Violet (2021) - full transcript

Violet realizes that her entire life is built on fear-based decisions, and must do everything differently to become her true self.


Hold on.

Hold on.

Just hold on.

You're fat.

Your hair is gross. You smell.

You majored in the

wrong thing in college.

You don't have

enough friends.

Why don't you

know how to cook?

You don't remember

enough people's birthdays.

Everyone can see

your weird body.

You should be further

along in your career.

Yesterday there were three wood

refinishers here, now there's no one.

And I just want to cook

dinner in my own house.

- Hey, V.

- Morning.

You know, Bob

was just telling me

that it's going to be

what, three weeks, tops?

Isn't that right, Bob?

We are doing

everything we can...

Yeah, three weeks, three weeks.

Thank you, Bob.

You're in the way.

The guy's useless.

He said he was gonna be

done like a month ago.

I know.

Bob ruined my beautiful plans

for our sequential renovations.

I am so sorry.

I really did not plan

on you having to

stay in a war zone.

It's totally fine.

I mean, my kitchen doesn't

even have a roof right now.

You look like a pig.

You're seriously eating

a Snoball for breakfast?

Yeah, I'm trying to be ironic.


Are you you're working

in the guest house today?

Yeah. I've got a fucking

deadline on two scripts.



Just text me if I can bring you

anything back after work, all right?

Uh, a new contractor, maybe

like an extra quarter mil.

What about a burrito?

- That'll do.

- All right.

- Bye.

- Bye.

What are you wearing?

You're like a baby.

Why don't you have

your own place?

People are going to

think you're a loser,

staying at

a friend's house.

How do you expect people

to take you seriously?




Wasn't Julie

reading these scripts?

Yeah, yeah, she is.

I mean, these are

the other ones.

They just came in from WME.

All right.

Can you give me a coffee please?


Hey, sugar plum. Morning.

Be nice.

Did you get the production

reports from Miami?

You were cc'd on that email, Bradley.

It's your responsibility.

I know, I know.

Hey, but you always make

such good notes on yours.

Share, don't be selfish.

- Oh my God, I knew it.

- I need it back.

You're so funny that

you print everything out.

All right, I will

let you get at it.

Let it go or he'll quit.

Oh, hey, did you get

your production reports?

Julie, you got coverage on

the Argentinian scripts?

Morning, Violet.

Well, I just got them.

I mean, Keith just gave them

to me yesterday morning, so no.

When would I have had time?

Don't be bossy.

- Whoa, hey, who were those from?

- I don't know.

I bet they're from

the Phoenix financiers.

Oh my God, yes

Violet, they love you.

I bet that's who they're from.

Is that who they're from?

- Don't you guys have something to do?

- Attitude?

Be nice.

They are from Roger

Vale from Universal.



And get me Charlie on the line.

Oh, it's quite a pile of

scripts you're mounting there.

You're going to pick

a winner for us today?

You know it, Tom.

What's with the flowers?

They're from Roger

Vale at Universal.

Oh, yeah, well, all the

studio executives love Violet.

Isn't that true, V?


All right, come on

guys, move on out of here.

Get back to your own desk.

Come on, come on.

Violet's got a lot

of work to do, so.

Yeah, our boss was

just talking to us

about the flowers.


- I don't get it.

- Hmm?

They're always standing

here saying stuff.

You just let 'em.

- Who, Tom?

- No he's just-

No, no, no. I mean, Tom is...

Look, I'm talking

the other ones.

- All right, Bradley and Julie?

- Well they're, you know.

No, no, no.

You're head of

production here, Violet.

They work for you.

You've produced a ton of stuff.

They're always over

here bothering you.

Why don't you ever

tell them to fuck off?

Listen, it's just better

for me to not say anything.

The less opportunities

I give them

to label me a bitch, the better.

If I'm quiet, it's better.

If I just don't say

anything, it's better.

It's how everything works.

Do you really think that?

Keith, I've been

doing this awhile.

I know it.


Doesn't that feel better?

Hey, what are you doing?


I tried to call you before.

I know, it's

been going nonstop.

I gotta get outta here.

Let's meet at Jones.

I can be there in 15.

Great, I'll see

you there, bye.

I mean it's not perfect.

His house is still

under construction.

Why did Red move back in?

I thought he rented some

other place until it was done.

It was supposed to be

by now, but whatever.

Honestly, I can't complain.

I'm just glad to have somewhere

to stay during my construction.


I wish I could stay in

that rocking house of his.

Hmm, well the benefits of knowing

someone for 20 years, I guess.

You're a baby.

I feel weird lately.

Don't tell her.

- Are you sick?

- No, I just...

The committee in my head.

I just never really

noticed it much before.

What committee?

You know the

voice that tells you

that you're a piece

of shit or whatever.

I mean, everybody has it.

You know what I'm talking about.

I guess.

You sound crazy.

I don't know, my parents

always told me that I was great

and so whenever I have like

a bad thought or something,

it just seems like a lie.

Are you serious?

Yeah, they told me I was

great and I believed them.

See, you're a freak.

Jesus, you're like a unicorn.

These are from

that guy in the tie.


Okay, studio exec or agent?

I'm going to go

with a studio exec.

- Oh, you know him.

- It's Roger Vale.

- Really?

- Mmm-hmm, yeah.


You're not seeing him, right?

I don't know, I guess.

Why, what's wrong

with Roger Vale?

Oh come on, like last time-

Hey. I got your table ready.

Come on, when I

decorated his Malibu place,

you went with me to that party

and you said you had never been so

unattracted to anyone in your life.

- What? I didn't say that.

- Yeah, you did.

That party was

like, what, three years ago?


Well he's now the President

of Production at Universal.


So he's the type of

guy I should be dating.

That's right.

Or something.

Did the committee say that?

I don't know.

Because if they did,

I'm just saying it might be a lie.

Don't you think that Red is the

type of guy you should be with?

If you want people

to think you're a loser.

Oh my God, what are

you talking about?


Red and I have known each

other since we were 12.

And honestly, I don't see

what everybody else sees in him.

I mean, I've known him since

before he even sold a script.

And really, he's kind of a geek.

No, no, no.

My computer engineer

boyfriend, he's a geek.

Red is not a geek.

You got to really lay

down this picture of him

at 12 years old and

look at him now.

Do you want

to be a loser?

He's not the kind of guy that's ever

lonely, if you know what I mean.

God, I've got two films

going into production tomorrow.

Oh, you should absolutely let me take

a look at the set design for Fox Run.


Fox Run, your

favorite project.

Oh, the film you

thought could be art.

No, that's not what

I was talking about.

I'm not doing that one.

Oh. I just assumed Fox Run

was one of the projects

that was starting

production tomorrow.

Nope, nope, nope.

No, why would you think that?

I mean I just assumed.

You put so much

of your own money

into getting the rights

to the poetry book

and then hiring someone

to write the script.

God, I really don't remember.

I mean, it's like,

we don't really do those kinds

of films at Gaines, so...

Hey, let's talk

about something else.


But didn't you say

before that Kirk Paulson

- wanted to direct it?

- No.

Okay, I didn't say

that, all right.

Or maybe we were drunk.

I don't really remember

saying anything like that.

Well no, I remember

because you were talking-

Oh my God. Just drop it, Lila.

Seriously, okay? It's none

of your fucking business.

Okay, sure.

Man, this dinner.

I'll see you later, Violet.


Don't you feel better?

That's my favorite, chocolate!

You're retarded.

Vanilla's the original.

Violet, come on!

You know they told the

lionesses at the Zingapore Zoo

to stop having babies?

They're having way

too many babies,

like a hundred.


Lion babies are called cubs.

Everyone knows that.

I just like to call them babies.

She can call them whatever she wants.

They are babies anyway.

- Whatever.

- Look, my canteen's empty.

I should have

brought more water.

Sam, you're gonna live.

My house is just

two more blocks.

- Let's go.

- I'm not going.

Why not?

You were going to help me.

You have to come.

After we're finished, Will's mom's

going to make us ice cream sandwiches.


Will, you always ask us

to help with your chores.

Leaves in the bag, mowing

the lawn, walking your dog.

You're a slave driver.

I've had enough.

I'm not gonna do it,

I'm not gonna do it,

I'm not gonna do

it. I quit! Wahoo!

I'm not a slave

driver. I'm not!

Violet, where are you going?

You said you would help us!

- Violet!

- Violet!

Violet, Stop!

Come with us!



Where have you been?

What are you wearing?

How do expect people to take

you seriously in that getup?

Get in here.

I thought you were helping

Will with raking the leaves.

I got a call from his mother.

Honestly, you're like a baby.

Oh, the guy that

thinks you're an idiot.

No, you put your

credit card in first

and then your

parking spot number.

Credit card first,

then parking number.

Leave them.

Live a little freer.

You're so rigid

about rules,

your routines, doing the

right thing all the time.

How do you even know

what the right thing is?

Loosen up.

What are you afraid of?

That the room's going to smell

great when you come back?

Leave the candles alone.

You're so rigid.

Don't be so responsible

all the time.

You think Martin

wants that?

If you don't show him

you're more relaxed

then he's gonna

leave you.


Wow, Martin.



You live in Los Angeles?

No, no.

I'm just here for a couple

of months with a project.




Is this your...

Yeah, this is my son.

This is Gus.

Say hi, Gus.

Hello. Hi.

- Speechless.

- Jesus, no manners.

So Violet, how are you?

The last time we saw

each other was...

Great, great.

I'm head of production

over at Gaines Pictures.

So, you know, still doing film.

Yeah, I know. I really enjoyed

Spanish Star, that was good.

Thanks, yeah, that

did really well.

Got a couple of awards too.

But, how are you?

How's the arm, and...

Ah, that was so long ago.

That was so many years ago.

Yeah, yeah, I guess so.

So you married, kids?

Oh, no.

Why don't

you have children?



Violet, what happened?

You know, honestly, I've

just been so busy with work.

I haven't really been

able to think about it.

He thinks

you're a loser.

I'm actually staying

with Red right now.

My kitchen is under construction

because of all the rain.

You remember Red, right?

But I mean that's

not anything...

He's just an old friend.

I get it.

But, how are you?

They just broke or something.

I left the candles on, and...


I should have blown

them out before I left.

- And I thought about it, I just...

- What?

- I thought about it.

- What the fuck, Violet?

What... All my stuff?

I mean is everything

gone, everything?

I just thought it would

be nice if I left them lit.

I was just trying to

make it smell nice.

What the fuck are

you talking about?

Do you have any idea what

was in that apartment?

Do you know the

value of anything?


Then how could you be so stupid?

Are you a fucking idiot?

Please don't say that.


You're the

same as before.

You haven't grown.

You're the same

and he knows it.

He still thinks you're

a fucking idiot,

thinks you're below him.

You're the same.

You're the same.

You're nothing.

Your position at

Gaines doesn't matter.

Nobody cares about

your stupid films.

You'd better find some

way to feel above him.

or you'll stay down here.

A little nothing.

And then we're heading

back to New York.

Sue's pregnant with our second,

but she's been a good

sport with all the travel.

Yeah well thank God

I don't have any kids.

I know what I would

do if I were saddled

with all that responsibility.

I wouldn't get anything done.

Hate to have to take care

of fucking idiot like that.


Don't you feel

better now?

V, you're back.

Didn't know you were home.

Yeah, I'm back.

Should've come for a swim.

Oh, I got a pile

of scripts, but...

You're fine.

It looked good.

Some good swimming?

Heated and all that?

What, you think I'm

a tough guy or something?

Of course it's heated.

I turned that shit on like a

week before I moved back in.

You want a beer?

Yeah, sure.


I saw Martin today.

- Really?

- It's funny, huh?

Don't tell

him anything.

I guess.

What, is he living there now?

He's just out here

for some music project.

Well, that's valiant of him to

still be a music exec these days.

Yeah, I guess.

You know, I don't actually

know what the project is

because he didn't say.

Was it okay?

Don't be weak,

you're fine.

Yeah, yeah.

It was good. I mean...

I haven't seen him in

a really long time.

I think the last

time I saw him was

seven years ago. I think.

Well he's married now, I guess.

And he has a kid.

And I think he said he

had another one coming.

Or something.

Something, huh?

Something, yeah. Yeah.

V, my little

lover of executives,

even way back then.

Yeah, even way

back then, baby.

Even back then.

I mean, God-

I mean the first

time Martin showed me

If you look weak,

Red will hurt you.

his shiny new A&R

card, I was hooked.

Damn, that was a long time ago.

And you still haven't

grown out of it, huh?

Come on, Red, what

do you expect me to do,

not date executives?


Don and Skip are going

to pick me up for dinner.

We're going to sushi.

Do you want to come?

Oh no. I'm good, thanks.

But just bring me

back some edamame.

You got it.

See ya.




It didn't go well.

With Martin.

I was just so uncomfortable

and I wanted...

I just didn't want to be there.

Well, that's totally


Yeah, I just didn't

want to feel that way,

so I did something bad.

And I was mean.

That's okay, you can fix that.

No... What?

No, no, I...

I know exactly

what he'd say, so.

Maybe you don't.

Um, oh...

Hey, you have people

to meet, right?

Good girl.

- Yeah.

- Okay.

I think sometimes you think you can't

trust me with your feelings, but

you know you can.

Door's always open.

Hmm, you're making

your own coffee?

What's going on, hmm?

Keith went home early,

wasn't feeling well.

Oh, really?


Well, that's unusual.

Be nice.

Oh, it's fine.

You know, Violet,

I've been thinking,

you should make me a lead

executive on a film or two.

You have a lot of films

in production right now

and you know, to have

situations like this,

where Keith is going

home sick and so forth?

You need help.

Really? Um...

Don't be a bitch.

I think coverage in

production report summaries

are a good place

for you right now.


Is Darren here yet?

Oh, I don't know, I'm

just about to go in.

- Darren Brightly?

- Yeah.

Yeah I think I saw

him in the parking lot,

finishing up a

call or something.

Well tell Kathy

to bring him in.

Wait, wait. Is he going

to be directing Fox Run?

Is that what this

meeting is about?

What are you...

Don't cause a scene.

Fox Run... Wasn't that

that abstract poetry thing

you had a couple of years ago?

You know, it was

a long time ago.

Yeah no, that was your baby.

You loved that project.

No, I mean, I had it

and I talked about it,

and I haven't talked

about it in a while.

Oh my God, you still

want to do it, don't you?

You were always such a

pussy for those art films.

Jesus, Violet.

Hey, maybe we should

bring Darren up now.

Bradley, you were

getting Darren.

Yeah, sure.

Sure, boss.

So Phillip finally

sent over the specs

for the animated gameplay

for Fire Flame.

Got it on my laptop if you want to

go over it before Darren comes up.

Do I need to?

No, not really.

They incorporated

all of our notes.

So I think that's what

we were trying to go for.

So, Fox Run...

You still want that?

I know that it was

important to you.


No, it's okay. What? Tell me.

It's really unique.

Oh really? How? In what way?

Just the insight

into relationships

and their delicacies

is really profound.

Huh. Really?

The script adaptation

of the poetry is honestly,

one of the best I've ever read.

He captures the

braiding and unbraiding

of both of their lives

and just this metaphor that...

Well, it's next level,

you know what I mean?

It's next level screenwriting.

You get a director in who

wants to push the envelope,

and actors doing

another level of acting,

and the cinematography,


We can really break some

rules with this one.

Hey, I got to run.


Okay, hi. One second.

I'm off the phone

now, I'm jumping.

Shit, all right, oh my God.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

- Tom, how are you?

- Darren, good.

Hey, Darren.

- Hi.

- How you doing?

Nice to see you.

- Good to see you, too.

- Sorry about the phone thing.

It's just fucking post

on Metro Doll, man.

The producers, not you

guys, some other fucks,

they wouldn't listen to me

about the special effects team.

And guess what?

It's a fucking disaster.

They're trying to

band-aid the whole thing.

- Anyway-

- Apologize for that.

Fuck it. Who cares?

Let's talk Fire Flame.

Yeah, well, it sounds like

a drag, sorry about that.

It's all right.

Fire Flame. So, all right.

I have some interesting

casting choices

and I feel pretty

strongly about them.

So if I can show you those...

They are not going

to be popular choices

- with foreign markets.

- Well, don't worry about that.

- Let's see the choices.

- Here we go.

Oh, also we got

the companion video

for the game specs

of Fire Flame,

so we can go over that after.

Well, forget casting,

let's look it that.

You got it?

Yeah, of course, yeah.

Okay, so they sent

the initial layout

and then Tom and I

gave our notes, right?

But, you were...

Was that the week that

you couldn't do it-

Oh it was the location fiasco

with fucking Metro Doll.

Right, right. Okay, so.

They incorporated our notes,

but we want your notes as well,

just because we want

to be on the same page.


Now remember when we

had that conversation

about the social

media connection

and how we wanted it

to be more than just

the user posting

that they liked it?


Okay, so check this

out. Check out right here.

Check out the game avatar and

then look at the left, right?

Yeah, the word cloud.

So your social media posts,

like Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter,

whatever source you wanted,

it all scrapes them for this,

like an emotionally

related word,

like happy, excited, you

know, angry, disappointed.

And then your game

avatar's costume

and its mount is transformed.

Both in what it looks like

and what it's capable of doing.

I like to say it's

like a mood ring

for your abilities in the game.

- Super cool.

- Right, right.

Can you look at, check on,

yeah click that.

- Oh my God.

- Yeah.

Doesn't she just

knock your socks off?

Violet is great.

There's nothing better

than watching her get all

excited about a new project.

Yeah well, I love what I do.

And she doesn't

just get passionate.

She gets frothy.

Don't you, Violet?

Don't cause a scene.

Just today, in fact,

right before you walked in,

she was telling me about

some project she's got.

And I'd heard about it before.

I heard about it a long

time ago and I thought

it was a pretty fucking

waste of time then,

but Violet's got

an itch about it.

So I couldn't resist

letting her get all

passionate about it again,

if you know what I mean.

God, she needs so

little encouragement

and then she goes.

It's like, she's

getting off on it.

Right, Violet?

Tom, come on, man.

No, Violet's

fine with this.

It's fine, it's fine.


and I go way back.

We know each other, we

know each other very well.

And I can't help but want

to see her get excited

about some new project.

Even if it's something

I'll never do

in a million

fucking years.

Isn't that right?

You're really into it, right?

I love the video game

and I love Fire Flame.

You want to talk about

your casting thoughts?

Because I'd love to hear them.

- Yes.

- Sure.


Well, like I said,

not popular choices.

Let me see it.


Okay, so, casting.

You did that right.

Now you're safe.

You'll never find your

way back to that kind of freedom.

This is so annoying.

I'm gonna text him.

Red. Hurry, asshole.

Your friend, Rita.

Hi, hey.

You waiting for Red?

- Oh Violet. Hey, it's Rita.

- Oh, hey.

- How are you doing?

- I'm doing good. It's good to see you.

- Yeah, you too.

- You waiting for Red?

Yeah, we're going

to a screening tonight

if Red can get out

of the house in time.

Yeah, I'm supposed to go

to a screening myself too,

but I think I might blow it off.

God I wish I could

blow this off, too.

It's my dad's film

so I have to...

Red, we got to go!

You know, I'll go

get him. I'm going in.

- Okay.

- It was good to see you.

- Have fun.

- Bye.

Oh, I had the wrong Red.

Oh my God, I texted

the wrong Red. Oh shit.

This is gonna be so good.

That guy's going to kill me.

Red, Rita's waiting.

Hey, V.

Yeah, I told her to wait.

I just want to see what

happens in this race.


Oh, that's over.

What's wrong?

No, I'm fine.

What's the matter?

I don't know.

It's just the same stuff.

I don't wanna make a big deal.

Don't you have like

a screening to go to?

I'll catch up with them later. I hear the movie sucks anyway.

Hey, Rita! Hey,

you guys go ahead.

I'll catch up with

you at the party.

You owe me one!

Red, I didn't want you to...

Honestly, I just don't want

to make a big deal out of it.


Okay, what's the matter.

It's just a bad

day, okay, I just...

I don't even know why

I'm so upset about it.

Tom was such a dick.

Oh Christ, what did he say?

No, it just...

You know, he's always a dick so

I shouldn't be surprised by it.

It's just that

today he just did a turn

that I wasn't expecting.

I just didn't see it coming.

Tom is a first-class asshole.

Okay, I'm thrilled that I'm on

his "will not produce" list.

I know.

He just lured me

into it this time.

It's all this

interest and openness.

God, I just don't feel

like I'm on top of things.

Like I was doing it

right for so long.

And then now it's like, I'm

just not doing it right.

Not doing it right?


Like not doing

things correctly?

Yeah, yeah.

Like when you're doing things

right, everything's fine.

You know, you're safe.

Safe, hmm.

Safe, like, you know nothing

bad's gonna happen to you.

Well can you

give me an example?

I don't know.

Like when you have to wear the right dress to a party

or go to the right college or...

What are you doing?

I'm sorry, am I

doing this wrong?

Oh my god, yes!

Yes, you're doing

it completely wrong.

- Okay.

- Can you turn it down?

Okay, okay.

I just did that wrong.

But we're still safe, I think.

- Aren't we?

- Yeah.

You're a good friend.

That's right.

Okay, well have

fun at your party.

Got one car.

Two cars.

Okay, here we go.

One, two.

Fucking awesome!

- Did you love it?

- It's fantastic.

Okay. Bernard!

Third time's a

charm, great shit.

Did you like it?

Okay, okay.

All right, how long was that?

Okay, that's good.

Okay. What's next?


Hey. What's going

on, everything okay?

Yeah, everything's good.


Yeah, just thought I'd call.

It's been a while.

Yeah, look, I'm at...

You at work?


Yeah, so am I,

Violet, so am I.

Fuck you!

I picked up cause

I just thought,

you know that

something happened.

No, no.

I have Aunt Helen here.

- Oh?

- Yeah it's a special day.

No, is it?

It's her birthday,

Violet, her birthday.

You remember?

She doesn't remember anything.

Right, right.

Yeah, so she stopped by here

for a little visit.

Let me have the phone.

Violet, honey.

It's your Aunt Helen.

Hi, Aunt Helen.

Well hello to you.

It's been awhile.

So I'm here at your

brother's office.

The girls are taking

me out to lunch

at French spot to

celebrate my birthday.

And I thought I'd

drop by Rick's office.

It's so good to see him.

I wish we could see you more.

Yeah, you know, it's just really

hard with my work schedule.

Well, everyone works, Violet.

No, I know, I just meant-

It's fine.

What is she saying now?

It's fine.

So for Christmas maybe?


You need to come out.

You haven't been here much at

all since your father died.

- I have to-

- Have to what?

Book a flight?

Happy birthday, Aunt Helen.

Can I talk to Rick?

She is so ungrateful.

You know, she hasn't talked

to her mother in three years.

Well that's because

she's a big deal now

in the movie business.

Isn't that right, baby sister?

Fuck you!

Thanks for calling, Rick.

I got to go back to work.

Well, we're all very

proud of you, Violet.

Thanks, Rick.

We all know you're

just doing your best.

Fuck you.

- Bye, Rick.

- Bye-bye, Violet.

Oh, sorry I'm

late, fucking 405.

That freeway is the devil.

Feels like whenever you

get on, it's jammed.

I'm glad you called.

Are you good with time?

I know you have a meeting.

Oh, it's all right.

My meeting's not till 11.

Forget it, I know what I want.

The lemon thing

and a cappuccino.

- Are you going to get anything?

- No, I just ordered.

Oh my God, what

modeling agency

did they get all

these waitresses from?

I know, it's like

they make them show

their lookbook before

they apply for the job.

I'm sorry I snapped

at you the last time.


Don't worry about it.

I was mad at you.

I know.

I was mad at you for saying

that you just live your life

without some voice telling you

that you're a piece of shit

or not enough or whatever.

I don't even know why

I listened to that.


And now I don't know

why things are different,

why I'm so aware

that the way I've always been

doing things just doesn't work now.

Like I've been telling myself

to do certain things

or act a certain way

or else something bad

will happen to me.

Or the committee's been

saying that, whatever.

And if that's a lie,

and nothing's ever

going to happen, then

it means I've spent my

life not doing things

or not being the way

that I wanted to be.

And what way do

you want to be?

Thank you.

Don't tell her.

I want to be free.

I don't want to be afraid

of some terrible outcome

'cause that doesn't

feel like me now.

And I don't know if it ever did.

It's just in me.

That's right.

Maybe you cast yourself in a part

that you don't want to play anymore.


But I'm scared to do

things differently.

Maybe that's an

okay feeling to have.

But do things

differently anyway.

This is a bad idea.

This is not going to

make you feel better.

You're just going

to feel worse.

It's just going to make

you feel bad again,

make you feel like a

fucking idiot again.

Blow this off,

you're fine.



- Hello?

- Violet?

- It's Martin.

- You're fine.

- Hey.

- Hi.

How are you?


I saw your message.



I just wanted to call

to say that I'm sorry.

Violet, it was an accident.


The fire.

Oh, I wasn't...

No, with your son

at the parking lot.


I was really rude

that I called him that.


Violet. No, it's okay.

I know you didn't mean it.

It was an uncomfortable


I can't imagine how you felt.

The last time we saw

each other wasn't great.


You know,

I've been kind of a puss to not

call you after all this time

even just to see how

your arm was or anything,

but, I did want to tell you that

you meant a lot to me.

He doesn't mean that.

And honestly, when

we were together,

you just caught me

when I was in a really

selfish phase of my life.

I didn't... Well, I see it now.


I guess it took me getting married

and having a kid to see things right.

I'm really sorry for

how I was with you.



Well, listen, I'm really

glad that you messaged.

I have to get going.

I've got to figure

dinner out, it's my turn.


- Martin?

- Yeah?


I am really sorry

about the fire.

I think I was not

really being myself

and I made a stupid

decision because of that.

Violet, it's okay.


Yeah. It's really okay.

You should just forget about it.

It was a long, long time ago.


Stay in touch, Violet.

Thanks, Martin.

Okay, well then,

Venice is out,

so probably,

probably Telluride...

But you're shooting

Coral and Sand then, right?

Yeah, in prep.

Prep, okay.

Well if we can do Toronto-


Hi, how are you?

- Good to see you.

- I am great now.


We were just having lunch

out on the patio.

I can't believe we're all

here together, we didn't know.

Yeah, hey Fred.

How's CAA treating you?

Ah, I'm just there

for the nice offices.

- You guys know Janice Miller.

- Hey, Janice.

- Yeah, hi.

- How you doing?

- Hi.

- Well, I know of her

and it's nice to

meet you finally.

Lion's Den is my wife's

all-time favorite movie.

Oh geez, it's so old.

Why don't you get her to

watch Game Plan or Sailor?

Well, they're all great

and we have seen them all.

So Dennis and Harry are the

principals of Phoenix Circle Films

and we've done a lot

of movies together.

They financed a lot of them

like Spanish Star is one.

Festival award-

winning Spanish Star.

Oh, we were just talking

about film festival schedules

for our film.


Trying to get Janice to as

many as possible, of course.

Sorry guys, I gotta take this.

Sure, yeah.


He is trying to get us to

fund a ridiculous action film,

but the script

has no second act.

Or first.

Or first.

Well look, you guys are

good at picking winners.

Just stick to that gut

instinct, you know?

You know who

picks good winners?

- You.

- He doesn't mean that.

- Well, I try.

- I agree.

How are things

at Gaines Pictures?

It's good, it's good.

We're starting prep on Fire Flame.

- It's good.

- Okay, good.

Yeah I just want to make sure you're

getting to do what you want over there,

because we are

branching out a bit and

we would love to

somehow steal you away

and have you come work for us.

Like, directly?

If Tom finds out about

this, he'll sue you.

I think it's something

we should talk about.

Oh, um.

You'd be a complete joke

if you've ever worked at their company.

Wow, I'm really flattered.

Thank you so much. I just-

They don't

know the film business.

You know, it's just going

really good at Gaines right now

and we have a lot cooking, so...

- Understood.

- Yeah.

That's good, but thank you.

I would love to bring you guys

some films we can get going.

You can finance, we can

work together again.

Our door is

always open for you.

Great to see you.

Nice to meet you.

Thank you.

Nice job offer.


Yeah. I mean, I don't

even know why they would...

I mean, I can't do that.

I've known Tom Gaines for a really long

time and I started my career there.

Honestly, I don't even think

I could do this without Tom.

We've got your film

to finish up, so...

Can't argue with that.


Now you can keep your career.

Excuse me, I'm just

here to pick up my car.

Soon as they see a woman

come, they jack up the price.

What is it?

It's just that one over there.

What's your name?

Calder. Violet Calder.

Don't take this price.

Whatever he gives you,

he's trying to rip you off.

He's not taking you seriously

because you're a woman.


Here it is.

Four tires.

So that's going to be $395.

You take that price

and then he's going

to hard sell you

a bunch of shit

you don't want.

It will never stop.


What are you doing?

It's a great deal.

We had a sale on those tires

and still had four left.


Yeah, they usually

go for $120 apiece.

So I got a discount?

They were on sale.

Here you go.

But don't you want to tell me

about some product or something?

What's that?

Don't you want to tell me

about some product?

Sorry, did you need to

get something else?


Have a good day.

Thanks. You, too.

Answer it.

What are you doing?

That's the fourth call,

you're fucking up.

You're making

a big mistake.

You're never going to

work with Universal again.

You'll be blackballed.

You'll never get a project

off the ground again.

That's bullshit.

What did you say?

All right, so we get there.

Gregory is the first one

on the hang glider, right?

He's with the instructor.

He's okay, he's fine,

he's ready to jump.

- So it's tandem.

- Yeah, of course. Tandem.

- They think you're stupid.

- We're on location

and it was an off day.

I had no idea this

was happening.

So he's with the instructor and they

glide off, straight off the cliff.

They don't

want you here.

They go up, up,

up, they come down.

Everything is okay.

Everything is perfect, good.

Now it's Juliana's turn.

She's with the other instructor.

You're not cool

enough to be here.

She's got the harness

on and she's fine.

I mean, she was nervous before,

but I told her she's gonna be okay.

It's easy, no problem.

So they run, run, run, run, run.

- They're cooler than you.

- To the edge of the cliff,

they jump.

And the glider drops.

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

Is he amazing?

My director takes the two

lead actors hang-gliding

while we're halfway

through shooting.

- I could have killed him.

- What happened to Juliana?

Okay, so they run, they jump,

the glider drops.

Gave me a heart attack.

Thank you.

So we run to the

edge of the cliff

and I'm like, "Oh my God,

I just killed my lead actress.

I killed my lead actress."

I looked down,

and they are there.

They are much lower, but they're

gliding now. They're all gliding.

So we run to the beach.

They come down.

The instructor, I'm not joking.

The instructor was

white as a ghost.

Like white as his shirt

and tie. Very nice.

And he tells me, "This has

never happened before.

And we are lucky to be alive."

And he says, "Like the wind,

I don't think the wind is

right for gliding today."


He hit a dead pocket of air.

The glider just fell, like boom.

So then Juliana comes.

Her harness is off.

And she's so excited!

Her face is so alive.

Like she loved it, she

wanted to do it again.

And she had no idea.

She had no idea she

almost died, none.

Next time I put

two PA's on you

and you do not

leave their sight.

Mmm, Red!

- What's up?

- Michele.

Oh, you're back.

How was Santa Barbara?

I mean the couple of hours

it wasn't overcast was nice.

- How was it, how was the film?

- It was good, it was good.


I mean, I see things that I

want to change, but I gotta,

- I gotta stop.

- Yeah.

What? He's being modest.

It was a great screening.

I'm starving.

I'm going to go eat all

that food over there.

Oh, I'm coming.

- Do you want anything?

- I'm good, thanks.

I didn't think

you'd come in time.

I knew you'd be here,

and this.

I know this guy, how long

has it been now, 10 years?

- Yeah.

- Since Ibiza.

Michele's better

friends with Red than you are.

I know you know him longer,

but I know him from a

long, long, long time.

Oh I bet you two were

trouble there, huh?

It's Ibiza.

- That it is.

- You never been?

No, not Ibiza.

Violet goes to

Europe a lot for work.

Then you haven't

been there, then.

You'd only go for

festivals and work?


No, no, no, you haven't been there.

You have to... Tell her.


My parents own a

hotel in Positano, okay.

So next time I'm there,

I want you both to come

and I'll show you Italy.

I'll show you the real Italy.

Both of us?


That sounds fun.

What are you doing?


Yeah, that sounds

like a lot of fun.

Love it.

So how's everything, man?


Oh, the executives.

I'll be right back.

Brother. Congratulations.

Yeah, Red.

You climbed the mountain

and you made it big.

- Violet.

- Connie, great party.

You look gorgeous.

Oh, come on, this is just

something I'm wearing for work.

Something's different.

You look different.



Howard! Happy birthday!


- Hi.

- Violet.

Roger, hi.

How are you?

- Good, good. You?

- I called you.

I know.

You'll pay for

not answering those calls.

Well, kind of a

different party.

Oh, you've never been to one

of Connie's parties before?


Well, I always

have fun at them.

It's a bit of a messy

mix of people, isn't it?


I guess.

You know Bernard.

This is Astrid

Becker and Ron Moore.

- Hey.

- Hi, how are you?

Did you see the film?

I already did, yeah.

It wasn't for me.


If you say you're

different, they won't work with you.

I don't go for

that arty stuff.

I agree, it's too complicated.

Give me a simple story,

a grand musical score.

That's what works.

Yeah, you can't

argue with that.

And I think the rest of the

country would agree with you.


I didn't really

find it that arty.

Arty enough.


You're gonna sit with us?

Maybe for a minute.

Okay, go ahead...

There's an empty chair

over there, grab it.

Dirty Martini.


Kirk. Wow, hi.

- How are you?

- I'll have a Corona.

I'm good.

God, it's been so long

since I last saw you.

Yeah, I've been in Budapest

for five months

on this last film.

Right, yeah,

well, how'd that go?

- It was-

- Kirk!

I'm so happy you came.

- You made it.

- Connie!

I love you!

What a beautiful suit!

Get out of here, I'm

gonna throw you in the pool.

You better.

Oh God, she's the best.

Hey, listen.

What's going on with Fox Run?

Oh, I'm not really sure.

Well, you know I want

to direct it, right?

It will

destroy your career.

I just think it might be too




Promise me you're

making this film.

God, it's so funny that

I'm running into you tonight.

Yeah, I was in fucking

Budapest for five months.

It's like really,

really funny.


So Fox Run...

Are we gonna get this going?

You can't do this.

Let me think about it.

Yeah, do think about it

and don't do it

with anybody else.



- Hey.

- Hey.

I think I've been

doing the opposite

of what I wanted to

do for a long time.

Now I know why

you look so good.

Thanks for the

great party, Connie.

Have a nice night.


Oh my God.

Oh my God is right.

A screenwriter?

You're gonna be with

a screenwriter?

This is career suicide.

Turn the car around.

Think of everything

that you've worked for.

Now turn the car around

and go back to the party.

You can tell Red you

forgot something.

But you go back and

you sit with Roger.

Hell, you sit with

another executive, anyone.

You are gonna be thought

of on a lower scale

if you do this.

This is a huge mistake.

Now you'll be

thought of well

by the people you

do business with.

Now you have a chance

to have a career

you can be proud of.

Now you have a

chance to succeed.

Now you can really make

something of yourself.

That doesn't even

make any fucking sense.



Oh my God, what?

I'm doing it.

What do you mean?

I'm not listening to

it, to the committee,

to that voice.

- Ooh, breaking the rules!

- Yeah.

Like what? Thanks.

Well, like, I'm

wanting to do things

differently at work, I think.

I'm gonna give

Fox Run some thought.

That's good.

And the other night, I

was at this party with Red.

Oh, I knew it,

I fucking knew it!

I told you.

Lila, I don't

know what happened.

Red's just different to me now.

Oh my God, that's great!

Look, I don't know what's

gonna happen with Red now.

I don't know if I just completely

fucked up our friendship.

No, you haven't.

It's just, I'm just

going with it, so-

Violet, wow.


Hey, his house is

finished, okay,

so he's doing this big party.

It's on the 17th.

I'll be there.


You know I'm scared.

But like not in a

way I used to be.

Like I'm scared now because

I don't understand this way.

I don't know what's

gonna happen.

I don't know if I

ever really knew.

I mean I always thought that

I knew what would happen

but maybe I really didn't.

And now I know I

really don't know.

Don't worry, that made sense.

Hey, Violet.

Oh. Hi, Bradley.

Violet, you know that whole

Fox Run thing the other day,

you know, with Tom?

Give him

whatever he wants.

Well I just,

I didn't realize

that was something

you didn't

want to talk about.

I'm so sorry about that.


Hey, don't you have a

friend who's one of the guys

that runs Coachella?

You know, the music festival?


Well, Kanye is playing

there again this year

and I really wanna go,

but you know, but with

like passes to the parties-

Give him

whatever he wants.

Do it right.

So, could you talk to him?

Bradley, you have work to do.

You need to be focused on your

production reports summaries.

In fact, I'm gonna

pull half the scripts

you're supposed

to do coverage on,

that way you have more

time for the reports.


Oh, also, I'd like you to

create Excel spreadsheets

for the report summaries

then merge them

with Powerpoint presentation

for our investors.

I don't know how to do that.

Google a tutorial.


Hey, guys, is this a party?

Violet, here's coverage on one

of the Argentinian scripts.

It's not bad.

Where are the other ones?

I'll get to them later.

Julie, you're gonna

have a new schedule.

I'm tossing over half

of Bradley's scripts

for you to cover.

I'll need three a day.

Oh... Okay...

Okay, I have to work.

God, I guess she's serious.

If you don't like it, I hear

they're hiring at Staples.

Oh, are they doing

original content now, Keith?


Hey V! Violet!

I just had lunch with Scott

and I think this

is our next script.

Okay, I'll check it out later.

No, no. You'll call Roger

Vale over at Universal

and you get this

setup over there now.

Do what he says.

What is the issue?

Give Tom what he wants.

No, it's, uh...

Well this should be easy.

You're fucking him, right?

It wasn't...

No, I'm not really,

um... It's not really.

You're either fucking him

or you're not fucking him.

Which is it?

That's none of your business.



He's your boss.

Look, I don't mind

calling Roger Vale.

It's just, my personal life

is none of your business.


Well it used to be.

That was once,

a long time ago.

I gotta get back to work, okay?

Yeah, we did fuck

a long time ago

and as I remember, that's

how you got this job. Hmm?

When I met you,

you were running errands

for some ad guys.

What was the name of that

agency, something out of Chicago?

You were nothing.

I gave you everything

that you had.

So don't tell me that

your personal life

is none of my fucking business

because the minute

you started using

your personal life

for work, I owned it.

You're nothing.

When I met you, this

company was producing

background story segments on

athletes for sports shows.

You're fucked now.

When I came here, I had

to push you to expand.

I'm the one who convinced you

to get into feature films.

I'm the one who showed you,

no, guaranteed you that

your profits would increase

if you got into

the movie business.

I got eight films

off the ground here.

Five of those, the ones

I oversaw directly,

all profited and

were award-winning.

The financing from

half those films

all came from my

direct connections,

so I hardly think that

you gave me everything.

You really want to get

into a pissing match here?

Is it my turn? This my

cue to whip out my dick?


You can do whatever

you want with your dick.

I did everything.

I made this company.

You are fucked now.

Get the fuck out of my office.

You are done. You are fired-

Where are you going?

Going to get my stuff.

Oh really? You want your

stuff? You want your stuff?

I will get your stuff.

Here we go, here's your stuff.

Here's your stuff.

Here, here!

You want your stuff?

Here, here!

Good luck out there,

you're gonna need it.

No one will work with you.

You won't know what

to do without me.

That's true.

Phoenix Circle Films.


Give me Dennis, please.


In here.

I did it.


I'm working with

Phoenix Circle Films.


President of Production.

- Yes, that's fucking awesome.

- You're going to fail.

You deserve it.

I think one of our first films

is going to be Fox Run.

Good, that's awesome.

Guaranteed failure.

You know maybe you could start

producing some of my films,

now there's no Tom

Gaines embargo on it.


You really scared

the shit out of him.

Mhmm, yeah, he was very

intimidated by you.

Good looking guy, smart,

talented, creative, funny.

Oh, and also, he

really hated the fact

that you and I have been

old friends forever.


God, you really taste good.

Man, let me get a jar of

jelly, I'll make a sandwich.

Ugh, it's my brother.

This is your family.

Rick, what's going on?



Wait, how?

Okay, yeah.

My mom just died.

And where were you?

Oh, shit, V.

I'm so sorry.

You never

did enough for her.

I didn't know she was sick.

Was she sick?

I don't know.

I don't know.

You know, I just haven't talked

to her in a really long time.

You're so selfish.

She had a heart attack.

I mean I knew she had

heart issues, I just,

it was never really a thing.

V... V.


Are you okay?

Um, I don't really

feel anything.

You're probably in

a little bit of shock.

I don't feel

like I'm in shock,

I just don't feel anything.

The funeral is in

a couple of days.

It's the same night

as your party.




I'm here for you.

That's too L.A.

That's more appropriate.

Now you'll be

taken seriously.


I'm just gonna run to the store,

get some stuff for

the party tomorrow.


You sure you don't

want me to fly with you

to Michigan tonight?

'Cause I'll cancel

this fucking party.

I don't care.

God, my mom was such a bitch.

I know. I remember.

And I haven't gone

back there forever.

I mean after my dad died,

I didn't really have a reason

to go back there anymore.

Just more of

my brother and my aunt

trying to rub dirt in my face

over the fact that I

work in the movies.

I mean, honestly, I don't know

who I'd be going back there for.

For my mom, who just

tried to rip me apart

my whole life?

My asshole brother and

my shaming aunt, I guess.



Trip won't be that

long, I guess.

Don't go.


Don't go.

What do you mean?

Well, why would you be going?


Because I'm supposed to.

Well, fuck that.

You can't skip this.

This isn't a choice.

You go.

You get your ass

up and you go.

Get in the car!

If you don't leave now

you're gonna miss

that flight.

Get up!

Get up!

All right, if you guys

wanna set up near the fire pit

and I'll be down there soon.



You look good.

Thank you.

Yeah, funeral's

going on right now.

How's it feel?

This is bad.

It's really, really good.


Answer it. This

is your family.

Oh hey, Violet!

- Hey, congratulations on the new job!

- Thanks.

- Red told us all about it!

- Uh-huh.

So wait, does this mean like I'm

not the first person you call

when you get news anymore?

- Uh huh.

- I'm kidding.

- We love you.

- We're so proud of you.

It's gonna be really good.

It's going to be terrible.

Oh, okay! All right.

Crazy party.

Congratulations again.

- Yes, yes, congratulations.

- Thanks, guys.

- Fred!

- Violet.

You made it!

Yeah, oh, this is your party?

Oh, weird.

Yeah I was just driving

by, I saw a line of cars,

I thought, I'm gonna crash that.

Yeah right.

You want a drink?

Yeah, I wouldn't be

a good party crasher

if I didn't drink

all your alcohol.

Hey, I'm excited about you

at Phoenix Circle Films.


Red had more

details than Variety.

Oh yeah, well Red's

my publicist now.

It's gonna be really great to

build the film department.

Well, next week you

should stop by the office.

I mean everyone there is gonna

want to talk to you about this.


want to laugh at you.

Yeah, no, seriously.

You were the only one worth

dealing with at Gaines Pictures.

I mean Tom's not

gonna know what to do

without you there.

Yeah, you're probably right.

I know.

I gotta get this.


Have mine.


There he is.

Hi, Rick.

You're in big trouble.

What the hell?

Where were you?

Why weren't you at the funeral?

Honestly, I just couldn't

think of a good enough reason

to be there.

What the fuck does that mean?

Mom wasn't nice, Rick.

She was not a nice person.

She was really mean to me.

I can't believe

what I'm hearing.

I thought you were gonna

say that you were sick

or that you got into a

car accident or something.

And that's why you

couldn't make it,

not that you just

decided to not come.

I know Aunt Helen

tried to call you.

But nobody picked up.

We didn't know what to think.

Rick, I just

didn't want to go.

Jesus, you're a

piece of fucking work.

You know what I

don't understand?

You were there too,

with Mom. Okay?

When we were kids,

you saw all of that.

Saw what?

Saw how she was with us.

How she never gave

a shit about us,

how she was always

trying to rip us down,

never had anything

nice to say to us

unless Dad was around.

She was your mother,

Violet, your mother.

Well, that doesn't

mean anything to me.

You just can't go around

treating people like shit

and then just get

away with it, okay?

It doesn't matter

what title you have.

You know what I do see here?

I see you making decisions

that suit your lifestyle.

Your Hollywood life out there.

Yeah, that's what this is about.

You go to your parties

and your movies

and you think that you can

just do whatever you want

with no responsibilities,

not care about

anybody but yourself.

But you know what, Violet?

You know what does that? A baby.

A baby just thinks of

itself day and night.

You are just a

selfish little baby.

Rick, never call me again.

What exactly

is the plan here?

Oh so what, you're just

not gonna have a family now?

You don't have very

many left.

Your dad's dead,

your mother's dead.

Now you're gonna cut off

your aunt, your brother?

Shut up.

I don't fucking care.

Well if you thought

you felt alone before,

you have no idea

what's about to come.

Yeah, like what?

You know

that pit in your stomach

you felt all through

your childhood

that you thought

would go away

when you

finally moved out?

Well, it never left,

it's been sleeping.

And it will grow

bigger and bigger

until you are aware of

that ache all the time.

And then what?

And then,

you will cut off more people

and more people,

and that pit in your

stomach will grow

and cover you.

And then no one will even

want to come near you.

They will stop trying

to be near you.

They will recoil

from you.

And then what?


you'll be alone with this pit

covering you like

a black cancer.

And you will be alone.



And then what?

And then you will die!

And then what?