Wanted (1998) - full transcript

Caught in the middle of a sting operation orchestrated by the FBI, Jimmy Scrico goes on the run for his life when he is tricked into believing that he has killed a Mafia bass. But who is actually chasing Jimmy...the cops, or the Mob?

(melodic cinematic music)

(light melodic orchestral music)

(mellow upbeat music)

(breathing heavily)

(mellow upbeat music)

(breathing heavily)

(mellow upbeat music)

(breathing heavily)

(mellow upbeat music)

(traffic rumbling quietly)

- Money's due tomorrow, Scrico.

You're gonna have
to squeeze him hard.

- Come on, Nick,
Maxie's a friend.

- Screw your friends,
do your freaking job!

'Cause if you don't, Vinny will.

You let him slide
too long, Scrico.

Don't screw it up!

(mellow melodic music)

- Come on, Jimmy, you've
known me for years,

I'm doing everything I can.

- It ain't my call, Maxie,
you're four payments behind,

10 freaking Gs.

- Can't you talk to them?

- No, you signed the
note, it's all talked out.

- I'm busted, man, I'm
in hock up to my ass!

- Damn it, Maxie, think
about who we're dealing with,

Vinny comes knocking,
gonna be more busted

than just your goddamn
ass, Maxie, think about it.

- Oh.

It's okay, honey.

(melodic haunting music)

- Look, maybe I'll try
talking to Vinny's father,

you know, see if he can
get you out of this mess.

- You're a good boy, Jimmy.

- Let's hope he thinks so.

(melodic haunting music)

Ah, Mr. Argento.

- Not now, Jimmy.

- Please, sir, I wouldn't bother
you if it wasn't important.

- What's the matter
with you, kid?

Are you deaf or just dumb?

(melodic haunting music)

(car engine starting)

(mellow upbeat music)

(melodic haunting music)

- [Agent Baker] Mr. Argento.

You're on time, I like that.

- I trust your flight
was uneventful?

- I thought we agreed this was
to be a private transaction.

- He goes where I go.

- Then perhaps I should
find someone else

with whom I can do business.

- So let's talk.

It's okay, Ed, you stay here,
I'll call you if I need you.

Alright, you said you
wanted to do some talking,

let me say this first.

I think this whole deal
should be sweetened a little.

- Sweetened?
- Yeah, that's right.

- Sweetened?
- That's right.

- I'm afraid I don't agree,

you've already been offered
very generous terms.

- Alright, son, there is
no more talking, okay,

no choices, no option,
the deal's over, okay.

- Sorry, Argento, you're
the one with no choice.

- [Vincent] What the
hell are you doing?

- [Agent Baker] You should
have taken the deal, Argento.

- You goddamn fool, Eddie!

- Mr. Argento!

- Lose the gun, asshole.

- Trust me, mister, you
don't wanna do this.

- Do what he says, Eddie, do it.

- The vat, in the vat!

- Do it!

Do it, Eddie!

(light haunting music)

Do it, Eddie.

Come on, you know
I'm not packing

and you don't get
away with this.

- Really?

I'll be long gone before anyone
even notices you're missing.


- Come on, this way!

(groaning with effort)

- Don't be stupid now.

Give me back the gun!

Damn it!

- You wait here, I'm
gonna check the door.

(melodic haunting music)

(rattling door)

It's locked.

(gun firing)
- Uh!


- Oh, God.

(tires screeching)

(motorbike engine starting)

- He followed us to an old
abandoned warehouse, Vinny,

I swear to God, I saw
him, I saw the kid.

He put a bullet right
through your father's heart.

- Jimmy?

Where was my father?

You were supposed to be
protecting my father.

- He wouldn't let me
go with him, Vinny.

(thudding blow)

- Why would Scrico
whack my father?

- [Ed] I don't know.

- Who the hell was
this other guy?

- I never saw the guy
before in my life, Vinny.

Your dad mentioned something

about him flying
in from somewhere,

but he never mentioned where.

It wasn't my fault, Vinny!
- Shut up!

Give me a drink.

Find that son of a
bitch, Scrico, you
bring him back to me.

(melodic haunting music)


not you.

(mellow upbeat music)

(gentle snoring)

(TV broadcasting quietly)

- Oh, I didn't think
you'd be home tonight.

- I've gotta leave town, Ma,
I gotta get out of here fast.

- Are you in some
kind of trouble?

(dog barking in distance)

- Some kind of trouble, Ma,

that don't begin to describe it.

(car door closing)

- [Mrs. Scrico] Does
it have anything to do

with those apes downstairs?

- [Jimmy] I've gotta
get out of here, Ma.

- Jimmy, Jimmy,

here, you take that, you
need that more than me.

(dog barking in distance)

Now go.

(knocking on door)

You don't have to break
the goddamn door down!

- Where is he?
- Who?

- Don't play stupid.

(melodic suspenseful music)

Joey, Joey!

He's running down the
alley, get the car!

(melodic suspenseful music)

(dog barking in distance)

- [Guy] Hey, honey, I sure
could use another beer!

- Get it yourself.

(melodic haunting music)

(breathing heavily)

(phone ringing)

- Who's this?

- Who do you think it
is, you dumb schmuck?

- Nick, it was an accident,
I was trying to save him,

you got to believe me.

- Hey, you don't
have to convince me.

Why don't you be a good boy

and tell us where
we can pick you up?

This way you can
convince Vinny too.

Well, Jimmy, what do you say?

- Go to hell.

(cell phone clattering to floor)

(mellow melodic music)

- Hey, Jimmy.

What's going on, man?

What you doing?

Long time, no see,

- I need your car, Gilbert.

- Yeah, me too.

- I'll buy it from you.

- It ain't for sale, man.

- I'll give you $100 for it.

- 250.

- 150,

- 200.
- I don't have 200, Gilbert.

- Then take a
fucking cab, Jimbo.

- Listen to me, Gilbert.

You need smack, I need wheels,

I'll give you 150 for it, cash.

- Yeah, alright.

- Hey, keys.

- They're in the car.

(car engine starting)

(mellow upbeat music)

- [Radio Weatherman]
Eight miles per hour,

the temperature dropping.

(light melodic orchestral music)

- Are you gonna come
with me or what?

- Can we talk about it later?

- Can we talk about it now?

(sighing heavily)

How come you never wanna
go anywhere with me?

- [Rosa] It's your
scene, Jimmy, not mine.

It's your scene,
Jimmy, not mine.

It's your scene,
Jimmy, not mine.

- I'm sorry, Ro, it ain't
gonna always be like this.

- [Rosa] It just isn't gonna
happen, I have a career,

my life is here,

not in some far away fishing
village up the coast.

(birds twittering)

- [Andy] 14's your change.

- Thanks.

(store door bell ringing)

(brakes screeching)

(police radio
broadcasting quietly)

(car ignition stuttering)

- You know, Andy, this
coffee really sucks.

- [Andy] Thanks,
I made it myself.

(melodic haunting music)

- [Jimmy] Shit.

- Hey, you need a jump?

(car engine starting)

- No, thanks, it's just a
little cold this time of day,

that's all.

(mellow melodic music)

(mellow melodic music)

(birds twittering)

(melodic haunting music)

- Hey!
- What the, ah!

- [Jimmy] Get the
hell out of there!


- Ow!
- Hey!

- Oh, fuck!
- Get the hell out of there.

- Ow!


Goddammit, Flip you were
supposed to be on lookout!

- I'm sorry, I didn't
hear him coming.

- Lookout means with
your eyes, you dumbass!

- Shut up!

- Ah, hey, get your
hands off the me, mister,

I'll have your ass busted
for statutory assault!

- Yeah?
- Yeah!

- There's no such thing.

- You wanna see if I'm bluffing?

- You wanna explain
to the police

what you were doing
hot-wiring my car?

- I'm a kid, what
the fuck would I know

about hot-wiring a car?

- Oh, come on, Tony, let's
get outta here, okay.

- Get your hands off me.

(melodic haunting music)

(birds twittering)

- [Flip] Ow, God, ow!

Ow, ow, ow!

(melodic haunting music)

Ow, ow, ow!


Ow, God, it hurts!

Oh, God, ow, ow!

- What's the matter?

- Flip stepped on a rattlesnake,
it bit the crap out of him.

- I'm scared, Tony, I
don't wanna die, please.

- Do something, come
on, suck the poison out.

- This kid, you've seen
one too many cowboy movies.

Alright, hold that.

We've got to get
you to a doctor.

Where's the nearest hospital?

- How should I know?

We're not from around here.

- Ow!

- Well, where the
hell are you from?

This kid needs help.

- A school, it's about a
mile or so up the road.

There's a nurse there.

- [Jimmy] Well, show me.

(mellow melodic music)

Get the door for me.

(car engine starting)

(car horn tooting repeatedly)

(mellow melodic music)

- [Sue] What happened?

- [Jimmy] A rattler
bit him on the ankle.

- [Sue] Alright, follow me.

- The nurse gave the boy a
shot to counteract the poison.

- He's gonna be okay?

- He's gonna be fine
thanks to you, Mr.?

- Oh, Scott, James Scott.

Jesus Christ, when I
saw that kid was bit,

I nearly shit a brick.

- I'm Father Donnelly.

- Are you a priest?

(children playing outside)

(door opening)

- Nothing to apologize for,
you saved the boy's life.

- You certainly did.

- [Chris] Sue, Sue
Bradley, James Scott.

- Hi.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Can we get you a cup of
coffee or something to eat?

- Yeah, that's
great, thanks, boss.

- Sue, can you take
him by the cafeteria?

I've got to go see
Father Patrick.

- Sure, bye.

(light melodic music)

Enjoying your--
- So?

You were gonna ask me something?

- No, you go ahead.

- So what is St. John's, is
this some sort of reform school?

- Not really, boys
are sent here,

so they don't end
up in reform school.

- Hm.

Well then, how come there's
hardly anybody here?

- Spring Break.

- Oh, right, right,
Spring Break.

- Some kids just don't
have any other place to go.

- Well, it's nice
and peaceful, huh?

(birds twittering)

- Hey man, what the
hell are you doing here?

- I thought you'd
like some company,

- I thought they locked you up.

- They did, but
what they don't know

won't frigging hurt me.

You know, I'm still gonna get
us out of here, you'll see.

- Like this morning?

- Hey, it's not my fault you
stepped on that goddamn snake.

- Oh, come on, man, just
not so freaking loud.

- Don't wimp out
me, Flip, not now,

not if you want this
hole to be history.

- Yeah, well, in the meantime,

better get your sorry
butt back to detention.

- Hey chill, easy come, easy go.

(light melodic orchestral music)

(church bells ringing)

- There he is.

Father Donnelly, Jimmy's
gonna be taking off soon.

- Ah, thanks again for
bringing the boys back, Jim,

I hope it wasn't too
much out of your way.

- Something wrong?

- Oh, the painter quit,

apparently he got a better
job offer elsewhere.

- You need a good brush man?

- Got somebody you
wanna recommend?

- You're looking at him.

I mean, I spent many a summer

house painting with my own
man, before he retired.

- It's only about a week's work.

- Be glad to help out.

- I'll introduce you
to Father Patrick.

(melodic haunting music)

The roast beef was a little
tough today, wasn't it?

- [Sue] Yeah, you know,
we saved some pie for you.


- Let's see, you offered
this drifter a job

without consulting
with me first?

- I'm certain he'll do fine.

- You are?

Well, that's good,

because I thought it
was just yesterday,

that you stood right
there in front of me

and you were certain,

that we should leave
boys like Flip and Tony

to, how did you phrase it?

To be responsible for
their own actions?

- Thomas, please, let's
not confuse the issues.

- All your books

and your diplomas haven't
taught you a blessed thing.

Chris, what these boys
need is discipline.

- What we need,

what we need is to have all
the work around here finished

and I found a young man
who's willing to help out.

Who is it that said most
recently in their sermon,

that acceptance is the
most generous deed of all?

- That is a low blow
and unworthy of you.

Show him in.

(door opening)

- Father Thomas
Patrick, James Scott.

- Pleasure to meet you, sir.

(birds twittering)

- Are you Catholic?

- Absolutely, Father
Patrick, born and bred.

- Well, I guess the
bottom line then.

- James.

- James,

is I, we expect the work to be
done in a professional manner

with a certain decorum
in front of the boys.

In exchange for that,
you will receive lodging

and food and minimum wage.

Any questions?

- When do I get started?

- Well, we rise with the sun.

- Come on, I'll show
you to your room.

(melodic haunting music)

Chuck, there's someone
I want you to meet,

Chuck White, James Scott.

- How you doing?

- Moving in?

- For a while.

- Yeah, I seen you
talking to Sue.

- Nice lady.

- Yeah, she is, that's
why I'm gonna marry her.

Have a good evening, Father.

- See you tomorrow, Chuck.

- Toilets and showers
are down the hall,

there's a payphone
on every floor.

- Great.

(church bells ringing)

- Welcome aboard, Jim.

- Thanks.

(melodic haunting music)


- Yeah, Operator, a
collect from Jimmy.

Ma, it's me, accept the charges.

Thanks, Operator.

I just wanted to let
you know, I'm okay, Ma.

I can't tell you where I
am, I'm someplace safe.

Yeah, I'll be about
a week, (sighing)

you know, just long
enough to make some money

and then I'll be moving on.

I know.

Of course I'm gonna call again,

I'll call again as
soon as I hit the road.

I love you, Ma.

(melodic haunting music)

(traffic rumbling quietly)

- You want me to give
you 48 hours, Maxie?

- I'll do anything
you say, Vinny.

- Good, help me find Jimmy.

- How am I supposed
to know where he is?

- Oh, come on, he's
a friend of yours,

you gotta know something.

(gun cocking)

- Okay, okay, look, I know
he's got a new girlfriend.

- See, beautiful,
tell us about her.

I bet they make a lovely couple.

(melodic haunting music)

- [Ed] Mr. Argento!

(gun firing)

(gun firing)
- Uh!

(school bell ringing)


(birds twittering)


(church bells ringing)

(children playing in distance)

- Hey, look who's
slapping paint.

Priests con you into
working for them?

- Something like that,
when did you get out?

- Warden's got me on probation,

I swore I'd behave.

- And you never
lie, Tony, do you?

- Probably about
as much as you do.

- So what happens if
you break probation?

- Get sent to Juvenile
Hall, no biggie.

So are you any better
with the basketball,

than you are with a paintbrush?

- You are really lucky
that I'm painting,

'cause I take off from
the free throw line,

you know what I mean?

- Yeah, whatever, just
give me back my ball,

you might get paint on it.

(melodic suspenseful music)

- Ah, ah, no!

Oh, oh!

What do you want from me?

- An answer to a very simple
question, where's Jimmy.

- How the hell should I know?

- I'm not a very
patient man, Rosa.

- Last I saw him was a
couple of nights ago,

I haven't heard from him since.

- Alright, I'll
be more specific.

If he was hiding,
where would he go?

- Hide, hiding?

- Do yourself a favor,
ma'am, answer the question.

- I don't know where he'd go,

- Nicky.

(gun cocking)

- There was some place
that he talked about it,

it was up the coast
or some, I don't know.

- Where exactly?
- I don't know.

- Concentrate.

- It was like some
sort of pipe dream.

- Pipe dream?
- The place never sounded

real to me.

- A dream?

- [Rosa] I didn't
take him seriously.

- Well, perhaps you
should've, Nicky.

- Please believe
me, I don't know.

- Nicky.
- I don't know!

- Nicky.
- I don't know!

(gun clicking)

I don't know, I don't know!

I don't know!

I don't know!

- Okay, shh, shh!

I believe you.

You can go.

(melodic haunting music)

Oh, Rosa,

wait a minute.
(gasping in fear)

We'll be in touch.

- Ah!


(birds twittering)

(children playing outside)

- So I'll probably keep
him for a few hours

and release him at
the end of the day.


- You okay?

- Yeah, I just got
something in my eye.

- [Jimmy] Let me see.

(melodic haunting music)


- Yes.


- Sure.
- Bye.

- Bye.

- [Chuck] Sue.

You and I need to talk.

- What is it, Chuck?
- I think you know what.

I saw the way he
was touching you.

- Who, Jimmy?

- Goddammit, Sue,

I don't like what's
going on between you two.

- Alright, Chuck, you're
right, we do need to talk.

- So you don't deny it, do you?

- It's not about
Jimmy, it's about us.

I've been doing a
lot of thinking.

- So what are you
trying to tell me?

(light melancholic music)

- Chuck, I've changed.

I want different things in life

and I can't keep pretending
that we're right for each other.

I'm sorry.

I hope some day
you'll understand.

- Sue.

(church bells ringing)

(melodic haunting music)

Want some advice, asshole?

(children playing in distance)

- Not really.

- Forget about the goddamn job,
pack your bags and move on.

- I've got some advice
for you too, Chuck,

get a fucking life.

- Huh, oh, I got one and
it don't include you.

(light melodic orchestral music)

(phone ringing)

- [Sue] I can't answer
the phone right now.

You know what to do.

(electronic beeping)

- [Chuck] Come on, honey, I
know you're there, pick up.

Sue, pick up the phone.

I'm sorry, come on, I love
you and I know you love me.

I can't lose you,
you're everything to me.

Call me.

(electronic beeping)

- Well, I think he's cool.


- He's hiding something, Flip.

You saw the way he hot-wired
that car, he was like a pro.

- Wait, I think
someone's coming.

- [Jimmy] What's up?

- Hi Jimmy.
- Hey.

- Want a smoke?

- I got some of my own, thanks.

So it's good to have you
back on your feet, huh?

- Yeah, well, it's nice
to be back on them.

(cicadas chirping)

- I thought I heard voices.

- Father Donnelly.

- Hi, Jim, I didn't
know it was you..

- Oh yeah, I was just
getting some fresh air.

- What's happening?

- Just getting some fresh air.

- Well get this,
it's past curfew.

- Oh, it was my fault,
Father, I was talking to them.

- We'll go back
to our rooms now.

- Cool.

Take it easy.

- Yeah.

- Take it easy?

What a dweeb.

- Sorry.

- Oh, comes with
the turf, I guess.

- Yeah.
- I was wondering,

can I buy you a beer?

- Yeah.

- See, Tony, I told
you Jimmy was alright.

- Alright, nothing, afraid
to cross me is more like it.

The guy knows I'm
pegging his ass.

- For what?

- I don't know yet, but
you can bet your butt,

when I find out, it'll be
our ticket out of this dump.

(church bells ringing)


- I've spent years studying
psychology and education,

I've been quoted in texts
and published in journals,

yet no matter how hard I try

to get down to those
boys' level, they mock me.

- Maybe that's why?

- What do you mean?

- What do I know?

- Come on, give me some
advice, what do you mean?

- Well, these boys,
Father, they aren't stupid.

- Never said they were stupid.

- Well, then instead of trying
to get down to their level,

I don't know, why
not just be yourself

and let them rise up to yours?

- Cheers.

(bottles clinking)

(birds twittering)

(children playing outside)

- Father Patrick.

Morning, Sue.
- Morning.

- James, is there a problem?

- Oh, I'm just running a
little low on paint, sir.

- We have an account at
the hardware store in town,

I'll call ahead and let
them know you're coming.

- Oh, you know, do they deliver?

'Cause my car has got
a busted ignition.

- Sue, you're driving into town?

- Yeah, the post office.

- Would you be so kind
as to give James a lift?

- Sure, come on.

(melodic haunting music)

(car engine starting)

- It's not that he's
a bad guy, it's just,

it's just that we're not
right for each other.

God knows, now I
won't be able to avoid

running into him
or all his friends.

That's the problem
with small towns,

everyone's always crossing
paths with everyone else.

- Yeah, well, the
city's no better, Sue,

there's just a lot
more crap to step in.

- Don't I know it?

Been there, done that.

(melodic haunting music)

(mellow melodic music)

We're here.

(light melodic music)

So what's your story, Jimmy?

(quiet background chattering)

- No story.

- Come on, everybody
has a story.

- Maybe.

Someday when things are
a little bit different,

I'll tell you.

- Hardware store's over there,

I'll run to the post
office, I'll meet you.

(mellow melodic music)

(background chattering)

(store door bell ringing)

- Three gallons of paint,
one standard ignition,

anything else?

- That's all, just charge to
the St. John account please.

- No problem, Father
Patrick called me,

I just need to see your ID.

- Hm?
- Driver's license will do.

- Ah, damn.

You know, I think it's with
my stuff back at the school.


- I'll vouch for him, Sam.

(melodic haunting music)

- Howdy-do, Chuck, well,
that's good enough for me.

- Thanks.

- No sweat.

Do a favor for me.

- I'll try.

(birds twittering)

- By the time I arrive at
St. John's tomorrow, be gone.

- And if I'm not, Chuck?

- Then you'll be carried
out on a goddamn stretcher.

- You really think
you can handle me?

- I really think you're
about to find out.

- Afternoon, fellas,
something going on?

Who's your friend, Chuck?

- My friend is a passerby
the priests hired

to do their painting,

who don't see fit
to carry no ID.

- It's not a good practice, boy.

- Yeah, well, sir, it
won't happen again.

- I'm sure.

Well take care, son,
I'll see you later.

- You bet, Dad.

Keep in mind what I said.

- So, what did Chuck
and his dad have to say?

- Not much, just welcoming
me to the community.

(car engine starting)

- Come on, Dad, we
need to check him out.

- Take it easy, son, I
need that schedule, Peg.

What makes you so
sure that this boy

has got something to hide, hm?

- You saw the look on his face,

that's why he don't carry no ID.

- Yeah, maybe, this needs
four to 12, next week.

Now look, is this about
that girlfriend of yours?

It is, isn't it, it's about Sue?

- Dad, it's--
- Don't Dad me.

Every time you get off on one
of these tangents of yours,

it's not bad enough you
cause trouble for yourself,

but you embarrass
the hell out of me.

Now you control it, son.

If he breaks the law,
I'll bring him in.

Don't go causing any
problems for yourself or me.

(birds twittering)

- [Flip] Almost done?

- Just about.

- Hey, Flip, isn't it time?

- Yeah, I know, time
to go back to my room.

- Hey, come here.

We need to have a little talk.

What's with the attitude?

Something you
picked up from Tony?

You look up to him, don't you?

You don't have to answer
that, but think about this,

be careful who you wanna be
like, who you wanna follow,

some kids are gonna lead
you in the wrong direction,

but you know what I think?

If you follow what's in your
heart, more often than not,

you're gonna find yourself
doing the right thing.

- Thanks, Father.

(light melodic music)

(mellow upbeat music)

- Where is it?
- Where's what?

- Don't push me.

- What are you gonna
do, kick my ass?

I'm just a kid.

- Okay, smart ass,
how's this for a scam?

If you don't return
it in five minutes,

I'll bring Donnelly here myself

and you can tell them how you
broke in my room and stole it.

- You're bluffing.

- Am I?

(melodic haunting music)


- Hey, what's up, Tony?

- Tonight's the night.

Oh, come on, Flip,
don't be a wimp now.

- Sorry, Tony, I can't go.

- Why not?

- I've got nowhere
to run away to, Tony.

Just be careful.

(door closing)

(mellow melodic music)

(car engine starting)

(tires screeching)

- [Jimmy] Hey!

(mellow upbeat music)

- [Chris] What's going on?

- Tony, he's stealing my car!

- Here, in here.

(car engine starting)

(tires screeching)

(mellow upbeat music)

He couldn't be too
far ahead of us,

he didn't get that
much of a headstart.

- [Jimmy] Look!

- [Chris] Good Lord!

- Tony!


Are you alright?

- No, I'm screwed.

(melodic haunting music)

- Is he hurt?
- No,

he's in the infirmary with Sue.

- [Jimmy] So what's
gonna happen to Tony now?

- He'll be put in detention,

until we can move
him to Juvenile Hall.

- He'll live.

- I wish I could say
the same for my car.

- Then shall we call
the Sheriff now, James?

- No, the kid's got
enough problems, Father.

- Yes, that's quite true.

(light melodic music)

- So you wanna get a cup of
coffee or a glass of wine?

- Is there any place open?

- Yeah, I know a place.

(mellow melodic music)

- [Nick] So Vin,
what's our next move?

- We wait,

till he calls home.

(melodic haunting music)

- After finishing nursing
school, I just felt lost,

alone in the city.

It seems like everyone
you meet there

is looking for an angle,
doing some sort of hustle.

I just missed the clean
air and the mountains

and down to earth people.

So when Father Donnelly
offered me a position here,

I was only too eager to
come back to Pine Creek.

- [Jimmy] And to Chuck?

(light melodic orchestral music)

- And to Chuck.

I guess in the years
that I was away,

we just grew apart.

- You outgrew him.

- Yeah,

I outgrew him.

But still there's a void.

- What would fill it?

- Finding someone, I guess,

someone who really wants
to be a part of my life

and who'd really let
me be a part of theirs.

So what about you, Jimmy?

Where are you coming from?

I know, I know, someday.

Can you at least tell
me where you're going?

- How about where
I'd like to go?

- It's a start.

- I would like to go to
a small coastal town,

you know, someplace where
I can just start over,

where I could have
a fishing boat,

kind of big enough to charter

and spend my days pounding waves

with the salty wind
hitting my face.

Yeah, well, that sounds
crazy, doesn't it?

- It sounds beautiful.

So how would you like
to spend your nights?

(light melodic orchestral music)

(cicadas chirping)

There you are.

Can't sleep?

Why don't you tell me
what's bothering you.

- No,

it's okay,

it's okay.

(birds twittering)

- Ready?

I like you, I do.

- I like you.

- But I can't.

I won't get involved with
somebody who isn't open with me.

If not me, then please,
Jimmy, talk to someone else,

because that darkness
I see inside of you

will never go away

and it has to,

if you want your
dream to come true.

- We should go.

(light melodic music)

(mellow melodic music)

(church bells ringing)

(melodic haunting music)

(light melodic music)


Forgive me, Father
for I have sinned.

It's been,

years since my last confession.

- It's okay, Jim, I'm listening.

(light melodic music)

- My real name is not Scott,

it's James, James Scrico.

- Why the different name?

- I killed a man.

- Tell me what happened.

- I didn't mean
to do it, Father.

I wrestled the gun from the man,

I tried to stop a
killing, not commit one.

I was cornered and scared,

I turned and the gun went
off, the gun just went off,

the gun just went off.

- It was an accident?

- I don't know, it all
happened so fast. (sighing)

- Why haven't you
gone to the police?

- Oh, I'd be dead,

I'd be dead before I
reached the holding cell.

- Who'd you kill?

- Vincent Argento.

- You can't hide forever, Jim,

at least not from
your conscience.

But whatever you decide,

I'll be here for
you, if you need me.

- I guess the moral of the story

is how can you pursue a dream,

when your life has turned into
one big nightmare? (sighing)

- What about your family?

(children playing outside)

- Oh, it's just
my Mom. (sighing)

- [Sue] Go ahead, use it.

(melodic haunting music)


(phone ringing)

- Hello.

- [Jimmy] Ma, it's me.

- It's been days
since you called,

I thought something
else had happened.

- I'm sorry, Ma, I'm alright.

There's just something
important you need to know,

that I made a decision.

- What kind of decision?

- I'll be leaving here soon.

I'm gonna turn myself in.

- [Mrs. Scrico]
It's for the best.

- [Jimmy] I really didn't mean
to do it, it was an accident.

- [Mrs. Scrico] I
believe you, honey.

- [Jimmy] I know that
you believe me, Ma

and I love you for that.

I'll miss you, I'll call you
as soon as I can, alright.

I love you.

- I love you too, son.

- I'll call when I can.

(melodic haunting music)

(traffic rumbling quietly)

(phone ringing)

- Hello.

- Hey, Nick, yeah, it's me.

Tell Vinny to forget
about the coast,

tell him I think I just
earned my Christmas bonus.

- Yeah, I'll let him know

and rest assured your
stocking will be full.

- Yeah.

- I wanna contact authorities,

let them know where
to pick me up.

- I'll make the call.

(birds twittering)

- Have faith, my son.

- I'm trying to, Father,

but it'd be a lot easier if it
came with a bulletproof vest.

(mellow upbeat music)

- I understand, Father.

No, no, no, no, have
Scrico stay where he is.

Tell him I'll be leaving ASAP.


Thank you, Father Donnelly.

Bye bye.

- Yeah, right, Bob,
118 Junction, that
won't take an hour.

I'll see you.

- Dad, I really think we
need to run a computer check

on this guy.

- Not now, Chuck, I promised
the Sheriff over Weston

I'd help him work a hit and run.

- When are you gonna be back?

- Well, it depends
now, doesn't it?

Peggy had to run out,
so do me a favor,

answer the phone till she
gets back, would you please?

- You've got it.

Let's see.

(melodic haunting music)

- Yeah, this is Ross.

Put me through to
the police department

in a place called Pine Creek.

(phone ringing)

- Pine Creek PD.

No, the Sheriff ain't
in, who's calling please?

Sergeant Ross.

Well, this is Deputy White,
sir, can I be of service?

Yes, sir.

Sure, I know St.
John's School For Boys.

Of course, I'll be waiting
here to accompany you.

Speaking of the goddamned devil.

(birds twittering)

- Next time you hire
a drifter, Chris,

consult with me.

- Here I thought
we'd get through this

without you telling
me, I told you so.

Sometimes bad things happen
to good people, Thomas,

my instincts still tell
me that he's a good man.

- Ah, yes, your instincts.

(light melancholic music)

(traffic rumbling quietly)

- Ah-huh.


Very good, I'll let him know.

They found Scrico.

- Alive?

- Yeah, Ross is on his
way to pick him up.

We'll keep him in
protective custody

till after you testify tomorrow.

- Let's just hope Ross
gets to him first.

(melodic haunting music)

- If only that dumb
kid hadn't interfered.

- You know, it's
funny how you start

to look at this stuff
at a time like this.

I mean, when you're younger,

you don't think about the
consequences of your actions

and then when you're older,

well, by then sometimes
it's too late.

- You've become quite
a philosopher, Jim.

- When I look at the boys here

and I think about Tony,
- Hm-mm.

- and I wonder if he knows,

that he still has a chance
of getting things right.

- Why don't you tell him?

(light melodic music)

You've got a visitor.

I'll wait outside.

- So how's it going, Tony?

- Like you give a damn.

- I give a damn.

- Why is that?

Because I know
what you're hiding?

(children playing outside)

- It's all out in the open
now, I'm not hiding a thing.

The question is
what are you hiding?

- Nothing.

- [Jimmy] Hm.

- What's going on in there?

- Jim's with him.

- What?

- Thomas,

let them be.

- Mind if I have a seat?

- It's a free country.

- No, it ain't.

Everything's got a price,
whatever you the hell you do,

one way or another you pay for.

- For once, I see
your goddamn point.

- You know what I see?

- What's that?

- Someone not so
different than me.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

A punk so scared, he's
about to pee his pants.

- I ain't scared!

- Well, then you're stupid.

- Take that back!

- Or worse, a goddamn loser.

- Shut the hell up!

You're the goddamn loser!

- Like I said, Tony, you
ain't so different than me.

- That's a frigging crock.

- Who's your father, Tony?

- What the hell does that
have to do with anything?

- I don't know mine either,
where's your mother?

- Shut the hell up!
- Is she stoned, shacking up?

- Shut up!
- Where's your family, Tony,

who cares about you,
who gives you love, huh?

- Stop it, stop it!
- Huh!

- Shut up!
- Think you can find family

in a prison yard?
- Stop!

- Love getting diddled
by some gang banger?

- Stop!
- Huh?

- That's enough.

- Stop it, shut up!

Stop it, stop!


- There is your family, Tony.

- Please,

don't send me away.

I'll be good, I promise.

- Everything's gonna
be alright, Tony.

Nobody's gonna
send you anywhere.

Now are you ready to go
back to your own room?

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

(crow cawing)

(mellow upbeat music)

- I'm sorry that I
can't stay, Jimmy,

I've got to teach
this class in Weston.

- Don't worry,
Father, I'll be okay.

- I'm sure you will.

You know where to reach me.

(Sue sighing)

- [Jimmy] Must be time for
you to be heading home.

- I'd rather be with you.

(light melodic music)

(mellow upbeat music)

- [Vinny] Beautiful, it looks
like a farmhouse, right?

(melodic haunting music)

- [Cook] Fish is back here.

- How you doing?
- Yeah?

- Maybe you could help us out,

we're looking for directions
- There you go, Chuck.

- to the St. John's
School For Boys.

- I can help you there.

You fellas are early,

that's why I wasn't
waiting at the station.

You're looking for that
guy, Scrico, right?

- Maybe.

- Oh, I got it, plain
clothes and all,

you can't be too careful.

I spoke to you on the phone,
I told you I was Chuck White,

Deputy White.

Sergeant Ross.

- Oh yeah, yeah, I remember you.

- Oh, yeah, Deputy White.

- I can take you
straight to him.

- Scrico?

- You can't be too careful.

- No, you can't.

Deputy White, let me introduce
you to my associates,

Officer Pina.

- Pleasure's all mine.

- And Officer
Francelli over here.

- How are you?
- Welcome to Pine Creek.

- Thank you.

- The Deputy's gonna bring
us to see Jimmy Scrico.

- Beautiful.

- [Cook] Order up!

- After you.
- Got it.

(mellow upbeat music)

- This is government issue?

- Bought and maintained
with tax payers' dollars.

(car engine starting)

- Once the jury
hears your story,

they're bound to acquit you.

- If I get that far.

- Stop thinking like that.

- I can't help it, Sue,

I just can't shake
this feeling of doom.

- Try and picture
that coastal town

and that charter boat instead.

- It ain't gonna happen.

- It will, if you believe in it.

(mellow upbeat music)

- Coming up is Lookout
Road, you'll hang a left

and you'll find the school
right around the bend.

- Deputy White, are there
gonna be a lot of people

up here at the school?

- At the moment just a few
priests and a handful of kids.

- Yeah, that concerns me.

If Scrico sees us coming, he
could panic, put up a fight,

we wouldn't want anyone
to get hurt, you know,

especially the kids.

- There's a back way in, you
could take him by surprise.

- Excellent, good work.

(mellow melodic music)

- We should probably wait
for him at the office.

There's no need for the
boys to see you taken in.

- Sue.
- I know.

I know,

me too.

(light melodic orchestral music)

- I gotta go back to the
room, I'll get my bag

and then they
should be here soon.

- Try right now.

- Chuck?

- Hello, Jimmy.

- Hey, there's Jimmy, let's go.

- Who are these guys?

- They're police officers, Sue.

- That's right, ma'am,

we're here to take
Jimmy in peacefully.

- Why the back way, why
didn't you check in up front?

- They were afraid that
I'd come out shooting.

- [Flip] Hey, Jimmy.

- Don't take any chances,

that innocent people
could get hurt.

- Almost thought
you were gonna leave

without saying goodbye.

- Oh no, Tony, I was on my
way over to see you guys,

it's just that the police,
they got here a little early.

(melodic haunting music)

So this,

this is goodbye.

Sue, can you please take
them back to the house?

- That's a good idea.

Why don't you go on
with them, Chuck?

We'll take over from here.

- Yes, sir.

- Nice work.

- [Sue] Come on, boys, let's go.

- Frisk the son of a bitch.

- Alright, tough guy.

- Alright, he's clean.
- Good.

Let's take a little
stroll, Jimmy.

My car's right over here.

- Uh!
(mellow upbeat music)

- Shit!

(gun firing)

- Where's your father?
- He's in Weston.

- Can you reach him?
- Yeah.

- Get him!

(gun firing)

- Yeah, this is Chuck, I'm
trying to reach my dad.

(melodic haunting music)

- Stay here.

(mellow upbeat music)

(melodic haunting music)

I'll cover you.

(melodic haunting music)

- [Nick] Well, look here.

- What is it?

- Some twerp with a gun.

- Shoot him.

- Come on, kid, hand it over.

- Come and get it.

(gun cocking)

- Hey, you little
son of a bitch.

(mellow upbeat music)


(thudding to floor)

(gun firing)

(gun firing)



- Uh!

(light haunting music)

- Argh!

(thudding to floor)

(light haunting music)

- Okay, we're going
down the ladder.

(thudding blow)

(groaning with effort)

- Get up.

Come on.

What goes around, comes
around, huh, Jimmy?

You know, an eye for an
eye, a tooth for a tooth.

You killed my father,
now I get to kill you.

- Alright, let Tony leave,
he doesn't have to see this.

- Shut up.

Be good for him,
teach him a lesson.

So long, you son of a bitch.

(gun firing)

Stupid gun's filled with blanks!

- You can believe mine isn't.

James, get the other gun.

- Shit.

(light haunting music)

- I got him covered.

- Well, that's good,

because the pen may be
mightier than the sword,

but I don't believe
it's any match for .45.

- Well, I'll be goddamned.

- Yeah, Vinny, you
probably will be.

Let's go.

(background chattering)

- [Officer] Come on, come on.

- Watch the hair.
- Get in there.

- No more than that.
- Ah-huh.

- [Thomas] Ah, let's
see, I heard a gunshot.

(police radio
broadcasting quietly)

- You okay?
- Yeah.

- Get in the car,
Chuck, in the car.

- [Chris] Is it true
Jimmy didn't kill anyone?

- That's right, Father,
he walked in on a sting,

when the gun went off,
Argento triggered a blood bag.

(gun firing)
As far as anyone knows,

he's dead until he testifies
before a Grand Jury tomorrow.

- So what happens now?

- Well, Argento will enter
the Witness Protection Program

and the Minnelli family
will be brought down.

- I meant Jimmy.

- Oh, he's broken no laws,

so in a few more hours,
once it's all blown over,

you'll be free, Jimmy
to do whatever you want.

Excuse me.

(light melodic music)

- Thanks for coming
to my rescue.

- You came to mine.

It's like you said before, dude,

we ain't so different
from each other?

- I got a feeling, Tony,

you're gonna turn out just fine.

- It's a dirty job, but
somebody's got to do it.

- You take care.

- You too.

- If you'd like, James,

you are most welcome
to stay on here.

- I'm sure we can find
you something full-time,

if you want it.

Come on.

- I appreciate the offer.

(light melodic orchestral music)

- So are you thinking
of that coastal town

and the charter boats?

- Among other things.

- So you think they might
need a nurse in that town?

- Well, if they don't,

I guess we'll have
to keep driving,

till we find one that does.

(car engine starting)

(light melodic orchestral music)

♪ Hm

♪ Hm

♪ Hm

♪ Hm

♪ Hm

♪ The long dark journey
through the night ♪

♪ My soul seeks comfort,
my soul needs light ♪

♪ The nighttime shadows
are big and long ♪

♪ They steal light
from me till dawn ♪

♪ It's only darkness,
there's no fright ♪

♪ It's just the darkness
before the light ♪

♪ It's only darkness,
you will see ♪

♪ Into the darkness
come along with me ♪

♪ Did you listen, did
you hear me call ♪

♪ Come along to
the costume ball ♪

♪ All eyes will be on you

♪ Dressed up in darkness
in a midnight move ♪

♪ It's only darkness,
there's no fright ♪

♪ It's just the darkness
before the light ♪

♪ It's only darkness
you will see ♪

♪ Into the darkness
come along with me ♪

♪ Don't be afraid,
you can take my hand ♪

♪ I'm gonna lead you
to the promised land ♪

♪ It's always darkness
just before the light ♪

♪ I'm gonna set
you free tonight ♪

♪ Hm

♪ Oh, the darkness calls,
the night is clear ♪

♪ Divides the day,
though the day is near ♪

♪ The light creeps in
and the shadows fall ♪

♪ I wonder if you
can hear me call ♪

♪ It's only darkness,
there's no fright ♪

♪ It's just the darkness
peeping through the night ♪

♪ It's only darkness,
you will see ♪

♪ Into the darkness
come along with me ♪

♪ It's only darkness,
there's no fright ♪

♪ It's just the darkness
and it's alright ♪

♪ It's only darkness,
you will see ♪

♪ Into the darkness
come along with me ♪

♪ Here

♪ Oh

♪ Yeah

(dynamic melodic music)