma.
- Do you still have
that growth on your arm?
You know, you oughta
take care of that, Van.
Those things can be dangerous.
- [Loudspeaker] Dr. Van Ponder,
you are wanted in reactor
construction area, urgent.
- I'd better get over there.
Dave, I'd like you to,
what's the matter?
- Nothing, Van.
- Well, you can handle the rest
of these reports, can't you?
- Sure, see ya later.
- Alright.
[suspenseful music]
- You wanted to see me, John?
- Yes, Doctor.
It's these new solenoids.
They're not testing up
to capacity resistance.
- Oh, how do they test?
- 68 ohms maximum, it
should be at least 75.
See, I thought if I
added this extra coil.
- I don't think it
matters very much.
Every element of the reactor
is geared to a 61 safety--
- Look out!
Good lord, I'll get a doctor!
- No, John!
[dramatic music]
- [Loudspeaker] Dr.
Lazar, Dr. Lazar,
emergency in reactor area.
Come at once.
[dramatic music]
- Let me look at that hand, Van.
What kind of a joke is this?
- Would you mind explaining
what this is all about?
- Well sure, John
came rushing in,
said you'd burned your hand.
Burned it off, he said.
- With the torch, I saw it!
- Quite obviously he's mistaken.
- Yes, I should think he is.
- We'd been examining
these solenoids,
suddenly he screamed
and ran from the room.
- I see.
Well, he's been under
a lot of pressure.
I'm surprised there
hasn't been more
of this sort of thing as
we approach blast off.
- What are you talking about?
- Buck fever my boy, I'm
afraid you're grounded.
- But you can't
negate what I said!
- Come on now, I'm
sure Dr. Van Ponder--
- But I saw it with my own eyes
in the flame of that torch!
He didn't even feel it.
- John!
- There's something about you.
You're not human.
- John, stop it!
- Alright, I'll go.
But I know what I saw.
- Perhaps you see
too much, John.
- Come on, John.
[suspenseful music]
[phone ringing]
- Hello?
- Hello Sybil, this is Dave.
Look, I know it's a little late,
but this kind of important.
- Dave, where have you been?
They've been trying to
locate you everywhere.
We blast off at 23:30.
- 23:30?
- Van advanced the time,
you've just got 45 minutes.
You'd better step on it.
- Look Sybil, meet me
at the launching site.
I've got to speak to you.
- [Sybil] Dave,
stop wasting time.
[suspenseful music]
- [Loudspeaker] Rocket
one, final crew call.
- Sybil?
Sybil, I've got to talk to you.
It's important.
- [Loudspeaker] Rocket
one, minus six minutes.
- We don't have much time, Dave.
- We've got plenty of time.
They're just calling
for rocket one.
- I'm going on rocket one.
- You were scheduled
for rocket two with me.
- Well, Van made the switch.
- Van made the switch?
Sybil, you can't go with him.
- He must've had a reason.
- [Loudspeaker] Rocket
one, minus five minutes.
[suspenseful music]
- Corrections on
the calculations.
- Okay.
[suspenseful music]
- Checking in, sir.
- Alright then.
- Ready Van?
- I thought you grounded him?
- Oh no, he's perfectly okay.
I checked him out thoroughly.
Even gave up your
hallucination, didn't you John?
- Yes, sir.
I'm sorry I caused trouble, sir.
- You see?
Just as good as new,
and astronautical engineers
don't grow on trees, do they?
- No.
No, they don't.
Well, I'll see you on board.
- Yes, sir.
- See ya, Van.
- [Loudspeaker] Rocket
one, minus four minutes.
Dr. Van Ponder wanted
in general control.
Dr. Van Ponder,
you're wanted onboard
rocket one immediately.
[suspenseful music]
Minus three minutes.
Crew stations all
rocket one personnel.
[dramatic music]
Minus two minutes.
All unauthorized personnel
clear launching area.
- We're about to blast off.
[suspenseful music]
[machine beeping]
All instruments checked out?
- Everything alright.
- Good.
I'm depending on you.
- Yes, sir.
[suspenseful music]
- Have a good trip, John.
- Yes, sir.
- [Loudspeaker] Nine, eight,
seven, six,
five, four,
- I didn't get a
roundtrip ticket.
- [Loudspeaker] Two, one.
[rocket rumbling]
Rocket two, minus 10 minutes.
[suspenseful music]
Minus 10.
Nine, eight,
five, four,
two, one.
[rocket rumbling]
[machines beeping]
- Rocket one, second stage.
[rocket rumbling]
Rocket two, second stage.
[rocket rumbling]
Rocket three, second stage.
Rocket one, third stage.
[rocket rumbling]
Rocket one, approaching
rendezvous point.
[rocket hissing]
Rocket two, converging.
Rocket three, converging.
[rockets hissing]
[dramatic music]
Contact completed,
ship in orbit.
Ground control, handing over.
Good luck.
- Thank you, satellite
control taking over.
Up antenna.
- Antenna up.
Activate gravity control.
- Gravity control on.
- Feedback interlock
on automatic.
- Feedback interlock
on automatic.
- Orient solar aspect cells.
- Solar aspect cells on.
- Automate robot control.
- Robot control on.
- Sybil, check the
computer panel.
[suspenseful music]
I'm glad to see Lazar was right,
about your surviving
the blast off.
- I hear you, Doctor.
I can't move.
- I've partially inactivated
your muscular system.
- What?
- There's no time
to be more explicit.
I have no desire to harm you.
However, necessity
governs action.
The warning from
outer space was valid.
It came from a
superior intelligence,
an intelligence
able to transform
energy into matter
and back again.
You once told me
I was not human.
You were correct.
I am above the human,
a transformation
which can be yours.
This satellite will
never return to Earth.
Its disintegration upon
contact with the energy barrier
will end Project Sigma, and
all similar projects to come.
The creatures of your planet
are not yet ready for space.
- Who are you to decide?
- We have only your
best interest at heart.
In this realm of outer
space, you are mere children,
and it is disastrous
for children
to enter areas where they
have so little understanding.
John, I can offer you the
opportunity of joining us.
- You can go to hell!
I was born a human and I'll
die one before I'll join a race
that kills innocent
people for abstract ideas.
- Abstract ideas?
Very well, you've
made your decision,
one I'm certain
you'll deeply regret
when only death remains.
[dramatic music]
- Van, I thought I heard...
- He couldn't stand
the acceleration.
I knew he should've
stayed behind.
[suspenseful music]
- Orbiting on schedule, sir.
- Fine.
This is the captain speaking.
We have successfully completed
the first phase of our mission,
and I wish to congratulate
all members of the crew.
I can now reveal to you the plan
by which we hope to overcome
the cosmic accumulations
which have destroyed all of
our previous manned satellites.
The plan consists of two steps.
Step one has already
been accomplished.
This called for a blast
velocity of over 1,000 times
that of our previous satellites,
a force which has carried us
into an orbit far
beyond the moon.
At our present velocity, this
cosmic mass if encountered,
will act as a solid
impenetrable wall.
However, at the first
indication of this mass,
or Sigma Barrier as we call it,
we will put into operation
the second step of our plan,
which varies according
to necessity.
If at this time we have
accumulated enough solar energy
for 750 miles per second,
we shall be able to
blast through the barrier
and in so doing destroy it.
Should the barrier appear
before we have reached
the requisite velocity,
we shall take immediate
action to avoid it.
- Dave, what are you doing here?
You should be in operations.
- I regret to inform you,
there has been one casualty.
Astronautical engineer
John Compo was found dead,
apparently the result of
blast off acceleration.
All hands not on duty
will attend a space
funeral at 1400 hours.
- Sybil, I've got
to talk to you.
It's about Van.
He's not human.
- Oh Dave, don't be ridiculous.
- I saw him he split in two.
He's been seen in two
places at the same time.
- Why aren't you at your post?
- What happened with Johnny?
Did you kill him?
- We're now in outer
space with one man dead,
and I can't afford
to lose another
by confining you to quarters.
So I'm giving you
another chance,
we'll say no more
about your accusation.
But I warn you, get out
of line just once more,
and I shall take the
necessary measures.
I remind you that I am
the captain of this ship,
and that astro-planetary
law gives me supreme
and unquestioned command.
Do I make myself clear?
- Yes.
- Van, please forgive him.
We've all been under
a great strain.
- There's no room for personal
feelings on this mission.
For his sake, he'd better
straighten himself out.
[suspenseful music]
This is a sad duty
we must perform.
To say goodbye to a brave
and beloved fellow crewman.
We must think of him as one
who gave his life
in a noble endeavor,
the salvation of the human race.
- Well, I feel
it's all my fault.
I should never have
checked the kid out.
- You said there was nothing
physically wrong with him.
- Well that's the curious
thing, I was extra cautious.
I double checked every test.
There's just no reason
why he should've died
from the same acceleration
we all all took.
His training record
was better than most.
- He was murdered.
- Murdered?
- Look, Johnny knew
something dangerous,
something he shouldn't have
known, and he was killed for it.
- And so we commend his
body to the depths of space.
[dramatic music]
- Haven't you
noticed Van's face?
There's something
different about it.
I can show you what I mean.
- Well that means nothing, Dave.
Everybody's face is
slightly asymmetrical.
- Yes, but not Van's.
I've been watching it.
Here's something else.
You got a magnifying glass?
- Yes.
- Sybil, I'm glad you're here.
I'd like you to see this too.
- Dave, you're
disobeying orders.
- Orders, from Van?
Don't you realize he's
trying to destroy us all?
These are Van's prints.
They're identical.
- Mirror images.
- What does that mean?
- What I've been
trying to tell you.
This is not Van.
- Dave.
- It's true!
I saw Van's car, it
was burnt to a crisp,
over the license plates,
I checked those out.
Van died in that car.
This man's a substitute,
a copy of the real Van.
[Sybil scoffs]
- You don't expect me to
believe that fantastic nonsense.
- Is it fantastic that there's
an intelligent race out there
that stops at nothing
to keep us quarantined
on our own planet?
Is the Sigma Barrier fantastic?
They've destroyed
every ship we sent up,
and now through him they
mean to destroy this one.
Could those prints lie?
- You know, ever
since his accident,
Van has always found some excuse
to keep me from giving
him a routine checkup.
I haven't even
checked his heart.
- It's quite possible
he doesn't have one.
- Well, I'll find out.
Then we'll know for sure.
[dramatic music]
- Oh, hello Howard.
- Hi Van.
- What can I do for you?
- Well, it's time for a checkup.
I have to check your heart.
It has to go in the report.
- I'm in perfect
health and you know it.
- Yes, but I'm not so sure
the board will take
my word for it.
You fellows read
the instruments,
it's up to me to
read the human being.
[dramatic music]
- Captain, captain wanted
in control room, urgent!
- I guess we'll have
to put it off, hmm?
- No, no, I'll wait.
- Alright Howard, I'll
be back as soon as I can.
[suspenseful music]
- It's the sim action heads,
the dials are acting up.
- Well, it's still pretty faint.
It could be cosmic dust.
Keep your eye on it.
If it continues
to build, call me.
- Yes, sir.
What do you make of that?
- Cosmic dust?
[suspenseful music]
[heart beating rapidly]
[bright music]
- Captain.
- Captain, do you
have to be so formal?
- I'm sorry.
- Well, I'm a little hurt.
I thought we knew
each other better,
better than that anyway.
I've been wanting to
talk to you, about us.
- Of course, captain.
- Van.
- Van.
I'm in the middle
of a computation.
- Half an hour then.
[suspenseful music]
Alright Doctor, you wanted
to listen to my heart?
Proceed, I have work to do.
You know, I might almost believe
you thought I
didn't have a heart.
- Everybody has a heart.
- Dave Boyer put you
up to this, I suppose.
- Put me up to what?
- Quite typical of
the childish mind.
I'm sorry Howard, but I
have no more time to waste.
- What do you mean?
- You're a man of science.
What would you do if a
guinea pig got out of control
and threatened to ruin
one of your experiments?
- I don't understand.
- John didn't understand either.
- What is this?
[dramatic music]
I'm issuing an order for the
arrest of one of the crew.
- Sir?
- I've discovered
that John Compo
did not die of natural causes.
He was murdered.
I want staff engineer Dave Boyer
brought to my
quarters immediately.
You may use force if necessary.
- Yes, sir.
[suspenseful music]
- Sybil.
- Dave, I just saw Van.
He seems so strange.
I don't know what
to think anymore.
Maybe you're right.
- I know I'm right.
I've got to stop him somehow.
- Dave, please.
- Look, I'm going after Van.
You go to Dr. Lazar
and stay with him.
I don't want you here alone.
- You're under arrest
by order of the captain.
- What for?
- No questions, let's go.
- Get to Dr. Lazar,
tell him what happened.
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
- Gauges are going higher.
- Check the viza-screen.
- We better call Van Ponder.
- What for?
He already told you
it was cosmic dust.
- Sure, cosmic dust.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
- Sybil, I just
want to talk to you.
I just want to talk to you.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
I had no choice.
I couldn't permit him
to endanger the ship.
Please listen to me.
- Yes?
- I'm human now, Sybil.
I need you.
- [Loudspeaker] Captain,
the prisoner has escaped.
- Don't you see, I...
Alert all hands.
- The satellite is in sector H9,
and in sector H12
is the barrier.
- They're heading for it.
- That's to say, the
barrier is forming
where the satellite
is bound to travel.
- Now, Van knows
what he's doing.
He'll avoid it.
- Let us hope so.
At least this time,
let's hope so.
- [Loudspeaker] Seize the
prisoner at all costs.
- I'm sorry, but
there's no alternative.
- [Loudspeaker] Astro
gater to captain,
astro gater to captain.
- What if...
Captain speaking.
- Magneto nebulous cloud
mass forming dead ahead.
Alpha concentration is
building to critical points,
suspect Sigma Barrier.
- Yes.
Sybil, I...
- [Loudspeaker] Captain,
Sigma Barrier dead ahead.
We're bearing down rapidly.
Awaiting orders.
Repeat, awaiting orders.
- I...
Remain on course.
- Remain on course?
- What's the matter
with old iron pants?
- I don't know, but if
he don't get on the ball,
this $3 billion
balloon's gonna go bust.
- Not only that, we're in it.
- Request further orders.
- Remain on course.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
Sybil, I want you to understand.
- You're not human.
Who are you?
What are you?
- What am I?
Well, I'm human.
Because of you, I'm human.
[suspenseful music]
Captain to astro gater.
Keep readings on
approaching mass.
- It's about time.
- Alpha 102,
beta 147,
gamma 208,
thermal 477,
Mass in quadrant
three, sector nine.
Estimate collision course.
Collision time
estimate, five minutes.
- Activate plan B.
- Plan B?
Reverse that order,
you'll destroy the ship.
- Don't be a fool.
You can't hurt me with that.
[gunshot fires]
[dramatic music]
- For the love of Pete,
you're running us
right into that thing.
- Have you got a better idea?
- You can be stopped.
[dramatic music]
- Thermal one, radiation up.
Alpha, beta, and gamma going up.
Sky speed, we're decelerating.
- Just following orders,
ours is but to do and die.
- Die, you said it.
- [Loudspeaker] Crash
emergency dead ahead.
[dramatic music]
[gunshots firing]
- Dave!
- [Loudspeaker] Sigma
Barrier, dead ahead.
Crash emergency.
- Reverse previous
order, ditch plan B.
Activate plan A.
- Activating plan A.
- Secure all hands
and prepare to blast.
- Oh, that's more like it.
- Hang on boy, we ain't
out of the woods yet.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
- Start burning that satellite.
All hands secure for blast.
All hands secure,
blast in 120 seconds.
- Why don't they blast?
- Sybil!
- [Loudspeaker] 90 seconds.
Blast in 10 seconds.
Niner, eight, seven,
six, five, four,
three, two,
[dramatic music]
- It's disappeared,
they've been destroyed.
- I'm not so sure, Hotchkiss.
We can still hear
the solar blast.
- They made it.
- [Dave] Sigma
calling, Sigma calling.
UN satellite control,
do you read me?
Do you read me?
- UNSC calling Sigma.
We read you, Sigma.
We read you!
- We are passing through
Andromeda at the speed of light.
We've made it.
The whole universe
is our new frontier.
[dramatic music]