Waist Deep (2006) - full transcript

In South Los Angeles, while bringing his beloved son Junior back home from school, the paroled ex-convicted O2 promises his son that he would always come back to him and never leave him alone. However, his car is hijacked and Junior is kidnapped. Without any lead, O2 forces the street vendor Coco to help him to find where his car might have been sent for disassembling. Meanwhile, O2's addicted brother Lucky discovers that the cruel leader of the Outlaw Syndicate, the drug lord Meat, is keeping the boy arrested in a room and asking a ransom of US$ 100,000.00 that he believes O2 have from an old heist. O2 and Coco plot a scheme to put the pimp P-Money and Meat against each other and steal their money.


Save our streets!

Save our streets!

NEWSCASTER: Residents of

South Los Angeles

marched on City Hall

for the third day in a row,

protesting the lack of

police protection

in their community.

The protests were

touched off by

the death of Mildred Thompson.

Mrs. Thompson, her husband

and two children

died while sleeping.

Their home was set on fire

by suspected gang members

involved in the drug trade.

According to reports,

Mrs. Thompson had

confronted the leader


of the notorious gang

the Outlaw Syndicate,

demanding that

members of his gang...


... no longer sell drugs

in front of her home.

Shit, Luck.

I asked you to do one thing.

One thing,

and you can't even do that.

Well, it's 3:00.

He get out at 3:00.

No, I can't leave here

and go get him. I can't.

Because I just got this job,

dawg, and I'm not

trying to fuck it up.


All right.

I'm gonna get over there

when I can, man.


O2: How you doing,

Mr. Brooks?

This is Otis over in Security.

Sir, my replacement

is about 30 minutes late,

and I gotta go deal with

a family emergency

that just popped up.

No, I understand.

No. No. It's my son,

Mr. Brooks.



What's up, L.A.?

It's your girl Yo-Yo

making it do what it do.

Record temperatures

continue today

in what has been

the longest heat wave

in 27 years.

Nine people have died

from heat-related


and there is no end in sight.

In South Los Angeles,

residents of Watts Fowler

continue their boycott

of city services

until the Mayor

has addressed

their grievances.

Hey, look, I'm gonna have

to lock the gate

in a minute, Junior.

What up, boy?

What up?

I thought Uncle Luck

was supposed to pick me up.

Yeah, he was.

I'm trying to find him now.

What happened

to your face, Junior?

Some boy tried to punk me.

You beat his ass?


All right, then,

get in the car.

What did I tell you

about fighting, Junior?

You gotta be better than me

when you grow up. You hear me?


Will you ever learn?

I'm happy to see you, though.

Oh, man! Cool!

Give me that.

Add that to your collection.

Hey. Hey, look, Dad.

Yeah. Talented horse.



Can I tell you something?

Yeah. What's up?

When I was standing back there

in the schoolyard,

I was thinking

if nobody came back for me,

what would happen?

I'll always come back for you.

Pinky promise?

Pinky promise.



Can I have some ice cream?

Yeah. We can get you

some ice cream.


Got to stop by my job first.



En vivo y directo

from the West Coast, baby,

you know me, Julio G,

in your ear hole once again.

I'm glad y'all

are tuned in, man.

We got a lot of music

coming your way today.

Y'all wanna hear something,

just hit us up, man.

Phone lines are wide open.

You know how to do it, man.



What're you doing, man?


Never put your hands on a gun.

What are you thinking about?

I'm sorry. It's my fault.

I should have never

put it there anyway.

That's yours?

No, it's not mine.

I got it from my job.

I'm supposed to take it back.

Don't matter, though.

Don't ever play with a gun!


I love you.

I love you, too.

Knucklehead. Crazy, man.


a special guest on the line.

MAN: Yes, a very,

very special guest

on the line.

He is a distinguished author

and scholar,

Dr. Michael Eric Dyson.

WOMAN: What's up, Dr. Dyson?

Thank you so much

for having me on the show.

It's so good to have you here.

I think it's very necessary

for us as a community

to organize our dissent

against this animal,

this beast,

that has infested us

in a negative fashion.

These drugs have

undermined us.

What we call the

political economy of crack

and other drugs have

really devastated us.

And now, on top of that,

drug gangs.

Gangs that are involved

in the business

of distributing...

How you doing, brother?

Got a couple of suits here.

I think that you would

look really good in this one.

What you think?

No, I'm cool.

It's on special.

Yeah, I'm straight.

Come on, now.

Help a sister out.


WOMAN: Move, bitch!

MAN: Yo, man,

I got places to go, man!


WOMAN: Yo! Drive!

Yo, put this motherfucker

in park, nigga!

You know what

the fuck this is?

What the fuck are you doing?

Come on, man!

Get the fuck out of this car!

My son, man...

Get the fuck up

out this car, nigga!



MAN: Hey, man!

Look out!

You hit my car, motherfucker!

Fuck you, nigga!

I'm gonna fuck you up.

O2: Hey! My son!


Come on, nigga!

Get the fuck up!

Come on, get in the car!

Dad! Dad!






Junior! Junior! Junior!

Come on! Come on! Come on!

Where you going?


O2: Hey.

Get the fuck off me!

You set me up!

Get off me!

You set me up!

You marked me!

You got me jacked!

I don't know what

you're talking about!

Get the...

Where did they take that car?

My son was in the car!

Where did they take the car?

I don't know!

Bitch, if you don't

start talking,

I'm gonna shoot you

in your motherfucking mouth!

I don't know!

I didn't have anything

to do with it!

You know something.

Get that fucking gun

out of my face.

I want my son back.

I want my son!

One, two...

All right!

All right. I just heard

about the guy they supposed

to be selling the cars to.

Where is he?


On 96th Street.

Let's go.


Let's go!

I can't!

Wait, wait. All right.

Can I please just

get my shit first?

Hey! That's my shit!

Hey! You motherfucker!

Come on, let's go! Let's go!


Wait right here.

Where is another chopshop?

I don't know.

Can we get the

fuck out of here?

Hold on! I gotta find

another car.

Wait right here.

Come hand me this wrench

over here in this red box.

What the fuck is...



Coco? Is that you?


What the fuck is you

doing in my shop?

Hey, Rock, Rock,

Rock, Rock. Hey, baby.

Bitch, you better

get to explaining.

Wait, listen, listen, listen.

My boy is coming over

here right now with

a car for you to look at.

And I got here before him.

So since I got here

before him, I came inside

cause you wasn't here...

I don't know what kind of game

you're trying to run on me...

Not, no, no. I'm not, I'm not.

But you done fucked up!

Shut up.



If you ever steal from me,

you won't walk from

this motherfucker alive.

What you thinking about?

Never fucking put your hands

on a woman again.

O2: What the fuck's

wrong with you?

Never put your

motherfucking hands

on a woman.


Fucking piece of shit!



Where else can we go

find my son?

Where else can we go

look for him now?

Let's get you to a hospital.

Just drop me off

where you found me.

Somebody need to look at you.

You're coughing up blood.

I need to go back

and try to get some of

my shit, okay?

That shit is gone.

You need to just let me

take you to your house.

Don't need to be

out here like this.

I can't go home!

If I don't come home

with at least my bag

and my minimum,

P-Money's gonna

fucking kill me!

So what's your minimum?

Five hundred.

Just let me out of

the fucking car.

Just let me out!

You ain't in no shape to

go out there and hustle

no $500 minimum.

Who the fuck is

P-Money anyway?



I'm so fucked.

I'm so fucked.

I'll give you the money.

You help me, I help you.

Find my little man.

You're very sweet,

but I don't think so.

You got a better offer?


Where's my little man?


We got Jennifer.

LUCKY: That's what

I'm talking about.

Old bobblehead-ass


shake that thing.

Shake that thing.

Look at all that ass, bitch.

He wants...

Get in here.

The fuck happened to you?

Where little man at?

If your punk ass would have

showed up like I asked you to,

none of this shit

would have happened!

What the fuck

are you thinking?

Get off me.

What's wrong with you, man?

Nigga, they got Junior!

Who got Junior?

Some niggas carjacked me.

They took the fucking car

when Junior was

in the back seat.

And you up in

this motherfucker

getting high, man!

Okay. Look, man...

Just calm down, all right?

I'm telling you

right now, bro.

Put the word out.

I want my fucking son back.

I'm not playing, Lucky.

I want my fucking son back.

We gonna get him back.

Just chill out!

I'm gonna to hit

some corners, man.

I'm gonna see what's popping.

Ain't nobody just gonna

take your motherfucking son,


Not my little cousin, nigga.

Fuck that shit.

Look, I'll be back, all right?

I'm gonna be back.

I'm gonna hit you, all right?

We family, right?

We family, right?

Yeah. Family.


You know, this house

don't really suit you.

It was my grandmother's house.

Who you living with?

P-Money and four other girls.

We do all the fucking

hustling, and he makes

all the money.

I'm just trying to

make enough money

so I can get out of it.

What's your son's name?

Otis Junior.

So you're Otis Senior?

Yeah, they call me O2.


Back in the day when I

was on the block,

I used to go to

these different neighborhoods

and set it off.

Then I would disappear.

Just vanish.

So they started

calling me "Oxygen."

It got so crazy,

they just doubled it up,

started calling me O2.

So you were in the life?

Before I got locked up.

So you couldn't vanish

when it counted most, huh?

How long?

I did six years.

Only been out

on parole for a month.

So, I suppose shooting

up people and having

a gun and all that shit

is probably a violation

of your parole, huh?

I got the gun from work.

You got the gun from work?

It's a part of

a program for ex-cons.

I'd have never took

the gun if the dude

who was supposed to be coming

to replace me

would have showed up.

So you stole it?

I was going to

take the gun back.

That sounds like bullshit

to me.

That's why I can't

go to the police.

I got two strikes.

All it takes is one more.

They don't buy my story,

it's a wrap.

What about Junior's mother?

Where is she?

Let's go get my son.

Earlier today,

on the eve of the Mayor's

much anticipated visit

to South Los Angeles,

two people were executed

on the very street

that tomorrow's

anti-crime rally is scheduled

to take place.

This video was taken

at the scene.

Police are looking for

an unidentified man

bearing these tattoos.

If you recognize this man,

please contact the local...

I better go find Junior

before they find me.


MAN: Please don't

do this, man! You ain't

got to do this, Meat.

I tell you,

I'm gonna have it

by tomorrow, man.


Not now, O.

I gotta call you back.



See this right here?

What the fuck was that noise?


Listen, meet me at

the spot in 15 minutes.

MEAT: This is a dumb nigga.

Yeah, gone.

And this is what happens

to dumb niggas if

they don't pay their taxes.

Every liquor store,

every grocery store,

and every motherfucking

restaurant around here

owes me.

You bring me my money,

you get your arm back.

Shit, if you hurry,

you might even be able to

sew this motherfucker back on.

Get back to work!

MAN ON RADIO: Check it out.

I got some info

for the streets, man.

Hot off the wires.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa

and Police Chief

William J. Bratton

declared war on city

street gangs today,

saying they will...

There you go. That's him.

... use the same tactics

that crippled

the Mafia to pursue

gang leaders

and their members.

Police will begin issuing...

Tell your little busted-ass

homey I'm looking for him.

So what up?

Man, I got good news.

I got bad news.

The good news is

I found out who got Junior.

The bad news,

I found out who got Junior.


Big Meat.

Word on the street, man,

you papered up.

Say you got $100,000

stashed somewhere.

That little job you've got

at that security,

that shit just a front.

Said he struck gold

when he found out

Junior was your kid.

I told that nigga before

I got out I ain't got

no more of that money.

He don't believe you.

He want the whole $100,000

in exchange for Junior

by Friday, midnight.

How the fuck am I

supposed to come up

with $100,000 by tomorrow?

I don't know, man.

But if you don't

give it to him, he gonna

start chopping on Junior.


if you've got that money, man,

you gotta give it up.

Lucky, you think I be

doing security if I had

$100,000, bro?

All I know is if

you ain't got that money,

then you better find it.


All right.

I'm gonna have

his money by tomorrow.

You get word to that nigga.

When he gets that money,

Junior better walk.

Tell him to try me.

So then,

what's your next move?

I take Meat out

and go get my son.

You can't even get near him.

I can get near anybody.

No. Trust me. I used to

run for the Outlaws. I know

what I'm talking about.

If you really want your son,

you need to get that money.

All right. I got a plan.

I need you in

on it with me, though.

I don't know you.

You said you wanna

get out of the life, right?

You want out, right?

Roll with me on this.

You're not hearing me.

You're not understanding

what I'm saying.

Fucking with them is suicide.

Trust me on this. I got you.

All right. I'm in

if we hit P-Money, too.

I'll take half,

so I can disappear.



I don't have a problem

with P-Money.

Yeah, well, I do.

How much do you know

about P-Money's operation?


I know for a fact that

Meat's trying to

take over his territory,

and P ain't having it.

They're going head-to-head

right now. And you know what?

Meat hit one of P-Money's

spots the other night.

I know P's looking

to retaliate.

All right.

I got us something.

But Coco?


If they find out what

I'm doing, my son is dead.

So it's either all or nothing.

I'm all in.


WOMAN: Yeah?

Gucci pumps, Prada panties,

Fendi body bag.


Hey, girl.

Hey, mama.

You got something

for me today?

Today I'm not selling.

I'm buying.

All right. But he can't

come up in here.

I don't know him.

Come on, girl. This is

my new baby. He wants to

spend some moneys on me.


Come on.

How you doing?

How you?

O2: Damn.

I guess we ain't gotta go

to the mall no more.

What can I

help y'all with today?

Just looking to buy my boo

a few little things, you know.

We got a little event

coming up. Wanna

make sure she's jazzy.

Well, what did you

have in mind?

Well, what you got?

Right here I have

a little Versace.

Over here.

Right here we have

a little Gucci.

A little Valentino.

Over in this corner,

I have Kevan Hall,

which is my favorite designer,

his new collection.

Right up them steps

I have a little Phat Farm,

Sean John and some Baby Phat.

You going to

like something, girl.

All right.

I'm gonna let you all be.

Where's your bathroom?

I gotta shit.


Girl, he's impossible


You know I don't play all

that niggas all up in my

house, taking shits...

Hey, you know that I know.

It's just he's got some

moneys and he wants

to spend it on me.

I understand.

A little money is good.

Oh, these are real cute.

Looking all Grecian and shit.

Brand new, girl.

I'll give you

a good price on that.

It's my size, too.

You know,

the girls done ran

all through here already.



Open the safe.

What the fuck

is going on, man?

What the fuck is this, man?

Open the safe.

Shut up. Get your ass down.

You know whose money

you're fucking with?

Yeah. Tell him P-Money came

to collect his rent.

Tell P-Money that Big Meat,

he gonna bury that ass.

Shut the fuck up

and open the safe!

I just love these shoes.

I just feel like once

I've been in them

for a couple hours, though,

I'm gonna feel like

I wanna kill myself.

Sometimes you

gotta suffer, girl.

I mean, you know

what they say,

"Beauty is pain."

What do you think

about this dress?

We'll take it.

As a matter of fact,

we'll take all this shit.

Damn, nigga.

You know who

you're fucking with?

You know what?

Somebody else asked me

the same question earlier.

What? We hit P-Money's spot

and make him think it's Meat.

Then we hit Meat's spot

and make him

think it's P-Money.

They start going at it,

we run up out of there

with all their shit.

I told you,

I've got you, girl.


MAN: Yeah?

It's Double Dutch.

Mookie cousin.

All right.


MAN: I told you I'm

cold with this shit, boy.

WOMAN: You better not play.

MAN 2: She over there getting

your ass waxed now.

Fuck it, you're supposed to be

teaching the motherfucker.



What's up?

When Mookie getting out?

He out about, like,

two more years.


How much you want?

Just let me get a deuce.

All right. But you gonna

have to wait till after I

finish this game.

Yeah, well,

let me use your bathroom.

No, it's broke.

Use the one upstairs.

She can't go up there.

Let the bitch use

the bathroom.

It's Mookie's cousin.

Go ahead.

Shit! See what you made me do?

You distracted me,


Too bad. You've got

three more lives. Don't trip.

This shit is real, I mean it.

Who's all down there?

It's about six of them.

Three little niggas

and three hood rats.

Do something then, homey.

You about to get sliced.

Fucking dagger in your back.

I'm supposed to get shot.

No, homey, I got the knife

out right now, so I'm gonna

take that to your throat.

Nigga, don't bring a knife

to a gunfight, my...



Don't even try it!

Payback from Big Meat.

Like, "She was fine.

Let her go upstairs.

That's Mookie's cousin."

Now look at us, stupid.

Can't wait till I tell

P-Money about this shit.

Oh, shit.

Look, look, look,

look, look, look.

Oh, shit!

We gotta get up out of here.

What the fuck is this?

There's way too many

police around here.


This shit's like

a whole another world.

Why? You ain't never been

to the Sunset Strip?

Nope. Never had

no reason to come.

You wasn't at least

curious about this?

I grew up in

the foster system.

I used to dream

that someone from Hollywood

would come one day

and they'd rescue me

and all that shit,

but no one ever came.

Fuck it, then. By that time

I was, like, "I don't care.

I don't need Hollywood."

Shit. I'm gonna find

something better

than this anyways.

Yeah, right.

Yeah, okay.

What, you wish you were

a world traveler 'cause you

done been to the pen and back?

Shit is crazy up here, man.

Damn. Some nice houses.


Yeah, what up, man?

LUCKY: About time you

answered your phone.

Where you at?


You getting money?

Yeah, something like that.

Shit. You better, man.

You gonna have it by tomorrow?

I don't know, man. We'll see.

I'm out here trying to

do what I can.

And these streets

ain't no joke, dawg.

Look here. Just give me

a holler if you

need something, man.

I'm out here

doing my thing, so...

Hey, Lucky, let me

call you right back, boy.

Did you see that?

The limo?

Yeah, there's a lot

of rich folks up here...

No, he looked like

he was leaving town.


So we need us

a spot we can lay low in.

Can't keep driving around

with all this jewelry

and money in the car.

Yeah, but how do you know

there's not still family

back up in that house?

Because if somebody

was in the house,

they'd have came out

to kiss him goodbye

or something.

I think I can disarm it.

How do you know?

Because I used to do security.

Was that before

or after you went to jail?


And now you're breaking

into folks' homes.



Green. Got it.

Oh, shit.


I think I cut the wrong cable.

I'm gonna go start the car.

Wait, hold on!

I got it.

I got it.

Come on.

Hey. What are you doing?

Wait right here, okay?

Come on.



Excuse the mess.

I let my maid go home.

I could really get used to

some shit like this.

Let's count this money.



Damn. Must have

set off the alarm.

O2: Where are you going?

I got this.

Just watch this, wait.



Mrs. Bennett?

No, I'm sorry.

There is no Mrs. Bennett.

Oh, sorry.

I forgot about the alarm.

Bad habit.

Do you know

the security code, ma'am?

Yes, I do.

It's 9...

No, don't tell us.

Could you activate

and then deactivate

the alarm for us, please?



Having a little trouble,


I'm so bad at these

electronic things. He's always

getting mad at me for it.

Mind if we step in

for a moment?

Ray, check the back.

Mr. Bennett is in Paris

for a couple days.

Exactly what is

your relationship

with Mr. Bennett?

I'm his assistant.

I'm gonna be housesitting

while he's gone.

You know, it makes me feel

really safe that

the cops respond so quickly.

I'm gonna be here alone

for a couple days,

and I get kind of nervous.

And so, if I see anything

that maybe seems


or anything like that,

or if I just feel like

maybe I need some help,

would it be all right

if I called you?

Can I call you personally?

All clear.

I'll meet you outside

in a minute.

Any time.

Thank you.

Any time.



What happened?

Well, they gone.

Let's count this money.

Let's count it.

Thirty six thousand

four hundred, five hundred,

six hundred.

That ain't nowhere

near enough for Junior.

Look at these keys. Look.


Wait, this is

a safe deposit box key, right?

America's First Savings

and Loan?

Right? What else could

that stand for?

What does that say?

B-O-T-P. Bank of the People.

This is from... This must mean

Crenshaw Savings and Loan.


Good morning, L.A.

It is your girl Yo-Yo,

and today is the day that

we will be covering

the city-wide protest live,

where residents from over

a dozen South Los Angeles


will be taking to the streets.

We are downtown, where the

battle cry "Save Our Streets"

will ring out

not only here,

but throughout the city.

Meet me today at Leimert Park.

Excuse me.

May I help you?

I'm just coming

to put something

in my safety deposit box.

Sign in there, please.

Bitch, what you looking at?

All right.

What's your box number?


I'll be right back.

I'm gonna need to

get this check cashed.

I gotta get my moneys,

you know.

May I see your ID?


COCO: What the hell

you talking about, you ain't

gonna cash my check?

Oh, you gonna cash my shit!

I want to talk to the manager.

Excuse me.

I wanna talk to

the goddamn manager

right now!

MAN: Excuse me.

Excuse me!

I got this.

Can you show this gentleman

back to the safe deposit area?


She don't wanna cash my check.

Follow me, please.

What's the matter

with my check, huh?

MANAGER: May I ask you to keep

your voice down?

COCO: No, you can't ask me

to keep my motherfucking

voice down,

because they're getting

their cashier's check.

They're getting their

cashier's check.

Let me help you help me.

No, I can't help you help me

because she ain't helping me!

Do you know your box number,

Mr. Pennibaker?


What is it?



Did you say 4773?


But 4773 belongs to...

Is what?

Open the box.


Hurry up!

Put the key in there.

Do I look like I

give a fuck what quiet is?

I don't give a fuck!

Everybody's getting

their check cashed.

What's your social security

number, please?

Why I can't get

my check cashed, huh?

Test question,

what's your pet's name?


Don't fuck with me. Don't fuck

with me, motherfucker,

you gonna piss me off.

Have you ever cashed

a check here before?

Look. Oh, you tripping.

Do you have a password?

I will slap a ho in here

and I'm not talking about her.

Now you are gonna

cash my check!

Cash my check!

I'm sorry, but she can't

shop at Chanel, but I can.

Ma'am. Ma'am. Ma'am.

Ma'am. Ma'am.

Sorry, you work

at the bank, okay? Sorry.

What? I want

my million dollars!

This is a sweepstakes offer.

It's not a real check.

Well then fuck you all,

'cause this is

a bullshit bank anyways.

What the fuck you looking at?

CROWD: Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!


Anybody move, I'm gonna

blow the weave

off this bitch's head!



A cunning couple robbed

the America's First Savings

and Loan this morning.

The female member

of the duo...

MALE ANNOUNCER: A second bank

was hit today in South LA.

A masked man entered

the Bank of the People branch

on Western Avenue

and held a woman at gunpoint

while emptying an unknown

amount from the bank's

safe deposit box.

We're up to $45,000 apiece.

So I guess we gotta figure

out a way to get rid of this.

WOMAN: No more drugs!

MAN: This is our neighborhood.

Come on!



O2: What's going on, man?

Hey, where you at, man?


Can y'all please

get the fuck out the way?



All these "We Shall Overcome"

motherfuckers marching,

holding up traffic and shit.

Hey, look here, playboy.

I heard you out here,

all scraping up

some serious paper.

I'm thinking you should let me

get in on that, man.

No, man. Stakes are too high.

But I need you to put me

in touch with somebody,

get rid of these diamonds.

Well, I can unload that.

No, no, no. No way.

You gonna punk out on me, man?

What, I ain't good enough

or something,

now that you're going around

with your little breezy?

You gonna get money with her

before you get money

with your own people?

Every time I've ever asked you

to do something,

you drop the ball.

Look, man,

this here is for Junior,

and I gotta do what I

gotta do for the little man.

Can't do it.

O, family.

Listen. If you fuck this up...

I won't. I won't.

I'm gonna find out

where to unload the shit,

and it's all good.

Now look here, man.

You need to get the fuck up

off these streets, man.

You way too hot.

When I find something

I'm gonna holler back at you

and then I'll come

meet you where you at.

All right?

All right.

All right. I'm gone.

Go on.

He want us to wait right here.

Save our streets!

LUCKY: Y'all need to get out

the streets. That's how

you save the streets.

Before it's too late,

save our streets!


a right to our streets.

We are being gunned down.

We have a right to...


I say, nigga, pull over!

What the fuck's

wrong with y'all?

Say what? Pull the

fuck over, man. Pull over.

LUCKY: Fuck, you ain't

doing shit. Shit!

Come on, pull over.

Move. Move!

Hey, what you all...

Pull over, nigga!

This ain't no game, man.

What the fuck, nigga?

Pull this raggedy

motherfucker over!

Right now!

Mildred Thompson

was a friend of mine.

And now I struggle

to find the words

to tell my son...

Get out!

... what happened

to his friend.

He hears on the news

about the war on terror

while we're being terrorized

right here in our streets.

He hears about the vast

amount of money being spent

on homeland security,

but this neighborhood is

our homeland,

and where is our security?

Get your hands

off of me, fool!

Shut your ass up.

Shut the fuck up. Shut up.

You dodging me, nigga?

Ain't nobody dodging you.

You don't answer my page.

You must be running

the Outlaws now.

There you go with that shit.

I gave you weight to sell,

not to get high with.

Where's my money, nigga?

Man, my baby mama

been tripping, man.

She gonna take me

to court, right? So I have...

I don't give a fuck about

your baby mama

or none of that horseshit!

I want my money tomorrow.

Tomorrow, nigger.

WOMAN: We have to take back

our neighborhood

and save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

Save our streets!

ANNOUNCER: We're coming to you

live from Leimert Park, where

the Mayor will be up next,

addressing the crowd

of several thousand people.

WOMAN: Police have confirmed

that a string of

gang-operated businesses

have been robbed.

And it appears

these robberies have

further fanned the flames

of a raging turf war

between two of L.A.'s

most notorious kingpins.

Details of the robberies

are unknown at this time.

Be so glad when

this shit is over with.

God willing, you'll have

Junior by tonight.

What you all gonna

do afterwards?

I know I need to get

my son out of here.

I'm done with this bullshit.

How about you?

Don't really have any plans.

Just a fantasy.



When I used to live

in all those different homes

I used to take travel

magazines and I'd cut

all the pictures out,

and I would fantasize

that I was there.

And everybody used to think

I was crazy, but I

didn't really care,

'cause I felt like

I had been all over the world.

Just 'cause I ain't been to

the Sunset Strip don't mean

I don't wanna travel.

So when you get your money,

where you gonna go?

There's this spot

I read about.

It's on the coast of Mexico.

It's called El Lindo.

And they say

that there's magic

there in the ground.

Everything you do is blessed.

All your past is buried.

And all your pain

is forgotten.

That's where I wanna go.

I want you to have something.


We don't need to

let this one go.

Take this with you to Mexico.

How's it look on me?

It's beautiful.


I just think of so many

more things I could be doing

to find my son.

Listen to me. Listen to me.

There is nothing else

you can do right now,

except for wait

for Lucky to call.

Junior's gonna be fine.

Listen to me.

Junior's gonna be fine. Okay?

All right.


I can't do this right now.

Come here.

In an unusual story,

three banks were robbed today

by an unidentified

man and woman.

It has been impossible

to determine what

the robbers have taken

because the items stolen

were taken from

safe deposit boxes.

The police are

investigating leads

and are confident

that the perpetrators

will be apprehended.

However, bank officials

have stated

the robberies appear

to have been well planned.

I want those motherfuckers.

O2: Shit is all my fault.

O, don't do this to yourself.

You know all that money

that Big Meat is after?

I took it.


Me and Meat did a job.

He tried to short me.

So I took what was mine.

He found out about it,

set me up.

I went to the pen.

He thought he knew

where I stashed my take,

but I moved it.

He started looking for it.

He started getting closer.

So I knew I had to

move it again.

And the only person I

can trust was my baby mama.

So she came down to see me.

I told her where it was at,

where to move it to.

She dropped Junior off

at my grandmother's house,

took my money.

I ain't seen her since.

You know the first thing

my son said to me

when I got out?

"Promise me you ain't gonna

ever leave me again."

I promised.

Everybody you can

think of came at me.

Money, credit cards. Just...

Just couldn't do it.

'Cause I made a promise.


Who is Miles?

My son.

You have a son?

I had a son.

What happened?

He died.

How did he die?

He was hit by a stray bullet.

I was in a building, on a run.

I told him to play outside.

"Be right back."

And I remember

hearing gunshots

and thinking,

"Just niggas killing

each other again."

When I came outside,

I heard this lady, she was...

She was screaming,

"Where is his mother?

Where is his mother?"

Where was his mother?



Change of plans.

I can't come to you.

Meet me at Imperial

Highway Bridge right now.

Hurry up.

We gotta go.

Let's go.

What up, man?

What's up, homey?

Get in.

Fuck wrong with you?


Just had a little run-in

with some niggas.

There a problem?

They weren't shit.

Come on, what you got, man?

How much you want for this?

I think it's worth like

150 to 200 thou, but

I'll let it go for 90.

Think you can handle that?

For sure, man.

Then let's go, man.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, man.

Look, I'm doing

this shit dolo.

For shit, man,

your face been

all over the TV.

Me and you roll up

in there together, man,

they already gonna know

we just trying to

unload the shit.

All right.

Look, man, just hit my cell

as soon as you know something.

All right.


We got two hours

to get Junior, man.

Hold on.

Wait right here, homey.

Come here, nigga.


I hear you got my money.

I got something worth

a lot more than what I

owe you, Big Meat.


Yeah. Feel me?

Now that's worth about

$200,000 right there.

Two hundred long, huh?

But check it out.

All you gotta do,

break me off $90,000,

and we good, man. We even.

I can do that.


But where'd you get it?

Oh, you see, me and my boys,

man, we had hit this spot

over in Beverly Hills.

Beverly Hills, huh?

Man, we took them G-style.

Straight up G-style.

What? I came

through the spot,

boom, I kicked in

the motherfucking door.

I told motherfuckers,

"Get the fuck on the floor

right now, nigga.

It's a jack move!"

I was running through

that motherfucker,

smacking up bitch-ass niggas

with no problem.

You know,

I'm taking care of my shit.

I'm over there,

just snatching shit.

Snatching whatever I want,

'cause that's what I do.

I ought to take your shit,


Now I bring this shit

back to you, man,

so we can break bread.

To me?

To you.

So me and you,

we could be like partners.

Exactly. Business partners.

Y'all hear that? Partners.

We need to leave these

buster-ass niggas alone,

fuck with your boy.

Big Meat and Lucky.

Big Meat, Lucky.


That's what's up.

Well, this some nice shit.

Especially this watch.


I like this watch, Lucky.



Only the best.

So let me ask you

something, Lucky.

Why you think

this Presidential Rolex

got my initials on the back?


Yeah. Right here.

No, no. Let me see

this shit, man.

Right here.

What the fuck wrong with you?

MEAT: Chop, chop, nigga.

That's my shit you stole.

Where the rest of my shit

out the safe deposit box?


O2: Yeah?

LUCKY: O, what's up?

I got that for you.

All right, so where

you wanna meet?

Meet me in the

Warehouse District.

635 Mitchell.

Hey. Bring the

rest of that money.


I set that Junior thing up,

too, you know.

We're good, man.

We're straight.

Damn, Lucky.

You're Lucky, man.

Fifteen minutes.

See you there, bro.


O2: Something ain't right.

COCO: Wait, wait, wait.

O, this is one of

Meat's spots.

O2: Shit.

Hey, Luck, change of plan.

I need you to meet me around

the corner in 10 minutes

on 513 Peterson Street.

No, it's in the alley, man.

We gonna do

the exchange there.

Where you going, little man?

You got my money?

Y'all all right?

Yeah, we good...

My motherfucking money.

You got it?


Junior, you all right?


You all right, Luck?

Yeah, I'm all right.

The fuck you running from?

Nigga, running from what?

Hurry up, man, let's go!

I'm right here!

I did six years for you.

For me? Nigga, you got caught.

Same old Big Meat.

Fucking over niggas

and everybody else

take the fall.

I made you!

I put you in this shit!

You knew my son was all I had.

You gonna try to

take him away from me?


Nigga, fuck your son!

Seven shots.



Hold on, Luck.

I swear to God,

I didn't mean for it

to go down like that.

My bad...

Lucky, chill out, man.

We getting you

to the hospital.

No hospital.

What are you

talking about, man?

You bleeding all over my car.

You take me to Corona

with y'all, man, all right?

You're not rolling with us,

man. You're going

to the hospital.

What you mean I can't go?

COCO: Put your hand

right here.

O2:Just relax man.

Give me your jacket.

Oh, you just gonna

treat me like that, man?

You just gonna leave me

in some fucking hospital?

Listen, later for all

the hard bullshit.

Listen, man, I'm good,

I'm trying to tell you...


I gotta put pressure on it.

Put more pressure on it.

LUCKY: Don't put no more

pressure on it, man.

You gonna be okay.

That shit hurts.

COCO: He's bleeding

through it!

We gotta stop!

Put more pressure on it!

I'm putting pressure on it.

He's bleeding through it.

We need to pull over.

We gotta do something.

O, the gas station

right there, come on.

COCO: Come on,

that gas station right there.

O2: Hold on!

LUCKY: Please don't stop

the fucking car!

COCO: Pull over.

Stop the fucking car!


Stay right here.

Stay still.

Oh, fuck!

Let me get a key.

Just wait. Stop moving!


In a victory for South

Los Angeles residents today,

Mayor Villaraigosa announced

a 45% increase

in police officers

assigned to the area

and vowed to

support communities...

I need the key

to the bathroom.

You gotta buy some gas.

I need the key to

the bathroom. I gotta

use the bathroom, man!

Then buy some gas, bro.

Are you fucking serious,

man? Here.

Which pump, man?

Man, fuck the pump, nigga!

Give me the key

to the bathroom!

Man, chill out, man.

That's all you had to say

in the first place.

What the fuck wrong with you?

Hurry up, man.


Whoa, whoa. Here.

Oh, shit.

Go see if they got...

See if they got some peroxide,

first aid kit, anything!

Junior, go got get

some paper towels.

LUCKY: How bad

is this shit, man?

Let me see if

it went through. Hold on.


Excuse me.

Do you have any

hydrogen peroxide?


Alcohol, anything like that.

First aid kit?

If we do,

it's in aisle three.


An ex-convict recently

released from San Quentin.

Police now have a photo

of the female member

of the team.

She's been identified as...

Here. Hurry.

Yo, you're the girl

from the TV. You're

the bank robber chick.

No, no. Hey, yo, hey,

it's cool. Listen!

Yo, y'all are the shit, man.

You guys are like the new

modern-day Bonnie and Clyde,

for real.

Yo, can I get your autograph?

Let me get your autograph.

That's what's up.

Yo, that shit you guys did

with the Kingpins was

most def, girl, for real.


Yeah. You got

a phone number with that?

Back up, Junior.

Give me that.


What is that?

What the fuck is that?

It's gonna

make you feel better.


Where are we?

Just 60 miles to the border.

Probably got another hour.

Tell you what, as soon as

we get there, you going

to get checked on, bro,

The fuck what you say.

You hear me?




COCO: Shit, what...


Patrol 16...

No, shit!


Shit. Get up, man. Lucky!

You can't be... Fuck!

COCO: Shit.

Oh, shit, shit, shit.

What? Police behind us.

Shit! Oh, shit.


Oh, shit.

COP: Driver, pull your vehicle

to the shoulder now.

Oh, shit.

Driver, pull over!


COCO: Go! Go! Go! Go!

Keep going!

COCO: There's more coming.



Put Junior in the seatbelt.

We're waist deep

in this shit now.

Put him in a seatbelt!

He's in a fucking seatbelt!

Hold on.



COCO: Shit!

I think we're losing them.

Grab my son.

O, what are you doing?

We gotta split up.


Fuck are you doing?

Look, I need you

to take Junior and the money.


When I pull out of here,

the police are

gonna follow me.

You gotta get on the freeway

and go the other way, south,

and I'm gonna meet up

with y'all later.

No, we're in this together.

Junior, get out of the car

and get in the front seat.

You're not leaving us!

There's no time for argument.

They catch us,

my son is in the system.

I'm not having it.

Junior, listen to me, okay?

I'm about to go somewhere.

But I'm coming back for you.

I just need you to

take care of Coco.


Junior, trust me on this.

Trust me.

You promise you'll

come back for me?

I'll always come back for you.



I love you, Dad.

I love you.

Put your seatbelt on.


I'm gonna give you

my cell phone number.

You don't have to do this.

Call me. If I don't hear

from you in 10 minutes,

I'm coming back for you.

Just take care of my son.

With all my heart.

Now get out of here.




O2: You all clear?


We're all clear.

How's it going?

It's all right.

These fools are still

on my ass, but I'm gonna

shake them in a minute.

Hold on a second.

So, what's it gonna

be like in Mexico?

It's gonna be beautiful.

So, what's the name

of this place?

COCO: El Lindo.




Are you there? O?

Let me speak to Junior.


It's your father.

Hey, Dad.

What's up, big fella?

Nothing. We can see

some cool ships from here

in the water.



Can I have another toy horse,

with the cowboy this time?

You want it to be

the same color?


I want one with spots.

What are those called?


Yeah, pinto.


No problem.

Thanks, Dad.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Me, too.



Gotta go.


COCO: Junior!



Come on, you're gonna

be late for school.




And what was it

that was taking you

so absolutely long?

I was just cleaning my room

in case Dad comes

when we're not here.


Dad's not coming.

I know, but it makes

me feel better

if I think he might.

Got your lunchbox?


You ready?


Okay. Come on.

So, how's school?

It's okay.

I heard you have a girlfriend.

Who told you that?

I can't tell you that.

She's just helping me

with my Spanish.

And what can you say?

I don't know.

What's that?

El mar.

And what's that?

JUNIOR: Una lancha.


And what about that?

Una familia.


How about that?


