Wala nang iibigin pang iba (1997) - full transcript
Subtitle Created By: Gardol?
look at the eyes, it's glowing
it's too long, I'm impatient boss
I'll have a shot
an enemy!
what was that?!
it's Daniel!
they are tiring me
my friend, stay where you are!
my friend!
nothing yet boss
nothing yet?
-can you still take it?!
-I can take it!
you might not last!
I can...
oh my!
don't you plan on getting that.
you're too far from that...
you're closer here!
boss, have pitty on me.
don't kill me...
I also have a family
I'm not going to kill you,
I still have to collect.
why will I kill you?
come here
still struggling
my friend, look
we are amazed at you Daniel,
when you seach there no escape
for criminals like that.
what's your secret Daniel?
that you're so good on capturing
wanted and escaped criminals?
only one thing
-what is it?
-what is it?
thank you sir
we should be the one
to thank you Daniel...
you've captured the one who's
been a long head ache for us...
why wouldn't you accept what
I have offered you for a long time
return to service
you would be a big help in my department
if you are a police.
you already know,
that I am content
with what I am doing
and even if I am not a police
I am still helping in a way
for me, it just that you
might change your mind
probably not for now sir
so, I'll be leaving now sir.
I still have to count my money
are you sure that this is complete?
maybe it had been reduced ?
nothing, I was just kidding
you're so serious
by the way sir
the boys might say that I am stingy...
that's for the boys
alright sir, just divide that
this guy is really foolish
professor, the solid gold statue that we got...
is only one of the treasures that is said...
there in the map at the museum
that's a real treasure map professor.
so then, no one must know about it
but just us...
and the officials of the museum
because someone might have an interest
so when will you return?
don't worry professor we will
return immediately tomorrow.
we will be waiting for you
congratulations doctor
we're very proud of you
thank you sir,
over and out.
it's brother Daniel!
hurry! hurry!
-so how is it Balang?
- brother Daniel! it's good that you arrived brother!
we will now have someone
to get the plants
hurry! hurry!
a happy return Daniel
hey Elder Brother
-you take charge of
what I have brought
stay there
you spend all that money
just for us...
-you helped us so much
-oh my
Elder Brother?
hey it's Martha,
-let's eat
-good evening
-come in
another food
I brought food for you
just in time
why don't you eat here
this is delicious
have a seat Martha
-sit here
-no thanks, I'll eat at home
no, just eat here
come on, there's the plate
Elder Brother
here's yours
oh my!
I have something for you.
I'll give it to you now before I forget
what is that?
is it beautiful?
-it's beautiful
-do you see those stones?
I was the one who dived for those
no, it came from Quiapo
I bought it
that's real and not a fake
even if you soak that in vinegar,
if the vinegar tuns to black...
the vinegar is fake
thank you Daniel
you are so good to me
if you want, I'll marry you
you were surpised, aren't you?
eat up
got you now!
-hold her!
-you can't escape!
if I were you, I'll leave the lady!
go home!
-let's go!
it would be better for you to go home
you are now safe
thank you very much for rescuing me
you're really persistant,
I said that you are now safe!
I will bite you!
are you alright?!
what I think is,
that you fell asleep again
thinking of your prince charming
if I am not mistaken,
it's not the face of the prince charming
that you have been hoping for.
and it's not a dream
that happened to me.
a nightmare!
no one will be hurt if you
give what we want
if money is what you want,
we don't have those
I know
but the statue that you found
is very valuable
don't wonder if how I have known
this mountain is my territory
and there's no news that the
people here don't let me know
we don't know anything
to what you are saying
let's see
search for it!
don't touch that!
that's not yours!
that's why I am snatching it!
you still haven't changed!
now you even harass women!
you're really a small time!
don't interfere Daniel!
you still haven't changed,
we are just the same!
you're still a meddler!
put those down!
you are surrounded!
-are they gone my friend?
-they're gone my friend
alright, now drop that
don't! don't!
my friend, we will share
you're making me a
police that you can bribed.
this one is scoundrel.
drop that!
Daniel, come on...
scat now
1/4 will it do?
this scoundrel,
what that 1/4 you're talking about.
leave now!
-it's alright
-no, that's ours
-I know
-so give it to me
you'll redeem it for 2,000
people are really deaf when
money is being talked about
why would I redeem that,
did I pawned it to you?!
-no, but it was hard for me
to get it back
-oh my
-you don't want it, so this is mine
-no... no, here it is
I can pawn this
what is this, even in the mountains
it's up to you
it's now 3,000
you said a while ago 2,000?!
that was before,
you don't want?
I'll be going home.
-wait a minute, you're
so arrogant
you're like a taxi with a fast meter
hurry up because the meter might run again
now there
wait, let's exchange
get that
get the left part
-get it, hurry
go to my back,
he might snatch it
the money
aren't these fake?
what the... let's go!
oh my!
hey, you haven't even said thanks!
thank you, in you face!
let's go!
this one isn't a good example
to the young people
don't mention it
how was it?
is it alright upstairs?
everything is alright
-let's have a coffee
that's it.
go on, go on.
-this is it
-that, that
-this, this
-let's break it
-no, no
-they will hear us
-they will hear us
-there isn't any
what happened?
go on, get it
-let's go
-let's go
hurry up
how was your trip?
father that is what I was goin to say to you,
it was exciting because we have found a rare treasure
so it is true what Dr. Morales
called me about
he already told you?
yes, but I didn't understand what he said
he was so excited when
he was talking about it
as usual father, you know the professor
when he finds a new discovery
he is more excited than us
so then,
it means that we won't be
seeing each other for a long time
why is that?
you know,
we almost don't see each other...
we are the only two here in the house
and we seldom see each other
oh my, there you go again...
you are the one who is always out
of the Phillipines, at least I am just
going all around here...
but you are at around the world
I should be the one
who should be sored at you
is it that way?
it's that way father
alright, if you promise me that
this whole one month that you
won't be leaving home...
I won't also be leaving home.
so what?
you know, on second thought
what you are doing is right...
-it's a diversion for you
-really father, you're trying to
make another excuse
is it obvious?
it's very obvious
the map was the only thing they have taken
the inventory of the other
things here are still complete
good afternoon professor
welcome back Sarah
unfortunately there is a sad
new that will welcome you
why? what happened?
the map was stolen
how did this happen?!
the security guard said they saw
two men coming out of the room...
they chased them
but never cought them
and what's worse is that
they never recognized them
obviously they have an inside
information that the map is authentic
that's why of all the things in this museum
that was the only one that they have taken
how did this happen professor?
I thought that we two and the officials
are the ones who should know about it?
you know, that's what's
baffling us Sarah
my God...
but, we let it be handled by the NBI
(National Bureau of Investigation)
they promised to investigate
this case very dicretely
well I know how you feel about this child
I know that you worked so hard
before you found that map
it had a sentimental value for me professor
it was my first find as an archeologist
I know,
let's just hope for the best that
the NBI will solve that problem
my only consolation is...
I am sure that the one who got the map
will also have a big problem
what problem?
-you stop that...
you're reading German but what's
written there is Latin!
you're just pretending,
you just only read comics!
it's like German,
so it's Latin.
could you two stop.
what ever we do,
we won't understand that
I think that is really Latin
and an old Philippines map was used
you're good boss!
how did you know that?
there is only one way
for us to use that map
-what is it boss?
-what is it boss?
you know Emong,
it would be better if you just surrender
just to be imprisoned again
no way
rather that you are always leaving,
I get nervous when you always leave
but sweetheart,
my life inside is uncertain
it's better this way
we are always together
it's up to you
go on, eat up.
try to get full, because later
you'll be very hungry for sure
you're so indecent!
you're in front of the food
saying such things!
you stop that!
promise me
don't you do that...
drop that!
drop it!
or that will be your last dinner,
the food you're eating looks so good
throw it!
I will count to three,
after that I will also finish you
-go on, drop your gun
-Emong, what's with you
-are you foolish?!
-drop your gun!
-you will even kill me?!
-shut up!
I'll kill her!
-go ahead, my husband is crazy!
-I said shut up!
drop your gun now if not
I will count to three...
I don't care, that's only your wife.
go on!
-oh my! have pitty!
drop your gun!
-have pitty!
two and a half!
drop it!
go ahead! go on!
I will be the one to kill your wife!
I don't care!
oh my! oh my!
sweetheart didn't we talk about
doing something now?!
please surrender,
isn't it that you love me so much?!
have pitty!
can your concience take it?
we still have something to do now
yes sweetheart... but...
I'll just come back for you!
he's really foolish!
put it on
I was really going to give up,
you just caught me first
I have noticed that
it won't
it won't?
this can, I can pull this trigger
come here
I'll bring you to the NBI
so that you'll never escape
oh my Olga,
I have a short fuse on
those people who are arrogant
mostly to those who are
rude and abusive
like the one who saved us
at the mountain?
oh my!
mostly him!
you're just saying that,
but when you saw him
your eyes were shinning
and you told me this...
you said...
Olga, that's the same face of
the prince charming in my dream
-you said that!
-that was before
when I have known
how bad his attitude,
my illusion disappeared
maybe you are just saying that,
and when you meet again you
might give in...
push of the mouth,
pull of the heart
oh my Olga,
if only for that type of a man
I won't ruin myself.
number one rude, impolite and also arrogant
and don't ever he shows his face to me again
because on the next time he
will never get away with it!
will never ever...
you're dead, you child
I think my vehicle was scratched
mister I apologize,
I really didn't mean to...
-it's the handsome!
-shut up!
son of an american monkey,
how unfortunate is life
what's so unfortunate?
if you weren't blocking
the road you won't get hit
I am more unfortunate because my car
is more expensive than your
portable toilet seat with wheels
you are so insulting though it was your fault
because you were beating the red light!
what beating the red light?!
isn't that already green?!
yes it's green now but
it was red a while ago!
why? do you have any witness?
there is
admit it!
isn't she beating the red light?
she's sleeping a while ago!
naturally you're together!
just pay what you've ruined
what got ruined?
all of that is ruined and there's
nothing there that isn't ruined!
same goes to the owner!
-watch hat you are saying
what seems to be the problem?
you're being a disturbance,
finish that!
here sir, I am easy to talk with
but miss ill-tempered is still arguing
what seems to be the problem
miss ill-tempered?
my name is not miss ill-tempered,
it's Sarah Castillo
Cashtillio, there's Cash
but still wouldn't pay
what Ca... CASTILLO!
pay him
why will I pay...
-it was your fault, beating the red light!
-so what now?
-oh my
-if not I will have to get you license
-it's hard claim a license now
just pay him
pay up
just settle that,
the traffic is already too long!
look at it!
will I pay him or...
he got away...
that scoundrel
I am the one who is in a disadvantage here
child of an american...
so what now miss?
how much is it?
what? are you kidding?
it's only a scratch.
hey miss, if it wasn't for you the person
I have arrested wouldn't have escaped.
there was a 4,000 reward for him
1,000 for the scratch
that was 4,000
-4,000 plus 1,000 that's 5,000
-pause! pause!
is it my fault that he escaped?
what can I do if you were a bit stupid
is that my problem?
maybe sir I will just have to sue
-give me your license
-just pay him
-the license
alright I'll just pay,
could you just get my
check book inside the car please
excuse me miss,
your check is good
but I need cash
you're so difficult
it's dangerous miss, you might give me a
post dated check that would bounce
because it might have no funds
-oh my, that would be dangerous in my part
-he thinks that I'll fool him
sir, what now?
I can't do anything, it's your fault
really you could kill someone
-sir she will kill you
-no sir!
j... j... just joking.
check, that's already an old style
-get out!
-hurry Tonio!
-what the...
-get out
-I wont!
who are you?!
good evening miss Castillo
don't be surprised
on how we know you
we know a lot about you
what do you want from me?
a lot!
you will teach us where the treasure
that is written in this map
if I can read that map,
how will you be sure that
I will help you
it's simple...
let's say I can do many ways...
so that you'll follow all I want.
how is you father?
you're such a looser Donald
with the small amount of money,
you became like Judas
it's just a matter of wits Sarah.
go on, bring her!
guard her well!
think it over!
go on!
a good evening to you
Don Armando
who is this?
it's not important, I know
something about your daughter
-I know who is holding her
Don Armando,
listen to what I have to say
because I won't be repeating it
I need 20 million for the
exchange of your daughter
I don't believe you,
if Sarah is really with you
I need to talk to her
you are in no position to dictate
Don Armando
if you don't want to believe,
it's up to you
I must have the money tomorrow afternoon
at exactly 12 in the afternoon
if not, I'll send your
daughter into pieces
think it over carefully Don Armando
wait for my call
Coronel, the kidnappers of my daughter
must be captured as soon as possible
-I am so worried
he is the one that I am saying that
would help on your problem Don Armando
this is Daniel.
this is Don Armando Castillo
-good afternoon
-good afternoon
is he a police?
no, he was a soldier but
resigned from the service
he is a bounty hunter
he captures the convicts and wanted criminals
that's why he knows every corners
here in the Philippines
what's the problem?
his only child was kidnapped and according
to him, the kidnappers are asking for a huge
amount of ransom money
I am ready to pay the ransom,
I just want to be sure of the
safety of my child
what's the problem there?
since you're ready to pay
the problem is the one who will bring the ransom
the kidnappers might get suspicious if my
men would be carrying it
the victim might get hurt
in short, I will be your bait?
is that it sir?
well, I am willing to give
a huge reward...
as long as my child would be
brought back alive.
there's no problem sir
on me about money...
it's not important, but I will
do it for you Coronel
how will I recognize your child?
oh my...
sorry sir I can't do this
what you want me to do is hard
don't get mad, but I know your daughter
her mouth is faster than a thompson
her attitude is like an amazon,
she is beautiful but so ill-tempered
sorry sir
I'll pass, maybe next time sir
please accept it Daniel,
I'll be in an difficult situation
if you won't accept it
no... no.
I'll double the reward if you want?
no, we cannot not get that
because we have the money to pay
we can get that, I'll work on this
double is it?
alright sir!
live long!
where is Don Armando?
he had a high blood because of you!
do you have it?
I didn't come here just to buy in the market
get it
you must first show me Miss Catillo
you don't take chances
it's difficult...
the first time I saw you all
it's like...
I see that...
you are a relative of a character in the bible
the one who hanged himself
we look like saints,
would you believe we are in the bible?
what saint?
that was Judas. Stupid!
bring out Miss Castillo
are you happy now?
the money?
let Miss Castillo walk here first
I will throw to you the money
go on, walk now
come closer!
that's my baby!
I'll buy that boy
pick it up
what are you doing here?
didn't you see that I have redeemed you?
boss, it's all here
wait a minute
wait a minute
I am sorry cocock,
I still need something from your companion
I have expected that
Miss Castillo come over here
you are so in demand
don't say that you'll give me to them
don't you want to?
isn't it obvious?
I also don't want
you're really good, just like DARNA
let's go!
-I've been snatched!
-that's enough!
they are there!
let's go now
get back!
get in!
wait, why are you sitting there?
are you the one who will drive?
then get on the other side
that's why I'll be going around.
why are you so arrogant?!
-thank you
you're really a scoundrel,
you really want me killed
don't you?
you are the one being helped
and you're the one who's angry
you should thank me
it's a gratitude for me to almost got harmed?
that won't happen,
I'll give my life for you
who are you fooling?
if I know, you got paid
that's why you are here
how did you know?
you see, it's true! it's true!
stop this, I'll get off!
there's no taxi here
just stop this!
damn you!
you said stop?
I said stop, not to bump my head!
-alright I am sorry
hey! where are you going!
hey! hey!
come back here!
son of a shark!
what are you waiting here?!
where are you going?!
I won't return to Manila
until I have the map
you're so difficult to talk with
you're my responsibility,
what ever happens to you
I will answer for your father
what you mean is that you won't get
the payment of my father
if I am not with you
that's why you are so persistant!
you really think that I am a scoundrel
aren't you?
yes it's really true.
it's true.
hey, if I am really a scoundrel I should
have ran away with the ransom for you.
I should have been a millionaire by now.
get in now
I won't
if you won't get in, the ones
who are chasing us will catch up
because there is no other way but here
get in now
I still won't
alright, you stay here.
I'll leave you here
you look out on your own.
you're big now, you know
what's right an wrong
thank you
it's nothing
via con dios
you are all dumb!
why did you allow them to escape?!
we didn't let them escape, the man
with the money faught back
who was the man?
I don't know
the money?
I have it
say to your stupind men to chase and
not to let Sarah and that man escape.
capture the two
and don't let Sarah return here
if ever that happens we are all
going to be dead
what about the map?
no one can read it if we will kill the lady
just follow what I am saying!
are you mad at someone?
it's nothing.
it's just my maid at home...
didn't follow what I asked...
that's why I got hot headed.
follow me at the office because
I have something for you to do
-let's go
-you're still alive?
-after you left me you suddenly returned again?!
-hey! get in here!
-you should have been hit by a lightning!
you're not in the light of the moon!
go ahead and try!
if you force me, I'll tell my father...
that you are with the kidnappers!
I doubt he will believe you
I'll tell him that you raped me!
you are not my type!
it's alright, goodbye!
it's just a joke!
you are my type!
come on! get in!
is it possible?!
just leave me alone!
there really isn't any use for you!
I already said you are my type!
what there isn't any use?!
I was the one who rescued you!
I defended you!
come on, get in!
I won't!
alright, via con dios!
hey! that was my line!
Daniel! Daniel!
let me in!
Daniel what's with you?!
I thought you didn't want to?!
I changed my mind,
I'll go with you!
-hey! what's with you?!
awww, maybe you're just saying that
just a gossip... you know...
what's with you?!
I'll be getting in now!
just like that?!
you must beg to me!
show your sweetness!
you're being abusive!
-you don't want to?! that's up to you!
-I will!
come on...
please have pitty,
bring me along...
that's a bit sweet, that'll do.
go on, get in
you have to drive for a while!
I don't want to die!
you drive or we will both die!
it's up to you!
I'll leave it!
hurry up!
I said I'll be driving!
my friend Dalmacio,
did you see it?!
it's my turn!
my turn! my turn!
son of a shark!
son of a shark!
why?! why?!
did you got shot?!
why Daniel?!
my kettle got a hole!
I have nothing to cook my coffee!
my kettle!
worried about the kettle,
though we are getting shot at!
shoot at them!
what's with your ass?!
it's smells so bad!
-why? isn't your's smell bad?!
-did I say that?!
-I got dizzy twice!
-you're crazy!
-there they are!
-hurry! let's follow them!
boss, there are their foot prints!
come on, let cross it!
where else, but here!
-that's already rotten, only ants
can cross it!
if we don't cross that, they'll catch up.
do you understand?
let's go and cross it
why are you rushing me?!
if we won't rush,
we will both be dead...
ouch! ouch!
I got crushed!
-hold on! hold on!
it's moving! don't move it!
it's moving!
don't move it!
how can this not move?
it's because you are pulling!
hurry up!
what's with you?!
why are you in a hurry?!
-walk! they're already here!
-don't confuse me
hurry up!
don't be too slow!
just walk! hold on!
hold on well!
here, use it!
come here, hold on! hold on!
why did you stop?
what's happening to you?
is it possible, let's just go back
alright, go back there!
be on your own!
-wait! wait! wait!
I'll go with you
let's hurry!
my shoes!
-I got you!
-Daniel don't let go!
-Daniel! Daniel!
-just hold on
shhh... be quite
don't tremble, alright?
don't be scared, you won't die yet
Daniel! Daniel! Daniel!
wait, I haven't yet.
here it goes.
one... two...
-wait, I'll still hold you with my other hand
-here, here
-stand up, stand up, stand up!
hurry! go on!
I'll take care of you
I'll take care of you
there just at the side
what's with you?!
-oh my God!
-just hold on
-oh my God, Daniel! what's this!
-just hold on
since I met you all that arrived
in my life are misfotunes!
what will we do now?!
I'd rather have my situation when
I was kidnapped than to be
along side with you!
for me, I like my present situation
to be with you, it's happy
damn you!
I don't want to drop from here!
we are smelling each ones armpits.
aren't we?
you're really an idiot!
think of what we will do!
boss, I'll take care of it
I don't know how to swim!
help me!
help me!
come here!
here, over here, hurry!
-here, over here!
-hold on!
-are you alright? did you get hurt?
-I rescued you!
I was the one who was rescued
it isn't that deep anymore
it's not deep
it's good that you can talk to them,
do you know their language?
no, I just tried it and wodering
if that was their language
-what will we do?
-just keep on smiling
what are you doing?
I said just smile, don't wave
you said smile, so I'll also wave
what, what will we do here?
just go on smiling
that idiot
rest for a while,
for sure you have traveled far
looks like you have swimmed far
-he's good
-yes, we are so hungry,
don't you have anything to eat?
no don't bother, we will be going now
because we have a long travel to go
-thank you very much
-thank you
-thank you
let's see each other at the
Sinulog Sa Cebu (festival)
hey! wait!
leave your wife here,
so that she can have children here
no, I won't have a child from him.
he is not my husband
so they are not wed,
they are fighting.
that's why let the other one stay
-which one of them? the man?
-no, the woman
-thank you again
-thank you
-come on
-mister why?
-wait! wait!
we didn't do anything wrong
there is a law that is followed by this tribe
only married couple can leave together
wait sir, we can make a child
even if we are not married
you're reason is so immoral
I don't like that, think of another way
-why did you slapped me, it hurts
I was jus reasoning
-change your reason...
think of something else
so you think and you find a reason
say that we are father and daughter
stay here!
-don't leave me!
-father and daughter
if you want to be with her
you have to fight for her
you need to conquer my brother
son of an american monkey,
I'll be beaten up for this.
just stay here!
-I'll return for you tomorrow
get beaten up, get beaten up.
just say it that you can't do it!
that one?
hold this
is this him?
let me look
let's go
he's small, I can do it!
go on, you can do it
it will take just one punch!
not him!
he seems to be handsome,
you're good together
why don't you marry him?
you're really crazy!
just say that you are coward.
hey miss, I am not a coward.
I just don't want any trouble
I don't have no desire for that
that's why earlier you were challanging
that was earlier
wait a minute!
I can do it
can do
can do
my mother...
Daniel! Daniel! Daniel!
Daniel! don't give up!
you can really do it.
isn't it? you are courageous
-aren't you?
-do you think so?
-who are you for?
-I'm for brother
-so it's for your brother
that's nothing!
you can do it!
you can do it!
I've seen that I can do it
you can do it!
chicken! (it's easy)
you are mine now!
you have a bad breath!
Daniel get up!
I don't want to be with him!
you fight me!
come here!
Sarah I am drowning!
help me!
that's not deep Daniel!
it's just this high!
it isn't that deep!
stand up!
it really isn't deep
you can really do it!
you are great!
alright Daniel!
I said that you can do it!
oh my!
why are you here?
why are you disturbing?
what do you want?
who would you want me
to talk around here?
you are the only woman here
who doesn't have paint on the face.
maybe now, you are convinced
that you must return to Manila
because if you'll be staying here for long,
you will only get hurt
if I wanted to,
still it won't be possible...
like I have told you, I can't return
to Manila until I have the map.
if you really don't want to be stopped,
that's up to you
anyway I have already done my obligation
to your father, I have rescued you...
if you really don't want to return to Manila...
that's up to you.
I am out of that.
what about the reward that
you have to receive from my father?
you wouldn't get it if I am not with you
I will have money...
only be using it for my burial...
never mind.
if I will give an additional to
what you will recieve so
that you will help me?
you really think that I am a scoundrel
you really see that I am
all for the money?
how much?
with all that drama, you still have a thick face
take your 1,000
-how much do you want? 2,000
-5,000 that's 5,000
-call! (I agree)
you're really for the money, aren't you?
excuse me Miss Castillo,
I am not just for the money.
I am a bussinessman.
no more, no less.
thank you.
by the way...
before you forget...
my downpayment?
you're such a scoundrel,
you haven't worked yet and
you're already asking for a fee!
don't yell at me,
you don't need to yell at me.
I am easy to talk with
I already agreed,
you're hurting my feelings
suddenly got sensitive
you are all a bunch of idiots!
we are only chasing two people,
but manage to get away!
boss, they are just around there.
but tomorrow, I assure you
we will capture them.
boss, don't worry
I will personally capture them.
if Donald finds out that we haven't
done what he asked until now...
we will all be skinned alive!
I can be a big help you with your problem!
I am an ally not an enemy!
who are you?
how did you arrived here?
it isn't important!
what's important is the information
that I will offer to you.
if you want?
it depends on the information that you will give
I know the man who is with the woman
you are looking for.
it's Daniel
I also know where you will find him
for sure, if you find Daniel
you will also find the woman
that you are looking for.
in that case, you are the man that
I am looking for
that would depend on what we will agree on.
how much?
1/3 of the treasure you are searching
look! look!
it's Daniel!
sister Daniel has arrived!
that's Daniel
Daniel is now here!
who is with him?
she's ugly.
you've been gone for so long.
where did you go?
it's a long story
also a long running too
this is Sarah
he is Elder Brother
he is the respected leader here
-how are you?
-I am fine
come inside, so you can take a rest
I think you are very tired
I am hungry too
you really came from a far place
come here
I am also hungry
oh yes, you go ahead
you were lucky,
you were with Daniel
have a soup to warm your stomach
thank you
Daniel is a good person
it's that I want to argue
with you Elder Brother, but...
it seems so hard to believe
on what you are saying...
if I would base on the...
what I've seen on his attitude on
the couple of days that we were together
also on the first time we meet
you know there are people who
are cheated by their own eyes
don't be decieved by the
outer attitude of Daniel
I am sure, you don't really know him yet
there are many things that
you should know about him
like what?
like all the help he is giving us
did you know that all of
his income on his work...
he gives it all to us
like the days when there was
an epidemic here
that almost killed all the children
he was also the one who helped us
Daniel also taught us the new...
if it wasn't for Daniel
we still would be poor
will never rise from poverty
Daniel is a real hero for you
I hope he will be lucky from us
because he was the only one who have given
and returned the respect for most of us
have your soup now,
it might get cold
why aren't you resting?
I am not sleepy yet
if you are not sleepy yet
stay at your hut
if you are not used to the air here
it's too cold, you'll catch a cold
if you already want to rest
then you go ahead
this is really amazing
you are the one I am concerned with
it's because when you talk to me,
it's like you are making me a child
son of an american monkey
won't we have anything to agree on?
are we always going to argue?
you know, there's no one persistant than you.
I get irritated to you
-you are so persistant
-I am not insisting anything to you
I just care for you
don't you shout at me!
I am not deaf
that's what the problem with you,
you are always shouting
the problem with you is that you are so ill-tempered
maybe you are in love with me?
what did you say?!
you don't know what you are talking about
-I know what I am talking about
-you are making my skin crawl
-I know
-be ashamed with your skin!
admit it, I already heard it
we are the only ones here
I won't tell anyone
you make my skin crawl!
five minutes
what five minutes?
-five minutes, I will go to my hut
you will follow me
you are pittyfull
you are really confident
five minutes
five minutes?
-I'll wait for you?
-alright it's up to you
you are the one who can't take it.
you're the one who will...
-five minutes
call, five huh?
five minutes
five minutes!
five minutes
five minutes
you can't endure
that rude guy
I think our man will be humiliated
no, she is just embarassed
maybe I should go there?
I will never be your lover
the way you look
what's taking him so long?
maybe she commited suicide,
why would she commit suicide?
maybe because...
she is embarassed to admit
that she likes me so much...
and she is the woman,
and she will come to me
that crazy fool
he is playing hard though
he is the one who likes me
it is very obvious
you will give in
I don't want to wait for a man like that
it's not in my vocabulary
I'll just go to sleep
he probably went to sleep?
Mr. DJ can I make a request...
I am still young, ain't I?
I am also sexy
it's up to him,
he will loose something valuable
there are many bedbugs inside the hut
I have a stiff neck
will it rain?
I am talking to myself
how many stars are there in the sky?
my grandfather said
it's around...
there's a lot out there
why are you answering me?
I thought we are mad at each other,
not in good terms
you are the only one who is mad at me
you look more beautiful when
the stars in the sky shine on you
I haven't even combed yet
bedbugs is it?
why are you laughing?
how many minutes is it?
one minute to go
you're in shame, aren't you?
the stars
so then, the news I heard was right
it's true captain
we didn't just talk to one person
who knows that the are trouble going on here
and it's true that Rufo is here in our province
according to our information...
there is a woman who is involved here...
according to the witness,
looks like she is from Manila
what I am thinking is that we have no idea
on what will be their next move
it is better that you observe the group of Rufo
also with Daniel
but don't be obvious
if my hunch is right...
a huge amount of money is involved
on the movement of Rufo's group
do you have a problem?
none, why did you ask?
nothing, lately I have noticed that
you were too quite
it's just acting,
for a change
elder brother told me
a lot of things about you
oh my,
I hope the only good things
were told to you
all the good things about you Daniel
thank goodness
because you have seen all
the bad things about me
but I there are still a lot of things
I don't know about you.
haven't I?
like what?
your past, your family.
like those
wasn't that what elder brother had told you?
I had insisted but he said that
it would be better if you will
be the one to tell me
there isn't anything good about my story
an ordinary life of a soldier
you're a soldier?
it was long ago
why did you leave the service?
it's a long story
I will listen
I had lost my will to live
when my family was killed
of all the days that we would be attacked
why it had to be the day my wife and child
visited me at our detachment
and what's painfull was
I was not able to defend them
because I was the first to get hit
please no!
I was also mocked by a leutenant
he killed my family in front of me
please no!
please no!
they said I was the only one
who lived in our group
they burned the whole detachment
I never found the bodies of my wife and child
because when we returned to the place,
all we found was ashes
that's all that I can remember
when I woke up I was already here in this tribe
I was rescued by Elder Brother
along with the other people here
I resigned from service...
here is where I returned...
I have no family to come home
I made them my family,
I just hanged around here
I thought I would immediately forget
about what had happen...
it hurts to be alone
it's hard
you are a shameless woman,
you have the nerve!
Martha why?
what are you...
lover snatcher!
what did I snatched?
you're acting innocent!
that's what you've snatched!
Martha, what are you talking about?
if it wasn't for you,
the love of Daniel will never be lost!
hey, wait... wait.
I did not snatch from you
I didn't snatch this fom you
and whatever relationship you have
I don't care!
and if possible, remember this...
eversince I never compete on snatching a man!
so if this is what you want, here it is!
there, it's yours!
wait! why are you giving me away?!
Martha, let's talk about this
you're the one who is snatching
still you're the one who is tough!
enough with that!
let's just talk about it
what's with you?!
you really want a fight
do you?!
-don't interfere!
what's with you two?!
I am the one who gets beaten!
let's talk about it!
what's with you?!
why did you kick her?!
you're teaming up!
no we're not!
stop that!
oh my
you scoundrel!
you're really taking her side!
you moved her too!
no, I didn't mean it!
I just don't want you two to fight!
come on
stand up
I didn't mean it
are you alright?
-thank you!
go on,
-go on!
I said I didn't want any trouble
what's with you?!
-go and hide!
-all of you hide!
-close the windows!
-close all the windows!
hide! hide!
Martha, wake up!
hurry up!
-let's go there!
look at the one who is lucky
even if you don't look for it,
it will willingly come to you!
don't be a hero!
if not, I will kill this old man!
don't involve the others!
this is just the two of us!
there's no need for you to fight!
get out of your hole!
nothing will happen to the people around here
if the two of you will join us!
you and Sarah are all we need!
don't waste my time!
get out of there!
if not, I'll burn this place to the ground!
are we near?!
maybe you're just fooling us?!
you are the ones who are
interested to see the treasure
if you don't want,
we can stop this now!
wait up
give me the map
a little patience my friend
where ever it is,
we will find it
you have a lot of complains
according to this map,
it's there
the other mountain behind that
the treasure is there
if you don't want to believe
I am not forcing you
if you want, the two of us will go ahead...
when we have the treasure
we will return for you here
are you fooling me?
it's better that you shut up
-it was just a suggestion
we will spend the night here!
tie up this two, they might escape
-so there
-tie them up!
-you heard it!
come here!
-come here
-wait, don't pull her
I can do it
where are you going?
...I'll get the map...
get that later
you're really persistant
I wish you'll get caught
that's up to you
what now?
is it alright?
you can now sleep there
just do this
let's go before it's too late
what's with you!
-what is it?
-do you see that?
-Sarah and Daniel escaped!
why did you let them escape?!
I was sleeping,
you, why did you let them escape?!
-I was also sleeping
-it's Sarah and Daniel, he let them escape!
-it's Sarah and Daniel, he let them escape!
it's your fault!
you are all a bunch of useless people!
Sarah and Daniel escaped!
all of you find them!
go after them!
hurry up!
find them!
find them!
you are all lazy!
go after them!
that's it.
here, here.
grasp only on the rope
come here
-where is it
-hurry up
where now?
are you sure it's there?
maybe it's there
I just want to be sure
this is alright
we can make this a shopping mall
we already have sales ladies
following us
you can be a cashier
I will be the secretary
rampapam pam..
a new born king to seek...
-rampapam pam...
-wait... wait.
I think it's here
-wait! wait!
-which one?
-let's just look first, wait
-how will you know the holes
are just the same
this is it!
this is it!
that's what is said in the map,
this is it!
you're always saying this is it
but always nothing
there it is!
this is really it!
there it is!
that's hard to understand,
are you sure it's here?
this is really it,
there it is
is it there?
pull it out, pull it out
can you do it?
here it is
that's it
is this it?!
that's it!
this is what we are looking for?!
what else!
is this what we worked hard for?!
what else!
there are many of this in Lucban!
wait, let's just look at it first.
we almost died because of that!
oh my God!
take a look Daniel!
what kind of stones are these?
I can't believe it!
I am not really famillar with that stones
will you please help pick them up?
be careful
give it to me
get back inside!
all of you run,
go ahead
let's go
-go after them!
-why me?!
-go on!
-I am not courageous, let him go!
I won't, it's dark!
I said I won't!
let's just not get in there, it's too dangerous
let's go!
surrender peacefully Daniel
so that we won't have any trouble
it's Daniel
brother Daniel!
we were brought here by Capt. Martillano to hide
we've been observing Rufo for a long time
you know that I have a strong hunch...
that Rufo will do something bad
thank you very much for you help Capt.
it was nothing.
but I will need the help of you two
you are the only ones who can convict their group
anytime Capt.
they need to be punished...
to what they did to me
and it's better that they are in prison
rather that this would happen again
bring me along, I know where they are hiding
if I have only known that you can't do
this job, I have never handed this to you!
you are all dumb!
it would have been better
if I asked for a professional!
we only followed you orders
-if you want...
-shut up!
we can't do anything anymore
the problem got worse!
one thing, the only way that
we can do to solve this problem
kill Sarah...
and the man with her.
what about the map?
that's not important to me
what's valuable to me is my honor and name
-you should have come along with me
-we had fun drinking
they were looking for you
it's just you
-you are afraid of your wife
-no, I'm not
it's Daniel!
he infiltrated us!
spread out!
over here!
wait a minute
this is getting in my way
it's hot
why did this ever become a fashion
it looks good,
when being watched
Miss Castillo!
wait, wait.
it could be painful for the shoulder
I'll just kick it!
don't Daniel
that was just pretend!
you're going to get it when I catch you!
hands up
you have nowhere to run Mr. Morales
come with us
give me that!
it's a grenade!
now you got it
is it me you are looking for?
get in there!
you are an idiot, aren't you?
you got the courage to come in
my territory by yourself
you thought that all of your days are lucky
now it's our turn
your life will be our reward for
meddling with us
pray now!
it's hard to do that again,
there was no double on doing that
-sir! sir!
-enough sir!
-we surrender!
get your hands up!
why are you hiding there?!
-hurry up!
we won't fight!
it looks like you're out of bullets
what now?
so now,
you can now put that down
because I get startled easily
I am nervous, I can pull this trigger
go on
go on, don't be shy
good boy
get your hands up
this won't take a while
the other one
don't move, I might pull the trigger
next time,
make sure you have bullets!
like this,
I am not sure if I still have bullets
go on, I'll just load it later.
you are now in handcuffs. don't argue
go on, let's go.
do you know what I want now?
let's go to the beach
let's rest for a while
so? let's go
-let's go for a coffee?
-yes, let's go
-at Makati
Makati, that's far...
what's with you Daniel?
why do you look like that?
didn't you like the way I look?
no, it's alright
I was just startled
many were amazed,
all that I passed clapped their hands
for you
-thank you
-I bought that at Quiapo
no price haggling with that,
I paid it immediately
why did you visit at this time?
I just wan to see you,
is that wrong?
no it isn't
and I want to...
give this to you personally
I'll hold that for a while
what is this?
open it and look
Daniel, I don't have money to buy this.
I'm sorry
look at this, you are so insulting
I am not selling that,
I am giving it to you
is this real?
look at this
that's real, will I give you a fake?
this looks familiar
-diamonds are like that,
they are all the same shape
-Daniel, where did you get this?!
-I saved up for that. oh my.
-Daniel the truth!
-I broke many piggy banks just to buy that
-where did you get this Daniel?! tell the truth!
-got it just anywhere
-when I took a stepped it was in my shoes
-I had it made to a ring
-that's what I am saying!
what's with you?!
this is the property of the museum!
-I'll return this! I'll return this!
-wait a minute!
-what's with you?!
-wait a minute, why will you return that?!
you are giving me something that's stolen?!
that's not stolen, because...
that's my comission.
I got my comission and I had that made
that's mine,
now it's yours
why are you giving me a ring?!
you know, why don't you just give this
to your girlfriend or anyone you are courting
maybe she will take you as a lover
trying to give a ring...
wait a minute!
you are so numb girl
-didn't you understand what I said?
what numb?
because a...
-say it in Tagalog
-that's what I am planning
I'll say it in Tagalog
you are the one I like
I am courting you
I love you
that's why I am giving you this.
is that clear?
on what?
no, reapeat it again.
could you repeat it again.
once again
I'll repeat it
I like you
I am courting you
I love you
I really love you
for you
flowers, ring
you know,
it's my long time dream to have
someone give my this kind or ring...
not as big as this just...
wait a minute
there were two stones missing
-two were missing
-who was it
you have given another one, didn't you?
just llike this
I have no one else to give,
who else will I be giving?
Daniel, where is the other stone?
you are the only one I've given that
because it's only you and I
where is the other stone?
it's with me
that is for me
that's my share
I have given you your share
it's natural that a comission is devided
equal shares
and how will I support you?
if I have no money
isn't it?
wait a minute, wait a minute
you have just proposed your love to me,
why is it like you want
me to marry right away
why right away when we can do it tomorrow
I am busy tomorrow
next week
I can't next week
what is it really?!
-Tuesday if you want, I can on Tuesday
-what time?
-in the morning so that there aren't any traffic
-at seven?
-that's too early, around eight
-eight o'clock? I am available
I'll have a kiss
-what's with you Daniel?!
-we have been talking here and I still
haven't got my kiss
-wait a minute
-come on
-continue your...
-just one
-wait a munute!
-tell the story first...
-that was good
-one more, one more
-Daniel, there's a lot of people
it's nothing, I am now used to it
-on the other side
-I'll slap you, wait
-that would hurt, just slapping
-what's next?
-tell me, what's your plan?
-we will have our honeymoon
where will be on our honeymoon?
where do you want?
if we want to save
we will go to a cheap motel
-you're so cheap
-give me a little...
-not in Pasay, it's dangerous there
-we can't go there
I don't want there
-oh yes
-we need a honeymoon
-yes, where?
-so that we can have children
how many?
-two would be alright
-seven, that's the least
oh my, my blood will be dried up
let's not
no, no...
that would depend
on what time we will start
if we start early,
we will finish early
we can do a lot
now if we would start before we get married
-I am really going to slap you
-it was just a joke
-it's just a joke
-it's good that you know
-it's just a joke