Voodoo Black Exorcist (1974) - full transcript

The mummy of long dormant, but powerful Caribbean voodoo priest Gatanebo gets revived on a luxury South Seas ocean liner as a big buff bald guy and proceeds to terrorize the passengers. Gatanebo beheads several folks, occasionally reverts back to his prune-faced mummified state, and falls for the ravishing Sylvia, who reminds him of his old flame Kenya.

[waves splash]

[romantic music]

[water splashes]

[groans and grunts]

[tribal music]

[crowd chants]

[tribal music]

[crowd chants]

- [Gatanebo] Happenings
and life repeat themselves.

Within a thousand years, 2,000.

Gatanebo will seek Kenya,

blood will be spilled,

terrible things
will happen again

and everything will start again.

Begin again.

[rockets explode]

[soft music]

[thunder booms]

[groovy music]

[machinery whirls]

- Alright, Freddie you will
stay and watch over the

sarcophagus, you'll
have to sleep here too.

I'm sorry but it's necessary.

[horn blows]

[sultry music]

- Sophia, how long have
you been working for me?

- Well as your secretary
for three years

and as you companion for two.

- Why don't we get married?

The Caribbean is
perfect for a honeymoon.

- Accompanied by a mummy?

- I don't think
it will bother us.

- Oh don't you think
we're alright as we are?

What do we have to
change things for?

[unintelligible voices]

[sultry music]

- Albert you should be
friendly with Dr Kessling,

I want him to show me the
mysterious sarcophagus.

Albert do I have do everything?

Why are you bringing
me another whiskey?

Do you think I'm a
drunk of something?

I asked you for a gin, a double.

- What kind of a chain
did you say you had?


- Barbados, Curacao,
the Virgin Islands,

the best hamburgers
in the world.

I have a slaughterhouse
in Chicago.

- That's very interesting.

- You're a dancer?

- Can you tell?

- Your husband?

- Oh he isn't my husband and
soon I'll get tired of him,

he's always jealous.

- He's right to be.

- I guess so.

[tribal music]

- Tonight the cards
speak in a strange form,

you know what it means?

Violence, blood.

- I can't believe
you're serious.

- Don't you believe in cards?

- In the 20th
century you can only

believe in science
don't you think?

[tribal music]

- Incredible, this card
predicts an unexpected visitor!

- On the high seas?

- There's no mistake about it.

[tribal music]

An unknown passenger will
join us before we reach port.

Isn't it exciting?

Albert I think you
should warn the captain.

- Immediately my dear.

[tribal music]

[cat screeches]

- Can I help you?

- Oh I was looking
for you, what's that?

- It's a sarcophagus,
I'm guarding it.

I have the captain's permission.

[tribal music]

- Just think of it, that
same rhythm was sounding

thousands of years ago in
the jungles of Nigeria.

And the movements of
that dancer are the exact

copy of ancient
ancestral dances.

- What do they signify?

- Your head will burn and
your body will dissolve

into nothingness.

Wait for the spirit to descend,

head sing, feet are bare,
the body's dressed in white.

Chained to the ground
the spirits await.

- [Gatanebo] We have
no eyes but we see,

nor ears but we hear your voice.

Nor legs but we ascend to
heaven as particles of God.

[mysterious music]

[cat meows]

[mysterious music]

[cat screeches]

[mysterious music]

[tribal music]

- Oh it's so exciting,
what rhythm, what vitality.

Dr Kessling will you take
me to see the mummy later?

We'd like to so much,
really we would.

Wouldn't we Albert?

Wouldn't we dear?

[tribal music]

[romantic music]

[tribal music]

[intense music]

- Sylvia I just
received this wire.

Dr Craig is on his
way to meet us,

I only know him
through his work.

I must admit he's the
foremost authority in matters

of African primitivism.

- No, after this conference in

Porta Prince what
do you plan to do?

- Plans?

Continue working, write a
book, the same as always.

- That's what's
wrong, same as always.

I hope you won't be
needed me anymore,

I'm leaving for New York alone.

- You've been acting
strangely this week.

- As a secretary or as a lover?

I've spoiled you.

I work for you all day
long and when you feel like

making love I'm also
at your disposal.

No, that's not enough for me.

- I have to show
that sarcophagus to
that nutty old lady,

I promised her I
would last night.

Please don't leave me
alone with her, please.

- Captain!


Has anyone see the Captain?!

Albert, call the Captain!

- Captain.

- Mrs Thorndyke.

- How many passengers
do we have?

- 340.

- 41, we have a
stowaway on board.

My cards say 341 and
they're never wrong, never.

- I'll keep it in mind Mrs
Thorndyke, don't worry.

- Oh thank you,
thank you so much.

- That's curious, maybe we
have to search the ship.

- You're not going to pay
attention to Mrs Thorndyke.

- No I am to the
other passenger.

Last night someone
knocked him out

and also took his clothes.

- We calculate that the
sarcophagus is approximately

1,000 years old, even in though
it is perfectly preserved.

The natives never buried
corpses in their sarcophagi,

rather live persons submitted
to a special treatment.

According to the voodoo ritual
when a man dies he turns

into eternal particles.

- Albert I would like
to get a sarcophagus

like this to rest in eternally.

- I'll do my best honey.

- Do you want us to open it?

- No.

- Why not?

- It'll be dangerous,
we should not do it.

- Miss, this sarcophagus
has been opened

on several occasions already.

- Johnny don't let them,
tell them what could happen.

- Let's go.

- I warn you, don't do it!

- What foolish superstitions
as nice as educated

as the dead are, right Albert?

- Yes dear.

- [Dr Kessling]
Observe that it can be

opened from the inside as
well as from the outside.

- How marvelous, how splendid,

he must have been a
very interesting man.

- His story is written
in these printings,

but we haven't
deciphered them yet.

- [Dr Kessling] Notice his ring,

made in the shape of an asp.

It contains bits of Carrari,
that activate at 98.6 degrees,

the blood temperature.

It's pure gold, and it's
value is incalculable.

[mysterious music]

[boxes crash]

[mysterious music]

- [Gatanebo] You'll do
what I want, all I order,

all Gatanebo orders.

[mysterious music]


- Albert, did you
hear that voice?!

It froze the blood!

- That was me, I
was dreaming of you.


[romantic music]


[tribal music]

- Nine.



- You can see the future,

I wouldn't want to
bet against you.

- If you try number four
will come out three times.

Do you know what that means?

- What does it mean?

- That someone will
have their vengeance.

You still have a chance, shoot.

- Who are you?

What do you want?

- You'll know soon, shoot.

[tribal music and chants]

[mysterious music]

- I think it occurred around
two or three o'clock in the

morning, since the head hasn't
been found we can suppose

it fell into the sea.

The cut was made with
a wavy bladed knife,

magnificent, worthy of
medieval headsmen but ghastly.

- Did you wire the
police in Kingston?

- Yes Sir.

- We'll have to search the ship,

maybe Mrs Thorndyke's
cards were right.

- I knew it Albert, I knew it.

The cards announced there was
a criminal hiding amongst us.

I am never wrong,
the cards said so.

- Robert did you enter
my cabin last night?

- No, maybe I should have.

- For us it will be easy
to find out who did it.

- Sure sure, very easy.

- A very simple invocation.

- Forget it.

- To what end?

- It would be easy for us
but we shouldn't do it,

it's too dangerous.

- So many gloomy faces
over a little blood.

In my business I see that
sort of thing every day.

Hey boy, I want a
drink, the usual.


[speaks in foreign language]

- If you take a ride around
my Chicago slaughterhouse

you'd see.

- Will you shut up, I'm not
able to stand you today.

- [Captain] Your
attention please,

this is the Captain speaking.

As a consequence of the
events occurred last night

I must take certain
security measures.

Beforehand I apologize
for the inconvenience to

the passengers, we must
make an extensive search

of the ship, holds, store rooms,
life boats, crew quarters.

The passenger cabins
must also be searched.

Tomorrow we'll dock in
Kingston but I must beg the

passengers and crew not to
disembark until we receive

instructions from the police
department in Kingston.

- Oh no, Dr Craig will be
waiting at the airport,

I must disembark!

- This card announces death
just as I've always told you,

the cards are never
wrong and this one say's

someone's half dead, maybe
that refers to you Albert.

[tribal music and chanting]

- Dr Kessling what
are they doing?

- Huh?

- What are they doing?

- They're invoking Bushongo,

he that reigns
over all the lohas.

- The lohas?

Lohas, what are lohas?

- Spirits that are
waiting to be avenged.

- We better stop that.

- Please don't, please.

Now the loha of the dead man
might posses anyone of us

and force us to
do certain things.

He will seek the guilty
one and then stop there.

[tribal music]

[romantic music]

[tribal music]

Sylvia, what happened?

[tribal music]

- As of this moment your
dances and your rights

are prohibited aboard this ship.

Totally prohibited absolutely.

Search the sarcophagus,
open it please.

- The knife was here last
night, you gave it to me

so that I could make a copy of
the signs on the sarcophagus.

You wouldn't think I went back
to the sarcophagus do you?

- I can assure you
that the crime was

committed with that knife
but by whom and why?

- I told you, someone
had been in my cabin!

I heard him close to me.

- Sylvia, why did you
go to the sarcophagus?

- I don't know.

- But what did you feel?

- At first I was trembling,
I tell you I tried very

hard to regain
control of my body,

I was being pushed
by a strange force.

I couldn't stop it.

- Continue.

- I had the impression of
being turned inside out

into a state of no gravity.

I began to wonder who I
was or what I was doing.

I couldn't tell anything,
I don't know why.

It's all so strange now.

- Try to remember, please try.

- I was certain I wasn't alive,
I wasn't sad, I didn't care.

I just waited.

- For what?

- I don't know, something
that would happen,

absurd and terrible
at the same time.

Now I feel, I feel
I'm still waiting.

- For what?

- My own death.

[mysterious music]

[intense music]

- Your killer is dead, I
bring proof of my vengeance.

Oh Kenya, most beloved of women.

[tribal music]



[whistle blows]

- My God this heat is really
unbearable, Muchatcho.

- Yes?

- Will you get the
list of passengers

to disembark Porta Prince?

- Yes.

- Sheriff?
- Yes.

- Sheriff Dr Kessling
wants to go to the airport.

- I don't see why
not, let him go.

- Thank you.

- Captain I think you
return the passports

to the passengers.

- But the criminal
is surely on board.

- Oh this is very involved,
let me handle this.

- Captain what do
I do with this Sir?

- What do you think?

To the laboratory son,
to the laboratory.

Summarizing, a steward
is decapitated.

The next night his head
shows up in one of your

passengers cabin, several
men have a terrible

struggle with a suspect
but he vanishes.

Well Captain you may
sail when you like.

- Aren't you going
to do anything else?

- You see I have a system,

when I don't have
a lead I drink gin.

And wait.

- With this photo you'll
have no trouble recognizing

Dr Craig, I'd rather wait here.

[engine revs]

[cheerful music]

- Dr Craig, Dr Kessling
is waiting for you.

- Thank you.

[cheerful music]

Where is Dr Kessling?

- This way.

[cheerful music]

- Where's Dr Craig?

What does this
mean, who are you?

- Who do you think I am?

Hello Dr Kessling,
you recognize me.

- No it can't be.

- You see I can be of
more use then Dr Craig

ever could have been to you
and your studies of voodoo.

- The ships about ready
to sail Dr Kessling,

your colleague from New York?

- Dr Craig, Mr Domínguez.

- I hope we have
no more incidents,

maybe we'll meet again in
Porta Prince, gentlemen.

- Your documentation
is truly amazing.

But Dr Kessling and
I disagree with you

on your theory of the Pantheus
in the voodoo religion.

- Why?

- They never invoke
a single god,

rain or shine, good or bad,
all depends on the loss.

- You know nothing, the
lohas are intercessors

between men and God, God
is lost in the universe

and can't be invoked,
he's only a threat.

- [Sylvia] That's not what
you said in your last book.

- However that's how it is.

[romantic music]

Sylvia is your name now?

- Now?

It's always been the same.

- My that's strange, you
deserve a prettier one.

- And what do you think
my name should be?

- Three phases are found
in every voodoo ceremony,

call to the gods,
arrival of the gods

and sacrifices and
offerings to the gods.

- Your normal state, last long?

- Variable, I also
depend on the sun

and various cosmic factors.

- You speak English well.

- Three centuries in museums,

I have learned many many things.

- What do you feel when
the process begins?

- Pain!

It's going to drive me mad.

- You killed the steward
in one of those moments.

- In infinite time what
must happen happens.

- I trust you won't
do such a thing again.

- We had an agreement,
I kept my part,

you just see that
you keep yours.

Last night I lost
Radha's sacred ring,

I want you to find who has it.

- Where are you going?

- Someone's thoughts call to me.

[romantic music]

Do you feel I am different?

- In a way yes.

- You will see that I am not.

The sea is beautiful, isn't it?

- Yes it is.

- However there are many
creatures in the center

of the earth that
have never seen it.

Imagine how they'd
feel if put here now.

That's how I felt when
I found you again.

- You have a way of
courting a woman.

- That's not my intention.

- You said something
about finding me again,

have we met before?

- In Cairo's
archeological museum.

You and Dr Kessling were
looking at the sarcophagus

that you have now.

- Something wrong?

- No, no, go away.

[intense music]

[glass shatters]

[furniture crashes]

The ring, did you
find who has it?

[wheezing breathing]

- Albert what's wrong?

- A terrible monster
was right here.

- Nonsense, let me
go back to sleep.

[whistle blows]

- Porta Prince, home at last.

- You stay at the ranch?

I always go there.

- Maybe.

- What's wrong Albert?

We're in a Porta Prince and
you look worse then ever.

- Excuse me, if you should
need anything from Ed Warn

you can always reach
me at Ed Warn's,

the best hamburger
business in the world.

- Sylvia, don't be too
friendly with Dr Craig.

- Why not?

Where is he?

- I'm here next to you.

Kenya my only love, your face
glows like a newborn star.

I know that having lost
you for a thousand years

I could not find
another like you.

Until I find you again
Kenya, my only love.

- Beautiful poem, who wrote it?

- Someone many years
ago, alone on a beach.

One night when the
god's allowed him

a few seconds of happiness.

It's the translation of
the inscriptions card

on the inside of
the sarcophagus.

- Does Dr Kessling
know you've already

translated the inscriptions?

- Dr Kessling has many things
to learn and so do you.

- Me?

You say that as a threat.

- Threats are only words, but
what must happen is almost

here and nothing can change it.

But you have nothing to fear.

- Dr Kessling.

- How are you?

- Terrible, moody, perplexed.

It's so damn hot
here don't you think.

- Any news on the
death of the steward?

- I've established that someone
onboard did it, logic huh.

The other case we have is
worse, it was terrible.

The day you arrived
the passenger from

flight 704 was run over.

- He was killed?

- Yes a bulldozer,
no identification.

By the way you went to the
airport to meet a passenger

from that flight didn't you?

- Yes, Dr Craig.

But I assure you he
was very much alive.

- Dr Craig.
- There he is.

- Did you know him?

- Why yes, of course.

- I won't bother you,

I'll just wait a for
an error, a false step.

Anyway it's too damn hot to
do anything don't you think?

We'll meet again Dr Kessling.

- Adios Inspector.

- Now you're talking strange,
why do you look at me?

- It's the only way I know how.

Sylvia, I can't get used
to calling you that.

- On the ship you
never told me what you

thought my name should be.

- Kenya.

[tribal music]

- You cannot buy them, you
can only discover them.

[tribal music]

- A scientist in a dancer's
dressing room, come in.

Did she invite you?

- No.

- She did me, I could ask
you to leave but I believe in

giving a fair chance, we'll
wait and let her decide alright?

The loser leaves in
peace, what about it?

What a woman with some body.

[intense music]

When one of us loses,
we leave in peace.

What a body.


[tribal music]



[slaps and gasps]

[tribal music]

[pounding footsteps]

- It's un-doubtable that
these men brought by force

from their native Africa
to be sold as slaves

brought with them their rights,
beliefs, dances, religions,

which they firmly implanted
in Haiti and Trinidad.

I'm going to show you a
sarcophagus that is thought

to be 1,000 years old.

Miss, would you open it, please?

You're looking at the
body of a mummy that is.


- Albert you're spilling
your coffee, what?!

- That monster, that
mummy was in our cabin!

- That's impossible
Albert, it's much too old,

but I'm glad to see that
you're starting to believe

these things at last.

- I have never seen a
man in such a state,

terrible terrible, he has
more than six fractures.

Head, arms, jaws, ribs,
ankles and it looks like he's

been strangled, has
broken vertebrates.

But even without all this
he would have died anyway.

- It's a shame, the best
hamburgers in the world,

what did you say?

- We found some of
the murder's blood,

the strangest blood I ever saw.

Well that blood has a
certain virus that would

have killed him in a few hours.

I've sent a sample to the
lab for further analysis

and we'll have to
wait for the outcome.

- And the dancer?

- She was hit but not hurt.

Complicated case huh?

- Too much so, I'm
a homemade cop,

a little clumsy
and a little old.

Beautiful girl your secretary.

I retire in a few years.

- Oh, so what is your reason
for telling me all this?

- So you'll forgive
my extravagant ideas.

I got it in my head that our
Dr Craig is not Dr Craig.

- Are you accusing
me of something?

- I wouldn't dare Dr Kessling,
you are an important man

and I'm only a fat old cop.

I only wanted to give
you a chance to change

your statement that you
didn't know Dr Craig.

You'd save me some
trouble, understand?

At my age I don't want problems.

Any statements to rectify?

Very well.

Heads decapitated,
mummy's, voodoo rights,

lying scientist, full east
sun, I don't like this.

There is more mystery in this
world then all of us think.

A criminal must be reasonable.

- What?

- But none of what
is happening is.

The motive, that
is the question.

I'm not used to thinking
so much and I get tired.

25 years in this profession
without a failure,

I've never had to solve
an important case.

Now I can't make heads or
tails of this damn case,

worse yet I know something
is going to happen,

I can't stop it!

- What must happen
will happen, yes yes,

we really don't do anything,
the gods do it all.

With our songs, rhythms
and drawings we pray that

the gods process us, we make
with cornmeal the potions

that have real power.

Tonight we will
sacrifice a young goose,

the gods will come dancing
because we can only believe

in gods that dance.

Need help Inspector?

- I would need the
help of all the gods.

[tribal music]

Would you please keep the camera
focused on the sarcophagus?

- Yes, sure.
- Do it.

Hey why is that still there?

- Dr Kessling has the second
part of his conferences

tomorrow, looks like he doesn't
want the mummy to get away.

- You stay here and let me
know if anything happens.

- Like what?

- You never know
son, you never know.

- Now listen, don't take your
eyes off this sarcophagus,

you understand?

[intense music]

- It is a virus 50 times
smaller then any virus

produced until now, it
reproduces every three seconds.

It's absolutely un-filterable.

We have completed
the Stratium 70 test

and it can now produce blood
poisoning in 30 seconds.

- Thanks son.

- Would you like to
hear something absurd?

- Love to.

- This blood sample is
a thousand years old.

- A thousand?

[intense music]

- Inspector, Dr Kessling's
helper is trying

to open the sarcophagus.

What, stop him?

I'm afraid it's too late,
he took the chain off.

He said not to shoot,
no matter what.

- Shoot who?

- Whatever or whoever comes
out of the sarcophagus.

- What can come out
of a sarcophagus?

- Seek Kenya.

[intense music]

[glass shatters]

[water spatters]

[intense music]

[boxes crash]

[door splnters]

[tribal music]

- It seems to me your silence
has been very impudent

Dr Kessling and let's hope
that no one else gets hurt.

No more victims.

[tribal music]

- Hello Inspctor.

- Dominguez speaking here.

- [Number Two] Number Two here.

- Any news yet?

- [Number Two] A truck
just passed by here.

- Good, don't stop it.

- [Number Two] He
pulled along the trees,

the trucks slowing down, he
stopped, he means getting off,

he has a woman in his arms,
she's fainted or dead.

Inspector they're
going into a cave.

- Olyzon, it was used as burial
grounds by the primitives.

300 years ago they found
the sarcophagus in there.

Do you know what that means?

- That your protege
returns home.

- [Number Two] I follow
them inside or wait?

- Wait, we'll be
there in a minute.

- What are you going to do?

- Whatever I can,
just simply that.

Your first mission?

- Yes Sir?

- When did you start?

- I got the uniform
in this morning.

[mysterious music]

- [Gatanebo] Don't
be frightened.

- Who are you?

What do you want?

- [Gatanebo] Nothing and all.

- Are you Dr Craig?

- [Gatanebo] No and you
aren't who you think either.

Maybe you don't remember.

- What should I remember?

- Once you and I were
in love, we were happy.

They separated us but
I found you again,

now we'll be together forever.

- Forever?

- [Gatanebo] Time doesn't
count, it doesn't exist.

Because it has no
beginning or end.

- [Sylvia] Dr Craig!

- [Gatanebo] I'm not Dr
Craig, nor you Sylvia.

- You, go that way.

You on that side, remember
don't use your guns

unless in self defense
or when I order.

Robert, you know
how to use this?

- Yes Sir.

- Do you know what
a mummy is my son?

- No Sir.

- At first you will
think it's a human being

like you or me but later
you will realize it's not

and that's when
you will tremble.

- Yes Sir.

- But that is the time you
will have to pull the trigger.

Hurry, hurry!

- You won't destroy it.

- If I take it home my
wife will get very angry.

- But Inspector
you can't do that.

We have to keep it alive.

- Don't make trouble,
we've got quite enough

of it right now
and try to help us!

Come on!

- Don't be afraid, I
would never harm you.

[mysterious music]

- Dr Craig, Dr Craig
where are you?!

I want to help you.

- What is that idiot doing?

He's going to spoil everything.

- Dr Craig!

Where are you?!

Answer me!

[intense music]

- Get him, shoot him!

[guns fire]

He's here.


[intense music]

[romantic music]

- [Gatanebo] History and
life repeat themselves,

repeat themselves.

Within a thousand
years, a thousand years.

Gatanebo will search for
Kenya, blood will run,

terrible things will happen and
everything will begin again.

Begin again.