Violent Is the Word for Curly (1938) - full transcript

Three bumbling gas station attendants are mistaken for college professors arriving from Germany to teach at a prestigious women's college.



There, you see,

Professor Hicks,

the school is in desperate need

of athletic equipment.

The girls need sports,

they want sports,

and besides,

it's good for 'em.

I know what's

good for the girls.

Oh, Mother.


in my day we kept

our noses in books

and didn't run around

dressed like fan dancers.

It's useless to argue,


Mrs. Cattsby's generous donation

will be used for the salaries

of the three

European professors

who arrive today

to join our faculty.

Oh, that reminds me!

We'd better start

preparing for their arrival.

That's Mother for you.


I'm going across the street,

men, for a sandwich.

Now listen, when customers

come in, give 'em service.

Now, this is your first day

on the job,

so show me that you got

what it takes.

Don't be afraid to push

those sponges around.

Use a little

elbow grease.

Suppose it's

knee action.


What's the idea?

Mistaken identity.

Hi, pal.

Okay, boss,

you can trust us.

Carry on.

You heard what the boss said.

He's a pretty nice guy.

We'll grease their elbows

and I'll grease their palms.

Carry on.

Carry on.


What'll it be,


Put in 10 gallons

of gas.

I'm going across the street

for a sandwich.

Okay, boys, super service.

Carry on!


Right, right, right, right.

Well, I guess we might as well

have lunch here, gentlemen.




Right, right, right.


Swing it!

Give them super service.

Elbow grease, eh?

Thank you.

Super ser--

Hold it.

Super service,

help yourself.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck,

nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.



Super service.



Clean windshield,




Why, I never saw such

service in my life.


throw me that polish!


That's what you call--

What are you doing?

Quiet. Over in a minute.

What are you doing?

Hold it.



What's all

the rumpus here?

Take it easy, field marshal.

Sit down.

You don't know what

you're doing. Go help him,

I'll finish this.


Hey, we gotta clean

the spark plugs, get the tools.

Okay, finish this.

Right. Right.

Right. Right.


Come on, hurry up.

Super service.



Don't you men know you're

not supposed to open a body

unless you sterilize

your hands?


Super service.

Hey, can you guys give me

a little help?

I need

some repairs.

We're pretty busy, pal,

but we'll be glad

to let you use the tools.

Save us working the job.

All right, men,

a little super service.

You check the battery,

you check tires.

What are you gonna check?

I'll check you guys.




Don't worry about nothing.

I'll get that done

in a minute here, bud.

I never thought--

What is this?

Just as I thought.


Huh. What--

What you doing?

Take it easy, now.


what kind of a place is this?

Let go my leg.

Hey, what are you

trying to do?

I'm gonna

press his pants.

Well, leave him alone and check

the tires like I told you.


Don't do any--

Only one ahead of you,

you're next.



Stop it.




Okay, okay.




What's the matter

with you?

Oh, I just got this

fellow cleaned up.

Shut it off!

Larry, shut it off.

Stop it. Stop it.


Are you hurt?

Are you all right?

Get up out of there.

You see what you did,


Now I gotta clean

those guys up again.


Don't stand around idle.

You put in the water,

you put in the gas.

Get moving. Right.

BOTH: Right.

Sorry, gents, but this can

happen in the best of places.

I'll have you all cleaned up

in a jiffy.


Take it easy, now, boys.

Everything's all right.

That's all right now.


Now, hold still, now.

Just a minute,

I'll have a towel right away.

Stop that.

Just take it easy, fellas.


Hey, did you put

the water in?

Ah, you never

do anything right.


What happened?

It's murder, it's arson.

Let's get outta here!


Hey, Curly, come on!

Hey, Moe, Larry!


What's the matter?

We're outta gas.

Outta gas?

What do you think

this thing is, a camel?

We've been going

for over three hours.

Let's get outta here.

Hey, wait a minute.

Didn't we forget something?

I can't think

of anything.

How about Curly?


He's in the car!


Hey, Curly!

Open the door.

Hey, Curly.

He's frozen.

Get him outta there.

Oh, a frozen dainty,


He's as stiff as a plank.

What are we gonna do with him?

We'll build a fire

and thaw him out.

Come on,

get him into the woods.

Get your arm

under here.


Up we go.

He's done on this side,

turn him over.

Twenty minutes to a pound.

Ha, ha.

We'll be here a month.


What happened?

Get me off here.

Untie me!

LARRY: He's burning, Moe!


All right, he's done.


Easy now, kid.

Easy. Whoa!

Easy, kid,

I'm getting you.







Are you all right?

Take it easy, kid. Come here.

Give me your hand,

give me your hand.



Now look at the mess

you got us into.

Wait a minute.

What about those suitcases

I put in that ice-cream truck?

There might be some

dry clothes in them.

That's a good idea,

let's go and look.

I ought to beat your brains in,

and I think I will.


Hey, wait for me.

I ain't going any place.

They've stopped.

Look, they must be

our three professors.

Yes, yes, indeed.

Welcome to Mildew.

I guess she means us,

let's go.

Oh, Professor Von Stupor?


I guess you mean him.

We have a grand day


First a visit

to the classrooms,

then a reception

and a buffet luncheon.

I never ate a buffet,

but I bet you got something.

Look out, let me get in there,

will you?


you'll just love it.

Mildew has a lovely

student body.

Yours wouldn't be so bad either,

if you took off about 20 pounds.


Come on, sister, let's go.


Thank you, girls.

Henceforth, Mildew College

will take its place among

the world's greatest

institutions of learning.

No other school can boast

of having such distinguished

educators as Professors

Feinstein, Frankfurter,

and Von Stupor.


Say, I'll meet you in the gym,

next to the dumbbells,

You'll know me,

I got a hat.


And now, I'm going to call on

Professor Feinstein to tell you

something of his

famous theory.



Oh, me, uh--

Any questions?

Is it true that time and space

are calculated by the direct

ratio of interplanetary

magnetism to solar radiation?

What do you think?

I think we're gonna have

trouble with this dame.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm gonna-- Sit down.

I'm gonna test your--

Sit down.

I'm gonna test your mental

coordination with a little--

Sit down!

With a little number called

"Swinging the Alphabet."


Swinging, right.


I'll explain it so even

you can understand.

My colleagues will assist.

Ready, sister?

Get that junk out of here.

Come on boys, scram.

I'll give you the idea

in a nutshell.

B-A, bay.

B-E, be.

B-I, bickey-bi,

B-O, bo--

I'll give you

the correct demonstration.

Cutie pie,

pound those horse teeth.


♪ B-A, bay, B-E, be, ♪

♪ B-I, bickey-bi, B-O Bo,

Bickey-bi-bo, ♪

♪ B-U Bu, Bickey-bi-bo-bu. ♪


♪ C-A, say, C-E, see ♪

♪ C-I, sickey-si,

C-O, so ♪

♪ Sickey-si-so,

C-U, soo, sickey-si-so-soo. ♪

Get the idea girls?

Now, we'll all join together

on the letter D.



♪ D-A, day, D-E, dee ♪

♪ D-I, dickey-di,

D-O, doe ♪

♪ Dickey-di-doe, D-U, do,

Dickey-di-doe-do ♪

♪ F-A, fay, F-E, fee ♪

♪ F-I, fickey-fi,

F-O, foe ♪

♪ Fickey-fi-foe, F-U, foo,

Fickey-fi-foe-foo ♪

♪ G-A, jay, G-E, gee ♪

♪ G-I, jickey-ji,

G-O, joe ♪

♪ Gickey-ji-joe, G-U, joo

Gickey-ji-joe-joo ♪

♪ Da, da, da, da ♪

♪ F, J, A ♪

♪ H, G, E ♪

♪ H-I, hickey-hi,

H-O, hoe ♪

♪ Hickey-hi-ho,

H-U, hoo ♪

♪ Hickey-hi-ho-hoo ♪

♪ J-A, jay

J-E, gee ♪

♪ J-I, jickey-ji,

J-O, joe ♪

♪ Jickey-ji-joe,

J-U, joo ♪

♪ Jickey-ji-joe-joo ♪

♪ K-A, kay,

K-E, kee ♪

♪ K-I, kickey-ki,

K-O, ko ♪

♪ Kickey-ki-ko,

K-U, koo ♪

♪ Kickey-ki-ko-koo ♪

♪ L-A, lay,

L-E, lee ♪

♪ L-I, lickey-li,

L-O, lo ♪

♪ Lickey-li-lo,

L-U, loo ♪

♪ Curly's a dope ♪

♪ M-A, may,

M-E, me ♪

♪ M-I, mickey-mi,

M-O, mo ♪

♪ Mickey-mi-mo,

M-U, moo ♪

♪ Mickey-mi-mo-moo ♪



Oh, Duncan, Mother said

to announce luncheon

as soon as it's ready.

I shall do so at once, miss.


Luncheon is served.

Oh, super service.

All right,

Easy, fellas.

Take your time,

there's enough for every--

It's bad etiquette to reach

in front of a person

when said person is trying

to snag a morsel of food.


Head him off around there!

I'll get him down here!


Oh, somebody,

do something, help him!

Hold still kid,

I'll get you.


I can't do a thing with him.

You try something.


Oh, a wise guy, eh?


From now on,

you're on your own.

That's gratitude for you.

Do you think we'd

better call a doctor?

No, if he had

an ounce of initiative,

he'd swallow the thing.

Oh, Mrs. Cattsby?


May I see you?



Some terrible mistake.

A mistake?

I am Professor Von Stupor.

I beg your pardon?

Ready, go.

A bull's-eye.

This is the last straw.

Tonight we return to Hamburg

on The Clipper.

I never heard

of such a thing.

You never heard

of what?

He's gonna get a hamburger

with a zipper.


We will mix them a formula

they will never forget.



I demand an explanation.

Oh, don't worry, lady,

let 'em go.

What this college needs anyway

is athletics. Football.

And basketball.

I can do very nicely

with a highball.

What do you mean?


Come on outside, lady.

We'll demonstrate.

Come on, toots.

Come on, girls!


Now just try

and visualize, lady,

a beautiful spring afternoon,

the flowers are in bloom.

The bees are

making honey.

And Seabiscuit is making six

furlongs in one 10 flat.





The grandstands are filled

to capacity, and look:

I see a diamond.



Just old-time


All right, break it up.

Now, Mrs. Cats.


All right, Cattsby.


Aw, suffering--

Hey, will you quit heckling me?

Come on men,

break it up.

Any luck?

Aw, he gets all the breaks.


I found a corona.

A corona?

It was a corona corona,

but I only found half of it.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.


Shall I put in a little

of this?


Just a little,

about one quart.


You see, basketball is very

difficult to explain

without a basketball.

Has anyone a basketball handy?

Any kind will do.


Baby Dimple.


Oh, thank you.

That's what I call

super service.

Come on, men,

we'll demonstrate.


What's the meaning

of this?

Don't worry,


Come on, swing it!

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.



what's the idea?

She intercepted it.

Come on, let's get it.

Run, lady, your team's getting

all the breaks.


Run, run!


Let me out of here.


Get up off of me.


Mrs. Cattsby's ball

on her own 5 yard line.

I've had just about enough

of this, gentlemen.


A fumble, a fumble!

I've never been

so humiliated in my life,

but I'll

forgive everything

and give the school

an athletic fund

if you'll just get those three

poor professors back.


Hey, fellas?

Get rid of that ball,

the lady's got a proposition.


There you are, lady. That's what

I call super service.

But look at them.

We'll have them cleaned up

in a minute.

Carry on men.

ALL: Right! Right, right.
