Violent City (1970) - full transcript
After a bloody double-cross leaves him for dead, professional hit man Jeff tracks the shooter and his beautiful mistress to New Orleans. But when Jeff takes both revenge and the woman, he finds himself blackmailed by a powerful crime boss who wants the fiercely independent gunman to join his organization. Jeff refuses, and is hunted through an unforgiving city where love is like a loaded gun and debts of vengeance are paid in bullets.
[seagulls squawking]
[engine rumbling]
[dramatic music]
[water splashing]
[engine rumbling]
[horns honking]
[traffic whizzing]
[engine revving]
[tyres squealing]
[metal clanging]
[tyres squealing]
[car thuds]
[tyres squealing]
[car thudding]
[horn honking]
[engines revving]
[car thuds]
[tyres squealing]
[car thuds]
[engine revving]
[car crashing]
[glass shattering]
- Coogan.
[engine idling]
[shot firing]
[car doors slamming]
[shots firing]
[fire whooshing]
[shots firing]
[pensive music]
- Let's go away together.
Anywhere you like, for
as long as you like.
- [Jeff] You don't know anything about me.
- I don't care.
I'm leaving behind me
everything I was until today.
You do the same thing.
Can you?
Darling, why don't you relax?
Let the warm sun sink into your skin.
Nature is nothing but love.
[music continues]
[footsteps approaching]
[gloves rustling]
- Jeff?
[door sliding]
[inmates chattering]
- Weber sent you.
He gets me out and I
join The Organisation.
That the idea?
- No, Jeff.
I came down here on my own.
I heard you were in trouble.
You know, you were somebody
very special for me.
You were my first client.
- Okay, okay.
Don't get uptight.
It's just that I don't wanna
owe those guys any favours.
I'm glad to see you.
- That sounds better.
Now then, let's see how we
can get you off this time.
Tell me what happened.
- Well, all you have to know
is that I fired in self defense.
The gun I used belonged to one of them.
- Okay, but I'll have to tell
the judge more than that.
Jeff, why did they wanna knock you off?
- Say it was a mistake.
They thought I was some other guy.
- You think that the
judge will swallow that?
Maybe if the girl who
was with you testified
that the gun wasn't yours, then-
- What girl?
No girl.
I was alone.
- What do you mean, Jeff?
They saw her.
- Well, Mr. Attorney,
you find some people who didn't see her.
All you have to say is that I fired
in self defence and I was alone.
- Jeff, this isn't the time
or place to get sentimental.
You're not the sentimental type.
It's going to cost you too
much to keep her out of it.
- She won't be out of it.
[eerie music]
- Jeff?
- Jesus Christ.
What's he doing?
He's crazy.
[music continues]
[foot stomps]
[light clicks]
[cellmate sighs]
- You had to prove yourself a
tough guy anyway, didn't ya?
Even here.
- What are you talkin' about?
- I knew a guy once,
and for 40 years he was a good husband,
a good father, and a good citizen.
One day, instead of going to the office,
he bought himself an automatic pistol,
stood on the corner of the
street and just started shootin'.
He killed three people.
Well, everybody said he was
crazy, but that wasn't so.
He had just discovered his true calling.
He was a natural born Killer.
[eerie music]
- $20,000.
That's not bad, Jeff.
Besides it's not really a crime.
My uncle's 80 years old.
All it means is giving
him one little push.
You'll have no regrets.
- I am a professional.
[phone buzzing]
- Hello? Who is it?
- [Jeff] I'm a friend of your nephew's.
He asked me to call you and warn you
there's someone waiting to Kill you.
- What?
What do you mean?
Who is it?
Where is he?
- [Jeff] He's waiting for you on shore.
You can see him if you
look out of your porthole.
- Hello?
Who is it?
My God, I can't hear anything at all.
- I'm a professional.
[shot firing]
[eerie music]
I looked at him.
That's never happened to me before.
For me, they've all been
targets, nothing else.
Why did I look at him?
[eerie music]
- Did she play it dirty with ya?
- That's enough, old man.
You shut up now.
[engine whizzing]
[announcer chattering]
- Welcome back.
Come on, Jeff.
The boss wants to talk to you.
You're lucky.
You just got out,
and already we got a
nice job lined up for ya.
- I'm not workin' anymore.
- $30,000, Jeff.
- I said no.
- For God sake, Jeff.
- Hey, come here.
This guy has a proposition for you.
- What?
[engine rumbling]
- Hi, Jeff.
Lined up like they're in uniform.
They're just clerks nowadays.
Killers with a time clock to
punch in an old age camera.
You were smart to say no,
not to go with Weber's bunch.
You're another kinda man altogether.
You're like me, a free man.
We like to think with our
own heads, use our own hands.
And when the crunch comes,
you were there in person
ready to risk our necks.
[dog barking]
[pedestrians chattering faintly]
[upbeat music playing faintly]
- What the hell are you doin'?
You think a good deed a
day will get into heaven?
- No, heaven cost me a lot more than that.
50 bucks a day.
The blind man's my connection.
[engine rumbling]
- Do some lookin' around for me.
- Who do you wanna find?
- [Jeff] Harry Coogan, Vanessa Shelton.
[pensive music]
[engine rumbling]
I wanna know where they are.
- Okay.
- I wanna know right away.
[engine rumbling]
[gravel crunching]
[kids chattering]
[engine rumbling]
- That's right.
Car's ready.
It's over there.
[car door slams]
[engine rumbling]
[anticipatory music]
[band music playing]
- [Announcer] Ladies and
gentlemen, welcome to Michigan.
We're about to begin the racing trials
for the Canadian Americans
or the Can-Am, usually known.
The most famous names in automobile racing
from all over the world are
taking part in these trials.
The crowd of fans'
estimated at 40,000 gathered
from every state of the union
and all over Canada to
follow heartbeat by heartbeat
the progress of their heroes,
and drill with them to every
move in this exciting race.
Sterling Ross himself as
great British champion
is here to direct the company,
the district carrying out last second-
[band music drowns out speech]
200 miles an hour on us.
Let me see if I can spot a few
of the famous names for you.
There's Dennis Holt.
[audience applauding]
John Gleason, looking
as confident as ever.
[audience applauding]
And Harry Coogan, fearless
millionaire dedicated
to his one great passion, racing.
[audience applauding]
[dramatic music]
Now the cars are being moved
into their starting positions.
Start signal is given as
the cars pick up speed.
Ernie Moss, director of the competition,
guides the circuit and decides the moment
the accelerating cars will reach the speed
at the beginning of the race.
Maintenance crews treat
these powerful machines
with all the care deserved
by any extremely delicate mechanism
in this and all states of the union.
The drivers watch every move
with hawk-eyed interest,
and above all, safe to use the machine.
They know that each one of them
is very close to
demonstrating their skills
at every dangerous bend
right along the high speed straights.
Where they make up any time,
they might've lost on the curves.
[helicopter engine whirring]
[engine rumbling]
[hooves clomping]
[anticipatory music]
As the cars reach their positions,
we hear the sound of revving engines.
Each driver sensitive to any irregularity
in the tuning of his motor,
strains to hear the
familiar reassuring sound
he knows so well.
There are only a few seconds
left now before the start.
Tension increases in the crowd.
For those of you who have just joined us,
let me repeat that we are
bringing you direct from Michigan,
the Canadian-American racing trials.
[engines revving]
[men chattering]
The drivers are now
standing by at their places.
[anticipatory music]
[engines revving]
[hooves clomping]
Look at the way the cars are grouping
like real thoroughbreds
straight [indistinct].
All coiled up to spring
ahead of the signal.
[engines revving]
[stop watch clicks]
[metal clinking]
[revving continues]
[tyres squealing]
[pensive music]
[engines revving]
[shots firing]
[tyres squealing]
[car crashing]
[explosion booming]
[upbeat music]
[photo rips]
- As far as she's
concerned, nothin' doin'.
I looked around, asked a lotta questions.
Nobody knows a thing, or
else they won't say anything.
I'm sorry, Jeff.
Listen, can I give you some advice?
- No.
- Well, I'll give it to ya anyhow.
Forget that girl, Jeff.
Go away.
Get some sun, fresh air.
It'd be good for you.
If you really want me to,
I'll go on lookin' for her.
And if I find out anything,
I'll let you know,
but clear out, Jeff.
Listen to me.
Don't go hunting for more trouble.
- I have to find her.
Right now.
[guests chattering]
[gentle music]
- [Woman] And I am sure dear friends,
[speaking faintly] will come to talk
to the appeal of this
important human enterprise.
These innocent little victims of poverty
will have their faith in life restored
when they have learned that
they have [speaking faintly]...
So, if you can feel in your heart
to help us and help this cause today,
give the money to the ladies,
and pass this basket around
when you can make your contribution.
[audience applauding]
[gentle music]
[guests chattering]
- Jeff!
[engine rumbling]
[car door slams]
Oh, it's hopeless.
You'll never believe me.
It's terrible, really to be the way I am.
I'm always getting things wrong.
I was Coogan's girl when I met you.
He was terribly jealous.
He realised right away
something had changed,
so he had me followed and
found out about us, about you.
He realised who you were.
He decided to use you
to get rid of his uncle,
and then have you wiped
out and take me back.
- Well, he got what he wanted.
You went with him.
- Yes, I went away with him.
Well, what else could I do?
It was only for a little while.
I couldn't forget you, Jeff.
I couldn't forget what he'd done to you.
I left soon afterwards.
[train horns blaring]
[engine rumbling]
[tyres squealing]
[Vanessa gasps]
[boat horn blaring]
[car door slams]
All right, I was wrong.
I'm still wrong.
I always am.
It's just because I can't be by myself.
We can start again.
I'll leave everything behind me.
Oh no, Jeff, no!
[Vanessa gasping]
No, Jeff, no!
[Vanessa grunts]
No, Jeff, not here.
Oh [gasping]!
Oh no, Jeff, no!
No, not here!
No, Jeff, no, not here!
[Vanessa gasping]
[men yelling]
[punches thudding]
Why is it whenever I'm with you,
I always end up in the
middle of blood and violence?
- Well, it happens the whole city
is full of blood and violence.
You only see it when you're with me.
Come on.
[horns honking]
[engines rumbling]
[car door slams]
[plane engine rumbling]
[announcer chattering]
- [Announcer] Flight 216,
boarding passengers from
concourse A&D number 1.
For Kansas City and Omaha,
and Minneapolis, St Paul,
brought onto international
flight 250, concourse AA.
[announcer chattering]
[whistle shrilling]
[announcers chattering]
- [Driver] This is for you.
[engine rumbling]
[travellers chattering]
- Hello, darling.
- Name's Heston.
I have reservations for Miami.
- Have a nice trip, Sir.
- Thank you.
- [Gate Agent] This was
left for you, Mr. Heston.
- Cancel.
[upbeat music playing softly]
♪ Whoa ♪
[singing faintly]
♪ We can fool around ♪
[singing faintly]
J We'll be all in town &
[singing faintly]
♪ We'll be all about ♪
[singing faintly]
♪ Pieces will be found ♪
♪ Ah, ah, ah ♪
♪ Pieces will be found ♪
- [Jeff] What do you know about that?
♪ Pieces will be found ♪
- What kind of a joke you think this is?
Jeff, you gone crazy?
- This why, old friend?
- Put that gun away.
That girl's gone to your head all right,
if you could even make you do this to me.
I was the first one to
put a gun in your hand,
and then you come here threatenin' me.
I'm the only friend you've got.
[gun thuds]
Don't forget that, Jeff.
You can't just scratch me off your list.
- I made a mistake.
A man's gotta defend himself.
- Against me?
What do I know about this crap?
I was with you, wasn't I?
I helped you, didn't I?
But I won't help you again.
You can count on that.
[door closes]
[mellow music]
[vocalist exhaling]
[Freddie grunting]
[metal clanging]
[Freddie groaning]
- Well, if you're gonna
- No!
- Take up photography-
- No [groaning]!
- Who sent you?
[Freddie groaning]
- All right, all right!
- Who sent you?
- I'm sorry.
Don't kill me, don't kill me!
No [groaning].
[Freddie gasping]
No! Don't!
- Cool it, Jeff.
The girl was really heroic.
Damn fool for no reason.
We could've told you, Jeff,
I ordered the pictures.
I've been lookin' all over for ya.
We wanna have a little chat about 'em.
- Take it easy, Jeff.
We're here to hand you a
strictly personal invitation.
- You know, Jeff, you're photogenic.
Now you'll come with us, won't ya?
Like I said, the boss wants to see ya.
[engine rumbling]
[golf cart engine rumbling]
- [Steve] Hey, Jeff.
- Hi, Steve.
What a coincidence.
- Not really.
The club belongs to Weber.
I come here a lot to play
tennis and keep my weight down.
But you?
- [Man In Yellow] Weber
wants to talk to him.
- Ah.
Go and tell Weber that he
stopped for a word with me.
He'll be along in a minute.
- All right.
He's over there in the Japanese sauna.
Hurry up, Jeff.
He doesn't like to be kept waiting.
- What are you up to with Weber?
- Nothin'.
He wants to talk to me.
- Listen, I know it's none of my business,
but be careful with Weber.
He doesn't take anything from anybody.
He's accustomed to squeezing
people like lemons,
then he throws them away.
I don't want him to do the same with you.
- You worked for him.
- Yes, but I use him, he doesn't use me.
I'm a lawyer, Jeff.
And it's normal for me to
work with people like them.
I have to convince them
that certain methods,
violent methods are out of date.
They can't be used any longer.
I wanna make you a proposition.
There's a deal on in Venezuela.
It's a good business.
Handled it myself.
One of the latest purchases
of The Organisation.
I can arrange for you to leave right now.
Don't go to Weber.
- Well, I have to see him.
Your reasons sound good,
but he's got pretty good ones, too.
- Jeff?
I'm going to the office now.
I'll be working late.
Come and see me when
you finish with Weber.
- Okay.
- Oh,
remember, those who give the orders
aren't always those who command.
- Oh, I made you an offer
and you turned it down,
and you lied about it.
You said you didn't wanna work anymore,
but instead [chuckles] Coogan, pow.
You shouldn't tell Daddy lies.
You know, it all comes
out in the end, Jeff.
Especially if big daddy's a
suspicious son of bitch like me.
[Al chuckles]
- That wasn't work.
I did it for myself.
And you shouldn't allow your
feelings to get hurt so easily.
- Hey, my feelings aren't hurt.
It's just, I can't allow certain things.
It's a matter of authority.
The Organisation, I have
to make myself respected.
Otherwise the whole
works, they fall apart.
It was different in the old days.
Than you just had to
knock off one of the boys
from time to time, not a
small percentage, you know?
Set an example.
And that way everybody else would fall
into line very, very nicely.
With you young people
today, you're all cynics.
No, they don't care about anything,
and they don't show respect.
- I want that film.
- And I want you to
join our little family.
- I've been an orphan all my life, Weber.
I'm used to being alone.
- [laughs] Well, even orphans get married.
You know, you can't go it
alone, especially nowadays.
You gotta belong to somebody,
a group, a party, a church.
If you go alone,
whoop, they crush ya.
[hands slapping]
No, none of my men would've gotten
into the trouble that you did
down in the Virgin Islands.
I wouldn't have allowed it.
You understand?
Now, look, we're headin' for
big things, my boy, you and I.
The Organisation is changing in many ways.
It's getting stronger,
and it's getting cleaner.
In fact, we're thinkin' of settin' up
on a serious scale nationwide.
We don't have time for no
two bit killers anymore.
And if by some rare
chance we need somebody,
well, then, we'll hire the
champions like yourself,
and nothin' less.
So look, you'll have a
regular salary, pension.
You'll have all the freedom you want.
Only if I call you, you come, yeah?
There's no divorce from our family.
Remember that.
- Yeah, I know all about that.
And the harbour is full
of people who didn't,
underwater statuary.
[Al laughs]
- Oh!
You've been readin'
those detective stories.
Jeff, you've been readin'
the wrong kinda books.
Hey, look, I wanna make ya happy.
So if you say okay, I'll even
hire this friend of yours.
What's his name, Kill a in?
- Kill a in, you can't hire.
- Oh.
Listen, the only reason he
hasn't joined us 'til now,
nobody asked him.
If I want him, I take
him, or anybody else.
- I'll give you my answer tomorrow.
- Hey.
Now, wait.
I haven't finished.
[engine rumbling]
You know, you might
not believe this, Jeff,
but sometimes I get
homesick for the old days.
Eh, you wouldn't understand
that, you're too young.
You're part of the Machine Age.
You wouldn't know how
beautiful it was [chuckles].
You see that bank, for example?
You know, the first time I went in there,
I had an automatic rifle,
me and three other guys.
We cleaned the whole joint
out, and now I own it.
I gotta preside over the
board meeting [laughs].
You know, all a sudden it's a nuisance.
In front of the bishop, it's
a real pain in the neck.
- That's the way Kill a in
talks about the old days,
only he didn't go to all that trouble
to get a hold of what disgusts him so much.
- All right, I'm ambitious, I admit it.
And I get sentimental too,
but sometimes I screw myself.
Hey, you see that skyscraper?
That's the new office
building for the firm.
You know something, Jeff?
I worked a long time to
be able to build that,
to build something worthy of me.
And now it seems I'm not worthy of it.
These smart college boy
directors I got workin' for me,
they say, "Don't come
around the office too much
and show your face.
It's not good."
You understand?
Seems that these big shots
would rather not know I exist,
and they're handlin' my firm.
And that way they don't have
to get their hands dirty,
and they don't have to go
to confession on Saturday.
- I don't want to hear
the story of your life.
I got better things to do.
Why don't you let me
off at the taxi stand?
- Relax, Jeff.
Be my guest for just a
little while longer, huh?
[alcohol sloshing]
[Al chuckles]
There we go.
Here, you try this.
It's called the Moonlight
Passion [chuckles].
It's the newest thing here.
- No, I'm not thirsty.
- Oh [chuckles].
So, Jeff, do you like my place?
It costs more than an aircraft carrier.
[chuckles] But I had to have it.
[machine whirring]
I've got a very, very demanding wife.
You know something?
Before she'd marry me,
I had to buy her a million
dollar country place.
Hey, I'm not complainin'.
She heard the law before the honeymoon
was even over [chuckles].
You got a lotta of style.
You know somethin', Jeff?
I'm not what you call a novice, right?
I've been around.
But I'm gonna tell ya somethin'.
She showed me more surprises,
I mean, very, very pleasant ones.
[gentle music]
Boy, I forgot you knew her.
She used to run around
with you a couple of years ago, right?
And then she dumped you
for this guy, Coogan,
when he got his inheritance?
It's all right, Jeff, I squared it for ya.
I mean, she dumped him too, and quickly,
the minute she met me.
You were smart to let her go.
She's too lively.
Now, you're young.
You would've taken it too badly.
As for me, as far as I'm concerned,
when she goes off on
one of these escapades,
you know, I'm relieved.
I'm an old man.
I gotta rest every now and then.
Oh, women, they're so beautiful.
You know, they can be the
biggest whores in the world,
and yet they insist on propriety,
on keeping up appearances.
She goes off on one of
these romantic weekends
and she knows that if I object,
she wouldn't move an inch.
And yet, she comes back
and she starts these,
these scenes, telling all these lies,
point out all these details.
Oh, you know, in her own way,
I think she's a great artist [chuckles].
Come on, let's drink to it, huh?
Let's drink.
Let's drink to the talents of my wife.
- I told you I wasn't thirsty.
Why the hell didn't you tell me?
- You were in jail.
I couldn't come there and tell you
that your Vanessa had married Weber.
And besides, I felt it
was partly my fault.
I got in touch with her during your trial,
and she was with me when Weber
saw her the first time.
[upbeat music]
[patrons chattering]
I'm disobeying Jeff.
He didn't want me to look for you.
He doesn't need your testimony.
- I was in love with him.
It was terrible for me
to find out he was a killer, a gangster.
- Of course, he's a gangster.
And you'll have to pay for it.
But believe me, nobody is
all white or all black.
- The lovely Vanessa.
You're a knockout tonight, darling.
Tell me, have your ears been burning?
[music continues]
[chattering continues]
There's a lot of talk
about you going around.
My radar picks up everything, you know?
- [Vanessa] What do you mean?
- Oh, have a look at my show next week.
I'm going to be talking about your fiance,
the gangster, Jeff Heston,
and your vacation in the Virgin Islands.
- I had nothing to do with that business.
- Listen Shandy, if I were you,
I would avoid talking about
Ms. Shelton on television.
Believe me, you'd be sparing
yourself a lot of trouble.
- The TV station belongs to him.
Well, boss, what do you say?
Are we afraid to talk about
Miss Shelton's vacation
in the Virgin Islands?
- I adore lawsuits.
When we arrived at our thousandth suit,
I realised that Thomas' show was a hit.
- Anything wrong, Steve?
- Tom Shandy wants to
mention Miss Shelton's name
in his TV gossip show.
- My show lives on news.
I'm sorry, but when I've got
a good story, I report it.
You can bet on that.
And I'm gonna tell this story,
even if it costs me my job.
[lighter lid clicks]
- You've already lost your job.
Is that right, Chairman?
Chairman, is that right?
This rash young man has lost his job.
Is that right?
I can't hear you, will you spell it out?
Is that right?
- Yes, Al.
[music continues]
All right, Steve, if you'll
move your behind off that chair,
I'll make Miss Shelton's acquaintance.
- I'd better keep an
eye on this situation.
You're too dangerous, and
Vanessa's too important.
- You still haven't got her
out of your mind, hey Jeff?
But she's dangerous for you now.
Forget about the past.
It can't mean anything but harm for you.
You decided to change your way of life.
Well, do it, leave.
Take my offer.
You can start all over again.
Give your future some kind of meaning.
In a little while when
the whole organisation
is cleaned up, normal
with legal activities
in broad daylight,
I might even be able to
bring you back here, hm?
[door closes]
Mrs. Vanessa Weber, please.
You don't know where I can reach her?
No, thank you, it doesn't matter.
[anticipatory music]
- Thank you for coming, Jeff.
Do you like it?
It's my hideaway.
Jeff, you gave me that.
[glass clinks]
[hand slaps]
- No memories.
Only yesterday,
and no tomorrow.
- I love you, Jeff.
- [Jeff] Only this moment
counts for what it's worth.
- Oh, I love you.
[Vanessa panting]
I love you, Jeff.
[moans] I love you, Jeff.
I love you.
[car door opens]
[car doors slams]
[engine turning over]
- Where are you goin'?
- I'm going to the store, darling.
Country air makes you hungry, you know?
[engine rumbling]
[trunk slams]
[shotgun loads]
[bag thuds]
[anticipatory music]
[engine rumbling]
[water splashing]
Why are we stopping here?
- I wanna do some huntin'.
Come on.
[birds chirping]
[branches rustling]
[gun cocks]
- Jeff, if you're going to
shoot me, please do it quickly.
You found out about Weber, didn't you?
He was the one that
stopped us at the airport.
And now he sent you out
here to be rid of me.
He put the gun in your hand,
but you want to do it, too.
You hate me.
I could feel it when we were making love.
I could feel how you hate me.
Jeff, I only ask you one thing.
Please do it quickly.
I can't stand physical
pain, you know that.
[Vanessa gasping]
[soft music]
Just because it exists.
You can't understand that,
but you have your own
way of being in control.
I'm weak.
Perhaps I'm sick, but to me
then, he meant safety, strength.
But I paid for it.
Oh, Jeff, it's disgusting living with him,
sleeping with him,
feeling his heavy,
greasy body on top of me.
[eerie music]
[gun cocks]
- Jeff?
[shot firing]
[music continues]
[crickets chirping]
Is he one of Weber's men?
- My friend, Kill a in.
He's still carrying the price tag.
[TV shots firing]
[adventurous western music]
I got news for you.
[women on TV screaming]
- Oh?
What kinda news?
- It's for the obituary column.
[TV clicks off]
- Now you and the boys go
down to the Olympic Club,
and wait for me there.
I wanna be alone.
Well, my boy,
I can't say that you did wrong.
Vanessa hadn't behaved well with you,
and to be perfectly honest,
she was beginning to
behave badly with me, too.
So, you can see, Jeff,
why I'm not gonna be in mourning too long.
I hate to sound cynical,
but in the past two months,
Mrs. Weber was beginning to stick
her nose a little bit too much
into Mr. Weber's business,
and that's why I left
you completely alone.
I gave you a completely free hand.
So, everything went well, did it?
I mean, in your usual grand style?
- Yeah, yeah.
Fine for everybody,
except for Paul Kill a in.
- Kill a in?
But Vanessa?
- [Vanessa] I'm right here, Al.
[pensive music]
[door closes]
- Oh, Jeff.
Jeff, she did it to ya again.
- Where are the
photographs, the negatives?
[music continues]
The key.
- She should have a set
made, right, darling?
- The key.
[key clinks]
- As you can see, the
lady of the house is very,
very well informed.
You're makin' a big mistake, Jeff.
Coogan, me and you,
and now you've fallen
for it all over again,
and ya think you're
the last of the series?
She's usin' you.
All she wants to do is plant
her pretty little behind at that throne
where I'm sitting right now.
Turn that gun on her, Jeff,
and I'll make ya out a check
for $10,000,000 right now.
- Are these the ones, Jeff?
- [Jeff] Burn them.
- Good girl.
And now you'd better send her off, Jeff.
Vanessa, she hates violence.
Don't you, darling?
- Okay.
You remember everything, Vanessa?
- Hotel Jericho, Ms. Brown.
Hurry, darling.
- Vanessa??
And congratulations.
[door closes]
[Al chuckles]
Dear, dear little Vanessa.
I gotta give her credit.
She's got an awful lot on the ball,
but you Jeff, you're a
big disappointment to me.
And it's funny.
With her you seem to
lose all your strength
as if she's taken it all from you.
I wanna tell you somethin',
and I don't care if you believe me or not,
but she's screwing you over all the time.
Along with the negatives in that drawer,
there was a copy of the prints,
and she just snuck 'em out right
in front of your very eyes.
- Nah.
If she had done that,
you would've told me about it right away.
- I find it more amusing.
You wanna kill me don't you, Jeff?
I might as well enjoy it.
What's the matter?
You lost the courage to pull the trigger?
You have your doubts,
your second thoughts.
Let me tell you, Jeff,
you're screwed for the rest of your life.
You ate the apple and they're gonna throw
you out of the Garden of Eden.
And if you do anymore, killing your victim
is gonna haunt you for
the rest of your life.
[shot firing]
- What's the name of the hotel
where you're supposed to meet Jeff?
- [Vanessa] Why?
Who are you calling?
- The police, naturally.
Well, what does that mean?
- Wait, Steve.
I can't do it.
- What's wrong?
[smirks] Did those three days
at the cottage heat up the old romance?
I thought you were better than that.
Can't you realise, if we
don't have him arrested,
he'll kill you.
And by now he knows you're a bitch.
- Of course I'm a bitch,
but that's precisely why you've been able
to sit comfortably in your chair
and talk about law and justice.
I was the one that was
risking my skin out there.
It was me that had to marry Weber.
I was the one that had
to go to bed with him.
- I could have offered myself,
but I don't believe Weber
would've appreciated my charms, darling.
At least I have one thing to my credit.
I discovered you.
I set the whole Vanessa
mechanism in motion,
the operation that means we now have
a billion dollar organisation
right in our hands.
In any case, Jeff is finished.
They have his name on their list.
They'd catch him sooner or later.
You know how many dead men
he has on his conscience.
- What about you?
You're the one that wanted Weber killed.
- [tongue clicking] We both did darling,
but he won't be on our consciences.
We just shifted the pistol's
aim from you to him.
Jeff was the one who pulled the trigger.
The sooner it's over,
the better it'll be for
all of us, even for him.
Where is he waiting for you?
[engine rumbling]
[car door slams]
[guests laughing]
[upbeat music]
- Has a Ms. Brown checked in yet?
- Ms. Brown?
No, she hasn't.
[guests chattering]
[engine rumbling]
[tyres squealing]
[dramatic music]
- [Officer] Back, there he goes!
[music continues]
[singer vocalizing]
[tyres squealing]
[vocalist exhaling]
[singer vocalizing]
- [Officer] This is car 23 reporting in.
We're blocking intersection B right now.
[vocalizing continues]
[music continues]
[pedestrians chattering]
- I want squad 24 to close on in.
[dispatcher chattering faintly]
- It's official.
- Send it out.
- Number available.
- Over.
- Wrap it up.
[dispatchers chattering]
[lever clicking]
- Calling all cars, calling
all cars, attention.
This here's top priority.
Jeff Heston, he has been
sighted west of Warren Street.
[buzzer buzzing]
[typewriter keys clacking]
[gentle music]
[glasses clinking]
- [Steve] You know, you're beautiful?
Even in clothes.
- I know.
There's no need for a
toast in advance, Steve.
There'll be lots of them afterwards.
- It isn't for the ceremony.
It's for us, to celebrate good news.
It seems they've found him,
or rather, identified him in
Africa with mercenary troops.
With a fake name, of course.
One of the Nicholson agents told me.
And I'm talking about Jeff, obviously.
I wonder how he managed it,
to get out of the States and reach Africa.
- Then everything's all right.
Africa's far enough away, isn't it?
And dangerous enough.
- I would've preferred a
more definitive solution.
- I like that word, definitive.
It's very refined.
But to me, it sums up a
picture of Jeff twisting
in the electric chair or riddled
with machine gun bullets.
- You frighten me, Vanessa.
You agreed to betray him,
but you're still possessed by that killer,
with the smell of death on him.
- I catch the same smell on
you, Steve, only much stronger.
At least he always took his own risks.
It's people like you,
like us if you want,
who never risk anything.
At least, almost never.
- I have your speech for you.
- I don't need that.
I know what to say.
Don't underestimate me, Steve.
- You're learning fast,
Vanessa, very fast,
but you still need me.
We've done everything together,
and we'll make it together.
But I was the brains, and I still am.
Don't forget it.
When we're able to get married
once a decent period of mourning is over,
you'll see where I'll be able to take you,
how far we can go.
- I know very well where I want to go,
but I also know that I
want to go there by myself.
You were right, Steve.
It's wonderful to be powerful, strong.
But power can't be shared.
It has to be held by one pair of hands.
My hands, in this case.
- Be careful how you treat me.
- Steve, at the new WI building,
from the doorman who opens the car door
to the board members at
the top of the building,
they'll all be waiting
for me, the widow Weber,
with her majority of the shares.
Keep smiling, darling.
You're still my faithful,
trusted attorney.
[horns honking]
[traffic whizzing]
[all chattering]
[doors whirring]
[glass shattering]
[fan whirring]
- John, cover the roof.
[doors whirring]
[horn honking]
[sullen music]
- Shoot.
Must be a rookie.
You don't shoot, I'll kill you.
[shots firing]
[gun clicking]
[dramatic music]